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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 30, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 30, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COUNTY 30URNA -- Published in g nekon, Washington ..... PAGE Ig ~- DON'T PAINT US ALL I AQuoLADE TO JOURNAL'R CAN ~ •_ he-Ion Missi0nar, I CONTROL COTTONY RCALE Hglmeda:2 cG:rde~niaBlflle:i~v~aOlabS~]~ WITH THE SAME BRUSH ISLAND CORRESPONDANT How can anyone look upon the v • JV I The leaves or back of Camellias ........... " .... "_'_ .. ,~^.~ els " 1 effect works of nature and doubt ' . xro~xl tile tsXt~n].~xon ulitue, x& ruu- [ Everyday, newspap r. are filled lDear 1;r!end Bi!: ........p.. ' ..... *~-^ -~..~., of Tn =~AA~ ~ ]frequently become encrusted w,th eral Building, SI~elton. with talk of space mghts, and/ I think this m tne.[tr~t time t. the malesty ot u,,u, ~,,y ~.,.=%y . --w ~r'*'- .... I the hard shelled insects known as I questions such as: Will there be ever wrote a letter abo.u.t a rur~ Christ, and the power o[ ale ~oiy [)~R||,~| E,s~m| [ scale. These insects feed on plant ~ ........ ' ............. a third world war and will taxes i correspondent but m tins case ~ sp~rt, tile great Tnree-J.n-une .. . I~U||~| I~-,~||| . [~flces and cause iniury and in ~ MT. VI~-W [ be lalsed.'-' ~ But more often you I t h ..... nk Liz Allison has it coming. I don't mean the progress tnat I~-", energy-'-' w~,.¢='"~"' *-~ ..... "th. r'~'l"d~ .......... h corn- ! . ... ~._ _ L I will see or hear comments concer- I Mrs. Foster and I have stud many has been made, these are wonder- ~ g scale this " ear the cottony | Alliance nurcn i ( nin" todd. s teenager. You hear times that she is doing a remark- ful in their way, but they are the -- ~ ~ ire%n- 'vm~ wili" eyn~ on the undel:- ] Wash ngton and J Sis. I • = such questions as: Why can't ably fine 3ob as Harstme Island works of men s llands The wo" " I'.- ~'of"the-lowc~ leaves It ap | e " 9 45a m | g Y ' " '" ' "lld ~uu*~ " - ...... ' -- , • ust one exam le. teenagers stay out of troubl~\,.aud correspondent but this weeks col- was made wi!hout hands, God.said ~ ::rs as a snowy long ; ot. with I ......... .1=:__ I a,,~. .... That ]s j .... ~e in tl, ip * ....... Why 'must they always do t|ungs/mma covering all tile new owners it was so ano it oecame manuesu ~~:~ ~'~,o ;on'side of the leaves emmted [ Mornu]s v',ovmnp ...... ~ .vu a.m. [ ~les"anr¢t~cycle clnbs aliz~(~tt~'eH~''~''~I~a's, Zuzi]l~'i,~e't¢'-"tt~at ~:~.'inst parent.:s wishes. 2:he rod:Ion the Island really is outstanding. T.he fn'st, two ch.-~ptels of Gel)e -'-'~ bl .ck honey 'due' soiut,on. I A. Y F ..... .~... ............ 6.ooam I ~e question could their teenagers buy are "motor. 3ority of people seem to think that [I havent seen anything to match sis descmbe cieaUon, and ,t phun ~~~ l~hten aos[a effectw~ time to kill [ Evening Se;wce ........ , .00 p.m. [ In "', Is our son .... because a minority of teenagers[ it and you'll have to agree that ly shows it was created by amas- ~~~ [*~'is scale is in May However [ Pra,,er tlour (Wed) 7"30 p m ] g. There are badcycles • , Y bad and ..... • n " • ~" "" * ' '' ' ' ' ....... b ; ~ ,~ .... .,n, ,.nod" because he ride- hi'~. cause trouble, that teenagers all~I, have .seen a good ma y. termmd. ~~~ !