September 25, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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1963 FORD Falcon engine with- located within Lot 38 of Benson RESOLUTION NO. 543 "A"; LS
automatic transmission, like new, Lake No• 2 of Section 3, WHEREAS, upon initiation of Modifications; 5
" Township 21 N., Range 2 W. service at the three transfer Inlets; 5 Ea Er1
$175• Phone Union 898-2055. W.M•, in Mason County• stations at Belfair, Union and other such w,)r
C9/25-10/9 Protests or objections to Hoodsport, the hours of complete the pr0
.... )~ 3 Bedrooms, 1-1/2 , -- VEREAT,NG creating approval of this application must operation were established as Work shall ¢
include a detailed statement of 1:00 P.M. tO 6:00 P.M., Thursday ten (10) days af
I~. problems in your life? Overeaters the basis for objections; protests through Tuesday, and Contract and be~
Anonymous can help you!
Timberland Library, Tuesdays, must be accompanied by a two W H E R EAS, it becomes thirty (30) wolki
2-BEDROOM A frame 3'BEDROOM HOME at ~~ !1 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 8:30 dollar ($2.00) recording fee and desirable that at leastonetransfer po!at.
cottage at Lake Cushman on Holiday Beach on 2 lots• Only ~ ~~ i /~l/;ro
largelot, stove and refrigerator, 5 years old. Well constructed. ~ I a.m. 4 26-8780, 426-2751. filed with the Department of station be available every day. on
426-3432. O7/10tfn Ecology, Southwest Regional NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT f u r n i sh edegu"a
shake roof. Close to take andForced-air fumace. Shakeroof• ~ ..... il Office, Olympia, WA• 98504 RESOLVED that the Union accompanied b~
community park• Stop by and Garage, large garden areaand BIIII t~iI LIVlNGWlTHapr°blemdrinker within thirty (30) days fr°m Transfer Stati°n will be °pen check' or bid b°f
let us show you this nice panoramic view of Hood Canal. ~ ~ .................... I is too much for most of us. If you September 25, 1975. 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., equal to five p~.
want help call AI-Anon,
hideaway, $15,000. $31,500. " il 9/18-25-2t Wednesday through Monday and total bid Sue
426-3072, 426-4535, or closed on Tuesday, effective certification will
2-BEDROOM, 2-bath home on ...... all unsuccessful
2 lots at Holiday Beach. RockSP~:,~TSM~,.1.S RtEioTREATn 426-2551. P6/26tfn NOT~ION Tuesday, October 7, 1975.
fireplace, birch cabinets, lots of we nave, asma~=u a¢(o nnrt SHELTON FAMILY Planning ' TO APPROPRIATE ADOPTED this 22nd day of completion of t
closets, dishwasher, built-in ............... # ...... ~;!! ~ ~BN ~i PUBLIC WATERS September, 1975. Contract or the
Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, BOARD OF COUNTY bids. The bid bo
stove & oven, deck, woodshed, • class held 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. COMMISSIONERS MASON payable to the
2-car garage--pumice block 200 FEET WATERFRONT- Delightful new home in the Angleside area. Fully Call 426-4407, Mason County PARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, COUNTY, WASHINGTON City ofShelton,.'
con struction--garaenspotano4 acres near Union. Paved carpeted. Floor to ceiling brick fireplace. Built-in range Health Department, for TAKE NOTICE: /s/ John Bariekman The City oT
That ARNOLD TAHJA of Chairman the right to reje
fruit trees. $25,000• h i g h w a y r u n s t h r o Crc~h appointment, sa/3tfn Hoodsport, Washington on July 3,
property. View of OlympEs and dishwasher. Oversized 2-car garage. Ready for /s/ William O. Hunter and to waive all i
WATERFRONT on the East and Hood Canal. Priced immediate occupancy.$27,400.00. Terms available. LOVE RESTORED -- low 1975, under Application No• GAT./~/sl~artinAuseth , Sealed envet
Shore of Hood Canal -- 5-acre$17,800 with terms, everyday prices -- old treasured 2-23934 filed for permit to appro- . the bids shall bl
parcels, trees, view of the photographs -- restored to priate public waters subject to/s/Ruth I=. Bbysen No. 27 Street Pa~
Olympics, county road access• • , Please call if we may help sell your property - original condition. Photo Center, existing rights, from a Well in the Clerk of the Board 9/25 It Contractual
426-6163. P4/3tfn amount of 150 gallons per minute, be obtained at
PrK:ed at $150 per front foot. ,eve,HIGHLANDPA'RKT'Spac~°USwoooeo ,o[s w,m a ~~_ WEST REALTY []] continuously each year, for Group City Clerk-Trea!
