September 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 30, 1965 |
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30, 1965 HELTON--MASON COUNTY 1,3'OUR D"- ,Ihlbli he4, in. ,Shelton, ,,Washington ,,. ' i
• • ' ' ............. [ • • AT CONVENTION
..l^tA,, V^,..,, hi| I. l'h • Arm. Allyn Woman Vlsds Daughter In Seallle Rcpros..ntative Pa..l.
GRAPEVIEiw - There was a IIplUU O UV 11}¢11~} Ill O~lllL'~ Ill i II [ MIlIi][ By CHARLOTTE VAN SLYKE ,Reno nnd up through California,. of Port Angeles, member of the
= -- ALLYN--Mnrfthn Tolley spent A grand vaeatioP lasting two Joint Committee on Highways and
• S ,qce Needle, followed by a lus Htmphrey recently returned from 1 is css trip with famil, visita ...... "" '"" ," >l ""l . ' . ~.'. L .''.
• P .... .- ' . • . "".~ . ".'. ". ." ._ ~.- ;. I. .... tnursuay wiiA1 ner aaugnl:e' S to-I weeKs enaing rest ~'ituzaay. Chairman of the Motor Vehicle
double reason for celebration at cious dinnm at the exotic water- then weotdng trio to ~zg ~ur,]t on¢ IP ........ ~ "" ' ls ........ r "" ~"
2' " ' ..... • " 1'" - ~ attic and .__ i_ ' ....... ton t loy(l m Seal:tic. l~'l']o~ly ~.vI~ [ JU(|y [~II(; Jlln ~, on usI~en, ~nzy Administration appeared before
I.~ ]tile Ben~;on Lake hurtle of Mr. and IIont restaurant, tne Folvnesia ~a z, came Irom ~e ~ , wztn M ~s Ja.smine ~rltton s~ icl goofl- . d . " 11 i~ xxr ' crnn¢l c ~ [ nnH T'[" ~x el Van (~uf~n find Toxx ~1
~:- " - -- "o • -" "" ' tileS-)oonez azents co|n-I.... " ~ " - - ' :'~ . . .,...fl, fu....f ._alkm~ a ..... ;hop- . ...... e..'e ..... st ............. ,... ,, the annual Good Roads Convention
[r ,roved Mrs. Bill Staudt last Saturday '±neir guest, Mrs, ]) nscnes~c~ than- . t - p • ,, • l J eteo I t Ve .0 n'mnos and nmgn )ors last ninE"for the pair I sister Marie Greenough went to in Bellingham and reported on the
~,i __ .ffi / evenino' and the Staudts took good n d to leave Grapeview fm hm the group They enjoyed F ilay ~ hu ~(tay when she left 1 er Stad- ~ "2 .-.~ ," ~.. . I ~ ~ .... ~1.,~( ~i, "~-s*-:~und ~,, c~n
home on Thursday--for a rest ? supper around a beach f!!e on I mm Beach home to drive to winter relent the weekend with his n.~r- / tlzeir way home they stopped to subcommittee's legislative direct-
• l rre uoor !advantage of I,)oth--entertaining e .... • .. • : • ' ' ". Adce aria ~oo ~a~cer nna son ........~ ...... . ........ ' ......... ....
ires and plans for tile next two
:~ foe approxi~ately 24 fr:iends ~ho The actzting season came to ~nGrapeview's beantiflu moonm wa- q rotters in Pasadena, Calif ~" . .. 7 .." ._ ;. ~ ;2 ~.~ t _,.. .... .:'.... ~ ..... .~;;~...~,,, ...... a
end officially, Labor Day weekend, terfront, and the s aJmon ~)ar!)ecue I Our Fain Harbor Grange held ' .~'.. .'..a ~..o" ' T,..a. ~a~n ,,¢ [ son Larry trod Grandmother Brad- bets of the interim committee on
~'ll~[.._ • cal'~le to congratulate Bill on the Y , • ~ ' el]t.~ ME Rn(l Mrs l~.Ollano 15aKer / ~rd% -Jt~-~4 ~ro~oxtc.~,. dnU years. Conner and the other mem-
:,, irepme, completion of 30 years in tim . . fful In(nan s • at Twanoh State t~ar~c wnien the its monthl "Social" last Frida "~','.' ? ....... ','" ~'Y". ....... .": lev "
but the beaut' o ~ ~' .'ummet Ninth Mason H•i h SciloolPTA " Y .... Y Portmnc~ spent ~auu'frty ni,,nt -"."
