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SHS boys' tennis headed to North Thurston today
emJy@mason cou n(;~
The Shelton boys' tennis team is un-
defeated in the 3A Narrows League so
The team played its first two leagueSEPT. 20:
matches last week, defeating Lincoln 4-1 Shelton .......... 4
on Sept. 18 and Timberline 4-1 on Sept. Timberline .... 1
"We have played really well for these TODAY: ,
two matches and have .really accom- Sheltonat
plished our goals of adusting our game North
depending on our opponent's playing style Thurston, 7
and the score of the match," head coach p.m.
John Perry said.
soy 6-1, 6-3.
Against Timberline,
Shelton lost again at No.
1 singles. In this match,
Josh Priest played at No.
2 singles and defeated
Sterling Rettke 6-3 in
the first set. Rettke won
the second set 6-2, but
Priest .came back in the
third set to win 6-3.
Pentony and Deacon
took out David Vo and
• Kevin Ho 6-3, 6-0 at No.
1 doubles. Playing at
No. 2 doubles, Goodale
paired with Jaske to beat
At Lincoln, Shelton earned wins at Cole Hunter and Stephen Hubbard 6-1,
all spots except No. 1 singles. At No. 2 6-3. Finally, DeMattos and Lund, at No. 3
singles, Dalton Jaske defeated Calvey doubles, won over Daniel Henderson and
Khim 7-5, 6-3. John Pentony paired with Kyle Cardwell 6-2, 6-0.
Alex Deacon at No. 1 doubles to top Col- "I think all of the players have really
lin Mawhinney and Conher Mawhinney performed well and have played to their
6-0, 6-1. No. 2 doubles partners Andrew potential," Perry said.
JohnSon and Justin DeMattos beat Mi-He said the team's 3:30 p.m. match at
zhean Frazier and Davon Bennifield North Thurston today will be a big league
6-1, 7-5. Finally, Zach Lund and Bran- match.
don Goodale played at No. 3 doubles and Perry said the match should be very
bested Trevor Mawhinney and Josh En-close, which will make it fun.
Journa photo by Ern,[~ Hanson
8helton senior Brandon 6oodale returns serve to his Timberline
opponents during the Highclimbers' home tennis match on Sept. 20.
Goodale played at No. 2 doubles with senior Dalton Jaske.
Allie Morey
moves cross
field during
the Lady
home game
against Mt.
Tahoma on
Sept. 18.
Journal photo by
Emily Hanson
Lady H
ighcli hers
ernily@masonco~r~ty ,corn
The Shelton girls' volleyball ~eam
played two matches tha~ both resulted in
3-0 scores last week. The games had dif-
ferent winners, however.
On Sept. 18, Shelton defeated Henry
Foss 3-0 at home.
"We controlled all aspects of the
match," head coach Steve Beck said. "We
are finally starting to relax and play bet-
ter at home. Our confidence is building."
Junior libero Nata-
SEPT 20:
Timberline .... 3
Shelton .......... 0
Shelton vs.
6:30 p.m.
control, match
Beck said.
lie Andrewski led the
Lady Climbers. making
14-of-15 serves with one
ace and 10 digs. Fresh-
man right-side hitter
Kiara Budge made 13-of-
14 serves, while senior
outside hitter Courtney
Hansen had 10 digs and
10 kills, junior outside
hitter Cherise Spears
had 10 kills and junior
setter Cheyenne Overlin
made 23 assists.
"We let set ~wo get
closer than we needed.
but once we go~ back in
three just rolled along,"
Two days later, the Lady Climbers lost
at Timberline 3-0.
"Timberline is the league leader." Beck
said. "We played maybe the best match of
our season, but lost 3-0."
Shelton led 20-18 in the first game, but
then lost 25-22. The Lady Climbers then
lost the second game 25-6.
"We just lost our emotional control and
focus after the well-played first game."
Beck said. "In game three, we s~ayed with
them all match long and tied things up a~
tip Foss,
are finally
nO to relax
and play better
at home."
By EMILY HANSON ~ went, thisHe said co-captain Pris-
~:mi/v(~.;m,.~s~-.,,,:~.~,,;~(p.~..m | ~ | truly was cilla Zamirez, a junior, rose
============================================================== | ~~ a team to the challenge and dem-
, ~~l e f f o r t onstrated the effort and
The Shelton girls soccer ~~ that was leadership needed to create
team split its matches last ~~ s h a r e d a successful team environ-
week. and sup- ment.
SEPT 20 r
The Lady Highclimb- . ". : po ted by "I am looking forward
, Tamberhne 3 ,
ers opened their week on a .... everyone, to other competitive teams
Shelton 0
high note with a home vic- • ......... T w o and more challenges," Dea-
tory over Mt. Tahoma 5-0 on days lat- con said. "The Shelton girls
Sept. 18. TONIGHT: er, Tim- are capable of competing
, Shelton at
The girls were really berline with any of the other teams.
x ~ Mt Tahoma,
e c'ted to be on the win- " defeated We just have to keep our fo-
ning side of a dominating 6:30 p.m~ S h e 1 t o n cus and pay attention to the
performance," head coach 3-0 on details."
'- ,,
Dan Deacon sm:l. The g~rlsSept. 20. The Lady Highclimb-
played an outstanding game"We had a rough start, ers (2-3) are set to rematch
of possession artd control on but finished well," Deacon against Mt. Tahoma at 6:30
Tuesday. said. We gave Timberlinep.m. tonight at Henry Foss.
The Lady Climbers were an open shot on our goal-
led by junior Makayla Boy- keeper for their first goal.
sen with two goals, fresh- After that, they earned a
man Loryn Zigler with one goal in each half."
goal, senior Katie Dean with He said this game came
one goal and sophomore down to conditioning and
Madison Js, coby with one possession.
goa!. , "Unfortunately, (Tim-
Most importantly, they berline) was a little more
kept their cool under pres- prepared at this time," Dea-
sure against an aggressive con said. "However, adver- I If V~$~ee Dee~Wt Fit
opponent,"' Deacon said. "As sity creates opportunities to I we all know that many women
Isuffer for .........
far as leadership on the field demonstrate leadership."
I ~;!:]
fall to Timberline
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judgment. At NEWMAN FAMILY
Journa 0nolo oy Emily Hanson
Shelton junior setter Cheyenne Overlin tips
the ball over the net Sept. 18 during the Lady
Highclimbers' home match against Foss.
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22 points."
Shelton couldn't keep the momentum
going, however, and lost the third game
"The match was good for us mentally
and skill-level wise." Beck said.
Spears led the ~eam making 12-of-12
serves. She also had seven kills. Andrews-
ki had 17 digs while Hansen had 15 digs
and Budge had seven digs. Hansen also
scored eight kills while Overlin made 15
"It was a team effort." Beck said. "We
had 44 digs against a strong offense m
just three games and served well in games
two and three."
He said that while serving may have
cos~ Shelton the first game, it was one
of the factors that let the Lady Climbers
back into the match for the second and
third game.
Beck credited Overlin's re~urn from
a basketball injury for the increase m
"Our s~rength is passing and we are
still getting better each match ." Beck said.
"We've had progress by Andrewski as our
defensive leader and passing confidence
for Kiara Budge. My young players are
making offense progress, but this remains
our challenge."
The Lady Highclimbers (3-3) are se~ to
play North Thurston at 6:30 p.m. on Tues-
day at the SHS Mini Dome.
produce consequences that ripple
through the rest of the body.
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Se0t. 27, 2012 - Page C-5