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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton junior Cody Williamson heads up the hill on the course at Lake
Isabella State Park to finish the varsity boys' race in first place with a
time of 17 minutes, 26.68 seconds.
Cross Country proved since the home meet he hoped they would, while
and if they continue as they the ones who didn't train in
Continued from page C-1 are, they could do some the offseason are improving
good things by season's slower.
For the girls, Burke end," White said. "They are This Saturday, the
was the fastest, taking improving as runners, asHighclimbers are set to
44th place with a time their times are droppingface off against teams from
of 22:17.43. Goldsby fin- and they seem more confi- all classifications at the
ished closely behind her in dent." Curtis Invitational, held at
46th place with a time of He said the runners who Chambers Creek Properties
22:26.57. ran throughout the sum- Central Meadow in Univer-
"The teams have im- mer are improving the way sity Place.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton's Sarah Myers swims the 100-yard backstroke during the
Lady Climbers' home meet against Lincoln on Sept. 20. Myers won
the event with a time of I minute, 11.1 seconds.
perform their dives.
o,,.mm.n8 "They just have to go slow enough
Continued from page C-1 to catch their breath between dives,"
Phelan said.
freestyle with a PR of 29 seconds. This At 3:45 p.m. today, Shelten is set to
time also qualified Womer for the West swim at Mt. Tahoma.
Central District 3 (WCD 3) meet. With "Mt. Tahoma is similar to Lincoln,"
a time of 28.8, Hannah Garcia also Youngquist said. "The difference is it's
qualified for the WCD 3 meet. at their pool with starting blocks, so I'm
In the 100-yard butterfly, Hun- expecting more best times."
nor earned another PR with a time of Phelan said he doesn't know if Mt.
1:45.33 for third place. Tahoma has any divers this year.
Felicia Hausinger took second in the "But we're working to make im-
100-yard freestyle with a PR time of provements," Phelan said.
1:15.33. This year, the swim team is focusing
In the 500-yard freestyle, Paige on raising money for a starting block.
Goldsby dominated the pool with a PR Youngquist said one standard starting
time of 6:52.5. She finished the 20-lap block costs between $3,000 and $4,000.
event one pool-length ahead of Lincoln's "Using blocks can cut about one sec-
second-place finisher, end from times," Youngquist said. "Oth-
Finally, Erin Muenchow earned a er teams are amazed our starts are so
PR in the 100-yard backstroke with a good (because we don't have blocks)."
time of 2:08.04 for fifth place. The team will host barbecues after
For the diving team, Danielle Ewart home meets, selling burgers for $5 to
competed on varsity for the first time raise money. The Lady Climbers had
this season, earning a score of 80. also been selling berries and will work
"Dani was varsity for the first time," for other organizations at OysterFest
co-head coach Rob Phelan said. "That for a portion of their profits.
was a big accomplishment." If enough money is raised for a start-
He said competing against a team ing block, Youngquist said it would be
that doesn't have a diving team mounted to the side of the diving pool so
doesn't really affect how the Shelton the water is deep enough for the team
girls -- Ewart and Lanna Keltner -- to practice their starts.
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Courtesy of Tyler Huey/Nisqua{ly Valley News
Shelton senior running back Ralph Kinne, No. 10, works his way
through Yelm defenders on his 95-yard kickoff return touchdown
Friday at Yelm Stadium.
FACT#BY O#TLET * 360~426~525g
tb ll "They're focused on what they want
FOe a to accomplish," he said. "They're able to
Continued from page C-1 come back from big plays and get it out of
their heads. They're working hard in prac-
PAT, Shelton won 38-14. tice and that comes from overall leader-
"It was nice to go out there and beat ship and experience of the squad."
.... " id
them on thmr homecoming, Hmkle sa . Shelton's next challenge is expected
Fourgamesintotheseason, KinnehastocomefromHenryF°ssat7p'm't°- ~ ~5~season night for the Highclimbers' " COMPLETE
now amassed 1,170 rushing yards, morrow ppemls
He is averaging 292.5 yards per game and homecoming game. : "i: ~:~::i:~ TRADITiONS 00 ADD,T~VE-rREE
rushing record of 1,657 set by Kyle Bur- spread with four or five receivers,' Hinkle •
bridge in 2007. said. "Defensively, they've got some good ......
"That's pretty amazing where he's at kids."
after four games," Hinkle said. He said this game will be another op-
He said he feels the maturity of the portunity for the Highclimbers to test
team is responsible for Shelton's 4-0 re- themselves against another worthy oppo-
cord so far this season, neut. '
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Continued from page 02 5 p.m., Shelton juniorcoln
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Foss 7 p.m., Shelton varsity 7 p.m., Shelton varsity 1 STORE LOCATIONSe OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE!
girls' soccer vs Wilson at girls' soccer at Olympia KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108, Open 6am daily Now refilling propane $1.951gal + taxIIi
Tuesday , Highclimber Stadium
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3:30 p.m., Shelton boys • To have items placed in " .S~GEO, C,~_.ERA~_'SWAR"~G smo~,~ ~Yl
tennis at Wilson Oct. 4 the sports calendar, send Steamboat- 6233 Steamboat IslandRd. I pP[egm~a1:treW~l~nAMd~.oRe~'i~l~wFelglh:Nury' I-I
5 p.m., Shelton junior 3:30 p.m., Shelton boys' information to emily@ Prices subject to chanfle without notice ............................................ •
varsity girls' soccer vs. Wil- tennis vs. Mt. Tahoma mas°nc°unty'c°m" I I I
Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 - Page C-3