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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 1, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 1, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ 1,1964 , IIELTON,--MA ON COUNTY ,IOURNAL -- Ptll)11 ho(1 in " l rkln a In ,lT, tT.g.fl " 1101ion, oll :ct Institutiq || . i i i V0TED"-- UPON NOVEMBER 3, 1964 OFFICt or VICTOR A. MEYER& "' .. SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ! concer : State Constitution, and the Extraordinary [hth Legislature of the State of Wash- published for the consideration of the the foll0wlng Beferendum Bill: IUM BILL NO. 13 27, Laws ExtraordinAry Sessio 196,3) IAL B JA)T ;:~ . UVENILE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION issqa: ce sale of date . up to $4,600,000 .finance at a state correctional institution in King ing Luther Btlrbank and Iartha Wash- , confinement and rehal ilita- commitied by. jd enile Courts dvpartment' of institutions; and the bonds from unpledged retail 9r ,gther mean , auth?riz d by the LEGISLATIVE TII'I :NAL INSTiTUTiON FOR BU!LD!NGS--FI,NANC! NG- ;to the Itate operated charitable, educational ~itutions; authqrizing the issuance ind Sale "~ [ obligslt~0n b0nds b provide f0t: needful build- -~ 'Juvenile correctional institution situated in ¢ In the vicinity of Echo Lake; providing ways to pay said bonds; malting ala apP~01~riation; st~bmissbn of ,t~s act to'a vote of ihe people. by the Legidatur¢ of ~e State o! .Washin¢$o~ the purpose of providing needful bu|ldin~ institution for the confinement ,and rehabili- situated in King county in the vicinity of instit'utlon was established by th.e provision# Laws of 1961 as amended by chapter [165], enate Bill No. 32), the state finance 'committee" Used to issue, at an~ time prior to January 1, Igatlon bonds of the state of WashIfigton in the lion six hundred thousand dollars, or so much be required to finance 'the program above met. ,~ ind dis'charged 'within twenty yean of the inance committee is authgrized to prese..'ibe tim ~onds, and the time of sale of all or any portbn 7ch bonds, and the conditions of sale and' issuance ed, That need Of the bbnds.herein authorized shall ~ than the par Value'thereof, nor shall they bear rate in excess of four percentper annum. Shall pledge the full faith and credit of the state and contain an unconditional promise to pay the when due. The committee may provide any Of them, may be called prior to the due such terms and conditions as it may detar- finance ¢0mnlitte~ may a uthorlze the use of in the issuance of the ben&. ..... 'Proceeds from the s~le o~ the bonds a.uthorized With all graitts, donations, transferred funds the state finance committee may to deposit therei~ shall be deposited correctional institution bflitding const~uctlon created in the state general fund. sum of four million six hundred thousand dollan~ as may be necessary, .is appropriated from Duds' Weekend At WSU Is Set For October 9-11 The traditional Duds' %Veekend on the Washington~t Stae Univers- it), c'tmpus at Pullman will be heh:l October 9-11 this year. Arrange- meEts have been made for special deluxe Greyhound tour buses for those attending from the Puget Sound area. They will leave Seat- tle, and possibly Tacoma, Friday and arrive at the Compton Union building on the campus in time for the evening's prograni. They will return after dinner SEEdily, arriv- Ing back home in the curly even- ing. All WSU Duds are urged to at-' tend. There will be football and other athletic events as well as numerous informal social events affording an opportunity to lneet students' college fl'iends and their duds. There will be a meeting of the Duds' Organization with Jack Caldwell of :Issaquah, president, in charge. Reservations for the special bus service must be completed in ad- vance. For complete information and reservations call WSU Duds' area bus chailT~a.n, Mrs. Dan Lan- caster at CHerry 2-8059 in Seattle. Game Protector To Be Pioneer PT0 Featured Speaker All Pioneer school district resi- dents 'al~ invite4 to attend the monthly Pioneer PTO meeting next Tuesday in order to meetAllen Ras- nussen, recently appointed Wash- ngton State Game protector for ~ason County. Rasmussen will be the featured speaker on the PTO program which will begin at 8 