October 1, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 1, 1964 |
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By Mabel Kidd
"DAYTON ........ Congratulations to
:Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty on
the birth of a son Sunday, Micha-
el W.ayne tipped the scales at a
big eight pounds four ounces. He
joins a hrother, Jed and sisters
Patti and Jennie. Grandparents
called on Mr. and Mrs. Claude Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Garfiehl Dougherty
of Warrensville, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Schm- too-
tored ot Grandview and spent the
weekend with son, John.
Pennie Moore was Saturday over-
night guest\of Sheri Chappell.
Mrs. William L. Brown and Mrs.
l)oyle Howard at, tended a baby
shower on Monday evening honor-
ink their sister, Mrs. Vernon Stew-
art in the home of Mrs. John
Stentz of Shelton.
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John An-
derson aml children enjoyed din-
ing at Gig Harbor with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Aug2mt Anderson,
Andy Anderson and Dewey Ander-
The Walter Chappell family at-
tended the Puyallup Fair Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. ,lames Hickson
and girls rnotored to Tacoma Tues-
day evening and visited with Mrs..
Sarah Kirk and the H. ,}'. Madsens.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
and Shelley attended a housewar-
ruing in the new home vf the Don
Mr .and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield
ealed on Mr. and Mrs. Claude Me-
Irvin saturday evening•
Sunday dinner glmsts of Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Tibbits were Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Tibbits and girls of
Lost Lake.
Woman Trapped
Overnight In
Wrecked Auto
An accident which happened
Sept. 24 was not investigated un
til Sept. 25. The reason --- the vie-
tim was trapped inside the wreck-
ed vehicle overnight, and the
wrectcage went nnnoticed by pas-
• ~,crs-by--- as a result, law enforce-
ment officers had no knowledge
of the accident nntil the day after
it happened.
The accident oceured Sept. 24,
at 11 p.m., one-and-one half miles
west of Belfair on Highway 300.
According to authorities, the dri-
ver of the 1965 Mustang hardtop,
Martha L. Ciejek, 47, P. O. Box
206, Belfair, was heading west on
Rt. 300. The vehicle failed to come
oat of a right-hand curve, went
off the right-hand side of the
highway, over a 25-foot embank-
I-I'ELTON--MA 0N COUNTY ff0URNAL Published in -' , "
-- Ch, 'tshnastoun, U.&A.", ghelton, Washington
Today, Thursday, Oct. l
Rotary Club luncheon noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
World War I Veterans and Auxi-
liary potluck meeting, 12 noon,
Memorial hall.
I)PW, 2 p.m., h(m]e of Isabella
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild. 8 p.
m., home of Mrs. Bob Rogerson.
Toastmasters Club 6:45 a.m.,
rFtmber.~ Motel.
Yacht Club business meeting, 8
p.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Chlb,-7:30 p.m.,
Memorial hal I.
Mary M. Knight alnmni asso-
ciation, 7:30 p.m. at the school.
40 & 8 Voiture 135 Oct. prome-
nade, 7 p.m. dimmr at Rftner's 8
p.m. program at 40 & 8 Club.
Friday, Oct. 2
Mason County Retired Teach-
ers Association, 1:30 p.m., home
of 2Vh's. Marie McKay.
Herricks at Southside. ment and rolled over onto its top, High school fotball, Shelton vs.
Wednesday evening visitors in trapping the driver inside Tumwater, 8 p.m., Loop Field
the James Hickson home were Mr Dame ~ "(- "~- ....... ' ....... Saturday, Oct. 3
........ , gc t, ~,a: v~mc,~ was ~et A SEPTEMBER 19 joln~ing of hands ceremony united MIss Candis
and Mrs. H. J. Madsen of Tacoma. st .¢] 0nn Rainbow Girls rumn~age sale,
The William L Browns accom- " ~ ..... Lea Avey and Stanley Norman Johnston in rnarriage. She is the 30 a.m. --- 5 p.m., PUD auditorium.
• . • .~. . .~ . Miraculously, the driver escaped
panied:h~tWayn.e .wiarys fo ~ or,: with minor br~lises and abrasions, daughter of Mr. and MrS. Eugene S. Avey, Sheltlon. His parents Drivers license examiner, 10 a.
are Mr. and Mrs, Charles Johnston, Hcodsport. They are making
Angem. F • oay mgnt zor the ioo~- m. -- 5 p.m., police station.
ball game with ShelteR. ~i-~~~-~-~,-~-~,,~ their home in Walla Walla. " Mary M. Knight school annual
Tuesday, the Browr~s attended Aut'h~)~r'~ti'~2":,yvl~z'~,".~r~',.,n~, * * * * Harvest dinner, 6 -- 8 p.m., school
the Puyallup Fair - .... -:-; .............. ~ .... ~-- The Sheltml Seventh-Day Advent- [ die lighters: His brothers, Edward gym.