-ome benefits call be obtained [ ........... ] ad and go()., v~" i~ncl~a,-- etc., to school or to work? over the world. _aveBOad .aud w)ll] F}'at~!rnally . i Many times we read nu.meron~ ~~ i[ with ,a fall spray of Diazinon. ] ~lex ~. ~otes, e, as,or to have the idea Motorcycle, scrambles and races I barn]am°unts ts°a !'i°~l"~egcaus~ °~aaetn~t~'e~[ ~)nsaP~°:n°eS~e~vash .h-|into[articles on !~.ow to sLr~lg~tenot~:;~ ~:~ll~I~~ ] ........... __~_-_~ ............... -- .... e a cycle or 'bike" are a "sport' just like boat rac- same ,. Y ~ ' " ' er ublis the chaos tne worla g . i : ........ a-.,';. ........................ t at to racinr, 'u'e =.,or's burned down, yotus will bm'n ,former newspap . P! It recommends educatmn, ~~: | ,QQI~I~II~I[ V ,ll~ L'l, nll~ • .':~ .... se u'ut.,:,e .... s ..... .. ~? , .. o~ ~ ' [ down. ] er and Harstine lstano prop- [ hroLhei'lv love and etc, and the ~.* ' ~[ Z~tOOa~,aLU-,~ "-*" "*'-'~: ........... ] ~p~O some, ~o}_ m- T)~e_ motorc~~cm (:too In ~hellon They say they can't understand[ erty owner) ]conditions of the world goes right ~.~ ~ .~/ ][ 130 East. Pine Street Mason ~ouugmno, pa~,.o," ] .-.~ Ange~s', mese is AMA, wmcn means i~ is unfler I us bu'L we're only human. Because/ ................ v---------- .- .... ttin~, more terrible every ...... N S LS they seem to be "The American Motorcycle Asso-[ ". ......... ¢ .................... ~ .......... ,'~,, ..... [I REVIVAL CRUSADE CONTI UE ] :t ...... r~ ........... a ,~ ................... ;*... ~, I we nave a n,, ........... ~. ~u,u| BOTH IMPORTAN'a', t~tJ'l' r.~,. I dav, as thougn fores naa never ~~:.::i.i~I 1|1 ........ i cm.u°n-.., es l want to stand on our. own two[ MOBE SO TIIAN SPOWrS Ihe~trd of such a thing as education ~~ ill Through Sumtay, ue o er , ~ "s -~,,~u~;y- lano reguta ............. ,~,uu ""~lfeet they act as it we nave coin-| Dear Bill" ~.,-., brotherb~ love .... ~:".*~ Ill . .............. , .a name. ~o follow when it is under AM.A I.:~..,~'~d somc crime Now don't mis-[ ..... ~ ....... "--'~ m"tele*'hone[""~ .... a --~- "-,~ ,,-.. *-eo-'le "~%~L~/ Itl EVANGELIST JOHN (l~l~/ ~m,--t~ ~- . • - ~ • ,, ,, .. , • J~c~ ' . ' l trill IUtlUWltt~ J V ~eifl0l~ li evel" t~u i.z~u ~ H Ce~ls ago,,th%Trall: [Yotu gang ]noto~eychsts a,e not/understand me, we ,lpp.recmte our[ conversation with you regarding/that write these words of encour- Ill Services nightly Tues. - FrL at: 7:00 P.M. ,l~s-~ -~:~..~,:~.,~ [unael uae a~c,~un. ]parents' concern, ~ut mere comes[ your editor's misinterpretation Of~aa-ement give the creator of the ~~,,ii~ [:[| Sunday Services 13:00 A.M. and ~:oo r.~vL ,^ :.-"_':a.'~='=.~'~".e [ Members o]. a mgitimatecycle ] a time in jite when eacn must| ~t section of therecentschool| ~x~'m.ld eradit for anything and if ~~~ I|| Sunday School 9:45 A.1W. ~u ule Kioney ~ uno. " •• " • • wa when h " . ............. ' ~ v' • ,, ~ " • . ,, fre .... ~ ,.¢ ~ ..... |club do not r~lc~e, then b,kcs m/walk hm own. Y. . .e chooses| bo.axd minutes. [thev do haRpeR to mentmn H,m, ~~~ [[| Sunday School Bu,lds Foundations Of ~)°ei~eu~21~'a~t~A~v~: i town or "goot OH" on bikes• Mem- ] and to learn ~y.t)m mlst~.Kes. . •[ I quote as follows from the] it ~vill be h sntall corner of the , ~~ [[| . . _ _ . ____ " : ~.. _7"''s ".'~:" ~.