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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 26, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 26, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 20 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY ff0URNAL--Published in €¢Chr{stmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton. Washington Thursday, LI H i For Sale TWO GREEN BROADLOOM Carpets. 9 x 7t/ and 9 x 131 with pads. Both $50. Phone 426-6585. D 9/26 ................................................... SPECIAL OFFER --- Try 5 rounds of out" custom reloaded ammunition for' 75c. J & M Shooters Supply. Phone 426-2443 or 426-6184. 9/26 10/3 FOR SALE park oil heater with 55 gallon drum with approximately 35 gal. oil. $15. Call 426-4041. S 9/26 anteed, home freezers. Prices on 21 eu. ft. start at $239.95, Cooke's. 219 For Sale , FOR SALE -- Mahogany dining room set $150. Super G. E. Freezer-Refrig- erator $285. Power lawn mower. $25. Write No. 19 Lawton Apts or call 426-3171. H 9/19 10/3 BLUEBERRY BUSHES for sale. nearly ]00. heavy bearing bushes. Phone 426-3529. G 9/19 10/3 r E S-T G--5SE, 5t-a-t i c--w a s h e r: refrigerator, mangle, meat slicing machine, milk dispenser and a steam table. Call 426-4552. G 8/15 tfn FUSCHIAS and Tuberous Begonias, Hubbard's Fuschia Garden. 1211 H 5/30 tfn BIG sizes in quantity to cut food costs. Complete line at BE Mart. Mt, View. 6/20 tfn So. Fir:t 426-2412. 9/26 tfn ............................................. Railroad %ve. FALL BULBS ARE IN! Come early for a good selection. Cooke's. 219 So. First. 9/19-26 FOR SALE -- TO6 International trac- tor. Very good condition. Take over paymems. Also R 190 International truck. '450 engine andFreuhauf tan- dent trailer, at. 1. Box 19. Port Orcll- ard. Phone TB 6-3449. Z 9/19 10/3 YOR SALE Three piece davenport set. $65. 16 ram. movie camera, $40, Inquire 416 No. 12th. K 9/19 tfn EMERSON TV's for sale. Ey terms, Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cola St. 7/4 tfn OLD GROWTH wooD for sale. $16 per cord. Slab wood, $12.50. Call 426-3747. S 8/1 tfn STORY AND CLARK PIANOS. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota 7/4 tfn ]7,25i --SXL- E-Bt]-t --,- le--n s--" d- .o-o st t s St. Also chicks. 1726 Ridge Road. or phone 426-6287. E 9/19-26 HEAVY DUTY JIG SAW for less than half cost. Also misc. tools, 411 Eli- nor. 428-6505. E 9/19-26 1Vz H.P. ENGINE, Large bench vice two 12-ton screw jacks, two tool boxes, small gas heater, buffet. welding cable, 62 ft, Jerome Ker- bart. 204 East Pine St, 9/12 10/3 TRUMPET FOR SALE -- Three ycaL old. Excellent condition. Sell for $110, Call 426-4673. S 8/29 tt'n ]RAND NEW MO, DEL 100 Polaroid camera, sensational camera at a sen- sational $149,50, Ziegler's Camera Shop. Z 9/5 tfn YOU -- Pick Blueberries I5 cent per lb. Eberhardt Etueberry Nursery NOW Also reloading 7 x 57 and 8 x 57 Mauser -- $3.10 per 20 using your cases. J & M Shooters Supply. _on 426:2!!s orA6=68. 2/2  t_fn SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. Good condition and good tone. Ph. 426-2010 after 5 p.m. E 9/26 12 CU. FT. COOLERATOR deep freeze. Chest-type, $100. 426-6406, O 9/26 tfn Phone 426-6267 evenings. 9/19 tfn QUkKER OIL--HEATER with--fan, good condition. $35, Phone 426-4884, M 9/26 10/10 Sport'mg Goods FOR SALE -- Cushman trail bike in very good condition. Call 426-8595 Left of Highway 101 l& miles on after 6 p.m, Steamboat Island Rd. Call 352-8031. - ............. E 8/15 tfn SACRIFICE 4 yr. old organ. Contact T. J. Lee 616 Seattle Street 'or call 877-5221 Hoodsport. L 8/15 tfn TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE -- Many thousands of items tn choose from. Large des(cunts. We pay freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- crest M 8/8 tfn  O-P--S-(3][L ,--g rav e--i--fiil-- ¢Ii-{tT- F.-- E: Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn I-lAVE FM RADIO in your home. con- sole stereo units or component parts. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St, 7/4 tfn LOWREY ORGANS -- New-nd---,d: Terms. Johnny's Music Box. 205 Coa St. 7/4 tfn GROCERIES in institutional sizes and by the dozen, or case tots. BJ Mart, Mt. View. 6/21 tfn L'O-CK-Et,---A-ND- CANNING supplies, Locker Beef. Economy size grocery items, BJ Mart, Kneeland building, Mr. View. 6/20 tfn LARGE plate glass windows, window frames, aluminum windows, door frames, lawn mowers, garden trac- tors. rototillers, table top hot-water healer, cabinet sink. frigidaires, stoves, many articles. Herb's Second Hand Store. on Mr` View. 4/25 tfn CHRISTMASTON, U.S,A2' rubber stamps for sate at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cots, 12/1 tfn the money-saving 50 pound sacks. L 9/26 10/3 NEW TOLLYCRAFT 26' Cruiser. 'lly equipped. 20 percent discount. Call Olympia 943-1440. M 9/12-26 CUSTOM RELOADED AMMUNITION: 270 W. 308 W. 30-06, 358 W. for $3.10 and 30-30 W. 32 Special for $2.70. Above prices per 20 cartridges using your empty cases. Inquire for prices using our eases or for cartridges not listed above. J & M Shooters Supply. P.O. :Box 273. Shelton. Phone 426-2448 or 426-6184. 9/12 tfn FOR SALE Glass runaboat. 35 h.p. Evinrude all-elec, motor, trailer; 15 ft. trailer-house, like new inside and out : refrigerators, dryers, stoves, furniture. Herb's Second Hand Store. Mt. View. 8/8 tfn V.f-FT:-JEWEL travel trailer for sale. $795. Ray Franklin, Lake Nahwat- zel. "Star Route 2, Box 144. Shelton. 7/4 tfn EVINRUDE and Iomelte outboards. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Itood Canal Marina, Union, Wash. Phone 893-2252 3/21 tfn BOATS, IV[OTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at WaR's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- TR 7-5244, 1/19 tfn For Rent SMALL FURNISHED apartment suit- able, for one or couple. Inquire 722 Pine St= P 9/12 t£n ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment for renL IIeat. water and garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin St,. Apl. 5. plene 426-B496. B 9/12 tfn Save at B5 Mart. Mr. View. ELECTROLUX SALE. service ,/Id supplies. JbIln Rice. Phone 426-6108. Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn ICE. PICNIC SUPPLIES. large size canned goods, save money at BJ Mart, Kneeland Building. Mt. View. 6/20 tfn OU CAN PUMP more water longer with Fairbanks Morse ]pumps. See them at Shelton Electro( Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe. pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 Lfn LOCKERBEEF. large size frozen foods will save you money at BJ Mart. Mt. View. 6/20 tfn room eatnn for elderly couple or handyman that would be willing to do odd jobs for parl of rent. 426-6769. E 9/12 tfn bedroom furnished cottages with or witilout linens or TV, Heat. elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/5 tfn unfurnished, Middle Skokomish Val- ley. Call 426-6091 or 426-6827. M 8/29 tfn q;(r' BEDROOM apartment, partly furnished, one mile from city limits. Call 426-6976. D 8/22 tfn FOR RENT -- Three-room furnished FOR SALE  Large selection at re- apartment at o28  Franklin. Contact enditloned ranges, refrigerators, ar-Din Enterprises, 526 Franklin. washers, 4,Tore. Cells & Valley Ap- Phone 426-8113. .8/22 tfn pltance Center. 6/5 tfn  ..... E-E OUI FINE stoc'k of fireplace house. $40 per month. Call 426-8595 equipment From fireglow to Frank- after 6 p.m. L 9/26 10/3 lin stoves, grates to glass doors. SLEEP-7---I0-I--f¥-:e--. C1-7t]6_  Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. 8115. L 9/26 10/10 View. 11/15 tfn SLAB WOOD for sale. You haul $9.50 per cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Nlell on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 10/11 tfn VAN. DYKE mobile homes! Quality at a practical price! DeTray's Mo- bile Homes. 