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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 1, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 1, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,e 14 grrb2J TON--MAg0N COLrN"I ,TGIJPJ AE-- Publlnlmd in ('Chr;stma.vlou, n, U g ,4 " gh0,1l:on, Wanhin . . ....... - ) . Thtu,,%l. v. Inesses " ' Frida, Canal NAaO By Fl'llnoes Cat|o pron]p[u hlSst2 and sei'ved I•efresh- Robinsons at tlleir cabin. Norbis- Tuesday to attend a family dinner ~ • Set For LILLIWAUP -- Mrs. Lulu Smith ments for the party. [rath, a geoaogist, works with John pazty ill his honor. Five of his six ~ | Oklahonm and Jack Leimback were first Oct. 9, is the slate for the first [in the Tacoma firln of Robinson living childrcll were expected to be ~ | come sweeping p~zeh~vlnn~[_~ at Fr!day_mgh. t'.s fM1 business seksion of the Lilli- and,Roberts, and is a.lso a fishing there including Mrs. Gladvs Won- .. ...... the setting this p .~ pa %y. glven i)y [n,e bun° waup Community Club, which will I pal . derly of Casper, Wvo. wll'o nfig'ht ILV I,~.~.~II)[ Dean Grace Gardner, Bobbie Allen, El- nual Convention yop) uqly_ ~nc ~om-follow a potluck supper. The sup. I When Mr. and Mrs. Dale Moffett be able to visii. £he Leimbacks UNION , l.he ~.,i?od Canal Im- leo Rebman, Evelyn Wllite, Betty Association for F ,mn,~y nau. a, rs. ~mnn won oy per is at 6 p m and a ninochle entert'dned "it dinner Stln(lay in after tile nariy provenlent clue wm meet Oct. 6 Dean and Helen Timnl who had aceordin to gay By ,I~znn TuPlmr jlLst ten points over tile score turn- r ' I" ' '" ~( 'the ' ' . " ' '-' ' ' hi the eonununity hall at 7 30 ) hi h s(ol fez 1 " g , ,,,~ ,, ............ .... ., ............. pa ty It 8 p.m. will be held after lr home at, Wlnlock, they eele- Entertained st the ham, nf M, . " . . . '" 1' g .'~ 'C ' the lay. The club dent of the Mason /~,~,x,~ z~*tnvv~t'/mtsl~.-bast ~'rl- Oa. ln oy Mrs. ~lgtlra I-lolL becona the business meetin,~ brated the 28th wedm,,~ a~,,iver- ."4. ,-""&'~ ;--.2.-",".':"".":~""" m. Anyone Interested in this club will meet today at Ellen Rehnlans 0f the VVashing say, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson prize winners were Mrs. ttenry ..... "_% . _ sary of Dale's l)al.en'[2~tl~e"fi L an(l lvt~:s;.riaul 51~noau at l~,ee: is invited to attend. Friday even- home " fro' ,a' d Cilil motored to Portland, Ore spending Mourik and Oran B. Lee. Jeer 2ar. aim _.t, ester L. ~ger, [:~n~eotto -~ T'mL...'.. ' ...... ' ' !ana, wnl~Dey lslana, Mr. aml ine' the club held the fit.~t of a -- " ............. Re}:tde. ,, n few rln.r...ith AS. ...a" a. N" Leimh,.ok Inl~.,h.~e .* . '~ ~..--a~a accompanieo Dy Mrs k;lare 15Oal............... ,~ .vau,,~,'¢~ q~, anu uL ,L~A' lglrS JaCK tcatto qltend(d n f~atlle o. ,' ....... ..' lvl.r an(i Nil'g, JaCK U'l)onnell and i ODe oelegates *, ...... T,----,~,- *,t*. a*lu *vxl'.~ u ~ u,*~, ~l:'*'g**'5 ~ r~ o-**a*zu~u . "" ' " 11..~ .... " ' " ' ~( "" series el game lllglltS Iney will • • ' • ?qlol~.$1o ot Yar,,,,,1 T:~: .... o.~.,." tnhlol hn¢l tin}, n,.i,za~a fa, mlnnohl, dOll were planning to attend the p~ ents,. MI. and MlS. Tom Byld£r of Jack's lelalives Sunda,r ; • ... ...,, .... " -: . , boys of Chlnlacnnl were overnzgllt the United States a;:;;iva;;"a,:=,';='%.a~:=u ¢;.,;~2.: a~a-~xil;,-~ *"27~:£F,Z,7"~;L",: Corrections Center dediealhmof Winloek. The Byrd's anniver- 17 qvere present ireh dine six i;f pave u)~.