~"" I bers also nave outings for their [ Another quesuon we near a tot[ Journal of September 16, 1965: [ editorial lust as an after-tlzov~ht. J ,,~, ,~¢~¢~r [ ~--- -~^~toppe~ ro famiiies (yes, most all are married / of these days is: ~'nat a.bout the] "The board discussed a recommen-i inhere ~s no nr0blem too large I .... '~ .... ] f=" ~ ] 'soca, restauranu . ]with families) such as poker runs, ~ crazy dances we (1o? Think back[ daLton from Supt. Robert quiggle,/ort0o ~mall forGod to handle. ] v:... ,~ .... ~-(~'~ *, ....... ~..~|[ ~=~=1 ~V|~I~ I , u narrow mmflefl/picnics etc. [ 20-25 years ano see if tile dances| that a nronosal to take some $26-| on.,.+ oo~a. John 5 40" "And vel. "":t "~:~". ..... "- ~.','= ~v~7..'.'~;|| ~,~,~rr-~,= ,~m-*** w -~-=~- I " panic ever ,time ' ~- • . -e sens ~- ,- . . ' ,~,,-,o~ ~= ..... - zor tne Auulma Famny ~,estlvai . 'S h ..... r~.,, ,~] Granted the~e, me a lot that[make' any mo~_ ..e. than. the|00000 now m a savings account[will not come to me, that ye might].~ th~ w~.~,- ,~,,~,~ ,.h .... h .... q'h~][ m the I on ,~ ~.~,e. ]give "cycles a bad name, butlone's we ao toaay: ~ou snoumlear~narked as a swimming pooll~, .... 'fie" -~L_~'-.'-"_".'-"~-~._~'v.*:~~ ,.~.t'~','J:"~,.,, II .*-" ~=w P~OMMUNITY HALL ] .... " ~ " , n'o ment and reerea , . **~v~. ** • ,~ eve~tlHg iS ~ponsoreu uY tnt~ ~*a*x- m=, .............. , [ take a good look before condemmg/dance fm e ] Y .... -| building fund and be put into de- [ God is the Great "I am and the [ ...... :. _ . .]l ...... I ,citer is read in the[all "cyclists". it.ion, whether !t's the latest jerk[velooment of improved athletlc|,olution to whatever is wrong|°°~l.P~,aJ!.a..w]n..~eg~n~,,a~t|| Laure, ano ~ ~*. ---George Herbert[ Our 'cycles" to us are a sport,[ or the oldest cnamesLon. . . [ faeil'lties for the high school." [ with" the world --[~.o,, ~ ................................ [[ Every Sunday--4.00 p.m. "-------- i not a troublemaker. [ As teenagers we nKe to nave] A lot of people that I know feel[ " -Evelene Farrell ]~" ": ..... ]1 Ev-r,, Tuesd~v and Thursday--7:30 p.m. ~re what one is l Mrs C. B. ShelLon | a ~ood time and express our ~eel- I ,~,~ .... h~,t ~ v~rv very fuzzy to| | uooK was raised in m~ia Dy his|| - a ' ~ ~ • ~1 Trailblaz ,~e'" cycle member / gnihi I / nM: a sA Xo n OyoOSA a] S / ~elSOi~ii!i/I A God th at can not/ir:?you inte:toetd :: an e ~ IM¢¢¢ /live in a co,ffusing, complicated[out when heYsaid that the money/ Your article.on tax p~:oposa!s[toms. A sports enthusiast from|| A Chr,st that Cal g • . ,~. and the ~uture o~ our nation ~elo) { m tne Journat uatea ~ept ~o boyhood Cook has worked m the O ea"~ land . • ' should be spent for de" I m mt ,,, , ' 1 A ~er oo" edi- ' " " A Kingdom that cannot be m v • illi: J I lKI i I / /depondsonth,sg n. .ra . .on a`nd thole, es P,,ysio.l >mey. Yngbd not/Oeylon Baske a". , ..... one's hereafter. AOJUsung...t° the tion fa~.ilities' for the district, tortaL m tne same .vet, .U~ ~-' founded the ueylon xouth Cru-[I = ~~---------~~ s-- , Furniture Repair. I]fast-m°ving Pra::ot:: a?~zati~snl The layman may think I am/~3~it~melY,e aoPP~;e~u°~ayn~)l;~'[sade. |~"= . . . can be very ' P" " splitting h.~irs, but we must not, . " P. ~ ;. ~." He and a fellow missionary star- .Installation [ [ Repairing and Refinishing i~sing especially whenthe one's We[andI underline must not misin-/.Pmn, ete of Sept; 26,_,.'_65,/ted the Colombo Bible College and[] ~rH~ MFTii0111. T CllURCll ,,,~ I I On All Types of Furniture I/love and trust.lose ta~nln us o__nl form the public when it concerns[ ~].'