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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 1, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 1, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 5a SI-TELTON--MASON COUNTY 3OURNAE- Publishe} in ¢:Christmas'faum, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Purvis Leads JVs 13-Q Conquest Qf Port Townsend Finding the £eam cohesiveness they lacked in their opening game, the Little Climbers dominated play almost completely during a 13-0 - • - • ....... route of Port Townsend in a B Nine Whale It Lasted But Bulldog , team football game oll Loop Field Lead Dissolves In Redskin Defeat Monday. I Skip Purvis, whose fine play By Jeff Fortner Whitman,pass from Miller. drew• top . accolade from Coach ~Jm.,h ~r~n,, ,,,~ ~,~,,,, ..... ~,, I Larry Wmr, scored both Shelton last Friday in it's game with Port [ Team Statist,era touchdowns .... on a 50-yard slash Townsend 37 6 I NM PT over right tackle on which he cut In the' firs:" Fe .... ~ I First downs .................... 7 10 back to the left in the first uar- • " ". t qua [ .r o~ tnl~ . . q ..... • h~..~ .{~a.. + ,~5 ........ [ By rushing ... ................. 2 4 bn', and on a six-yard sweep to I~,*..,-~- ~,,***~ taJullt. £UUi~ LUU 191:~U I B" assin 3 6 -Y ......... for North Mason but by the end [ Y p ' g ..................... the 1ere cnmaxlng a uu-yara move ,,e ,h, hole :~:,,,~. ~.~,,~ t~ ...... ] By penalties 2 0 in the fourth eHod • , • "" ~ rmsning (No of plays) 26 34 that this wasn L going to be easy. [ ~ ~ ' "" TOMMY MARSI'A ...... aram gained 62 202 a L,L, KICKeO At the end of the first quarter I ¥ I t " " - ............... -- -- the extra "oint followin ......... the score was Port Townsend 6 [.. a'¢s rest .................... ±a 1'~ .. p ....... g ~n~ ,mu ~nr~ "l~Ta,.eh "'- . ;~ . ;,h ,~,, ..,..' I 0~et yarom gained ....... 47 185 score after ~nlei Ulayton misses a gout'"cve,¢ as°¢ "l lason I easdng ...... the first one, Clayton i~eld the ball ~J ..... ,- ~,'o-o~,'o+ D~,~ m ....... ~' [ Number attem0ted 23 20 for Marshall. ~m)~t~e'sec(;n~t ~iiarters~'ar~'e~I Number completed :::: 9 10 A 15-yard illegal ume of hands ,,~ ~,.,w~,,:, .... ~ ,,:~'~ ,~ ~on INo. had intercepted .... 2 1 penalty against the Little" Clim- at, it', .....~n ..... ~ ~i,,~ , ~ I Yards gained ................ 132187 bern thwarted a drive whmh had ~"{,',,~a':.~::~"';^'~'~':,,:'~'~,.:".~'.~ ]Total net yards ....... 179372 gained the Port Townsend 3-yard ~¢.,~., ].v:~,~=,:.~)~,:~ :~=_,, ,~;:^=,,: [Total plays .......... 49 54 line in the third quarter ..... ~ ..... . ' ~"~-- -~"'-". ,,"~',,. "-,~,,-s~ 'Fumoles-" ....... " z- o~ Port Wown~en~'--~ u s u,uy~-' .... ~c,-u,u.~= .... Dmovl took the kmkoff for ar [ ..... " .................... . .. bid fol a seine .............. 80 ard dliv~ down th~ ui~ou.~ [ ~au lOS[ 1 O • ' came m cue (lying Y " - .................. " ....................... m m ' • ,, ~,,,.~ ~,~ ........ .vo ~ ..... ~ ~;~.[Puntm ................................ 3 1 o ents against Shelton reservem ~(here"JayA'ilen~'(~n(t; ~o~]~'i's ove~! Average ................ :... 22.0 20.0after a pass interception. It car- for~ the 'touch down . .." ,~ I Penalties 3 3 ried inside Shelton's ten. Whitnlan took the 1)'al~hover~fo'. i Yards_lost ................... ;~ 1525 WEn{ WAS pleased with the ' " • INI)IVIDUAI STATi IgrICS ~ ' .... extra two points, making the scor~ Pi)rt ;FoWns~ nii " improved play of his squad this North Ma.