69 FT. OF BULKHEADED panoramic view of the GEORGE VALLEY Furniture Domestic Supply. The source of the Shelton, Washing
waterfront at Indian Beach snow-cappecl. Oty.mpics. Only 2 and Appliance -- the best nightproposed appropriation is located NOTICE OF SPECIAL Dated at She
Power water sewer =11 in" miles Trom r~ooo L.anaL ~-njoy ® spot in town -- Sealy mattresses, within Government Lot 2 of Section FILING PERIOD this 16th daY
p.o.h~,.v- P.o.,o~=7 ~t.~,.o~35, 31, Township 23 N•, Range 3 W. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1975.
.' ~... .' ..^=.;,. "~...~.." "Country Living" in an area of s,.~,o. .ooa.Do. u.,o, 3/14tfn " W.M., in Mason County.
Ready ,v, (;i i i ~l=&Jll u I I~JI I R;• . Kneelan(I Center Hwy. 101 Nell the Palrk
$27,000 great beauty at prices you can THAT: There will be a special CITY OF SH
• afford. One-acre lots that start 426-5521 877-5236 275-2826 START TO live -- watch 700 Protests or objections to three-dayfiling period, SeptemberHelen W. Sto
HOOD CANAL WATER- at $4,500. Club, Sunday evening at 10:30.approvalinclude a detailed°f this applicatiOnstatement ofmUStthe vacancies_ot26th' 29th andany30th,positionsfOr fillingin Cler-Treasurgf
FRONT HOME --3- bedroom P8/28tfn basis for objections; protests must School, Fire, Port and Water
2-bath home on 74 feet of 3-BEDROOM home on Finch LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast be accompanied by a two dollar Districts in Mason County where
waterfront in downtown - •
........... Creek m Hoodsport, fireplace, with X-1 1 Diet Plan, $3.00. ($2.00) recording fee and filed with a vacancy now exists. NATIONAL F0
the Department of Ecology, South- DATED this 23rd day of
OTH'°°asP~'--x'~u"ycarpe~'e°'l°ZSciose[s ano szorage carpeting, 2 baths, furnace, Reduce excess fluids with X-Pel, west Regional Office, Olympia, September, 1975. FOR SALE, OL~
¢;,=,.a=,.,, a ....... .4 ,~=-L~shake roof, garage, largeshop. For Rent Wanted to Rent $3.00. Evergreen Drug. WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days/s/Ruth E. Boysen ALFOREST, CAI
.... )" ............... Large lot $30,000, terms
power winch and rai~ for boat, ' . ~ P8/28-10/30 from October 2, 1975. Mason County Auditor & H3 SALE locate(
clams & oysters galore, nicely 9/25-10/2-2t 22N., R6W.,
landscaped, trailer hook-up for HOMEMAKERS DREAM QUIET APARTMENT -- Free TRAILER SPACE -- Out of city. Chief Registrar surveyed. Publl¢
summertime guests. All this for ~anur -- ~,,=~it~ A.h,~lronm electric, heat, water, garbage.Phone 426-5261. D9/25 -----------------~-v--_-..-~-----~ ~ of Elections 9/25 It given that pu
............. • ..... Cable TV. Adults only. $65 provisions of Se
$56,500, terms. 22"bathacreshOmeof wooded°n approximatelYland. There month. Jerry Smith Realty, legal Puldi¢=tielllS NOTICE OF APPLICATION Law 273, 78th G
426-~361. SR/18ffn _..~.~ TO APPROPRIATE 132-16, U S C.A
HOME AT UNION with view are birch cabinets in the ~~:'--~----"-:"--~" NOTICE OFCOUNTY theCooperat'ive/
of Canal and Olympics. kitchen combined with I,.,nl p,,kl,,,,tmns PUBLIC WATERS BUDGET HEARING
2-bedroom home on 150x150 compactor, disposal, 2- and 3-bedroom, no pets, "*:1 ........ COUNTY ROADPROJECT PARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, THAT: The Board of Mason Forest Propertisl
Cooperative SuS~
lot. Nice garden area and city dishwasher and drop-in range, reasonable rent. Edclewood, -------------------------- NO. 813 TAKE NOTICE: County Commissioners has entered into by,
water. 1,050 sq. feet of living There is carpet in hying room 426-4364. Highway 1~)1past In the matter of C.R.P. No.
