September 25, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 25, 1975 |
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81/4 INTEREST on this brand-new SKOKOMISH VALLEY. New home IF THERE'S a better buy, it's a
3-bedroom, 13/4-bath split level with over 1800sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 secret 2 fu f ours of liv ng area
32 secluded acres• Matlock. Large home. 2 firep aces, built-in kitchen, baths, wall-to-wall carpets. Electric w th fireplace, rec room, and
hig h bank unfinished "A"-frame. Underground Wall-to-wall carpets. Qualified for forced-air heat plus fireplace, garage. Must be seen to
ee~lthatfor• Itis hasVerYa POnv~er and pl~one~ Drilled ,,well. All tax credit. Purchase this week and Pumphouse and storage, all on 21/2 appreciate• Only $23,950, terms.
Iviewbig shelteredthats .... .~oo, ouu. uwner Will Tinance. qeta $500 lanoscapinQ allowance, acresof fertile valley land. $47,500. Shelton Land and Homes, " " r-"r-"/hc~r~r~v'v--H,~..q#.lf'~Ib(I/r11~rc~
Owner will divide. ~33,950. Ad 320. V~Test Realty, Ad 396. West Realty, 426-5521,426-5555. S9/25 1..
2752826, 877-5236 275-2626, 8775236• w9,25
• $35,000 it's
tang at. 50 acres, old homestead, no house. Some old outbuildings. Old it looks Four bedrooms, large
well Near Oakville $32,500, $4 500 down $250 per month, 9%, -.- - " ....
.... . Kncnen, garage ano renceo yaro.
1 of town with 21 years, m ,... ~ . , ii Last year's, price only $17,950,
a beautiful ..... th "-73'H ... . I i • . ...... II terms. Shelton Land and Homes
Wrap-arOUnd a nice bignd ~pproximately b acres wl o wy. ~ trontage, Allyn area. • ~ ~i~i! ~: b ._ • | 426-5555 $9125 ~ ~ i
; $35,000 too. 14 acres near Grisdale. Poweravailable, real secluded ingoodelk I | ,=I A@imAn I DON'T M,ss seeing this 7 wooded ~ , ii~
country. $9,950, $950 down, ~vu per month, 9%, 16 years. I :~ "~ : • rqkw II J=Jljlumvmm II acres of delightful country setting.
I!ving with 3 • - :::~ | '~ • Dayton area. All for only $7,750,
Ikes for better 5 acres, Belfair area. $4,950, $500 down, $100 per month, 8%, 5 • ::::::~k"~: ~,~ ~ 1 terms. Shelton Land and Homes
Drolly activity years. II, ...... i By John Brush I 426-5555. $9/25 .
rivacy. /ry .......... elk -n ..... | Broker-Realtor |
o acres Me[lOCK area in guuu~^u ueer area. L.Iose ¢o powerI ~~J~J I spot 22 lots. 25'x100' with ear-
45 r mo v-/o intere Y
You the plans $4,750, $250 down, $pe ., st, 15 years. II ~~:~~ | round creek. Belfair area. Owner
~nice rambler • ~;; ~ -- I anxious to sell at only $6 000
:arted on just For lease -- storeor offices, downtown location, approx. 1600 sq. | • - " - I Shelton Land and Homes '426-
re of ground ft. I I 5555. $9/25 '
~limits a snort "" he in .... I DISRESPECT FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT of these I ~
suggestLput togethersome For lease--retail store in small s PP" g career, approx lbuu sq , punishment.If such efforts"allowed " Y ~;i.,~ ~~;~ I LIII~I~;~'Li~i
=. • • | United States of America by attempted assassination of our | located U "nish,~d A a om
500 but you • . . • nh ........ -fr_me h_ e
t• m leaders shouldbe met in return with the most strmgent I with thermop-~ windows and
• " "1 he i . are to pass with only a slapFranklin firP ,~vTM 8'xl0'lo tool I
ne builder gets -- - •• on the wr s by our judicial system then fellow citizens our lives I shed and ~.~ ,l~d w~ll C)nlv
away if you For lease off cespace insmal s PP ng center it g ~W~: :~i!iiiiii!ii~ j.
