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Madilynn Joy Davis
Madilynn Joy Davis was born Septem-
ber 16, 2011, at Capital Medical Center in
Olympia to Leslie Joy Switzer and Jud-
dadiah William Davis of Olympia. Her
weight was seven pounds and seven ounc-
Le Rae Ann Bromlie
Le Rae Ann Bromlie was born Aug. 24,
2011, to Austin and Shayla Bromlie in
Great Falls, Mont.
Her grandparents are Chris and Robin
Bromlie of Helena, Mont. and great-grandpar-
ents are Ronald and Diede Backlund of Shelton.
Vaccinations, good health
habits help curtail flu
Flu season is just around
the corner and many health
care providers in Washing-
ton already have flu vac-
cine. Protect yourself, your
family and your community
and get your flu shot now.
The flu is a serious dis-
ease that can be unpredict-
able. People can spread flu
before they even know they
have it, and up to a week af-
ter getting sick.
"Flu vaccine is the best
way to protect all of us,"
Secretary of Health Mary
Selecky said. "We should
get a flu shot every year."
The Department of
Health provides flu vaccine
to all children under 19 at
no cost. Health care provid-
ers may charge an office vis-
it fee and a fee to give the
vaccine, called an adminis-
tration fee. People who can-
not afford the administra-
tion fee can ask their regu-
lar health care provider to
waive the cost.
Adults are encouraged to
talk to their insurance car-
riers about coverage for flu
Flu vaccines only protect
during the current season,
so vaccinations are encour-
aged every year.
The U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Pre-
vention recommend that
all individuals six months
of age and older get an an-
nual flu vaccine. Call your
local health agency (www.
Map.htm) or call the Family
Health Hotline, 1-800-322-
2588, to find an immuniza-
tion clinic.
Certain individuals are
at greater risk for flu and
are urged to be vaccinat-
ed. Children 5 and under,
adults 50 and over, preg-
nant women and people
with chronic conditions
such as asthma, heart dis-
ease, neurologic conditions
and diabetes are at higher
risk, as are health care
workers and caregivers.
Because infants under six
months are too young to get
a flu vaccine, it's important
to protect them by making
sure parents, siblings, and
caregivers are vaccinated.
Young children up 8 may
need two doses of flu vac
cine, about a month apart
for best protection.
Using good health habit
like washing hands, co
ering coughs and staying
home when sick will helF
prevent the spread of dis
ease, including flu.
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on County's Newspaper
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 29, 2011
Olympic College Art
Gallery participates in
Bremerton Art Walk
October 7 marks the grand opening of The Gallery m
OC. Visual artists from around Kitsap and Mason counties
were selected to show their work at this event scheduled
during Bremerton's art walk. The first show called "Con
vergence Zone" includes selected works from artists Karer,
Mittet, Angie Canavan, Frank Carsey, Alan Newberg, Mi
chelle Van Berkom, Dena Scott, Pat Moriarty, Gwen Gui
dici, Chrstine Thompson and Debra Estensen.
The grand opening reception for The Gallery at O(
starts 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7, at Art building A on Olympi(
College's Bremerton campus. See a map of the location on
line at
The closing reception takes place the following month
during the First Friday Art Walk at 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4.
The Gallery at OC welcomes the public to attend both
events free of charge.
The Gallery at OC strives to be a leader in the presenta-
tion of contemporary visual arts in Kitsap County, while
also providing the students of Olympic College with train-
ing in the essential skills of arts management, display, and
marketing. The gallery will encourage a broadened and in-
formed perspective of visual arts throughout the campus
and greater community by offering diverse and rigorousb
curated exhibits in varied media and styles ranging from
traditional to experimental. Through thoughtful, stimulat
ing presentation and community engagement, the galler3
will support the careers of visual artists, foster creativit3
and artistic excellence and educate our viewing audience.
For more information, contact Marie Weichman at or 475-7287.
Senior Action Network
calls for outstanding
caregiver nominees
The Senior Action Net-
work (SAN) is seeking nomi-
nations for the llth annual
Caregiver Recognition Din-
ner on Nov. 3.
For many seniors and
their families, the caregiver
is often an unsung hero. Se-
niors can be dependent upon
these heroes for contributing
to the completion of their dai-
ly activities and the quality of
their lives.
Eligible caregivers are un-
paid family members: friends
and paid caregivers may be
found in retirement centers,
assisted living facilities, fam-
ily homes, hospitals, skilled
nursing facilities or group
care. Care recipients, super-
visors and family members
are encouraged to nominate
a care provider they consider
special. SAN is seeking nomi-
nees in both paid and volun-
teer positions. Nominees may
come from Thurston. Mason
or Lewis Counties. All nmm-
nees will be recognized at the
Caregiver Recognition Di-
her and Auction on Thurs-
day, Nov. 3 at Olympics West
Retirement Inn.
Nominations are due at 5
p.m. on Oct. 7 at the Senior
Action Network, P.O. Box
12212. Olympia. WA 9850-
2212 or e-mail them to plau- Tickets
to the Caregiver Recognition
Dinner may be purchased
for $25. Nomination forms
are available at www,enior-, where tickets are
also available. Contact Cyndi
Lounsbury at 528-8726 for
more information.