September 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 30, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in ¢CChr tmasfown, U.g.A.", SheIton, Washington
" Vividly-colored flowers (reds,yellow, greens) form its face.
fifth in a series of They have the best chocolate two hour show and a fashion show.
of Mrs, Florence
to Ear-
n a Switzerland
a~ 8,1965
e ; at the Hotel
LL at 9:10. The din-
:losed so we went
L to a restaurant
'eat. It was raining:
,bit and my rain hat i
a man rescued it.
!Way to get a man's
~aqL tired as we had
? I:bndoia at 9:10 in
¢01 the railroad sta-
is nice. Room large
balcony facing
second floor. I
• ke Geneva but
. We followed
huge lake, for
. It was cloudy,
d have been beau-
here I've ever tasted.
LEAVE HERE tomorrow for
Paris for two days, then Ireland.
We flew from Geneva via Air
France. Gertie had been here be-
fore going to Lourdes, so we only
had two days in Paris, consequent-
ly did not see too much.
However, we had a lovely trip
on the Phone River and dinner
aboard the boat. Saw the Eiffel
Tower, third highest in the world,
but did not go up. Saw the model
from which our Statue of Liberty
was made. We saw Notre Dame
and the many schools along the
banks of the river.
ONE DAY we were taken to see
the Palace of Versailles, where the
Peace Treaty was signed in 1919.
It was once Europe s most spendid
royal residence. A tremendous
buildingand enormous, beautifully
landscaped grounds. The Gallery
of Mirrors, picture galleries, and
the Royal Chapel.
Our hotel was the France et
)ed moun-
Alps, I
We enjoyed every bit.
Our bath towels continue to be
4x6 feet and I love the size. The
brogue here is killing but everyone
is so friendly. I'm real anxious
to start our country trip tomorrow.
The bus strike is only in this and
a few other counties, so we have
to take the train to Belfast and
begin the bus tour ~rom there.
June 15
The bus strike is causing comp-
lications. We were to start our
tour Monday a.m. By 9:30 no one
had called for us, upon inquiry
were told we'd be called for at 11.
Still no one came so we headed
for tour headquarters with blood
in our eyes. Things were in quite
a state of confusion.
THEY FINALLY told us to take
an afternoon train to Galway and
pick up the 'Shannon Tour' there
for a 6-day trip around the south-
ern part only, which we did.
The trip was lovely and we saw
DAYTON--Houseguests of Mrs.
A. E. Lemke during the past week
have been Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
Hart of Calgary.
Visitors in the Lemke home
Monday evening from Kctchikan,
Alaska were her brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette
Loitz who stopped on their way
home from California. They also
visited with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Loitz of Shelton.
bits was injured while working
on the job at Easton. He drives
a G~arrett Tree Farmer which
stalled on a steep grade and after
getting off to do something about
it he can't remember just what
happened next. Mr. Tibbits was
in the hospital for a while and
then Was allowed to go home but
did not get along as well as ex-
pected so had to return to the
hospital here in Shelton Monday.
We welcome newcomers Mr. and
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kaare and daughter,
Mrs. Joe Zauner were son and Kazen of Shelton, who have pur-
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al chased the home formerly belong-
Undeen of Bellingham. A1 had ing Lo Mr. and Mrs. Charles WiN
been out on a field trip gathering lis. Charles and Edith are now
specimens for his biology class residing in Olympia and Joe and
and stopped in to see his folks' Margaret Kirk who lived in the
new home. Willis home for a while have
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bm'low moved to Bremerton.
spent the weekend in Daybreak, The Pete Bloomfield family at-
and attended the field trials of the
tended the Puyallup Fair Sunday
accompanied by Nancy Schuffen-
hauer and Lannie Olsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott and
family of Morton spent Sunday
with the Joe Brown family.
Dining Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffenhauer
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Teitzel of
THE L. A. TODDS had a rather
busy week what with a tlip to
Tacoma Wednesday for shopping,
Friday evening for a visit to the
A1 Fraisure home, and on Sunday
they attended the Pomona meet-
ing at the Shelton Valley Grange
and had son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd of Port
Orchard as callers. Monday, Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Todd, Shelton,
were their dinner guests.