vn. Member Multiple Listing Service of Mason County I won't be worth a plugged m.cke.I... I $1o4rnSOO't2e;~iS!he9~°2ns'Land"ancl
IIIT IS HIGH TIME that we cease our lenient attitude toward m ............ - .......... :!:~i~i~ :~II~.~:L.. ii-~:~~.-.~:~=
~vly financed . IIviolence and as a people get involved and do something about it• m THIS HOME has everything but
!eel home in ~ ~ ~ mm • Write your elected representatives and tell them how you feel. I you. 3 bedrooms with 11/2 b~ths,
h a loan that 114~1~ ml~d~m~l~l Jfdl~lmll=~JJ ii * * * * | fireplace, double garage'and
Jme and move
basing just the ml~l~m Bl~.~m-vIIm m'--~ljll m 1~ | /F.Y..OU WAN, T .A PLACE'wh'ere•there is p'eace and quiet call m spa'ci°usl yard. Everything you're~~-- i!~~
l I u~u>~ ~"~L=T at 4zb-I I~1, mey may nave just wnat you I loOKing for. Only $28,500, terms. ~
bust reasonable I ~, B' ~I~ dB dl~ AI~ I want! I Shelton Land and Homes• 426-
-~ cash and you JBIBi,. -B~ml 1-,dF I * * * * I 5555° $9/25
in and the full Jlml~..~[]i~-illmlUL1 i $1,000 will get you this natural, wooded hideaway at Fawn
,900 .... --~ | Lake• ' | ARCADIA ROAD area. Quality
and neat usa Fred Brown, Associate - Evenings426-2384 I $t,750 -- a nice lot in a good area of Lake Limerick. I bUllett3sbeetdir°°noll~4 batmhih°m~r;mn
.~rs have just
......... Even ........ a I Shelton. Hardwood floors. Cove
)he some neat UICK Marling,/~ssoclate _--Ings ~zl~-b~13 | $3,500 -- almost an acre with a 360 degree view in the Upper | plastered ceilings. Natural finish
~houldWill sellfinancefOr PRO Buildina - 7th & Railroad. imSkokomish Valley. Piped water. I_ cab nets.Plenty of roomSuperfor a large rooms,,King,, in the ~ :i~i~,,-!i~i~;i~iiilt L ~::;:~ ~ I
. •|on$3'500the Golland L.ourse.UP for some beautiful lots at Lake Limerick fronting ml mountainmaster bedroom.view.COrnerpricedlOt belowWith a ~ ~ iiii~/ It, ~ ~ I
convenient • ] •]r • ~ | I market at $28,500. Ad 391. West ~ ! ~ ..... :; ....
nlng, this very _ " - ~BAII~'~I~ ,BIB • m B~ I $5,500 for one of the best waterfront lots on Fawn Lake. All | Realty, 426-5521, 275-2826, 877- ~i ~:i;il i:i~:' k ~.~i : i:~iil ~IBI
home has 2 utilities underground. 5236. W9125
iS jUst right for ~ |UI UI KI:ALII , I I
tk of either an "/th & Railroad - 426-14~_K I | $7,500 for a very desirab e waterfront lot at Lake Limerick. | 3-BEDROOM above Highway 3 to sK;Ith ~dkPee~gyC/~rfkn~er~ aJULl~°~ny W~t~e~wthgYoCwa~r~
r a family on V /In o¢ namu~u - ~-'o- ~0 | | | ,0verlooking the bay. Only 1V= miles Doys in the family the Clark clan was beginning to feel a little
With a need for i | $18 000 for 7V~ acres of Skokomish Riverfront. | .from S_helton. Well cared for crowded in their two-bedroom Mt. View home. However, they
r just $12,750. ---R ............. = • ' • nome. ~'xtra arQe ot, too uwner liked the house and the neighborhood and wanted to see what
eHOMES eRANCHES eWATEH/" UN[ eCUMM/:HCIAL I m ...... FIXE ............... m will carry contract $22500 Ad
I • :bzt,~uu -- M-UI-'P'~.I-( ~ oeclroom nome on Z lois in the l "~73 ~A~o* D...... ".,~= =~.',~ " .,.,= type of home they could find before committing themsewes to a
!m Older home " - Angleside area, " 28~:~ 8"~ ....... y .... - ........ - move.