~m 8 and Port Town P~ushln t(b ; ! n - a~ week He takes the Little Climbers send 6 Then, Townsend reall', g: ~ YK Y Yg "" o ' " " ...... . t Bremerton next Monday to meet broke loose and took the hal Faylor ................ 13 137 14 123 9.5West through fro- two more tmmhdown' ~?aeara ............ 4 3 '3 0 0.0: He'started Bob Landis ~md Jeff r ~lel SOIl o "t O 4 I 3 making one extra point on th~ ~. ' .............. Kiebultz a* ~,,;~o .~a =~n~ ,~'~, punt By this time Mason begin ~reeman .......... 2 8 0 8 4.0 ,,,,,h ~,ot, ~a:,'~'~,,%'."~'~'~,'~'~,'] ~%~,,'~' pamming'and gaining yards as the" ~r.own ................ 5 22 0 22 4.4 ~rmst~:onL'a~"~a'c~i~'"^~";;~'~ Went but it was too late becaus'~ ~!nnson ............ 2 0 0 0 0.0 Art Tozier and John=Kun~ie'~ou~ the first half had ended ~reen ................ 3 24 0 24 8.0Ceasa~ ann w,,~, T- ~ , .S .... , • • - ...~.~^_ , , ~ ... ^. . c ' - , ._,~, ,~ee ar guaros, Now, the mecond half was in fu! ~¢~s .... - .......... ~ ~ u ~ ~.urelieved by Wally Hicks and Shel- swing and Mason was ,'arin' to g aries ................ ~ z u o 2.oby Rice; Jim Grimes at center but no was Port Townsend. I] a~smg: pa pe in~.yg ~v. s~ll,~d h,, T~ ~,,,:~ ....... ''m^~ • )~ • * .t,'~,- '~- "- * ~.'J ~,JJ Ill Z.~ legit I 1 11 tt I1, ~UI£I thc thu'd quarter Port Townsen . Meats .......... 13 7 0 151 11.6 vm~,~o~ ~, ....~ ..... ~. ~ ~.. succeeded in Stopping Mason fror ;teen ...............7 3 1 36 5.1 scoring and also succeeded ill mal~ ~ .. ~omn ,,.~.-,,,. Purvis and Mik~ Hardin -* ~'-~ inK two touchdowns plus an extr'|nng: tcb yg yl nyg av.h,~.t~, ~,, ~h ~,,,,0~,~ m~:.~ ~r~.'.~.- point In thin quarter Port Town mov~ 7 .............. 8 36 12 24 3.0-br~ll ~aibe r, ...... D,m~. T~...~. send showed best m passing an • ~rm,an .... 9 20 2 18 2.0 ham at ........... ...... r~ . ~. ZuuoacK, oy t~ary ~arsn- running On one touchdown Por . Whitman ...... ) 4 0 4 0.8all ona Ro- r,..~ Townsend intercepted a Bulldo' Iiller. ............... 2 0 1 -]-0.5 ........ e. ~hantz .............. 2 2 0 2 1.0 Would you really were Gary Nicloy, closest to the Split pick --- Jean Hartwell 5-8- consider trusting pin at 10 feet 9 "inches on No. 3, 10. your baby's (or !Larry Lyle high gross, Jerry Knut- Odd Balz 4 (De------1--Hartweil 515), any other mere-son second 'low net (68), and a tie All Kats (fm~eit); Timber Ducks ily'm)ber of healthY°Ur ram-to betweenthird netNicl°Yat 74. and~ Bill Cox for 4 (Marge Witcraft 504), Twisters anyone who can , .., ., 0 (Don Knud,~en 410); Board Bus- led himself a dis- KOCH-COlA,:, WILI,OUI{. ters 4 (Ken Knight 533), Knock count doctor? OLSON PAIRS TOP 4-SOMES Outs 0 {Bill Timm 499); Strip- You know you Frosty Kocl~ and Ma~tha Cole pel's 3 (Claude Cook 569), What's wouldn't becausecarded 'a low net 33~fi and Clint ~'Iextl (Max Mikkelsen 469). good health is "Wilhmr a.m: Betty Olson a low too precious a possession to gam- gross 44 to lead 10rize winners at WOMEN'S CITY LEA~H~ L ble {vith on basis. Here last week's September mixed 2-ball Lumbermen's ~ferc ............ 10 2 in our pharmacy we cbntinue to foursome event at the Shelton Hodsport Li,mber. ............... 8 4 offm" the mm{y personal and Golf Club. friendly professim~al services Thirty-nine participated in the Polka Dot ............................ 