September 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 30, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
r i Skokomish Famgy
by NORMA TAYLOR ' , " Makes Trip To
Wednesday, Mrs. Earl Bradley[ .' Van AIIZVar
with daughter Dianne and son[ sc IUIIHUMIUI~ HIHI
Steven returned home after spend- ~ ~ u: by MARY VALLEY
ing a few days in Pasadena, Calif. ] . h, SKOKOMISH -- Mr. and Mrs.
vimting many friends and relatives. ] , tn Don Ragan and daughter Marie
Saturday, they attended the wedd- ] l I enjoyed a trip to Vancouver B.C•,
ing of Mrs. Bradley's brother, Jim ] at their home v [ where thye visited Mrs. Ragan's
Hiller with Steven Bradley as the[ Mr and Mrs Orv;lle Siqe" of[throughout the trip they reported, ~grandmother, Mrs. Clara Landry,
~'ing bearer for the occasion. Rev. ] Aber(leen and ~Ir and *~r~' ~e"n I with some smoke from the various ] who is 91 years old. They were ac-
Bradley and son David were very ] Aver,~ and son Ste .... ='~,='n~, ~ I forest fires in northern California. ] companied by Mrs. Jay Necdham
happy to welcome the traveler~: ~ nia ~-~ ~, -~, ,~-~,~,~, ~,~'~'~'~ I The Ed Taylors were Friday din- ~ and Mrs. Margaret Newell of Shel-
,home at the airport yesterday, ] the T ..... =,,.t.= ~....~ ner guests at the Cecil Black-~ •
David, being in school, missed out | _=k'"".'= "-'.~ ........... _ . I welders and spent an enjoyable| Mr. and Mrs• Arvid Johnson
.._ ,~.^ +.,.....~+~. ,.,. ,,.o+h .... ,1 | .~ ~un(my o nner was serve(/ at ] evenin~ visitin¢ hil drove to Bandon Ore where the
sister• ! t~ ?~":~" "" ~:'~:*~'~ ...:~o.~. I few hands of pinochle• I spent the weekend with their
Mr and Mrs Martin Auseth l l MRS..ETT,E ELL, O is l augeer aeh r husband. Mr and
. ' • • mrs r~on ~mpmy
were Sunday evening callers at the [ Franklin Sandy Sandber~ and | home now and doing mcely after ] .." .... • ....
home of lVrr. and Mrs. Edwin Way-] Mrs Evelyn Ruff of Tacoma I her two week stay at the Clinic ~r. an{l mrs.. ,no ~ear{lon mace
lor ~ ~,'. . ~ ...... •, . t Hos,qtal l a Dumness trlp to Tacoma ~aon-
• I ~amraay, Mrs. ~'rea ~nngerlen(1 | v • -
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry lot Everett left the home of Mr• ]. Marshall Ell[son has returned to oay;.. Oh~to~ V,~n ..... *~.;.~A
• g "• - .Lake and Tom Marshall of Shel-
tion. / There will be a dance Saturday/. . single tree.• When. the nrst I ton Dropping in later in the ffter-
oiooms naa se~ me tree oloome~
Wednesday visitors to the home| night at ProgressGrange Hall| - - -Inoo'n were Mr and Mr~ Ro~one
= • . h on ' • ......
z ,l wz t e secd time an~ set more fruzt,
of M 's. F orence Taylor were Mrs. [ th musm by the popularTune } I Crowell and Mrs McC'arvi^ --"
Berths. Waldrip and her sister, ~ Toppers of ~helton. ~ so that a month after the first lvr=¢lo~v .....
-~~ The Ed Taylors visited the Jer-~ cro.p nas.gone ~y, we are now en- I--~au]"~iunter ha* return~ ~om~
IJ ry Samples at their home Satur-Jjo~ng o~g ripe proms again• • ~ after .~ondtncr .~nm~ tlvn~"i~'~t~
tda,, ewn"~" ~ ~ept z¢ was me first school ~ -- -~- .... ~ ..................