, ~ U.S. Azany, as of Sept. 27, anti weather has enc u 'aged the as- ' : g * ]evening a.t the home of members ....', . ' "~ V" " ' '" " ~" " I . , .... ,, ~ .......... highways, at the request of the
,:~ e..~ also to meet Judy Staudt's sister, livities of boatmen and fishermen spon~red Sattu:day. These typi-/ Mr. a ad Mrs Bill Spooner. A pot- ~w.t~ am oP,,re~,~ts, ,vm~. nz:,a ~:~, i y(,/~('~ist~']ng~l.~e (~:,il~"~eW openlegislat°rSmeeting°f Sept.that area,15 in
~.~~I~ Mrs. Rheada Donsche:dci, of La- so ~e shll ' .~ ...... - - ........ ;: . [ " PP ' J Y ... "Frances Leever o] Seuttm with nez ..... ' ....................... ",- ~,.
, have czuisms and )unacal Puget Sound activitits were luck su er uas en'o ed hv lh:, .~..e ................ . 2'"",~.: ...... ~.": .... • ...... '....~. a.~. '.. ~k,,, v,d~. (.. ham for the puzlaose of re¢iewing
L-t-.~ aolla, Calif. Mrs. Donscheski, who bouts lying oHr L;rapevmw waters oz partmmar interest ~o ule()tit- ] 20 members and guests attenoutg , ..... ~...,.~.+_. m ....... a ,n,. ,.~ [ nmke hi's Ilew home
i~ is Dclo,'es Rehard's ,nother, has each (tPl~, creating an illusion of of-state young people. Thefour / Newlyweds "Rusty" ,anti Linda .~.~l~"~"c},~yS'wi~;~'izc~'~ .... e.y.,[ Vicki'Olsen (Cqrd)s"ent a fewIthe highway needs and problems
I~ been visiting with the Staudts for an unending summer. Our Fair Reed College juniors left Satur-~Humohrcv also ioincd the group ' ~ " . ." .... " '." . la~., .. ~,~',~ ..... ,~^...,:t~ ~, : .:_,. of the people of Skagit and "What-
l~ the past two weeks. Harbor Yacht Center is cooperat- day for Portland, where classes[for the ewming r~ctivities. Tl~e ae\.vel von oStel],~1 n! ve a, st ] an'd"Di'ek i: son ' of' V icto'r .''' corn colmties.
~ Dancing dining and friendl, .... Z"~'~. "
l~ chatter kept ihe group going uny ing by remaining open for any ells- stazted Monday., The H,ynphyeys/ Marge HoU, newly appointed re- 'z:e~(~'nevli.~;°'~! :~rVe~e~tu°n~:~ ~:°'1~"[ ' . ............. "£...~..:: ................ :~ '
turners demring gasoline o~ ser- returned to Seattle Sunoay. rcus-/porter for the Grange reminds ." s a .... -" • . . t- .... ~--~ "--1 ..........
l~~ til the wee small h°urs and then vice' Owners' Mr" and Mrs Glenn tY is is busy these ~aY:~ in ~he [ znenlbers that the next regular ~' tl~e~z ~ O¢]~]c~O~ '~1~ ~ m~lu -~°i[m:~l~t et ~n~'~d(~ i~[ "-: [~" '" ¢:~'*:: :" "
l~| Sunday morning Bill's special hot Diess have expressed their grati- physics department ot um Uni-/ meeting will be Oct 7 --~ ~'--eenou,~h of 'Lo~' '^n-'e*,'s /disammints them later - .:~{,~:: " ":~ :I .... '..~
ll~li] cake breakfast got the l'amily go- rude' fro" the patronage of local vermty .... of Washington, with the•l, Western Washington Fan" ....... time m~, ...... ,, ..... e2,~ .~.,,, .. .... .,,.,s,.c¢~¢/.... " " --Roris" Pasternak
I~ ing again. Judy was on duty in residents this past summer and experimental work that will lead has come and gone once again. --.,-a___. .......... ..~...~_._~.2~_~.~/~ v., ................ -~-7-7 ..... - ......
