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Percy Pio
6OlV S.E. 86th Ave
Portland, Ore
Forest Festival Officers
||coted Last Week
77th YEAR--NO. 39 Entered as second class matter at the post of lice at Shclton. Washington, 10 Cents per Copy
under Act of :March 8, 1879. Pub lished weekly at 227 Wrest Cots.
Thursday, September 26. 1963 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washingto, 22 Pages 3 Sections
Robert L. Booth Held In County Jail
For The Shooting Of His Ex-Wife
Iss Dorothy Schwietering, retiring
Mason County Forest Festival
lOVes from its box the pottery
she was presented at the annual
Angeles Foe
meeting of the Association Fast week. The presen-
tation was made by Clive Troy, president, on the
right in the picture.
Home Game
comes home to[to-day who o1" how many of
. ae first time this I varsity squad, would be on hand.
" ig hl:, but as this j.s
ieh Although the indispositions are-
,ob Sund is du- n't serious individually, they've
,hoell have a healthy
aeup had the injurious effect of mak-
{([1' ot't readYAngeles.fOr the ing it impossible for Sund to put
polishing touches on such import-
:u), infection, colds ant details as timing and team-
res has hampered work.
:,.tot the past Week HEAVIEST BLOWS at this
rom day- point (Tuesday night)
. dealt to Fred Lament. junior full-
back who was m the hospital
For with sn infection, and Steve Ar-
t;heY..junmr center, who came
d,d\\;'u with a dose of uea.lCs.
T0p Both have been starters. Whether
either wiiF be able to suit-up to-
morrow night is highly doubtful.
and even if so how ready for full
effectiveness either could be.
Lalnont's absellcc may cause
Sund to switch halfback Bob XYalk-
City Sets Budget
H i g Oct 7
ear n
The Shelton City Commis, ion crease in assessed valuation in the
will hold a hearing at 2 p.m. Oct.
7 on a preliminary budget with
anticipated expenditures and re-
ceipts of $265.252 for the current
expense fund operation.
Although the total for the cur-
rent expense this 5,ear is higher
than the $234.233 for this in the
1963 budget, the actual amount of
clusion of the budget for the engi-
The higher figure reflects the in-
clusion of the budget fo rthe engi-
neering department and transfers
from the garbage, water, sewer
and street departments to cover
this expense.
A breakdown of the current ex-
pense budget show general gov-
ernment (the commmsioners and
the bookkeeping and cerical help
in the city hall office) $52,384;
legal, $3.981; police court, $1,494;
engineering, $18,335; fire, $39,-
. • . 052; police, $77.055 and park $9,-
The Mason County Forest Fes- 620.
tival elected one new trustee, a TRANSFERS FROM current ex-
new secretary and one new mere- pensc receipts include street, $43.-
ber on the executive committee at 075; library, $17.956; recreation,
its annual meeting last Thursday $1.300 and flood control. $1.000.
night. The estimated income to the city
Gene Hanson was elected to a from real and personal property
one-year term on the .board of taxes for 1964 is $134,900, corn-
trustees to succeed M:ary Ander- pared to $137,832, reflecting a de-
son who was lected secretary to
sueceed DorothyScliw[Etering'whOretired. Dollars For
Buck Price was named to the
exec',tive committee to succeed
Demos Drive
Clive Troy was re-elected pres-
ident of the association with Os-
ear Levinvicepresidentand l:Lob-IS Started
ert Turner. treasm'er.
ELECTED TO the board of trus-
tees were Martin Auseth. A. Roy
Dunn. Francis Myers and Royal The Mason County "Dollars for
• Democrats" drive got underway
Clinton. They had all been elected
to the. boaz'd foi" one@eat' terms here Sept. 20. Ken tVolden is
last year and were re-elected, chairman of the drive.
Re-elected to the executive corn- Precinct workers will try to con-
mittee were R. r. OKman. Rocky tact everyone in their precinct. If
Hembroff. Roy Kimbel and Lea someone is not contacted. Wolden
Shclve.-. said. they can call the precinct
Miss Sehwieterhlg was presented worker and he will contact them.
on August 1,1 with a potter's wheel a gift /'rein A certificate will be given as s
:o show results er to the- fullback spot because the association in appreciation of receipt to each person who contri-
- her yearn of service as secretary, hutes with their name on it to
appointed Kelly HursL .senior letterman, is
for the just getting over a flue seige A LETTEII from M. M. iBu(l) show they have invested in the
Council, which kept him out of the Elma Lyon was read in which he stated party of their choice, Wolden said.
