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Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues and cemeteries
erthaOar,,°n A ran ements are by
Bertha Frances Carlsen, !i!i ii McComb Funeral Homeof
85, ofElma, diedon Sept. i iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iii ii i! :' ili iiiiiiiii i iii iiii i iiii!!! i ii !iii i! i i i!i iiii i! i iiiiiii iii!!ii !iiiiiiiiii ii! !i ! i ii Shelton.
12, 2012, at home. Online condolences may
FrancesShe was born BerthaDecker on June 3, ~e~ ~ be sent to the family at S!~ilB~!iiiis ~~
1927, in Elma, to Herbert ~i~ E Fo~ ~ ~ Sheldon ~: ~ ~e~ ~0~:!
Fredrick Decker and Mary :~ ~r0~i~ ~ ~ ~it~i ~ ~i~ ~ange Betty Roy Cre for )
Helen McNearney. ment~ ar~ by Mc~mb ~i H~ ~ S~ ~ ~! Betty Jane (Whitten)
She was married to Ted ::ebrat~0n ~f'iffe ~i~ ~ ~i~ at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~pt 2~ ~ the : Roy, 85, died on Sept. 17,Shelton ~ e~,¢~ ~
Arthur Carlsen on Nov. 15, :: ~ko~0mi~ Gr~ge : 2012, at home with her be-
1973. He died on Dec. 5, loved dog Kali at her side.
1994.She was a member of Ea- ~~ ~~ : She was born in Chris-
gles Auxiliary for 51 years, tian,L01a (Glanden)W" Va., to Whitten.Earl and ~ ~l
starting in Hoquiam and ~i ~ ~ ~av~ ~ ~i~ ~ Ali~ Ar~ng~ She lived at Lake Cush-
tranferring to Elma Eagles ~ent~ ~ by ~al ~i~ativ~ ~ Washi~ i~ man for 44 years. She also
memberNo. 1440.with She the WaSchildren,s an active ~ ~de~ th~ ~ct~ ~ Village had a homein Christmas ~2REn~oy
Christmas party and was a ~ ~i~i~ She completed high school
member of the Elma Eagle and secretarial school in A Reputation Built on Service
riders. She was a member ~ ~e]ar~e~i ~ d~ a~ ~o~ ~ Sheiton on Albuquerque, N.M. In 1950,
of the Red Hats Society,
lifetime members of VFW
and the home garden club.
Her other interests in-
cluded hunting, fishing,
canning, knitting, crochet-
ing, ceramics, singing and
dancing and she played
a mean game of pool, her
family shared.
She is survived by
daughters Carmen E.
(Haskell) Seaman of Che-
halis and Maryanna (Kathy
Petty) McCabe of Shelton;
son Harry A. Haskell of
Laramie, Wyo.; sister Ge-
neva Healy of Auburn, and
numerous grandchildren,
great-grandchildren, great-
great-grandchildren and
nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in
death by her parents, hus-
band, brothers Thomas and
Francis Decker, sister Fre-
da (Decker) Gardner and
grandson Brian Caudill.
A graveside service will
take place at 1:30 p.m. on
Oct. 6 at Wynoochee Cem-
etery in Montesano. A pro-
cession will leave from the
Elma Eagles at 1 p.m. to
the cemetery and a recep-
tion will follow at the Elma
Eagles after the service,
In lieu of flowers, the
family requests donations
be made to the Elma chil-
dren's Christmas party
Robert Carstens
Robert Logan Carstens,
58, a resident of Shelton,
died on Sept. 20, 2012.
He was born on July
21, 1954, in Celilo, Ore., to
Ralph Virgil Carstens and
Maxine Violet Dave (Bai-
He married Ella Louise
Carstens (Sorrenson) on
~ Dec. 13,
1975, in
ver, Wash.
him as a
jack of all
Robert including
Carstens carpentry.
He enjoyed
David Depoe June 2, 1914, to Issac D. and
David L. Depoe Sr., 68, Mathilde (Greager) Kramer.
a resident of Shelton, died He went to grade school
on Sept. 24, 2012, of chronic at Isaac Stevens Elemen-
obstructive pulmonary dis- tary and graduated from
ease (COPD). Broadway High School in
He was born on June 24 ..........
........ i
1944, to Gertrude Walton ~ ~i~i
and Thee-
~dore R.
Depoe in
He was
married to
Sherrill R.
and Vickie
David Both mar-
Depoe riages
ended in
He was a logger and a
He enjoyed fishing, shuf-
fleboard, pinochle, karaoke
and spending time with his
He is survived by son
David Depoe Jr. of Shelton;
daughter Connie Rogers of
Amboy; grandsons David De-
poe III and Robert Depoe of
Mississippi; granddaughter
Danielle Rogers of Amboy;
grandson Billy Rogers of Am-
boy; brother Donald Depoe
of Shelton; sisters Marylynn
Thompson of Seattle and
numerous nephews, nieces,
cousins and relatives.
A memorial service will
take place on Sept. 29 at
Loop Field.
Arrangements are under
the direction of David De-
poe Jr. and Connie Rogers.
Memorial donations can
be made to David Depoe's
hunting, account at Our Community
fishing, gardening and Credit Union.
camping with his family.
He also liked teaching his Jerald Hart
children and grandchildren Jerald M. Hatt, 81, a
to love the outdoors and resident of Grapeview, died
country music. He was aon Sept. 14, 2012, at Mason
lifetime member bf the General Hospital.
NRA. He was born on June 21,
He is survived by his 1931, in Kelso.
wife Ella of Shelton; daugh- He served in the U.S.
ters Corinne Carstens Navy Re-
of Olympia and Rebecca ~ serves,
Carstens of Shelton; broth- and was a
ers Ralph Carstens, Rich- millwright
ard Carstens, Leon Dave, and trav-
Leonard Dave Jr., James eled all
Dave and Randy Dave; sis- across
ters Lynda Tabor, Karen the world
Swanson, Gloria Dave, working.
Cheryl Olson, Joleen A1- His
bert, Diana Dave, Marriane Jerald family
Kishwalk, Cindey Newey, I-Iatt shared
Dorothy Olson, Sandy Dave that he
and Marie Dave; stepfather loved to
Leonard Dave Sr. of Mur- cook and share food with
dock, Wash., and grandchil- everybody. He also enjoyed
dren Kevin and April Snod- wearing Hawaiian hats and
grass, Alauna Carstens and chewing on cigars, as well
Shianne and Alex Perreira. as collecting items.
He was preceded in A memorial service will
death by his parents and take place at 3 p.m. on
brothers John Carstens and Sept. 29 at Mountain View
Dwight Carstens. Cemetery in Lakewood.
A service will take place
at 1 p.m. on Oct. 27 in Richard Kramer
Klickatat. Arrangements Richard Ernest Kramer,
are under the direction of 98, died on Sept. 17, 2012,
Forest Funeral Home of at Alpine Way Retirement
Shelton. Apartments.
He was born in Seattle on
on Nov. 4,
2010, in
He was
married to
June Irene
who he
married on June 6, 1942.
Davolt died in 2002.
Richard started work-
ing at Graystone Concrete
Products on N4~kerson
Street in 1934. He was em-
ployed there for 30 years.
He left Graystone to pursue
property development with
various partners in the
greater Seattle area.
He was actively involved
with the Boy Scouts of
America, the White River
Recreation Association and
was a volunteer in the com-
munities in which he lived
throughout his life.
His family shared that he
loved his mountain cabin, as
well as snow skiing, hunt-
ing, fishing, poker club,
bridge and golfing. Upon
retirement in 1980, Richard
and June moved to Harst-
ine Island and spent many
winters exploring the Baja of
Mexico in their trailer. Lat-
er, they became winter resi-
dents of Rancho Casa Blanco
in Indio, Calif. He moved to
Alpine Way in 2009.
He is survived by his
wife Haldis Kramer of Shel-
ton; son Kendall Kramer
(Sandy) of Harstine Island,
Shelton; daughter Karolyn
Bates (John) of Oak Harbor;
grandchildren Kory Kramer
of Longview, Kilynn Kramer
of Lincoln City, Ore., Casey
Bates (Brooke) of Redmond
and.Amy Rose (Matthew) of
Marysville; and great-grand-
child Sydnee Grace Rose.
He is preceded in death
by his wife June, a brother
and a sister.
A memorial will take
place at 12:30 p.m. on Oct.
6 at the Harstine Island
Community Center.
Memorial donations can
be made to the Harstine
Island Community Club, c/o
Jim Irving, P.O. Box 1635,
Shelton, WA, 98584.
she married David R. Roy.
They lived
~in Altade-
na, Calif.,
Ore., and
at Lake
man. She
pursued a
Betty career as a
Roy secretary
and office
working for Photocon Corpo-
ration in California and for
Lake Cushman Sales Center
in Hoodsport.
She and her husband
supported the growth of
the Hoodsport community
through their development
of the Roy Building, which
houses the post office, den-
tal office and gym.
Betty loved her home,
community, garden, dogs,
family and friends, her fam-
ily shared. She was an avid
follower of current affairs
and the financial markets.