area, 2-car garage. $16,500.and dining room. Hardwood That WALTER E. EMSLEY, ET completed and placed on file its
floors in 3 bedrooms and vinyl airport. E6/26ffn CALL FOR BIDS 813 to be constructed on MasonAL of Shelton, Washington on July preliminary budget for the United States o
Simpson Timber
-------'--~~ SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT County Road No. 8640 known 7 1975 under Application No. S County for 1976, a copy. of which December 12, 1~
75-FT. WATERFRONT LOT in 1 bedroom, kitchen and 2-BEDROOM unfurnished house, NO 309, Shelton, Washington locally as the Belfair Street Road.
a t PI easant Tides. Nice baths. Electric baseboard heat,deposit, reTerences. Available "Sealed Bids will be received at and more specifically located in 2-23904 filed for permit to will be furnished any citizen who
neighborhood, power, water, storm windows, shake roof, September 15th. $120 monthly, the Business Office, Shelton NWV4 SEV4, Section 29, Township appropriateto existingpUbliCrights,WaterS'fromSUbjectan will FURTHER,Call at its officethe fOrBoardit, has set marKec123'~uo Mor boar(otne~
sewer all in, ready to build on. 2-car insulated garage attached, See Rod Olsen, Olsen Furniture,School District No• 309, Shelton, 23 N, Range 1, West, W.M. unnamed stream, tributary of the hour of 2:00 P.M., Monday,for cutting will I~
$25,500. fruit trees, chicken house, 4th & Cota. O8/21ffn Washington, until 8:00 p.m., IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED Timber Compan!
garden spot and two blocks ~ October 14, 1975, for one BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Skookum Creek in the amount of October 27, 1975 as Hearing date
SUNCREST -- 5-acre parcels from business center. Perfect z- .. u~uu._ _ tal, I-Iooasport. 79-passenger transit school bus, COMMISSIONERS that it is their0.02 cubic feet per second, contin- on said budget and making tax ington, on OctOl:
west of Hoodsport. Wooded, for small children. What more ~a~ ~n tne a.m, ¢s//-bbz/ " ered in ral builtunit intention to apply lYe-in .a.sph~t uously each year, for Domestic levies, which Hearing shall beminimum accept
....... - - d~esel pow , tecj
western hemll
power to property, access and could you ask? $42,500 with :~,~/tt¢Tn body and chassis by one concrete overlay to 0.2 mile, zu' Supply, (Lawn and Garden continued from day to day until board feet s: I~
building site in. From $8,900. terms, r~p=W~dT~tWN =:=~O~d~=~Pn manufacturer. Specifications are and 36 wide. Principal quantitites irrigation). The source of the October 30, 1975, at which time coniferous spe¢i~
=.,v.,,,, .... - -"':"'~-" '~'.~. available at the District Office, are: Asphaltic Concrete Class B proposed appropriation is located said budget shall be finalized and deposit required
Dick Endicott, Broker Dacnelor apartment, ~-unl¢
..... Newl - .~ Evergreen Elementary School, 8th 190 Tons and that said work is to within SEVaSE1/4 of Section 18,adoptecl, tern redcedar,
DUl~olng. y reoecorazeo. •
Alan Tahja, Sales Representative Summer rates from $66, including ~8~8~Ins' Shelton, Washington accordancePerf°rmedwithbY the(C°ntraCt)washingtonin Township 19N•, Range 3 W. W.M.,in Mason County. the Any taxpayer may appear atoctober 27th Hearing and be is $7.63 per M~
all utilities. Simmons Apartments, T~,'o h tit uuil he nghlit-lu Protests or objections to heard for or against any part of above species.