~_ wlsn •>o guests Saturday of Mr and Mrs expected to gather --~, .... g ..... .~ ~,* 1.~,..,.,(~ v~:*cj- .......... ~" ........................ , " • S " • • , . " "" ' " ~ '" " Illal'IK tilL'liie,t wile set ll ) tile , ' el" ............... a ....... :..^ 'luesday and go on to Centlaha .azy date~as Sept. 26, and tilehis cousnls threemen nnd three . . }.. Robmt Allen. City flora OctO~ aria spent tile nlgnt wztn tile Slim uou. ln~ae. ' ' " Moff " a ' " " tames tlld the ladl~.S who dGhat¢d .............. . .... for the,evmun , etts will be maltud 28 yc tswomen of the Drake family to c'lkeslnd to those in char e of Juby Eby daughter of Mr. and meeting. r~ewson ~annly oz tsranger. Illness among members utzected -- -. ?~ , ..... %Vednesday, Oct. 7. Both sets ofwhich Jack's late mother belon' ed ...... g Mls M zl Eb left Satmda to Tile theme for t~ Visiting Mr. and Mrs Roe Frank- the attendance somewhat :and the,,A.,alnnel~ we~nesclay nlg..'nt, at ,)¢u'ent~ ~" ..... ,h .... a ...... *h~ ..... " • -.- • :-. g~" . the games. The next game night v. ~ y," _y, .. ~ "..~Y . . " , ..a 1 l|n over the wo,~tenn,l ~,,~,,, "x~. .~a ntnvov~ n.~n~,.~hod ~..,~.~,l.~e o~..,~o Ine nome or 4~r. and Mrs big An- , ' . " "~";. - ......... ~ ...... .~ -': rney naa not. all oeen tog'eLller zor will i~o Oct 23 at 8 n m ., ,~.~ arlene tile university el WaSh- vention, acoroln~. rdSgl \:.',rgl'2"F. .... '....... 'clef'san celeM.atad the btl;thday of Eranas°n:. a,.on. ,,,no i, annost a number of years and enjoyed a comml;nit-' ilall ............. lngton. The Ebys are happy to "Opportunityfor ~,I • 15 at~alLl%LUll OI lil~l[t. I1%*' ~. .& AV41.&'~'~o A ~E:OMtA t~2~IL~,II.I~LL A.;I~CJ~. I " , - . • • rive montns old . ' ' ; ' • 11 ......... Schaufler and Rnl~d'Wtlis0n l~/fr I her daughte4e, Loilme, (Mrs. Frank " buffett droner and all afternoon of ......s:de-t- -, ...... have Mrs. Ebys mother Mrs. Wzl- a new outlook, .. ~nJoy~ng a wnom wem¢ motoring .;.n ~,..: ~2"~:~. ~'~"?.- ": .... ": ":" "'l E SmRh) Dinner 'mtests inchlded l)iok Schanfler is home again leminescing Many camera snap- ?nlon re:~, j~.~ ,~ouu~ n ge to lam Boyce from Seattle staying a "Event- in 1964 • nrough Canmla and British Co- "~ ....... "~,. o,~ ~,mm~acK were lm- the Smitl~s wtth ~l~ei~r* daughter after two nights in a Shelton Hos- shots were taken" in tile autumn r aj.~.~o.~,u~v.~ary.~'rvK,erg week with them. lv the "Passage of'f LumDia were' mr. and Mrs. Amel --------'------------U-~---=----'-- Sandra and a neighbor ChrisOv- pital the first of last Week butsunshine }vno .lu:~.-ou~-L u,.~ ~on ~'anzers Roh,,.~ r~ ....... ~ o~ ....... ~,~, ~";a --'~'~'~"7~o~{ of Tvelt F ida el ,-,-, , - a .~ .... ' ~( use.Tney are n'o n lz;atrlwin ........... '~,-,, "~,'~,~,,'~- *',~,,- , ....... l, ........ . 1 y dlnn shiest ,at the home ] an he ]s still undel doctol s cale and New resideWs e,,,. ~,,a;,,, ~,,~,~, .~ ......... sin,~ 'ment 'he ,, ,:ou,,,,a f~hh,~* ,,,, '9-~''i"~" h, the flel , , - u, ~,t ...t;,a,~ .~e~..a , ' " ' bOVlll¢l LJ ' • " t~ * t- ~ - .,re'~*~e.-~* *'""**~L'~ ~'*" I "(~*" *'b *" • Visiting Mr. and l~s: Lawrence of MI. and ~,/!