• . • Children s Hospital in Tacoma re- ist church was the scene of a join-t and Gib Johnston, were best men
Darlene Bloomfield was home "ort "slow im-rovement" in "h Sunday, Oct. 4
from college f~ r the weekend brin- ~ondition of ShaPwn Dallam ~ ~ e ing of hands ceremony Sept• 19 [for the groom. Music was by Mrs. Shelter churches invite you to
• ~ " . " . , ~ year uniting Miss Candts Lea Avey and [Wm. H, MeOhee and Jerry Mace. attend the church of your choice.
grog with her fmends, Marilyn . . ~.~ '~.^~
. ; . , . old former Shelton box ~,o -au Stanley Norman Johnston in mar-/Ushers were Harvey Harden and Monday, Oct.
G~m~m Iohn Skov an(t Jemy ~wan
. ..... ' ,' • ----------------' ' " lain~ unconscious in tile hospital riage. Parents are Mt'. and Mrs. ]Bob Thorton.
.... ,_____~ ,.nee his fall from a tree on Aug. County commission's meeting, 10
• ~ 26. They report that he has had Eugene S. Ave y, Shelton, and Mr. / The bride's mother selected a a.m., courthouse.
~ L~|jE ,&~ some periods of eonscienceness andMrs. Charles Jonnst0n, Hoods-/gold lame' and satin sheath which PUD No. 3 commission meeting,
~vr,, # [curing the past two weeks, port. . was worn with a fox stole an)d 1 i~.m., PUD commission room.
] Shawn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ~ "vne evening ceremony was per- gold pillbox hat with velvet leave#. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
~m~_~,~~ • ] John Dallam who moved from [orme~. D~,: rastor w m. H. McGhee, Her corsage was of green cymbb PUDauditorium.
~~~ ~]Shelton to Gig Harbor this sum- ~ne m~mes uncte WhO recenny re- dium orcl~iids. A. blue orlon lace Simpson Recreation Association
[{~_~i~~,~ ./.:.~i/7_ |,mer. mrnea irom .Beirut, Lebanon dress with a blue feather pillbox card party, 8 p~m., Memorial hall.
where he served ass missionary, hat worn by the bridevroom's
Mrs George Adams was the ...... s b'" a Tuesday, Oct. 6
_ " . moth~. ,~,~, ,a,.,v..,~.~ ~ Kiwanis Club lunetleon, 7:30 p.
1 ~" ~$~t:~'-|T'V-A" l{ church hostess and the bride's at ......
| ~i~..~15~l ~~_ .. "_',. . "P corsage of pink cymbidium orchids, m., Memorial hall.
ents gave her m marnage. A reception in the Colonial house City commission meeting, 2 p.
A red and white theme was car- followed the wedding service. The m., city hall.
• C~T, TACK, SEW or SEAL I ~0¢ ] [ NEW ~ ~ ried out in the decorations for the red and white color theme was Fred B. Wivell PosL 31, Ameri-
• HUNDRED$ OF USES | S~.Yd. I| &mRiV~L~, ~1~1~/il ~ candlelight ceremony with red carried over in the flowers and can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall.
INIX)O~$ ~ OUTDOORS Im*t~,~w~.I I .......... ~ ~-~5 dahlias and white "gladioli and cake decorations. Silver bells top- Lion's Club dinner meeting, 7
~~~ ~ ~'~ ~ candelabras with red and white ped the four-tiered cake which was p.m., Timbers Motel•
~ ] ~~~ eandelabrasCandles being used. Double crystalgraced the organ, buds.dee°rated with red and white rose- Pioneer PTO, 8 p.m., at the
The bride's 'gown was a white Serving were Mrs. J. A. ~vey, school. Wednesday, Oct. 7
~--~-~Ai I~l ~ j Shelton General Hospital brocade floor length sheath with aunt of the bride, Mrs. Gladys Hillerest Homemakers meeting,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waddel, 1129~ empire waist and three-quarter Freeman, cousin of the bride, Mrs. 11 a.m.; potluck luncheon, noon.
Raih'oad avenue, a girl, Sept. 24. length sleeves. Her floor length Rich Sharpes, Mrs. Bob Aitkins Drivers license examiner, 10 a.