<c 40 percent game last Friday. Jtmior letter- lhat the Rotary Club had agreed If someone wants to give and
County Dis- man Tom Lowc would g in Walk- lo handle buttm sales again for does not know the name of their
see the early (.r's left half spot if such is the the 1964 Festival, precinct worker, Wolden said, they
w Boy Scout case. It was brought up that since may call John Sells, county chair-
area. SU.ND ALSO HAS a problem at tbe old ;)leachers had been dis- man. who will provide them with
one starting guard spot. could mantled, it would be necessary to the name of the precinct worker.
anization ecru- have two. .hinter Steve Anstey, took into getting something to re- The Arcadia precinct has no pre-
C!iff who starled the Ehna galne at place them as a reviewing stand, cinct worker, but, people in that
Gene one guarci slot. is a member of The next meeting of the'as.ocia- area will be called on by members
0er,' Ken Grib- the infirmary corps this week; lion will bc Nov. 21 at which a of the Young Democrats.
(new Mary M. Bob Jeffery. the regular starter, theme for the 1964 Festival will
h)rmer Eagle who also missed the Ehna game, be discussed.
John Patten, is still " 0 * L ]' ( OV l' (' Z * '0" ''e Survey Of The
, € tm i "xcep "ona'
Curl Dugger. another who has seen
00omo m .,o nmppaaerUan-'ca-e'""
pulled thigh muscle. I
lette,'man Jim Richards. was School distriats in Mason Coun-
fighting a cold early this week. ty and the county chapter of the
Mike Brickerl, normally an end
w.o ,n ,. Auction Association for Re-
respectablc trouble-shooting job tarded Children are cooperating in
a survey to locate all handicapped
at guard against Elma, could be chfldl" -en between the ases of thrc.
back there in the interior line After tonight's annual member- 2"
and o who are not now enrolled
again this week. ship meeting and election of offi- in special education,programs or
SENIOR LETTERMAN Tim ] cers, Exceptional Foresters will recmving special SClWiccs provided
turn undivided attention to the for them,
ffSheedYArcheriS thecan,tlikelygo, center starter I giant benefit auction scheduled for The local effort is part of a
Qta, rterback Larry Powell, half- Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct, state-wide census being conducted
4-5-6. through the school districts to de-
back Dave Johnson. and tackle Tonight's meeting will be held terminc the mlnd)er of handicap-
Bill Batsfone are others fighting aL 8 p.m. in the Exccptiona,1 For- ped children in the state.
off infirmities and t)f uncm'tain esters headquarters at the Shel- Joe Borek. principal of Mr.
status fro- Friday nigtlt, at least ton airport, as will the auction. View School and Rogers School
at this writing. The auction is aimed at raising is handling the survey for the
As backfield protection, Sund funds to carry on the newiy-initi- Shelton School District,
has broughtup to the varsity from ated training program for older Parents of mentally retarded,
e the B squad sophomores Bill Ar- retarded elildreu directed by in- blind or partially seeing; deaf or
chcr. quarterback, Bob Miller. structor Al Wagner. hard of hearing: cerebral palsied,
E prepar- Scolt Swisher and Mike Johnson, EARLY RESPONSE to the plea orthopedieally handeapped, epilep-
Knutzen, halfbacl, for donation of items suitable for tic or emotionally disturbed ehil-
organization Port Angeles comes here with the auction bas been highly en-
ttee. Clarence a reputation for being bi', rough, couraging, reports Bob Kimbel,
COmmissioner, and especially l.ougb ill the second president of Exceptional Foresters.
ncigllbor- half. Last Friday, for instance, On hand ah'eady are a baby
the Roughriders spotted Port grand piano, many home applian-
rote of Kent- Tow)lsend 12 points in the first ces, furniture, mid canning sap-
dud 1963 half. then battled back to a 12-12 plies as well as a row boat and an
liversity el final count, They are tbe defend- auto trailer, to name a few of the
he was a ing champions from last year and things contributed so far.
i fraternity, one of the co-favorites again this And a 3-month-old Palhnino
rntlralfor 1% ye-u', pony, although he won't be auc-
r of Who's They play a basic T-formation IJoned. Another means of utilizing
,lieges and offense willl split hacks and wing- the colt to raise fuuds will be era-
backs. Kickoff time 'is 8:00 p,m. ploycd, hut someone will leave the
• 250th Boy ......................... auction as his owner.