~I'~. Cllfol.,d Reeve was . FAITH AND LEWIS EVANS undergoing Various tests to deter- are Mr. andMrs. Jim O'Neil, who;e~li/~elC:~rctrical con~¢;~ct~'laUaln2il~ the Cowlitz river r~ear Longview. ~,'~rdation," Spil~0 ~lsen .and Mrs. Edith Profltt Cap. Waho, of the Lake. .came back from Edmonds Sunday, mine the..eause of Ills sudden and moved overthe weekend into Mrs ,~, /~st few months ,~ ......... They report no hick and ean;e provided a broader ~a~t, Se~2~ll~aaYd l~ive?l~V[garv?nt ptahre braL~:t T~el6~£~Y, b~iil~ZU~lpP,er ce!e- feeling much happier over the con- paln nm lnness. • Josie Peterson's beach cottage,t~:aveled througll Canada~l .~1~~. home without any fish• ration for all st~te~ ........... ~:... P: _ .: _=. ~:. l '.~ ~'~lth Isis dillon of their danghter, Mrs. Cliff The Schauflers were pleased last 'Jim, who is the grandson of Mr. ka and liked the canal best so they Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce and of the Nationa_ ~r~lssaquan- ~ater ~. ana .ramuy. "rney an enjpyea cake oZta]Nels0n, WlI~ ~dei~vent a metier week to see their fi:iends, MI:., and and Mrs. Win. H. Gilberi of Hood- decided to settle here. They have daughter Jill of Olympia were Retarded Childre.~'o ~.-£~ -~2=~.~ a~e~ue~,.me t~aelnc me cream. ] operatioh Wednesday of last week. Mrs....Ed Denere, wno n~tve ~vl.n- sport, is employed by the U. S. three children all married and liv- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo vention opens,;~ ~""~ ".2"."'?? ~,.,uT." ,e,u. ~L ~nU Saturday evening dinner gmests]Sandra, who is convalescing in the tere(r" wiul tnem in Mesa, Ariz. Forest Service at Hoodsport. His ln~ ill California. That is Mary's Pearce Sunday. meetings in u,*% ,are en ~tames in Tumwater. at the Tuppor ho~l~ were Mr, and Everett General Hospital has The Deheres left Friday, after wife is the fornler Dona P'erguson o~'ly regret being s) fU''~ x,:~' S~tTUiI1)AY Mr ~,l~ ~r,.= r~nL point the way for u- MIL AND MRS. Itector Barbour Mrs. Leo Gage and'family of Ho-.I been makinr~ a ~ood recovery, her spending a week at Rest While of Lenlon Grove Calif• f~nm their family " m( "ur,,u ...... ~"'a',,~,'~£~"'~'~:. and years ahead, , attended the Benefit dance held quiam and l~toyd' Gage of. Dort.]parents are'i~lea'sed to z'eport~'san- Park resort Dedication of'the new Cml'ee- --~.,~-~n~ ~r ~r,'~' T ....... ;%."~h~.~'U.a1~:~'~'~"~,'.'~'~a,'~"==~ "-- ....... ~st SCa tuzday evening a~; the land, Ore. , . ] dras ~'randmother, Mrs. Florence Roland Wlllson is reported to be tlons Center and the week of tours wil be glad to hear she is doing Mrs. Clyde Petitt motored to Seat- l~ayton. .~all" The benefit was. for a Weekend., ~t the home of Ross,. . . ham been pinch-hitting in ....... seriously ill at a Shelton hospital, at the instit ~tion means a busy nicely after undel,~oin~, g majol' ' stu-" tle. whine' they visited, with Mls'.. -ddgSlUq~'~J~i||| member of. the Shelton Sheriff Re- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ooouer. were ] c~rnlg, for the three. . Nelson, child- where he was take'* ~y .... ambulance week at the home of M~ and Mrsg.ely last ..... week She is ill tbe Swe-. Hazel Gislason. and had dlnnel' ,~M Serve wnose not?se was oestroyed Mrs. F~.eda Ple~ke and San, Fred l~ea during their mothers hospi- Saturday, .given transfusions and Barney Zahl, whose friends aredish hospital in Seattle. with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cluce ~y zjre a snort time ago. Ploske and hI~'~, Aiexan¢ler and [ talization. Faith will take over oxygen, following hemorrhages,interested in attending. Their son- HELEN %VRIGHI and Nine Mil- and family. . ~IkK.