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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, Use Journal Want Ads Pharmacy Phacts From Nell Evander Have you ever thought about selecting your pharmacist just as you would select your doctor ? This may be an entirely new idea to you, but it is certainly worth some serious thought. We, h e r e at NeWs, u n d e r- NeWs° u n d e r- portant it is to you that you like, respect and have full faith in your doctor since this is one of the :<:::. most personal re- ', lationships Known in ore' world of today. We feel that it is also im- portant to you to know us here at NeWs Pharmacy, so that we can be of personal and professional ser- vice to you in the friendly way we always want to be of help to you. Your doctor comes first - al- ways - and then we are here to ful- fill his directions and orders for yonr better health. Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays  9:30 - 6:00 Neil's Pharmacy 4th & Railroad 426-3327 SUMMER FUN GHANGES TO WINTER ROUTINE FOR JOBS DAUGHTERS Several occasions highlighted the summer for local Jobs Daugh- t'ers. A mtmmer fun-camp was held at. Twin Harbor Slate Park in July. Chaperones were Mr. aiad Mrs. Estvold, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Mottle Backlund. A car wash put on by Jobie girls fin- anced the trip. Anothe,: activity dnring the summer ,vas a surprise breakfast which was "'come as you are". Hot pancakes were enjoyed by all and Paula Harmon took tle girls wa- ter skiing. Trte Sept. 3 meeting was opened in regular manner by Honored Queen Janet Estvold, An installa- tion for the Guardian Cmmcil was conducted lay Mrs. Howard. In- stalled were Gum'dian, Mrs. Max- ine Powell; associate guardian, Mr. George Howard; secretary, YIrs. Mary Colby; treasurer. Mrs. Ruth Turner; director of music, Mrs. Mottle Backhind; sociability, Mrs. Mary 5o Kock;. hospitality, Mrs. Ruth Bond, Mrs. Belva Olson and MrS. Evelyfl EstvJId. Meting was closed and refreshments served, Initiation for new members was held Sept. 17. New members are Kim Michaels, Darlene Gray and Jeanne Peterson. All ere con- gratulated and welcomed after the initiation ceremony. Sandi Kock received "Jobie of the Month" for her fine deport- merit. NiLa Potter gave up the coveted bracelet for outstanding initiatory work to Diane Turner. This meeting was the official vi- sit of tlle Grand Guardian Mrs. Stri)e. A new grandmother and grandfather were elected. They are Mr. and Mrs. Huntley. Mrs. How- ard, past gnardian, was presented a gift from the Jobies to thank her i'm' the won lcl'flll job slit, had aone. All distingliis:hed visitors, Jobie girls and frien,ds gathered down- stairs for fellowship and refresh- ments. Last Saturday the girls met at the temple to go out in a tara.van for tile purpose of selling boxes of candy, which was a hnge suc- cess. Sheiton Bridge Club Monday Night Winners Shelton Bridge Club held its regular Duplicate session at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the PUD auditor- ium. N-S winners in order were Bob and Rose Quimby, Robert and Mrs. Madden. J. Butts and Mar- den Stt'oud. and Elsa Schlausser and Kathryn Van Arsdale. E-V wimmrs in order were Gus- ti Goldschmid and Mary Lovell. Ed and Norton Becker, Helen Har- ris and Gordon Craig, and Bill • and Ann Batchelor. Visiting Beauty Service for |nMids, shUt-inS, hospitalized hat cutting, setfing ihampoo, permanents MILDRED SCHNEIDER PHONE 426-8094 All enthusiastic bridge players are cordially invited. RU1WMAGE, ii,P SALE DATE SET NEXT WEEK A combined rummage sale and gift bat" will be held next Thurs- day and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the PUD building. Pro- ceeds from the sale will supple- merit the Christmas seal sale. special Christmas table with hand-made gift items and dolls, animals, etc. wiU be offered. PITTSBURGH SUN PROOF" ALA I HOUSE PAINT • Iio primer needed for most repaint work when surface is sound. 'e Dries in lust 30 min- utes, • Paint over damp sur- faces-sudden show- ers won't delay paint- Ing. • Colors Stay brighter longer. eSun.Proof Latex Paint resists bllsters. HORGAN, EAORETT LU§BER ESA Chapter Honors Member At Baby Shower The regular social meeting for the month of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, was held last night ,t the home of Mrs. Dick Holland. The main purpose of the meet- ink was to honor Mrs. Ed Dnn- bar with a post-baby shower. She received re'my lovely gifts. A baby motif was carried out, complete with a clever centerpiece for the table. 