~~11~ Belfair Sunday afternoon lendingwish to announce they will be onto his doctorate. Linda resumed Our school children were unable ......... '
~"~ a hand at tl~e Eastern Star smor- hand throughout, the fall to offez' work at King, County Hospital af-| to attend as a o~roun._ this, .,year but
. ,r ~ gasbord, following which she andthe same marine service they ex- ter a month s leave of absence.| -4hanks to parents--several were
Bill took off' t'oz: an evening of tended during.the summer m~nths.)t ma A very happy 15th birthday wast able to take in the colorful and~ n../ uc¢De uulnnT ...,,Pn/n SHATTER PROOF-- !~~i:, i.:i..i: ~~
,'. bowling in St~elton Visitations get ny of our lo- celebrated by" Don Pogreba last! exciting spectacle anyway. Mrs. Ed IF $1~F~l~~" :
~i~D°.l'arY ~, , Speaking of bowling---the cal citizens busy this past weekSaturday evening when his parents 'Okonek chauferred son Les and ~|n~ IM 14¢~T , ~,~,~ ,kA~R['~FORYEAR$ : :
,: u.~$lC moclels Gr',.peview "pin downers" this sea_. . . . and the glorious pre-harvest sun-hosted a artp y for him and his. two Shelton friends and Don. Pog- IlZVa-U--II, ,,z.rzz, , ,,,~',,I--~,-- ',,,,..-t.__ --e {J~:'-'t":i}-" .~:i~~
i.~"~--- son include B,ll and Judy Staudtshine, enhanced by the delectable sophomore classmates at the reba escorted Russ Wells and Don, ~m,n~, I ~1~ ~ r~a~(~w " :;~i::'," ,
i.iDr~T+, bowling with Walt and Geneva aroma of ripening grapes, so typ- Mountain View Community Club. Jr., Susan and Janie. Mr. and Mrs. ~)~|G~)U~LUqU/OUIIIUUI ~_~"~/'J~dli II\~x~ - '
77,k''~° . . Collings of Spencer Lake sponsor- ical of our fall season in Grape- Forty teenagers gathered together Walter Clayton, Sr., drove over to ,-~_~
: ~aves tuel ed by tim Grapeview Grocery; Ju-view, must have added that extrato dance the "Frog", "Freddy", the fair grounds with daughter-in- "~c~"~1 ~ I~t~l~'~l~lW ~~t~1~
i::."'~-:- bie and Virginia Hicks and Claresomething to make their stays "Jerk" and who knows what, and law Salli, granddaughter Georgia ! ILl :
vn.r and Mary Lou Peters for Allyn (ioubly enjoyable, to fill up on sandwiches, cake and and friend Debbie Milner, While ll~l ' ~ I|ff ~"~A ~.¥d..
~,t2~_,_ a"':;. Shell and 1)on and Shirley Pug- Former Treasure Island rest-pop. Chaperoning with the Pug-there, they spotted friends Jodi 1 ,/ill
dents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Millet" rebas were Mr and Mrs. Guy Engen and Chuck and Kathy I ~ [~'-~" .... --"7. ....
~O1" WlTrl reba and Joe and Shizley Engen
• , . . . . " . " , . • , " :~--'--- II/I;| ~,U| qn~ /¢lcK uII
, ack Grates for Purdy Realty, ~lhey are all spent last week hme ws~tmg x~Rh Beckwzth and whos to may who Staudtand daughters. A wroth- ~fr__.j ~ ~.~ ............ x ~n~.~---~-]
r~ participating inthe"Mr:andMrs. Julie and Doric Stock and otller had the most fun? Congratula- while trip--we just hope that next .,'~-r.~ ~a~ ][~-~ It ~~.---~[ N:T ~~
~: ~t0VO~ League" in Slmiton and az:e bowl- friend~, they left Friday after-ti,on~, Dorlnie' year tim school will attend as a ~~---~ ]~~ ] [ ~'~::~[ [~.~:~[
~h; ...... ing on Sunday evenings, noon for Spokane wnere they have MRr, AND MRR. CLEM Holl re- group again. ~~ I I I C T
.... '""%Y~ NOW BACK to "goings-on" at recentl purchasea a new home. turned home last week from a A 4-H Leaders and Helpers ~,~w~,k~,~ -" I I I
the busy Staudt homestead. Last Mr and Mrs. J n ~tevens of 10-day vacation trap wmcn took meeting was neio ~tonoay azter- ,, -- W,th Your
them to Banff and Lake Louise, noon at the home of Mrs. Art ,,,..WE HAVE GENUINE FLEX-O-GLASS-- •
Thursday, as a special treat for S~adium Beach were happy to wel-
their California visitor, Bill and come Mrs. Stevens' sistiir, Mrs.