Helen Spaulding, Sales Representative 234 So 2nd (2nd and Grove) ................ - ..... " State Standard Specifications for allowance on this
426 35~o ~8/14tfn " o p ened a nd read a loud Road and Bridge Construction as approval of this application must said bud(jet.
- ..~. v / immediately after closing time for include a detailed statement of the DATED this 23rd day of M board feet for
John (lace) Czeboter, Sales Representative their receipt. All interestedadoptedBE bYITMasOnFuRTHERCounty, basis for objections; protests must September, 1975. In addition tber
be accompanied by a two dollarBOARD OF COUNTY area an estimal
":-:.--" ; . o~":"~'."=.~ persons are entitled to attend the RESOLVED that the above
stuo=o apartmen~ TOr 1 aOU=L h;.~..n=nin~ COMMISSIONERS OF specms logs sl
the Department of Ecology, M A S O N C O U N T Y , pricing which
C O U/I/ " References required, no pets. .,. ~.~;...., ~.~ ~.;,.,~=,= described County Road Project is ($2.00) recording fee and filed with
~, ~ ). Waterfront - Recreational necessary and proper, and the $17,45 per acre
Lawton Apartments, 703 Pine ~"~ ............. WASHINGTON.
Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty By/s/Ruth E. BOysen is within the
~ Residential- Commercial Street L7/10tfn r(~'o~i~'ectors estimated costs of said project are Southwest Regional Office,
~ :~ .'~- ~ ......... , ....... Boa d herewith setout in detail as (30) days from October 2, 1975. Auditor & Clerk unestimated vo
- ENDICOTT REALTY IlIC ,o,no~. ,,ar,~en ---*m-"" SheltonSchoolDistrict follows: 9/25-1012-2t of the Board of hardwoodwh
.... "" all-electric. Adults only, no pets. ~#~;~';~.~.."~'~'~ Engineering $100.00 9/25-10/2-2t at $1.00 per M
$130per month. Phone 426-2549 "'= ...... ~ ........ o/18 25 2t Road Construction $2,700.00 the Alaska ye
O | or 866-7059. H7/31tfn ..~- - TOTAL $2,800.00 NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER mined pursuant
O~..~. The County Road Project FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL STATE LAND FOR LEASE to be surplus to
, 877-5287 herein described is HEREBY FOREST, SATSOP SALVAGE 75 ApplltationNo. to users and proce
• OPENTOA'VSAWEE, !CLEAN 2-be~eo~ 'unfurnished DECLARED to be a public SALE, located wthn T. 22N., R. . beannoune, edlater ~ from Domestic
~h0use• Carpeted, electric heat; ....... !necessity, and the County Road7W., W.M., surveyed. The sale 80acresof State land in Mason ders are advise
deposit and references. $105 per =-----~-" .... ~---'--~--?--T~v--- ~Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED includes an estimated 400 M board County to be leased for picking the Domestic
Hoodsport, Washington 98548 ' month. 426-3847. C9/18tfn Mobile Homes 'AND AUTHORIZED to report feet of timber marked or otherwise Evergreen Brush. Lease periodquirement co~
, " ' and proceed thereon as by law designated for cutting. The from September 29, 1975 to March contract and m;
provided, minimum acceptable bid per M 1, 1985. Minimum annual rentalcancellation, or
HOOD CANAL waterfront home --------------------------~------------------- ADOPTED this 22 day of board feet is: Douglas-fir, $116.20 $70•00. Public auction to be held at timber sales t
