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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 29, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 29, 2011
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S !iiiii!iii]i!!!i!iil;ii)!qii!ii!iii @ Lose Weight FAS T with a six week supply of HCG Drops. Olympic Tan 422 N. I st Shelton 426-6565 01 ....... Your Choice! i Up To $1250 Instant Rebate or 36 Months i No Interest Financing or 5.9% APR .............. Hurry - Offer Ends Oct 31, 2011  &apos; Energy Star Approved Product, Meets the Federal Tax ReouJremens @ ' Provides Maximum Efficiency & Comfort, Designed to perfectly heat your name ................. in the winter and cool it in the summer Purchase a qualifying Tane XLi Sysmm and Trane Comfort Control and receive uo to a $1250 Instant Rebate OR 36 months nointerest OR 5.9% APR financing OR Purchase a qualifying High Efficiency Trane Variable SpeeD mooor Unit and Control to receive up to a $100 Instant Rebate OR 36 months no interest OR 5.9% APR financing *See dealer for details Oympi¢ Heating & Cooling, LLC_ 181 SE Morgan Rd. • Shelton, WA 98584 360-426-9945 1-800-400-9945 OLYMPH 0968BA Printed in Shelton, WA, USA using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Thank you for recycling. Printed With SOY INK How to winter over your tender plants By JEANNE REHWALDT The calendar tells us that fall has arrived and our Northwest weather must have a calendar because fall is here. It seems like we went from warm summer evenings to cold, hard rain. It makes us think of pumpkins on the vine, apple cider and over win- tering our fuchsias and geraniums. It is also time to divide spring blooming perennials for more plants next year, or to donate to the Master Garden- ers to divide and tend for the annual plant sale in May. If you have plants that need dividing, but don't have space for them, consider calling the MGs to pick them up and divide them instead. Some of our most successful plant sales included unique varieties from gardeners' yards. How do I winter over my fuchsias? After your fuchsias have experienced a light frost or two, (usually mid-Octo- ber in Mason County) they should be pruned back hard, about to the edge of their containers, leaving 6 to 8 inches of branch. Upright growing stems can be cut back to about 6 inches. Store them in a dark place where they won't freeze, but where they can be kept cool and in a state of dor- mancy (not growing). During storage, be certain they don't dry out. Check every two or three weeks and water a necessary. Probably more fuchsias ar lost over the winter due to drought than to freezing. A sheltered location. such as an unheated garage, works quite well. Some gardeners bury fuchsias afte cutting them back, setting them in trenches and then filling in the trend with earth or mulching material. Wi ter rainfall keeps them from drying out. In early February, bring fuch- sias into light and trim off any dead branches. Water them and fertilize lightly. Keep them inside shelter unt all danger of freezing is over and the plants can be set outside in early Ma I have several baskets of hanging geraniums. Can they be wintered over? Geraniums, like fuchsias, can be wintered over successfully so long as they are protected from freezing. A cool location is probably best where frost can't get to them, but where they can be kept more or less dor- mant. They don't need to be watered much during the winter, but check to be sure they aren't drying out com- pletely. Geraniums are sometimes kept indoors in warmer, brightly lit con- ditions where they remain actively growing and are essentially treated a Harstine Continued from page B-1 brings in apples from a com- mercial source. It's a great event for fami- lies in that there are tasks for everyone from the very young to the very adult. A rain-or-shine event, it is always full of action, noise and camaraderie, the smell of fresh apple juice every- where and the sound of old time music drifting out from inside the hall. There is mu- sic, a full apple-based menu in the kitchen, demonstra- tions of traditional crafts and a hands-on craft project for all ages. Last year it was cornhusk dolls, this year it will be another rustic doll figure made of sticks and rags (fabric scraps). Outside, for the fresh air fostered ap- petites are deluxe sausage dogs with all the fixings and apple caramel nachos for those with a sweet tooth. It is also the last Saturday market of the season. Ven- dors usually keep longer hours, staying on into the afternoon. So put Oct. 8 on your calendars, make an ad- ditional date with kids, grandkids, family members and neighbors to come be a part of this wonderful com- munity event. Plan to pick any excess apples you might have, as there is usually a manual press for use by any who bring in apples. Next wee: will have more in about cider sellin music performan and crafts hours. bers who are mat put 8 a.m. on you to be ready to un] and start the day There are a col notes about Satu: ket happenings t] thought worth sh club thanks Noel for creating a ma ager design and everyone can ide day's go-to club p help with set-up ] questions or prob nating much