Judy, accompanied by Delores, Helen Hall of Central Park in Ab-
Kathy and Rheada, drove to Se- erdeen, last Sundayand also her
at for a visit and after some de- daughter, and family, Mr. and Mrs.
and many frustrations, finally Sam Blake with their four child-
enjoyed cocktails at the top of the ren, also of •Aberdeen. The guests
spent the entire day with the Ste-
vens family, boat-riding in the
rain and gathering oysters to take
From the "news hound":
Guests of Rob Spooner last Fri-
day and Saturday were his college
cl&ssmatea, Miss Ruth South of
& Fireplace
~ew Haven, Ind., Ken Stewart of
Fresno, Calif., and Ca~:l Richards
of Helena, Mont. Linda and Rusty
: ' Phone 426-2057
SOUTHSIDE --- Brownie Troop
109 met last Tuesday at the home
of Jo Ann Herrick for the first
fall meeting with 10 Brownies at-
tending. New members of the
troop are Darlene Ferris, Christy
Bacon, Valerie Allnoch and Tami
Davidson. Carol Herrick served
cookies and soft drinks for treats.
Brownies will meet every Tuesday
at the home of 3oAnn Herrick.
Darlene Ferris will bring treats at
the next meeting.
Southside Homemakers met at.
Top-Loading Washer LAF600 the home of Jane Hendricks Sept.
21, with six adults and two child-
brand Delicate Cydesand Speeds ren present. Members discussed
tel" Temperature Selections • New What to take for gift open house
ter and Water Circulation System • in November, members ,are to
bring ideas to the next meeting at.
ion Water Saver,* Flush Rinse and Shirley Stite's Oct. 20. The fall
) Rinse • Load Markers • Automatic meeting will be held Oct. 19.
. lid lock • Porcelain Eaamel Tub Mrs. vern Schuffenhauer attend-
ed the 50th wedding anniversa T
• "" ' open house for Humphrey ancl
i'ltlstrateed '2,18 )0
e ' Doris Nelson Saturday afternoon.
;: Other Models from $198.00 & up
on a project for several days at
. the home of Clara Stuck, which
HOUSE DRYERS proceeds will be for the retarded
children at Rogers School, and
Welfare for the Washington State
Hospital at Steilacoom.
Clara Stuck was hostess last
q?hursday for the Eagles past
presidents; Opal Asche, Opal Lan-
caster, Dorothy Eads, Bertha
Lord, Charlotte Lingerland of Eve-
rett and Alice Hersog, which met
at the F.O.E. Hall to work on lap
robes which are to be taken to
the Madigan Hospital and Veter-
ans' Hospital.
Sunday callers at the Fred
Stuck home were Mrs. Wayne
Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Atkison
and 3eanny, :Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Pratt and children, Mrs. Opal
Asche and Mrs. Jesse Asche and
FRIENDSHIP Club will meet at
the home of Dean Parker Oct. 6.
The last meeting was held at Flo-
rence Brumbaughs.
Friday Miss Nancy Schuffen-
hauer went with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Pete BlOOm-
field mid Susan to attend the fair
at Puyal!up.
Mr. and lV~rs. Bob Herrick and
children spent last Saturday at i;he
Puyallup Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cool, Shirley
and Debbie attended the Fair at
Puyallup Saturday.
Sherilyn Byrd Orthopedic meet-
was held at Toni Matson's
Sept. 20, at 7:30 p.m., for the first
fall meeting. Attending were Toni
Matson, Doris Neff, Ruth Neff,
Carol Crossan, Dale Dawson, Maril
Frazier, Joyce Byrd, Ruth Sny-
der, Vi Height, Dee Crank, Ann
Wheeler, Alice Clark, Helen Kun-
kel and Augusta McKissick. Alice
Clark is a new member. Members
talked about a hard times dance
for Oct. 23 at the Dayton Hall.
