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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 1, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 1, 1964
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October 1, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in ""Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin Page 7 WCC~ld Out, sincere only be ex- admiration mg rrlan in believes in Engen was Electrician Naval Ship- School in cere- Ziegemeier Audi- evening, Sept. 19 diplomas was a of clas- appren- ball was held, program, at Hall and G rapeview ~ate Joe Engen ey, were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ir. and Mrs. Bill itional pageantry ment of the Wes- l~atr at Puyallup e "til next year'. e school youngs- d to a thrilling time" on Mason last Tuesday, ae entire student by teachers, Nornla Olson, of mothers, took as pea- the ever taking first pre- Other exhibits en- were the 4-H and agricul- the floral and acting as e indulging in the same time, Hansen, Lea Free- Don Anderson, Hicks, Rod Somers. Bus was hap- companion for "date" Ethel Bucking- the weather '. Grapeview gl~otlp lap and remained throughout the have .this last week, following ' in the Ever- where for a special e Presentation of froln our club Jubie Hicks ice, Kathy, Da- and Mrs. Art and Kim, Mrs. Ucky and Kathy, Lea, Mrs. Mrs. Burr and Bonnie, Gil Dnppman Jerry, Su- Pogreba, Clayton. lagen, was and p~e- e ribbon ~for the its outstanding This award was, :ause of the ex- Book, with assist- as Pub- award Alice Hicks and freezing of connection with Family" pro- From jest. Mrs. Jubie Hicks, Mrs. Don Query and Mrs. Art Nicklaus re- ceived Leader's pins. MONI)AY AFTERNOON brought the Barnacles together at the Grapeview School for their first meeting of this fall. Election of officers brought the following re- sults: President, Joel Zehe; Secre- tary, Bonnie Benson; Treasurer Art Nicklaus and Publicity Chair- man, Georgia Clayton. Leaders for the ensuing term will be Mrs. Don Query taking the Sewing Group with Mrs. Rod Isaacson assisting, Mrs. Jubie Hicks in Animals and Baking, Mrs. Art Nicklaus taking the Bachelor's group and Meal PTPa~ atai;si sti a;d wit~l s AsLo°ul~e members under ten years of age. John and Emma McGlothlin were happy to welcome John s daughter Alyce with daughter Lois and son Johnny to Grapeview last Thurs- day noon when they arrived from their home in North Bend, Ore. for a long weekend visit. Accom- panying them was Mrs. Ray Pres- cott, also of North Bend and, while they were here, Mrs. Lucille Lath- am of Potlatch drove mzt to spend some time visiting with Alyce. Friday, the gala spent the day in Seattle on R shopping spree and Saturday evening, long - time friends "Spec" and Irene entertain- ed them all for dinner. Sunday, after Lucille and FRye had taken in R rock show in Seattle, they joined the rest of the family for dinner here with John and Emma and on Monday Mrs. Fred Lutz hosted Mrs. 'l~rescott, Lois and Emma on a tour of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. After a breakfast with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McSwayne at the Pot- latch Fish HatChery, the Oregoni- ans planned to l~ead for home. Lloyd Richey missed out on all the activities at his home last weekend, with a Wine Wholesalers Convention in Yakima demanding his attention. Howard Seiners at- tended the two-days of meetings, etc., also, driving over SundRy morning with plans to return home Tuesday evening. MR. AND MRS. Ed Okonek and family were happy to greet young Richard Okonek and family last Sunday when they drove out from their Tacoma home for dinner with the folks. Cute little year- and-a-half Sheri managed to steal the spotlight from her parents for most of the visit; the only subject more vital being oncoming "hunt- il~g season". A welcome visitor at the Clare :Peters' home these days is Clare's brother William Peters who ar- rived last Saturday from Twisp. The family is amxiously awaiting the arrival of James Peters and his wife of Pleasant Hill, Calif. so they might complete their family reunion. A side trip to British Co- lumbia while cn route is being held responsible for the-xlelay. • 'A~ belated "happy birthday" to Don Pogreba, Jr. who celebrated his 14th (believe it or not) Sept. 26. A quiet family observance was enhanced by the presence of Shel- ton guest Terry Roller who spent and overnight with his "aging" friend and then joined him in at- tending a movie in Bremerton. We are sorry to report that our friend and neighbor Margaret Rice is still under constant doctor's Kam lche By Frane~.-s Simmons Last Saturday the Kamilche young people belonging to the 4-H participated in Achievement Day activities. Barney Lambert was master of ceremonies. Those win- ning awards were Milly Selvidgc, Sally Sclvidge, Jack Fischer, Ed- die I,~ischer, Valerie Fischer, FRye Fischer. Barbara Wolf, Ken Sel- ridge, Jack S clvidge, Don Whine- ry, Dale Whinery and Judy Smith. Going to the State Fair at Yakima this week are Barney Lambert on a general demonstration, Judy Smith with a demonstration in agriculture and FRye Fischer as a ~judge in livestock. 