.... s. • • ~helton Hospital
| ....... /f~ ....... [| Aver'" ha""-- birthda'" to our | day vacation for pupils, but most~ ... - . . .
:¢ PPY Y • Mrs ~naron Jonnson attenae{l
LJ~VrCV ~-~['~:[[|~ l/friend and neir, hbor Mrs Henr,,[°f them made good use of thezr]., .~• ....
• I ~.J I~ .-. _ . o ' * • ~/ time• nearl" hal* of th^ enroll Itne ~apust Missionary I~adies an,
l~ooer~son " ~ " ~ " n
• • ual outin at Lake Retreat and
T ~e ~J The Art Kin,~ha,~s ~ o~ .... ~ment of Kamllche Valley School/ . g
..... -~=-,z- .... reports some very interesting
Lowrev l'lanos I1 Beach were dinner guests at the / attended the Puyallup Fair on that l sneakers
J I[ Cecil Blackwelders Saturday even-| any. Almost ~uu percen~ a~enaec~[ "-Mrs ~--" ~---+-- ~*+^--~-' *~-~
" somet'm dur" "~ .- ~, , • ~=,, ~-~,,~- ~=..~u ~.~
I/in~ I l e ingme weeK. "AmSZ ...........
~" . • r~omeounaers meeting at Ene nome
• ear the trans ortatmn was fur-
Fmday, Mrs Unger traveled to Y P
O S JJPuyallup and spent the afteimoon] -I ..... " .. _ " •
• • . of Mr and Mrs Bill Potter zn
J HNNY nmhed by the parents with corn
• • ~ammn monaay evening
• plimentary tmkets being msued by •
m,== ~=~ m,~-~r || and evening at the home of Mr. ]. ] Mr and Mrs Roy Lannin~ have
I~fllU*.~llq~ ~JA |] and Mrs James Janhet Saturday | the scnool to pupils and chaperon- t ,. ".. . '. o
• ~" " "' in ar sore tnexr home ann plan to try
205 Cota |t Hank Unger and Mrs Winnefred~ g p ents. The teachers also en-[ .....................
Shelton, Wash. II Ca;rllJuOpn~di:hem to attend the] ~Y~dMar.b~t:::r p[~:i~b~ :;yl ;e~i~ii~a~LAjGr~mt~n:f :~e
|/ l~Ir and Mrs Edwin Pett- have | iness education day as a guest of ] - " ~ " . g P "
....... -- ...................................... : ........... ~__ __• .................. ~ " . [ Simpson Timber Company at Gris-/Kane.wer~e~e~Unaay ~guests of Mr.
~J~~--'~/~ "'~ ' "~" ~"'~ .Y • "' " g Mr. and Mrs Alvin Hulbert of
~" xL/ ~' ~/~ ]~ / completmn wzth the full crew vol- / Shelto •" " - '
n were ~a~uluay evening
• ~~.~ ~ . ~ / ~ ] unteering their services Saturday./cal .....r~ . ~¢ ..
, , lersa~ the L;nes~er valley
• ~ ("~_~ ~ ] It won t be long now, and we 11 be / h
~v~--~,~ ® ![ ] having a much needed addition to | nine. .
z ...... / M'rs Archie Vaughn was plea-
.................... ............. -", ..................................... ........................ • .............................................. /°Usa taCr d' yeS" evening the Mason/SanUy surprised Saturday, when
] / C;e" nctoYm: : et C° %mo tmt e om:t y / Y:Er !
i i i i ItI - / the final 1965-66 budgets for the | had birthda
various county schools Mr. Keller/ PPYrge Em~ett and Mr and
iii::i:ii iiil~l~.~!~:lit:iiii~/~!~::iiiill 1!!14 ii i I presented the Kamilche Valley| ........ • .
