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| qJID gOUT IrOll ...................................... I Old Belfair Highway cR 5.27,,
By NANCY MILLER receive a pen and pencil set. For
Cub Scout Pack 513 held its first
pack meeting of the year last
Thursday. Several new cubs signed
up and we would like to welcome
them to the pack. We are still
hoping to recruit more boys. Each
cub scout who recruits another boy
will receive a gift coupon to
Baskin-Robbins ice cream parlor in
Bremerton and a tie slide. Start
talking to your friends, cubs.
We are also recruiting den
mothers. At the close of the pack
meeting we had two dens set up.
We need at least five more. Any
cub who recruits a den mother will
The preliminary budget for '
is complete and a final 1976
budget hearing is scheduled for
September 27th, 1974 at 2 PM at
the Tahuya Fire Hall. Any
taxpayer may appear thereat and
be heard for pc against any part of
said budget.
Erma D. Curl
Tahuya Port Commission
GIVEN, that the Commissioners
of the Port of Allyn have
completed and placed on file their
reliminary budget for the Port
istrict for the fiscal year of
1976, a copy of which may be
obtained by any taxpayer at the
following address: Allyn Fireball,
Allyn, Washington.
GIVEN that the Port Commission
will meet at the Fireball in Allyn,
Washington on the 3rd day of
October at the hour of 7:30 P.M.
for the purpose of fixing and
adopting the final budget of the
Port District for the ensuing year,
(fiscal 1976) and any taxpayer
may appear at said hearing and be
heard for or against any part of
said budget.
Dated at Allyn, Washington
this 5th day of September 1975.
Board of Commissioners
Port of Allyn
by Ellen Palmer, Clerk
hlhel l iklers
10-week-old little, pretty,
tiger-striped kitten.
Housebroken. Free. 275-2162.
* Fireplaces
* Block foundations
* Anything with masonry
LicenSed. bonded angl insured.
Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512
more information call Terry
Vetters. den mother coach, at
Summer activity pins and
patches and year pins were
awarded to cubs at the meeting.
Cubs receiving summer activity
pins and patches were Steve Clark.
Jamie Whitchurch. Andy Pease.
Brian Ruff. David Mutillo, Kevin
Vetters. Jimmy Miller. Mike Clark.
Jim Pollard, Keith Jensen and Tim
Buffon. Cubs receiving one-year
pins were Shawn Schoening, Jamie
Whitchurch. Andy Pease. Bobby
Kobloth. Shawn Middleton. Jimmy
Miller and Lance Schoening. Cubs
receiving two-year pins were David
Mutillo. Kenny Conwell. Mike
Clark, Keith Jensen, Rod Banach
and Matt Cook. A three-year pin
was awarded to Tim Buffon.
The Arrow of Light was
awarded to Webelos Lance
Schoening and Tim Buffon. Tim
also received his traveler's badge.
Scout leaders received awards
also. Margie Jensen has served one
year as the treasurer of Pack 513
and was awarded a one-year pin.
She will be continuing as treasurer
this year. Mary Clark received a
two-year pin for her time spent as a
den mother. This year Mary will be
awards chairman. Terry Vetters
received her three-year pin. She
has worked as a committee
member, publicity chairman and
was a den mother for two years.
This year Terry will be the den
mother coach,
Accident report
A woman was injured in a
one-car accident about three miles
east of Dewatto around 7 a.m. last
Thursday and was transported
from the scene by a van to meet the
Belfair ambulance which took her
to Harrison Memorial Hospital.
She suffered a broken right arm.
She was identified as Twana H.
Edwards. 28. of Mountlake
Terrace. a passenger in a '73 Chev
pickup driven by Susan L. Smith.
26, of Botheil. According to WSP
the pickup was headed east on the
gravelled Dewatto Road when it
left the roadway on a curve to the
right and ran into a ditch.
Three summer homes in
Tahuya River Tracts were reported
broken into according to reports
filed Sept. 20 in the sheriff's office.
No list of missing items was
available from Frank LOndhoim of
Renton. Among items missing
from the trailer of Mrs. Ruth
Downham of Seattle were a heater,
fishing poles, sleeping bag,
lantern, cigarettes and a first aid
kit. A Coleman stove was broken
and a flashlight stolen from the
cabin of Paul Dowd of Seattle.
While they last, Winona Reels $25.00
John & Pat's Tackle Shop
Member of Northwest Steelheaders
Cortand Certified Fishing
Pro Shop
Retail & Wholesale
Effective Oct. I st, 1975, our shop
hours will be 9 a.m. to S p.m.
Wed. thru Sunday, until
1st of April, 1976.
Celebration of three birthdays
and a wedding anniversary of
members of the family made Sept.
