September 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PA E 10
in "Chr eflnastow U.KX.', 9helton, Washing' m
Thur day,.Bel
The Journal
~j~! Freel with
booklet. ASk for your copy.
Orthopedic Guild Bel fair Auxiliary
r, • .T I]i r • I F .
r eg]nsl ewmeason x %A Ftni Pll n te !!! To IlaveOfficia]
[, --..h....,,. .lii; v t t n IQ, :,:.;.
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L~U 1 ILl I UaLlll
I:!: soc 0ty d,t0r • J oobson . Pho.. ,26-44 2 .ues.a
The first hmcheon meeting of l t. ~ Mrs. Claude McCarthy, Fom'th
the year for the Rachel Knott Or- I ............................................... District VFW Auxiliary ~presiden,,
thopedic Guild was held in the ~4"T(;~;2~ "I'g"~TT'I%T~fYI~T T~ I:)'DTI"~T~ I'I~T will make her official visit to Nuel
home of Mrs. Dorothy Jessup with J-¥11~L.~ J~FIII~ ~.$J.~ l~:~ ]DI~II~I~ 11~ Curtis Auxiliary 5372 next Tues-
Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale as co-hos- day. The meeLing will convene at
(New CYO President)
Mary Beth Connolly, daughter of 7:30 p.m. this Sunday in St. Ed-
Mr. and Mrs. James Connolly will ward's church.
be installed as CYO president at Other officers to he installed are
vice president, Rick McComb; sec-
.............................. retary, Sandi Gruver; treasurer
Delores Rhoades; religious chair-
Overnight Service on Those Hard-to-Get Parts
Expert Automotive Machine Shop
Open 8:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Saturday
229 So. First St.
Phone 426-3351
men, Tammy Tembruell and Diane
Frank; cultural chairmen, Lynn
Burfiend and Barbara Johnsen;
social chairmen, Shiela Lichter and
Diane Zukowski; athletic chair-
men, Rich Burfiend and Jeff Kie-
Adult advisors to be installed
are Charleen Smith as general ad-
visor; Mrs. Leonard Flower, re-
ligious advisor; Mrs. Fred Dem-
men, cultural advisor; Mrs. George
Radich, social advisor; and James
McComb, athletic advisor.
Rev. Gerald Moffat, Arch-Dio-
cesan CYO priest director of Seat-
tle will install the officers. Rev.
Gabriel Donalme OSB, new paster
of St. Edwards will officiate at
benediction. Organist will be Mrs.
Ted Wittenberg.
General chairmen of the event
will be Tammy Tembruell and
Shicla Lichter.
A reception will follow in the
parish hall. The public is invited
to attend.
tess. Mrs. Robert Slettedahl was
welcomed as a new member and
Mrs. It O. Rowe was a guest
Eighteen members were present.
Mrs Harold Nordeng, the new
president, conducted the imsiness
meeting will] Mrs. Roy Baker. sec-
retary, reading the miautes of the
May meeLiug aand Mrs. Bea Grout
giving the treasurer's report.
Mrs. Les Shelver vohmteered to
be Ways and Means chairman and
a discussion was held on several
projects the guild might wish to
have for raising money for the
Orthopedic hospital.
:Mrs. GeOrge Cropper reported
she had sent a check for $150 to
the hospital as a memorial toMiss
Rachel Knott for whom the guild
was named. She had received a let-
ter saying a plaque would be plac-
ed in the corridor with Miss
KnoWs name on it and the date of
her birth and death.
Penny Drive chairman Mrs. Gro-
vet Brewster said the amount of
$133:65 was the largest collected
in five years. Mrs. Harold Nichok,
and Mrs. Chuck Rowe collected on
the canal.
Other chairmen appointed by
Mrs. Nordeng are Mrs. Richard
Brewer, membership; Mrs. Frank
Travis ,lr., calendars; Mrs. Louis
Van Arsdale, hostesses; and Mrs
George Cropper, publicity.
She thanked the hostesses for
the luncheon and said the October
15 luncheon meeting will be held
in the home of Mrs. Harry Deegan
with Mrs. Franz Rauscher as no-
Local Girls Pledge
Pi Beta Phi AI UPS
Two Shelton High school gradu-
ates, Cheryl Bead and Dawn
Daugherty, were formally pledged
by Pi Beta Phi sorority at the
University of Puget Sound last
week and were presented at a
pledge reception held Sunday af-
Miss Bead, a freshmen, has
been elected by her pledge class
to serve as its president. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L G. Bead. Miss Daugherty is a
sophomore. Her parents are Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Daugherty.