7,embrs are codcoting items uitable for the coming auction to benefit the Exceptional Forester's Inc. The Chapter will also collect rummage and old jewelry for the Tuberculosis Association rummage sale to be held October 3-4 The evening was spent visiting', with refreshments served by Mrs. Holland and co-hostess. Mrs. Floyd Ridout. The next meeting, a Rush Party will be held on October 9 at the home of Mrs. Bob Seibert. Republican Women Kick Off Season With Tacoma Speaker The Mason County Women's Re- publican club held its first meet- ing of the fall season last Wed- nesday in the Memorial hall which was attractive with mm W beauti- ful flowers from Mrs. Monde Cros- by's garden, Mrs. Jane Ramsdell of Tacoma, Republican committeewoman for Pierce county, the well-informed and interesting speaker of the day, was introduced by Mrs. Guy Nor- ris in the absence of Mrs. H. C. Stifling, program chairman. Mrs. Ramsdell urged each member to practice good-neighbor policy in her own precinct and Outlined ork being done by the women in Pierce County. The first door prize, a loaf of bread made by Mrs. George G. Shackleford, president of the club, was won by Mrs. Ramsdell. For the social hour the tea table was centered with an arrangement of multi-colored fall flowers. The re- freshment committee was in charge of Mrs. Eber Angle. Twenty-five members attended. In addition to the speaker, out-of- town visitors, included Mrs. Marg- aret Williams of Tacoma, Mrs. Miles Howell of Tiger Lake and Mrs. Archie L. Hallberg of Taco- ma. Mrs. Hallberg, a daughter of the late William Bosch, a former Shelton businessman, was greeted and welcomed by a number of old friends. The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 16, the place and program to be announced later. Marriage Licenses Applying for a marriage license in the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: Charles R. Driver, 48, Vancou- ver, and Marian L. Snell, legal, Vancouver. You'll Be GLAD You Got A GIBSON F EE, i00ER PRiOED SO LOW YOU WON'T BEUEVE IT UNTIL WE PROVE IT TO YOU! Model V826RI (above) Stores 914 Ibs. of frozen foOds in less than one square yard of floor space. Three fast- freezing shelves, all-alumi- num interior, Bigger" on the inside smaller on the outside, to rigid urethane foam insulation. FOOD PROTECTION PLAN ALL SIZES NEW UPRIGHT AND You,re insured up to $22S CHEST FREEZERS against frozen food osseS 10 Good Used Upright & Chest Freezers caused by any malfunction of your Gibson freezer. This is Gibson's concrete way of say- (all fully warranted) ing you can depend on the re- Due to tremendous buying volume encouraged by the closing liability and quality of Gibson of the Food Lockers at Northwest Evergreen, we are able to products, offer thse exceptional savings through lower prices on famous Gibson Quality Freezers. REFRIGERATION ..... ......... " Phone 42(i=2445 $o cial Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 High School Spotlight CARl) Annual Fall PTA st 00hn's Conference To Be Here so,'Ward'sa .00e00'iesCath°IiCo00 gctober I0 The one , Saturdav at 8 The anmml fall conference for ball. Bridge Distr!ct 17 of tile Washington played. will be offe;cd, Congress of Parents and Teachers will be held Oct. 10 at 1:30 p.m. in Evergreen school ill Shelton. J0uraJ The theme for the progt'am this SUE MALLORY is secretary of her Shelton high school senior class. Her favorite subjects are German and civics, sue thinks she would like to be a foreign language teacher after College. When school started this fall Sue Mallory signed up for her third year Of sewing and fourth year of foreign langamge. Sue, an SHS senior, has already had two years of Latin. This year she is taking her second year of German. Other subjects included in her schedule are Teacher's oi-ientation, senioi" English, civics and clothing III. Wednesday-Nighters To Present Speaker On Peace Movement The Wednesday Niaters of the Shelton Methodist church will pre- sent Mrg. Anne M, Stadler, Pacif- ic Northwest coordinator for 'Ttu Tdxard Peace', 8t the first meet€rig of the fall next Wednes- day. For the past eight months Mrs, Stadler has served in Europe and England as secretary to the Con- tinuing Committee of the Inter- national Confederation for Disarm- ament and Peace. "Turn Toward Peace" is the joint effort of over 30 national labor, political, relig- ious and civic organizations work, ing to achieve a disarmed world under law. Their purpose is to build support for methods of pro- tection freedom and advancing po- litical democracy and to offer ev- ery concerned person the means to work for peace. Program for advancing this work through mass media legis- lative action and vohmtary organ- izations are being developed. The speaker will give a resume of her experiences in Europe and a broad picture of what is being planned for an active civilian peace move- ment. The meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. "W. Mc- Clary at Arcadia Point. Dessert will be served beginning at 7 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m, Anyone in the community is year will be "Youth, Our Invest- merit in Democracy" People involved with youth and their problems directly and indi- rectly are being brought together for this meeting. Among them is Dr. Ray Jongward. Director of Research for the State Depart- ment