• 7-5236 W9/25
their hasmarketbeenat Saltwater Dream Home ,1st Class Tidelands I I 4 bedr I ............... _ _ It didn't take Keith and Peggy long to make up their mind.
u m e ' 122 of nice ater b $25,950 oom, 2 bath hke new double wide (1 600 sq
;,' So take a lookC sto d sign & built. 126 of of M saltw ler each.o I | rI ..... ) rnoDile'~home on uN~- ....... ~c.Ke- near nlgn ..... scnoo, " ' "| forHOODsa CANAL waterfront home rec.TheYroomhad tOldand thatVi tOis IOOkexactlyfOrwhat.shea nice threefound.bedroOmNot onlyh°mewasWithit thee
rer. It's on two bulkhead beach. Firepit, black View t. Rain . nly I | " - | e or lease. 3 miles south type of home the Clarke were looking for, but it s also on Mt.
me southwest top, large lawn, large parking $16,500 and owner will carryI | .................. • Hoodsport. Open house Sept. 27,
ntract 2 mll Shelto :p~z,uuu "+ oeQroom z slur MaIIOCK Tarmnouse on 6Vz
with trailer plug in Near co • " es from n. Ill• ...... -- "" " ' " "~ .... m| 28. 1-696-3513 Vancouver. L9125 Viewonce she made sure the Clarke were happy buyers, Vi alsoS° the family won t have to change neighborhoods.
........R~_lf~ir M .............. in,,f==c f~ now ACI'(I-~. iniseXCmleml conai[ion, unly a persona, inspec[,on can
~t to mention shopping center in Allyn. This .... I m describe th p ace. I i ................ -1
made them happy sellers when she quickly sold their original
home we have has it all. $69 500. Call Darlene ueluxe Watertront I m ...... 4 ............ | I We're anxious to move into our I h°n~e~th
Son Lake for " :b4~,uuu -- ueoroom, z Darn new home near nKjn scnool on .
Sargent, eves..275-2158. 5 bedroom p,u? recreation II ONEACREha, doub,eattachedgarage~overed~tio, etc.~akea I I in I !sa Simpson employee and his wife works for Penney's. Their
{hewn as Twin ...... =--_=_ room. I=wo_woo.a _sun aecKs: | | FEDERAL TAX CREDIT on this one if you hurry! • J our b-year-old, 4-bedroom plus | two young sons are camera-shy Scott, 2V~, and Jason, 6.
ou need to
~SOn. It's even Barn lUchl~CrUken tar|he n rape,allies fromUUdCn SheltonWnn uuL~.BelowO l=I• I |m I playroomplayroom....... tn manyextas,Iwitn many extras~ , '
, c use, bu k ........ • $45,000 -- WOW. 60 SCENIC ACRES in this Matlock property, m I wif~.426-46r52.I
It S own boat house, equipment shed.Old appraisal, ~bz,bUU. | | Has a small creek and pond with lots of pasture and park-like m I '"' "~ ..... v, ........ ~""..'~."-" I
farm house needs work. I • wooded area. A REAL BEAUTY. • I ,,4,,n Shelton Lane & Homes 13
$22,750. New Ranch Home I I i ; °"
FRONT ,,,., .... i=f=,~ T,.,~ I-vel | m $89,000 - DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT, with inside dining. 8 | | ,,_ ]
~r Totten Inlet, P. ..... ; .... ~';E;~,~, ÷~,~,,~'~,~,'~'~;-,~'-,,"~,~m'fnr I m trailer hook-ups, modern motel with living quarters, laundry, 8 m | J~-'-~, _~ I 422 North First 426-5555
' and offering a IP~ ..... ,.~ .,=.,~o,. R'..h, . f,=~,| m furnished u its each with bath, separate rest room building, • | ~ ~--~ I i
Beach Cottage I I LARGE FRONTAGE on heavily traveled hiway just west of Port I l I _
~lew, yours for Look at Mt Rainier through m:,== u.u._~.~L~L~-~. o. ....... I • Angeles All like-new on 2Vz ACRES of park-like grounds. Shown • / ~ v/v I ~ I
• ulympla, ~,~uu. "i
your dining room window. II by appontmentonly. . . .. I |
-~'e~,t~offer, for 2¼ Large t ract• Boating • & ~ .... : .'. ; : :. ~- - - ....
n a u-
,i~:" of waterfront saltwater access by Treasure L J~each Cabin I I currentlF YOU ARE WONDERING what your property is worth on thejohn Brush BRUSH REALTY for m / '-,.,.- / TWO FORyes, this propertyNE"'has frontage ThisNEAT ASAPIN...imma~ulate 2 =bedroom"
odern ;] nrolt s backed by Island ¢22 000 terms 10 acres of unlands with cedar I I market, call at an m | ~ /
on two fine waterways, country home is just tops.