The Salvation Army truck will be
in town next Tuesday. Anyone
with donations can call 426-2405
or 426-6564 for pick-ups or leave
articles at 325 North 5th St. on the
Could be we're getting too emotional. But it
irm't very often you get a chance to follow an
all.time sales record year with a new Chrysler
like this one.
Sure, our '65 was great. But the '66 is
even better.
It looks better. Moves quicker. It's got a
beautiful new front end and a very dramatic
new rear.
It's got a bigger and more zesty group of V.8
engines. From a 383 cubic incher to a 440 TNT
with twin exhausts and twin snorkels. (A "snorkel"
is an air intake horn for the carburetor -- does great
things for performance.)
The interiors, all up and down the line, are more
luxurious and comforting. Take our new shell bucket
,,,,,, I ~ - " ~, .....
seats, for example. It's almost as if, they had
been custom-fitted for you,
One thing we didn't.even think about changing.
It hasto do with money. Five of our Newport models
(real Chryslers- not junior editions) are priced
just a few dollars a month more than the most
popular smaller cars with the: same equipment. This
includes features like power steering, power brakes,
a 383 cubic inch V-8, automatic transmission, radio
and many standard items like safety doqr handles
and seat belts.
Move up to Chrysler o °. it's getting easier by
,,I IU I ~ ,, , I II . ~J~. "~ ........ I L,,, II
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~llUsbolod ~bove, the 300 2-Door Hardtop, Tune In Bob ItOpo and Ihe Chr'/llOf 1"1~1~ ~I1~ WlI
KIMBEL MOTORS • 707 So. Firsl Slreet, Shellon, Wash.
7:30 p.m. in the Belfair Masonic
temple and Mrs. Einar Johnson
conductress, has a~ked the eoh)r
team to be there at 7 p.m. for a
practice before the business meet-
Mrs. Arvith Cluistiansen, CR 5-
I)456, has been appointed chairman
for the October 30 eommmfity Hal-
loween Carnival which is sponsoreJ
~y the post and auxiliary. She has
asked all members and friends for
their white eleplmntq for the coun-
try store. Belfair area members
,nay leave their ruronmge at M~"3.
Toe Tsehida's home or call her at
CR 5-2678 and she will arrange for
pickup. Mrs. Myron Polk iv co]-
:eeting for the Grapeview area.
October is a good month for any-
one thinking of joining the au~li-
ary as 1966 dues will cover the
balance of this year. Anyone who
is e wife, sister, moLher, daughLer
or granddaughter of a campaign
medal service veLeran or woman
who served overseas in the arwed
forces is eligible.
September saw the paszing o~
two comrades, A. M. Olsen and
Joe Tschida. Prayers and sym-
pathy are extended to both Fami-
WCTU To Hold County
Convention Tomorrow
The county convention of the
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will be held Friday in the
home of Mrs. L. D. Hack, 2nd
and Cedar street, beginning at 11
a.m. with devotions and reports
of directors.
Following a noon luncheon Mrs.
Charles Budde of Seattle, state
president, will address the meet-
ing. All interested women are in-
Madrona Barracks and Auxiliary
No. 1462 World War I Veterans
will have a noon potluck luncheon
next Thursday in the Memorial
hall. Regular meeting will follow.
. Father Gabriel of St. Edward's For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
athohc chinch lead the noon nup John w m an eme~
' .... t son as atth'ed ' "-
tial mass for Miss Nancy Cather- ald teen silkand ra on dress
ine Johnson and Joseph Williame g' ' Y
Lynch Jr. in the church Sep.t 18.1 with matching accessories .... Mrs
Altar flowers and baskets el Lynch. wore a Norell suit of gray
White stock, white gladiolus an~peppered wool with a black crepe
red roses with huckleberry green: blouse, white mink hat and match-
decorated the church for the cer-
emony milLing the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Johnson,
Union and the son of Dr. and Mrs.
Joseph Wm. Lynch, Spokane.