8 4 which so-railed 'discounters' are monthly combined competitive- Sunbeam Bread .................... 6 6 ~orced to drop by the way in their social event climaxed by a potlnck Evergrecn Drng ................ 5 7 claiming to "sell it for less". Scli dinner after completion of play.Millo s Diner. ....................... 5 7 Shelton Hotel ................... 3 9 it for less? This cannot be done Other p)tze winners were'Ed Morgan Transfer ...i ............ 9 9 when all necesmary professional Lovell and Alice Larson with high service~ are actually included iu gross (68), Bob Smith and Adele High game .... Vi McGee 210 "it"! ' Fletcher and Homer Woodard and High series --- Vi-McGee 504 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Frances Catto tied for second low Split pick Helen Burnett 5-7 her at 34 ~,~, Bean Daniels and Lu- Saturdays --- 9:30 - 6:00 cille Wood~n'd third low net at 3,5'/~ Polka Dot 4 {Frances Fischer ~l Bob Olson and Dot Willom' second low gross at 45, Darrell Denniston r, aby 420); L. M. 3 (Evelyn Eliot and Mary LovM~ closest to pin at~81), Morgan Transfer 1 (Vi Mc- ~2 feet on No. 7, Betty Olson Ion- ~ee 504); Mtlio's 2 ,Donna Steeh- 4th & Railroad 426-3327 pest drive on No. 6 with Martha ler 419), Hoodsport Lumber 2 I 1{1 II {I ~11 I Cole sccmm. ., /Hclen tIarris 387); Evergreen ................................................................................................................................................ I)rug 2 (Lorene Wilson 468~, Sun- ............. 18' ............ {WI'''"~ ............. ''' ""' '"|" "!!!{ I' a' !' |' '•l!!!;I !'!!'!!!' ~!!'"{{{ '!' nl"l"!'!l11111m{!{!{{!{l!{[]{{lll!{}|{{ll{{{{{ |nI{|ll IN MASON COUNTY J J~ J J J| J J J J,,,llll|l I I nl ill J|| i i i,|llllnnl lllnlllillillntl]lllnll~l~llnl Jlll~l~ J||~rnl~'~llR~l~RJ~J~ Jl~ll~[Jn~U~~ j~l~j~ 27 COUNTY MEN GET ' SPECIAL ELK PERMITS The drawing for special elk hunt ~~~ permits held at the Mason County ~~ courthouse Monday afternoon was ~~/i~~ lucky for these Mason County hun- ~,~;~,~, :~ term: ~~i~ Chester Romenberg, Won Reneck* , -% ,:~~ er, .lames W. Kelly Jr. Hobert ~~P"~:e~ / Hedrick, James Rossmaier, L. J. ~[ ~ J Rossmaier, Kenneth L. Smith, A1- ~~: len M. Hickson, Waiter Bloomfield, ~ .~ Charles W. Bracy, John Tupper, ~_~ .~ A]~ Wiliam Evers, R. G. Rickey, ~~ ~-'" Ray Reneker, ; D. A. Barnett, Ron- aid L.Gosser, Kenneth J. Chamber- lin, W. H. Amos, Robert L. Her- ~I~]~ . ~ I lick, Oliver R. Dixon, Charles Re- ~~~? J neker, Richard H. Morton, Warren Williams• Roy L Levett, Joe Elli- i mon, Keith Simpson, John E. An- derson. ~~~ ~/~ The permits allow the holders ~~~:. .~ to participate in the special either- ~~~ se.~ elk hunt in area ICE in Grays ~.~ Harbor and Mason counties in o-~[~.L:4 .. vember. ~~ ~~ * * I * PAMPHLET NOW AVAILABLE I~~ The 1964 Upland Bird and Wa- ~~ \ ....... terfowl Hunting Pamphlet is now ~~i~ )rinted and available at local J~~ hunting and fishing license deal: ~~;~ ers. ~~, All hunters are urged to pick " :~-~~~ up a copy. ~J'.;! The free pamphlet limts seasons ~~i and bag limits for all upland bird ' • • FIRST SALMON--Kenny Bare, and waterfowl specmm m the 1964 , • . 10, son of Mr. & Mrs Ted Bare, hunts as well am g~vlng the val- , .... • lanoeo nls Tlrst salmon~ a 9 Jb toss opening and closing shooting . . . - • 6 oz salver, while f,sh=ng alone hours for the different birds in " • . . different parts of the state, and rowing h,s pram near the , , , golf course Saturday. He lives NEW SAFETY R,ULES nearby. • FOR DIVERS SUGGESTED pass and took it for 40 yards Twenty-two safety rulesforskin BIGGEST SALMON 23!/z LBS Townmend's other touehdow~'~ w~ ~assing': Ira. lie lilt. yg av. TODD TOPPLES 602 and scuba diving were compiled Best reported sahnon catch of a ,),~'5 yard run from their own 4fIiller . ............... 19 9 2 132 7.0 and printed in a new leaflet nowthe past week was L. W. Barber's yard line. "=. Whitman .... 1 0 0 00O IN COMMERCIAL available from the Washington23V~-lb. King taken oft Hoodsport In the fourth quarter both team' -)inovi ................ 3 0 0 0.0 : i : State Safety Council in Olympia.and recorded at Hoodsport Marina were thoroughly played out an ' -'----------:-SLSON WALLOP The first three rules, the most1;ut chances are the biggemt thrill Port Townsend made the onl, VI MEN'S COMMERCIAL important, advise that in learning was enjoyed by 9-year-old Kenny totmhdown. After the touchdow~ to dive every person should haveBare, who boated a 9-lb. 6-oz. sil- the action was rough but hardl: I~TY'S FIRST 600 Verle's Sporting Goods ..... 6 a complete physical examination l vcr in Oakland Bay Saturday. any ground was nlade by cithe G~tt Oil ................................ 9 7 by a doctor, should gain profem-Other successes reported to Win- team and the passes werc incom MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Wilson Company ................ 9 7 sional instruction, and should dive gard's and Verle's included Ken plete. The game was over, it seem W L Timbers Motel .................... 8 8 with a buddy, never alone. LaMarsh's 12-lb. silver at. Bay- cd, hardly after the game ha( -)airy Queen ........................ 6 3 Wingsrd Sport Shop ........ 8 8 The safety rules in the leaflet shore last Wednesday, Ralph E'n- were approved by the Washington dicott's two silvers of 10 lbs and started and the final score wa> leckwith Jcweh'y ................ 6 3 i Ziegler Camera Shop ........ 7 9 Council of Skin Diving ?lubs. " 11-8 from Hood Canal Monday, Orv North Mason, 8; and Port Town '.0 & 8 Volture 135 . 6 3 Ritners' Hxghballers ..... 7 9 send, ,38. 7ilson Cornpany ................ 5 4 =B & R Oil ............................ 6 10 Skin and scuba diving is becom- Moran's palr of one 6-6 silver and The starting line up for rack "hauh-Ellisnn ................. 5 d High games --- Bill Roberts 237 ing increasingly popular among one 2-12 blackmouth in the canal was: rmken O]1 ............................ 4 5 Lee Schuffenhauer 234, Ted Wit- Washington residents, and serious Monday, Bob Ashley's 6-lb. silver North Mason Port ,rownseu¢""qmpson Timber ................ 2 7 tin, berg 224, Eldon Todd 221 Ken accidents are being recorded. The in Oakland Bay Sunday and Hank J. Patrick E J. Petersor. ~r~pp's Rexall Store . 2 7 Smith 220. , Safety Council asks that all div- Boysen's 8-lb. silver in Hood Canal W. Watson ~ B. O'Mea.ra High game ...... Dan Wilson 224. High series --. Eldon Todd 602ers acquire copies of the safety- Sunday. D. Leatherman T R. Taylm High series .... Dan Wilson 640. ------ rulem leaflet. Write to the Coun- Bob Bender took~three nice cut- J. Boad T G. Costellano .......... Continuing his quality pin-mpil- cil, General Administration Build- throat in Little Skookum Bay, 2 B. Davis G E. Edwards Danny Wilson socked away the ling, Eldon Todd parla.ved a 221 ing, Ol~npia, indicating the num- of 18 inches, one of 16. D. Kowalczyk G A. Reierson irst 600 s(a'ies of the men s cityopener into a 602 series by follow- her of free copies needed. Endicott continues to lead both . . ladders of ~hc Simpson salmon der- R. Manweller C . T. Black,gag ug.,,season Monday night ating with 198 and 183 games in ----~ by with his 31-8 king and 11-8.