of Education and Mrs. Walt- er Shold. vice president from Re- glon 7 of the Wa§h. Congress. Panel members on problems fac- ing.young people in this area in- clnde Dale Bridges, Chief Juven- ile Probation officer, Kitsap coun- ty; Walt Woodard. editor. Bain- bridge Review; and Marvin Chris- tensen, .Chief Juvenile Probation officer, Mason County. Mrs. Chas. 1VI'£e, president of the Wash: Con- gress. "will present the dinner ad- dress. The agenda for the business por= Lion of the meeting will include the election of officers. During the coffee break it will be possible to discuss questions and problems with several state officers mad chairmen. Reservations should be made with Mrs. John Denison. Star Rt. 3, Box 15, Hoodsport by Monday. Two dollars will cover all costs. Use Journal Want Ads SCHOOL Menus for She Schools and High week of sept. Monday  Be bage and French bread ter. fresh grapeS, Tuesday pork, mashed melted buter, whole wheat custard, lnilk. Wednesday No school' ers' Institute." Thnrsday soup, molded fruit sa Friday mea slickS, whole wheat bier. milk. Supplement with Prepp's 133 RR. Evergreen Fuel Oil Is AUTOmA ,*o cordially invited to attend. Belfair Auxiliary To Have Offi©iai ViSit Nuel CurLis Auxiliary 5372 Vet- erans of Foreign Wars will meet at the Belfair school at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday, Fourth District president, Mrs. Margaret Brantly, will make her Official inspection at tlii tiirib, There viil also be initiation of new members. Letters have been sent out to all. organizations of the commun- ity t0 pai.tibiate in he Haliow- een Carnival Oct. 26 at the BeN fair school gym. Nuel Curtis Post and Auxiliary sponsor this annual event. Prizes Will be presented to winners of the jJoster contest which is being planned for studehts at the grade school• piLL DENNis, .WDS iN PORT ToV:NSEND William O. Denhis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dennis, former Shelton reidents was m0.rried to JuAnita stie Loieihfi Angust 30. She is the daughter of Mr, ahd Mrs. Alva Lop'eman Of Port Town- send. The Wedding, with a reception following, was held in the Odd Fel. lows Hall in Port Townsend. Th double-ring ceremony as per- formed by Elder. David D, Curdle, branch president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Th immediate families and friends were in attendance. 'Bill moved from Shelton with his parents in his senior year and graduated from-Port Townsend liigh school in 1962, He attended Olympic College before his. mar- riage and is now employed at Crown Zellerbach in Port Town- send where the young couple is making its home. Mrs. Dennis has a three-year-old son, :Mike, by a former marriage. NAVY MOTHERs CLUB Th'e regular meeting of the Navy iv[others Club will b held a[ 8 p.m. next Thursday at the Me- morial hall, Sue has been an active member of her clas during her high school years. She belongs to Pep Club, GAA, FTA and Latin Club. She is a member of Honor Society and Thespians. She appeared in the Junior Play. During her sopho- omore year she was a song queen, Last yeal: she was secretary Of her junior class. She holds the same office in her semor class. Rainbow and Methodist Youth Friendship are Sue's activities out- side of school. Sewing, swimming and skiing are her favorite pas- times; German and civics her fav- orite subjects. After high school Sue plans to attend college, probably Westen at Bellingham. She would like to be a Junior or Senior high school teacher, possibly in foreign lang- uages. Sue is the last "chick" at home. Her sister and two brothers are all Shelto High School grads. She lives on Island Lake with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Temple. Shelton is the birthplace of this week's blonde, active senior in the spotlight H Set your thermostat'" about heating worri' Call us today Ior. • Automatic Refill service. • Careful, considerate deliverieS" EVERGREEN FUEL GO, 319 S. 1st $CaOOL$ CHARLES PECK For the past six years Mason County has gained from the servcies of extension agent Charles Peck. Into his work promoting good forest man- agement throughout the county he has brought humor, originality and personality. Especially fl0teW0rthy iS his Work Wih the 4-1 youth 0 the comrfiunity tnd the steadily paced de- velopment he Offered the farmers and forest land mnagers Of our district. Charles Peck will be missed when he leaves Mason county October 1 to assume expanded duties in Spokane. His transfer will be a dou- ble loss to Shelt6n as his wife has been a capable ahd respected teacher at Evergreen chool.. We welcome arold VanDeRiet from Kit- sap county as the new extension alent ann ;tre sure he will benefit from the warm re- lationships established in the past by the ex- tension office staff. RELY ON SIIIiPSON TIMBER GOMPANY Founded In Shelton In 1895 Douglas :Fir and Western Heml0"ck Lumber, Acoustical, Insulating and Hardboard products, Plywood and ......'s ....