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:t.~ ~ ~ .>..~!.!~ ,| /Bud~'et and i~ re-~i,,~a -~.~ .... /~urs" m J. ,:ngemmger ann a
! / rove" fr ~'- TM.... ;,':,'~';' ~v'/sister-in-law from Portland Ore
i cPruselof ~vmd:n~ x?~nm~[:e'T~t~e/are visiting their relatives the
~:~!:::~ ::~ :::::::: i/: : ::::~::i::iii~!~.~ii~::{.i~~ i i ~ili ii!i~.;.'~:~:ii~i!;:.:iiii¢i Hunter brothers and enjoyin
.............. ....... ............... ~:!ii~:~:~.'::~. ............. ~i ....... ~ ............ ~::~' I [1 and 2 additional funds will be/ ............. g
:: : : ::: ::: iiiii~i~ii~i~i::!i:r:.iii~i]!i~i~!~:i:~::!~:!!~!~i~:j~yi~ii~:~ii::~ii!~!:~i | [ available for text books, library | ~oous t:anal, wnne s~aymg at me
:::: ~:;.., 1 / bo~l~)~dother needed material• l~%n~mer nn°me l~io~:• and Mrs. Bill
:: ': :::::!:! :~ii:'.i~i!~.-':;/i ':'~:~:~;ii!iiii;;i~i:: i !~!! i ~ii!i!: t /ball HE Kamilche Foot- ] •
..... :: :~::::':.V: .*~:~::'~:::~:~:'" ': :::~ Sunday afternoon callers at th
: :::::: :i:~:~.~).'~Zi~;!~!ii~:: ........... :ii ..... Team will travel to Southslde ...... e
::~: ~:: :: :: : :: : ] /for th~ fir.~t c,~rn, r'o~.~ ~r~uo,,| vaugnn nome were vernon Stocl{-
..... ::::: .... :':':i~:':'~.~.':~.~':'.'~i~ii~i./:~:::~:';i;~ii'i:" ~ /.a_. ~..:.'j:_~":_'~,~'~..",~:'~fi|ton Ben Booth and Earl Ford
: 7: :::: ;:;. ":: :': :'gY:'~!,~v~:-/~$ "'¢":':':~:"::.5" ::' :::;:: ~ ~Y~e YY~;~ ll~V~ ~L ~IlI~LII [JUt, P~IJI~Y /
...... ' ............. ................ =:~: =: : ~':~;~.'~''~"~:~::>' ....... ~~i .............. J [ ,~.~ Coming to spend the eventn were
::: :: ~::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::~::~ .,~ ::~/..:~.::$::~:::::~.. :::::::::::::::: j J / . and Mrs. Phll Hardy of Shel-
.............................. "~'~ "~".:~'.:~'°~'.~ ..................... " Mr •
........... ........... ..................... :::::::: ................. ~:~:.~.~c~:~: ....... ~~ ............................ The Kamilche P•T.O. held As t-n
| i first meeting of the year Sept 27i ~ ........ • ....
::: ..... .::.~:::i.~!:i:: .... :::::::::::::::::: :: . • ge ~arKley at-
........ ~ :::: : ::::~i! ............ i ....... ~ /and expressed complete sat, sfac- tended an ....~ ...... +, ......
~tion with the school improvements ]of Mr anclMr; "I~Iu~apI~re?~qel;3n:
| 1 and the school in general After of Mi'll Creek"o ...........
= ......... ' ........ " k : " = = ' = " ' '~ ~" " ~ n n ~u.u~y azternoon
.......... ........ : ~.:.i~.~i..'.:::'..:::::~:,~ ~ | a i spectlon of the building: nn- in honor of the Nelson s .....
:: :: ====':===:=====:========:====::==::=:::=== ~ o e n DOra weu-
!~i::~ i!!;::~!::i::;i:::::::}i: ~ ] pr v me ts espeemlly mentioned [ din .... ~ ........
