October 1, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 1, 1964 |
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lO ,t
gl LTON,-- A, 0N (20[. JOURNAL--Publi, hed in "Chri. tma, tmr,, U.,g.A." ghelton Wa. hin
PAGE 'bh
...... :' :~:: ......... ": i : 7" 7}:-"~a~":: :: ::= ::f week and will be in charge of de°-/~._A...z~~
= Hattie- u ,l.,num,ez .... onstrations ass ropr+o,..ti,'e "'1
i ~ , the State 4-H Leader's COuncil. /
Funeral Tomorrow Parents who arc
: : : iiWF~,/~!:,.~ik transportation to the fair for the l ~ IA~.I'X=~.
Death callcd Hattie Blondie it . Mason County youngsters arc lVI.] .J~~~-'~,'~
: Huntley 416 So. 7th street, in a | :, S. Lambert Mrs. Earling "vVast-[ ]/~'(~,~?~y
:: local hospital Monday. M:rs. Hunt-..~ : i::~:~': ~.md,~ - M,s.'" Eml~" C, umh, M,s.' .hm/' /f~3~-~.'.~J~x"~---~---'--="
t ley was 70 at her passing. She
it * Shru'm, Mrs, Clyde Ruddell, Mrs, [ /~~/~-~;,~.-a, presented their activities Wednes- "~T. 1111I'I-.I.111~ ~
day. They inchlded Kathy Mell, _--~-~--- .................. -7__-7.__-:____-:. ...........................................
{ ::! ~{ ~ t I~ m Friday with Rev. Eugene dah'y foods" Sylvia Sund and Bet- ' .......... [
:f!!~'~ i~:~ .!~ .~ ~ Knautz in" charge Burial will be ..... '~ ~' .... ........
: to Cowan, luncheon preparation, l= . .., . J ii1 -- ~ =.-- ]
: ~ f': i¢:.~ ~ ~ !~ ill Veterans cemetary, and Barney Lambert demonstra- ]l~,,~'n U a~a n~ I~,nn~ Eh,ol,tu I
i~ i[ ~ ~ ~ { ~¢+'~ She is survived by her'husband, i ::"'' tion. , HUI, U /Oil,0 UIINI|II~@L ll UOIItI I
g:!}: :il {i ~ i~{i~i ~ ~ ] Joseph W Huntley Shelton 3 .: :=~.. Thosc taking part in the pro- I
~+t~ i:~:. ,~;;~: ~+!':: ~ll ~ ~| : :~ brothers.., Kier VanderWal, , Pol- :.: .... :' • gram today are Tom Easl.gard I
~ '~ ~::}{ ~ ~ : f*~ lock, South Dakota, John Vander-i ,(;: :, .'.. ..... civil defense Bill Johnson t'ores- far ~11 AMFRIII.AN g I:IIRFHIM II, IIRR I
• ,.:., ~ ii ~i ~ ~~ : ~ Wal, Shelton and Peter Vander- ' i '~ ",~ ~., ~try; Pete Cossctte, agriculture de- uvm ~.. w~iwul.muwvn.~ml ~ mvlUml~mm ...... I
~ i~ ~il [] ~ Wal, Shelton,'2 sisters, Mrs. Bes- ' ................. ......... : m ,,~,..monstration attdy Smith, agricul- [
~ i] [~ I i=:~ ~ ~ sie Martin, Port Townsend, and ' _ - Over-N,ght Service on those ha d-to-g ., i ~ t, I
I! II I I iljl~ Mrs. GertrudePringle, Shelton. LONG-TME LEADER--Mrs Lure demonstration and Beth " ' - " " " 'r "et )[rs
Richard Kelley, Kamilohe, was Crumb, Paula Wood, Terry Shrum u l
presented with a 1G-year pin asand Rita Swearing°n, clothing 111'rau#~,IP|U~ uAIrlUlIJl~ @U~ [
I, =l , , ~l m We,E:a-X-.yn a4-H leader at the annual 4-H judging. .'UIUMU.II.r-- m.unmr, crier I
Achievement Night Saturday ~ TAKING PART in the program ~ I
AWARDS--Five Shelton Boy Scouts The presentation was held in connection with the c~ , 1 T'lf,._._ n ght. Friday will be Carolyn Auseth ]