~-----~l~j~ti~bdl~,~ Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Archto Mr. and.~t's.,Flmla~Ku~k,ack,.al$,for a week upon her return fr~l'a Their.~.r~dro~epverfrom~akima in-law and daughter Mr. andMrs.ler attended the board meeting of The Union Ladies Civic Club will ~~l Kelley last Friday. and spending_ of Tacoma. . the hospital and after, that Mrsfor the weekend and.on Monday. aLarry. Sellers of Taconla, will be the Peninsula district of thc~ Fe- hold its" first, meeting' of the season the night was their daughter, Bet-Visiting the Coopers last Sun- ] Bob Wahl of Tacoma, m scheduled daughter, Mrs. Dal-,vm Lamhmr ofwith them next weekend and they deration of Woman's chlbs in Ta- Oct. 8. It will be held in Vera Bish- tya~d l~r friend, Daw~, of I, Io. ~h~y w~s ~di~: a~d M~. J. ,B. ]ktie, { Ao t.ak~ cha~¢ge. . . Yakima, was expected to come. are expecting other housegnmsts eoma on Tuesday. op's home with Gz,ace G-tz'dnel' as ll~:~\ >-D~-~: I 1~1 lqnulaxn.. They both are employed Clanahan and Mrs. Barney Me--[ Mr. and Mrs. Hans Norbisrath TO CELEBRATE the 89th birth- during the weel¢. Zahl is omployed Vera Bishop was hostess to the co-hostess. There will be'a potluct~ ~'~ I .A~eraeen at St. Joseph H0spioClanahan aggl children, Neal. aIld ~ and their children from Fo~ks, day of Jack n father, Mr. and Mrs. as pmnt• mechanic foreman at the Union pinochle club in her home hmcheon starting at noon with the ~, ~..p tai. Joe, all of l~elton.' were weekend guests of the John Jack Leimback w~nt to Auburn new center.. . Thursday. Those attending were business session to follow. • " ': ( 'LI, ]ha ' a z~]] ~ ,I r r o din ~ SessiI |[[[[,,]].j "" mP[ *hes sta e t asuO azn de ss htaatlel, Owr hilweaS annl yngt °o fn slucniztnbeonSdUsm o'rO:II~[! t'~ *,,,;,.,~-- ----_ ._- ___' O~'~ o~r:c~5~c~n~; ~:re~bg~ ~~Z~CRETARY• # • ~0a'~L :'~' 'i|~.~,~0~,~"~; O utdoo Recreat,on Bond Issue [ Bonds For Publ,( School Fac l,l,es , L I IJ j tl J II fll II I I I . | ] TO BE VOTED UPON AT M NOYEM ER 3, 1964STATE GENERAL ELECTION BE VOTED UPON AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1964 STATE GENERAL ELECTION )! . Orwcz or VZCTO A. II I R& I " Ov zcz or VICTOR A. , ltzcm , S,,,r, S a,zW mz;ozoN. I or Sr,TZ, Sz^,Z or " I Yo Whom It Ma~ ~oneernt . Fo Whom It lllrl# Co ce t ' , . ' ' " - In obedience to the State Constitution, and ~e ~x~aordina Se I e I~t~t In obedience to ~ State Constitution, tnd the .ztraordtnsry lien[on of the Thirty-eighth Leg~latt~e o~ the J~tate el I "-" ............. b'i ...... ry ss on of the Thirty-eighth Legislature bf th ~i wasmng~on, inere IS nercu¥ pu ~ snea lot the consla ~Pr of the State oI Washin ton the followin Refer- eratton of the voters of the State of Washin ton the followl~ Washington, there Is l~reby published lot the c~ at 'the vete~ g ' g / endure' Bill: " g ' ~: endure Btttl . " [ REFERENDUM BILL NO. 11 " I ' " REFERENDUM BILL NO. 12 . r wa ~t ' leeslol~ 19(15) " ' (Chapter ~6, I~tWS F-~Lraordln~ry Seulon~ 1963) " , , " , ' OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ..... ; ....... OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ........... I . I .. . " ! • ' ' . " " AN ACT authorzzm the Issuance an ....... AN providing ,or the issuance and sale of state general obhgaflonbonds |n an amount not , | .......... g •. d_ sale of statehmlted obhgatlonbonds man amount not exceediilg 510,000,000 to acquire land and appuxtenances for outdoor public recreational use, and provlding that one- I I I . .'