4-H members attending the Puy- allup Fair last week were Barney Lambert who was master of cere- monies and also presenter a de- :monstration; Kenny Selvidge and Faye Fischer participated in live- stock judging. The PTO group meeting Monday evening of last week elected offi- cers for the yem- who are Mrs. ]Chester Marshall, president; Mrs. :Phil Stoehr, vice president; Mrs. Phil Simmons, secretaz-y and Mrs. Earl Bradley, treasurer. It was de-i tided monthly meetings will be care at Shelton General Hospital, She is not receiving visitors yet. Our hopes and prayers are with you, Margaret ! Football is in the news again: The big University of Washington -- Baylor game Saturday at the University of Washington took 2 of our country boys to the big city. Julie Stock attended with long time friend Warren' Bradley of Purdy and Walt Clayton, Jr. join- ed Coach Bill Brickert of Shelton and, as guests of Roy McConkey, thoroughly enjoyed watching the Huskies emerge victorious. The Shelton -- Port Angeles game the previous evening took Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Eke Eacrett and Mr. Walt Eckert to Port Angeles where they were disappointed with the score 16-13 in the Roughriders favor, the Highclimbers first defeat of the season. Belfair PTA Invites Gandidates Te Speak By Bctt.y Criss BELFAIR --- The ElementaxT PTA will meet Oct. 8 instead of tonight. This will be a "Meet Your Candidates" night and invitations have gone out to all candidates to come and be introduced and speak, with a question and answer period to follow. The meeting will be held in the Gym at the High School at 8 p.m. in order to accomodate a larger attendance. This will be a public meeting and all interested citizens are urged to attend and meet the candidates. Keep Oct. 24 open for a. Spaghetti Dinner being served by the Elementary PTA at. the Cafe- teria from 5 to 8 p.m. Joan Corliss and Pat Medeiros are co-chairmen for this coming event. r way @ ~heYet$ ~o ~e%teP w terthan with g~8* r already in you some other use, water he~ti~# one of th~ this superior ~n brlng. \ 're planning to throng sool%~ include hot natural gas. ith Eas-fired water are to be envied. water never runs they open the" 'H' they KNOW ~Y're &oing to 6e~| gas ~ in- hot wate~ it J.s an intense at responds quickly, ~R~ when you want it ~at water with gaS. costs less, too:) C 0 R PO RATI 0 N • 122 S. THIRD ST. • 426-8433 aft held on the third Monday of every month. Kamilche School boys and girls attended the Puyallup Fair Wed- nesday of last week. The children are enjoying some new books and new swings recently installed. The boys are practicing football and expect to play a game this Friday. MR. AND MI~S. Anion Ellison took their son Marshall to Kirk- land Sunday afternoon where he is enrolled fez: school term at North- west College. Persons who have not yet regis- tered to vote should register at the Wilcox Richfield Station (if residence is in Kamilche precinct) or at the County Auditor's office in Shelton. Books are open until Oct. 19 for transfer of registra- tion. General election will be on Nov. 3. Jess Huskey returned Saturday from a ten day trip to The Dalles, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Maki of Seattle visited Sunday at the Mar- tin Otto home. A weekend visiter last week at the Martin Otto home was Mrs. Sadie Griggs of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wood drove to Portland last weekend. Karen Mainwaring returned with them. She then left Sea-Tac Airport Sun- day for Anchorage, Alaska where she will enter college. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake of Olympia were dinner guests at the Harry Simmons home last Thurs- day. Stmday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Will Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. JohI,. Blake of Olympia motored to Hoot Canal for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Taylor visit- ed at the Carroll Mercer home last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Al Taylor and Mrs. Beth Taylor were dinner gltests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gz~t- ham on Hood Canal last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones of Seattle spent the weekend at their summer home at Kamilche Point. Tills ~rEEK the AI Taylor's will leave for their winter home at Palm Springs, Calif. Mrs. Annie Whitener returned home Saturday after spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter anti family, the David Rankins in Trinidad, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor cal- led at the Loren Adams home at ORkville last Sunday. Last Thursday Mrs. ellis Sehool:y and Mrs. Florence Taylor attended the Puyallup Fail'. Sunday visitors at the Herb Nel- son home were Mrs. Clarence Quinn, Mrs. Mabel Johnson of Shelton and James Mohney of Mc- Cleary. There will be a dance at the Kamilche Grange hall Saturday night Oct. 3rd. MRS. HEI,EN HUNTLEY is again teRching at Rogers School in Shelton, her fourth term at the .school. Mrs. Alice Washburn who taught primary grades in Kamilche last year is teaching the first grade at Black Diamond. Caqlers at the Amfie White;mr home on Sunday were Mrs. Annie Ellison and Ray Ellison. The Kamilche PTO is planning a rummage sale in Shelton Friday, Oct. 23 and requests clean clothing and household items for the ,sale. Items may be left at the school or call Betty Marshall for pick-up. You Should Know... OLINT WILLOUR Ben Franklin said, "For age and want save while you may; no mor- ning sun lasts the whole day." Save systematically through Life Insurance. Ph. 426-8139 @ Screen Doors • H1LLCREST Storm Doors Phone 426-4522 @ 1965 MODEL HARDWOOD CABINET 21" PICTURE TUBE THIN-LINE DESIGN Similar to illustration II NO TRADE ?' All Chamml built-hi Antenna 16" Screen ONLY.. 1964 CONSOLE TV 23" - Wood Cabinet $,, PRICED TO MOVE .................. No Trade • 1965 FULL CONSOLE 23" TV All Channel Tuner Automatic brightness control ..................................... With Trade A few 1964 Gloise-Out DELUXE II MAKE AN OFFER --- First payment in December Free, Speedy Delivery Full Warranty SPEOIAL PURCHASE FOR THIS un er pecial CARRYING ~B ' ~ i !i~ ~ ........ '': ! :i I : i L!i ......... "~ :i 19 cubic foot upright " i Porcelain interior " Always Shop Miller's First -- Buy at home / A Subsidiary ,of P. N. Hirsch & Co. APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT Buy Quality At Discounl Prices Shellon's Small Appliance Gift Headquaders Model CA222Y 12 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FOOD FREEZER ' • Stores 420 Ibs. frozen foodt • Four convenient door thelve$ • Four fast-freezing shelves, plus top pla{e • Nine-positlon temperature control • Positive safety door latch e Two warranties