1617 Pones Road, Olym- pia, Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/21 tfn BRIGGS and STRATTON replacement engines, short blocks, parts in stock Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First, Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tfn -BAelli accordion. pink and gold. Phone 426-8377, $300. H 4/18 tfn FOR SALE  wood 16 in. and over LAWTON APTS.. furnished and tm- fm'nished on( bedrooms apts. Ample storage. All utilities included except lights. Reasonable. 7th and Pine Sts,, Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tfn Art's Bulldozing! Excavating  Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport. Wash. 5/17 tfn $16 per cord. Phone 426-4867 S 1/31 tfn RE'ii'ON-(h'ai'(WS mlteut, out- last "era all, Cooke's, 219 So. First St. Phone 426-2412. 8/29 tfn BLfF,-R-E-R[I-IES---- 25e per pound. 14 P0uuds $3.25. Ebcrhardt Blueberry Nurserie, u, Rt. 1. Box 392. Olympia, Steamboat Island Road. 352-8031. ITE-MODEL electric stove and re- frigerator fo: sale. Good condition. r Phone 426-506. Inquire 2316 Kiug St. K 9/19-26 incur size range, both clean and per- ,. feet condition. Phone 4-212i, L 9/19 tfn USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1 GE Refrigerator .................. $69.50 1 Kelvinator Refrigerator....$89.50 1 Frigidaire Refrigerator..,.$79.50 1 NEW Wood Kitchen Range ................................. $149.50 1 Magnavovx AM-FM Radio & Record Player . ....................... $79,50 I 5 pc. wood dinette .............. $29.50 1 3 pc. drop Ica£ bronze dinette .................................... $29.50 I 5 pc. bronze dillettc, white $59.50 1 2 pc. green sectional .......... $59.50 1 3 pc. red & grey sectional $69.50 1 Large oil heater, circulating fan ............................................ $79.50 1 small quaker oil heater (like newl ............................ $69,5(l 3 Spark ()it heaters .......... $39.5n 1 Wabmt l¢edroon Suit,e $59.50 1 Gas Range ........................ $69.50 1 hill size Headboard Bed with foam rubber mattress & box spring .................................... $89.50 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone 426-4702 SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS 500-gal., 750-gal., 1000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher fur Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tfn i WA_N2mD Used Furnitur$ Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 WE HAVE... Mercury Outboards MerCruiser Stern Drives Glass Par Boats = Pacific Marina Boats SANDE'S BOATS & MOTORS Belfair, Wash. 8/I t£n Experienced Waitresses over 21 Year around steady work Apply Alderbrook hm 5/16 tfn For Rent Wanted LEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen prl- TIEES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. vlleges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn 4823, 2/13 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS. Bachelor HANDY MAN -- Odd jobs' If you units, suitable for one or two. Corn- think it can't be fixed call Henry pletely furnished. All utilities in- Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn eluded. Reasonable. 7ih and Pine. WANTED -- Used cars and trucks. Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tfn Jim Pauley Inc. 5th and Railroad. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping Phone 426-8231. 6/27 tfn rooms and 2-room apartments. Lin- WILL do ironing in my home. down- ens. dishes, utilities supplied. 426- town area, $1 per hour. 426-8514, Mrs. 2081. 13 2/28 tfn Charles Lombard. 2/14 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom apart- WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK or mcnt on Hill(rest. Call 426-3169. ironing, Call evenings 426-4378. 638 B 9/19-26 Arcadia. V 9/5 tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS- Furnish- FOUNDATION work. repairs leveling, ed and unfurnished. Modern apart- re-posting, Reasonable, free estima- nmnts downtown. Adults. Inquire 119 tea. Call Olympia  2-8551. E. Cedar. 