~d ,With God And Country Awards Christian Education Sunday at the Methodist ~UCCUmDS J[-J[~r~ Colleen Shrum, demonstration" • Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaced ]
.~,n::;,.1Hethodist Church ast Sunday. Church which were conducted with special serv- John A Dombrowski 65, a re ~ .... ST°~hT~'°t~)e:viddemlv~:;?:~tei?;~;rFjY~ • Piston Pin Fitting-Pistons Expanded I
right;. 'front row, are Gary Milten- ices conducted by High School youths. Six High tired Belfairtrailercou~manage~ ATTORNEY APPROVED ' • • ? •
~.0¢h, Dan Burro° and John Snyder; School students gave talks. They were Tom t.owe, ~assed away in a. local hosnital ...... . . 1Joe Brown, hvestock judgmg; D~- • Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed I
:'bHorace .Mounts a.nd Joe Gruver. Sandy K,.ach, Terri Turner, Miltenberger, Gruver l~f-onday, He~ha-d m-ode his hom'e at ~'eter l~OUlS vanoerwal, 27, [ ane Frank, demonstration, and AI~ [
Shelton, appeared in Mason Coun-]eca Ruddell, demonstration • Hi-Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment ]
o¢¢en wo_rK,ng tor tne awaro unaer and ~nyoer. ' Ally~l "the past five months. Mr. ty Superlqr Court Friday on char- Taking part in the program Sat- • • I
• hey. mounts ~,or the past year. Dombrowski was bora Sept 22
.... ,ges of grand larceny. John Kram- I urday will be Sally Wolf an~ Pat- • Crank Snaft Kits l
..... , ,. , 1899 in Calumet City Ilhnois. , .. _
'L::' :.. "- • The funeral will be held at 3 p. er, Olympit~ .attorney, ~as up- ty Mell dress revue; Cheryl I
|tl {)llr UI;T| ~All.~ Too Lale m. today in the Batstone Funeral pointed by Judge James Mifflin[Chambers, Karcn Smith, Sheiia ' /[0 [lCilltO A,g=l'fi, 1Mll 'll'@ pap I
to represent VanderWal. He is Hickson and Ruth Trotzer, food LEO rll=i.UO MUlU rMn/o lllU, I
~= II~/It II"IIIV , - home with burial in Shelton Memo- charged with taking insulating judging. • I
I.IAI"". IM-II-( .... II aa,I kllllllll~-- [IWOODEDshelton withbUildings30 ft.sitefrontagc9 mileSonfr¢mHi, willrial officiatePark Rev Horace Mounts board tile from the Simpson Tim-[ Mrs. Ben Drake, chairman of 329 So. First St. Pholle 426-3351 I
II " ' way 101. Lots of spring water 3!~ . , . . her Company Insulating Board[the Mason County 4-H Leaders' I
~- ~11|~ [ '~UI ICR acres. Price 160~..,26-6953. Surwvors include h~s widow, M.plant here. Council, will be at the fair all ,
~TS ATTEND ] I .. D 10/1 tfn Jane Dombrowski, Allyn; two sons ...................................................
~L, CONCLAVE [AMERICAN LEGION [~h---~~d-~._~ Bennie and John, Jr. unknown; , '
11 good $75 1961Dodge foux door nor
Flower [ The is invited to an [ g , ' "-, ~.' one daughter Miss Elea l:)om- I
t Marti~ and Loislmeeting that will be held jointlyl ~,i~'~;nea4u2~°~m' runs g°°Up$1~0~Ti browski; unknoWn; two step-sons,- ' REVERE --- 3-PIECE I f.-~. I
.~d a design school[by Fred B. Wivell Post No. 3i, [ ~l~-=--'~~iT-=b~x" Lee Black, Moor Park: Calif.,and ] ] ,, ,~ ...'.'
.Northw,est FloristlAmericanLegion, and the Ladies' t springs, t~e.aut'yrest m[~tt.ress, aft' Francis Black, Spartonsburg, GENE AI. [
1 at the Winthrop Auxiliary in Shelton N/emorial Hall l[h)tp,,lnt)'ang& 2 yea}:s.old=ltotl,oint South Carolina; one step-daughter BOWL SET
" [commencing at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 6. ire'r'g'eramr' *'n°ne 'a'"~UUH 10/1.g Mrs. Harriet McFarlane, Shelto,,; ELECTRIC
'S~h°°lte .. demonstra- I snonsorshin,- .* r- of our . local Legion l. Station. First and Cots. Mc 10/1 trn Kenosha, W,+o.= .,. ~on, ,,5 =437 /
chmque in arran-IPost will make reports as to their I 5-~,~V-~-;;--~-~ ~~,..--=-- Flemmg, and Mi~ Emily Dom-
~eddings, corsages, experiences and reactions dtn ing [ "e~a~.uir~m~l~=de~.rn;~)b. R~,~ladic~n~°~ browski, both.of Calumet City, Ill:; VI ~ g • • • [ [ ~J [ I
• ~,ea~llons and me- their stay at those affairs. I stand $3.50. A. H. Goodwin. Phone 2U granocmmren ann tour great- ~ li-la ~ I / ~ I --',~r I I
[v~ .. I It is felt that the results of the I_J26:3555 ............. 9 10/1grandchildren. I n ev , Ironing l GAKE '
.~'.Gt'/d ~ 7gr~.~ ~ ...... ] Am~rlo=n T.a~imH~ ,~ffnrt= tn nro- I FOR SALE chrome tTp--~:a~-.~tove with i
.... ............ • ........... ~.-~b*--= ............ t-.. t,'ash burner. 426-3196. L 10/1-8' ~----.
eOataots, with flor- mote Americanism and good mt~ ........ - .... -------,
• : her'' northwest .... to zenslnp among the youth of today, t FORhmne_.g,mdcondlti,m.SALE by owner ---Large fenced' bedroom, Former Sheltonlan -
,e given flower or- I who must take over our duties in I back yard. Call 426-8184. 12 to 5 p.m. I Ir~* 11 ["~1 •
~e for Shelton cuB- [ the not distant future will be a I ..... D 10/1-15 ! l)les in ulVmDla
~erted iL very gra- source of interest and pleasure to 1120. BASS P,:tosa accord!an,, l!ke flew, i ............... ¢:.~,,,~ .e~.~.~.~.. ,~'hM V
~l~n*.:.~-- . . I ** .....ut~ ....... ~.. I $[:),1, inCltl(les case, all(l l]llusle 8tune, ! ¥¥1111~al.llL ~. ~u.o....'.., .,...,,~. ~,,,~.- OBLO O ER
Lner tloristsl i~ ,z,~.~n. t,~,~,~ ano cottee I days. ~.. ,.'~....~.-.:.. ~.~.~¢+.~ ~t ÷h~ ~.~ G.
-~SL 'in ' " will e a" Z10/1-8, =" ,J,.v,,,t,.= ..,..~v ........... s~ was $1.98
• fflhn cust-[~ b served by the L dmsofthe] ....................... ~a ~ ...... ~. ...... ~,, ~,,~ .... a .49 /i~'¢
atisf~e,,,.~,, I A,,xili--,, ~ft~,: *h. ,,,~,~,~Hno- i,, I FOR ALE 3(I 06 Spr ngf eld sporter I ............... , . $I
----_L..... " I clo,qed~'~ ............... t, I s,.m,, site. Ph(me 426-6778. Nebraska and moved to Shelton m
........ G 10/1-15 1926 where he was employed by
~NDsSHOWING . Wivell Post is l nal¢ing a good [ N(~I('~.: (~;~ ON Rayonier Incorporated He moved
._ ~. I sLarl, on Lne lle~,x, l~eglon year. / ' " ' " * ...... r , " IIII I
t F.... nlon were [ ! .... ".~ P . 1 Y. :. '/vf!ll be a' I)ul{lic ~,.h,:{{ring .~!et(:~.r¢~l~]]e h'ict Office of the SLate Highways SAVE $1.00
.',.ay ro at.e,m|~o~ (rues as.oon as pra,cueat)m/c,t~ ...... ,,muss,on, ........ ~'~Y'' ":- ......... I S'uce -a I I qt. THERMOS I I
~gionR] n'~aat|n~e n~-| 4~,~4" ~ra ~*,'~¢.'.r l~,~t~ m ~,~ nr~*,l- 41~,~f | ~l)ll SPtJHg IIS all (?qlllLlizIltlOII DOtll'(l on u~paLLJIt~IIL,
'l .............. 8 ~t, ,. ......... ,,(~),a,~, ~ ,ep,[~ ...... ] Tuesday Oel. 27 1,(6.1 c)mmen ng a, He was a member ef the Metho-
': " I we can r~c pr°u(~ °f next Veter- / g Pm' 't nsidev the asessment r°ll m=~ ~'h ~' ='w~ the M°°se L°d~e ...... .... ~~ I I / i
~ the 1965 moctels [ a~'s 1)ay Ctiairman Ernie Camp- [ ~,,r L.cdl ~,nl,,',,vement District lg. '--':"~ Y .... ='" "T':~" " " ~J"" Bt~sh
don of .; ....• I~,m .;':. i71 + xxr,~'l~--1--I~.Hlm K C'tlh, Clerk Tnet.unsmranomemaczo~v u ~l,d 'WAS $
..... .vzea- I *)t.~ reLo,,r[s L.l~l!~ Ollr vv~q.e.,.~lay | .... ' ' " 10/ g oI t ' • ~-~t ..... a-
Lee I O " . ' / - ,= Stl'er~t, utytttpa¢~.