°fawnLcn^~- q.uo~e. ,-Wea~,~ex~[ since their departure the college[[ """= m.== =.==.--..--'T "_. ..... -------, ,,,w. I I !! the transgresmon~ uu,,m~teu vyl .... .~,.~. ,~, ,~n~v [uur ~aXlJ~y~r~ w=,~ ~, ,~=., "|is continuing, under the direction I! North 4in ano e'me ~zrevzx - ~=,,~,,,s -,~- ..... -" ro osed ~' " ' __. [[ SMITH FURNITURE REPAIR J]others. . [ As a former athlete and coach[aCtly what effect this .(p_p [of trained Ceylon nationals. The[| REV HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER ~ Ph. 426-3926 I [ 214 So. 2nd. St. 426-8577 Jl We are normal teenagers tr~ving I I have a deep regard and respect[additi°na21evy) is going mnave on| Cooks and others are no longer[| 8'30 and 11"00 a m Worship Services ~=i..=====___~ ~|]to l~Vdeult~P t;etahke.lh;gfno:~?~y~a~fus ?~ [ f OrnOt~n2reSenmtegrOwUPo OfeY?ct~g] ?#g Pm°Cr~etm~:°~; ~::mc%mlsaeI ~3,[ 3bl~tt: cg~i3~sa3 tw°o?~te: bCeyg°naS° [[ 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages- 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship iCon ~ty l ls• I"l "' 'g & Tune-ups [ " g I]' • __ _ [ and please allow me p L[ , ......~n¢' the nronosal'to con-[ p ' ' " _1| The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest Winterizing ]| MILLIE'S BEAUTY SALON |] ~'nan~ you, ]why. . |. ,, ..~:7.~_.~ .......... [ ~~[| 7"30 AM---Holy Communion 8ERV~P.~- [| Next .'to Barber Shop |[ Jane ueI'mK ...... / I. The athletic program is zor[ unue ~ne santo ~_~. t~,~,s~[ sions among yourselves, or asking[| 9:30 A'M'--Church School and Adult Bible Class ...... N " ~tar l~Ollte z, J=H).~..~u~, ew who erfotm oezore as in pas~ year-~ wm ~'e~,~ ,,, .-,. ' • , " ~' " ' " ' i 426-39926 ] [1925 Olympic Hwy. • 426 ~511 |[ .... ..~ ~ [ a select f , P ~ ;[ ........... r[ the opmmn of t~o or three frmnds. [I 11"00 A M--Dwine Worsh p ~"- ..... I! II ~ne,ton, as.. ___ /a large influential group o~ non-[ peycem _more ..:~o~ore,~;caYus:~[ [ But there are times when it is notl[ r Repairs * R T BAKERY .... II STARKEY S HEATING I[ Ed'_. " ........ a cowa~d's[ way of life. It h s. p . ".~I .... ....... : ..........~'-II :~io~] rather than a bond issue, taking|| . 302. Alder St., SheRonL. a t_ ..... - .... I I e=l~** ,¢ ~ervice I| vmceo me ~na~ *~ w~ ~, o[ our schools an(1 is important| ~ae t~txpuyuw ~u,~ ~v~ ~,t,~'[ ~ n Cr~r~frnn~ e~nelusion thatJl Sunday ~cnool 11:00 a.m. --- unur:ll 11 a.m. ,~: ~t. wew) ] | ........ "_"_' ....... -~oa ~=~o I| way of avoiding voicing tnetr corn-I in develonin~ a sound educa- I exceed those collected last year.,I ,':=..~=~,."~.-.~"'~'~.,~-n'~'-~'n nnv in.]] Wednescia~ evenin~ testimony meet[age 8 p.m. ;~'~11799 [ ] o,, r,,,.uv ........ |[ plaints to the persons involved• / tional nro~ram. [ despite the increase in assessed] +~:Z~'~m~'~:'~=,~'(~:,~.=~-~om-e [i 1~.di"~ room'located in church: l~eading room hours 2 to " "/ i don't live in She|ton now but[ 2 The Phys~ca~ Education prog- [ valuations, any additional allott- [ :~;,=== ~mu~,m~u~;e~:l "~e~cau'se install-" [| ...... ] n.m M.~n & Fri Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. • it is still home and one to Oeiram is a reouirement in the school]ments to any one of the severaLi~='~'"~.~.,~.,.