.. o ng " g pub "c school p • w% w, approprmnng the proceeds for state match funds for constructm h lant faein,, ] half of the proceeds from existing'corp0ration fees collected by the state be deposited in a fund for payment I I I ,ana p eagmg mr.payment of principal and interest on the bonds a portion of existing motor vehicle Idprincipal and interest on the bonds, subject to exLsttng cha ges on such proceeds. I I I zta or e?nue ,, su Jcc to amounts previously pledged for payment of principal and interest on bonds , ,. . " I LEGISLATIVE TITLE • " [Housz XL,- Is] 1 . , B# ,¢ endeted bM th# Legt,la,ure o, the Sta|e ,, W,,h|,gtal;: 14,.31 7i0 are each amende~lpie read' as follows: an W / ~,c,~o~ 1. For. the purpose of furnishing funds for state/am~U~tur~hqeU~Va~n! to ten percent of its taxable.vals~:~J~¢lj~ • a i ..... ' ~ ...... nc as may oe requires ~y zne o t Sr~ms 1. F0f the purpose of providing fuac!s l[or .th~/ All a:pa,t ,of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, the ~ bss ~::::~ taanSr:o~dmg plbl~cd:h;::oPl~:t~rC~h~i;~,9~6herlemsha~/o~ education. Tile state board of education shall pres!e~i~ development of outdoor recreational facilities tn the state, met~ate undertakes to continue to impose the license and other I obli-ation bonds f .............. ' .|make effective such rules and regulations as are nec -;~,~ etete finance commlttee Is hereby authorized to Mt~,. 'at l~tSeel on aomestlc and fo eign corporations p escribed by and at / flf ....... .......... " . [equate insofar as possible the efforts made by schoO : "Z time prlor to January 1, 1070, general obligation honcls o~ the[the rates:authorized in chapter 70~ Laves of 1937 as last 8mended I thzY-nme mznzon aonars z o De p ala an~l aiscnargea not more]to provide capital funds by the means aforesaid, -" !~ .... " " ' Or ~ ..... ' ' 1~'- le Islature nd to use and rorate' t- order s t ' aa ~wemy years azter me oate or issuance Tne issuance,~ state of Washingtoa In tim stunt O~ ten milllort .ll~!lar~ ~ by ~z~e ~0*r,: g a P m ne e al re i " " , ' su~ much thereof as shall be required to finance the program f0ttforfll beIow, one-half Of the proceeds of such foe*, 88 foll,ws: / :u~e:v~on tirn?:~t.of sa~d. bonds shall be under, the general]...Sic. 7: .lhe total amount of bonds authorized for lsr~0~.~~ whleh these bonds are being authorized: Provided, That.fdndsI, (i) To pay Into the world fair bond redemption fund l~reby I p e.... ntrol oz me staze nnance commzttee. }~ne provlslons of this act shall be reduced by the ~r realized from the sale of such bonds lhall be used solejy ~Oricreated as a special fund within the state treasury, stlch surn~ / ~ "xne sm~e nnance committee is authorized to prescribe the[Ze~era~ ~,unas maae available during each biennium. ~i I~.~ the ~o,,,i.~ltion of land and attached aDDurtenan0es ima such/~a ,h~l| h~ n~t~el in n~v th~ tnt~v~t nn ~11 nn*~t~,rttn~ l'~mett / xorms oz such Donas; the provisions of sale of all or any portion lc°nstrucu°n purposes under any applicable federal law .01~!] ,roper?y "shaii-b; for outdoor recreatignai usa. .... [authorized by chapter "174, Laws of 1957 u amen~ by ~llapt~ ] or portions of such .bonds; the terms, prov/sions, and covenanks_ I :ntttth:ebond author, zeal s, al bee .......... I"-- i~ authorized to "reg~!