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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IAGE 18 i i SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in 'Chrbtmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington / FOilIIETS AfiPlIIIERIiABY (AUAIH) CONFERENCE--Washington State Port and Lumber Industry spokesmen met with Chairman Warren G. Magnuson, D., Wash., of Senate Commerce Committee in Washington, D.C.,, Monday to dis- cuss legislation he has introduced to extend the, right of American sawmills to ship lumber to Puerto Rico aboard foreign vessels when WELL DRILLING ' water guaranteed MYERS PUMPS Sales and 24 hour service Russell Drilling Co. Phone 426-4245 '64 Chew'clef hnpala Sport Sedan--one of I5 Jel-smooth luxury ChevroIels. Bill Russell r;de with Full Coil suspension. Flush-and-dry" rocker "pmiels, Deleotron generator, self- adjusting brakes and other low-upkeep fea- tures. If you've ever wondered how luxurious Chevrolet could get--with all the extra-cosl;. options there m'e to choose from--that seems to be entirely up to you. too. Even the ]owes pl'iced Biseaynes have new foam-cushioned seats front and rear and are fully carpeted.) Of course, you expeG more than i us luxury from Chevrolet A choice of 16 power teams, for instance--a 6 and six V8's up to 425 hp (optional at extra cost). And quieter transmissions. Jet-smo'oth U.S. vessels are ot available. Left to right, Dave James of Simpson Timber Company; Gene Sibold, Manager, Port of Olympia; Sen- ator Magnuson; Joseph P. Adams, representing the Port of Seattle; and Henry Soike, Port of Grays Harbor, Aberdeen. Absent-minded husband :(above), away on business/forgets anniver- sary, calMong distance, is relieved when bride shrieks, "Well, it's about time you rcmemberedl We've been married a whole monthT Don't wait till the' last minute to save your marriage--call long distance frequently. Let loved ones and friends hear from you often--it's next best to being with them. How about a call this evening, after 6, when rates arc even lower?PACIFiC NORTHWEST BELL Chevrole was luxul%us before, bu you should see it now. With smart new styling, the '64 Chevrolet looks even longer (bug imft). There's even a whole new series this year--the Impala Super Sports--with front bucket seats as standard equipment. (The 11ew Impalas and Bel Aiis are more luxurious, You've never seen anything l[ke ths %ota]ly new line of ears before. Chevelle is new in everything but Chevrolet quality. Chevelte is a good foot shorter than the big cars, so it parks easily. Yet the interior dimensions of its Body by Fisher provide a generous amounl; of head, leg and shoulder room. (Chevelle's trunk is big and roomy, too.) The ride is sur- prishgly smooth with a rugged coil spring at all .New CheveIIe Malibu Super Sport Coupc--one of 11 models i three great series., four wheels. And noho surprisingly for Chew'ole% "[HERE'S 5 IN the new Chevelle offers a choice of engines ranging from an economical 120-hp 6 m a 220-hp V8 (optional at exa cost.) Choose the Chevelle you like best from the three series--the Malibu Super Sport, the Malibu and the 300 Series, eleven models in all--at your Chevrolet dealer's. (Like this good- looldng Malibu Super Sport, maybe?) CHEVRoLET,I ................. CI-II_ ........... E:I0000T ............. ....................................................................................................................... CEE00' II, CORVAIR and CORVEIIE HELL CrHEVRoLET COHPANY First &-Grove Sts. Shelton, Wash. Gold Star Parents , Are Guests Of Honor ilii: A dinner honoring Gold Star a'ents was held by the VFW tuxi] ar:r last Friday evening. Lovely corsages and gifts were presented to alI the mothers. Fol- lowing the dinner a program was presented by members of the VFW Post and Auxiliary. Shelt0n was well represented at a district meeting held in Ray - mond last Saturday evening. The next disi:rict meeting is scheduled [I to be he id in Shelton in December. 