~, h~'~a,~ ~n,r the[] - ' .... Landscaping-------- /proud of. We have seen many ot ]...r...c~ulum- /recipients' of shares in our tax] ....... .w.a-?, ..... ~:~` ~:. ~ .. = I ~ ......... . i • Lawns rockeries trees ii °ti:d 'ih°a~qevt°e~neto~"f:e~3~lYi s~[~" a~ It is designed to not only ] p~y,m3ntnSorm3~lt~ ca~o~tefrO~o ~h3[na33~aJn~aernra~e~°a~'uresSwhen [|~_[ LI[ ---miimm i mm~i|~ i lib AIIII~AII ~iglets Switches II shrubs I/ ce. " ' Y : , '" "i.~] help develop the non-coor~[- • Y it' zs''a matter of property taxes )r .To soil. tillin levelin think of doctors, law3ers, teach- inate, but is a part of good, others or be legally collectable asI .o ~, ........... ,tv'~ ,rob,at[on in-[[ HU|H LUllll:l(All I;fllllIUlt ~g~le~sC~s~mite~P:: [ I ~_P_~-; .....g' g liers ministers, businessmen and1 ..... .~ ...on.ol health whicl~]dulv authorized ADDITIONALI ...... ~.': ........ :::'"-]-'-_ ..... ,~[| --i.i--i.--~.. ................... ~ak Plumbing & Heating ' - - ! ". " is only a s 1 p " .P " ._ dents who happen to be there Carl 3. Carlsen, - . ._11n Street I I try ]I tendent of schools, chmf of pohce[ program and should always be Im out-of-pocket dol!ars. Lo.thetax that particular year. eli .... __---=----- ...... : _ • z~-8060 | | ............ || and now fire cme~. ! kent in that perspective. This re|payer as amy aumortzea A~-I I do not recall how many of you| .... ~ ......... ~SBAN, D.C. I I H°°asP°~h;~un8~ng5~HS:::tl~:t [~ toT:aecnre, dzeparto~nentymto~mp°r~tan~[t~es~fulPclE'~l~t°~o have it under-ITI2sNA2 TaAXE? o~s ;rbu°33ncn:,ted~ ~oereb3~rd m~mbeTouatthy MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH t closed Thurs. I I R.G. Snyder Hoodsport I/not financially the most rewarding[ stood that there is no rivalry or[ might be well to forget about in-[have a different •policy. I submit II MISSOURI $~ NOD I ~| job in the world. When a man nas [ bad relationship existing between [ creasing tax revenue this erection. ~ ~h~ *,--'~ "-o"ld be a ~'ood idea II OIvmnlc Hwv So Cascade. The Rev Gerald Herman, Pastor I proven hnnself capable and depen- ] the athletic department and the | The law commanding a 25 perce t i .... "' " ti-ht now be II " " " .. -- ! • • " n ears . Tins ~s perunent g " " Sunday School ~'a~ a m ,rvlce .-....-....--1 Prllltlng ~IL dable and ha:~ sdP::: cn~al %Yvir3 [ P.E. program. Our coaches ~wh3 [!ncrease in assessed ~u~:io;3 ano~ / cause we have been asked by t J Adult Bible cIL; ................... 9"45 a m [ ....... I I I/ ~oing so - y " "~1 are also PE. instructors, I tne taw proniDit g Y g [ ~x~n,.th Mason District to sunnort/I ............................................................. ::".~'^^ ' ' ! ~c~O ~netton II • ua,ity Work I/give the job to someone else fromlcases), agree that the[a greater amount of tax doIlars| ; ' sel;ooi' copstmmtion proj'ected/| orntng ",Vorship .......................................... 8:30 a.m. & ~z:uo a.m. | -~ _. . | | ^, ^, ~el~o I["out of town . |~ram must come first. There haS|next year, open the door ~or pro-[¢.~ ~ ~ ~nnl there A levv[~ , , , ~eryuleanlng ] [ ............ ]] The last two issues of the Jmarn-I never been any disagreement he~. [ testing tax payers to dir.eetly ask[ n'ow~'wou'l'~"be~s~i~i more' burden~- _- --" ....... ---------- .... ~u, ~uppaes I i THE JOURNAL II al have intro~uceu tne new nre[ We all know that it is the P.l~,]the courts of law for relier xx any/ ..... ~,n the other was True,/I vmrwc, m ¢'~rT:~vorl~T&~,x g'~T-ffTTI:~t'~T--~ J /OR SERVICE ___ chief He is no doubt a fine per- program that is suffering the most[ such feel their tax bill is too high.