~ ~h~~ .... - o^,a~ • | ux sam Donas,. ana me sale, issuance, ana raaempuon mereof V . c committee, me proceeas In me pu Tl~a slale nnanee eomm k%.~e u ~' *'~ A0~ '.aWl ox A~,,,,, " building constructio ~t ]~L form o$ waah ]aomts am/ths ~ Of ~ ~ I11 OX a~z lloz~on] ~ ~^ ~,v' ;~,, ,~. ,..M,,,,. r-~r*o"o-o~ u,,,,a .,a.,,.,,,,.. i of the bonds herein authorized shall be sold for less than ]1 ...... . n. account available for alIotm'..,t ~I~ --. _ . ,_ ,___~_ __., ,,._ ~__..,,... da ..~...a ,..,..,~.i ,~., .~ ~ ..-- ... ,,,....w... ~.........--,. --~.-,.,v~,,,. , zne nar value thereof Such bonds sh~11 -~o÷~ ~o*;~.~*~.. ,t.., istate ooara oz eauca~lon snall De reauce,~ b,, ÷~,= amos" _.m~ or pol~o/~ OI IUCn oonas, a.t~ ~s ~amuv.s u..,,.. ~.~ ~,~,-.~. fun~ lUch |~m~ aS shall be needed to pay t~a interest on all the ~" ................ "~ ""~ federal funds made av " "' """ e t0 • ~Zre^. ' 'L . .. '."--. .......... / y shall not be.a general obligation of the state of Wash-[~ ailable. Notwithstanding th .~ ,~ w=. ' . . , DoJn0~l lu$~l~or|~ Oy MIlS ac~ ana ou;stana~0Ji~ Ington but shall be a able i th provisloas of thzs section the total am nds au TSae bonds sl il pledgt ~ .f~tl~ as4 er~lttr ~1~ i te . ' ' _ . [ , p y n e manner, prescribed in this I1 " • " . " , ount. of be m'~'~ a@ ~J'~ah|nat.... d nnntMn ~n unnonditlon~l ~romtse tO sam ($) $.11 of ~dr one-half of the proceeds of auea ~tllJ ~8- [ act from the proceeds of motor vehicle excise taxes as imDosedlf°r izsue under this act and/or the total proceeds fr~ ,~,'~ .': "'"2"";~'7"_--;',Z=_'-'Tq" /.q_--'-.,-.'2---JZ~" =o,Z~.,,t~e ..=,a:.Imaining after making the paymenta required under the pre- I by chapter 8244 RCW As part of the contract of sale o'f theIthere°f shall not be reduced by reason of any gr~.~;¢~ 1rt~ prlnclpal, aria interest wllelz tluw. ~tttv ~ stuttt~ ~ "~' 7 " ' , . , a _' ..... ;a. ~,o~ ,h. bonds or an,, of them may b~ called~rlor[ceding paragraphs (I) and (2), shah be dq~po~f~l J~ tire WO.~Id ] aforesaid bonds, the state agrees to continue to levy the motorlsch°ol district of federal moneys paid under publl:ff'~,~i~ ~v.t,~ ~,.~v ~,,u ~ j t ~ e O t " " 0 ' ' " )I~" ~'e¢ • ^ ,h..;,,,, no÷,, ~o~oa¢ ..¢Z~,..,,~h O,rm~ and 'eandition~ u it]fair bond redemption fund until all of th uts anding bonds | vehicle excise taxes referred to herein and to fix and maintainT~ r any other federal act authorizing school building c r~'~i ...--.~'~^'~,.".'..,'~='." ....................... -7--''-"~- -- |attt~o~rlZ~t b~zhapter 174, Laws of 1957 zuz amended by chaptar [ laid taxes in sueh amounts as will provide sufficient proceeds[assistance to federally affected areas. ~ ~-~7 ~,c ...... ,~. . /I~,.~W~ O$ 1961, have been paid. After payment and retire- | thereof available to pay said bonds and interest thereon until] Szc 8 In order to provide an alternative ~e~0~'~ S~c, 2. The proceeds, from the ~ale at the ba~ld$ 8ttt]~rlg~|~t e$ the aforesaid world fair bonds all of the said one-half | all such obligations have been paid ia full L. • 7'.' ". ........... ~lMi~ acco n of ~nlsnlng zunas zor state asslsmnce zn providin w herein shall be depoalte~ In the parks and parkways . u t [of the proceeds Of such fees shnll be deposited in the outdoor / The committee may nrovide that the bond~ o ..... ~ +~o,~ ]~lant facilitl~ ~- ,h ...... + +~ ......... • ~.