~~i "~ / .... 'C : . e atest type l Gee, Saturday afternoon "
~i~ | t senool oesgs zor the upper graces t Mrs Claude Du • -
.... "-."..,'"..-.=,~,, ~: , . gger ana son
i~i ~ | and new flourescent lighting in I Carl drove to Seat ....
t /all classrooms, kitchen and the I where Carl entered thtemUn~"U:r°s?Y'
: ~ ]office. They also strongly recom-lot Washington Y
r l / men{leo special levies for a school I M- --;%~--" ........
EASY-COME, EASY-GOING COBBIF ! You're ]' [*Y~l~uaddnt~?aleq:eipme~:s P . ot la, busin~'ss~;;~;~ to~*eaTU:~rem2:;
Off on your errands with real delight in this new J /officers installed included Wes[ ,
happy-go-lucky little shoe! Wonderfully light in A [Wh!tener re~acing retiring presi-[ ~lfll]lllmlln;~,g D~z.J~ ~.~,
• 4 l oent, Mrs. ~etty Marsnall. Mrs. [ w mViillliNilli~ iOiA ||UIR,
softest textured leather. Cushioned for your further ] /Wayne Clary *will succeed Mrs. I~. . . =... ,
" • Phil Stoehr as vice president Mrs alarlen A! n
ease. On the newest o:' stacked heels. Great going ] /p • •/ U IOn
.... ~ / hil Stoehr will become treasurer! B-- BE .........
a. around l RUSH HOUR,
$12 g9 -*-'x
• | |in place of Mrs. Earl Bradley and [ UNIO ..........
• ~ . / ~ --- 4:~£zEnL anQ early
t / Mrs. Robert Whitener will take ~Sunday moznin- work was -
= -- ................ | lover the position of secretary held ]on .... ,~. - . oegun
• t u,e new parK to oe constructe~
&Lli I r'n r run, r irtr'nT | [by Mrs. Philip Simmons• there in Union 'T .........
MILLEit 3 3HUE I)Er/, I vote h lson Memorial' Pl ;fi l l]'l'nPgo °noZ f
age sale uct ±o to
~ at the P U D • I a good start when nine mere
Operated & Managed by ' ~ [ I bers of the o "
~,~::::~::~ ] / ~i~;~~~~~ ~:~iil ~~ii
This p,od~ct ~as .0 cormecti0n whatever wilh The America. NM~oell Re~ ~ " " Neva~ increas att, Harry Hess and son Danny.
~~e~c~. N~III~fC~J { ... P P ..... " Ed Norling and Ken Pearce Lylel
• . " " * . .... ed loo per cent since ±uou. Max and Bud kept the chain sa~s
buzzing while the others piled
the trees, brush etc. to be burned
Coffee breaks with cookies and
cake were enjoyed by the tired
Workers. All in all .a lot was done
and they looked at their work with
pride. There will be many more
work days and anyone interested
in helping will be greatly apprec-
The Hood Canal Improvement
club will hold its first meeting of
the year Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 7:30
p.m. in the Community Hall. All
members and anyone wishing to
attend ,are urged to attend.
IT WAS A GAIt time at Bishop-
brook this weekend when the fa-
mily came home to celehrute Mrs.
Bishop's birthday. Mr. and Mrs.
Ned Bishop flew in from Palm
Springs and Mrs. Barbara Sjoholm
and Sally came from Seattle. The
Ned Bishops left Monday to open
their Apt.-Hotel, the Poco Cabam~
for, the winter season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rebman
spent three days in Salem, Ore.
last week where John attended a
seminar for Simpson employees.
Congratulations to John who was
among the guests at the ninth an-
nua~ Simpson Quarter Century
Award Banquet for 25 years with
AssemSly Of 6od To
Have Sunday S0hoo]
Membership Oampaign
The Sunday school of the Shel-
ton Assembly of God church is
launching a special campaign in
a drive for reaching new mem-
bers during the month of October,
according to the Rev. Mason
Younghlnd, pastor• Similar cam-
pagins will be sponsored by As-
semblies of God churches across
the nation.
