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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 30, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 30, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAOE 16 EELTON--MAJOI7 COU2ffTY 3OURNAL--Published in "C'hr4atmastown helton Wa hln Thur., PVT. WALLACE J. WELAN- DER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter J. Welander, Shelton, com- pleted a six-week linen)an course at the Army Southeast- ern Signal School, Fort Gordonp Go., Sept. 17. Welander was trained to construct and main. rain open wire, lead covered ca- bles and field communication wires. He entered the Army in April, 1965, completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and was last stationed at Fort Ord, California. The 21- year-old soldier was graduated In 1962 from Irene S. Reed High School. Radarman Sccond Class David S. Clark, Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. David S. Clark, Sr., Shelton, participated in the search for a plane downed in the Pacific on a flight from the Trang, Republic of Viet Nam to Taiwan with nine passengers aboard, while serving aboard the anti-submarine warfare support aircraft carrier USS Ben- nington. The search, conducted from SeP- tember 1-4, covered over 40,000 square miles, with aircraft from anti-submarine squadron five log- ging over 300 horn's flight time as they searc.hed an area neat" the Paraeel Islands, about 400 miles West of the Philil)pines mid 200 miles East of the Republic of Viet Nam. First Lt. Ri(,hard F. Lord, :;on of Mr. attd Mrs. Gibson L. Lord, SheHon, is a. member of the first aircrews at Charleston'AFB, S.C.. to fly the Military Air Transport Service's (MATS) new C-141 Star- lifter. Lt. Lord's nnit at Charleston .... the 3rd Air Transport: Sql!adron- - S®r¥1cemen* Alvin N. Miklethun has enlisted in the United Slates Army. He is son of Mrs. Sadie L. Dawson, Mat- lk)ck. MiMethun enlist;ed for a three-year tour of duty in the Army's "Citoose-it-Yourself" pro- gram. Prior tcJ enlistment he qual- ified and selected the Army Corn- bat Engineers for his training fieht. The Combat Engineers are ,'esportsible for buihting roads, bridg('.s and airfields along with other c(m:;truetion projects for the Army and other services. Pet. Miklethun is presently un- dergoing basic combat training at the U.S. Army Training Center, Fort Ord, Calif. Upon completion of eight weeks training there he will be reassigned and begin re- ceiving his tr'dning from the Army Corps of Engineers. Prior to en- listing Miklethun was employed in the Shelton ;tree and Sitka, Alaska. He is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School. Pvt. WMter E. Tyynismm% son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Tyynis- maa, Shelton, completed a radio maintenance course at the Army Infantry School, Fort BenninK, Ca., Sept. 14. During the 12-week course. Tyynisma.a. was trained in repair, maintenance and operation of Ar- my radio equipment. The 25-year-old soldier entered the Army in March of this year and completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Ms. He attended Irene S. Reed High School in Shelton. Army Pfe. Kenneth E. Archer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenncti~ J. Archer, Shelt(m, received the Air Medal with the first Oak Leaf Cluster during ceremonies at Sctto- field Baracks, Hawaii, Aug. 23. : Arci, er received the award for meritorious achievement while en- gaged in aerial support of ground forces of the Republic of Vietnam during ills recent assignment in Vietnam. A radio specialist in Company A of the 25th Infantry Division's 25th Aviation Battalion, Archer entered the Army in October' 1963. He is a 1955 graduate of Irene S. Reed High School. O, cut . ' ,--- h .'k". : ,,, o, nv il lltl lm u.s= ,o to A er. r O,ee ............... ,b. ,: ..... lb. 49, shank porttu- eef Lever 'elee, s',Oed ............ ,b 49* $, are Ri s L,te Slat, Ribs G~E Jl~...___ Cornish 24 to .ens : ............ ,b S9'¢ Sliced =,-- " ,b. 49* u~OI~ Trade. ,b, 89'¢ .OTT ,h. 59* poRTIO d6y cicESl CENTER or ROASTS .................... - H • i:/ Nalley's OON OARNE with Beans - Mild or Hot Case of 12 $2.95 Case of 24 $5.87 15 OZ. Tins D~ouble Luck Short Cut =/2 Case of 12 $1.15 Case of 24 $2.27 303 Tins Heinz Campbell's Case of 24 $4.69 14 oz. Btls. Case of 48 $4.29 No. 1 Tin • Frozen Foods #:: Banquet - Choice of Varieties Banquet: Beef, Chicken, Turkey & T~ Heat Pies Banquet: Apple, Peach, Cherry Banquet - Choice of Varieties Pies ............................ Tradewell Pancake & Waffle Cs. of 12 $3.95 ............................................ Tins Beans Standby Sliced Fancy 3 Sieve 6 o¢1 Cs. of 24 $3.87 ........................ Banquet Pumpkin 20 oz. ~1 Pie ........ 3 Size Banquet Tin Orange: Juice Snoboy: Blue Mountain Chlcken'n Liver for Cats . W2 Cs. of 24 $3.27 Cs. of 48 $6.69 .................. , ................ Haley's ~ Cs. of 12 $1.45 Cs. of 24 $2.87 .................... Libby's Silver Mountain Dog or Cat Food . =/2 Cs. of 24 $1.95 Cs. of 48 $3.87....- ....................... 303 Tins 303 $ ' ~r Tins Tins 7 0:'1 .- [] [] 7 0:'1 • [] [] 15 OZ.~l Bill Tins Sd 300 Tins Tins and OVER 400 COLOR There are 21 Packets of beautiful pictures in the entire collection and able for a limited time only. contains 20 pictures that teach minds about the fascinating form in our world. Use the APPEAR EACH WEEK and SAVE! Sta CLIP COUPON [] "WONDERS of the ANIMAL KI TRADEWELL SPECIAl" STARTER LARGE 9½"x 13" PICTIJR! AND PICTURE PACKET This offer good only thru October 13 Packet No. 2, 3, and 4 are now on sa e Iliilll "WONDERS of the ANIMAL TRADEWELL PICTURE WITH THIS This offer good only th~ Picture ,Packets No. 10~ 1 now on sale at 19~ Cash Value 1/20 of I mmmmmm ,! Le|lu©e Lge. Cr,sp Heads ,~; from Callf, ornia .. 2/29* Onions sweet Boiling ........ 1 lb. Smoothie bag Sweet Cello Garrets ............................ 3/29' Apples cr,s for pies Prices effective thru Sat. Oct 2, 1965. No sale to Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. ]~qual Opportunity AIRMAN DANNY L. CAESAR, ~,on of Mr. and Mrs. Julius F. Caesar, Shelton, has been se- lected for training at McChord AFB as an Air Force musician. The airman, a 1965 graduate of Shelton High School, recently completed basic military train- ing at Lackland AFB, Texas. A/2e Fred A. Butts, son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Butts, Lynnwood, has completed with honors a spe- cial U.S. Air Force course at Good- fellow AFB, Tcx., for communica- tions technicians. Airman Butts, who rece.ived ad- vanced radio training, is being as- signed to an Air Force support un- it in Japan. His wife, Bert, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William InK, Hoodsport. Brown Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Brown Sr., Shelton, is serving aboard the snti-subma- rine Watffare support aircraft car- rier USS Yorktown. TI,e primary mission of Yorktown is anti-sub- marine warf,are which is to assist in detecting, trackinK and destroy- ing enemy submarines in time of war. Fireman Altl)rentice Joseph C. A/2e Kenneth G. VanderWM, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete)" K. VanderWal, Shclton, has arrived for duty at Bunker Hill AFB, Ind., after a tour of service in Turkey. Airman VanderWal, an aircraft ground equipment repairman, is assigned to the Strategic Air Con]- mend which keeps the free world's mightiest missile and jet bomber force ready to counter the enemy threat. The airman is a graduate of Shelton High School. gram. LL. Lord is a member of Beta There Pi. encounter on his first ship or at his first shore statiqp. In making the trm~sition from civilian to sailor he has been tauKht and supervised by exper- ienced Navy petty officers. They taught him the basic skills of seamanship as well as survival techniques, military drill and other basic subjects. jeers and lived and worked under conditions similar to those he will completed nine weeks of Navy basic training at the U.S. Naval TtaininK Center, San Diego, Calif. In ti~e first weeks of his naval service he studied military sub- Seaman Reeruit Charles It. Call)be l, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Campbell, Shelton, A/Jr Gary L. Cakes, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cakes, Shelton, has been graduated from the tech- nical training course for new mem- bers of the U.S. Air Force Medi- cal Service at Canter AFB, Ale. Airman Cakes, who studied ba- sic hospital procedures and emer- gency medical treatment, has been selected for assignment to Shep- pard AFB, Tex. He is a member of the Air Training Command which operates the world's largest technical school system for the Air Force. The airman attended Shelton High School. First It,. Rlchaed F. Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson L. Lord, Shel- ton, has completed pilot training at Tinker AFB, Okla., in the U.S. Air Force's newest jet transport, the C-141 Starlifter. Lt. Lord is retm'ainK to his Mil, itary Air Transport Service unit at Charleston AFB, S.C. The giant cargo-troop carrier is being employed in the global air- lift of U.S. military forces and equipment. The lieutenant, a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School, re- ceived a B.A. degree at Willis- metre University, Salem, Ore. He was commissioned upon comple- tion of the Air Force Reserve Of- ricer Training Corps program, and is a member of Beta Theta Pi. His wife, Ginger, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and :Mr-~: Don Mays, Artesia, N.M. tions at the Air Training Com- mand base. The new AFROTC program gives students the op- portunity to earn commissions as Air Force second lieutenants during their final two academic years. Under the alternate four- year Program cadets attend shorter summer training •es- sions. f Standby Cut Fancy 3 ~ieve =/2 Cs. of 12 $1.95 Cs. of 24 $3.87 ........................ Standby Gravenstein =/2 Cs. of 12 $1.95 Cs. of 24 $3.87 ............................ Garden Whole Unpeel'ed 5 1 =/= Cs. of 12 $2.35 2=/2 $ Cs. o.f 24 $4.67 .................................... Tins Nlblets Brand Whole Kernel - Vac Pac =/~ Ca. of 12 $2.35 Cs. ,of 24 $4.67 ...................................................... RED RIPE SLICERS Flavorful Calif. Standby Mandarin 5IOZ ;1 =/2 Cs. of 12 $2.35 1 Cs. of 24 $4.67 ...................................... Tins Hunt's Yellow cling, Halves or $~ Slices - =/2 Cs. of 12 $2.95 2=/2 Cs. of 24 $5.87 ......................................... Tins Standby .Pure Cs. of 12 $2.95 ........................ Qt. Btls. II Blue Ribbon Washington Cs. of 12 $2.95 .................... Sd 46 oz. Tins HunUs Family Size Cs. of 12 $2.95 ................ ! $ S Beans Sliced Diced Diced Standby Red Kidney =/2 Cs. of 12 $1.65 Cs. of 24 $3.27 ................................................ Standby Shoestring =/2 Cs. of 12 $1.65 Cs. of 24 $3.27 .......................................... Standby 1/~ Cs. of 12 $1.65 Cs. of 24 $3.27 .................... Standby ( or Shoestring) t/'2 Cs. of 12 $1.65 Cs. of 24 $3.27 ............................ Standby =/2 Cs. af 12 $1.95 Cs. of 24 $3.87 ........................ recently received first delivery on the east coast of the giant Lock- Standby Dill ~1~ Mince ~J) 20 oz q~l Poly Ba heed-b ilt jet transport being ad- =e Nosher or Reg. I~ 2=/2$t Standby Cream Style $: Pie .......... ,~ Siz; "~']1- t:b~;S ded to MATS ~irlift fleet. =/2 Cs. of 12 $1.95 ,...,l., ," i. i"' " With cruising speeds of more I~lU Y:z Ca. of 12 $3.95- Cs. of 24 $7.87 .... 41~ Tins .al. Cs. of 24 $3.67 !. ................................................... 30: .... I than 500 m.p.h, the versatile Star- lifter can il'ansport lip to {;3,(100 • Standby Select Pitted al No. 1 Sdli , ,r :~.~ ,..' pounds of cargo or ]5.1 combat | ~ =/.,, Cs. of 12 $2.95 [] Tall i i;'~rn =/2 CS. of 12 $1.95 $ troops nonstop from Charlcsten GERALDE. WAGNER, Shelton, i ill Cs. of 2455.87 ............................................ 11" Tins ~ & 4 44444*P )*P across the ~tlantic to Europe, The has completed six weeks of train- V~ ,lira Cs. of 24 $3.67 ........................................................ aircraft's short and land- ing at Keesler AFB, Miss., in the ~" START YOUR ing characteristics make it nsable, new two-yea.- Air Force Reserve • m Hunt's Whole Unpeeled 'AB "~mW ~[~= = = . Standby ~ ~11 fnO:$d~£ O f f i c e r T r a i n i n g Corps li I ~l~'t~ =/2 CS. of 12 $2.95 I~ 21/2$t Dd~ I 1/2 Cs. of 12 $1.95 at l,850 airports around the world. (AFROTC) program. Cadet '| | UR,~ CS. of 24 $5.87 ................................. 1 Tins, ~R. d~lf ~r COLLECTION TODAW The lieutenant, a pilot, is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High Wagner, a former student at ' ) cs. of 24 $3.87 ............................ T ~P' ¢¢.. ~ . .. School. He received his B.A. degree Centralia (Wash.) Junior Col- ~ WonaersDE the from Willamette University and lege, is the son of Ernest R. IPim ! • Standby was commissioned in 1903 upor, Wagner, Shelton. The 20-year-rtneapple 46"z'$' . 6 o:71 " Animal Kingdom" completion of the Air Force Re- old graduate ,of Shelton High Cs of 12 $295Tins Bll [ #Upi | U Cs. of 24 $3.87 ............ 15 serve Office," Training Corps p,'o- School, received training in Air ~ PICTURE ALBUM Force flying and support opera-