426-4895 or 426-4481. C 3/14 tfn G 9/19 tfn WXNTED- -- leg'it-eYe-ed--Nu'seafid FOR RENT Three bedroom house Licensed Practical Nurse for 3-11 unfurnished near schools. Phone 426- shift and relief in large nursing 3367. H 9/19 10/3 home. Attractive wages, riving quar- ....... tera available if necessary. Route 1, TWO BEDRO'0I  unfurnisied with Box 69. Sumner. Wash.. phone carport in private location near ldA UNiversity 3-4371. K 9/5-26 Service. available immediately. Easy WOMEN WANTED Can earn $3-d care fenced yard. Spacious kitchen up per hem- as a Rawleigh Dealer, with plenty built-ins and double sink. full or part time in Shelton. For de- wired for 220. Has utility ani is tails write Rawleigh, 306 Adeline. completely redecorated. No drinking. Oakland. Calif. 94607. G 9/19-26 Adults only. $45 per me. 426-8788. J 9/19 tfn FOR RENT Lovely furnishedcon 2 Used Cars temporary 2-bedroom "A-frame" cha- let. On salwater beach 5 rain. from town. Call 426-4000 evenings and 1954 CADILLAC -- All around good weekends; 426-8277 daytime, condition, Foul- new tires. $500, Call B 9/19 tfn Union 898-2270 after 6 p.m. L 9/19tfn FOR RENT -- Reea Apt. 2 bedroom,  PL"'OUTH Station Wagon, 8 cylinder with straight transmission. unfurnished, garage, yard, Call La- 426-6406. O 9/26 tfn Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 8/29 tfn FbR RET - Two bedroom unfurn- Classified Service isbed house at 2220 Adams. Inquire 2214 Adams, phone 426-2159. M 9/5 tfn LOCKEP MEAT -- Cut. double wrap- FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- pod, trimmings ground, 6c per lb. is ed apartment. Hot water heat, Don Williams. 604 Dearborn. 426- cl  utilities, range and refrigera- 3040. 9/19 tfn t( furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil. peat 2446. B 5/18 tfn soil. custom tractor work. Johns CLEAN one bedroom furnished house Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- for rent. Phone 426-4644. S 8/15 tfn 3552, 9/12 tfn FIVE ROOMS FURNISHED -- Water CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, soe-dy, accurate precision grinding. Now at garbage included, 325 N. 5th. 426-6564 Saeger Motor Shop. Hill(rest. Phone or Port Angeles 457-5049. B 8/29 tfn 426-4602. I/1B tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom furnished  BTY2" scrap iron, batteries, radla- house, near Evergreen school. Clean. tore, copper, salvage of all kinds. Phone 426-2121 or 426-6433. Shelton Junk Co. First and Mill L 9/12 tfn Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn TWO BEDROOM HOME for rent" LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. Fo- Partially furnished, 426-851. expert painting and wall papering, N 9/12 tfn call Bennett Painting Company, FOR RENT -- One bedroom unfurn- 426-3248 B Ii/8 fin ished house on Hill(rest. Fenced ROOFING, blown roc wool ln$111a,: yard: $45 per month. Phone 426-8538. tlon guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn P 9/12 10/3 FOR RENT -- Furnished cabin in JEROME BURKE Shelion. Close in. Water furnisbed. Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- Hoodsport 877-5591. S 9/12 tfn aged older sawdust, pit-run gravel. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn Pets, Livestock XeET AUTO GLASS ltiation. Jim Pauley In(. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn FOR SALE: Small. well marked Toy VE---GUNWiLL--SI'RX'.'-Ex/eri FOx Terrier registered puppies. Call and interior. Free estimates. Work 426-6940 F 8/15 tin guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. HORSES FOR SALE -- Four geldings, Phone 426-3248. 5110 tfn two marc's, ages 2 years to 12 years. FOR EXPERT MASONRY. fireplaces, Also saddles and bridles. H. O. chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, Rowe. 426-8032. R 9/19 tfn 426-2278. 3/1 tfn HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere Wanted in state. Phone 357-5358 or 352-4940. , ,.Iobert Shumate Olympia. IRONING DONE -- 90c an hour. else S 8/8 tfn day service if desired. Call 426-4593. FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- L9/19 tfn staIlations, oil conversions. Shelton WANTED Used hand-cranked ice Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial cream freezer, 6 qt. size preferred. 426-6121. Phone 426-3153. P 8/29 tfn PIPE Shop Service--do-R-yourself or TIMBER--WANTED -- $60,000 cash expert help available, day or night, available for timber tracts. Also weekends, holidays, loy Getty, 1014 would consider farms with timbered Franklin. Phone 426-4850. areas. Write Western Land Agency, G 5/2 tfn Route 4. Box 281-B. Olympia. Wash. 9/12 10/3 V WHO CAN DRIVE to call regularly each month on esfablished BE SAFE! Studio Girl Cosmetics clients in and around Shelton. making necessary deliveries, etc. 3 or 4 hours per day. :Route will pay up to $5.00 p'er hour. DI SURE! Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. 79639, Glendale. Calif. 9/12-26 to 100k only for fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with home that interest. No realtors. Write Box S. S c/o The Journal. 2/21 tfn OX display this sign ubber weldere, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn I HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn READIN00 OUR ADS HEAT is a way to learn Oil about us... heats best costs you less $ BUT CONSULTING US IS BETTER. , • 9-2-9-23 MASON OOUNTY SOOTH FED. GREDIT UNION CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED 110 S. 4th Ph. 426-2202 and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 "We make loans for 3/27 tfn all provident arid ...... ,., productive purposes" , ,. ..,. ..... NEED A FENCE? .... - ....... - -, - Beautiful, long-lasting, western -- .-,],----==E]I red cedar fences of distinction by *="  Versapanel, Installed or do-it- =- yourself with nothing down, usual- l -2" - ly $10 per month. I livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson "The same thing happened to me last year -- I go my kid a BB gun £rt the Wan Ads. .o,.. The JOURNAL Classified Service REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shetton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cola, phone 426-8082 day oz' night. 1/18 tfn BABY SITTING done daily or hourlY in my home. Any age. Please phone 426-8575. H 8/22 tfn Real Estate PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED $1.000 on this 7-room house. If you are looking fin a bargain see the owner at 411 Ellinor or call 426-658. E 9/19-26 FAMILY HOME -- One level, tlaree bedrooms, fireplace. 2 lots on Island Lake. Has dock, 426-3265. Miscellaneous WILL THE PARTY who borrowed my dishes please return them to Mrs. Leona EllioLt, 604 Franklin 426- 3110. E 9/19-26 P 8/29 tfn "'  ACRE. Skokomish Vaney. House with large living room, kitchen, bath and utility, two upstairs bedrooms. New roof. New septic tank and drainfields. Reasonable. Phone 426- FREE -- One gallon of A & W Root Beer to B. Quecner. 225 Arcadia St.. Shelton. upon suitable identification at Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mr. View, 9/26 CARD OF THANKS :May "we'extnd to our many friends and neighbors and especially to the Foursquare Church and Rex,. Wysong. Mill No. 1 employees, Simpson Timber Company and office staff, and Collier's Clinic. our deep thanks for the flowers and sympathies given us during our bereavement. Met-ton B. Campbell and relatives EVERYONE INVITED AVON COSMETICS annual Christ- mas open house, 11.:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 27. Memorial Hall. Refresh- ments, door pr;ze. Skin care and make-up fihns hourly. 9/12-19-26 MEAT COOLING. cutting and wrap- ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. L 2/7 tfn FI-IOE ]3 E'CI R-C LE - lut It ]a la-g (- Sale ---2 Women of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church are having s rummage sale. Next to library on Raih-oad. Tburs- day and Friday, Sept. 26 and 27. from 8:30 to 5:30. M 9/19-26 Real Estate COMPLETELY RE-BUILT three bed- room home, large living, dining and kitchen area. Electric beat. Almost one acre, terms. 