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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 STTELTON--]{ASON COUNTY JOURNkL--Publihed in t'Christnm,tmcoL U.S.A.", helton, Washington Thursday, Septem Allyn Birthday Club Honors ............................................ i Two At Meeting Last Week i C°: untY. C/ty Records0000 : " On theP2J,:e't': i(nOI'eon Police Th tee l?:'Iie:IwI:'e]iled wit h lly Judy Von Oaten Mrs. James Von Oaten. and Karen ALLYN Birthday club was and Sham. Miss Ellis will be in held last Wednesday at the home the new T.V. series "Mr. No- Court Monday night before Judge the Mason County court clerk dur- of Mrs. Kathy Ncuzbaum. Twelve yak" and will ph)y school teacher. Rolla Halbert were: ing the past week. They were \\;Vm. members were present and Ruby Mrs. Floyd She returned home Larry E. Ziegler, speeding, $12 D. Mulrer. appeal from jnstice Morgon and Dor(fl.hy Gornick were (m Sunday. fine: Howard J. 1-rown. minor in court; Thomas A r. Kimball, a.p- honored for September birthdays. Several nice fish have been possession of and consuming li- peal from justice com't and Mr. Lovely lint dishes and lots of good canght in, the bay these last sev- quor. $25 fro'felt: Kenny L. Keith. and Mrs. Ray O. Banghman food furnished by members made erai days. minor in possessicn of and consum- against Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zehl- ing liquor. $25 fine; Sam Stallman, berg, a personal injury suit. a most enjoyable pothlck luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell and minor in possession of and con- .: * * Meeting next month wilt be at the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wolfe decid- suming liquor, $25 forfeit; Dan- BVII,D[NG PERMITS home of Mrs. Barbara %Vynn, Oct. ed to take in the Puyallup Fair ny L. Bina faulty equipment. $7 Bnilding permits approved by 16. las Thursday. forfeit; Charles W. Miller. drunk the Mason County Commission Mrs. ]teaiher Marsh was honor- :Mr. and :Mrs. Dewey Stevens of and disorderly, $35 forfeit; Monday were to W. G. Beckett. ed with a baby shower given by Tacoma spent Tuesday with the Donald F. Deemer, Union minor wood cabin. $1.000 and Bruno H. a-Mrs, Ruth Nelson on Friday eve- Clay Jones' of Victor. in possessfon of and constiming Rosenberger, wood cabin, $1.000. ning. She received many lovely Stopping by on Wednesday to liquor. $25 forfeit; Duane C. Gate- * * * baby gift and personal items, visit Mr. and Mrs. Clay Jones wood. Tieton. minor in possession SHERIFF'S OFFICN l)eliciou refreshments were served of Victor were Mr. and Mrs. Fan- of and consuming liquor. $25 for- D.H. Kraft reported someone with coffee and tea. ning of Spokane. The Fannings felt; Mathan Hick. minor in pos- entered his home at Tahuya and Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. were era'cute to Port Townsend. session of and consuming liquor, did abont $1,500 damage. Robert Carlson on the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Reynolds Lw0 tlkys in jail: Reece Speas, no Clyde Knight 2316 King t., a baby girl born last week. of Rocky Bay have returned from operator's license, furnishing liq- reported someone entered a home MRS. LAURA KNOELL was Portland where they attended the uor to minors. $29 fine and $50 he owns. taken to Tacoma General Hospi- restaurant convention, fine and $2.50 costs; Bill Chaplin, D.L. Swltzer reported a wagon tal on Friday, suffering frown a Mrs. Jane Van Slyke and Dale disorderly conduct, $25 forfeit; Ro- wheel, which had been painted yel- heart attack, and Mrs. Lois Rassmnssen d e land OWing, drunk and dism'derly, low, was stolen. children spent at $25 forfeit. Mrs. John Morrow reported Mrs. Ester Valley of Allyn is Western Washington fair in Pu- : * * about 100 gallons of gasoline sip- still in King County Hospital re- yallup. SHERIFF'S OFFICE AiRESTS len. covering from heart surgery. We WE ARE ItAPPY to report Joe Booked at the  Mason County Dick Sharer reported an eight- hope to see her home soon. Smith is greatly improved after Sheriff's office during the past ton hydraulic jack siolen. The Kowalcyzk children. Barb- his heart attack, week were Raymond J. Johns. * -'.: * ara. Susan and Jimmy won three Up and about after a long seige minor consuming liquor, and Chas. CITY BUILDIN'(] PERMYI'S ribbons at Silverspurs Horse Show in bed is Mrs. Jim Jones of Victor. W. Mulholland. driving with lic- Harry Wivell, foundation and on Sunday. President Vm. Stock of Victor ense expired and defective equip- move house. $1,000: J',mes Simon Miss Kathy Ellis of Los Angeles, Improvement Club has named the ment. Jr.. add to residence. $500. Calif., has spent the past week lollowing committee chairman- visiting her sister and family, Mr. ships: business manager, A. G. and:Mrs. JewelVonOsten, Mr. and Lund ; ways and means, :Mrs. Har-man Van Slyke; refreshments. [00mbermen Support Fxtemion u g,o"ama-e"- Mrs. WilliamStock; and program, Wildlife Mrs. A. G. Lnnd. Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Osten. Forest Panlings JimMiSs VonKathYostenElliS'andMr'daughterand MrS.en. Of Puedo Rico n Lum b erShi ppi ng Subje©t Of Study joyed a most pleasant day at the Westeru Washington Fair on Tues- Lumbermen and port officials A five-year study of wildlife day of last week. from Oregon, Washington and damage to new forests in Wash- NIr. and Mrs. Dick Baumgart- California today sought the con- ington and Oregon was launched ner and children and Mr. and Mrs. tiz aed right to compete with for- today in Corvallis, Ore. Walt Marigeau and daughter en- ell h mills for the Puerto Rican W. S. Looney, managing forest- joyed spending the weekend at lu: ber market. er of Simpson Timber Company's the ome of Mr. and :Mrs. Sam The Senate Merchant Marine Olympic Tree Farm is chairman Clements. committee heard testimony in sup- of a special committee heading Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell had port of legislation that would ex- the study nnder sponsorship of dinner with :Mr. and :Mrs. Har- tend the current, one-year privY- the Northwest Forest Test Action vey Wolfe of Lakewood on Wed- ege of U.S. shippers to use foreign Council. nesday to help celebrate Harvey's vessels for transportation to Puer- The project will be carried out birthday, to Rico. It is the only domestic by four public agencies and nine Miss Kathy Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. market in which the U.S. l'orth- p'rivate timber companies, includ- Jewel Von Oaten, Mr, and Mrs. west can compete evenly on the ing Simpson. It will attempt to Carl Hirsch and Mr. and Mrs. Jim high seas with British Columbia place a dollar figure on nibbIing Von Osten enjoyed a wonderful lumber. by animals on hand planted Doug- dinner of Japanese food at the los Fir and Ponderosa Pine. Bush Gardens in Seattle. THE LEGISLATION has been introduced by Sens. :Magnuson and - Jackson of Washington and Neu- berger of Oregon. The Western Forest Industries ! .,.. Association, Portland, led the test- |  imony by stating that extension of SAV "*" :: ............ :,v:::::.. ! ":1- O A N competitive water tranportation- ;;:;:;:::::::::::::::i.:;:.::.:a:::.:$ to Puel%o Rico was of extreme $100 ,'''':'-!!'::i!:!i .._ .:::, ".!!' ": S T  O N industryimp°rtanCein tOthetheu.s.CargONorthwest.lumber ,Rz!iz;., ,za& The WFIA represents more than 100 mmuffacturers of lumber pro- Last year a thrifty goup ,-Americans re- Suets in the regina. ceived more than three :billiofi:ollars in extra Leonard B, Netzorg, WFIA gen- eral counsel, said that in 1950 income. A fortunate fiw? No! They're the practically all lumber shipped thirty-five million people who save and earn from the west coast of North America to Puerto Rico was from with the Savings and Loan Associations of v.s. mills. By 1961, this '70-rail- America. Each year a growing number of suc- lion board foot market didn't use cessminded savers build personal security the "a single stick from Oregon, Wa- shington or California", due large- savings and loan way. No wonder the Savings ly to cheaper water shipping rates that the Canadians could obtain and Loan Associations of America are now one on the world charter market. hundred billion dollars strong! We invite you PUERTO RICO is not a big to learn more about this uniquely American market, Netzorg said,-but the op- portunity to compete evenly for business and how ygu can become a part of it. its markets has resultbd in re- gained jobs for loggers, millwork- Let us explain how easy, profitable and safe it ers. longshoremen nd stevedores. Actually more than 5-million is to save regularly, board feet was shipped during the Your Savings at Current Annual Rates EARN DIVIDENDS AT 4¼ °/o Compmmded four times Annually WE ARE NOW PAYING THIRD QUARTER DIVIDENDS Shelton Branch Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Associathn Home Offiae Branch Office Branch Office 5th & Capitol Way 313 Railroad Ave. Market Square Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash Lacey, Wash. provision gave mills a chance to compete with Canadians for at least one. small market. Spike said. and as a result Grays Harbor had moved a shipment to the Island during the summer. The one-year's competition "brought back a market relatively small but important to our North- west lumber economy," stated Gene W. Sibold, manager, Port of Olympia. That port's facilities were developed so tbat ocean ves- sels could service tidewater mills. he said: yet tonnage has dropped 60 per cent in two years because these mills could not compete in the domestic cargo lumber market with Canadian producers using low-cost foreign vessels. year. despite the delays caused by lengthy qualification procedures and in reestablishing sales out- lets according to Earnest Park. president of the Brightwood Lum- ber Company, Arcata, Calif. Be- tween February and July, the U.S. west coast regained 7 per 'cent of the market "our best showing since 1957", he said. Dave James. Simpson Timber Co., told the committee that re- trictions forcing U.S. shippers to use American vessels for inter- coastal trade caused Simpson to lose two-thirds of its U.S. Atlan- tic Coast cargo lumber market. and its entire Puerto Rican mar- ket in just three years. The season of even e-"tKion to Puerto Rico has proved that in equal competition with Canadian d |I producers we can sell lumber and thereby provide lobs essential to the U.S. economy.:" James said. Simpson hipped orders for 1.5 million boari feet to the Caribbean Island during 1963. Henry E. Spike, Port of Grays Haibor. Aberdeen, told the com- mittee that operition of mills in tbe area" had been adversely ef- fected by Canadian production--so much so that domestic cargo lum- ber shipments had declined 35 per cent since 1961. The Puerto Rican AT I DARIGOLD START TH BACK.TO-SCHOOL healthy, happy, strong and alert with Darigold Milk. They need at least 3 glasses every day! YOUR DOOR OR FAVORITE STORE Fire Closures Lifted In Olympic F0resl The Forest Service announced this week that all fire closures were lifted on the Olympic Na- tional Forest effective at mid- night September 20. Dger in the woods is not ex- treme and this lifting of restric- tions will make all areas of the forest available for hunting and other uses this fall. It is hoped that mild and fairly safe fire weather will continue so that the areas can remain open. The ,ureas opened on the Quil- cene Dist. are Big Quilcene River 5-P, Bon Jon Pass 6-P. Eddy Creek 7-P, McDonald Creek 8-P. and Tunnel Creek 10-P. On the Shelton District the opened areas are South Fork Skokomish River l-P, Baker Creek 2-P. Spoon Creek 3-P. Camp Grisdale 4-P. The Sole- duck District had one small closed area on Beaver Ridge 9-P which is also opened by this action. Qui- nault and Hoodsport Districts did z:ot have fire close, re areas this summer. Drivers Cautioned To Walch Out. For School Children All drivers of Post Office ve- hicles have been cautioned to be especially careful since the start of school has brought the young- sters out on the streets as they go to and from school Postmast  er 5-ark Gray said. This would also be a good time to remind all drivers that they must drive with extra 'caution since the start of school, he said Gray commented that one idea being tried out by the Post Office on its vehicles is a reflector which allows the driver to see" directly ih front of the vehicle. Although there are no vehicles from the Shelton Post Office in the tests, he said, if it proves successful in other areas, it probably will be adopted by the Post Office Depart- ment for all vehicles. The idea originated with an em- ployee who rigged up a reflector on his vehicle from a pot lid, and then turned the idea in as a sug- gestion to postM authorities. County Booth Wins Most Coveted Rate At Puyallup Fair CONFUSING--A recently-completed State Highway project to channelize traffic at the intersection of Highway 101 and First Street has proved to be confusing. Motorists northbound on the highway have to make a 90-degree left hand turn onto a short section of road while southbound motorists continue to follow the curve which was the route of the Highway for both lanes of traffic before. Numerous instances have been reported in which out-of-town motorists have missed the sharp curve in (he north bound lane. In an attempt to correct this. three curve s=gns have been erected. The State Highway Department said the change was made because of a traffic hazard from motorists southbound on First Street trying to get onto the Highway. Obituaries Barbara Campbell Called By Death The funeral service for Barbara J. Campbell, Rt. 3 Box 271 was herd at i1 a.m. Saturday at the Batstone Funei'al Home. Rev. Lew- is Wysong conducted the rites. Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. Mrs. Campbell passed away last Thursday in a 19cal hospital She was born April 22, 1928 in Bucoda, Washington and had made her home in Mason County the past 11 years. Sm'vivors include her husband, :Merton B., Shelton; a son. Ray V., and a daughter, Jeanie. both of the family home: her mother. Mrs. Dora Krupp, Bucoda, Wash.: and one sister, :Mrs. Sylvia Bower, Bu- coda. Funeral Saturday For Dorothy Pugh The funeral service for Dorothy Pugh, 67. Hoodsport. will be held at 2 p.m, Saturday at the C. (2. Mellinger Funeral Home in Taco- ma. Burial will be in Mr. View Cemetery. Mrs. Pugh passed away Tues- day in a Tacoma hospital. She was born in Tacoma and lived there until moving to Hoodsport in 19( 56. She is survived by two brothers, Lesley O. Dickens. Roy, Wash.. and Charles Z. Dickens San Diego, Calif.: two sisters. Mrs. Mollie Conger, Tacoma. and Mrs. Cora M. Musto. Seattle; and many nieces and nephews. Three-Year-01d Dies In Alaska Ty Rowsey, 3-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Heubert Rowsey, died in a hospital in "Wasilla Alas- ka Monday following a short ill- ness. The Rowsey family lived in Shelton before moving to Alaska shortly following the child's birth. Survivors besides his parents in- clude two brothers. Rodney anl Timmy, and a sister. Cheryln, at the family home; paternal grana- father, Mr. William Rowsey, Sea] Beach. Calif. and maternal grana- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Quinccy, Illinois. Leroy Newman, 48 Dies In Aberdeen Leroy Newman. 48. died Satur- day at an Aberdeen hospital after an extended illness, Mr, Newman, Who was born at Gravette, Ark., lived in Shelton from 1944 until he moved to the Harbor in 1960 where he was employed by Ray- onier Incorporated until he became ill a year ago. He was a veteran of World War II. a member of Calvary Lutheran church, tbe Pulp Workers Local 169 and Aberdeen Post 224. VFV. The funeral service was held at I p.m. Tuesday from the Elerding chapel in Aberdeen. Interment was in the IOOF Cemetery, Olympia at 3:15 p.m. Surviving are his widow. Mar- guerite, at the home. 5908 Kar- jala Road; a son. William M.. and a daughter. Linda Sue, both at the home: his parents. :Mr. and Mrs. William R. Newman. Jay, Okla.: five sisters. Mrs. Edwin \\;Viebold and Mrs. Gerald Roberts. both of Gresham Ore., Mrs. Eldon Neilson. Bridal Veil. Ore.. Mrs. Lorraine Larson. "Vinita. Okla.. and Mrs. Gerald Fields. Grove, Okla. Among Your Merchants HUGH WILSON I{.ETIRES AFTIR 22 YEARS HERE Twenty-two vears of serving Mason County shoppers comes o an end this Saturday for Hugh rilson. presently with Miller's men's department in Shelton. Twenty-five fellow employees of Miller's gathered at the Hood Ca- nal home of manager Bob Keenan last Sunday for a retirment party and presented Wilson with an all- transistor radio as a farewell gift. rilson began his service in this community in the old City Market owned by Jack Bichsel. working 10 years there, then joined the Lum- bermen's Mercantile meat depart- merit when the City Market closed. He transferred to the men's de- partment when the L.M. went out of the food business after a short stint i the L.M.'s MeCleary store/ and stayed with the store when it became Miller's early this year. Sunday's retirement party was given him on his 65th birthday. SURVIVOR OMITTED In last week's story of the death of Ham Hyatt. early-day Shelton baseball star who graduated to fame in the major league, the name of Iris widow was nninten- tionally omitted. She was a Shel- ton girl at the time of her mar- riage, :May Connolly, sister of Vin Connolly of Shelton. Use Journal Want Ads High Sept. 18 .............. 75 Sept. 19 ............. 77 Sept. 20 ............. 79  Sept. 21 .............. 72 Sept. 22 ............. 63 Sept. 23 ............. 68 Sept,. 24 .............. 75 Letter Gem Volunteer A lettar their swift action a fire lm been County Fire Dr. and M:rs. wrote "we are very the vohmtary who responded efficiency on the fire in onr home. a feeling of Dr. and Mrs. they had recently son County after a many years. Mt. Me F.$  No. 11 Stated SATURD . SEPT. 28 Glen R. Arnold Cteney, SHOES BUCKET SEAT L FOR MEN '99r9 WOMEN AND TEEN-AGE '3 99 TO '699 CHILDRENS SHOES STRAPS AItD OXFOIlII$ 00499' TO S699 THE BOOTERY "Shoes For The Entire Family" NOW At Kimbel's - - - 1964 Chrysler, Plymouth, Valiant We Want You To See These Exceptional New 1964 Models! 0 On display will be the Valiant 200 I Newly-Styled 1964 Chrysler is Mason County's agricultural ex- hibit at the Puyallup Fair came up with the most coveted award of all when it was adjudged firS! in the arrangement category. It also took fourth in the ex- hibit category. Basically, the arrangement was the same as that which won first  Plymouth Fury place at the Mason County fair last month for Twanoh G'range,  dr. hardtop but modified to include a 60th an- niversary theme (Puyallup Fair's 60th year).  Chrysler Newport, Work on the booth was done by the Twanoh Grange fair com- mittee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dishon, chairmen, Emma Daht. Helen Yoshihara, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lopriore, assisted by other members of the grange. The committee wishes to thank all who helped make this booth mlch a success. i . : .::+ .: VALIANT--'64 STYLE ....... ...,. ;i:! !: : ,vx u ,:.:.'. I.,:..: :" ..::.  Kimbel Motors inc. 707 $. Fire