426-4426 Melhodist Ghurch Starts Education Program Rally Day Sunday will signal the beginning of 18 months of inten- sive training and emphasis on Christian education at the Sheb ton Methodist Church. key. Hor- ace :Mounts and Robert Tanner, church school superintendent, will lead the Christian education pro- gram. This Sunday a special Rally Day offering to ald in training church leaders throughout Washington and northern Idaho will be taken at the morning worship service. During the weeks of Sept. 22 through Oct. 6 Methodist Church members will visit the homes of new church school prospects and those whose attendance has lagged. Every three months a team of trained children's workers will meet with local church leaders. The climax of the program will come in September, 1964, when all Methodist Sunday school clas- ses for children through the sixth grade Will adopt a completely new series of lessons. key. Mounts explained that the new curriculum will emphasize the Bible, besides offering more help for inexperienced church school teachers. The Rev. and Mrs. Mounts and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wingard at- tended a special session of the Methodist Pacific Northwest An- nual Conference last Tuesday. About 500 conference members, representing 285 churches, attend- ed the meeting which was held at the Methodist Church in Yaki- ma. The purpose of the special ses- stun was to study the parish min- istry and consider ways of deere,%- ing the shortage of pastors that is becoming more critical each year. The luncheon speaker was Dean Joseph D. Quillian Jr., of Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Tax. This year the church will have two youth choirs u_der the direc- tion of Mrs. Dean Palmer with Mrs. lVIax Folsom or organist. The Junior Choir. meeting at 3:30 p.m. each Thursday, is composed of grades 4 through 8 and the Wes- ley Hi Choir, which practices at 6 p.m. on Thursdays, is made up of t]igh school students. The youth choirs will sing at the Sunday 8:30 a.m. service, which is also held this year m addition to the egular 11 a.m. worship service. Anyone interested in singing i welcome t9 join the choir. Potluck Friday For Sey Club The St. Edward's Youth Club will hold its first meeting for the year at 6 p.m. this Saturday in the church basement. The club is open to Catholic girls and boys in the 7-9 grades. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. This first meeting is to be pot- luck an.:l a special invitation is extended to all parents to join for the potluck and the meeting after- ward. Plans for the year will be discussed. The meeting will be short so all who are interested will have time to attend the foot- ball game. For further informa- tion contac the advisors, :Mr. or Mrs. James E. Connolly, 426-8548, evenings. By humility I mean not the ab- jectness of a base mind. but a prudent care not to overvalue our- selves. ---Nathaniel Crew GONVENTIOH REPORT GIVEN GARDEN GLUB MEMBERSHIP' When the Shelton Garden Club held its annual membership t:ea Sept. 16 Mrs. Harry Deegan was hostess assisted by Mrs. Percy Kennerley and Mrs. George Crop- per. Guests were Mrs. Craig Eliot and Mrs. Arne Johnsen/who joined the club. Presiding at the first part of the business meeting, Mrs. Wm. Henderson, immediate past presi- dent, thanked the officers and committee members for their as- sistance while she was in office. She then asked Mrs. Cropper to install the officers for the coming year. They are:  Pre.;ident, Mrs. Henry Hans- meier; first vice president, Mrs. W. A. Witsiers; second vice pres- ident, Mrs. Percy Kennerley; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Isaac Jef- fery; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. F. Roberts: treasurer, Mrs. Frank Travis, St'. The club members thanked Mrs. Henderson for her untiring efforts while acting as president the past four years. Mrs. Hansmeier then conducted the rest of the meet- ing, making several announce- ments. The Capitol District, of which the Shelton club is a mem- ber, will hold a meeting starting at 10 a.m. next Tuesday at the Top of the Ocean. Reservations must be in by Sunday. The Taco- ma District will hold its annual Mum Show October 5-6 at Uni- versity Place, 40th and Sunset Drive. Mrs. Hansmeier then gave a re- port of the state convention of the Washington Federation of Garden Clubs held at the Monticello Ho- tel in Longview June 17r19. It was the 30h annual convention, There are now 665 clubs with 15,780 members. There were 432 registered, of which 215 were del- egates. Mrs. J. Gordon Gose of Seattle the first Washington state mem- ber and the second from the Pa- cific coast ever to be elected pres- ident of the National Council of State Garden Clubs, attended the convention. For many years the State Federation has presented scholarships to the best students in horticulture at the U of W and WSU. It was voted at the meeting to honor Mrs: Gose by presenting Legislation To Aid Lumber Reviewed By Julia Hansen scholarships in fore standing students sities to be ealied the Award". Tuesday monds of Oregon, rose grower, outstanding rose Mrs. Harold from the Inland was elected presid Federation for the Mrs. Hansmeier 1964 convention Port Angebs. The club's been typed by Mrs assisted by Mrs. Mrs. Kennerley, There was a arrangements that red ribbons at the Fair. At the eonclusi ing tea was ses with Mrs. Roy Pension Eli For Widows Veterans Many Washington and minor childre veterans ate in the law to VA pension, L. Millet', Service Post No. 1694. Prior to July 1, and minor ehildre II or of Korean were eligible for the veteran had a tainable service bility at the time This is no longer of eligibility. Brefly, the now are: (a) The band must have days of service, time, unless service -connected was receiving or receive ment pay for connected cases, had 15-een conditions other (b) The come is not more nually (or widow children of the vel than $3,000 is not the so la'ge that look to the The VFW special empha many minor veterans whose rn married are still pension even are not. Since changed her cases, her addreSS difficult for her to explain children. If under 18 years 21 years of school, they maY pension under the Widows or pet od of minor ch veterans of Korean conflict, pensions prio were found apply under the believe their prescribed limits. Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen today summarized legis- lation in this session of Congress aimed at helping the lumber in- dustry of the Northwest. Mrs. Hansen noted that the House and Senate had passed and the President signed into law, e- erupting lumber from the rate fil- ing requirements of the nation's shipping laws. Heretofore it has been necessary for the water car- rier to file lumber rates with the Maritime Commission causing con- siderable delay and often making it necessacy to lose a lumber or- der. "This new legislation, we are confident, will help the lumber in- dnstry in its fight to regain and retain its traditional markets," Mrs. Hansen said. Mrs, Hansen also noted that both the Senate and House had passed legislation making it nec- essary for imported lumber to be marked as to the country from which it was exported. This is now in confe;ence to settle the differ- ences in the versions passed by each house and it is expected that within the nexct three or four weeks, the legislation will go to the President. Mrs. Hansen said. The Congresswoman also men- tioned that several bills had been introduced seeking to extend the authority for West Coast Mills to ship lumber in foreign ships to Puerto Rico. She pointed out that this authority was granted last vear and will expire on October 24 and speed will be necessary to extend the authority. ATTENDS CONVENTION Journal editor-and-publisher Bill Dickie attended the annual Wash- ington Newspaper Publishers con- vention in Yakima last week. sit- ting as a member of the board ot directors of both the parent or- ganization and its advertising agency subsidiary, WNPA Ser- vices Inc. He is also a member of the Bet- ter Newspaper Standards commit- tee of WNPA. The convention cov- ered Thursday afternoon Friday and Saturday, ATTENDING liPS Four Shelton students have been admitted to the University of Pu- get Sound as freshmen. They are :Michael W. Carte. Johanna Golds- chmid, Paula J. Harman and Jana Runnion. YoU l00gN tlLff Lumber Induslr Back To PORTLAND las fir up to normal August, after month labor ders lagged 10 put. In its West Coast elation noted tion stepped llP cent. of the 1951 eight months output was percent. Compared to output in shington is but orders are reflecting the roads of cana erica's active The weekly Coast lumbe ust was percent of the Orders averages 1958-62 000 b.f.; Eight ulative f. ; eight 923, 5,290.911,000 Figures quarter of SEATTLE-iI RST NATIONAL Ask your dealer...or the seafi¢ in the Installment C BANK FINANCII00