'"' Second Half Tax
g' school for SOME OF THK desirable arti-
sum- elES Exeeptioual Foresters would
lti,-old Stalemenls Mailed es00,ceialy apprecistc as conir,-
butions td the auetioll, and whic]l
u week in Statements for the second half arc highly populsr auction items,
dud of the Mason County Real anti iuclude stean/ engines. One-cycle
executive personal property taxes arc being gas engines, mtique weapons,, an-
eout Execu- mailed out this week. John Cole, tique furniture, and antique coins.
Robert- county treasurer said. AnyOne having anything they'd
as Fox in The taxes become delinquent like to give Lo the Exceptional
Nov. 1. Cole reminded taxpa,yers. Foresters fer this anei,ion should
lte als< comn.,nied that a eou- contact President l{ilnbel (426-
OCT. 1 ,,entraLcd effort will })e nlad,, in 6:;81). lusLruetor Wagner (.126-
Scout Ihe next month to collect or dis- 6889), or by p.o. Box 362. Shcl-
district traint all delinquent pcrsonel pro- 1,on, I,es Spilseth (426-3724, or
,an. Oct, 1 in pcrty taxes. Ray S1)ilseih (,126-8,1781.
Old building .............................................................
e master ot Frances Huson, postmastcr at Liquor sales at the Shclton store
in Tahuya, attended the annual meet- of the St:4te Liquor Control Board
Ien O'Dell ing of the National League of during August were $34.819.50,
cercmon- Postmasters in Dallas, Tex., last with $30.738.09 from retail sales
week, and $,1,081.,11 £rum cla I ale'Z,
Center Business
Manager Named
city. Sterling G. Rhodes, chief ac-
The budget for the city's sum- countant aL the "Washington State
mer recreation program for the Penitentiary at IValla Walla. has
coming year is $a.450, reduced been named business manager of
from the budget of $5,200 for this
the new Washington CorrEctions
year. The city participation in the Center under construction at Shel-
program was reduced from $1.700 ton.
this year to $1.300 for 1964. The The appoiltment was announced
1963 budget reflected $1.000 cash this week by Ernest C. Timpani,
on hand which is not available for superintendent of the Corrections
next year.
The water department budget,
at $94,351 for 1964 is up slightly
from 1963 ith a little increase in
water l'eVeuues anticipated.
THE SEWER departmenl bud-
get, $64.423 in the 1964 budget, is
slightly lower than for this year.
Reveuucs are anticipated to be up
a. little, but. cash on hand. which
is taken into consideration in fig-
uring receipts, is down.
The garbage department budget
for 1964, $33,440 is down from the
1963 figure. There is an anticipated
decrease in the amount of collec-
tions for garbage pick-up service
and a reduction in expenditures ot
a like amount.
The budget for the street depart-
mcnt is likewise down a little from
the 1963 figure. The 1964 prelimi-
nary budget is $86,107. The tax
transfer from the current expense
fund to the street department was
reduced because of the drop in
anticipated tax revenues.
City Reject00 Bid
On Storm Sewer
The Shclton City Commission
Tuetav night rejected the one bid
it receiced on st or'n sewer on
Pioneer Way and voted to l-ad-
vcrtise for bides.
The one bid received was from
George Grisdale Company for
$22.053.75. about double the en-
gineer's esthnaLe of tte work.
The commission action was tak-
en on the recommendation of City
Supervisor Pat Byrne.
New bids on the work will be was the first major position filled
opened at 11 a.m. OCt. 7.
The work is part of a city ar-
terial street improvement project
which is planned for this fall. Pion-
eer Way is one of three sections
of street on which work will be
A request from Roy Boyd to
park a trailer house on a lot on
Mr, View was rejected by the com-
nussion on the reconnnendation of
the city planning commission.
Mr. and Mrs, Donn Nesou ap-
peared at fhe commission mecting
to ask if Aspen Street on Capitol
hill could be opened so they could
reach property they owned there.
They t61d the commission that
a fence had been pat across the
Center, which is scheduled to open
in late 1964.
