September 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 30, 1965 |
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II'-; ............ lq I I
Here's What We Do...
* Inspect and clean brake drums
lk Clean and adjust brake shoes
for full contact
* Clean, inspect and repack front
wheel bearings
* Clean and inspect grease seal|
* Clean and inspect wheel
cylinders .
t1¢ Inspect and refill master
* inspect shock absorbers
* Check front end camber
* Check front end caster
* Check toe in
Sr Adjust toe in to faotory
* Inspect muffler
k Inspect tail pipe
k Inspeot steering linkage
125 E Grove
T, oday, Thurs., Sept. 30
Toastmasters Club,6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Junior high football, Shclton vs
Itopkins of Aberdeen, 2:00 p.m.,
Ix)op Field.
Forest Festival membership
meeting, election of 1966 officers,
196tt le;;tival I}lan~, 8:00 p.m., rUE
}I el~llfeVellCC roolll.
$~ehoul lli~l]L fin (Tab geouts,
7:30-.8::t0 p.m., in Evergreen, Bm'-
:hmux and Mr. Vie,,v grade nehools.
g:v iday, Oct. 1
VFW Au',:ilim'y, 8 p.m., Memor-
ial hM1.
WCTU COU't!!:y convention, 1t
a.m., home of Mrs. L. D. Hack.
ReLired 'Iku~ch,.~r~, [:30 p.m.,
home of Mrs. S. E. Hewsou.
Saturday, Oct. 2
Drivers li,::cnse exa?piner, 10
'urn. - 5 p.m., police st:~tion.
S'mday, Oct. a
Shclton churches invite you to
:fit.end the ehurch of your choice.
Monday, Oct. 4
PI:ID No. 3 commission meet-.
log, 1 p.m., PUD commission room.
County commission meeting, i0
It Ii'l , eourthollse,
Shelton Bridge Club, 7::10 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
SRA card party, 8 p.m., Memof
tal hail.
B team football, Shelton vs.
West Bremerton, 4:00 p.rn., Loop
Tuesday, OCt. 5
Fullback Club, 7:00 ,a.m. break-
fast meeting, Ritner's.
K~.wanis Clv.b luncheon, noon,
Memorial hall.
DL's CORNER . . .
This week marlCs tile start of
the 1966 automotive year with
many of the makes premiering
their 1966 models this weekend.
IIM PAULEY, INC. (Ford, Mer-
2ury, Comet), KIMBEL MOTORS
(Chrysle]', Plymouth), PAULEY
MOTORS (Dodge), and MELL
CHEVROLET (Chevrolet trucks).
;ou can pick up a few refresh-
ments as you make the rounds
~o all the dexlers . . . Eldon Kahny,
.nanager of PENNEY'S, has alp
nounced to all people with small
children that their special on ted-
_lie((me steepers Is ending this
Saturday. You better htu'ry if yov
want them . . . B & R SALES has
a special on Sinunons mattresses.
While you'.]e there be sure and
:lee tile many more fabulous ba.r-
gains they always have . . . Wal-
ly Kluh, manager of LEROY'S
,JEWELERS, has a back-to-school
:pecial on watches • • • "Look at
all these values," says Gone Han-
son at BETTMAN'S. The values
:,.re on raineoatn, just the tMng
for the weather we're having . . .
flail Wentz, manager at LUM-
BER's~,IEN'S, announces they have
free delivery on all Frididaire ap-
21iances . . . Jim Pessimier, man-
.get of MILLER'S says you bet-
tar hurry if you want to catch
the vahms during Miller Days. It
ends this Saturday • • . Ken Chap-
man, owner and manager of EV-
ERGREEN DRI./G, is starting his
City commission meeting, 2 p.m., one cent sale. Ken nays to shop
city hall. early as ninny quantities are
Fred B. Wiwfll Post 31 and strictly limited . . . Guy Beck-
Auxiliary, American Legion,8 with, owner of BECKWITH'S
p.m. Memorial hall. JEWELRY, says why pay more
Lions Club dinner, 7 plm., Shel- when you can get Encore diamond
ton Hotel. rings. They are exclusive in Shel-
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Me- ton at Beckwith's . . . Vern Givens
sonic Temple. of MONTGOMERY WARD has a
Salvation Army truck in town. FASCINATING~EnJoylng the actions of the lion Armours acquired the circus al~out two years ago new low priee on Airline Color TV.
