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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 30, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 30, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i!i:: PAOE 6 SI4"EJ,TON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Uhrislmastown, U.S.-A." Shelton, Washington Thursday, Too Late To Classify I[ITCIIEI~ UTENSILS and some fur- niture for sale. Pho:le d23-~0~4 or inquire 432 Cookson. Me 9/30 tfn FOR SALE -- One Bay Inare. Saddle and llackaniorc, $160. 426-3822. C 9/50 TWANOH GRANGE Rummage Sale, Friday and Saturday, 1st & 2nd of October. 9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. at PUD Building, Shclt[m. T 9/30 S-M f-f lr-" nished. Apply 722 Pine SI. P 9/30 tfn I( Radio and heater. $50, Call 426-4515, W 9/30 with ulilitles, one mile south near Shelion Auto Parts. $47.00 per month• Earl Dickinson, at. i Box 15. 9/30 ........................................... 12OMP%ETE DININGI ROOM SET. Phone 877-5265. G 9/30 Legal Publications NO• 100 N O TI C E :BEFORE JUDGE GLENN E. cORnEA, JUSTICE COURT OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON DON NVE d/b/a COLE ROAD BUILD- ERS SUPPLY, Plaintiff MERIT SCHOLARS---Chris McMIIlin (left) and Reid Prepper- nau, seniors at Shelton high school, have earned semifinalist rat- ing in the 1965-66 national Merit Scholarship competition as the result of their high grades on the Merit Scholarship qualifying test administered last March in schools throughout the nation. The Shelton scholars now must substantiate their qualifying per- formances in a second test from which the finalists will be chosen. SHS Drama (]!ass To Present Plays To Elementary Grades The Shelton High School Dra- matics class is in the midst of pre- paration of their first of four pro- ductions for Elementary school child,ren. This season's first pro- duction is a double-bill--"Hansel & Greter' and "Little Red Riding Hood"• These productions are en- tirely written and directed by Shel- ton High School drama students. The schedule includes: Ever- green school at the high school auditorium, 12:45, Oct. 11; Bor- deaux school at 12:45, Oct. 12; Southside school at 12:45, Oct.' 13; Mt. View school at 12:45, Oct. 14. The d.rama class is hard at work writing an original Christmas play for presentation near the Christ- mas holidays in the Elements_By ~chools. The drama class Children's The- atre Wing will ~ravel four times a year--once each quarter of school. Most of the children's dra- BULLSEYE BARNEY---Barney Lambert, 1965 graduate of Shel- ton high school, has become one of America's top riflemen with the announcement by the Na- tional Rifle Association that he :Cycle Cleh Looks iJa©k, Ahead; View Bo]h Ways by SANDY BERNERT The Shclton Traiiblazer's Motor- cycle Club had a meeting Satur- day night at the Mason County Fair Grounds at which Several ideas wcrc discussed for events throughout the winter months. Events being worked out for t.hc next three inollths are a SCl•~mbles, endurance run and public game party. Dates time etc., will be published when so decided on. Events sponsored by the Cycle Club in the past year have been so successful, the club nIembcrs have decided to try several differ- ent activities for club and public enjoyment• The cycle hill climb last Sunday WaS a pFOlld evcnt for two mem- bers of the club, with Paul John- ston winning first place trophy in the 250 class and Bob Aitken walk. BACK-TO-SCHOOL LeRoy's WILL GIVE OR yoUR F regardleSS ol ag NvMEN yOU NEW 17 vs. mas resented will be of a creative was awarded the Distinguished ing away with first in the 500 RESERVIg CONSTRUCTION COM- " P....... th--" Expert Medal, highest rifle qual- class. P~N:Y, I~(I~I~;nda~tNSTRUCTION '' , , . , . , , , oramaucs na~ure---I;nm: is, ey ificaton award n the nat on ..... ,1 ..... COMPANY INC .............. ,i .... h. CLUB CHAMIIONSHIP [31 PARTICIPATE IN will be.more or less_creaL~d asthe ..... me next cyem exezL wul uc a /o attain the flEM rating, Lain-fiel" ' " " ; " et " ~i]mve-nan;~d ~I'gfe'nd~mt: ................. DOWN TO FINALISTS 2-BALL FOURSOME SUNDAY play iS ,permrmea~y.~,-s r= - .......... a mec~ ac a o ~Le y" u) De de- () i Sept. 24th, 1965, the above-nsnled All but two of the eight final- [ 'The season's fifth mixed 2-ball form ot spontamew. Tne plays a,!e oer~ nao to snoot nunareos or ~ . . I)]'l htiff filed a claim against you a ists involved in the four flWhts [fo ............ 'u~,~ ,..= .. ~ - written and directed by a comm~- targets over a period Of many ~erminec~. • " , . ~, ................... ~t ~unaay az- The months and climb throu h 14 The next meeting will be held c(ll)y of which is attached.... tee of three or four students• g " You at,, notified to apnear in nerson of the Shelton Golf Club s club lternoon with 3, taking part and ......... lower qualification NRA rat- October 9th at the Mason County (.?r by att0rn W on or at'any tlr{{e be-. championship tournament have[ on, jy go in the potluck dinner after tir'st_ commktee composed, of Shar-n ings. Lambert was a member of FairGrounds• Riders interested in jure the hour of 2:00 p.m.. Friday h~n d~,~,~i,,~ I,~= ~,,,,,o,;,;,,, on savage, r'am mllner and De - Oct. 15. 1965. at the office of the above- J ....... " ........ nis Atwod, wrote and are direct- the Shelton High School Rifle joining or attending a meeting are ~I(,r gOOOS lurIIIS|I~(I, I , fl Pauley sidelined Gene White to D O EI EI d (LaVonne Hartwell 537), Outs 0 (Bill Timm Loaders 3 ]|EN Castle 478) '":":::~::::.: :,.~ .::':,':','.~:)~i~.~::.;'~:.-. ~.:,. : '..Witness my hand and official seal/ ....... .-..., ~ -. I ouarter and suarked the drive!November, the Kitsap county meet ............ ;:" " :i. 'i~ " ~"~ ..... *~ u~is 22n(I day of Septeml)cr. 1965. /lYl¢. view Jylel(! ee(lmg Jwhtch z'~l,l*~d ~r~ t h,~ othe- ~ore i o+ ~ ....... ,~. x~,,,, ~n o.., ~;.~n....-~'~'~**: .. .~ .~ :.~i::.)%;~/~::~*~:;~i!:~:::.,:}~~: ,.~ .~.-~:,~:-:. ..... :::;~:~:..'.!~. :i Waler ,Work Tuesday Morning ,in the third p'erlod. I Seattle's big" cross country invita- ~!~~~!~;~};i~;!{ ;ii~.~i~!~!~ ;~ x ~ ~ ~ >~:.,. ,.....,..........,.>......,...,~,......,.,.~~;~* "~*:*~**:": ~:::"" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......