Rhodes' appointment will be ef-
fective Oct. 1:
Rhodes, 41. has been chief ac-
eou'ntant at the penitentiary for
the last nine years. A native of
Texas. he studied accounting and
busJ,ncss at ..Draughon's Business
University in Abilene, Texas; the
University of Arkansas; and Abi-
lene Christian College.
Rhodes served in the U.S. Air
Corps front 19"t2 until 1946, He
and hs wife, Nadine, have four
children ranging in age from three
to 13.
The business manager's position
since Timpani was appointed su-
perintendent of the adult correc-
tional institution on July 1.
Heart Forum
Sa October 2
Dr. George I. Thomas. Seattle.
and Dr. Amaly Frese, Belfair, will
be speakers at a heart forum m
the PUD 3 Auditorium at 8 p.m.
The heart forum is sponsored by
the Washington State Heart As-
sociation and the Shelton :Business
unused street and that logs, an and Professional Women's Ctub.
old car body and other material Dr. Thomas. an instructor m
had been placed in the street by surgery at the University of Wash-
other residents, ington, will comment on a file he
Tle commission rejected a re- helped make .on the removal of a
quest that Ninth Street at May heart tmnor.
Street be vacated, stating that Dr. Frese will comment on a
iutm'e development might make it Heart Association 'ilm on high
necessary to open the street, blood pressure.
One Hospitalized, Several
injured/n Traffic Crashes
One person is in Clinic Hospital lwho Slfffcrcd a chest injury, and
and several others were treaLed grandchildren. Carol A. :ByEr,' 5;
for injuries as the result of three James E. Byer, four weeks, and
traffic accidents in the county ov- Charles Bycr. 4. who all suffered
er the weekend, cuts and bruises.
Harley O. Barnaby, 47, Shelton. The SLate Patrol said Bigelow
was reported in satisfactory con- was northbound on Highway 14A
dren between the ages of three and dition bv hospital attendants red- when the car locked, skidded ac-
23 who arc not enrolled in a special ncsday. ross the road and hit a stump and
program nmv are asked to con- Barnabv was the driver of a car skidded back into the road.
tact him to get the chikl on the wlich was in a collision with one The accident was investigated
survey registration, driven by Jerry Dishon. 20, Shel- by State Trooper Robert Furscth.
Deadline for the registration m ton, at 12th Strcel and Raih'oad assisted by Mason County Sheriff's
Oct. 1. Ave. Saturday morning. Deputies.
Police officers said Barnaby A three-vehicle accident about
Ari H Promoled
, suffered fract.ured ribs, a frac- ,):15 p.m. Snn(lay resulted in min-
orne turcd Eollar bone alld a cut wrist, or injuries 1o four persons.
uy'" Forest Service .assengo,'s in the Dish,,n car Drivers of the vel,iel00s ,verc
were James Dishon, 18. Richard Dorothy F. Erzqckson. 42. Seattle;
l,oberls, 18, Miellacl Challender, James Okonek 3,5, Shclton, and
Arthur J. Hornc Jr., engineer on 17, and xralter Chapman. 18. All Gleon E. Thompson, 44, Olympia.
the staff of Olympic National For- suffered cuts and 1)ruises i'or in- Thonlpsou's wife. Luoille, 3i). was
est Supervisor Lloyd G, Gilhnor, juries i'or which ley were treated a passenger in his veticle,
has been promoted to a position m and ,lease(l. " N'I'ATE PATI[OL slit(1 lhe Er-
tbc Divisiou of Engineering in the I'OLICE SAID Bamaby had I rickson car was parked on a curve
U. S. For(.st Service regional pulled off Railroad avenue on the in ihc road with portion of it
office, Portland. right in preparation for nla.king still in the driving lane when the
a left-hand tln across the sh'eet
and llad started across v]lell the
I)isholl car. weslbound on Railroad
Ave., struck his vehicle on the
left side.
P, oth vehicles were total losses.
Tlh, ace, Meat was investigated
1)5' Shelh,n Police.
Okmlek ear. ntrthbound, sx'ung
to the left to get around the Er-
riekson cm', and skidded into the
path of the Thompson vehiEle, col-
liding with it. The impact knocked
lhc Okonek VC]liclc int.o the El',
riekson vehicle.