"The Sunday School in Action"
is the theme for the special effort•
According to Rev. Mr. Younglund,
present members will be encourag-
ed to invite and bring to Sunday
School those who do not now at-
tend any Sunday school or church.
• is invited to stop and look it over
| at Belfair Builders•
I Last Sunday at the Belfair
Community Church was Rally Day
A and Fromotion Sunday in the Sun-
~, day School, with Bibles presented
w to graduating third graders• The
by BETTY CRISS is no way to refute the charges ex- Church Bazaar this year will be
• • . ~ov 20 Items neeaea are' jams,
BELFAIR- Parents and teach-, cept by dental, whmh is a dread- 'ell'" ;- ..... " - -
: • stion ..... J zes, nome-oaKea goons, nana-
era were welcomed' at the eom- vantageous po a~ pest. There work arts and crafts items fo~
bined meeting of the local PTA are two types of people influenced ....... ' ..... '
• .. ;. ~ ...... vvm~e mlepnant anu any gooa
groups in September. New and old I bYom~S w;gin~eant~C~qutes t~:~sc rummage• The first meeting ot
~eacners were introouceo ana re- ~, " -, ....
P .... st about " the year for the ]~reslde Circle
sented corsages and boutonnieres neve the wor people or or- was held last Monday ni,~ht at ¢~
and everyone had a chance to ~et I ganizations, and those who will~ . .' . ~.. ~ . .~"~
~ I "'"- •' the ' _ nome ol mrs. van ~yKe a~ ner
acquainted during the refreshment say, wn,e, Ies re s smoke North ~hore resid~n~
hour Mrs Elaine Campbell, presi there's fire'• ......
"" - " ....... "" ' --- " mear" cam-ai-n .... AT A SPECIAL meeting of the
{lent O[ tne Junlor-~enlor rllgn Tnese s p g s ~eezn .............
..... '" " ' dail and an ~orLn ~wason J~oara ot Jgzrectors
l:*rA urges atten{lance a~ the to ~)e growing y yone or held Se t 23 in "h f'i ~ ""
meetings which will be held the anything is fair game and because Mason P=:ount ~reeOZ ce oz, !
third Thursday of each month, as | these cowards hide behind anony- ~ . y .... surer, m{ls
f their i~res were opene{l on ~±u~uuu in ~en-
did Mrs. Bea Sande, president of mity, none o " ponsible "ear construction bon~'- • ~'+^" *--" |
the Elementary PTA, which meets assertions have to be proved No z ..... :,,~.~y~=u ~.~ {
............ ' "" - that there " _ a new nlgn scnoot Duiming ~ia i
tne zirs~ "rnursaay oz tne monm one will aeny may De was award ......... -- "
• " " or an[ "' e{l to me £Natlonal l=lanK ~:
Speaking of PTA, local officers|memoers in any "hg i z.auon, m- of Commerce of Seattle at a rate ,'
~ndrstZthn;:~l;? :hi~eare;y ~ren:ns I °ft?e?t~77rs?th:~iobiaddj[s3~ :;d .
last week from Seattle concern- " s Pacific National Bank -f -~--~ |~ mm~ ~ ~k|
are interested in obtain g the best
lng a recorded telephone conve* .... at 3 Rn ¢~=,,.., ~.. k. e,~
sat[on a[tackin~ PTA's nationally| possible education for every child• '~" a,,,~m.b ~=i u= "r
and locally Al~'hough it is an un~- The most positive answer is at- The latest word after a work ~t I~ $iZ~0Sh$1]~
lioten n,,'~b°- a-"arentl,, a num [ tendance at the local meetings to party last week is that the foot- ~..Hlrement PERI~-Sl
h~ ~f n'~n"~l~'l~n~. -h~u~ ~¢ and i; I make sure that these charges nev- pall ligncs are "aimed" and ready ' " "
ZYI_~_%~:Y~'=_'"~_~.",C~ . "~ _ .... I er come true to go. ~ext nome game is Oct. 8 .tm~.¢010r~ fine ][n~
wets plu~uu up uy Lne news m~ulet • " • 0
...... agmnst Mochps The team ourn- IogoIypes- eve P,
and glven qmte a bit of pubhcity• I Slnee thls m Natlonal 4-H Week, e - "hi " " J ............ "
yS to ~ macum tomorrow mght ~U[~I~ 0ei|~
It seems that each week a differ- the Chuck Wagon Raiders 4-H "or " " ' "
ent organization is chosen for a group hRve arranged a display of I a game at ~ p.m.
target ~nd last week it was PTA. leathercraft, sewing, fair ribbons ~ mr| |_=,
The insidius part of this is that the won by members, ranks recently The Botanical Gardens at Kew, In#,
sponsors are anonymous and there l passed and a new flag• The public England, were begun in 1760. =• I~ ~,wr
i~:" .,,, ~ >
"~:i::'~'.:::~::::'.'.~:~:&:~:::::':~". ~
"~:~:~!i~jli~i::: ~I~,.~ ..... ( --
....... ~'~*~:~:'::* .............................. ~ ~ ' ~~*"~"" ~;~:~i
.... ,.,,~x.:~;z:;:~:::i::~::i:::ii:~:~]:i! :.: :% .,!~!!: . ~. ..~.~ . ~ ,..~,.+~.... ~, ,.
.................. ~*~ .... ..... ,:~~.~%~¢." !~;i~,% ~i~:;?~ ! ! !!i ~: i' ~. ~i!i,~,~[.~.~~;i;!i~i~::~::~¢~~:~x"/~" .~
'~fay'tkhea (/ i
Natu~'al Gas is the F~Sl Heat!
• ~ • ..... ~,i!
Speed of response zs a prime quahty of natural gas heat.., rather }i
to be added to th.zs supermr fuel's long hsL of attnbutes-qmetness, clean!i**~i
ness, safety, efficmncy, dependability.., to mention a few. ": ' .
Move our thermostat-rather wa u or d -
y y, p own and natural gas resp0n
$ • • • • ~WI''~
zmmedmtely. No long generahon or coohng-off permds (common to flare :
less heat, and others) that are both vexing and expensive. '
Any way you look at zt, natural gas heat is the best _your money can buY,
• • • '
Even ff zt cost more than other fuels (and zt doesn't) you'd be better off Wi ::i
natural gas-ff your prmc;pal interest zs m properly heating your homo,
There has to be a reason why more American homes are heated Wi
l atural gas than w th any other fuel• Right here in your own commtmi }
where this 150-year-old fuel is less than 10 years old, there has to be a reaS#
why neighbors all around you are insisting on natural gas.
The thorough capability of natural gas heat winning 6,000 new cust
ers a year to Cascade's lines alone• The story is the same throughout
assist you in joining this group of warm friends.
Cascade Man will also be glad to consult with yot
heating problems.
Northwest where natural gas is available• Competitors know this. It
them. Sometimes, in trying to head off such a healthy rival, they tend
obvious facts lightly. And they have been known to dance
around simple truths with the result that occasionally they slip
Over the brink of misrepresentation into the depths of falsehood.
Meanwhile, back at the branch (one of Cascades 27 branch
orders are pouring in for natural gas heat as
approaches, Your favorite appliance dealer will
It's good to remember that people who heat
natural gas, heat water with natural gas, and
with natural gas earn Cascade's ALL-GAS
lowest basic utility rate in all the Northwe
will save you 15% more, and that's worthwhile!
. /
SHELT09 122 $. THIRD ST, • 426.8433 ::