^-~o'br ~ use or pem~t tim U~ Of tny funds derived @ma ~ sale o~ ~C a a y t a~l $U0¢1 bonds and u on an cou ons attached there . . r $~' .o,., ,.- ,.. o oo o, / ;. .A ,&. , Gro o=.oo *o =oo s ce ¢ommitte the wnRen consent of the holders ot P Y P ance committee may people under the provisions of section 3 of Article wbera Metal Or other ~ are made avail~bla ~ a matching t~ fm~n e " . rovide ' state ' ' l~f~ basis for pr,J4~, Wlttllhl I1~ purposel o, ~hJJ"ae~&" ' LaR oull~lldLn$ .l;~nds ~ssu~d lander authority of chapter 174, | • lautho~:2~ti.~r-},:: or In the event none of'the bol~ds t;ftm~f g sue by sechons 1 throu h 7 of th _ _ __ _ _ . _ _ ......... _./baw~ 0f'19~7, as amended by chapter 152, Laws of 1961, to the / Szc. 2. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds authorized],a .... " ' g IS. ~'~¢]~ . ~ I. ~ z~n~ :lUt$1a unaer sae ~T0~zmor~ 0f W~ ~|ek~mm| elected hy thi~ act in the order o~ lm'iertly ef Imyment | km, ein shah be de-osited in the uubllc seh-,.~ ~...~7.L. ~^.. IvY me sza~e nnance committee on or before July I ~ ~ll l~..~L~tble ~ :~te pceeds, of olU~hl~/gf tke~a~o"~ l~ai~-~d World fair bends out of the proceeds of the corporation / atruction account of the -eneral" fund and"sh"~"~."~s ,~"~ [a proposition as to whether or not fifty-rune milll0: ,'~.~ ~$ eo~ M zz¢14zr .~ !~e provlsion$ .OZ chaplet, ~, o Z|fees collected under Chapter 70, Laws of 1937 as amended. I exclusively for the purposes" of carrying out tl~e ~rovi~on~'o~lb°nds sha.!i be issued and sold under the terms a~J ~ ~¥~'~, ~.z~w OZ' ~ amenm~. "A'ne ~o~ ima'znwr~s~ snatt, ~" as se~ zorm m sections 1 ]~ " ' this a t and he ex ense 1 through 7 of this act shal aS petites fl ere !mlmld., l ltute a] 11. Thl.S act,hall be submitted to the people tor hellr ] r,,ttan;, lss .... OroPa ment bond incurred In thel othapeopleforthetradoptianandratlfleatlomo¢1 J tl ;il prior and excluslva claim, subject only to arn0unts ;@l~vlously|adolptb~' ~d ra~ifleatio~, or rejection, at the generel lltction to / ........................... . ." . . Ithe next .general election. -- pledged for the payment of interest on and yet~#raent of bonds be 'held In this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first [ S~c. 3. The publle school building oona redemption fund/ .............. s m heretofore hmued, upon that portion of lhe ation f@@s so Monda in November, 19{}4, in accordance with the provisi~ns / of 19~3 ts hereby created in the state treasury which fund shaU[ ozc. ~. Az any section, paragraph, sentence, c, ,~.~, nUtdt °: : : " :::lb?n h :dhenfuPntl¢ nsl Idbl e / oted to the a ment o~ t a the operation the. . ' a t n ulng twelve • ' " . exelt~lvel~ ~ev .....P Y.. : ~t~ 0~ r~d ~.t~10~lt ~ ~ h~ ~ r~,~,~t ~nt .... t ...... ~o .n and retir m~., ... ..... ]had any sechon, paragraph, sentence, clause IohraS ;~ ~te bomdll 8utaorlzea oy ~m allL ~ BI~ l| This act le meeesllalT for the immediate Preservatlom .~n_..t .............................. easurer • ......... ~.~L_,U~ to which this act Is declared invalid been elImln~1 • • • authorized by this act. The s~ate tr shall thercu~u~ c t Otll L ' tZ~ ~ any of the bonds may by mandamus or other government and its exisung public institutions, and shall take [ demption fund of 1963 from that portion of the ra~tor - ~, .'