Okonek suffered a brokdil upper
Horne has been on the Olynlpc
forest since 1.956. with assignments
on the Quinanlt md Shelton rang-
el' districts and in th- s ........ ,= ......
oiflce, Horne is native of Olyln-
pia md t graduatc of Washington
Stale lhuvorsiLy. He and his wife
have two SOILS.
Five pel'solls were treated for dental phtte aim brmses and the
others euls alld brlises.
Dalnage to the Errickson sta,-
tion wagon was $175, to the Ok-
onck station waS'on. $500, and to
the Thompson ear, $500.
The accideut was investigated
by State Trooper Robert Furseth,
and asdstcd by Maon County
lzer!' Depie
In his new jb Hornc will work
on Na(ionat I"orest transportation nm'ies :it Harrison Mcnlorial hos-
syteln t]evc]ol)nlellt.
pital, Brelncrton. and released af-
00e,,a one-,,ar accident on High,,-ar
:I,IA fore' mile' south of Allyn
Susan Norvold, daugiter of Dr. about I1:.15 p,m. Sunday.
ano tl s l t
• " • • W. Nor,,old. Shelton, The driver of the vehicle was
was honored 8.t h "-.-' -
• t e ann. ,- 3ohn B. Bigelow, 56, w]lo received
dem,m Honors Convocation last a chest injury and a cut nose. Plts
'CCIC, --
ucngr w' hi wife, orgia, 55,
Robert L. Booth, 43, Shelton,
is being held in Mason County Jail
without bail in a shooting which
took tle life of his divorced wife,
Mrs. Novella (Sally) Booth. 49,
shortly after midnight Monday,
Prosecuting Attorney Byron Mc-
Clanahan said :Booth was being
held for investigation of first de-
gree murder and that formal char-
ges would be filed when the in-
vestigation m complete.
Booth admitted firing the single
.22 'caliber bullet which ldlled the
woman at the home the couple oc-
cupied at 650 Dearborn Street.
BOOTII CAthIE into the bar at
the Cots Grill shortly after mid-
night Monday and told the bar-
tender "call the police, I have just
shot my wife."
The call to the Shelton Police
Station was answered by Booth's
brother. Richard, a Shelton Police
Patrohnan. Other police officers
followed, and McClanahan and
Sheriff D. S. (Sam) Clark were
summoned. McClanahan headed
the investigation.
Mrs. Booth was found on a bed
PUD 3 Sets
Hearing On
"64 Budget
Mason County Public Utility
District No. 3 will hold a hearing
Oct. 7 on a preliminary 1964 bud-
get estimated at $1,205,170 about
$29,000 higher than for 1963.
The budget includes $122,670
for bond interest and redemption;
$730.500 for operation: $81.000 for
fixed expense and $110,000 for
miscellanc.ous expenses.
The budget includes $161,000 for
extensions, Included are the Knee-
land-Dayton Feeder line, $32,000;
Kneeland-Arcadia Feeder line,
$20,000; Kneeland-Naval Annex
Feeder line, $21,000; Dayton-Col
rections Center feeder line. $12,-
000; North City Circuit, $26,000
Harstine Island Estates. $12,000;
Co!e Road, $12,000; Arcadia Road,
'7 ")
$1.,006 and otl'cr extension.% $,.0,-
The completion of the planned
extensions to the Corrections Cen-
ter during 1964 will complete a
loop to the new restitution which
will make it possible to provide
service from either direction.
Revenue estimated for the cont-
ing year is $1,195,670 from the
sale of electricity and $9,500 from
interest on im, estments.
Civil Defense
Director Ralph
Horton Resigns
The resignation of Ralph Heft-
on as 1ason County Civil Defense
Director was accepted by the Ma-
son County Commission.
in the home. A bullet from a .22
caliber rifle had entered her head
just above the left ear and lodged
in the skull.
The shooting apparently climax-
ed a quarrel which had started
between the couple during an eve-
ning of drinking. They had been
observed together downtown ear-
lier in the evening.
McClanahan said that an alco-
hol test given Booth after his ar-
rest ndicated an alcohol content.
ALTHOUGH the couple had
been divorced Sept• 13, they wcrc
apparently still living together in
the home at 650 Dearborn. They
were mrried in 1960.