Mrs. Pete Bloomfield accompan-
led by Mrs. Lea Bishop of Kam-
fiche attended Saturday the open
house in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Humphrey Nelson honoring then~
on their 50th wedding annivers-
Dick Evers, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Evers started classes Mon-
day at the University of Washing-
Saturday ca!lers in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund were Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Lund and family
of Bayshore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Ghramm and children of Union.
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Lurid
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pharris have
returned from a ten-day vacation
to Wendell, Ida., where they vis-
ited with her father, J. J. Budd
and brother, James. James re-
turned home with them for a visit.
Enroll Now for
Mr. Dale Evans
John Halvorsen
Mrs. Gallinger
205 W. Cota
Beagle Hounds.
Carol and Yvette Scrogham
came home literally laden down
with ribbons won at the Playday
held Saturday at the airport. The
whole family attended the doings
and were well pleased at how well
the girls did.
Mrs. Don McCallum has had
'~v0rk from Son, Don, that he is
now in New Zealand and carrying
on as an assistant with the Na-
tional Science Foundation.
2Y£r. and Mrs. Cliff Combs and
Keith spent the weekend in Bur-
lington with their friends, the
John Rock family.
THE HICKSON girls were busy
over the weekend with Jamie spen-
ding it with Laura Fisher of Shel-
ton, Shells with Susan Wilkowski
and poor Elizabeth at home keep-
ing a good case of tonsillitis com-
pany .
Sunday guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLain were
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gilmore from
Spending the weekend at the
Pathfinder Camporee held at
Camp Wanamaker near Lake
Sammamish were Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Pearson and children and Mer-
lin Riekards, Rosalie and Ramona.
This was a g, athering of all the
Seventh Day Adventist Pathfinder
Clubs from Western Washington.
Twenty-six young people from the
Shelton, Elms and Montesano
churches attended.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur of
Grandview, Mr. and Mrs. Burnell
Dupuy and Geraldine Schur of Se-
attle all spent the weekend as
guests in the Delmer Schur home.
Sunday drop-in callers at tse
426-3456 or
Box of =,
,Bmim R J o
CHOICE...m[m e
Tinted or Dyed
Choiseul--very nice and within much of the center of Ireland. Panhandle Lake home of Mr. and
walking distance of the Louvre. As Passed Athlone and reached Gal- Mrs. Dennis Loertscher were Mr.
of the plumb- we did no night life, our stay in way and the Great Southern Hotel and Mrs. Richard Mattson and Grey or White Hair .~,
Sometimes you Paris was rather quiet, in time for dinner. A lovely hotel, boys of Shelton.
~Ulling a string, * * * Joined the tour this a.m. and ~¢h-s. Hartley Loertscher of Isa- YOUR CHOICE /!iiii)
on on the wall, Dublin, Ireland drove along the west coast to Lis-bells Valley was a Saturday. caller ~:~F~AA' .d~!,~iiiiii~,
Lop of the toilet June 13, 1965 doonvarna for lunch I think this in the Dennis Loertscher home.
time you push, We took just two hours to fly is the poorest part of Ireland. Sorry to hear that Allen Tib- k ~--.m, .,:~iliiiiiT"
PUll up. Usually here from Paris. Busses are onHundreds of miles of rock fences ..... ii~ ~i:~" : ;i)i,ii!i~:'
bs. One bath had strike here but we were met and from three to 10 feet high. I ~ .~ ..... ~:~i!i~)lii~!iiiilli!ii~g':!i!~!iii~ ....
~arble walls and taken to the Hotel Jurys, which thought I saw rock fences in Spain EiI,l~l~ | Id m.
~ors. Every bath I is very nice (so much better than but this is unbelievable. I can ~ ~ Reg. *5.49
;ince leaving home Paris). imagine the hundreds of years of ~
;at least one is a We leave in the nmrning for our rock picking that went on to clear' m $6.98 BotHe of 'I00 '