Clinic ltospltal veil" of tulle was fastened to the and Mrs. Gib Johnston, all sisters m. --- 5 p.m., police station.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dough-back of her upswept hairdo and a of the groom. , Thursday, Oct. 8
erty, Star Rt. 2 Box 3 A, a boy, diamond lavaliere, an heirloom Acting as reception hostess and P'ickering Homemakers rummage
Sept. 27. given to the bride hy her late attending the guest book was Mrs. sale, 9:30 a.m. -- 4 p.m., PUD
Saves up to 40 on fuel
PHON E 426-4522
i i i i
Transparent Plastic
Phoiie 426'4308
420 S. 1st St.
on Your
grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Avey,
was wm~'across the frontal crown
and attached to the veil. She wore
white gloves sod carried a eas-
cede bouquet of white roses, steph-
ano:tis and ivy With a white orchid
corsage in the center.
The eoh)r scheme was further
carried out in the red velvet floor
length gowns worn by Miss Mary-
lynn Avey, sister of the bride who
'was her maid of honor, and Mrs.
Harvey Harden who acted as her
matron of honor. They were styled
with empire waist and a V-neck
complimented hy cap sleeves.
White gloves, cranberry red shoes
and red velvet bows i~1 their hair
completed their cosLllmes. Each
carried nosegays of re(l roses.
A basket of white carnations
and pink roses was carried by Ju-
lie Freeman who .was flower girl
in a pink crystalette party dress
with white shoes and gloves• Tim-
othy MeGhee Avey, brotl~er of bhe
bride, was Bible boy.
Tile bride's brother Eugene S.
Avey, Jr., and the groom's sister,'
Miss CharEll Johnston, were can-
Jerry Mace. The gift table was in auditorium.
charge of Mrs. Newton Townsend Golden Age Club potluck lun-
and Mrs. Dayton Aaron. Music for cheon, noon, Memorial hall.
tho reception was provided by Mrs. Rotary Club hmcheon, noon,
Earl Munroe, aunt of the bride. Ming Tree Cafe.
.. T~le newlyweds are both gradu- Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m..
ales of Shelton High so~ool,, and .Timbers Motel.
attendcd Olympic college. ' The
bride also attended Walla Walla
college and Deilz Business school. DUPLICATE BRIDGE
They are malting their homo in CLUB WINNERS
\Valla Walla where he is enrolledWinner:~ in Monday night's Mas-
as a student at Walla Walla col- ter Point play for the Shelton Dup-
lege. ' / . licate Bridge Club ~ith seven tab-
................ les in play were: North-south, Rose
GE-TS 'SCHOLAFISHi-P .and Bob quimby, Louise and Jim
Susan Duckham, a 1964 gradu- Fletcher, Dick Perry and Lou
ate of Shclton High School, re- Stewart.
cently received a scholarship to East-west winners were Mary
attend the University of Washing- Keller and Eva Aamodt, Marden
ion during the 1964-1965 academ- Stroud and Katherine VanArsdale,
ie year. Bertha Walker and Dorothy Quar-
The award was made on the tier.
basis of scholastic achievement,
test scores, and personal contri-
butions to school and community
Susan is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rona.ld Duckham, Shel-
Girl Scout Leaders
Meeting Time Changed
The Mason Neighborhood Girl
Scout leaderc meeting will be
held at 10 ,a.m. next Thursday
rather than the usual 9:30 a.m.
There will be a training session
cn the use of the patrol system
beginning at 11 a.m. and lasting
until 1 p.m. Leaders will be con-
tacted by phone as to the meet-
ing place.
A SURPRISE PARTY to celebrate their Silver Wedding anniver-
sary honored Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swanson September 23 In the
Evergreen school auditorium. The celebration was arranged by
teacher friends of the couple for the principal ,of the Bordeaux
school and his wife, Nonle, who teaches at Evergreen school. The
couple met while both were attending summer school at Eastern
Washington State college in Cheney in 1939. They were married
that same year at Coeur d' Alene, Idaho by Rev. Willard Stanton
of the First Methodist church who later became bishop for the
northwesL and is well-known by many Sheltonlans. The couple's
firbt home was In lone, Wash. They have lived in 8helton since
1948. Forty-five teacher-friends extended their congratulations to
the couple. Cakeand coffee was served after gifts were opened.
cd next Monday
Nm'se Day
urging all
the regist ered
tllnle(I inlpl,ovelll(
care ill the
Durihg this
trier associatio~lS
I.OU Stale Nurses
i,l'esenting nlol'e
1 ,'~ ]'ed nlll'Ses.