Court records show that. Booth
had served two terms in state
institutions on assault charges..He
was sentenced to Monroe Reform-
story in 1943 for assault and to
the State Penitentiary at Walls
Walla in 1947 for assault with
a weapon•
An autopsy of Mrs. Booth was
conducted V, rednesday at Batstone
Funeral home where the body was
taken. McClanahan said.
BOOTH HAS BEEN a life-long
Shelton , resident and attended
shhool here.
Mrs. Booth was born in Tacoma
March 3, 1914. She had lived here
the past 17 years•
She has one son and four daugh-
ters by previous marriages.
FuneFal services will be held at
Batstone Funeral Home Sept.. 28
at ll a,m. with i.ev. Eugene
Knautz officiating. Burial will be
in Shelton Memorial Park.
SurvFvors include une son. Ed-
ward Vosgin, San Francisco; four
daughters, Mrs. Susanne Hill. Mrs.
Nancy Lurd and Mrs. Janet Bu-
chanan, all of Shelton. and Mrs.
Celia Bennor. San Francisco; three
brothers, StanlEy Paul, Horseshoe
Lake; Cecil Pan], Lake Bay; Sid-
pey Paul, Gig Harbin'; two sisters,
Mrs. Olive Williams, Lake Bay
and Mrs. Dixie /len, Lake ay;
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Paul, Lake Bay and seven grand-
County 4-H
Members Enter
State Fair
i delegation of Mason County
4- lnembers will bc attending the
Sl:ate 4-H Chlb Fair in Yakim
this week.
Presenting demonstrations will
be Tom Trotzcr. Kathy Meil. Doris
Hickson, Ron tickards, Barney
Lambert. Judy Rains, Ruth Ann
Trotzm', David Valley, Linda Rains
and Colleen Shrmn Miss Shmm
will also enter the National 4-H
Home Improvement Contest.
Bill Johnson :and Peter CossEtte
will. participate in the Forestry
activities at the state fair.
-& senior foods judging team of
Sandy Lyman, Paula Wood. Linda
Dillon and Etta Swearingen will
participate in that contest.
Karen Stet'nquist will enter the
t,.ome improvement contest as an
Sally Wolf will participate in
Herren submitted his regisna- the national dress revue contest
tion as civil defense director e- and Carobm Auseth in the state
fective Sept. 18. HE stated in the dress revue contest.
letter he was leaving to accept . . ,
another job.
The colnmi.sion named
Merle McNeil as acting civil de-
fense director while they study ap-
plications for the job. Mrs. Mc-
Neil is clerk-stenographer in the
Civil Defense office,
three applications fl)r the position-
from Clarence E. Fordmeir, Har-
ry Cole and Mrs. Helen Morrow.
The applications were placed on
file while the commissioi studies
the appointment of a successor to
Horton was nmned to the civil
defense job June 1 to succeede
Harry Carlon after Ca,rlon retired.
Assessor Willis Burnett was au-
thorized by tle commission to call
for bids for m{ automobile to be
opened at 11 a.m. Oct. 7.
Dr. Join] Deshaye, of the Thurs-
ton-Mason I-lealth Department,
submitted the budgets for the
health department and the tuber-
culosis budget to the commission,.
A letter was received fT0m toe
Southside School District asking
that the district be alloted $2.500
front the Federal Forest Funds.
All the forest fund requests were
turned over to the county super-
intendent of schools with a request
for his reeonnnendation.
Slan Boreson To Be
Here On Oct, 12
Stan Boreson. KING-TV person-
ality, and his dog Nomo will lr('-
sent a show in the Irene S. Reed
High School Gynmasimn at 8 p.m.
Oct.. 12.
The appearance is being sI)on-
sored by the High School Px'ss
Chlb as a fund raising project,
Borcson appears in a children's
show ovor KING-TV each week-
flay night. He plays the accordion
and presents skils
cautlavz accent.
4-HWINNER -- ColSeen Shrum,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Shrum, Shetton, was a four-
time winner with her 4-H home
improvement entries at the
Western Washington Fair at
Puyattup last wock. She entered
four Exhibits in thc home im-
provement division and ws
awarded a blue ribbon on cact
of them. Tie entries were a
laundry bag, a shoe bag, an
embroidered pillow case and a
throw cushion. She is going to
the State 4-H Fair in Yakima
this week as an entrant in the
featuring a national 4-H homc imp:,ovcment