.... Vern says to save now and pay
Phone 426-6564 or 426-2405 for of the Armour Robot Circus at Safeway's Shelton and has exclusive rights in the U.S. It is made by
pickups or leave at 325 No. 5th store are Olivia Rostvold, 5, and her sister Mar- Chrlstian-Hoffman Bros. in Koburg, West Get- later . . . SHELTON ELECTRIC
street, g0rie, 3, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ne I Rostvold. many. Since Armours a c q u i r e d the exclusive has some good values on Westlng-
Shelton Jaycees dinner meeting, The circus is now enJoy!ng its second and final rights the number of sets in the United States has house twins, laundromat and dry,
6:30 p.m., airport clubhouse, week. The circus was conoeived by a ~t, Paul res- grown to 12. There, are 65 pieces in the Shelton er. Be sure and stop in . . . Barry
Licensed PracticalNurses,7 ident who accumulated it over a period of 20 years, store, all hand-made• Caskin, manager of MILLER'S
p.m., nurses cottage. SHOE DEPT., has that fast seller,
WSNA dinner, 6:30 p.m., Shelton .... Rush Hour by Cobbles. Barry says
Pioneer PTO, 8 p.m., at the
Wednesday, Oet. 6
Drivers license examiner,10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Thursday, Oct. 7
Last Rite To Be
Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Held This Friday
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant. For Earl Kimbel
Yacht Club business meeting, 8
p.m., clubhouse. Carl J. Kimbel, 1705 Olympia
Navy 3tfothers Club, 7:3O p.m., Hwy. So., died in the Clinic Hos-
Merno{'ial hall. pital Tuesday at the age of 70. He
Piekcring Homemakers Club was a resident of Mason county
rnmmage sale, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30the past 40 years and worked as
p.m., PUD auditorium. Mr. Kimbel was born in Grant
a shovel operator in construction.
Mason County Chapter DPW, 2 county, Wis., Feb. 8, 1895. Before
p.m., home of Mrs. Jay Cole.
Madrona Barracks and Auxil- coming to Shelton he spent ap-
proximately ten years in the Yu-
iary, ~W0rld ~v'ar I Veterans pot- kon where he owned and operated
*ladle,, 'NoOn; Memorial hall. a sawmill and freight line.
------40,-~,..8 Voiture :135 OctoberI Rosary service will be hold :at
Pronu,n.~de, dimmer 7:00 p.m. at 7:30 pan. tonight in the Be(stone
Slmlton Hotel. Prom 8:00 p.m. at
~__~ 40 & 8 Club. Funeral Home with Mass being
said at 10 ann. Friday in the St.
Large Selection
• Black • Green
• Tan • Dark Plaids
Sizes: 34 - 46
and up
409 Railroad 426-6432
Edward's Catholic church. Rev.
Gabriel Donahoe OSB will offici-
ate. Burial will be in Shelton ]Vie-
mortal Park.
Hc in survived by his wife,
Lodga Kimbel, Shelton; one son,
,&lieu L. Kimbel, Olympia; three
daughters, Mrs. Pearl Kazinsky,
Shelton, Mrs. Erline Hancoctq
Lake Tahoe. Calif. and Miss
Klmbel, Shelton; nine grandchil-
dren and n i n e great-grandchil-
dren; four brothers. Roy Kimbel,
Shelton. Ed Kimbel, Mayo, Yukon
Territory, Canada. Richard Kiln-
bel. Tacoma and George Kirnbel.
Dubuque, Iowa; and one sister,
Mrs. Luella Fields, Shelton.
Hoodsport Woman
Taken By Death
Death claimed Anna Louise Dic-
kinson, 78, last Friday in the Shel-
ton General Hospital. A resident
of Hoodsport the past 55 years
Mrs. Dickinson was born March
21, 1887 in Hutchinson, Kan She
was a member of the Christian
Science Church.
The funeral smwice was held at
1 p.m. Tuesday in the Bats(one
Funeral Home, /vlzs. Mildred
Schmidt officiated. Burial was in
Shelton Memorial Park.
