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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
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26, 1963 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 17 STUDY OFFERED MEMBERS board of Olympia Association of agreed to send name to seria- l Jackson and Warren that they vote 0n of the proposed treaty. The local its state and na- iln supporting the trea- to AAUW others advocating Giovanni Costigan's lectures on No- Prizewinners, "The which began Sept. on Channel 9. Dr. Professor of' history of Washington. meeting, program chairman Mrs. described the new undertaken by Year. In the four Problems, Corn- Cultural Inter- it revolves topics of Occident American Fam- World, Bridging Science and the *ectations for Ed- studies already READING, stim- Bronowski's "The ase of Science" and up-coming "Lit- (see his pre- Harper's "The a Modern Pc- Can the an Adequate the Two Universes and Science?", will relationship between literature under the of lIrs. 5ohn R. the second FAHLY in Orld has prepared Weeks of inquiry mornings at 9 in the home 2rick, 1610 South baby-siing Per child) at St. church. Dr. John ThursLon County Will address mem- Health Problems meeting, Sep- IEADING will fo- ol the Occident by Mrs. Frank Mildred Hill. IL on Thursday, Sept• the "home of Mrs• Rogers. Will meet on the Friday morning beginn'ing in Oc- an B. Schurke is Will occur evening of O'clock, but not Theodore Roll will be course at Col, Olympia, on from 7:30 to on Sept. 30. The Robert R. Willson, athematics pros- of the State of Public InsLruc- of this study is ``,ill concen- dramas role of mothers. Shelagh Delan- of Honey", on starting at 11 of Mrs. Ernest Baker. Mrs• reminds own lunches. will be coltrse offered by )rl the second and each month in St. John's Epis- on Sept. 24 Mrs. Don- announces that offered at the i WHAT'S COOKING iN WHOSE KITCHEN? ARVILLA WILEY, this week's cook, is celebrating her 80th birthday today• Mrs. Wiley's recipe for Austrian Coffee Cake has been one of her favorite standbys since she first started making it in 1925. Cooking has never been considered a chore by Mrs• Wiley. She has always enjoyed it. We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to our Cook of the Week• One of lason County's most practiced cooks is celebrating her 80th birthday today--Mrs. Arvilla Wiley. In honor of the occasion we asked Mrs. Wiley to share with us one of her time-tested recipes• We copied the recipe she gave us fi'om her original hand-written copy she made in 1925. She has served her Austrian coffee cake to many people during that close to 40-year period, yet it remains a favorite with her and her guests. Cooking, considered a duty by many housewives, has always been a joy to Mrs. Wiley. As one of her daughters told us, "When I was going to school my girlfriend would rather go home with me and eat some of Mom's beans and homcmade bread "than a regular dinner aL her own home." Whenever the Baptist church, or any of the other organizations she used to be active in, planned a dinner you could be sure to find Mrs. Wiley heading up the dinner committee. Everyone knew she would do a good job and she was willing. Mrs. v;riley still attends church. In the past few years she has given up some activities but still attends WCTU meetings and belongs to Neighbors of X¥ood- Shelton has been Mrs. V¢iley's home for 42 years. Before moving here she lived iti Olympia five years. Oregon was her previous home. She has three daughterq, 13 grandchildren and 21 great- grandchildren. She still keeps her own home, and continues cooking. Mrs. Wiley likes to piece quilts, an art nearly forgotten in this day and age. She also loves to play Scrabble, when she can find an opponent. We understand she's pretty hard Lo beat. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, church for 50c per child. Three topics tentatively planned for spring study are federal 'aid to education, civil rights, and Washington's constitution. Directory editor, Mrs. Griffin Brower, asks the AAUW members call her if they ``dsh a change in their Directory listing. Prospect- ivc members are invited to call Mrs. Ernest F. Anderson, 352- 2122, for application information. "-- A Date Today, Thursday, Sept. 26 Golden Age Club, 10 a:m., Me- morial hall, 6 p.m. potluck. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Evergreen PTA. 8 p.m.. school auditorium. Lutheran Phoel)e Circle rum- mage sale. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., next to public library. Junior lfigh football. Shelton vs. Hopkins, 2:00 p.m., Loop Field• Exceptional Foresters annual membership meeting, 8:00 p.m., PUD 3 building. Friday, Sept. 27 SEY Club potluck 6 p.m., church basement. Lutheran Phoebe Circle rum- mage sale, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. next to public library. Olympic LeAgue football. Shel- ton vs. Port Angeles, 8:00 p.m., Loop Field. Saturday, Sept. 28 FOE card party, 8 p.m., air-port hall. Drivers' ]license examiner, 10 a.m. Lo 5 p.m., police station. Sunday, Sept. 29 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Sept. 30 County commission's meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. B Squad football. Shelton vs. "West Bremerton , 3:30 p.m.. Loop Field. Tuesday, Oct. 1 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon. Memorial Hall. City commission's meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31. Ameri- can Legion, 8 l.m.. Memorial Hall. Welcome Chapter DES Social Club, 12 noon, home of Mrs. Min- nie Hack. Vednesda¥, Oct• 2 Heart forum, PUD Auditorium, Mrs. riley. May you have many more years to enjoy cooking in! 8:00 p.m. * =i= * Austrian Coffee Cake Mix and sift: 2 cups flour 3 tsp: baking powder Z tsp salt 1 T. sugar Add: Hillcrest Homemakers' Club. 11 a.m., home of Mrs. Ellis Wells. Drivers' license examiner. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station Thurmlay, Oct. 3 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Navy Mothers' Club. 8 p.m., Me- 1 cup milk morial Hall. 1 beaten egg Daughters of the Pioneers, 2 4 T. melted shortening or butter p.m., }{ome of Mrs. "Warren Lincoln Mix well and pour into greased Rummage and gift sale. 9 a.m. pan. Spread on top and press into to 5 p.m., PUD Building. Proceeds dough the following mixture: to benefit Tuberculosis Christmas ] cup brown sugar seal sale. 4 T. butter ,/2 cup chopped walnuts or al- Sense shines with a double lus- monds Ere when set in humility.  cnp chopped dates --Wm. Penn 1/8 cup citron Bake in moderate oven 20 min- utes. {Other fruits may be sub- stituted, e.g. raisins, orange or lemon peel). Homemakers Club Meets Wednesday The Hillerest Homemakers Club , ialk  will meet at 11 a.m. next YVed- N nesday at the home of Mrs Ellis Wells, 405 Arcadia. Mrs. r. M. Jackson will be co-hostess. Committee chairmen annouuced for the year are Mrs. Joe GrasM, cards and flowers; Mrs. Cuzick and Mrs. H. C. Clark, ``rays and means; Mrs. H. C. Clark, quilt; Mrs. Clar- i enee Cornell, programs; Mrs El- lis Wells and Mrs. V. M. Jackson,  : ( fair booth; Mrs. Mary Trotter, pu- /'/.// blicity 'li Eleven members were present at the last meeting. HOOD CANAL DANCE CLUB TItlS SATURDAY The first dance of the 63-64 season will be held at the Hood Canal Dance Club at Lilliwaup this Saturday from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. lVrusic will be by Paul Osmandson. Coffee will be served. EVERGREEN IA Evergreen PTA will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the school audi- torium. A s'hort business scaling will be held then there will be opeu house of the classrooms. SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS ! FROZEN STRAWBERR,ES OR RASPBERRIES 64bu ¢.h +:: 51'1 Tasty FAN TAN BREAD CINNAMON HOOD CANAL WOMAN'S CLUB SLATES MANY ACTIVITIES FOR NEW SEASON Twenty-three members of the at Sportsman Haven on the Canal Hood Canal Woman's Club were while he is making a study of the present at the Potlatch clubhouse original Skokomish ¢Tawana) In- Sept. 19 for the first meeting of the new club year. Mrs. Robert Rowe. president, presided. Supporting Mrs. Rowe this year are the following officers: First vice president, Mrs. Edward Jen- ner: second vice president. Miss Rose Fredson; treasurer. Mrs. Ar- chic Calahan: secretary, Miss Dora Fredson: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lester Ager; parliamentarian, Mrs. M. C. Stark. Chairmen include: Ways and Means, Mrs. H. I. /¢Iillo; publicity, Mrs. D, H. Pierce; program. Mrs. Nina Miller; yearbook• Mrs. Ed- ward Jenner; membership and telephone. Union. Mrs. M C. Stark. Hoodsport. Mrs. Wm. Gilbert, Pot- latch, Mrs. Mac Dean. Shelton. Mrs. Eugene Dorman. Lilliwaup, Mrs. tester Ager; decorations. Mrs. Nick Seeva and Mrs. Josie Paterson; hospitality, Mrs. Ager; custodian Mrs. Dean; hostess, Mrs. Vemae Hill. Luncheon hostess for the Sept. meeting was changed from Hoods- port to Lilliwaup. Serving were Mrs. tester Ager. Mrs. James Reader. Mrs. Nick Sceva and Mrs. Josie Paterson. The luncheon ta- ble was beautifully decorated with two large centerpieces of many colored artificial flowers and mag- nolia leaves. The Lilliwaup mem- bers are famed for their new and delightful recipes and Thursday when they served their baked creamed mushroom hot dish, was no exception. In the afternoon Mrs. Gabriel Drachman, a frowner assistant pro- fessor at Linguistic Institute. Ath- ens University, Athens. Greece spoke to the club on her homeland. Mrs. Drachman told interesting facts of the origin of her country, its ancient civilization and its contributions to mankind in archi- tecture, art and educaton. She gave the ldstory of Greece's gov- ernment and said their religion is Catholic, mainly