426-$742. W 9/5 tfn TWO BEDROOM HOME On lmTg¢ FOR SALE by owner. Excellent dis- Lrict. two bedrooms, automatic oil beat. fireplace, large lot. This house is in first-class condition $9.250. Terms. Call Union 893-2429 after 6:00 p.m. R 9/12-26 Ileal Estate MODERN 2-bedroom home. attacned double garage, electric eat. paso. Mt. View. Phone 426-842 Z 4/11 tfn ANGLESIDE CORNER lot, 90 x 120 for sale. Phone 42{%8563. I'4o Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/4 tfn 4-BEDROOM. fireplace, carpeting and draperies, double garage, room over garage, wash room and fruit trees. Large corner lot, 426-6510. B 4/11 tfn Radiant heat, fireplace, newly re- decorated. Plione 426-8078. S 4/11 tfn OR--SA--E-b7-own e r?--3  le dr oola house half block from Mt. View school. Fenced yard. partial basement, play- room. lots of built-in storage space. Three years old. 2316 King street. N-JVqONE BEDROOM HOME on one __Phone 426-4506. K 9/26 10/3 acre. Beautiful view of Mt. Ranter. New well electric heat. Lot 41. Is- land View Tracts. Robert L. Bru- hahn. Star Rt 1 Box 195. Grapview. B 9/12-26 105 FT. x 500' LOW BANK waterfront. 3 miles South of Allyn. Two bed- room all electric modern home with two ficeplaces. Utilities and recrea- tion room in grbii'ffff 'level basement. Excellent well. carport. erms. 426- 4027. M 9/12-26 MT. VIEW 3 bedroom home patio, fireplace, electric heat. Phone 426- 4504 after 6 p.m. H 3/28 tfn OLDER 3 BEDROOM l]ouse on Angle- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tfn WATERFRONT! 240 ft. Island Lake with 100' x 30' lagoon for private boat moorage. Plus lots across coun- ty road with 76 ft. driven well and large solidly constructed two WATERFRONT -- 100 ft, by 1000 ft. deep. Some timber, spring water, small house, fruit trees, 610 Pine St.. Shelton. L 8/29 tfn 2 BEDROOM house. 2 lots Hillcst $3500. Phone 426-2478, S 8/15 tfn Angleside home with view. Full base- mont. two baths fireplace, $16,000. 512 South 8tb. Phone 426-8120, G 9/19 tfn FOR LEASE OR SALE -- Tvo-bed- room home. Suburban. Call 426-4147 S 9/19 10/3 CHOICE THREE BEDROOM home. large living room, fireplace, car- peted. Full drive-in basement, furn- ace. Second house for rental. Close in but secluded. Phone 426-6264. C 9/19 tfn Legal Publications NOTICE OF BU1)GET III,:ARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Connnissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District No. 1 have completed its preliminary bud- get for the fiscal year 1964 and that the board of Fire Commmmoners will meet at the Hoodsport Fire Hall, quarter of NorthweSt Twp. 20 N.. Rang taining 1.22 acres, in Certificate 1958. Original page 79. line 3. Division. Assess east quarter of 36. Twp. 20 particularly ginning in Sec. 36 as the  description ; East line of of 40 It. ; with North line Inert or leSS tO lille of ly along 41 ft.. more said Sec. 36 North line or less to said .01 acre. more or (ate, 1958, Certifies Original Certif page 172. lmc Piekola. East ter el quarter. Sec. W.W.M., less. Year in icate $3.63. Origin:d Certif page 227. Fay et ux. Southwest ter. Sec, 19. W.W.M., as follows: West 112 ft., angles to the the followin cing at tile East side North 72 ° 34' South 71 ° 25" initial point said iuitial West 32.88 ft.; West 34,38 ft.; East 87,91 ft. Southerly line South 50  42' Southerly lin. thence of the said Park double tot with fruit trees and gar- den area. One block from stores and highway on Hillcrest. By owner. 941 East Cascade. Week days after 4 p,m, S 9/26 tfn story barn. Phone 426-8589. L 9/26 FREEZER SALE 15 CU. FT. UPRIGHT ................ NOW $169.88 White or Coppertone - Stores 425 lb. Food - Save $60.00 15 CU. FT. CHEST ........................ NOW $168.00 Stores 525 lb. - Save $51.00 17 CU. FT. CHEST ........................ NOW $209.88 Stores 600 lb. - Save $30.00 17 CU. FT. UPRIGHT .................... NOW $218.88 Stores 600 lb. - Save $31.00 26.4 CU. FT. CHEST .................... NOW $268.88 Stores 924 lb. - Save $41.00 30.1 CU. FT. UPRIGHT ................ NOW $289.88 Stores 1053 lb. - Save $60.00 Thi!n Wall construction -tukes less than 9 Sq. Ft. Space- See this. Many Models In Stock. Special Coldspot Features-Exclusive Food Protection Plan, 5 Yr. Guarantee, All Porcelain Lined. SEE US NOW, IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A FREEZER. SEARS GATALOG SALES-- SHELTON EVERGREEN SQUARE PHONE 426-8201 PUBLIG AUGTION Sunday, Sept. 29. I:O0 p.m. Herb's Second Hand Store 2 mile north of Shelton on Hiway 101 Glass boat, motor and trailer; trailer house; - furniture; stoves, gas, wood & electric; refrig- erators; washers & dryers; misc. articles. 9/19-26 HOME GAS CO. OF HOODSPORT DEALS IN SERVIGE, SALES, and INSTALLATION OF ALL Household & Commercial Appliances and Equipment Cooking , Heating, Refrigeration, and Water Heating Propane or Natural Gas CALL HOODSPORT 877-5311 CURTIS B. GROUT HOODSPORT, WASH. 8-29Lfn GET A "HILLER DEAL" ON YOUR APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL 426-8215 and "DEAL" your service worries to us! Miller's of She,0n 3rd & Railroad GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furnilure and Appliances CALL KELLY'S FURNITURE 426-2411 Hoodsport, .rashington. on October 8. erly 200 ft. 1963. Tuesday, at 8:00 P.M. for the section of the purpose of fixing th final budget, insular ailwaY. Any taxpayer of Fire District No. grog Coral: 1 nmy appear at the above mentioned thP, e and place 'and bc beard for or against any part of said budget. Dated to the at ttoodsport. Washington the 2dLh care 1958, day of September. 1963. By order of Original Cer the Board. page 293, line ARCHIE CALAHAN Chairman ler. Lots 9 t( 9/26 10/3 2t 32 to 34 PI at E, Plat ther,oI NOTICE OF BUDGI';T IIEARIN(; the Auditor Noliee is her(by given that the Board in Certificate o[ Conunissioners of Public Utilily Original District No. 3 of Masou County. Wash- page 455. ington, have prepared a budget for Muir, North the year 1964 and thaL a final hear- quarter of iUg Oll Lhe proposed budget will bo east quarter held in the offices of the District at Yard'Acres Third and Cots streets. Shelton. Wash- Range 2 W.W. ington at 1:00 p.m. October 7. 1963. more or less. EDWIN W. TAYLOR. Secretary Certificate 9/12 & 9/26 Goodwin et NO. 3S3 Sbores Extcns: OTICI,: AND SUMMONS IN COUNTk" te(,.orded PIaL TAX FORECLOSURE NO. 47 office of tile IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Year in STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY inal MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON, a ILnliciplll Corpel'ation ano one OI the Conntics of Llle StaLe o£ Wasllingtou, Plaint]it, VS. in the Iat'y E. Inse] all pcrsons hcrcinafter lIason Counly. nalllt(] 'is owners Ol any of tile nereln- 1958, Certificate alter (hscI'ibcd real prol)crly, and all That el pcrsollS unknown owning or cialnlin tracts, or to own, or having or cJalnliug to liar(, descrihcd any right, title, estate, intercst or the Certificate equity n and Lo said property o1" any hn'e issued I)art therool, sold Defendants : assessnlents You. and each oI you, are hereDy rlgatiou, or notit'icd that lhe above named Plainttl, of local impr Mason County, a MuniclI)al Corpora- tlon and one of the lawfully organized and exisLing countleS of Lhe State ot inabove set Washington is the owner and holder of a certificate of dehqucncy lssued in one certificate in book fornl and tercst at the dated the 13th Say el SeptenU)er. 1963 by the Treasurer of said Mason Coun- ty, Waslungton and issued to tile said Mason County |or the several am- onnls ,'Jue Ilnd OWUlg for taxes on each and ev( ry lot, ira(l, or parcel of ]an(l horcinath'r iiiurc parllcularly descrlDed and seL [ortll. said alllount being set OUt opposite elkcil parLicular dcscrlptlon and bchlg tll(: a]llount duc aud (lelUl- quenL upon eaell partiallhlr lot, lract, or parcel of land respectively for taxes Ior the year 1958 for which said Ma- son County claims right of