Survivors include her husband,
tester L. Dickinson, Hoodsport;
one son, Floyd L. Dickinson, Port
Angeles; one daughter, Mrs. Rich-
ard Addleman, Hoodsport; three
grandchildren and six great-grand-
children; one sister, Mrs. Helen
Wildastn, St. Paul, Minn.
George osh]hara
Succumbs At 80
Prominent oyster grower and
shipper George M. Yoshihara died
at the age of 80 Friday in his Gig
Harbor home. A resident of Shel-
ton from 1925 until 1948 he was
born Jan. 6, 1885 in Onomichi,
Japan, and came to Washington
n'om there in 1909. He had lived
in Gig Harbor the past 17 years.
The funeral service was held at
2 p.m. Monday in the Batstone
Funeral Home with Rev. Horace
Mounts officiating. Burial was in
Haven Rest cemetery in Gig Har-
He is survived by one son, James
Yoshihara, Gig Harbor, and one
A graveside rite for Minnie Lo-
gan will be held at 2 p.m. Friday
in the Shelton Memorial Park un-
der the direction of the Be(stone
Funeral Home. Mrs. Logan died in
Victorville, Calif. last Saturday.
The largest number of living
veterans in the United States are
World War II veterans. They hum-
ber 15 million and average 45.5
years of age, according to the Vet-
erans ~dmififstration.
MATLOCK -- The PTO Harvest
dinner will be this Saturday night
from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Mary M.
Knight school. It's ~a roast beef
dinner. The public is invited.
A few homes in the Matlock
area are taking on "the new look"
Earl Walker put new siding on
his house and painted it, and also
built a new double garage. Harold
Clift had his house paintgd last
week and also drilled a new well.
Edward Valley built a new barn.
Mrs. Bob Prall and son Gene and
JYfr. and Mrs. John Prall and baby
1~', ~ort Orchard visited l,he Elvin
Hearing and other families here
The Matlock Ladies' Club held
its regular meeting last week with
Mrs. Bob Dawson hostess. The
meetings will be Oct. 13 and 27.
They are invited to a hmcheon by
the Riverside Club Oct. 7 at the
home of Mrs. Frank Matuska.
ton spent the past week with her
daughter, Mrs. Bob Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Painter of
Armstrong, B.C. npcnt a few days
last week with the Rodger Paint-
er family and the Elvin Has,rings.
Mrs. James Everest and son
Bobby spent a few days last week
at McMimwillc, Ore., with her
folks. Saturday they brought her
home and spent the weekend here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill
of Dayton spent Monday evening
with Mrs. Augusta Portman and
Carl Portm. an.
Mrs. Ernest Loertscher Sr. and
Mrs. Bill Walko spent Tuesday af-
ternoon with Mrs. Augusta Port-
Dumont Portman of Shelton was
a luncheon guest of Carl Portman
Wednesday. Later Mrs. L. D. Port-
man came and spent the evening.
Mrs. James Churchill of D a.yton
and Mrs. Vern Treater and two
daughters and baby son of Gra-
l~am spent Sunday with Mrs. Aug-
usta Pot(man and Carl Portman.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman were Friday evening din-
ner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
PorLman of Shelton.
THE HERBERT Brehmeyer Jr.
f~mily were Friday evening din-
ner guests at the I. C. Ford home.
The occasion was a birthday din-
ner in honor of Beth Brehmeyer.
She spent the weekend with her
Mr. an~t Mrs. Lud Rossmaier,
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford em(I Mr.
and .Mrs. Robert Trenckmann at-
fended the square dance at the
fair grounds Wednesday evening.
Mrs, Earl Walker and grand-
daughter Janet spent Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Earl Landis.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker anti
granddaughter Janet spent Sun-
day evening with the Frank Hol-
latz family.
Dean H'arrington and friend of
Rochester spent Sunday with his
sister and faznily, Mr. and Mrs.
Curt Sell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert
and Cha~rles Elliott all of Hoquiam
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and ]Vfrs. Kenneth Howard.
MR. AND MRS. ROY Martin of
Elms were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin.