. P" cedureswas n|Kht"I~Lln and Ganles"ts bemg[ ..... :"~'alselvicewas held 197
irly off'' - ...................................... • ..... , . • . Measur,ng CUp $279
~v.inrt:(~acon, pany lX'Thjtse:;,i~e;aa• for the purpose of [ 1=,,,=.4,,I I1~..i ]IIAI. I~ .... ~a'~l~?an?m,M#~;se:h:pel~n ~72: I Utensil I [ ~%'~ I
........ :~.__ " . ............... '' . .M.acArtrlur oiiicial.e(1. ~urlal was In O,~y 88 IIII I
-: =: ....................................................... +on, c =omo+., ,. O,.*m- :" I
pia. ,
J Smwiving are his widow, Vesta II It~ 2 kons in I [
!~! ]Munsford Olympia; a son, "Wm.
i~i D. Lunsford, Olympia, and a bro- * Handy rabr ¢ Dial IWl CU l-- I It I [
il braska.ther' Frank Munsford, Seward, Ne- • Even Heat $oleplat.]~ ~[]~] IIIJ t DIDST PAN I I
~';~:~ : I ...................... , • only 'pound, I ' 11111111111 [ [ Plastic I
f!' i~' i ~: l 74 [ LAIINDRY [
II Phone / [11 II A red valuel / / I
! I 5 miles south of Shelt on l l l
i::filf: : !ii ii!!: :(::~~~ :I Gates Open 7:30 p.m. ~ - -- I , BASKET
I---'----- Fri. and Sat.
BOTH Lg round ¢
i I The VIPs [ FOR ] Polyethelene / " "/A I
i' ill I ONLY / • /size, reg. pr,ce 1.98 SI~ I
', I , starring l ilt l,omo / VEGETA
: I Liz Ta, lot, Richard Burton BLE BIN / ' I
I _- alsowith co-hit -- ~,~~;:::::I / , Revere Wet°c00 easy-too / / I I I
I Coming Soon: ~".".':i:~ | de'on st=[nle=$ sleel wlth fost-heato / / I
• / ,:ore,.," 'rhs / IIdI ¢ / I
I SPOOKARAMA [ So, , P=n i",' ths / Xll / I
L~.,'~t.~ [ do=e,soF pr=cfl¢=l klkhen use=.lhe / / ~ 1
~~ / ~m]n;alure uten$;l ;$ ,. grodu=ted / / r '~ 'L I
I F~. and Sat. ~1~ T~T~I~ l meosuring cup, made of copper clad ] I I ' ITS+:> :, I
........ I LASSIE~S GREATEST '~;~£~LLU'~-~ [ stainl*ss stslll, It can bs uted as a / . I / ~,~" I
I ADVENTURE __ | bu,ter re°her, b.by food w=rmer, i / __ / ill~.~
I AiiMRRY / ood ,.,., ..d ¢o.,.,1 / ..... /
!>Dr John DeShave of the Mason- the" management and employees of Robin Hood I Co-Hit ....... ll~M~llllll/ ] I "~)' ~~ I
r~ty "ealth Department' presents an t'°dge in rec°gniti°n f°r high standards in clean" I WONDE'RV'U'L'TO"BE YOUNG wA'HAMPIER / i+/ l
-- Mrs. Walt Henderson of Robin lin~ss and food handling practices . Six other Ma- | [
rhe in son Count eat,n establishments have recewed
~, award was a special recognit'o Y " g ' ' :l COming soon: Spookarama
IIl ' ~-------------7------ $6.9
IV[ C ty R "st " 0tf:" Ill II Illl, I Ill II i I I II / ~ I
ason oun egll rattan ,cers FLAVOR, CHEWABLE ] [ I
: .~o o.,c~. ,oo.,,, ~.+,on, ~oc..,o. VITAMINS 100 MG RO~ ,T RII
" ' .... SR1 Box 33D Car~on Tile Shop 100S-- Reg. 1.39 ~} $'I 4 r') / "Polyethelene / and I
' ........................................ Carol Carlson ................................... " ................................