the theme. "Know
an alL'erupt to
of some of Lhe nu
problen~s arising ]
'age, of professionS..
ing" and the
cilers, sllpervisOrS
Applying for
ill the Mason
fice this past
Ralph H.
aud Carolyn
1 on.
and Elaine Essex,
H. E. Gilbert,
• ;nd Loretta ThOr
The Mary
a hlnnli aSSO(
:3O p y=t,,ny?t
MR. AND MRS. GORDON RAGAN (Marilyn BreWer) f011OWlng
their August 22 wedding ceremony, Parents of the couple are Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph J. Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ragan, all of
Shelton. The newlyweds are making their first home together in
Shelton. x
White gladioli and blue chrysan- Miss Charlene Smith sang, aceom-
themums decorated the St. Ed- panied by Mrs. Dorothy ~Vitten-
ward's Catholic church when Miss berg.
Marilyn Brewer changed her name For the occasion Mrs. Ragan se- g
~o Mrs. Gordon Donald Ragan. The lccted a blue suit and wore it with
August 22 double-ring ceremony a white carnation corsage.
was performed by Rev. Mark The church basement w~s the ~'
Wtechmann at 10 a.m. Parents of scene of the reception following
the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. the mm~ing rite. Assisting with
Ralph 3 Bzewer and M~ and Mls ~ezvin wm z
• " , ". '. ~ " g "e M "s. Jay Needham,
Donald Ragan, all of Shelton. Mrs. Margaret Newell, Mrs. Ellen
Miss Brewer's floor length gown Stanard, Mrs. Myrtle Downer and
of white satin had a train of sa- Danny Ragan. Groom's cake was
tin and she wore a lace jacket and passed by Marie Ragan. Miss Et: THANKS
elbow length veil. She carried ta Harn:~an took charge of the m m 1
white carnations with blue tinted guest book.
daisies. Her brother, Robert Brew- Both young people are gradu- :for your
er, gave her in mariage, ates of ShelteR High school. The confideflce
Maid of honor for the occasion bride is employed in Olympia by
was Miss Karen Wolf who wore a the Employment Security depart- cent
ment and her husband works for tice of the
blue brocade dress with a veiled ',he U.S. Forest Service. They are
hat and carried white carnations
and painted blue chrysanthemums, at home at Star Route 1 Box 51 ..Glenn
following a wedding trip to Sea-
.Bridesmaids were Mrs. Marsh a side, Oregon.
Grist ,and Mrs. Gaff Fuller. They
wore taffeta dreses of blue with -----------
veiled hats and carried white car-
nations with painted blue chry-
was Frank Ragan. Ushers were
Joe Lawson and Brian Schoening.
The Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild
will hold its Octobei" meeting at
8 p.m. tonight in the l~ome of Mrs.
Bob Rogerson.
The nmin topic of discussion will
be the forthcoming bazaar of the
Olympia Council of the Tacoma A METER CAN'T
Orthopedic Association. It will be
held in Olympia next month and
will feature work from all the area
Miss Jane Grisdale, 1964 gradu-
ate of ShelteR High school, pledg-
ed Chi Omega at the University of
Puget Sound during the fall quar-
ter. She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George iV[. Grisdale, ShelteR.
iginal and
only window material that carries a
2 YEAR GUARANTEE. Look for th~
name FLEX.0.GLAS$ on the edge.
Get Genuine, FLEX.O.GLASS At Your Local HdWr, Or Lrnlpr. Dealer
The electric meter,
as accurate and pre-
cise as man can make,
measures the amount
of electricity you use
each month.
1295 But even this accu-
1962 PLYMOUTH VALIANT .......... $ rate In=rument can't
measure the real val-
1961 FORD RANCH WAGON ........ '129'5 ue o, ,,eotr,o,ty--tho
family pleasure from
TV, radio, record play-
1961 FORD FALCON ........................ '119,5 er... the work-sav-
Ing electric washer &
dryer . . . the kitchen
1959 FORD RANCh[WAGON ............ *99'5 o,oa.-u, te.m of e,0o-
A Lrlc dishwasher and
1958" FORD RANCH W GON ............ *79'5 .a,te d,sposa,...the
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1958 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN ........ *79.5 frlgeratorf°°d freezer. .and. there"
marvels of electric air
conditioning and eleC-
trio heat.
Nothing you buy
does more to bring
comfort, convenience
and better living than
yo u r electric service,
a b~rgain you'll de-
pend on every day of
the year.
1957 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN. ........ *695
NOW FOR Jim Pauley's
5th & Railroad 426-8231
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB,
ED TAYLOR, secretary JERRY