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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eptember 26, 1963 In Brown Home At Dayton  Recently Married Couple , .Y ga a • , • • t°rmg his niece, and her; boys called. e recently wed, Mr. ] Mr. and Mrs. George Senn, San arl Nukala Mr Nu-] Rafael, Calif., called on his grand- akiag a career of the mother, Mrs. J. W. Stoner Sun- r'!l be stationed in. day. i',. Ukala is at present Mrs. Clifford Ford of Lake Nah- , Lacey but expects watzel and Mrs.' Gertrude Scott Sband shortly. Guests dined Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. D =ere Mr. and Mrs. Harry Calkins. a n¢l Mr. ,and Mrs. Tuesda dinner gaaests of Mr" , o1: Tacoma, Mr ' Y ' ' John o - .. " and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Mr. and a-, -: reeKpaum, ac- Mrs  M "wn,.- Bov Mima • m l-les ........... ' --" ' - *° s, Olympia, the .ield -,,.. .- %d Sally Einarsson is the happy [t al00"AX' ''"  owner of a five-year-old blue roan Ufle Mcifielnd ' r" and Morgan mare. She plans on using ., llo0mfiold fh an- Blue in barrel racing and other :ge famil,,'-'the'Jo'-- events at the playdays. % a, , • ."Y, Mr. and Mrs Gee Richard Woodall, PicRertng Pass d children, and Mr: spent last week with the Merlin ,l Hall. Rickards family. eMlers in the home of Mrs Thelma Howard, Issaquah, . James Dougherty was overrighL guest of Saturday ,. Mrs. Justin The•a- Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard. aldren -Lost Lake and 1M[R. AND M]gS. JERRY Bloom- )rs., Donald Leith' and field are aaow living at South Bay ." nelton. and had his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Y Cole fan|q,, ,e C, he. Pete Bloomfield and family, as ." Stndav in "Ythe" home Sunday dinner guests. i t,  ':and Mrs. W,- SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 7 eath lakes Former Urapevlew Kesmnt Hrs. uon venneera  ! _ ... _ former neighbors of Mrs Don last Friday and pronounced highly Oass at the Grapeview school is (an This may facilitate and speed  - - -- v -,- Pennebera ,verc ,addencd ]st atisfact(,rr. rhi lastes addition ,lSS Ciareen I-ansen, delighter c) t]c Chrltnlas load. I , .'.,..T .T.I..,. week by the news of her passing, to the Engen household came com- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hansen, who I Spending the weekend with Mr. '[..,  t *"==' ....... "-'": Death" came .... suddenly to Mzs. Pen- I plete, wltn" moto" and xatc, " skis have recently, moved into the home., a'nd M's. HemT Kruize Sr., was -- _  , ,_,=,,-, -,-,][:.ff'-l" **,L,.,I&T-|. nebera of a heart attack Friday and was purchased from the En- of the late Oscar Staid. Ken, who IMrs ' Kruize's brother Albert Of- i evening while she was serving on Igens' houseguests of last week, is the son of Mrs. Laura Hansen, ]son, mid his bride, 'the former   ,  _ A a committee for the Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rounds of has brought his family, which in- [ lsabelle Saunders of Hoquiam, ON HONOR ROLL , *  the Nile, prior to their meeting] Hayward, Calif. On a sudden de- eludes one other child, a boy, from i ..... Donald V. Stoppler, ShelLon i ]Lm] lU[m -[ in Seattle's main Masonic Temple. cision, Joe and Reg left Grapeview Montana, with plane to make a / ',':*.., ..... _ -'----- was among the students on the I ........ |- ...... She was 73. ] Wednesday noon, drove to Hay- permanent home here. He is pres-[ [| r[ ][ summer quarter honor r011 at the I MUSIC BY THE The Penneberas had recently wm'd, trailered the boat back, ar- ently employed in Shelton. Vtel-] ..................... University of Washingt0i. [ TUN c -rep€ ..... i • i.. av r I.. | i .] sold their home here at Grapeview r]vmg home Friday mornmg. Af- come to our fan- commumty. ] HMA ,| .|| . ] after 17 years residence and had ter a short rest, the fellows had Grapeview was well represented] He aenue uu ] ,- moved to an apartment on Park-- the outfit cruising around our lo- last Sunday naorning when St.1 PREACHING RALLY AT TH a ] --- ----. • de' Dz"ve m" Bremel'ton. eal waters. No wasted motion David's Episcopal. church .in Shel- !. CHR STIAN.. .............. CHURCH " Tl. II,. ,1 ax, ....... ,.  - - -onn there! ton held its annual Confwmatmn! T,nv I • -. .. servme. Brahe Wflham Les .... in Bluffdale, Tex., movmg to Se- A bnthday cclebrahon Monday c me from , p'" - i "- " The Chrmtlan Church is plan-I[ I h hT UhM¢ I hAM ] attle in 1907 and marrying Donald !ured Mr. mid Mrs. Walt Eckert ae,s ..... .ne,t°oglve:aelm" ning a Preaching Rally. The rally[I L'VW V| Illll|il- 1-Vll | Pennebera Nov 16 1535 In ad- [o Vaugnn zor the afternoon The  .......... r ....... ".-r ............ " ,,m h ,a , n .... ff,,,, ,h,,: [I I • • - reci ten f be of t e .lass whmh was large- . dtmn to bemg a past matron of . p L o congratulations and 1- -d-P  ...... r ............... day, startmg at 10 a.m. The tbeme/] ............................... [ Belfair Chapter Order of Eastern best wmhes from her many friends = :,- v:,"   u, of the rally will be, "JESUS ]J W 130'1[3131'10 -- IEMODELI | Star and a member of the Daugh- was Mrs. Margaret Freeborn, wno S']a_l_'%..';,.__;": .......... :. CHRIST IS LORD " 1 _ ..... | ters ofthe .Nile, she was a me.m- brved her 80th bn'thday at her Hoqmnla; aytgrm£nw n The speakers for tile even [1 rUl'l'lxS][] [ oer o e.alr veterans o 'ormgn • '- ..... ,, .... ,- - inehlde Marvel Dun'-ar n-'-h .... ' • • .... " tlCe(1 .vlrs. walter t_:la 3tOn, Jr., , u , ic tiu - • . Wars Auxlhary, The Order of Am- Welcome v,sltors at the Walter to drive down to see son Chief Owen and Virgil Grogax of Ta-tJ 6% On Reducing Balances --- No Commmsmn | aranth and of the Spastic Clinic Clayton Sr., home last Wednes- in his first ¢'ridito-" "o ...... coma Bo,,dL Lammiman of Kirk /I ,-,, I • • ' , " ' o """'°"" '  " " nar es Umt m Seattle. day and Thursday ,,ere Mr. Clay: season and she was well-rewarded land and Lewis E. Whitney, James/I g I Mrs John Clayton of Seattle Don, a brother, AI Paris, of Seattle ...:.: ... • . . . '. • only touchdown and also made the Seattle. t i Msn n vln • [an __a|]hln I end two sisters Mrs Una Ander- wmxe tile brothers ept busy lOg- *r'; f-" o '-* o-,,: ^-^-^ ........... /I • ,. !-.. www... I v--...  mwu svvvmamvmm l • ' " " '1 " " "  "y- vx'P " oaJ vHl.yvu t pru- Dinner WUl De serveo at the " son of Logan Okla. and Mrs. Ula gg and catching up on outrode game visit with Homfiam friend -h ..... ,- + .... "w, .... ho , ,. [| TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING I h has cnores, the ladms pulled a swtch , i¢Ianson in California. S e also . • - Mrs. Ralph Burgess, who served a vited to attend an,, ,art 'or all ot ]l SHELTON | her .ieee, :Mrs. Billie Fisher and ytaking to the.water for a l!tt!e delicious dinner after the game to the meeting a  [ • | lezttxLlOn anu O tly ou txlelI grana niece zona u lsner, or- . " " Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and man " I" " mer Grapeview residents who now fishmg gear. i of the hour Chief Clayton, giving , , , I i the Claytons a chance for a visit . Chester Chapman o[ &gate were Sun- l: rs irt the AIvia e. ien and brother, Mr. f Matlock visited lg With Mrs. Fred i% idd eall on Mr. iarles Churchill of Y afternoon and met , 0 " " lest, ]Ir. Ray Km rterville ualif. Mr. '?a a eighbor of tile ' Whea hey lived in Por- tRS. DON Brom- 's, Shelton. visited eing in the home 's. Darl Goldy. IOnday with Mrs. Vere Mrs. Etts Sher- era of Shelton. ze family motored Unday and attended .Wes Sloan Shel- eSday evening cal e of Mr. and Mrs. 11. visitors in the Tuesday, Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and DaHene accompanied by Mrs. Claude McIrvin motored to BeN lingham where Darlele will con- tinue her college study at West- ern State. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Sunday dinner guests in the Shel- ton home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd. Eldon Jr. left Tuesday for California. where he will be in training in the service. Mr. and Mrs. John Creek- paum, McCleary, called on the Joe C. Browns Saturday evening. Mrs. Merlin Rickards and girls visited Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Annie W]fitener, Kamilche and with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gib- ble on the Mill Creek Road. Friday, Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and guest Coco Morrison motored to Seattle for shopping. Coco re- turned to her home there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd and sons of Port Orchard were Sun- day callers in th L. A. Todd home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Brown and children visited in the Dan Brown home in Kamilche Thm'sday night and welcomed back Danny L. Brown who had just arrived from France after his release from the service. reside in Seattle. Memorial set- And speaking of fish--there's, vice was held last Wech]esday at been a lot of that on the Eke Lewis Chapel in Bremerton. Eacretts' menu since last Thurs- We extend sincere and heartfelt day when Eke landed a monstrous sympathies to Madge's bereaved 32-pound King salmon at Arest- f--:,-, i port. He and Shelton friends Fros- t. . _e try Cook and Bill Smith took a tuut m trape.wew gra(a.._- ........... ; . . . .., , . I nOllOaV -vl[n nign nopes ot Dring- school morns took a nonoay zrom i .....  - - -" - - ........ [ ng nonle a go00 eaten anti that's house work last Tuesaay to a- "st ""- "- ' ..... " 7 " . . ju, wtlat, Ke (11(1 1"11S gooG, IOT- tend the Vestern Washington "un - ' - "" : .... " .. " _ , it e may nave stemmefl paruy tate Fan: at uyauup, anti. at- I flora" the'fact ne" as nsmng'" - item though they didn't get away from his friend Malwin MorgaWs char- the kids, most of them had a ball anyway. The beautiful sum- mer-like weather did much to make the day especially pleasant and the flln of mir, gling with the happy crowds plus viewing the many fascinating exhibits, not to mention the thrill of "going on the rides." all combined to make a wonderful relaxing respite from the daily grind. Besidesour teach- ers, Arthur Zehe and Mrs. Nor- ma Olsen and bus driver Orin Buckingbam and the entire stud- ent body, mothers enjoying the outing were Mesdame Les Free- man, Art Nicklaus, Ed Okonek, Jubie Hicks, Don Query, Ed West- berg, Bill Staudt. Walt Clayton, Bob Eldridge and Howard Somers. The Joe Engens' smart new 16- foot runabout, personally "inporL- ter boat "The Spook". MR. AND MRS. Charles Long cheerfully played host and hostess to two nephews and their wives for Sunday dinner. A drop-in visit from Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hell of Everett stimulated the get-to-geth- er. the other couple being Clem and Marge Hell. of course. Dropping in for a quick visit to Grapeview friends Monday were Mike and Helen Zelenak and daughter Carol. Unhappily, the reason for their trip to the West Coast from South Dakota was the death of Mike's mother in Tcoma, However, we are glad to see Mike looking so well and to learn that Carol has been elected vice pres- ident of her Bennett County high school senior class. with all the Burgesses. BENEATH A BOWER of beau- tious hanging begonias, the ladies of our Sarah Eckert Orthopedic guild met last Friday for a regular work and luncheon meeting. Hos- tess Merge Hell and Co-hostess Faye Souls, so ably assisted by a cheelTul weathernlart, cleverly or- ganized business and pleasm'e by holding the meeting out on Marge's patio, much to Ine delight of the 22 ladies attending. A rummage sale will be held by the Guild in Bremerton. some time in Novem- ber. the exact place and time will be published at a later date. Our conscientious postmaster Julie Stock wishes to urge every- one Lo please use our Zip-Code on their return addresses. Our code number is 98-546. Also, please use the Zip-Code of those to whom Beauty • Hail' Cuts - $1.50 • Shampoo & Set -- $2.00 • Permanents - $7.50 up • Evening Appointments CHRISTMASTOWN SALON 114 S. 4th downtown 426-8643 400 [ Norelco ; reg. $3.o Bobby Pins i Eleoirio Shaver : • i PreHy Perm rubber tipped | flip top head : •  $269 On,'129 i "13ss llllll m I N I n I III I I I ¢lltllllllml IIIlllll  lllillll I I ! IlB I I a iii1 BI I IIIIBI I II! i I I II I I!11111 Palmolive ; : $.o , , Playtex Living , Shampoo ! Tandem Shampoo : Rubber 61ores 59¢ size • | 39 " 99' , 139 ¢  ! with free extra .| • right hand • ! HEIL'S PHARHACY 4th & Railroad I L EELLS 6[ VALLEY have made a sensational purchase on famous HOTPOINT freezers (both chest & upright models) the prices we are offering on this purchase are the best we have had in our 17 years in business in Shelton. TERMS are very special also -- nothing down as low as $10 per month. F R E E D E L I V E R Y. Don't miss this fantastic buying opportunity -- each freezer is Guaranteed for S years and carries a full food protection (spoilage) insurance plan. Don,t Settle for less than the very best. HOTPOINT COME see and SAVE MANY $ $ $ $ I E '""'"' t ELLS,.d VALLEY , j.l ' ,, Where You Always Get The Best Deal ,By 6eorge 4) Second and Cota Street Phone 426 4663