~1- C. Drake QB R. Baltes ~helt.on Rec with games of 213, men s uOmmercial league bowlin ;' L. Whitman B M. Swietzer ~24 and 203 for a 64:0 total, action last week . -RAYONIEI{ RESEARCH ' vet. Al~old Land and Len "Walton G. Dinovi B F. Allie It sieere-I his Wilson Corn any His bi~ seri~s only gained Win W L trail in the king division with 24- ......... P • - " .... • - 2, cetate Aces ........................ 14 2 12 and 24-0 registrations while Ole D. Whitman B " C. Simcoe to a shutout win over and to a gard Sport Shop a 2-2 split with ' ' e Z' t.mfor first place with Dairy ~mgler Camera Shop (Lee Schuf- Maintenance ........................ 11 5 Kjonaas and Ken Bare run 2nd STATISTICS Queen (R. Bowden 407). A. thir(tfenhauer 564-234), however. Silva Foxes .......................... 10 6 and 3rd in the silver division with SCORE BY QUAItTERS party to the top rtmg partnership All other verdicts were by 3-1 Fourfowlers ......... '. ................ 9 7 9-14 and 9-6 catches. North Mason ............ 0 7 0 0-~ 7 oecame ,40 & 8 Voitm'e 135 with a margins. Bill Roberts' 237 middle ~rater Boys. ....................... 7 9 Mid-week rains are expected to ~?ort Townmend ........ 6 13 13 6---382-1 victorv over Pre 's Rexall game was instnm~ental in Wilson Wood Birds ........................ 6 10 improve salmon risking in Hood . PP, . . • Touchdowns: (PT)Edwards (2), Store led Dunbar 513) engineeredCompanys success against Tim- Pin Curlers .... . ................... 5 11 Ca~lal. , • • 50, pass from O'Meara, and 42, by E~t Richards' 562 tarries, hers Motel, whose Ted WittenbergRayonettes ............................ 2 12 • ,( , pass fl )m O Meara; O Meara, 1, In other nlatchem Shauh-Ellimon salvaged the finale with a 224. High games -- Beth Brown 167, BRUIN TRIO BITE DU,~T sneak; Taylor, 53, run; Baltes, 50, {Stan Ahlquist 591) blanked Strop- Ritner's (Bob Turner 550) dow- Jess Tobler 235 Three bear no longer populate pass interception; Green, 19, run; .',on Tu~bar (George Fuller 485), ned B & R Oil {Fred Snelgrove High series -- Beth Brown 426, lhe Camp Govey area after meet- ' - ~-~6 ing up with a quartet.of Shelton (NM) Patrick, 3, pass frdm Miller. and Beckwith Jewelry (Bud Knut- a., ~ and Verle'm Sporting GoodsJess Tobler 578 imnterm lhst Sunday. Conversions: (PT) Swietzer, zen 554) took the odd game from (Jack Howard 540) knocked off Tom Coleman, Buck Dron~n, kick; Castellano, kick; (NM) D. Frisken Oil lade Kopperman 551).Gott Oil (Gayle Wentz 489). Acetate Aces 4 (Jess Tobler 60LF CLUE-~-----~----~~r~D----- E~r- 578), Wood Birds 0 (Al Johnston Marshall McGuire and Tom Mc- I~iIX~)-i~OU'RS-OM 462): Silva FOXES 4 (Mary Land Guire downed the bruin ~rio, the L 520), Pin Curlers 0 (Aune Carl- largest of which weighed 400 ~JP~Ik=I~|IIk~P~H~ Odd Balz ................................ 9 5 son 369); Maintenance 2 (Bud pounds. Strippers 8 4 Ristine 525), Fourfowlers 2 {Beth LADIES TH, IO W' BOREK, BROWN LEA,) .... • ................................ Brown 426) ; Rmyonettes 2 (Jean , v~moer Ducks 8 4 Y TEACltERS tOURNAMENT . • ........... : ........ m P ck Outs 7 5 Johnston 405), "0later Boys 2 (Arrl Co*age Cafe. ....... :.~ ........... 10 L Joe Borek shot a net 64 and , P. __ : ............. . ............. ~ . Phar ac hads .oar° , Cheuey 533) Don Brown a gz'oss 89 for the best , ..., . " ...................... John's Richfield ................... 10 2 f ~ , wnat s ~ext 4 8 " ign~ "es' tn the third annual Shel- "~wm~e~' " s " ........................ 4 8 SIMPSON MEN W L Bamboo Shop ........................ 6 2 From Nell Evander ton Faculty gol~ tournament last All ~at~ ................................ 3 9 Rex Flooring ........................ 5 7 Have yoff ever heard of a 'dis- Saturday on the Shelton golf .... ................... = ...... ~ ...... . . KMAS ...................... : ............. 5 7 count doctor?' In fact, if this course. . rngn games --- ~viarzes {?iscner Loaders ................................ 11 1 ~9 J~ck F~ost 222 sounds like a silly question (and Twelve teachers participated. "; 7; . • . _ . . . . . Railroad ................................ 9 3 lVingard Sport Shop ........ 4 8 it certainly is), why not stop and •, r~ign series -- Margin wi~craf~ Engineers .............................. 7 5 B & J Mart ............................ 2 6 Brown also had the longest dl'~e ~ ...... ~ ..... Shops ...................................... 6 6 Mamie's Cafe ........................ 2 10 ,O~, ~Jlauoe U00K 0(50 give it a little more thought? on No. 4. Other prize winners ' • High game- Frieda Britt 191 Mill 2 ........................................ 6 6 (~9~.igh selies -- Marles Fischer Mill 3 .................................... 4 8 Insulating Board ................ 3 9 " Loggers .................................. 2 10 Joh~t's 4 (Mabel Long 432), Ma- High game -- Floyd Lord 220.rule's 0 {Merridce Guycr 446); High series -- Stan Ahlquist 559Cottage Care 3 (Frieda Britt 444), KMAS 1 (Irene Spoon 394); Barn- Loaders 4 (Bud Knutzen 519), boo 3 (Aline Carlson 519), Rgx 1 IBP 0 (Les Spilseth 434); Railroad (Virginia Dundam 394); Wingard's 4 (Aub Blockberger 558), Loggers2 (Peggy Johnson 308), B & J 2 0 (Norm Castle 505); Engineers tGladys Ncison 325). 3 led Richardm 522), Mill 3 1 (Ted Blair 493); Shops 2 (Fred :,.,;C:, EA,I ION I.EAG~E L Rupe 476), Mill 2 2 (Eldon Todd 536). Olso wnture .................. ]0 2 Ritner's Phlk Ladies ........ 8 4 (~mke's Service ........................ 7 5 %VOMEN'S COMM]ERCIAL L Boysen Congt~ction .. ........... 7 5 Ming Tree Cafe ................ 14 2 ~ainier Bee~. ........................... 5 7 ~i~.elly Furniture ................ 10~ 5~ Sl~elton Rec ............................ 5 7 Eells & Valley ................ 9 7 Northwest Evergreen ........ 3 9 Darigold ............................ 8 8 Lucky Lager . ....................... 3 9 Richfield Oil .................... 7 9 High game --- Dona Moran 198 Allyn Sllell Service ........ 6 10~/'~ High series --- Donna Coleman 482 &dgen's Radio & TV ........ 5~ 10V, Split picks --- Helen Leonard Gott's Oilerettes . ........... 