14 a special day for Mr. and Mrs.
Don Beeson of Allyn. Thirty-three
people were present for an outdoor
sumptuous picnic feast with perfect
weather encouraging the clicking of
cameras at the special occasion on
the Beesons' back lawn.
A heart-shaped decorated cake
was for the birthdays of Beatrice
Beeson on Sept. 14 and Shirley
Beeson Eldridge and Elmer Beeson
on Sept. 13. (they are not telling
their ages). A decorated square
cake congratulated Vernon and
Sandy Beeson on their first
wedding anniversary.
On the guest list were the
honorees and families of Elmer and
Beatrice Beeson; Bob and Shirley
Eldridge with Craig and Cristi of
Grapeview; Vernon and Sandy
Beeson and daughter Lisa of
Poulsbo. Others of the Beeson
family, children and great-grand-
children, were Monica Eldridge of
Grapeview; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Barnum and Melissa and Ginger of
Bremerton; Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Ball with Tracy and Michelle of
Sunnyslope; Dan Busbey and
Nancy Burdysha of Silverdale;
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Valley, Jennifer
and Gretchen of Belfair; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Valley with Steve and
Jason; Mr. and Mrs. David Valley.
Karen Beeson Reynolds was
unable to attend the party with her
leaving for Hawaii, but left her best
wishes by making and decorating
the cakes before her departure on
Sept. 1 I.
It wa a point of curiosity on
reports in last week's paper of keys
lost on South Shore and keys found
on North Shore. A call to Izetta
Dean about her lost keys ends with
word that all is well. Her keys were
found and things are in order after
a time of not being able to open
locked doors. Good luck wishes are
in order for the return of the keys
reported found to the other worried
News about the Macomber
family is a bit overdue but contains
happiness and a host of
congratulations. Last December
Mrs. Rebecca Macomber received
her BA degree in special education
at Central Washington State
College in EIlensburg. This
summer quarter had son Dave
Macomber finishing off his BA
degree in business administration
and being graduated from the
University of Washington. He is
now emplyed at Gorst. Son Curtis
Macomber was graduated from
Olympic College with an associate
degree in law enforcement and
attended Western Washington
State College, majoring in PE.
Mrs. Macomber, Curtis and
Dave traveled to Walnut Creek,
Calif.. to attend the wedding on
Aug. 2 of Pat Macomber and Linda
Newman. Pat and Linda are
making their first home at Reno,
The Old Belfair Highway has
been undergoing a facelift and it
looks great. Mason County added a
blanket of blacktop from the
intersection near Moore's to the
North Shore intersection. Kitsap
County has clipped the tall weed
growth on the banks and sides of
the road through the watershed to
the county line.
During working hours it has
been a hassle waiting for the
flagmen to give the go-ahead signal
when in a rush, but the
improvements add up to winter
safety and a bit of pleasure.
Don and Karen Reynolds are
sporting deep tans with a bit of
sunburn showing here and there
after their recent trip. Sept. 11 was
the shortest day of the year for
them as they left here at 9 a.m. and
arrived in Honolulu at 11 a.m. A
small plane brought them to Lanai
Island where they made their
headquarters at Club Manukai
(Seabird). Two and three dives per
day added to the tired feeling from
time zone changes but gave
appreciation for the slow pace of
the villagers. Their four-day stay in
the promotional tour with eight
experienced scuba divers gave time
' for a jeep ride in the mountains, a
picnic on the beach of white sand
and picking field-ripened pine-
apples for snacks and to bring
home. One day was spent at
Waikiki Beach in Honolulu.
Karen compared the constant
79 degree waters to the
temperature of an indoor pool. The
clear water was an asset in finding
a choice selection of cowrie shells
that includes one rare white one.
In their dives they took many
pictures underwater while seeing
moray eels, turtles, coral trees,
brightly colored fish and a shark.
Precautions during diving were to
wear jeans to avoid burns from the
coral with a huge baited hook set as
a lure to trap any passing shark.
There may be more of these
trips in the future to dive and visit
other far-off places if Karen and
Don gather another group of
experienced divers together. Their
plans are uncertain but they hope
they will be able to attend the next
Beeson family gathering.
Airman graduated
Airman Judy M. Nichols,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Nichols of Star Rt. 2. Belfair, was
graduated at Lowry AFB, Colo.,
from the U.S. Air Force supply
inventory specialist course con-
ducted by the Air Training
The airman, trained to
inventory supplies by use of
electronic data data pro-
cessing machines, is being
assigned to Tyndall AFB, Fla., for
duty with a unit of the Aerospace
Defense Command.
Airman Nichols is a 1975
graduate of East High School in
Haul Rock Bulldoze
• Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory
bedroom furnished
cabins on North Shore,
Belfair, $100 to $150' month.