She is survived by sister
Muriel Martinez of Scott-
sdale, Ariz.; brother Earl
(Laura) Whitten of Shelton
and numerous nieces, neph-
ews, great-nieces, great-
nephews and friends.
She was preceded in
death by her parents, hus-
band, brother Bob Whitten
and sister Mabel Adams.
A celebration of life will
be held at a later date.
Memorial donations may
be made to the Hoodsport
Library (Timberland Re-
gional Library Foundation),
the Hoodsport Community
Church or St. Edward's
Catholic Church.
Lorraine Thompson
Lorraine Grace Thompson,
87, died on Sept. 19, 2012.
Lorraine was born in
Beaver Valley, Port Ludlow,
to Louis and Hattie Nagle.
She was raised in Port
Townsend, moved to Belfair
in 1939 and attended grade
school in Belfair and high
school at South Kitsap.
She married John "Jack"
Thompson in 1944.
Lorraine was a devoted
homemaker and a volunteer
dispatcher for the Mason
~ County
~i~ ~ Sheriffs
Office. Lor-
i i~:[ii raine was
.~ member
~i~% ~i? of Eastern
She is
survived by
Lorraine her daugh-
Thompson ter Shirley
son John (Debbie) Thompson;
grandchildren Jeff Byerly, Ta-
marc Byerly, Jason Thompson
and Angela Terry; five great
g~candchildren, one great-
gTeat-granddaughter and
many nieces and nephews.
She is preceded in death
by her parents, husband,
four brothers and one sister.
See Obituaries on page B-6
Worthy of
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Shehon - (360) 427-8044
Lawrence Frank Godwin
Lawrence "Larry" Frank Godwin, 90,
died Wednesday, September 19,
2012 at his home in Shelton, WA.
He was born December 31,
1921 in LaJunta, CO to Frank
Rather and Dorothy (Carter)
Larry served in the US Army
during WWII and received a
Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
He was with the 10th Mountain
Division that climbed Mt. Belverdere
in Italy and surprised the Germans.
Larry was married to Stella Gibbons and Betty Pierce, both
who preceded him in death.
He worked as a Fire Security Chief from Albany, OR to the
Canadian border for the Simpson Timber Company from
1941 until his retirement in 1982. Larry was a member of
VFW Post #1694 and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints in Shelton. He enjoyed wood working, metal
work (wrought iron), hunting, rock climbing and repelling.
Larry is survived by his sons, Ronnie F. Godwin (Linda) of
Port Orchard, WA, Ross Godwin (Lena) of Langley, WA;
eleven grandchildren, twenty four great grandchildren, and
numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his wife's, Stella and Betty;
parents, Frank and Dorothy Godwin; brother, Floyd; sister,
Bernice; daughter, Lawrie; and grandson, Kevin.
Memorial donations may sent to Mason County Veterans of
Foreign Wars Post 1694, PO Box 1694, Shelton, WA 98584
or the Mason County Historical Society, PO BOX 136,
Shelton, WA 98584.
Viewing will be 'held at McComb Funeral Home, 703 W.
Railroad Ave, Shelton, WA from 9 am to 5pm on Wednesday,
September 26th and Thursday, September 27th. A funeral
service will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints, 2nd Ward, 1200 Connection Street, Shelton, WA
on Friday, September 28, 2012 at 10:00 am. Military honors
and burial will be at Tahoma National Cemetery, Kent, WA
on Monday, October 1, 2012 at h00pm.
McComb Funeral Home was honored to serve the family.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- •
Competitive Pricing • Pre Arranged Planning
Lois Dean Craighead
Lois Dean Craighead, 85,
died on Saturday, September
22, 2012 at her home in
Grapeview, WA.
She was born on September
21, 1927 in Holt Summit, MO
to Oren L. and Leona (Reno)
On September 25, 1945, she married
Owen Craighead in Seattle, WA. They were ma~ied for
67 years. Lois worked as a bank teller at the National
Bank of Commerce in West Seattle for ten years. She
enjoyed sewing~ camping, reading, motorcycle riding and
writing letters to the editor.
Lois is survived by her husband, Owen B. Craighead
of Grapeview, WA; son, Terry B. Craighead (Pamela)
of Belfa'tr, WA; daughter, Shirley K. Mihelich of Port
Orchard, WA; sister, Hellen Ellis of Seattle, WA;
grandchildren, Michael Mihelich, Aaron Mihelich, Brian
Craighead, and Tracy Anderson; and great grandchildren,
Matthew, Morgan, Logan, Collin and Keely.
The family suggest memorial donations be sent to
the Alzheimer's Association or Providence Hospice of
Mason County. The family was served by McComb
Funeral Home.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal
-Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 - Page B-5