4 12 5-6-10, Sandy" Bernet 5-6. High game --- Virgina Fuller 180 Ritner's 4 (Vera Bishop 455), High series .... Phyl Zmgler 497 Lucky 0 (Sharon Huisingh 4:10); Olsen 3 {Edna Clary 415), Ever- Ming Tree .i (Celia. Gunter 44{;), ~4reen 1 (Mae Dlmhar 417); Boy- " *S Kelly, 0 (OIhe Nelson 479); A1- ~ien 3 {Jan Hoff 438), Rainier'l lyn Shell 3 (Ann Cole 492), Rich- Mere Smith 447); Shelton Rec 3 field 1 (Phyl Ziegler 497); Dart- {Donna Colem~-m 482), Lemke's 1 ' beam Bread 2 (Mildrcd Daniels gold 3 (Virginia Fuller 443) Dona Moran 468). " ~68). Gott's 1 (June Loving 474); Eells ....................................... & Valley 3 (Julie Coleman 427) M]L AND MRS. LEAGUE GRANGE LEAGUE Odgen's 1 (Peggy Henderson 457) ~V L "W L .................................... Eacrett Lumber. ................... 9 3 Matlock ................. 11 4 ~/ - ,2 SIMPSON WOMEN Donn Marsh Realty ............ 9 3 Agate ................................ 9 3 W L Stock's Grapeview ............ 8 4 Pomona .............................. 7 5 Luncher .............................. 14 2 Griffey Construction ........ 7 5 Sko]¢omish ........................ 5 7 Accounting . ......................... 9 7 .T & .] Service ........................ 6 6 Patrons .............................. 5 7 ~nsulating Board ................ 9 7 Timrshm S & I ................. 5 7 ~helton Valley ................ 41/.'., 7~ Loggers ............................... 9 7 Allyn Shell Service ........ 3 9 Haystine ............................ 4 8 Olympic Plywood ............... 7 9 Sharer's Diggers ................ 1 11 Southside ....................... .~, 2 10 l~esearch ................................ 7 9 High games ...... Dot Griffey174, High game ....Ina H:imbel183,Purchasing .......................... 6 10 Bill Staudt 212. Jma Rossm~tiet' 202 b,ngineerinp' . ......................... 3 13 High series ..... Dot Griffey 486, High series -- Ina Kimbcl 466,High gan)e ....Phyl Ziegler 223.Bill Staudt 580• , Jim I~.ossmaie.r 495• High serics -- Phyl Ziegler 584. -_ ......... .............. Thurston Savings & Loan 3 (F)'ed Matlock 4 (Jim Rossmaier 495), IBP 4 (Phyl Ziegler 584),Pur- Rape 525), Sharer's Diggers 1 Skokmnish 0 (Frank Minor 443) ;chasing 0 {Phyl Collins 490) ; Lmn- George Lewis 404) ; Stock's 3 " "' , PAtronm 2 (Tom Olson 465), Agate her 4 (Jean Ream 502), Loggers rice Engen 553), Marsh Re~tlty 1 SAEGER MOTOR SHOP .,~ (Max Mikkelsen 420); Pomona(Norene Stevens 411) ; Plywood (Bill Staud~ ,580): Griffey Constr. 3 (Don Knudson 476), Southside 1:4 (Jeanne Petermon 517), Research 3 (Del Stm'mo 502), Allyn Shell 1 ON HILLGREST (Ira Cook 445); Sheiton Valley 3 0 (Myrt Morkert 437); Engineer-Vern Beeson 467); J & J 2 (Cleo (Ina Kimbe] 466), Harstine l ling 3 (Vera Elliott 462), Account- i-Islet 478), Eacrett Lumber 2 (Ralph Simpson 445). ,{ ing 1 (Jane White 482). Chuck Thompson 509). Thur, dav, Menus for Shi Schools and'I High Week of i A team which has been pointing I pricked tile T-Bird pride. They for Shelton for a full year threat- I were loking ahead so hard at the Monday ens the Highclimber football pre-[Climbers last week" that they on hot I raises this Friday night whcn the looked right past. St. Martins, anal tossed grecn Tmnwater Thunderbirds invade :~uffered a surprising 12-7 upset . ( Loop Field for a non-conference at the hands of the Preps, also Tuesaay---'l game. . Jmembers of the Cenfral League. bean soup, The T-B~rds had a perfect re-t Tumwater had been a pre-sea- bread, veget cord last year, except for the 25-6 I son pick to repeat as Central cir- crisp, milk. defeat they suffered at the hands Jtuit champion. WednesdaY, ot the Climbers, and that loss has [ Coach