.~'lnevertheless been enacted with such portions elim "'~. SlY. 1. The lei[jslature may P de additional means for ~aued tl~ ~eaate P ~, 1903. / ........ ...... b "-" I~" " g p . i::~ aria to retlremen~ oz toe Dons autnorlzea Y tnls ae take effect zmmed~ ~ tNtlSI~ I~oa0~a fol~ the payment of I1~o h~tet~ and principal ~a ....... a ~... ,u. Governor --*--,, .~ 19~5t | ......... ~ ommitt " t. Such]t~ " 'ately. .:~ .~,.,~.; ,.....a....,,..~,.~.::.~ t,.,.=~. =.d thl,, ,,.~ .k=. -or h,= ,~.~m=d ~'~.,,-,." ='~ "-- -=v-.. --,-, I amoun~ cerunea ~0y me state nnance c ee to the state/ Passed the Senat,= ~vro~, ~ ~on~ :jg ........ I treasarer shall be a first and prior charge, subject only toI ..... " ""_'f .... w v-,,,m- ~ .~,v. ........ "7". . _,w.~-....,~- . . __' -- / amounts previously pledged for the payment of interest on and[ ~'assea zne ~ouse Aprtt o, lu¢~, ,~! SZC. ~. Tha bonds herein autnor|zea ~ lae 'a legal Ill- I the retirement of bonds heretofore issuea, against all motor[ Approved by the Governor April 18, 1901. ;] wmtment for all IK~t$ IU~I~ or for funds raider |tara eonta'ol ORRTDFXOAYION / vehicle excise tax revenues of the state allocable to the state[ ' and all funds of municipal corporation|. / z~hool equalization fund, which amounts so auocable shall neverI '[i S=c 8 Section 1~, chapter 174, Lawl O~ 1957 and RCW X, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State ot Wash- / be less than seventy percent of said excise tax revenues Said| :~ t I true n correct bond redemption fund shall be ke t segregated from all m OERTIFICATION -aS .... .q~.a~n ~r~ ~,oh amended to read as lallows'.~_ . : ington, hereby cer ify that the above Is a ful, a d . .. P . oneys ~; .. As a part of the .le of the bo~ds :herel, autho~lze~ ,lhe copy of House B'I No. 8, passed by the Extra r at. n r ................ ~-1 ..... / I, Victor A; Meyers, Secretary of State of the $ ,~. ,meres~ mereon remains un ate De ava**~u =~utetyf~ e state undertakes to continue to impom the Keemm and other fee~ of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of Washington, es / ....... P ' " r thelington' hereby certify that the above is a full, tra. y ~'~: ~',~ymen~ mereor , dlJ w, on domestic and forelgn COrporations pres~tlbed bY ar~ at tl~ appears from the original of said measure now on flla In my I " , ' [copy of Senate Bill No. 9, passed by the Extraora~ [~l i~, rates authorized in cl~pter ?0~ LILw8 of 1987 ItS last amended by 'office / SEC. 4. The legislature may provide additional means f,~.[of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of w~ $8" ;'," i the 1957 legislature and ~ use an~lpl~ra~e in the order Se~ fm~h " : . | raising funds for the payment of the interest and Principal-o~[appears from the original o~ said measure noW" 'el -- ~, below, one-half of tim pr~eeds of et~eh I~s, U follows: Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington 1 the bonds authorized by this act and this act shaI1 not he[office. ~ (1) To pay l~to the w~rld ~air boned rll0~mPtion tund~hereby this ~x'd day (,f Angust, 1964, | deemed to provtde an exclusive method for such paynlent TU-| ^, ~ .I created as a special fund within the state treasury, such sums ~.\ /'~ [ power given to the legislature by this section is permissive ~'~| Witness My IIand and the Seal of the state u* .., 1 i;: