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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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26. 1963 mpani Institution heard an ex- the new Wash- Center will op- meeting last Ernest Timpani, will be the Corrections ]lext year. Rotarians is the anywhere in the ¢ h'om 150 to 250 civil service a payroll el the problem ot inmates. Supt. ROtarians, will to change do this we the he said. canses are lack ot aid lack ot Should be from and by the es- arly age oi to eacll school- the 12th arts and oc- Will be availa- Center, Supt. out, with stress d religion in ortsrnan- wogram the is funda- In sum- 'talent plus Stlecess' ", he Want Ads L gIIELTON--MA0N COUNT: JOURNAL--Publiched ill eeChrLt,masfown, U.g.A.", GOLF CLUB CALENDAR I)OIIERTY SVINS TEACtlERS GOLF TOURNEY SATURDAY" Shelton faculty members init- iated a new activity last weekend when the first teachers golf tour- nament was held on the Shelton- BayshoPe golf course Saturday. Jim Dohertv. varsity basketball coach won it" with his low gross 82. Music teacher Gary Nicloy was second aL 88. Junior high coach Jerry Knutson had low net at 69 Vo while high gross went to Dick Morton at 130, Lee Rhodes was closest to the pin on No. 3 and Andy Tuson, varsity golf coach, had the longest drive on No. 4. besting junior high coach Valt Clayton. Knutson took a specml award for hitting most balls into Johns Creek. Other teachers entered included By Deffinbaugh, Joe Borek, Jack Swanson George Hermes. Don Jo- sephson, and Don Brown. * -: =3 PRICE, DANIELS WINNERS IN 19Ih HOLE CO,IPETITION In a points competition based on bogeys, pars. birdies and eagles, Buck Price and Bean Daniels came out winners in their divisions as the men's 191h Hole Club held its first fall session last week. Thirty-five members of the club enjoyed another of the superlative fried chicken dinners served by the Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority girls, A short business sesmon fol- lowed, conducted by vice president Andy Tuson. 2-BALL FOURSOME ATTRACTS BIG ENTRY Despite threatening weather, 24 persons tm'ned out for Sunday's mixed 2-ball foursome, second of the year. and the pothtck dinner following in the Bayshore club- house. Prize winners were Sue Dan- iels and Rocky Hembroff. Martha Cole and Ken Broughton, Nita Kimbel and Ray Rice--first, sec- EAL FUEL • CLEAN $ QUIET • DEPENDABLE • REQUIRES NO STORAGE Forget soiied drapes and curtains, smudgy woodwork and windows: forget noisy motors and pumps; forget worry over "how many inches in the tank"; forget the bother of large bulk purchases and storage... IF you use natural gas. NATURAL GAS end and third low gross: Betty Olson and Bob Wueneh. Alice Mor- rissey and Jack Kimbel- first and second low net. Another mixed 2-ball is sched- uled Oct. 6 at 3:00 p.m. with the nnderstanding that if weather does not permit golf, indoor games will be played, followed by the usual potluck dinner. Non-playing mem- bers are invited to join. and guests sre also welcome. DINNER-DANCE SATURDAY IIE(EIVES COM I'IAIVEN'r S Last Saturday night's dinner- dance, first fall social event for Shelton Golf Clttb members, drew many compliments from the goocl crowd attending. The clubhouse was decorated in a Georgian motif, prime rib of beef featured the dinner menu, and very danceable music complet- ed the evening, Congratulations were extended to the committee in charge, headed by Ruth and Andy Tuson. assisted by'itlTh and Bob Turner. Barbara and Bud Pauley, Verda and Walt Elliott. :!: :.': :t: SEMI-FINALISTS SET IN FEMININE TOURNEY It will be Ann Oorrea against Helen Rice and Nita Kimbel ag- ainst Virginia Bayley in the semi- finals of the women's fall golf tournament. The ha(rings were set up -- Ann keat Ruth Heuston and Nita beat Jean Yeager Tuesday and Helen beat Joan McComb yesterday. Vir- ginia had already earned her semi- final spot. MelNELLY FLIGHT CIIAMP By defeating Ivan Myers last week. L. L. McInelly won the third flight title in the men's champion- ship golf tournament. The fourth flight croxrn is still to be settled between Laurie Carl- son and Bud Patlley. Shelton -- Phone 426-8433 Corn Fertilization Tests Viewed On Tour Salty Sashayers Cancel Dance The Salty Sashayer Square Dance Club m cancelling its reg- itlar dance this Saturday as there is a Council dance to be held in the Tacoma armory. Stan Rice and Ray Lindcnatt will be the cal- lers. Th=u'e will be after-dances and Bennie Berndson will be cal- ling at one of these. Bennie and Hilda Berndson have extended the time fro' newcomers to join lle square dance lessons for at least one more week. Any- one wanting more information should eontaet Clarence Grtmert at 426-8332. GRANGE LEAGUE V L Skokomish ........................ 11 5 Matlock .............................. 10V2 5 Agate .................................. 10 6 Shelton Valley .................. 9 61,,.I_, Patrons .............................. 6 91 Cloqttalhtm ...................... 6]/ 9% Pomona .............................. 5 1I Southslde ........................... 11 High games--Nancy Beckwith 183. Henry Cook Jr. 222. High series Nancy Beckwith 458, Henry Cook Jr. 563. : :!= -'t: Skokomish 4 tDutch Stanely 515), Pomona 0 (Henry Cook Jr. 563); Cloqnallum 3. (Jim Sauer 467), Shelton' Valley , (Lad Simpson t911: Agate 3 (Max Mik- kelsen 468). Patrons 1 (Joe Simp- son 474l; Matlock 3 {Jim Ross- maier 509), ;Southside 1 (Carl Emsley 460). Interested farmers from Mason Connty viewed the results of corn fertilizer tests on the Stan John- son farm in the Skokomish Valley _31'!l__Aij'P°':}. "_ ............ 9/26 It To Late To O!assi!y i . i GIANT BENEFIT AUCTION -- el Exceptional Foresters. Friday, Sat- urday, Sunday Oct. ,1-5-6 at Excep- tional Foresters headquarters, Shel- during a tour Tuesday. Results of the tests show that yields of corn for ensilage can be increased substantially by the use of fertilizer. Charles Peck. county extension agent, said. He said the interest in growing corn for ensilage in this area has increased as new varieties of hy- brids have been developed which are better adapted to the Western Washington climate• Johnson explained his corn pro- gram, including information of fertilization and weed control. Results of alfalfa tests in the valley indicate that use of potas- sium and ph0spliorus fertilizers are not the answer in this area, Peck said. The tour also included the, alfalfa plots. ATTEND CONVENTION Four members of Local 3-38, International Woodw, orkers of Am- erica, attended the IXVA Inter- national convention in Vancouver, B.C.. last week. Attending were Robert Whitmarsh. business ag- ent: Earl Jagnow, financial secre- tary; ;WalL" Swinhart, trustee, and Odell Richey, head shop steward at the Simpson Insulating Board Plant. DOES A $14.000 FAMILY INCOMEin terest you? Investigate , this exc.el- lent money-nmker. A Mr. and Mrs. operation, Established 17 yefirs. Own- ers have it made; retiring. No Real Emate to buy; just business and equipmeul.. Books open only to a ser- ious buyer. $2.500 down, balance on easy ter.s. Plus small inventory. See John Devereaux. 426-4666. Eves. : 426-8544. LaBissoniere Agency, 119 So. 4th St., Shelton. Wash. L 9/26 LXN--SisXR---OiL---I:INA-T-R:--'250 gallon oil tank. both for $60. Phone 426-6632. N 9/26 tfn IIOI'SEV('IVE I,EAG I'E V L Shelton Union Service .... 11 5 Ronnie's ............................ 11 5 Mell Chevrolet .................. S 8 Shelton Marine Supply __ 7 ].', 8 w Jim Pauley, Inc ............... 7 9 Hood Canal Marina .... 7 9 B & W Marina ................. 6U, 9 .', Bali's Food Center. ......... ti 10 High game- Jen Tratnick 235. High series-Ginny Dndas 494. Ronnie's 4 IVirginia Dtmdas 494. Jim pauley, Inc. 0 Cleo Hu- let and Ellen Rcbman. each 457): B & W Marina 2,5 Jenny Trat- nick 4651. Shelton Marine 11 i Sylvia Fonzo 399 : Shelton Un- ion Service 2 ,Stella Howard 48,1) Hood Canal Marina 2. (Noreen Stevens 4701 ;Ball's Food.. Center 2 (Gladys Olsoe d4"2). Metl Che- vrolet 2 ,Hazel Hansmeier 387). MIXED 'IOI'ILIOM E *W Board Busters .................. ff Timber Ducks .................. 8 V2 What's Next ...................... 7 b', Odd Balz ............................ 6 Tvisters ............................ 6 Pin Bimters .................... 4 !-h Knock Outs ...................... 4 3 DAYS ONLY! BEGINS OCT. 3-4,5 BUILD BABY'S' • - r . ALBUM00WITH I -'--. Beautiful 5x" "' ifor only • ggll: Jlghts " .=  "J " get . . .J" natural smiles. po _ - - ...... your wth a beaff2 nzm photo, ...,,worth more than a thousand words." Get a completely finished photograph for only ,59.' You will not be urged to buy but if you wish the remaining posesthey'ra yours zor 1.35 for the first, t.25 for l the 2nd and It;1 for any additional I A LIMff 5 y arK.0ne or two childr Exclusively At Penney's per family will be photographed ingl s Hours: 9:30-5:30 f0r.l..¢ each for the first picture. a¢_ll aaam0na child under five, 1.0;r-72- helton. Washington New Slate Of Officers For JOG The Aln-m t.m'ke Jmior OrtDo pedic Guild held its first meeting Sel)t. 17 al the hoF(le of Mrs. Leo Young, the Kroul)'S new leader. Officers were chosen from the regular men, hers of last year. Lin- da Younp" was elected president: Ilenc \\;Vatson. wee president; Mel- ody Moran. secretary; and Ted- di Travis. tres, Sller, The guild is planning a bottle drive this S:iturday begimlinff at I0 a.m. There are 15 reo'ular memhcrs. Any high school girl who is in- teresied in joining is asked to call Mr's. Les Young or get in touch with' Linda Young or Ilene Watson at school. Meetings will be held tle first and third Tuesdays of lhc month, L WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL 3 %V "IU2 Kelly Furnitm'e .................... 12 4 Bill's Shell Service ............. 12 6 Gott's Oilerettes .................. 9 6 Riehfield Oil .......................... 7 7 ,', Darigold ................................ 7 8 Allyn Shell Service .............. 7 Strippers ............................ 2} 9A Ming Tree Cafe .................. 6 High games--Clyde Landsaw Eells & Valley ...................... 4 240. Gerry Lou Geist 169. Higl totals--Clyde Landsaw 557. Lorna Churchill 459. Twisters 3 (Don Knudsen 472), Timber Ducks I (Clyde Landsaw 557); What's Next 3 I Hank Boy- sen 4691; Strippers 1 (Henry Cook Jr. 461/; Board Busters 3 tLorna Churchill 459; Pin Bust- ers 1 (Gene Geist 443; Knock Outs-3 t Dean Smith 539); Odd Balz 1 (Del Hartwell 532), MR. & MRS. LEAGUE IV L J & S Service .................. 9 3 Stock's Grocery ................ 7 5 Griffey Bros. Const ......... 7 5 Bolevils .............................. 7 5 Eaerett Lumber .............. 6 6 Gutter Snipes .................. 4A 7% Team No. 2 ........................ 4 8 Allyn Shell Service ........ 31..5 8 High games--.Cleo Hulet 182, Roy Petty 214 High series--Cleo Hulet 484, Bill Staudt 593, Eacrett Lumber 4 (Eldon Todd 531). Team Two 0 Bob Battles 404); Griffey Bros. 3 (Harvey Griffey 457), Allyn Shell 1 (Jim Von Osten 428); J & J Service 3 Frank Marler 4941. Bolevils 1 (Wayne Robinson 4681 ; Stock's Grocery 3 (Joe Engen 529}. Got- tel' Snipes 1 (Bill Staudt 593), SAVINGS BOND SALES Savings bond sales in Mason NEEI)--EXTRA MONEY? The Daily Connty during August were $4,812 Olympian is accepting applications according to. L. i, Carlson. county for aLIIO route delivery drivers in Mason County. Union-Hoodsport res- savings bond chairlnan. Total sales (dents hest bet. Must have car and be over 30 years of age. either man m  woman. Call 426-8188 or drop in 4 4 7 9 9 9 10 12 High game--Betty Volden 181. High total--Joyce ])ion 517. Split picks--Helen Ogden 5-10. Adair Neau 6-7. Ming Tree 4 (Helen Bloomfield 469), Eells & Valley 0 Juiie Cole= man 416; Bill's Shell 4 ('Helen Ogden 461), Allyn Shell 0 (Joyce Dion 517) ; Kelly Furniture 3 (Jean Ream 476), Richfield Oil 1 (Mar- garet Tobler 452) ; Par(gold 3 CAd- air Neau 469), Gott's Oilerettes I (Tip Franklin 442), FRATERNAL LEAGUE w L Moose Antlers ...................... 10 2 Kiwanis Club ...................... 9 3 Ftlller Construction .......... 8 4 Eagles Aerie ...................... 7 5 Bull Moose .......................... 5 7 Lions Club ............................ 4 8 Shelton Hardware .............. 3 9 Rotary Club ........................ 2 10 High game. Jim Shrnm 234. High total---Jim Shrum 575 Fuller 4 (Floyd Fuller 5571. Ea- gles 0 Lionel Leman 525); Ki- wanis 4 (Rudy Ollman 497). Shel- ton Hardware 0 ILarry Lyle, Frank Willard each 448 : Lions 4 (Chuck White 557), Bull Moose 0 [Bill Wilgon 558): Moose Ant- lers 3 ,Ccc Crow 526). Rotary 1 Jim Shrum 575. $5,270,372. at The Daily Olyml)ian office. 105 R.I. Ave.. between 9 a.ln, and 5 p.m. to make applications. 9/26 )R--SIE -Z--Spark--Oil-Heater witt{ draft regulator, $20, Phone 426-3218. B 9/26 Legal Publications , |= ('ALL FOR BIDS Seated proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. City tIall. Shelton. Washington until 11:00 a.m. on ]Monday, Octo'er 7. 1963. at which time 1hey will bc publicly opened and read ahmd by the City Clerk-Treasurer. for: Yob No. 6304-A C%nstruction of Storm Sewers and surface inlets on Pioneer Way from Euclid Ave. to University Ave. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities, CITY OF SItELTON ALMA K. CATTO. Clerk-Treasurer 9/26 10/3 2t STATE LAND FOR LEASE Application No. 56697 40 acres of State land in Clallam Coun- tY to bc leased for brush picking pro'- poses. Lease period fronl October 11. 1963 to March 1. 1971. Mintnmm an- nual rental $20.00. Public auction to be hcld Octot)r 11, 1963 al 10:00 a.m. at the Clal h'ml County Courthouse. A copy of the lease containing all re- quirements is 1)osted at the Depart- nwnt of Resources Office in Port Angeles: the Clallam County Auditor's Office: and the office of RERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands P, ox 110 Olyn Dia, Washington 9/26 It STATE LANDS FOR LEASE Apl)lieation No..56646 160 a('r,s of State land ill Thurston County to be leased for brush Dieking l)urposes. Lease period from October 11, 1963 to March 1. 1971. Minimnnt an- nual rental $60.00. Public auction to be hehl Oclol)er 11, 1963 at 10:00 a.m. at the Thurston County Courthouse. A cop.'," of the lease containing all" re- quirementa is posted t th "r ' " a e Depart- ment of Natural Resources Office in Thurston District; the Thurston Coun- ty Auditor's office; and the office of BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands Box 110 Olympia, Washington 9/26 It NOTICE OF RUDGET IIEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Conunissinners of the PORT OF SHELTON have completed and placed on file their preliminary budget for the fiscal year of 1964 and a copy lhereof may be obtained by on tax- l)ayer af the following address: The Ford Garage at 5th & Raih'oad, Tbc Board of Commissioners of Said Port of Shelton will meet at 12 p.m. on October 7. 1963 at Ford Garage for the purpose of fixing and ndopting said budget. Any taxpayer nmy appear at the above mentioned time and place and bc beard for or against any part of said budgcl. Dated at Shelton, Washington this 19th day of Seph,tnber 1963. JAMES A. PAULEY. Chairman 9/26 10/3 21 • TAJ1, LAND FOR LEASE PPficatlon No. 56857 160 acres j,f State land in Mason Coun- tS" to be Jeased for brush picking pur- poses. ease period from October 4, 1963 to 1areh 1, 1971. Minimum an- nual (nt $4000 "  • - Public auction to be held October 4, 1963 at 10:00 a.m. at the Mason County Courthouse. A copy of the lease containing all re- quirements is Posted at the Depart- inent ot atulal" Resour. ces elf'.ice in" Shelton: the lXasou Courtly Auditor's Office: and the office of EERT L, C'0"E Commismoner of Public Lands Box 110 Olylnpia. Washington 9/26 it NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing Mason County Warrants are called for payment at the office of the Treasurer of said County, and that in- tcrqt-,wil!_e_ease September 26 1963" FUND ..... -- ......... Warrant Nos. 133 to .... 1.n inclusive. (SEAL) 9/26 It Adult Education Glasses Due Monday Next Monday brings the start of another period of adult edu- cation evening classes. There is sill[ time to register for courses, reports director Frank Willard. Typing, bookkeeping, and drivers' training--three regular favorites--are available• Other classes will be made np if sl.fffic- lent numbers de,ire them. Frill information can be obtained by calling \\;Villard nt the Reed school bnilding. PACE 3 TOUR STOPS HERE Sheltoa was the luneh stop for about 80 Canadians from Vmmou- ver Island as they started a tour of the U.S, West Coast last Fri- day. The group, traveling in two chartered busses, will visit points of interest in Washington, Oregon. Califmia, Utah. Nevada and Ari- zona during their 16-day trip. The group, the Capital City Travel Club. is directed by Q. A. Heller, Victoria. B.C. The gr'oup had come across th ferry to Port Angeles earlier in the day and stopped here for hmeh about 1:15 p.m. CORRECTION The blanket in our ad on page 11 of this Journal should be: 72 x 84 dual Control double bed size $12.77 J. C. PENNEY -- 3rd & Railroad WEEK.END SPECCIALS reg. SALE price PRICE 69© POUDENT POWDER 4Sc . • a . . . • . • 65c BROMO SELTZER 43c . . I I . . • I I i • I 98o INSEOT BOMB 49© • . • | • • . ' • R H . | 39c PLASTIG BABY PANTS.,,......19c 45c KOTEX 12s .,,.....,,... 31c ir i . m n 2.00 LUSTRE GREAM SHAMPOO... $1.39 53© IPANA TOOTH PASTE.....,.. 37© i , , 500 Sheets I 29 FILLER PAPER 89© . . | . . . . . . . . . McConkey DRUG CENTER Evergreen Square Phone 426-3456 Mattress oi- box spring TWIN OR FULL SIZE Choose from smooth-top, quilted-top, or button,tufted; prebuilt or streamlined borders; 311 have hundreds of coils, heavy duty insulation, fine innerspring construction, Come, see these big sleep values, today! SM-29,1963 I I IIIII I II ULA O LENGTH, INNER- n /U SPRING OR LATEX,* "r w FIRM OR EXTRA FIRM AT NO EXTRA COSTI eFoam IS ex mattress sold 0nly with metching toundat on. KELLY FURNITURE NEW ! 30% stronger Serta-Edgel NEW! Comfort Quilted surface! NEW! High fashion damask ticking ! NFW I hnproved Sertaliner con- structon for healthful su lpori; I • 1st & Mill St. • 426-2411 Serta"Perfect Mattress New! Comfort Quilted Mattress or box spring TW{N OR FULL SIZE GROUP ! Thrifty price plus real sleeping conlfort Pleases No mall or phone orders... All sales flnal Mattress or box spring TWIN OR FULL SIZE 0069so GIlOIJP Firm support for/ relaxing sleep tIIOIRP 3 Extra Firmness, and supreme luxury HO money down LOW monthly payments Clearanee of odds and ends S Many few of a kinds 0000lis- maCehed sets*. Odd, box springs! Some are floor samples." Diseontinued pa¢00erns! And everyone is a first" qualHy, famous produe00! I I