Greek Orthodox, no Protestants. Mr. and Mrs. Drachman have spent several weeks this summer LUTHERAN CIRCLE RUMMAGE SALE Phoebe Circle of the Mr. Olive i Lutherhn church will hold a L'Urn- sage sale from 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in the build- ing next to the public library on Railroad avenue. dian language for a thesis he is preparing toward a Doctorate de- gree at Chicago university and for the E'niversity of Washington. October 17 will be guest day at the club. Each member is asked Lo bring a guest. Members are to bring their gift for the club's lit- tle Korean orphan boy's Christ- mas package which mu't be sent in October. They are also to bring articles for the Shrub and Plant sale to be held that day. This will be a chance for anyone interested in getting slips and plants for their yard and everyone in the community is invited to attend. The club's executive board will meet at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 8 at the clubhouse. A rummage sale will WC3'U Appoints Guild Members To County Directors i Hear About Center Ernest Timpani. Supt. of the For Coming Year Washi,+on dnlt Correction Cen- ter now under construction, will The official board of the VVo- t be the speaker at the Oct. 2 meet- men's Christian Temperance Un- ins of the women of St. David's ion met last Thursday at the home Guild. of Mrs. Nena Roberts and ap- pointed County Directors to serve Irom October 1. 1963 to Oct. 1. 1964. New. directors are: Social ser- vice. Mrs. Roy EeUs: character education. Mrs. Manilla Galloway; child welfare. Mrs. Harold Chase: Christian citize]lship, Mrs. David Turner. Institutes and legislation, coun- ty officers: Music. Mrs. Blanch Bell; national papers. Mrs. \\;V. H. 5nelgrove; natural fruit beverag- ages. Mrs. Palmer Roberts; liter- stare. Mrs. Caroline Lentz; pub- licity, Mrs. Nena Roberts. Radio and telewision, county officers: Spiritual life, Mrs. Olive Quarrier; be held Oct. 11 at the PUD build- ing in Shetton. Oct. 18 a card par- temperance and missions, Miss ty is planned at the clubhouse and Marian Johnson; visual education, Mrs. Agnes Kangas. each member is asked to sponsor a table. Mrs. H. I. Milo will be chairman. She ,,,ill also head a u ¢=l^rink  glass## Sea Food dinner which the club will sponsor in November, the date to be announced later. I t Milk every day I I I STANDARD HEATING / '" .... ::::iii:iii!:i!:: ii::i:::;::!iii: " :iV.,':::, .:,' ..... is:"  .... ..::.:,:::.,:..,..:,:.i" The meeting will begin-with a 12 noon luncheon at the St. David's Episcopal church. The program is scheduled for 1 p.m. All people interested in hearing Mr. Timpani speak on the sub3ect of the insti- tution are cordially invited Lo at- tend at this time. TV SETS - FOR RENT Don't Miss the Fun and Entertainment of Television Law is close by TAYLOR .RADIO ELEIITRIG 4th & Cota 426-6602 Gives you the warmest feeling Order STANDARD HEATING OIL now on our special budget plan that spreads the cost over ten monthly payments with no interest or carrying charges. Call today for dependable housewarmer service from the man who takes better care of your heating comfort, For any Standard Oil product, call C. C. COLE & SONS, INC. • 118 S. 3rd, Phone 426-4411 I BIG RIGHT PRICES SEPT. 26-27-28 TO LIMIT EFFECTIVE ARM CUT' " PORK ROAST ' +33" BUYA BOOK AWEEK! AN HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 16 superb new volumes-glorious full color! SPECIAL vo. t on, vot,.z th '"T"°'°c'°" 49€ o,,. !9 PUBLISHED BY TURKEYS 39' A Grade Hcns .................... lb. PORK STEAK ...o ou. .... 49 ° 00esh VEALCUTLETS 6/69' DELIClOUSIGE CREAM BEEF LIVER Fresh ' '€ Ready For College? t Sparkle I Halfal. 59 ,€ CORN .......................................................... LoCany Grow., Larg. Roasting Ears ........................ 12 Ear, 39* ' . N=+':+, - VOLUME 2 NOW ON SALE! nannmm c,,sp • , L../, o, t I:' | . HERE IS AMERICAN HISTORY FOR BOTH Ulqilillv/v California ..................... Cello Bag /Jl. Don OLD AND YOUNG! PUT THESE BEAUTIFUL |M Verifine - Medium 3 b. lk¢ ,0&e,,,, REFERENCE BOOKS IN YOUR HOME VII|V.!I, or Boilers ............................................ Bag 1.. • LIBRARY. Extra Fancy €, SEEDLESS GRAPES ,..argo S,,e .... ,b. 2/39 First .... /"++++++:/++++++++" OfThe APPlF00 , + -o.. ho MARBLEHEAD SQUASH Ripened ............ lb. 5  Journal Sc ol ++,+on, Washington i-'ll II ..IF Available: New crop Parsnips, Turnips," Rutabagas and , Wash. BrUssels Sprouts Grown Red   OC Term Subscr on ,,o,,o,ou+ -:,-::i SPAGHETTI TinsS/ 1 J 15.+A F • " '3 EGGS , ou=+= +oz++ d, CHEESE SPREAD 49* OPEN ........ SUNDAYS " Long Spagh. - Elbo Macaroni Ke, ep up with thc Shur-Fine All-Vegetable 3 lb. Tin loea.l scoop -- lnailed tovou we, ekly tlI:;i' o: during $1t011TEll I 5 5', IIIAL VdI00MIS$ION +.;;::,AN0,11IIt,/'I I • :+rig E 7 Call today 426 4412 I0000COFF E+ 5 € ." [W! i I I