Drop-in guests were Mrs. Helen
Crane and Mr. Frank Sparks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Legarde of
Shelton called at the Edward Val-
ley home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGarvie"
spent the weekend~ at Puyallup
with the Taylor family and took
in the fair. Sunday they visited
the Geiger family of Tacoma.
Miss Margaret McGarvie is at
Leavenworth working in the ap-
ple harvest.
Mr. and :M:rs. Lud Rossmaicr
spep.t.the weekend with the Carl
0dd(Ibffri~ 'fdfhlly'of 'ghelton. -
Kenneth Dawson of Fort Lewis
spent Sunday at the John McGar-
vie home. He is a former neigh-
bor of the McGarvie family from
Clarence Palmer, Robert Trim-
ble ,and Ralph Cook are candidates
for their respective school direct-
or districts. Trimble's term has
expired. Palmer and Cook were ap-
pointed to fill vacancies in their
director districts.
all Cobbles are easy-come, easy:
going . . . Cut fuel bills up to 50
percent, says Ray Prouty, owner
of the COAST-TO-COAST store.
That Siegler is really something
• . . After 25 years in the soft
goods department, most of it in the
men's department at Lumbermen's
A Belfair student at Eastern
Washington State College, Roy E.
Boad, has been promoted to cadet
captain and has been assigned as
a commanding officer in the EW-
SC Reserve Officers Training
Corps. Boad, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy A. Bond, Belfair, is a junior
majoring in industrial technology
at EWSC.
for 1966
[ Mercantile and later M'iller's, Lloyd
Gruvcr has accepted a position in
the Rayonier research lab . . . The
i Shelton Lions club is selling (is
6th annual birthday calend.~r. Tills
helps them to help children who
are in need of glasses. So, when
a Lion calls ou you, help them so
that they may help others . . .
that's --30-- for this week but
be sure .anti SItOP AT HOME!
REVOLVED---Promoted to the
produce department at 20th Cen-
tury Thriftway is Carl Ettlin,
who has been with the firm for
two years and has worked in the
grocery department previously.
Harry Boelk is now chiefly in
the g r o c e r y department. The
store changes its personnel on a
revolving basis to give everyone
a chance to learn all depart-
Available to you without a doctor's
prescription, our product called Odri-
nex, You must h)se ugly fat or your
money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet
and easily swallowed. Get rid of ex-
cess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs
$3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: if
not satisfied for any reason, just return
the package to your druggist and get
your full money back. No questions
asked. Odrinex Is sold with this guar-
antee by :
305 Railroad Ave. - Mail Orders ]~'illed
a new
definition of
This is the year to move ahead to the new. Mercury's year.
Moving at all the news there is, Ride news: the way
cnique. Smooth, substantial, hushed--the finest ride this side
onhnental ,ts
• ' ', Style news: clean, classc lines-the only car in "
look all its own P , an 42
ahead in the ' . owernews:eng'nesr 8euptoamuscular4 .
Luxury news te
, : options such as the
plug in cartr d err
"' ' ges. Safety news: helpful options ic Lr
that, show you the way when turning into dark driveways.E-xcl
SUCh as rear door our
Lincoln. that lock automatically ]at 8 miles per h ,
' e u,ry' ,wit.houtextra cost, you get 12 important safety fea_ t
ntinental f , oo
rear.view mirror. Model news: th
u mercurys ever. 17 models in 4 series-sedans, hardtops,
z wagons with the new [ Dual Action Tailgate j that turns into a
time to see your
tradition Nercury dealer_and
1-11:f l
move ahead With
501 Railroad Ave.
Shelton, Washington
sv a.a i
ing space but (
for both a
fb~d:~ the
the task. It
t,~ ully into
roonl Or den
a guest room.
hand'Joruely in~
wbere it ~ieeds
cas:o::,al vis;tor.
Not too manY'
;~ofa ~eds were
for wha.t
they were
at a glance.
But today's
most popu-
lar trend
is to tile
elegant sleep
sofa . . .
tile one ~
that looks
slim and .lo'
stered in
new vinyls.
One other
ease of
struggle to
quality sleep
the toe or a
will do it.
Our big
of quality•
limited or
Come In! you
come aL Olsen