for(oh)sure as will more specifically appear by re- ference to each particular description herein, together with all interest, costs, and penalties thereon up to and m- eluding tile 13th day of September, 1963. and Lile name of the person, firm or corporation to v,,holu or which said propcly lS assessed being set forth with eacb particular description, all el said prol)erty being situated in Mason County, State of Washington. and be- mg more particularly described as fol- lows. to-wl, : Original Certificate" No. 1. Roll 2, page 14. line 3. assessed to Mary E. In- sol. Assessor's Tract 1 of Nortlteast uarter of Northeast quarter Scc. , wp. 19 N., Range 3 W.W.M., more particularly described as follows : Starting at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter. Sec. 6. I'wp. 19 N.. Range 3 W.W.I,. running thence Southerly on the West line of said Northeast quar- ter of Northeast quarter Ot said ec. 6, 66 ft.: thence ruumng Northeasterly 2OO ft. to a point 20 ft, South of the North line of Sec. 6: thence runmng }astcrly to tim West Boundary of the ,Olympic Highway to a point 20 ft. South of the North line of said Sec. 6 thence running Northerly aloug the West boundary of the Olympic ttigh- way to He North line of, said Sec. 6, thence runaing Westerly on See. lice to place of beginning, containing .73 acres, nlore or Jess. Yea)" in Ccrtifi- torney for (ate 1958. Certificate $3.59. (SEAL) Original Ccrtifmate No. 2. Roll 2. Office and page 87. line 7, assessed lo Carl T. Chal)laan. kssessol"S Tract 6 of (overn- ment Lots I and 2. Sec. 17. Twp. 20 ShelLon, iN., Range 3 W.W.M, nlore parlicu- larly d,,scril)ed as follows; Beginning at the (juarl{ F SCC. cor/ler bctween Set'. 17 and 20. Twp. 20 N, Rauge 3 UMM(tNS W.W.M.. ib(,nee North 57.'t2 ft.. the, nee IN THE SI r tz, Nortb 12 ° 59' East 1,)09.,)o i't.. ti)encc STATE North 35 ° 5' East 276.25 fl. to inttml MASON point ol : tract of land described as follows: 1'rim' , said in,tial point ruu North 35 ° 45' Easl 260,33 it., thence WILL]AM }i. South 51" l']sst. 419,98 lt. lllencc along ant. Cotulty I,oad South 39" West 2,10 It STATE theue( North 53" .]5' West 105 I'i. ') SAID WI inilial polnl containing 2.37 a[ros more FENDANT: or lcss execld rill[road righ(-of-way, You aiR, hc Year in CetJificatc 1958. CcrLfficaLe pear within $6.78, dah' of I]V OrigiIlal Cert ifh'ale No. 3. ]= el) 2. SUJlUUOnS, page 133. liuc 8. assessed to Boy Eells days aIier et llX, As;(:ssor's TI'acl 3 of GovL. Lot 1963. and 5, Sec 31. Twp. 20 N.. Range 3 tion in lhe W.W.,{.. nlore parliculariy described answer io as follows: Begiuning at the Soulh- aud serve a the undcrsi easl corner of L-t 5. Sec. 31. Twl). 20 N., lange :l W.V.M.. thence W,,sl I 'll/ Lbe Souih iinc ,f said Lot 660 " thcllce Nt)rlh ,el'all€'! wilh Ihc East line of saul Lol 600 rl. fo (he iniIllti POlBI OI |his descl'lillion: tl'Ol[1 sai(I inilia] In)int ruu I]asl. 15{I l'i.: thence, North 50 ft.; thence West 150 it.; lhence So/it i 50 ft. lo l)O ui o" )cgnl- niug (being Lot 18 Elo('l 2 of uurecord- cd Phil ,,f Maple I-,'eactl). All tines to b,, Paralle with Lhe East or South lhles tH said Lot 5. containing .17 acres. more or less. Yea)' ill Certificate ]958. Ct rl fieate $3 59 Original Certificate No. 4, Roll 2. :age 13,1. lin,, 14 asessol [o Puget M211 Diviiua, North 40 IL oi Northwest the paymcn judgment You. and sunuuolled to days after the cation of LhiS to-wit: ,vith 19th day of said entitled action court, and upon the m plaintiff, at inl)elow given, herelnabgve se said tracts or of whicll you owner, or in to own Or mgbt, title or with all attached In Lhe eve and the parcel of lam which yo above Cored tract, or thercon its includes ull and costs ag l parcels of the date ou issued Any or process. mtdersigned son Count)', and a copY Clerk of A 3OHN belo%v tH'e lo do dol','d d¢.ltlal)l{ been filed T]lai Ior :t nan]ed %v] le['e tveaLed the pI uer. /s/ J() A/lorl] Office and Title hlsura 122 Railroad Shultun,