Congratulations to Bob and Mac
Nickols. They received word from
their youngest daughter and her
husband on Sept. 10 of the birth of
a son in Nampa, Idaho. Now the
Nickols have three grandsons and
one grand-daughter.
George and Carla Willig
celebrated their 19th wedding
anniversary on Sept. 7 with the
family gathering at their Mason
Lake home for the happy event. We
wish you many more happy years.
This was a double celebration as
the family also honored Carla's
father, Carl Elliot of Seattle, on his
65th birthday.
Our Healthmobile was in the
area on Sept. 15 with over 30
people taking advantage of their
services. You know it's that time of
year to get your flu shots. The
Healthmobile will be back in our
area in December.
Sept. 16 was a voting day. It
seems that many were not
informed; out of over 200
registered voters in our area there
were only 39 who got out to make
their choice.
Clair and lola Pfeifer have
returned home after an extended
vacation that took them cross
country to Minnesota. They visited
many relatives and friends in
northern states.
Saturday night, September 13,
Donald F. Cox Jr., son of Don and
Dolores Cox of Mason Lake, and
Julie Haverzetle of Kirkland
repeated their wedding vows at the
St. Paul Lutheran Church in
Kirkland. The reception was held
at the Commissioned Officers' Club
at the Sand Point Naval Station.
Julie is a student at CWSC and
Donald is a graduate of CWSC,
now employed as an accountant.
Sgt. Russell and Peggy Denny
recently returned after spending
two years at Clarke Air Force Base
They are enjoying a two-week
vacation visiting their folks. Russell
and Peggy will leave soon to be
stationed in Sunnyvale, Califbrnia.
Russ presently is working with
satellite installations. Good luck to
A NEW FIREHALL, located on the west side of Mason Lake,
has been completed by D and A Construction of Union. It is
Station No. 8 for Mason County Fire District 5 and will
provide quicker service to that side of the lake as well as
lower insurance rates for many lake residents.
At Mason Lake
Friday, noon-8 p.m. Saturday 9-8 p.m.
Sunday, noon-8 p.m.
Groceries, gifts, marine supplies,
fishing tackle, toys.
Twin Size 6" Foam Mattress
And Innerspring Box Spring
Full Size Set
Set $'
Queen Size Set
Englander Twin Size Innerspring Mattress
and Box Spring Set $1
Full Size Set
Queen Size Set
* 1 We Carry
Englander -- Sleep Craft
-- Rest Well
Monday thru Thursday, 9-6
Friday, 9-8 -- Saturday, 9-6
Closed Sundays
6th & Montgomery,
By LENNIA CATES -- CR 5-224§
While we are overjoyed with the
beautiful weather these days,
there's another side to the coin.
The rivers are very low, especially
the Tahuya here, which makes it
bad for the fish milling around
wanting to go up to spawn.
There's going to be some
disgruntled people come next
month, too, if we don't get some
rain -- the hunters. The woods will
be tinder dry, making the stalk of
game almost impossible. Sure hard
to please everyone.
For those of you who don't take
the Seattle P1, the following
chuckle: "A 'lot of politicians make
the mistake of forgetting they've
been appointed --- not anointed."
Lots of searun cutthroat in the
canal now with many anglers
lucking out. Leo Ceccanti caught
some beauties last week up to two
pounds. Evening high tide seems
the best bet using pop-gear and
small spoon, worms if you can find
St. Nicholas Church will hold
Sunday School classes starting the
fifth of October. Parents, take note.
Father Ronald Roland has been
conducting church services of late,
filling in for Father Avery who is
recovering from
his Bainbridge
wish him a
want to assure
being well filled
Need any
Might call Jack
other hand,
not. Jack thou
Bunyan last
backyard. Well,
work by PUD on
he's out of that
Seems things
What fell were
out of his nei
it off, this nei
limb would be
besides, the
already lying on
time the tele
out. One of
stood in bed"
A grenade
garage on North
bomb squad from
to pick it up.
of World War
believed it to be
We are
i Mrs. Joe Smith and family wish to
many friends for their kind thoughts and
deeds during the loss of our loved one.
• For Chevron Heating
• Modern Heating Equit
• Complete He
Our accounts payable at
Puget Sound National Bank in Belfalr
Service Fuel Co., InC,
1318 PARK AVE.
B & D 4 Piece Walnut Finish Bedroom,
Dresser with Mirror
Broyhill 5 Piece Pine Bedroom
Dresser $
Gallery Mirror
Chest Our Price
Headboard With Rail
-- Barker -- Filbar
-- Coleman -- B & D and
r on
If You're
The Beet Valuell
Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - September 25, 1975