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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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26, 1963 SIIELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in rChxistmasfown, U.KA.", helton Washinon i Grange Plans Booster Youthful Gardeners Display Prod,ce At Junior Fair In Belfair School Community Hail Friday ,:,2&apos;S:i:;:EG:,::::,:,'[;i::,?i:2!,:5:!!?iE ll])°il'!P??!d:;:°:zi::bt)!fi ;::(:'i(iab!i::!fe)ire!!°: d Wdley Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley jm]ior fair held last Friday, Sept. groups wishin to make use of dames R. W Cady, Jr.. C. \\;¥. Hen- ployee of the Boeing Company in - This Friday and the George Valleys of Island 20, at the 13elf-dr Eleme.ntary the haws facilities contact hi as ninKsen 3ohn Paxton. Erma Bees- Seattle. They plan . Jammry wed- 30 p.m. the Skoko- Lake drove to Seattle for a faro- Will have its annual ily get-together at the home of One fee- Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley to eele- will be a per- hrate Chester Valley Sr's birthday. the Shelton square Beside the folks from Shelton Lunch will be served there were Mr. and Mrs. Steve of the evening. Come Valley and daughter Tammi of an evening of en- Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Val- ley and daughter Vicki of Brem- s. Arian Johnson and erton. of Seattle were MR. ANI) MIIS. ERIC Sjohohn of Mr. and Mrs. spent the weekend in Portland On Monday Mrs. with their daughter, Mrs. tlugh with them for Shivers and Kim. On their return and shopping, home the Sjoholms stopped for a Ladies Club will brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Den- of Mrs. Eugene ay evening, Oct. 2 Jones see many Rolls- these days, but le reputation ot Car in the are still very will argue with Point. For sheer in the automo- rare with the for work- back the in- 906 of the legen- named )ainted body trim. The first non-stop for a distance ot Afterwards, the Club of Eng- machine and parts for ap- And this running, with miles behind at a FAIR all your TIRE ' PASSENGER, RACTOR ... NEW available at AP . . . 1st & 104. Features of Vn. ny Temple in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gendereau ,,f Island Lake spent one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Miss Esther Johnson has re- turned to Seattle Pacific College after a weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson. Little Douglas Richert of Tum- water spent the weekend with his grand-parents, :Mr. and Mrs. Ted tichert. :Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley entertained at a dinner last Tues- day evemng for Mr. and Mls. Al- vin Hulbert and family in honor of Mrs. Hulbert's birthday. Oth- ers present were Mike and Don- na Hulbert and Miss Jay4ee Stroud of Shelton. Mrs. Denny Temple and son Bobby of Olympia spent Monday with her mother, Mrs, Doris She- holm, Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter were thci,r son Bob and wife and son Stanley of Seattle and Mrs, Justin Taylor and children of Oy- ster Bay. MR. AND MRS. Humphrey Nel- son made an overnite trip to Mr. Adams to pick bluebemies. Mrs, Effie Brawnfield and Mrs. Ruth Critchfield of Little Skookum ac- companied the Nelsons. :Mrs, Eugene Brown and :Mrs. A. L. O'Neill of Shelton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown m Seattle Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Martin Smith spent sev- eral days last week visiting friends at Grand Coulee Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doak were Sunday evening callers at the Gee. Desk home in Shelton. he Skokomish Improvement club meets this Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Hall. Experiments at the North Dako- ta Agricultural Coltege show that swine getting all the salt they want gain twice as fast as those without access to extra salt. DisPatched liquipped Ambulance St. 426-825 DIRECTORY Heating • Safety check • Clean - up • Minor & major repairs TARKEY'S HEATING Sales & Service 514 Ellinor 426-4673 School. Flowers and vegetables from the gardens of youngsters at- tending Belfair, Allyn and Tahuya schools. ."ra(les one 1 o six, were entered in the competition