; anXlOU~'l~ ad - - " " ' ' " '-
.... aria is an Situated on a pretty wooded From the plush carpeting to
l.~iract" trees. 155' no bank pebble I l appra,sal, l / ll~ /
Trailer or Cabin beach. Near Agate store.| I • / ~ .t I-- K ~ / site on Hammersley Inlet it the pretty panelled walls, the
$39 500 terms |m rll I / ::;AVE
fine_ Waterfront- Saltwater Tracts , , • | m =l / then.extends to middle of Mill comfy electric heat, and the
I~S a
Creek. What a place to build a lovely fenced yard this place is
" rl~l~"~ Only $15,750.
I kitche':l~k p From $4250 to $8500. Water, ............ |m • m J -_" " -- ~ J home! And, there s domestic ideal And, only $16,750.
- -'0~S-roperty with power, phone in. Deep water UUIC;K rO=~=,O. | | o~U~'" m tltii - • ='/ | I~//~1 lt' ]11 /
moorage for your fishing orWalk to downtown stores. I I - • • I / 11 II II/ # | telephone right there. $10,000 ~/6~3U//~RP..~) I/ • . .
for ~!'~J.'" and nice water, underground power and .......... ,~ ,.,.
ace an~d='~Lit~rfr water skiing boat. Owner Clean2 bedroom nome, Enew I • "- ~ m..lm=~m • / ..w~=v=tmUl~" / on terms. Cozy 2 bedroom Mt. View
I1~ lent lot on a contract on easy terms, roof put on 3 yrs. ago. asy m m / ,,,,&,~.~ ® • i /
¢'~ eke with good Grapeview area. owner contract. $14,500. I I / REALTOR m /. / LAKE.... ARROWHEAD... hedgedh°meinyard,excellentseparatedistriCt.garage,Nice
.J' ~d POwer to the Call; Darlene Sargent- Eves. 275-2158 i l III 10LE II / Only takes $35/month after and cooler. Hard to find this
with fifel ~' st $5,600. No very small down payment to kind for this price. Hurry!
n an oved ,. CALL "THE ACTION OFFICE" 426-1141 I J~ purchase this excellent lot at .................. I
, all in p~r°nt lot left on
Harry Tokes- Eves. 426-8460 I • i i -- ---~- / this pretty development. Only ~IVlPI't/-~LU L/'~I~E DUT.
.... J l Cur let& Cedar (Opposite Dairy Queen) Shelton I /IIMMTI I $3500. Owner of .this nearly
' | i~t next to the
in Parkshore
H '
TOKOS REALTY 7th & Railroad, 5une u " " ' I completed 2-bedroom A-frame
I" COntract terms J l m | |wrlmlmm ERE S A TRADE... on beach frontage has moved
2 lovely Alderbrook lots now far away and cannot use.
" available on a trade. Owner Anxious to sell -- will consider
rE(~'r~ ~ _...~=--, ==~~ =~m~~ ~ i, willing to exchange either one your terms. $16,500.
:J REAGELr Member: Multiple Lmst|ng Service of Mason County. for a mate model Cadillac or ^~. T,..~.^V~*
Oldsmobile. Many advantages P~ ~HwD'=n¢-Mr~ro • • •
r-~-rnercial$4,600•lot A~l° here. Let's discuss it. Cozy 3 bedroom home on very
tor Call 426-3361 or 426-5321 - Ask for "-17 9 - pretty waterfront at this nice
I ,,,,,L':n: Farm ,I v, vy $ , 50 ON TERMS... area. so many advantages here
0!~]~.H0 i.._
Here's where you can purchase -- you shoud see it. $22,500.
,terandg~h~c'i(~n=+a.n~c~ a very co'zy and comfy
3-beoroom IVz-bath home on A PLUS HOME
easyFHA terms. It's all
i _'or
eted " New 3-bedroom home in that"
PROFESSIONAL REALTY OFFICE BUILDING carp_ .pretty. panelling, nice lovely Bonnie Glen area• Plush
~1~. ii,h.. ,,,.+-=,- %w that mobile LISTINGS 7TH AND RAILROAD AVENUE SUITEB SHELTON t|le, e~c.~uggestyoulooK, carpeting, pretty built-ins,
ties. The = WANTED WE NEVER CLOSE--EVENING OR WEEKENDS CALL =:Amr WAV mt't-r family room, dishwasher, and
IL~r &~ With buH~
.r~, ..... -- " tur Fine
• o • • • so many nice fee es.