• Allyn Allyn Serv & Grocery for d | mAO.e / I
~"' .......... , ........................... M. T. Noggle ........................................................................................ _
250 MG bottle of 100 4=]} Sq .i I l NYLO l AS I 1
{I ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~:: :::::::::::::: .......... 't :04 '"Belfair ............... """ [ ery Reg, 1,98 ea. L, ,o, I BASKET I l
' ............................... Beck ............ Belfair -. She, S;r ce , ,,, , , , , Round or BOTH
". "'v ................................ Eve y ................................................................................
........... . ............................ None .................................................... Register Auditor's Office
Rectangular For
PINT, mint or unflavored -- Reg. 59¢ / IIql / J I
..... . ............................ Thelma I.,oe .........................................
'"" "" -" Buechel SR 2 Box 176 ..Res at Da on
::. .................................. VlV,a.................................................................... ' ~ MI of Mag ' i
..... • :... ......................... Bevezly L. Lyman ........................ SR 1 Box 109 ............................... Res. Middle Skokomlsh
:"': ...................................... Ruby E. Lewis .................................. SR 1, Box 72, Allyn...................... Residence ~ I I
PINT -- Regular 55¢ / ii • m • III .' I ' • I
...................................... Z..... " ................................................................. ~ " . - [ Or'A-VITAL -- PINT -- Reg $329
..... o- "' Kilbourne Hoodsport Real Hstate Office
..................................... J " ....................................................................... ",g AI ' ' l" It! Vt!" : I
.......................................... Alice Bariekman .............................. R " 1 ' ~ 0 X 4 3 8 ....................... : ............ Res, Beverly Heights Rubbl cohol.. ,, Z U I mll|$,
:~ ....................................... Dean R. Wilcox ................................ R. 1, Box 51 ........................................ Set~. Sta.. Taylor Towne '
' 2 ................................ Dean R. Wilcox ................................ R. 1, Box 51 ........................................ Serv. Sta. - Tayldr Towne i,,
.......... Xrhite SR 1, Box 35, Hoods~ort - Brite Btar Realty I I II II I II , !
.................................... l~l I l l I;I, JP.~, Y¥ ................................ .. " .....
..... ^. ~Hearin+ R 1 Box 242, Elms ttes near School
..................................... I)ul'~ f5 ......................................................... I I [ | I : ]
300 Tablets -- Reg. $1.98 / BOTTLE OF 100 -- Reg, $5.49 I
.... 1 hBedell R 3 Box 170 East Dickinson St
...................................... Ed't ........................................ i:ii~:{~}:3:D .................................... iil]{{iiiii! :71 Bil,er Aspirin . . .,: . . . , ,rea|r,c Ta, le,$ 1 1 1 I
::,~+ ............................. ~!! .............................. ................................... : ++ +o~_.+., I,
.......................................... lV[elba Trenckmann .......................... R, 1, BOX 206, Elms ....................... Farm Res. no-i I...-..I ) I! -, " /
: ' :...................................... Leona C' Dill O n .................................. ~Rxl. Box 189 .................................. ~::" °nneaHWY.,No. 101 lWV0 I[ rill It . . • • [] • • I, • II
tale 3 Tahuya r StOre
.................................... Miles S y ....................................... - .................................... l vePgl /
.. .~ I
......................................... ~:=::;::::: ................................ ~ 1,, ~O:x,:O .................................... =,,::::~::, ~.,o~ c.....,..3, ~ ~ I
............:::::::::::::::::::::: g.lma Catto, City Clk..................... Shelton City Hail ...... ,..................... 2nd & l~ranklin I • • • • • • • EVERGREEN SQUARE --II