spon- sored by the Evergreen Garden Club. Mrs. Eugene Sherwood of Bremerttm judged the entries. The exhibits were displayed on the sLaKe of the gymnasium, decked for the occasion m fall-toned crepe i paper with streamers and a sand- box centerpiece depicting a min- iature garden ann gardeners. Blue ribbon winners were: pmnpkins. Mark Lincoln. Tom Bix- cnman, and Doug Raines; stlna- mer squash. Rent Corliss, Steve Smith, Raymond Sperry, and Rip Vasbinder: winter squash, Bona Harper and Katherine XViegman; carrots, Myrna Main, Jeff Nelson, and Pare DeLong; cucunlbers, Jint Kowalezyk, Cindy Smith, Chert Peterson. Kathy Stiee, Crystal Lamh. Darryl Bathes. Dwayne De- Long, and Kevin Shearer; Gourds, Jimmy Lewis and John Gehring; beans. Teena Williams and Cindy Raines. Nasturtiums. Marguerite Vas- binder. Kenny Scott. and Jerry Harding; mnnias. Patsy Sharer; marigolds, Susan -Foster; bache- lor's buttons. Sheila Shelby; sun- flowers. Randy Peterson. Mike Dil- lenburg, Rocky Cm'liss, Joanie Sehillinger. and Perk Shearer: and dahlias, Denise ,Vyma and Larry Vernoche. The youngsters receive their choice of seeds in the spring from the garden club so that I.heir entry in the show is a result of their summer's work. Chairman for this year's fair was Mrs. Charles A. Williams, assisted by Mrs. Tom Gibson, who will head next year's show. Also working to set up, en- ter, and serve at the fair were Mesdames Elmer Sandstrom, Boyd Hunter, Start Freelin, Robert K. Johnsen, Edward Harris, Earl An- derson. C. Jack Jones, Lowell Gdn- selman. Marion Newkirk, Glenn Crlss, Phil Rarey, and :Misses Cheryl Williams and Madelon Ra- rey. TO TIle TWANOH Grange go more honors and congratulations for their booth at the "Western Washington Fair in Puyallup last week. The Grange, whose entry represented Mason County at the fair, received a cash award for first place in arrangement and a fourth place ribbon for the booth. Chairr,an of the exhibit was LeRoy Dishon. who was assisted in the cm2oenter work by Lee Lop- riore. Mrs. James Yoshihara served as designer and eoordinator of the booth. Gene Foster and Jim Abe lent able assistance in the form of the art work on the backdrop to whal lheir needs will be for the buildin}z and with any ideas they may trove. The new hall. lo- cated near the North Mason high sehor)l, will be a civic addition to the entire North Mason area. Lo- priore's phone is CR 5-3021. The Ahuval 4-H Club was well- represented at this year's Puyal- hip Fair too, with two teams and a sina'le entry competing in the 4-H Kitchens there. Katie Blair and Pat Macomber paired up to cook a supper for four guests and themselves and David and Cm'tis Macomber prepared a lunch for four and themselves. Susan Schil- ler's entry was a tray meal for three and herself. In addition, Ka- tie and Susan entered individually in foods competition. The same group of cooks re- turned with ribbons from the Ma- son County fair. as did members of the sewing group Eileen Sonde, Katie Blair, Susan Schiller. and Sue Allen. "With memories like these, and such other experiences as summer camp at Panhandle Lake, it's no wonder that these Tahuya young people are looking forward to their club's new year with anticipation. The entire group will meet once.each month at the home of Mrs. Ted Blair on the Tahuya River. Mrs. Blair will also lead the sewing project group, and Mrs. Rebecca Macomber will lead the cooking, electricity, and forestry project groups at her North Shore home. Anyone be- tween the ages of 10 and 21 is invited to become a part of this 4-H group, and is urged to call Mrs. Blair at CR 5-21'32 or :Mrs. Maeomber at CR 5-2265. A HORSE SHOW "just for fun" will be held Sunday, Sept. 29, be- ginning at 1 p.m. by members of the Chuck Wagon Raiders and Saddilites 4-H groups of the Old Belfair highway and Bremsrton, The gymkhana affair will take place in the parking lot of the Belfair Barn, and all horsemen and hbrewomen under 18 are in- vited to take part. There will be a 10c entry fee per event, or 50c fee for all events. Spectators, too, are invited to watch the nine mounted games at no charge. Providing fun for par- ticipants and observers alike will be such events as a