Tickets are available through Ann
Wheeler and Joyce Byrd. Dancing
time will be 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., re-
freshments available. Refresh-
ments of coffee, cookies and maple
bars were served by the hostess
Toni Matson at the meeting.
ited Mrs. Roy Willis of Black
Lake and visited her grandmother
Mrs. Hicks in the rest home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche and
Winston were Sunday evening din-
her guesLs of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Asche and family of Cole Road.
Spending the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kratcha, Linda
and Susan were Mr. and Mrs. Doug:
Per,rine and Leahe Gay of Aber-
i deen and Jesse Kadoun stopped
by Sunday.
Heavy Duty Electric Dryer
if',: ', DTF750
Automatic Time Control dries
Clothes perfectly, then shuts off.
Special ~Air Fluff" Setting for
Pillows and plastics.
Extra Large Lint Collector is up
,: t¸,
.... easy to reach and easy to
:New Balanced Air Row Drying
eliminates possibility of hot
4-Way Vm~ng offers greater
flexibility of blstallation.
in Canada, MonLana and Eastern
Washington. A snowstorm in Mon-
tana cancelled fishing plan~ for
Clem and damp, cool weather kept
the Holls on the move. A pleasant
visit with the Jack Jolliffs in
Cashmere, included a side trip to
a football game in Chelan and an
unforgettable old-time counhT
dance in Waterville. Anyway, they
had a good time and tame home
rented, and this certain:ly is what
a vacation is meant to do.
The Julius Stocks were delighted
to welcome son-in-law Glenn Nut-
ter last Sunday when he arrived
from Orlando, Fla., tp spend a
week in this area. His wife, Jaekie
did not accompany him, as she
was unable to leave her job at
this time. Glenn iv combining a
Nicklaus. Former leaders, Vivian
Query and Audrey Isaacson drove
out front Port Orehard to attend
,and assist in the windup of last
year's projects and project books.
Leaders for the coming year will
be Elizabeth Gatlin and Sue Ful-
met; helpers, Virginia Hicks and
Louise Ewart.
The first meeting of the new
year will be held Friday, right af-'
ter scho01 in the school lunchroom.
New members must be 10 years
old before Sept. 30, 1966. They
will choose their projects for the
coming year and they will have
one new project offered this year--
beginning and advanced knitting.
Oh yes--Mrs. Hicks reminds mem-
bers attending that they should
have a ride home planned.
Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as:
Aluminum Windows • Storm Doors
Storm Window Kits
Insulation • Weather-Stripping
PHONE 426-4522
'W rp' FLEX.O.6LABS, that is.
Cover all openings NOW
(door~, windows, porches) that
let in. cold winter draft, s. Just
cut Warp'= FI, EX-O-GLASS
with sh~rs, tack over screens
or frames for low-cost winter
protection. Warp's genuine,
crystal-clear FI,EX-O-GLASS
holds IN heat-keeps OUT told.
You'll save up to 40% on fuel
costs.., be anug and warm all
winter long. FLEX-O.GLASS
lasts for years at a fraction
the cost of glass. Only 90¢ a
square yard at your local hard-
ware o~ lumber dealer.
Totally n,w Plymouth
A new high in lux-ry...wdt
here now! Come seo
.aew Plymouth=
indudmg the totally new,
elegant PlymouthVIP. And a
bra nd-new line of beautiful
.m c,e Satellite.
Something for everyone_
Plymouth Dealer%l
Hot new Plymouth Satellite...
spirited leader of the
all-new Belvedere line.
Bold Plymouth Fury...
a great big beauty
a great hurry.,
'See Plymouth In action on
the World Series,
NCAA Football, AFL Football and
.The Bob Hope Show. NBC-TV.
' mmmmm
Plymouth Valiant.
The car that
really lets you live..,
within your budget.
Fast new version of the car
got America thinking fastbad
Plymouth Barracuda.
Let yourself go...
vn, 'l,L;av 6~,LVEI)iiI~& 1R~.:a~itlM~
i i ii i i ii .........