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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 29, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 29, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Call 360-426-4412 for advertising information ...... ::i ........ ,¢  ::4:: ::%. ,,  Sheldon M*,son County : -:: .... ..... :: .........  .,,..  ::  ...... . : • ...... iii:: : :.. iF' - ..-,:  . ..... i!; : %:: . ".. ..................................... ..:.:.:::::::,,:...:...:.,.:...,.:...::o:..¢::: ......... .:.::!::::::::: ..................... !:::::::!::' :'',,,,..,,. :" ..... Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal .- Thursday, September 29, 2011 High(F) Low Precip Sept. 21 77 53 .00 Sept. 22 68 60 .10 Sept. 23 75 61 .00 Sept. 24 75 55 .00 Sept. 25 64 52 .20 Sept. 26 59 51 2.09 Sept. 27 64 46 .10 Measurements are record- ed for the Service at Thurs& fore 11 a.m high of 73. Thursds cloudy wit Friday i chance of s of 68. Fride lational Weather ;anderson Field. y will be foggy be- and sunny with a / low of 46. | Saturday has a 30 percent chance of shov#rs and a high of 61 and a low,f44. Sunday will night will be of rain with a h • a low of 48. low of 48. ]as a 30 percent Monday shc owers and a high with a high of y night will have a 49. have a chance Lgh of 61 and a uld be cloudy ;3 and a low of Robert Shaw spoke during Mond." frustration because Vista Oncolo permits from the city Vista Continued from page A-1 Natalie Johnson Ly's city commission meeting of his has not yet been able to secure it has nothing to do with the building," he • said. "We never dump any drgs in the sew- er. All the doctors live in Olympia - they have to drink Olympia city water." the clinic. However. Zhang said it isn't the wL story. Zhang admits problems with Vista's p, mit applications, but said the city is goi out of its way to harass his business• "The city has imposed a lot of unneo sary requirements," he said. "Kelly Ma has asked some questions that are ridi( lous•" Zhang said Vista has submitted detail information on the drugs in question, questions how much information the c: really needs. "All the drugs we have in our clinic shipped by airplane. If something can shipped by air. it can be stored in Shelto] he said. "The quantity is in milliliters." After months of debating the applicati( Zhang said the city's reasoning goes arou: in circles. Regarding fire protection and safe Zhang said Vista Oncology prepares a terial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for city. An MSDS would give information the hazardous chemicals on site, and gi instruction on how to deal properly han¢ them. Mike Patti, assistant fire chief for Mas County Fire District 5 and Shelton fire m shal. said the MSDS is not enough. "The MSDS is information necessary first blush." Patti said. "It's a very ba: document. It does" not address quantities. does not address how that chemical rea, to other chemicals." The city also required information cross-connections, or information on whet er liquid chemicals or biohazards could • ' • C ter the cty s water supply. Whle the : requires such information from all apl; cants, Zhang said it was over the op. "For us this is OSHA (Occupational Sa ty and Health Administration) regulat Air quo?,, ORCAA Continued from page A-1 does relem, of pollutan de }r- " g ,'S- yo U- ed ut ty re oe I," n, d :y, a- ce 3n es Lle m Lr- a dc it :l;s )n h- n- ty li- .?e- ;S. While the city argues that its require- ments are routine, Zhang sid. Vista had no problems applying for similar permits in Olympia, where it has two offices. While some of the codes relating to the permit process are SheltOn Municipal Codes, many come from the International Building Code and Internatioial Fire Code. "There are some legitimate questions he asked ... we hired an architect," Zhang said. "In terms of the chemicals he's going well beyond his authority." If Vista continues to feel hrassed by the city's building department, zhang saicl the company may consider legal gction. "We probably will sue the city for making it difficult for minority owner: [Mayor is] uncooperative ... tions do we have?" Potential patients of Vist Shelton are also frustrated wi Robert Shaw said he driw Olympia for chemotherapy month, amounting to 32 hot and $600 in gas. Shaw said it also forces him to do all his shopping in Olympia. when he would rather spend his money at home in Shelton. "The way I look at it Shel con is loosing $5,000 from my family alom ," he said. "I would sure like to see it here n Shelton - it would benefit all concerned." Mayor John Tarrant said the city does not wish to delay the project ]definitely. "Everybody sitting at this t able wants to see this happen," he said. "It s not a ques- tion of will it, it's a question f when it will happen." Mayo defended the building depart- ment's actions through the pocess, saying that intense scrutiny was necessary to pro- tect the public. "If there are rules in the ode they are there because someone has been hurt," he ;," he said. "If hat other ac- • Oncology in th the delay. ;s his wife to ,ight times a rs per month said Simpson a large amount [24/7] 365 basis they become toxic." Dave McEqtee comment- ed representing Simpson and Simpson's permit. 'We are here tonight be- cause Shelton Lumber wants to review its five-year permit to pollute the air." said Jon Cox, during the public com- ment portion of the meeting. "It's getting harder and hard- er to deny global warming and Simpson Lumber's con- tribution to it. Are we sup- posed to accept a stinking, polluting eyesore as a status Drive A Little Save A Lot 2011 Ford Ranger 4x2 Reg Cab 4 cyl, auto rans, AC, CD, orem interior 1FTKR IADSBPA57505 MSRP $20,445 • Rebate $1,000 Bonus Cash $1.000 • Promo Bonus Cash $1,000 Trade in Assistance $1,000 * Final Price $16,445 • Must Trade in 95 or newe Ally makeAny model May not qualify for al "ncenl es See deale for detai s Shelton WA (360} 426-5585 www.gillisautocenter.cOm "The re Shelton re they're a lutants," G Accordi 2011, the € ted 59 tons tons of carl than one t( ide. 25 ton particles, 7 volatile or and 29 ton pollutants. Those to lutants hav idents feeli] "I live Shelton in tine Arma Tom, Da because of ity to resi hoods and town core "ratchet ulc company. "There a inants tha as you pa tson why Simpson tuires an AOP is .ajor source of pol- odin said. g to ORCAA, in impson mill emit- of nitric oxide, 153 ,on monoxide, less n of sulphur diox- of PM2.5 or fine 2 tons of VOCs, or ganic compounds of hazardous air as and tons of pol- e some Shelton res- g pretty nervous. /lownwind of the dnerator," Chris- d said. As suggested that the mill's proxim- dential neighbor- Shelton's down- ORCAA should said the company works hard to comply with all permits: "This isn't  scouts honor system as was suggested ... Simpson has commitment t( all regulations, commitment is comply." Goodin said consistent recor in compliance w rode a strong comply with he said. "Our Lo continue to 3impson has a d of remaining ith its permits. "They've gotten one notice of violation in 2009," he said; "They're back in compliance. However, ome citizens weren't convinded. "I feel that Simpson has been disingenuous in this com- munity," Connie Simpson said. ORCAA will now prepare a "responsiveness summary," and compile rsponses to all citizen concernS. Next the pro- posed AOP will be reviewed oversight," on the by the Environgnental Protec- tion Agency, EpA, which will re certain contam- have 45 days o approve the ; you can breathe permit. Then 0RCAA will is- ;s by , but• in a sue the final pgrmit. :