This lovely torested fairway lot 2-car garage pretty deck, etc.
t~.~ leOh°he to the ~ JUANITA NELSON, 426-9351 --JERRY SMITH, 426-9131 Immaculate older 3-bdrm. Is" at the pretty.. Alderbrook Clolf It's a split I~vel with financing
:ontract '1ltd. is listed at WE HAVE RENTALS home, den, beautiful kitchen,Beautiful 3 bctrms., 2 full bath, course. ~ncl what a place to all approved $3'4 500. "
carpets, large shop, barn, 24x64 mobile home. live! $4,500 -- terms. " '
~r~k:t that we SOMETIMES! PROPERTY MANAGEMENT corral, 4 park-like acres. Landscaped, 2 carports, storage
!~ r~.._ think 5
$32,500. Submit offer, bldg. $2 ,000- FAWN LAKE LOTS BEAUTIFUL TRACTS!
~ I~~ ~ We have 2 pretty w~f~rfmnf ",. C Hard to findOICE LIMERICK...nicer 5- and
deeP,' . .lt.haswaf~rdUplex or ~~ lots here that are'ius"t"w'ai't'i~ ]0-acre tracts that are wooded,
e:ta E'~'ri~eailable--i'h~ .... for you to enjoy." Take you"~ close to town, on blacktop
• i~ W(~ location is m pick -- $5,950 or $7 000 Very road, and in fine area. You can
ined ChF~ft~le.Will carry it~ I RJVE,R,FF:~ONT I I Older 9 bdrm. home. 35% easy terms, and so many nice take your choice at this time.
features. " Excellent terms.
ina 'iJL I As II remodeled. Needs to be
feet of I II finished. Asking $17,500
ioubleo ':i~rl~drtysuitable And close to downtown If you want waterfront,
- e'opn nt I ..... II or will sell for $14,500 shop~.n9, .schoo4s, churches wooded, remote, or golf course
~'; 6 units. Close '~': ~ti~nY!C' t:hn:~ ia iag~i " a~r!~mdU~:~5 ~
m~~~.~ j ~'i'ntere'st . ~ With $6,500 down Sh;°;;ImYwi :,~te~n/nct~kd
"R~'l~=~.Vices. Priced 1-year-old 3-bedroom home.
- T.5/~I" 'nt. Call for You don't like mobile homes? I "" '" %~,?..fLn~"Cing I I payment. Come see it, and 9/10 acre. Wooded. Large workshop Pretty ard Y P
smau"c; . Well, you should see this 6~5 0 y all there s tennis, golf, riding,
l~,~-bath, 1680 sq. ft. Family I Carpeted. Arcadia area. fenced. S2 , 0 --terms. boating, swimming, etc.
one!... Beautiful! Only~P~~rice I ~ | | submit your offer. M t• View area, 3-bdrm• I living room. Neat as pin.
#i'~/~t~'~'t~ '~J~*~r~'i~m creage °n. ~, ~1- 19 acres $22,500. . _ ~. " " , . room, carpe,s. $23.900. j $251500" . A RO~ DUNN
__ ~ ~het SUbdivide.
Supef , i;n, has road Bayview Belfair . Mobile Home Lot
--0t iB- ;' lr..• a natural shopping
I ceda~ ~J~l.~.~lned, good EXCELLENT INVESTMENT 5 ACRES
II wall ] tt Ya Wooded. LAKE NAHWATZEL 110 Railread 426-4447
Commercial hlghwa
double . an $I,000 " Y frontage SALTWATER FRONTAGE LAKE VIEW ACREAGE
,dise C4 across from new ON WATER ACCESS
~tion. 1 ,bout 10 center in Belfair House HAMMERSLEY " SEPTIC SYSTEM 5 TO 40 rli Evenings and Sundays call:
at access garage barn . ' INLET POWER ACRES | ~ A. ROY DUNN .............. 426-4601
,tage and
'reds of 3-bdrm. older home Close tc Asking $47 000 v'29~r°;:~nY WOODE? ,8,500. REALTORO~ DON BROWN ..... : ......... 426-6388
on the town. Very clean, large rooms ' " , $2~,uuu On Real Estate or 426-8540
balance on contract TERMS $170 down, $75 me. , , ,
building Fenced backyard. $17,500. 9% int., 15 yrs. Contract
Fawn Lake
3 Large Lots with
Year-round Stream k
Waterfront with Septic
& Storage Bldg. $12,000
Waterfront... $9,750
Back Lot... $4,000
All have water and
underground utilities
Saltwater Frontage
~n ~h~
next to the
ndmuur --u Marina Come Jook
at this one. $34,000
Ideal cozy home for couple.
Large lot for garden. Walking
distance to store• Only
LMYOU must see this one! 3
bedrooms, 2½ baths, 2
fireplaces, large rec. room.
anY., many extras. $39,500.
e city of
can park
September 25. 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29