for sale or lease 3 miles south
Hoodsport. Open "house Sept. 27, 1969 12x60 mobile home with 80x92 September, 1975. and Western Hemlock and Other 10:00 A.M• on Monday, Sept- debarment or
"----------~-----------'----------"-- ~- -------"-"---~-~-~--------~28 1-696-3513 Vancouver. L9125lot; N~ce garden area. Lake^ Nah- B O A R D O F C O U N T Y Species, $32.57. Additional deposit emoer 29, 19/b at the Courthouse "bidding on full
-~ For Re.t , For Rent , " wa~zeJ Deacn access. ~;]u,ouu. COMMISSIONERS OF requred for slash disposal is in Shelton. A copy of the lease requested D
~- 426-8323. L9/25 M A S O N C O U N T Y, $12.53 per M board feet for all containing all requirements is Washington or
1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for~ WASHINGTON species. Additional deposit re-posted at the Department of Mason Countie
rent, close downtown Heat, water ............... /s/John Bariekman quired for slash disposal is $12.53 Natural Resources Office in Enum- deemed to h
MASON LAKE 2-bedroom 1 ~ BEACH CABIN 2 large rooms a " L/-~I'(f~P- ~UL;t~, or useo mODile
a~---'~g~Q =fter ~ n ,,~ ~a~o~_~n~ homes from $2,495, easy terms. Chairman
baths, rec room, wall-to-wall plus bath, single or couple. Call and arb ge furnished. Call per M board feet for all species, claw; the Mason County Auditor's interest in the l
William O. Hunter Additiona deposit required for Office: and the office of BERT L. its terms, a p¢
carpet, copper appliances, 3-car 426-37712 for details. W9/25 ......... ~" ............... Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 Martin Auseth road maintenance on National COLE Commissioner of Public held in the o
garage, $200. 426-8836, H9/25tfn~ Pa-cific, Lacey. 456-8890. Attest: Forest roads over the appraisedLands, Olympia, Washington Superv sor,
..... . ..... TRAILER IN court, 12x64, harvest NEAT 2-bedroom downtown for Oll/14tfn
Olympia, Wasl
2 BEDROOM umurmsneo water- -old appliances, 2 bedrooms, 1 V2 /s/Ruth E. Boysen route is $10.03 per M board feet for 98504. 9/25-1t day of Octobe
front home, built-in oven, range, ~ath, utility room. $120 month, responsible adults. Nice level lot. ~ Clerk of the Board 9/25 It all species logs priced per M board
refrigerator and dishwasher, wall- inc udes trailer space.Phone Spotless condition, now vacant.SAVE $4,000 on like new 24x40 feet. The contract includes local time. F
to-wall carpet, drapes, attractive 426-5325• $9/25-1012 Call Mason County Realty, mobile home with fireplace. ~ a d e s c r i p t i o n of hearing will
yard and patio. 5 minutes from ~ 426-4486• Only $135 per month. Ready to be moved immediately, unless receive
town. $165. Water and garbaQe ]-UI=UHUUM home with ap- M9/25 Owner will assume up to $500 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT the maintenance work (and a
furnished References and depos;t p.ances ano oryer, garoen area, moving charges. 426-1798 or NO. 814 breakdown of the per M board foot NOTICE OF HEARING Forest Superv
In Probate No. 4480
4Q~-R~'~9 'B9/25tfn ~ree garbage ano Iv caom. 426-],424. $9/4-25 In the matter of C.R.P. No.deposit on a per M board foot per FINAL ACCOUNT ing, Olympia,
....... 4 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF September 16