[ ~'~,~'~ ~,~],a tn raise our[[ ~AI%~J ~l-x~t~*t~a~ ~J~,.*~'-,~- I lympia "Z~5~!~G3~7 I I 227 Cota Pho,¢ 426-4412 li son "He probably will do a go d] becanse of noor field facilities /Such litWation could delay the use/~.- ...... =~.~ -="~= ~'. ....... t l Arcadia and Lake Bomevar~ I • ' ' ¢ " • *, snare ol tne INOrtlt ivID.SUll IUlILt t ~tob [ Our nrogram n PE is b~mg[of all tax nroceeds or eliminate| ...... , ...... /! Charles 0. Wig on [ " • • • ...... ~" is sit nu Less than ale atnoun~ . [ I feel George Hunter m a fine[ strained to the limit trying to corn-/a part of them altogether. | ,,, og~ Y~,,). ~xnres.~ed [nil Bible SchOOl ..... 0:45 a.m. Youth M_e~ttn. g~ 5 ~0 p.m I • ' • .................. ' "~" - 1" am Famuy ~ervlce 0:~0 p.m. ~,~v~,,_..,~ ~rv,~,~ lee I ,~erson who .... has done a good3ob.[ pete for equal txme on Loop Field./ WHILE, _ CONSIDERING the ef-[ .~m............................. ~..... t ~e ,~, ,~.r,~,~.-]| Worship ............ 1 .00 . . _ - -- 7'~u- =- m | ^ ,~ ..... Almoo An thin An here He was ra,sed and educated in[ I fault no one, ~t is a very bad| fects of the proposals on the Nov | ~'-' ? • /" "~= ..... on that[ | Wedneaday -- Bible Study and t-rayer -- . p. • | PC.~ll ~o ~ I ....... ~t y g yw I] Shelton. He has spent many years I situation and if we don t' act, i-n [2 ballots on our pocketbooks, let/ vmw..~.., .... mstnc~, noweve,~l~e ~r~ ~,ainad~ h l E~hll~[ Care Service Available. at 11:00 ~erVtce,| ~l~Ped, Polished ] | LiUltG0zers - uoaaers-~t-umps II serving his town on the fire de-I stead of talk someone will be| us also keep in mind some other/~'~='~ =~'n'(ts [he'~d'is(r~t l~ad on {' ' ' ' ' ........ ; s,-£pl ,o:stery i l & ~?l?rmgI~apq~a~B±:cl~,e~tc [Ipartment" He~h~toade h_!s P?nm:w[severely !njured. _ .... e[proposals that will .be presented/~Yn~Smg~:~ portion did not need[i ..... ----'--'-~---------- c, .... "--'-- ' | ~.=~ uwru'" I I ~"~W RENTS " " nent nome~ ~ e n.anu we. ~ ,w_l In,_ may .~..s.ay tna~ w~[ to us in the near xu~ure. ~emem-/ to be 'raised from property own-[[ NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHUI CH [ ~RVICE CO. I I ..... t,,. --..,~ o ...... ~[ we can count .°n ram. ~U.$ ne:s I all ,want petter ~aciuues ~or po -/ ber the creation o~ a ~osp~a~ u~s-| ers that year As far as we have/I ........... .- ,_. ha. ~..~,. ©kh,.,,~ re.lira,, I Nites 426-4376 I I zz~o =..~u,, ,,,~,,,~,= o~.-..o. | not gooo enougn now. I uon'~ reap l athleticS ano physical education.| trict was authorizdd by the rot-| ..... -~ *~-~:~. ~-a -,,~ ,, ....... main[I Easz = ~. ¢,~v=,~.-~,=y e~,~ .................... , I • L 1 ly understand` | The Athletic Dept. isn't interested[ ers last year and a request for/%~?""-%~'~-'onev "~l~herefo~e the[[ Small Enou-h= I I It just seems someone should[ in just a turf field and a beautiful[ more taxes to finance construction] -~-~-~---'~':--ou'ld '~e -)-ohibit~ve if][ ............... -'- | ,, ., a . amuu.~ w u 1 ~ Sunoay ~cnool ~'~ a m ]o r~eeo you, ma9 Gravel I speak up and ask why . / grandstand to play a few games [ and equipment of the hospital will| -*id in one year If ,,ou should|l ............... - I ~~ "~'~ ' Do at the one v~ ~ a r hi 11 00 a m Enough To Serve Y