White and red ribbons with huclde-
berry greens were used on the
Miss Johnson was given in mar-
riage by her father. She wore a
gown of white silk face satin de-
signed with motif crystal and
pearl beading and styled with bat-
teau neckline, three-quarter
sleeves, natural waistline and a
full chapel train. Her headpiece
was a matching low camelot with
elbow-length veiling. White or-
chids, stephanotis and garnet ros-
es made up her bouquet
The bride's sister, Virginia John-
son, was her maid of honor. Her
ing shoes and gloves. Both moth-
ers had corsages of white catlaya
Barbecued specialties by Chef
George Adams, finger sandwich-
es, a champagne fountain and
punch refreshments were served
at the reception held for the new-
lyweds at Alderbrook Inn follow-
ing the ceremony. A four-tiered
wedding cake was decorated with
a spray of red roses.
Assisting with serving were
Mrs. Jim Shumate, cousin of the
bride, Miss Kathryne Lynch, annt
of the groom, Mrs. Ralph Gonner,
aunt of the bride, Miss Clara East-
wood, Mrs. Lester Ager and Mrs.
Fred Kilbourne.
The newlyweds will be at home
in Seattle Oct. 3 following a two-
week trip to Hawaii. The bride,
pomegranate dress was a sculp- a graduate of Annie Wright Sem-
tured Silhouette with high scoop inary and the University of Wash--
necldine and A-line skirt with a ington is sales representative for
tier tunic effect and short teacup Alderbrook Inn. Her husband at-
~leeves. She wore a matching wed- tended Notre Dame and graduated
cling ring hat with a circular fac- from Gonzaga Law School and did
ial veil and carried white garden- master graduate work at the
tas and gather-roses. Wharton school. He is in commer-
Another sister of the bride, Su- cial real estate with Henry Brod-
~an Johnson, and Bridget Lynch, crick, Inc., Seattle.
the bridegroom's sister, with Kath-
leen Tracy were bridesmaids. They
wore costumes matching the maid
of honor's and carried white gar-
denias. Kimberley Kay Conner,
cousin of the bride, was flower
girl in a pink organza dress with
matching shoes.
John Lynch was best man for
nis brother~ Ushers were Dr. Pat-
rick Lynch, another brother, Wil-
liam Sims Jr., a cousin, and Phil-
lip Stanton. Mrs. Ted Wittenberg
was organist for the ceremony.
New Soas0n Brings
ombership Increase
For Fa ul y Wives
Of the 33 persons present at the
[all meeting of Facuity Wives held
Sept. 13 in the Grant Angle multi-
purpose room, 11 weIe new mem-
bers. The room was attractively
decorated in fall colors of gold,
russet and brown with fall leaves
and driftwood-mounted candles
gracing the refreshment table for
the 8 p.m. gathering.
During the business meeting
Irene Weir was elected president
~or the coming year, and Gladine
Borek was chosen secretary,treas-
Hostesses for the evening were
Lorraine Botto~fff, Lorna Dayton,
taverns Kaszycki and Darlene
The October meeting will be held
the third Monday of the month and
members are asked to attend in
costume befitting the sea.non.
Warm-up night for the Simpson
Recreation card parties will. be
held at 8 p.m. M:onday in the Mem-
orial hall. The group will meet
the first and third Mondays of each
month and needs more members.
Anyone interested should call
Clara Erickson at 426-6370.
(This question
on cosmetics
as a courtesy
to help you in
oroper cosmetl~ |
Q. I've used
spirant for
del'arlu~; h~ve
ritated. Could
/)e re~ponsible ?
A. Your anti
be responsible,
factors which
the flareup.
• You may
perspirant too
underarr~s, i
• You may
sion under
;ng irritated
• You may
~one sonic
change ....or
ing an allergic
Whatever the
be advisable to
perspirant at
ration disc:
Q. What is
tween a
gent ?
A. A
uetuet desi
traces of crear
after the skin
An astringent
er product
tigi~ten per
Use an
skin is oily.
The Board of Directors of the
ton County Savings & Loain
ation is pleased to announce
laration of a quarterly dividend
amount of 4.35 per annmn
September 30, 1965. In
with customary practice this
will be credited to the
Itom~ Offloo ~1r lilr&nllh.
Enjoy it this winter with CUSTOM STANDARD
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head to feet, all winter long. CUSTOM STAND-
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