References, $100 depos=t, $1 5 814 to be constructed on Masonmile basis) by roads. SEALED before Octobl
HOOD CANAL Southshore unfurn- monthly. Couple preferred, no FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON
shed 2-bedroom house, electric children or pets. Available Oct. 1, ,_-~--_-_-_-_-_-..-v-_-_- CASH FOR your mobile home, County Road No. 6758 known BIDS will be received from bidders,
heat, fireplace, no pets. 426-3242. by appointment only. 426-6251. =,, ~ o, . paid for or not. Olympia Mobilelocally as the Lakeland Drive qualified as described above, by THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Maule, Forest
• NVz Section 20 Station, Shelton Washington at In the Matter of the Estate of
B9/25 L9/25-10/16 J~l(~)llO Hom(}s Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. Road, and more specifically District Ranger, Shelton Ranger picNationalF
..... _ 456-8890. Oll/14tfn located ,n ,
Township 22, Rancle 1, West W.M. 10:00 AM local time at theplace of LAWRENCE H. FISHER, De-
2-BEDROOM mobile, $125 per ~ '68 2-bedroom 12x35 all-electric TRAILER H~ IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED bid opening, October 24, 1975 ceased.NoTiCE is given that the final
month. 426-6622. $9/25-1012 unfurnished house, one adult " " ""1 BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY (followedimmediatelyby oral account and petition for distrl- N
mobile home. Winterized on Trailer wiring, bwaycontro,
preferred, gas heat, appliances button has been filed with the clerk The final bu¢
TRAILER SPACES for rent. Two - " 75'x100' lot. By owner. $7,500. jacks, brakes. The.Hitch Shop, COMMISSIONERS that it istheir bidding). The required bid
.... $75 monthly, depos=t, references,
secluded, rural w~th utiht=ea avail .............. Terms available. 426-3755 4t~14 Lacey ulva. ,;vz-o.ou. intention to apply 1½-in. guarantee n the form of a bank
............ r 4~ .... :~epzemDer LSt. bee ~oa u~sen, N9/18-10/9 " H11/28tfn ,, asphaltic concrete ovenay to. 0.7 draft or certified check is of theabovecourtand the personal Mary M. Kni
ao~e. P'none 4z~-aoou u ,.o-.-uo~. _ c.._=,....~,,.~. r-^,. mile 20 ft. wide.. Principal $2,000.00. The right to reject any representative seeks settlement of held Thursday
"'~"~= 10/2 Olse. ru,.,~u,~, -)~.= ,.v,..
~=,,~-,u,,= O8/21tfn . ouantities are: Asphaltic L;oncrete and all bids is reserved, the accountl distribution of the 8 p.m. at the s
Class B 700 Tons and that said Preliminary award to the highest estate, and discharge, which /s/Adele!
t BEDROOMapartmentforrent. ~ Hurry=. Only I Leftwork is to be performed by bidder willbemadefollowingthe matters havebeensetforhearing AdeleSm"
Wall to wall carpet and drapes. MOBILE SPACE ava,lable. Quint, (contract) in accordance.withthe close of oral bidding. All of the on October 24, 1975, at 9:00 o'clock Secretary
W=chinn f=rilitjes and camort secluded, laundry. Walk to twon.
Washington State _~anclard Alaska yellow cedar determined A.M., in the courtroom of the
Downto~wn'arP.a. Adults only~. No Call 426-3242. BR/5tfn Specifications. for Road and pursuant to public hearings to be Probate Department of this court.
pets 4 26-1479 5-9 p m ~ Bridqe Construction as aClopted surplus to needs of domestic users Cleo Fisher
r~'~,f- " " " MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason Personal Representative
v;z/~ u~ II1
QUALIFIES by Mason County. and processors is exempted from
B E I T F U R T H E R Domestic Processing. Bidders are Lester 8tritmatter NO"
~,-,r, =~c~,,.r. T,,;, ..... I"se rental management service. We RESOLVED that the above advised that violations of theStrltmatter & Strltmatter ~- PUBLIC
run n~., .......... ~''~ " " provide all the forms, show the
to downtown Call 426-4426 . . . -~--;)-~-~ ~" unt Road P'roj.ect =s Domestic Processing requirement Attorney for Estate ,.=rapeview Scl~
,~,~,, " " property, cnecK .credit and • • necessary and pr, OsaP~lr-rana the constitutes breach of contract and~ 407 8th Street
"vC" .... references, collect the rent and I~ US Government ........ o Y " Mason County
deposit to your account. Call estimated costs o, ~= e J=~-[ are may result in contract cancellation, Hoquiam, Washington 98550 Pursuant
, ~;;~h-,;;r~,l nn~_ and Two Bedroomrlra~ 'J details"Mitch"--at we4264486take caref°r furtherof the CASH BACK or follows:herewith set out m details100 rwas Orto intherefusalviolator,tO awardor debarmenttimber saleSor ~' 9125-1t DirectorsherebYDistrict No.givel°f'
hearing at
"'~'°' "~~'S"~'~'t~. ...... headaches. M5/8tfn Engineering ....... ..... suspension from bidding on future
& =~,~, =, v-. • .~.._.___.__~~ Road Construction_ ~t~,uu().00timber sales. Full information ' NOTICE OF at 7:30 p.l~
OI~L ~'~,~UU BUDGET HEARING September 1!
T .UO concerning the timber, the
COMPLETELY FURNISHED -r,... r..,,,ntv Road Project conditions of sale and submission Notice is hereby given that a p u r p o s e.
Aas bachelor apartments. Dishes, " .......
herein d escribed ,s HEREBy of bids should be obtained from the preliminary budget for the Port of A DO PT I N
Jllllll lll Jlqll~l~)e linen. $50 to.$65 per month: ....... to De a PUblic
uE~.L~rtrL, -- - - D strict Ranger Shelton RangerGrapeview, for the year 1976, has B UDGET
= Shelton P.partments, zna ana necessity, and the c:o_unLy_Hoad Station, Shelton, Washington. been Drel)ared and placed on file SCHOOL I
2329 Jefferson St. Grove. S6/Stfn ~ Encjineer is HEREBY uP(t-)FRED 9/25-10~2-9-16-4t at the home of Charles J. Keen, F O R THE
Mgr. Apt. 2or ~ ~ AND AUTHORIZED Stretch Island, Grapeview, Wa., 1975-76.
426-1916 • 1-BEDROOM furnished and proceed thereon as oy law and a copy thereof may be AnytaxP
7/|2tfn apartment, utilities paid..~136 provided. . obtained by any taxpayer at the be heard for
month. Phone 42b-941u or ADOPTED th,s 22 day of aforementioned address. The Port the budget.
426-5166. BR/4tfn September, 1975. NOTICE OF APPLICATION Commissioners will meet on the /s/Arth.U'
BOARD OF COUNTy FOR SHORELINE 1st day of October, 1975, at7:30 ArthurP,
FOR RENT c o M M I S S I O N P-- H 50 F MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL p.m., at the Grapeview Firehaii Supt.
M A S O N C O U N T ¥, DEVELOPMENT PERMIT for the purpose of hearing any Grapevie~
Unfurnished, 2-bedroom -----'leawaterf.ront.. home for '~6" -~ WASHINGTON Notice is hereby given thatperson in support or against said
house, suitable for family of :~eptemDer /~ mrougn May . o.
three. Freshly painted, ~135 $185 month. AT 4-8316 Seattle /s/John Bariekman Pacific Northwest Bell and Mason budget and thereafter will fix and
Chairman . . County P.U.D. No. 3 has filed an adopt the final budget for the
per month. Rt. lO, Box 507, or 631-O889 Kent. K9/11-10/2 /s/ William O. HUnter application for a substantial Port of GraDeview for the
behind Timberland South ~ /s/Martin Auseth development permit for the calendar year 15176.