Bob Sired is hoping his sandwich ~-'O rankled the new school just south ~ Climbers won't suffcr a let-down :"~. .... ' ~ . of Olympm. ]sfter their fine performance a! me. sucKs, ~ This will be the first visit the ]Port Angeles last Friday. peo cream, m Tamwater football team has ever I He may have to go early on his Thursday --" paid to Loop Field. The school is[I,rime ru'nning back, Tom Lowe ~ow lo~t,,o~ only foul' years old and last' year [who suffered a painful foot in" d;~""h-t z v, as the first time the T-Birds and J jm'y in the Roughrider game and ~k'~°"~111¢-0 the ChmDers got together on the[may not be able to gallop at full ............. 2"ridion. { throttle. Friday --- Fis Tumwater went on to win the ] However, the return of letter- rice cabbage, Central League championship last~man senior halfback ]:)on Clary to pepper sala& year and that loss to Shelton has/ldaying condition can help offset rolls, nliJk. • /Lowe's lessened effectiveness (if HOUSE~IVES LEa~.,~w J be that be the case). Clary looked Supplemen ...... ".~ "" . [ ~ood in him debut at Port Angeles diet with P ...... w,~,.,a r~,+~, vv ~ [ scoring both touchdowns in tlle B & W Marina "'in a { tsalf ne played. IIf~lll~ anal M l'; ..................... J Otherwise the Climber squad ='Vrll" Hood C . a una ....... 9 7 . " " ~h~,+o,~ Marin~ ~ .... ,.." .... o o/Pppears ot be in good ph3sical 132 RR. ~,;m.~a;lleylnc~. ~'"vv.~' .... ; ;{shape for the T-Bird contest, Ronnle" 's ..... " .................... 8 8 ~ t~ hich, gets under way at 8 p.m. Shelton Union 8 8 High game -- Sylvia Fonzo195 [| fl~AN~-~' ~ N -~g~ High series -- Lil Updyke497. [I u-...n.~ v v .I Split pickm .... Shirley Weaver[| .......... . 2-7-10, Gladys Nelson and Lil Up- {| .[~ew all(l use(1 l lIleS . (;yke 5-10, Peg Roush 3-10. /] Shot Guns and PiStols: .... l'on Union 4 ......., ~ /I Gunsmithing, Stockmaking, Scopes, Binoculars ,2;?," ell o . for more than 25 Cahbers. r' B & W 3 (Edith Walter 486), Shel- [| Sole dealer m this area for Weathevby H,gn ton Marine 1 (Peg Roush 486); ]| Rifles and Scopes Ball's 2 Vera Bishop 475) Canal • at .................. 2. .." {J Open Evenmgs and Week-ends on 5th Street 2¢larlzst¢ ~ ~.t~u upuyKe 't~'/); Jnn 11 ......... Pauley 2 (Ellen Rebman 464),[[ ,.none ~vu-zl~ 2 ' - Romfie's (Vn'ginia Dundas 469)• | ,\/I/,L f :if!~ GET READY FOR HUNTING NOW! , ,"J' / :! i~:' Check your equipment carefully before your hunting safari" Zero in your rifle -- know how and where it shoots before Y© out on game. ----- , Memorize the three rules of hunting safety: ' 1. Treat every gun as if it were loaded. S.' B 2' Always point the muzzle of the gun in a safe direct'° i WE'o- - ---- i' 3. Be sure of the target! .7. • , =_SE n= READy FOR HUNTING TOO! Our Grays Harbor, South and Cla[lam tree farms are open a[most in total for hunting'stre areas will be few Some roads must be closed, or travel because of logging hazards or for other operational reasons. closed or restricted areas will be shown on master maps on at every Rayon!er office. Pocket maps which show tree farm rivers and streams are again available free at these Rayonier MUL__TIPLE USE -- Our tree farms grow trees for productS, I payrolls, pay taxes and furnish outdoor recreation at its best' READY FOR HUNTING? You're welcome at Rayonied HUNT SAFELY ii~ :!~i I~ A%" 0 ~,,,r ]7 E 1~ =: INCORPORATED Hoquiam __ Port Angeles -- Shelton