boot race, barrel race, 2-man baton race, ob- stacle reining, walk-trot-and-get, musical sacks, pole bending, key- hole race. and stake race. Rib- bons will be awarded to four plac- es in each event, plus a trophy to be given the high point winner. Here's a day for all horse lovers to be sure and remember. Installation of officers was the order of the day at the September meeting of sol, Charles Beck. Edward Coke- let, and Jolm Clappe were anaong those recognized. Also honored were those past presidents who are still members of the club: Mesdames Rex Crossen. Stan Free- tin. Glem] Criss. Earl Anderson. Elmer Sandstrom. Charles ,Vil- lianas. Claire Bogle, and Boyd Hunter. Also in this group were Mesdames James Huffman Cal- vin Mann. and C. Jack Jones, who were not able to be present at the gathering, TONIGHT IS TIIE year's first meeting f(r the North Mason Jun- ior-Senior High PTA at 8 p.m. at the high school. Three stu- dent speakers and an excended so- cial hour will highlight the eve- ning's program. PTA president Mrs. Tom Davis has announced the 'following com- mittee chairmen for the coming year: Mrs. Wilson Fortman, pro- gram; Mrs. R. VV. Cady, Jr., pub- licity; Mrs. Marie Kunzl. publica- tions; Mrs. Glenn Miller. maga- zines; William Shearer, member- ship; Ken Rose. parliamentarian and citizenship; Mrs. John Huson. juvenile protection; Mrs. William Spooner. scholarship; Mrs.' :Leo Livingston, library; Mrs. William Fain. hospitality; Mrs. Frank Fe- denk, safety and civil defense; Mrs. Joseph Wilbur, health and mental health; LeRoy Trammell, guidance and counseling; and Ead Kisler. budget chairman. The North Mason Elementary PTA will meet October 3. 'Dr. Barbara BliSs will speak at 8 p.m. on "Emotional Problenis of Chil- drenat H6me and at Scho6P', with a question and answer per- iod. The business meeting will fol- low the evening's program. A rummage sale will be the PTA's money-raising project this year. The exact date for the sale will be set at tonight's executive board meeting, but it is to be held sometime in October, So be sure to save any usable discards for this worthwhile project. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rorke of Seattle have announced the engagement of their daughter. Vic- ky, to William E. Walbaum. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Walbaum of the South Shore. and a 1962 graduate of North Ma- son high school. His fiancee is a 1962 graduate of Sealth High ding. (IRANll EXL(I TIIE officers of Washington State visited Bel- fair's Bethel No. 43 of Job's Daughters at their last meeting, Sept. 16. Guests at the meeting were State Grand Guardian, Mrs. Virginia Sh'eible /,f Vancouver; vice grand guardian, Mrs. Doris Gurney. of Seattle; vice grand as- sociate guardian. Harold Craig of Seattle: grand treasurer. Mrs. All- cia Erickson: grand secretary, Mrs. Helen Ga.rman; and grand musician. Mrs. Edna Hill. The Guardian Council of the lo- cal Bethel was installed at the meeting. Executives on this coun- cil are :Mr, and Mrs. Earl An- derson. .guardian a.nd associate guardian; :Mrs. Helen Schroeder, guardian secretary; Mark McDon- ald, gardian treasurer; and Mrs, Lloyd Suhr. gmrdian musician. Members of the group were thril- led with the announcement of the appointment of their guardian, Mrs. Anderson. as deputy for Be- thels 20, 21 and 61 in Bremerton and Port Orchard. Last week George Weisel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weisel of Belfair, returned from a five- day trip visiting friends and vaca- tioning in Oregon, California, and southwestern Washington. George; who has been working at Dudley and Fleury's Service Station. is a freshman this fall at Olympic College. Another traveler returned from California is Miss Barbara Nelson, who arrived home last Wednes- day from a tw0-week journey. Bar- bara and a friend. Carol Lusk of Bremerton, drove to San Francis- co. where they counted an eve- ning at Finnochio's as the high- light of their stay, and Los Ange- les. The girls found Southern Cal-. ifornia in the midst of a heat wave, so Barbara will return to her junior year at the University of WashingtOn with a beautiful tan. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Nelson. Even with untreated herds on all sides separated only by a fence, horn fly control with Bar-Fly is still about 80 percent effective. Bar-Fly supplement is fed to cat- tle and passes through to the manure where its kills the larvae before they form flies. I I I MASON COUNTY'S BINEe$ GUIDE EAT OUT OFTEN -- THE GROVE CAFE mghwy 101 ,,s ,,,  mi,e . _ South of Hoodsport LUNCHES -- DINNERS STEAKS  SEAFOOD  CHICKEN DINNERS OPEN 11 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT Phone 877-5571 -- Fred Williams, Prop. THE OYSTEI HOUSE 8 mileSon HoodWest Canal°f Belfair We Take Pride in Our HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES • Complete Variety of BINNERS • SEAFOODS GATEWAY CAFE 5 miles South of Sheltoa on the Olymjple Hlghwa5 r BREAKFAST'  LUNCH  DINNER • Prime Rib and Steak • Seafood • Homemade Pies Dinner Parties Invited Open daily 6 a.m. to'10 p.m. MAMIE'S x98 Olymple I:£1ghway NorUl .... GRILL on Mountain View BREAKFAST -- LUNCH  DINNER p¢il Dinners Daily -- Fried Clams- Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • VCE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! MINOR'S A & W DRIVE-IN 17:90l. mgh,¢y . .... View "COME A S YOU ARE, WE SERVE IN YOUR CAR" • FOOD, and: DRINK, ORDERS TO GO HAMBURGERS & FRIES FOOT-LONG HOT DOGS MILLO'S DINER on Hood Canal near Potlatch oa Highway 101 BREAKFAST- LUNCH -- DINNER -- Our Specialty " • BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-lieken' good) "We feature SEAFOO D, tool Phone 877-9488 -- Take-Out Orders! in Shelton Now Featuring FISH 'N CHIPS Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKES and smooth SUNDAES, and NOW from DAIRY QUEEN'S kitchen -- HAMBURGERS and FRIES, Phone 426-8091 ULEy, INC. Ph. 426-8231 & Thurs. 5:30 p.m. 426.2072 ARBER SHOP Hospital Equip. t • Rental & Sales • Wheel chairs, lifts • beds, walkers • oxygen & tents Torsak Ambulance Service 2119 Adams Phone 426-8254 Iusurance • Disability, Hospitalization • Life • Retirement Funds Mutual & United of Omaha Duane Rodgers - 426-6142 aking Iome Building N. 4th 426-4545 NEY CO. 426-8283 COS- cosmetics Pl'l AR M ,Cy Ph, 426-3327 & rewiring ng ISSON ELEC. I°x 37, 426-6520 Morse Pumps Appliances ELECTRIC CO. Ph. 426-6283 COVERING Ph. 426-2292 Landscaping .... • Lawns, roekeries, trees shrubs . Top soil. tilling, leveling . Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING [Herbert Baze 42624718 Masonry • Brick, Block, Stone • Quality Workmanship • Free Estimates • Contract or Hourly Basis " BILL CARLSON Rt. 3, Box 331 42.6-4480 Sand, Gravel I • Top Soil I • Peat Soil I • Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Sewing Machine I • Sales and Service • New and Used • All Makes & Models Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East - Olympia Open 'til 9 p.m. Fri. Ph. 357-7586 Tire Service • Recapping • Used OK TIRE STORES Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 I:V Service • Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 and medallion. Also working on the entry were Mesdames LeRoy Dishon, Henry Dahl Reggie Eng- man. and Lee Loprmre. And grange members send a special thanks to Mason County residents who provided additional canned goods and produce for the ex- hibit. A meeting of Grange members and consultants will begin plazas the Evergreen Gar- den Club last Thursday at the North Shore home of Mrs. Boyd Hunter, Co-hostes.was Mrs. Ed- ward Harris. Mrs. Claire Bogle installed the new officers: presi- dent, Mrs. Robert Johnsen; sec- retary, Mrs. Ethel Randall; and treasurer, Mrs. Glenn Criss. Mrs. Tom Gibson. the new vice presi- dent, was unable to attend the meeting due to illness. Lake Nahwatzel Residents Entertain Visitors During Past By Joann Tupper LAKE NAH\\;VATZEL -- Visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ileetor Barbour for a few days last week were :Mr. Barbour's daughters, Mrs. Jerry Dixon and :Mrs, Ernie Wil- kowski, both of Los Vegas, Nev. Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kel- ley were Walt Chappell and chil- dren, David. Dale and Carrie of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs Amel Tveit were visited by Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Rol- ler of She!ton last Sunday evening. Visiiing the Tveits last Sunday \\;va their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward, Bre- merton, enroute home from a visit to Portland Ore. Spending last Monday in Seattle on business and visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hewson were Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson, Tuesday and Wednesday the Hewsons visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hewson of Seattle, at their place on the lake were Mr, and Mrs. A1 Tupper and Mr. and Mrs. Art Palmer of Mat- lock. Wednesday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coo- per was Mrs. Shirley Miller of Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cwicklinski of Tacoma were dinner guest last Thursday at the Cooper home. MYs. Cooper was breakfast guest last Friday morning at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J: B. McClana- iron, of Shelton. Later that after- noon he and Mrs. Shirley 1iller shopped in Tacoma. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reeve last unday were Mr. and Mrs. James Clemens and children, Roger and Gale of Tacoma. SATURDAY vISITOK at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coo- per was Hans Mak of Seattle. Mrs, Cooper and Miss Bea Man- ier, Olympia were dinner guests ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY LAST 3 DAYS ELECTRIC BLANKET SPECI! WITH SUPERNAP: ,2"x peacock, pink, single control green, gold double bed size or rosebeige 63" x 84" single control, twin bed size ............ $8,77 72" x 84- dual control, double bed size..; ............. $10.77 2 yr. replacement guarantee! Automatic control for constant all-night warmth, 9 settings! Rayon, cotton -- USE YOUR KNIT TOP 'N CORDUROY PRINTED PANTS ! PENNEY ,GHARGEGARD! I SEPT. ' 26 27 28 3d Big Shi Granger, last Sunday at the home of Mrs. blanket, nylon binding. :,:i:-:$::: MRS. RUTH JACKSON of Ray- Mickey Braken of Tacoma. i},i;-.: mend visited Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Sunday evening dinner guests J / ::;,;;:,f:; ford Ford last Sunday. at the home of the Tuppers; were REG. 3.98 BEG. :*: Sunday evening visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Art'Palme:, Matloek: :i{i.?}:: Ford home were'Mr, and Mrs. Dale The occasion was to celebrate the ,/  . -. pants shirts  ,:ii{! iii; Taylor of Olympia. 15th birthday of Alan Tupper. A1- NOW NOW: 2.81 :** Dinner guests last Sunday at so, enjoying cake and ice cream .... ii the home of Mr. and Mrs. John were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Marge- 't*: ::i:::' Patten were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry son and son Bu£eh, of the Riort. SAVE A 1.33 ON EVERY SET! :::::::':: Christy and family of Shelton. Mr. and Irs. Samuel 'D'iggle at- Spending last Saturday evening tended the dance last Saturday 8=/2 OZ, COTTON AND DU PONT '420' with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Palmer, evening at the Matlock Hall. NYLO N TWILL PANTS ..... 7 get 70% longer er wilt!  3% c0tton The 1964 per, and reinforced constrtction. SAVE! s oz. COTTON AND DU PONT '420' KNITTING NYLON TWILL SHIRT 0 have lined collar, extra long tuck-in tails were annomm t week. | WOOL SKEINS Ankle length cotton cor- and 2 button through flap pockets. Rein- 77  duroy pants in all the forcedC0nstruction, Bigvalue! We have already delivered I ea latest patterns! Combed BIG MAC@ EXTRAS AT REDUCED I ({ cOttOn knit tOps With " PRICES! THEY'RE VAT'DYD' MA- two of them. sleeves co-ordinate with CHINE WASHABLE, SANFORIZED,J IN To those of you who haven't I e slacks! Many styles. NEW COLORS ALONG WITH BIG MAC® :::.:'' seen them drop in for a look- I 4-14 FAVORITES! 't;;:":, "i{" i PLAY-IT-UP Girls Dresses Winter Blankets i CREW NECK .#BS 88 A 88 t 90% Rayon/10% Nylon LEFT-OVER 1963 DARTS SWEATSHIRT  "  -  / -,j88 • Convertible • Station Wagon 1 FALL PLAIDS ] • 880 - 4 dr sedan I 100% cotton crew neck REDUCED I PLAID & SOLID €<" , fleece lining in bright boy- Gir Toddler PAULEY H '.  Sportsear J Boys Jackets 3. , Sizes € 25 C 50 Front & Railroad 426 818 6-16 Jamaicas & Swimsuits  COTTON LINED REDUCED j REDUCED PAGE ]1 PENNEY'S 00I00T00B/Y 00gY$!