MaSOn Library. If landlord is NICELY FURNISHED $~~--98fer3MO construction or development of /s/CharlesJ. Keen
not on premises call apartment, suitable for couple. 1 Attest: N(
1-842-2166 or 1-385-2060. mile east of Aiderbrook on South /s/Ruth E. Boysen buried communication and power Secretary
9/25 Shore. All utilities included, $150 Clerk of the Boaro 9/25 It linesMile Postl°cated0+00atto S.RoMile Post300 3+18,from . 9/18-25-2t SheltonPUBl"
per month. 898-2370. 2600 feet on North Shore Road, 309,Shelton
29/30/31 23 N 1 W W.M. 36 23 N Pursuant
2 W.M. within Sections 1/2 of CALL FORBIDS hereby giv~
MT VIEW SMALL 2-BEDROOM at 325 " NOTICE oFAPpLICATION Township 22N., Range2W.W.M., Sealed proposals will be Directors ot
" S o u t h 3 rd. Sto yes a na TO APPROPRIATE ' Mason County, Washington. Saidreceived at the office of the City DISTRICT
~),~ ~ ~IMM) refrigerator, $115 per month. $75 development is proposed to be ClerK-/reasurer, City Hall, Public Hea
~ deposit. 1-bedroom, 1928 *Cash price $7,988, sales tax & title $381.30, int. rate PUBLIC WATERS
1% per too. 144 mo's. Total deferred price $14,159.52: STATE OF wASHINGTON, within Hood Canal, Lynch Cove Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 District at
Stevens, $100 per month, $50 a.m, on Monday' September 29, 30th, 197~
.~Lf~..,..~ ..... ~. deposit, stoves and refrigerator, o DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY and/or its associated wetlands. 1975,.a~ which time they will be E vergreen
/ /7_Ba =,,few ,o,,ow,o0
AKE NOTICE: N E Any person desiring to ~)~rbltCW opened and read aloud
~'Jr~lBqraG(~~ 426-5373. D9/18 " T h a t E U G E F. express his views or to be notified
WALENTINY of. T~c~)~Ta, of the action taken on this TO RE
2 Bedroom "- UnfurnlshedAvailable NOW _ No Pets FaUiR'N ISutHiE es ) cBl d ( ( OIMo.,.o ,,o-,,,. z,~~ Mob 110mes WashingtononAUgU..S'~)'.~>,Q" application should notify the "LI.D. No. 27--1975 Street THEFINA'
under Application .)~.U'=nnro~'~'~ Board of Mason inCOot~nhtY Paving Program and 4th Street FOR 1975-
n~nth~f $40 deposit, filed for permit. ~u,-~-,~,=;,~:;;.,,: Commissioners in writ g ." Improvement. appear. Col:
public waters, SuDJe~, "'~e,;,%~;~ !nterest within thirty days of me T h e m a j o r It e m s o f available in
CONTACT MANAGER ~- rights, from Benson...'~'~.~" "~ ~ast date of publication of this construction are: the Sholton
...... , ,,~ n n2 CUD,~- "~-';" ~,~r notice. Publication dates of this 1000 CY Crushed Surfacing; LOUIS
FURNISHED OR unfurnished ................. ch "---
second, continuously ~"he syear' notice are September 18 and ncre • .t ..... ;.,~-, Secret
"'3/, "21~t't 3-bedroom hOUse, l-bedroom " TAYLOR TOWNE " 426"5252 1~80 Ton A C. C1-¢= ,'w' ,ha
...... u~nly / ource September 25, 1975. 9/18 25 2tLF Co te 5awing; 232 LF Board
"~LV',J~VV . house, apartments Also trailer TOr uomestic ~ ~,~" • --:--:- •
t~n " " Concrete Curb & Gutter, Type
space. 426-4420. W8/7tfn ,, , , of the proposed approp-a-on ,s
Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 25, 1975