of h, Secondly, a specv Food and supply i lo00^, be Food and supplies are being ac- well as other items like toothbrushe: cepted until Oct. 28 to help the home- toothpaste, deodorant, soap and cm less. Donations of food, clean blan- openers. All donations will go to hel] kets, coats, socks, hats and gloves as the homeless and hungry in the corn house plants and watered on a regu- lar schedule. In the past geraniums were often over wintered hanging up- side down after having been removed from their pots, with soil shaken off the roots. To do this the storag loca- tion must of course be protecte from frost, but at the same time should be cool with high relative humidity. An unheated garage, shed or crawl space should do nicely. In spring the tops and roots are pruned back before they are repotted and growth begins again. Some stem and root tissue natu- rally dehydrates and dies during this hanging, bare root storage process, and these are the parts to remove in spring. Most homes don't now have a cool, damp, dark unheated location for this process to work. As with fuchsias, bring the plants into light, water and get a good fertilization routine estab- lished in spring when light begins to strengthen. For questions about putting your garden to bed, cover crops, dividing or any other fall gardening project, please contact the Master Gardener Plant and Insect Clinic from noon to 3 p.m. on Mondays and ask a mas- ter gardener volunteer. They cn be reached at 427-9670 Ext. 687 Or by comemail, at gardener.master@gmail. their own c's column formation g hours, 'e times For mem- 5ng note, r calendars Dad apples 'ple of • day mar- mt Arlen aring. The Schmidt rket man- pron so tify the .rson for )rocedures, Lems, do- ;r labor. d note of recognition goes to Oliver Chapman, who bring all kinds of local sea lifespeci- mens and a bit of maine education to share alpng with the oysters and lams he sells. TOPS (Take Off P9unds Sensibly) added three new members to their chapter during September. The group meets at 9 a.m. every Monday morning at the Harstine Island Coml Hall. You do not have live on Harstine Islm come check them out fun and informative of men and women tl learning to lose weig healthy way. Please Marlene Echaniz at 427- 3873 for more information. nunity to .d to It's a .roup at are t the all ng accepted munity. Drop-off locations ar locat- ed at Shelton Athletic Club, IUnited Methodist Church and Curve -- all in Shelton. Shelton Elks hosd][g 9ktober Fest event The Shelton Elks Lodge plant. The event begins per person. Dinner will kids from 8-9 dane- Oktober Fest event will 6 p.m. on Saturday Oct. begin at 6:30 p.m.; silent ing from 9 p.m.-miOnight; use the proceeds to ben- 15, at the Shelton Elks auction is from 6-8 p.m.; lessons will be provided efit Karen Kimmel who is Lodge, 741 S.E. Craig Rd. silent auction a'vards at 8 by dance instructor David waiting for a kidney trans- in Shelton. The cost is $15 p.m.: dance less, ms for the Lynch. Grace Baptist Church Cotactus: !iiiiiiiiiiii iVlailing address: : ... for the faith of the gospel ! PO Nox 1025, Shdton, WA 98584 iiiiii@ :---:::': Phone: (360) 4424611 liiiiiiiiiiiili TimesofServices=   ............ E-maihpast0r@ghcshdtoo.0rg <!!ii ................ Sunday Sch001 ........................ 10 a.m. ?iii ....... g¢sha0.0rg !iiiiiiiiii SundayM0rningW0rship ...... 11 a.m. liiii!iiiiiiiiii SundayEveningWorship ........ 6p.m. ' iii!! Listenon iiiiliiii{i)i WednesdayPraycrMccting.....7p.m. !i%Sj# KMASIO3OAM ................ 00:3o ........... !iiiiliiii!iii!i Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd .... (:!:: !i!!! .... ii!i!)iiiiiilil ,.9:30a.m..728RailroadAve.  ::. CrossPoint Service Traditional Service ....... 7  that begins ill 9:OO AM that begins at ! / .1 raise Band • I raise Feam 10:45 AM • Contemporary Message Choir Children and Adult , School 9 AM • Childc:are both services Sunday Services 9:00 AM [ Celebration Service 10:30 aM I Celebration Service Attended Nursery Children's Classes 4:DO ,,M I Gateway t Rrx avery ChHdcore Provided ' NEED WEEKDAY CHILDC3RE? Callus " 360-426-5089""- " i.} Wednesday Night Service 7:OO ;M I Mid eek service NUFseFy DO 2 Years, Ch il dF-n's Classes Sot tFiR YOUTH, 6 tJ-12 , GFade The puqose of ff@ t .( is to help ) people bcom Cl t a  through Worship, ' Witness, Warfale, mcl Work for His Kingdom. PHON ] 360 426 2"758 WEBSITE [ lw.gatewaycJEcom Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 29, 2011 Call 426-4412 to place your ad Mt. Lutheran Church Missouri S .......... 8:30 a.m. Christian Education. Traditional Worship Office 42 ,-6353 www.mtolivesl Sunday 6 p,m. Worship for Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave SH ELTON FIRST BAI www, 30 4 * Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 1( Sunday School for all ages . NightChurch 6pro . Domingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 8ervido en EspaSol . Wednesdays 6 pm Youth Church, AWANA K-a, Adult Classes - Jueves 6 pm St. David's of A place where all are 324 W. Cedar St. • 7:30 & 10:30 aa 9:15 Conversational Office phone: 426-84 New Church of WORSHIP 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 9 360-898-7855 web site: