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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 30, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 30, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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qO, 1965 SNNLTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin , PAGE la All New : and Retread finest tires I a Nation.Wide e. )lymplc Hwy. No. Musical Evangelis!s To Appear At ,.,, L,z Narst[ne Sanders Rein'haled Of Foursquare Church .ARST N - ,ve are still having Indian summer wea- tiler, it is the seasml called fall Interrmtionally known Evangel- and it started Sept. 22 at 10 p.m. i~ts, The 1vIusica.1 Moores, will be and will end with winter on l)ec. in the Foursquare Church t(miglat 21 'at 5:41 pm This lfm•mation CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Oounly Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING The army landing barge will take foot passengers to the mainland during the time the ferry is being |epaired. Hope this clears up ru- mo|'s that wcnt around lasl week. Hm'stine Social Clnb will meet Oct. 8 for a potluck supper in the it was the bain of existence, just with two children in two different schools at different timen and v:e t.hought of the poor p~)rents with five mid six kids. Here on I-Iar- stine the eTA is a ball! Guess what? Only four menlbers. Mr. Pioneer School Board Vote To Have Sticker Candidate By NAI)INE RHODES PIONEER --- Mrs. Jack (Betty Aim) Sbero annollncod this week her intention to ran as a write-in HgRTH HA$OH Annnal Staff Is Selected And Busy At Work; Student Director, Soloist For Stage Band Named by JUDY TURNER property. Of c.ourse many people North Mason F{igh School --- come to hunt on our island I)3' 'Dais Year's "Sislmn" staff is hard boat. So far' they are not the and again in the nlorning worship obtained from n big', fat book in Conlnmnity Hall at 6:30 p.m. and Mrs. Cl,.arles Bridges and Mr. candidate for the Pi(meer Schoolat work ah'eady. Pictures of the hour Sunday morning at 11 a.m. the Shelton Library. Evclyone isMcnlbers "will becalledon the and Mrs. Bad Glaser• Children ira Board. The Sheros lmve lived in marching and c'oncert bands, drill • , the Agate area on Leads Loop . .- and Wesley Mool'e is a singer and rel||ctantly closing" mmam(n' houses phone for reservations, tile tIarstine School this year are learn, mai(.>rettes all(.] (dub composer' and his wife, Peggy baulinff out winter.togs, to make Harstine Grange meet.~ Oct. 15 Chuck and Pamela Bridges, and Road for three ye:us and in Mas(nl class (dilcers were taken last Moore, is a talented l)iant~tt /ila[l )'()()Ill tar.mnnmer, Lllillp'S ..... with 2c- no annol]ncement now l'egarding Patty, Ivlike and Vincent Gla,zer. 'Comity six ye~n's. Husband Jack TJllU' edilor of 1.he all- organist. Their two children are gret, for tins was a lovely sum- plans for the meeting. The teacher, Mrs. MotLOlL had is employed as Fm'cst Mrln'tP'e- lull is Rena t~.oskovifch, a sen- equally as ta,lcnled, met. ; The week of October 340 is a birthday Sept. 20. TI e eTA of men), Fol:ester i,r itie r:,nsf+r rom eolfl x. Other You will want to see and hear You will be reading this news on Fire Prevention Week. If you lived Harstine provided the food and pervisory Distriet for tl{e f)epart- staff memhers are Rict.~ .Burrell - 12-year-old John Wesley as lie Sept. 30. It will he time to Ret in Seattle a memher of the fire a stlrpl'ise party was given for the nlent of Nalmal Res, mrces, sports ed[lt)r, SIIC Snllln - sub- sings and is the song leader for yet)r, calendar out .and mark the , department would be calling on teacher at noon. r ] Ill (~ 1 r,~4~, tour" st~,as are t:,rocl:~' " a 's~'ripti°n) and. organization.. , . _ editor,... ninth , . ~ .... '. Jl.l.1 Alletl class e(ntol, .ionll mer- uctoocr antes, laoognaorgile will be iyou to leave priilted nlatter urg- Mr. and Mls. Jim MeAuliffe are ~'r'aoer at nenon Jun,o • .. . '. ........ l;; t,~q .4~ ) ......... rill a(1ve-llSlng C(lll.Or ~'-il|nne UI" the services. His sister. Sharon here Oct. 7 and 21. Oct. 7 Hat-ling you to clean ~,our basements, grandparents fr the first time.r*,g, Fre ..... c( tt aim t~rn.t stu .... :'.. _..' . . Loydean is also a gospel soloist and will be featured in the servtc- sLine Wonlens' Cluh will meet I get ~id of old newspapers, and in- A daughter, Regine Lynn, was dents'it Pioneer BeLt,, An,, h.,~ I sen - aciavltws orator', Demse es. !at. 12:30 p.m. for lunch with Mrs. I flamable nmterials, cheek your wi- born last week to Mr. and Mrs. been",n'ctivc~ in" (!omlnll,]'itv. ....... £t;f~'~'::..,,,,. ,! M'url)hY.. - .ph°t°. editor, and Charles Glenn ¥atcs as no:.~tess in the home I ring and be sure not to smoke in Michael McAuliffe. Mike is now in since moviuff io the a e[~. She is l) nlz, 3muor tngll ed~to}'. The an- ...... ~ .... ~ (),,~ ,,,(~ c~ ..... , ~ nual for '66 is expected to be larg- ............ of hcl' mother, Mrs. Dale Peugh. I bed. We, here in the country, with Viet Nam at Danang Marine Base. a ,.e,,,,e," ,,r ,.,~ :,g,.,~- ,,,'anSI. + ....... . " ... j. , ,, er than hast year's an(1 Will go on Speaking of Mrs. Peugh we ino fire protection, musL remind His wife is living in Blarsville, Pc. and the I mneer PI O• • : ": .: 0AH~ heard tlmt the Peughs llave a! ourselves of these fire preventative with ber father while the hus- The reg'ular monthly meeting alls':'le later ,ms la,,. wonderful crop of tomatoes lhis~ measures, and likewise the woods band is on military duty. Those in the Pioneer PTO v(,ill be held A new singing group has been year. To preserve some of themare still dry until we have sev- the service realize we are really Tuesday at 8 p.m. John Koch and ! formed at North Mason. Scott }~h's. Peugh sliees tomatoes with eral heavy rains. National Button at war, as do many people who Mrs. Jack Sher'o, the two candid-!Campbell, Ken Bead, Dave Dietz, qkins on, places the slices on aWeek is Oct.4-11.Chances are read arid listen, ales for the vacancy on the school I Joe Turner, Gary Gierke, and Jack cookie sheet and freezes lhean. Facts concerned with our for- board, will each give a short talk. [ Matson are inenabers of the \Vhen frozen, she ply.cos the frozen eign policy and the war in Vict School board memhcrs Barrie t "Yachtsmen". The same name was slice:~ back in the freezer in plm.;- Nam have been p~ogressing rapid-Stroud, Al Jones and Mac Mc- i used by another group from this :tic bags. We tried this and if ly recently. We had become ac- Cleary will be present to further school 'recently. That same grot~p thawe(t a. short Lime, like thaw- customed to the New Deal, the explain Senate Bill 565 and l-Iouse rose to small fame in the area. Fair Deal, and the New Frontier, Bill 709, which pertain to taxes The new "Yachtsmen", all soph- but the New Action Army is a which will affect our school (tint.- omorea, are still a little inex- new term for you know wimt! r'ict and the funds allotted. The pericnccd. They work out at noon Just cast your eye around when importance of understanding these on Wednesdays and Thursdays in Seattle or Tacoma next time an~ every sc~;enLh period with tlae you're there and see how many stage band. Their first ~eheduled more men in nniform you see. performance is at the Winter Con- When in Seattle last week we , cerL sometime in February.. ing berries, I defy anyone to tell l.he tomatoe slice'~ were evcr froz- enirtlE COUNTY Enffineer was again contacted to verify the date when tbe ferry will be in dry dock. Itigh tide Oct. 5 is thc date. It l>robably would he safest to get cars off the Ishlnd on or be- fore the 6 p.m• ferry trip Oct. 4. you probably know someone who collects buttons. Remember these collectors are as avid and rabid ahout their hobby, as rock hounds and driftwood fiends, so give a collector" a button during their week. At least play a game of "But ton, button, who's got the button". ANYONI~I WitO raised their kids in or near tbe city is well acquainted with the PTA. Believe IllS, We were mernbers of tWO PTA's at once and had to pay double dues, do donble duty and 1966. Rise up with Dodge. Get with the swinging cars of the year! ait, when your year is here? The year te snap tiredold ties, to buying habits. The year to really express yourself.., with from Dodge. Different, exciting cars for people with exciting tastes. Rally 'round Dodge for '66. Dart, Coronet, ara, Monaco... cars made to help you kick the dull driving habit. are lots of Dodges for you to hang your personal rebellion on. Every one backed by a 5-year or 50,000-mile warranty.* Every one with these features that used to cost extra but now come standard: Outside mirror. Padded dash. Variable-speed electric windshield wipers and washers. Backup lights. Turn signals. Seat belts, two front an_d two rear. A ,d lots more with Dodga... the beautiful Rebellion on wheels. Stir up your spirit and march to headquarters. Oodg Dart Still talkingahout compacts, when you'd rather do about them? Put your money where Unexpectedly big inside, long outside. )ower. Rise up with Dart! Be expansive being expensive. I: rl ff)dE')tere comes ronet.., sharp, smart, sassy, the greatest from Dodge since Year One. Loaded with I[y the higher.priced cars haven't caught onto With a choice of five engines, designed to the walls of Dullsviile come tumbling Get away from look-alike, first-cousin Coronet. Dullsville falls, Coronet rises in '66. Stamp out cramped compacts; get with man.sized Dart, '¢:::