P. m. preceding the business meet- lng. Refreshments will be served by the first grade mothers. The ways and means committee, beaded by Mrs. Ella Studer, began selling magazines subscriptions this week to raise funds for the PTO. Anyone wishing to help on this project by either buying or selling a subscription is asked to contact her at 426-8928. Annual Harvest Dinner At Mary M. Knight The Mary M. Knight school an- nual Harvest dinner will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. this Saturday in the school gym. Tickets for adults , o, Seiy Ed,tor' ,one ,26.,41 0 C V e, t S 'lcandlelight ServicoForottiaerPini©alolnslallalionclub I A candlelight installation ser- vice highlighted the September ELNOR BUCK BEGINS LIFE AS ,neetin of l,e ,i,.zica,o Music Club held iu the home of the club's cotmselor, Mrs. R. W. Norvold. NEWLYWED IN SAN FRANCISCO officers insta,lod were =oslie ratt, prcsideat; Jndy Antonsen, vice-president; Shari Gruver, trea- ;, i~i:i; suler an(I (;eaneecc Morg~ls, see- reta'y. Diane Antonten acted as installing officer. Plans for the year's study to- gether with several most inter- eating activity projects were pre- sented to the group by the presi- dent. Committee chairmen appoin- ted were Judy Antonsen, hospital- ity and hostess; Janice Robertson, Danny Nye and Judy Antonsen, yearbook; and Geaneece Morgus, Margaret Surratt and Cynthia Rice, telephone. Diane Frank. Marilyn Okano, Debbie Maranville, Cindi SuE'at and Geaneece MergEs were design- ated as pianists who throughout the year will accompany the club's singing of the National Federation of Music Chibs' Junior Collect, Junior Hymn and Hymn of the Month. Two chib members who attended music camps this past slimmer re- ported on their camp experiences. Debbie Maranville told of her two weeks in Aug~lst at the Pacific Northwest Music Camp located at Fort Flagler near Port Townsend. She pointed out that the leader- ship at the Camp was outstanding. Although most of the time was spent in serious study she said there was time for fun and relax- ation too. She urged ethel club members to plan to attend next summer. Another enthusiastic music camp supporter was Diane Frank who attended a summer session at Eas- tern Washington State college at Cheney in June. Diane attended the session on a camp scholarship awarde her by the Shelton Music Club. She expressed the hope that she can rettn~ next summer to again take advantage of the excel- MR. AND MRS. HARRY J. HYLAND lent program and leadership of- fered. At the conclusion of her * * * * talk Diane entert~,~me~l the club by Elnor LyE Buck, daughter of]Francisco where they are making singing Over the Rainbow and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Buck, Shel- ] their home. A 1959 graduate of ton, and Harry J. Hyland, son of/Shelton High school, the bride Moon River. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hylaud of also attended Central Washington Miami Beach, Florida, were mar- State college and Aurswald Bust- WCTU Convention rUed Ang~lst 21 in St. David's Epis- hess college. She is employed by copal church. The immediate faro- the Home Insurance Co. in San ily and the bride's Godmother Mrs. Francisco as is her husband who Here ~,,,~u ~,~ Pearl Dutcher, witnessed the doub- graduated fl-om High school in C~z_z _ le ring rite performed by Roy. Brooklyn, New York. tateuniters will be $1. Clarence A Lody., A reception was held for the The roast beef dinner is being r, ..... ~ - " ........... -~- couple in Duly City, Calif. by about The county convention of the -re-ared b" the members of the ,JlaOlOll an(l V¢IItLg ledfll~ lt|~tu~ P P . ..Y .... ~-" - - -- tip the altar bouquets The bride's 20 friends and co-workers on Au-Woman's Christian Temperance PTO an(/ tEe profits wilt help take .... ' ~ . . care of the projects for the school ~:~llU;~es w;l~; ~;otC; 2SSl°~e gl~;;~t~ gust 29 at the llome of Mr. aria Union was held last Friday ,at the Mrs. Galen Robinson. home of Mrs. L. D. Hacl'~ begin- which are sponsored by it. ' >' " ning at 11 a.m. with the salutes to street, length dress of embossed the American, Christian and Tem- -=-'~-~,~,,-T-~-- cotton styled with long pointed OPEN ItOUSE IN ELMA perance flags. Devotions were by ~u~v~ ~.~S sleeves al~d it profusion veil. Her FOR FORMEII RESIDENTS Mrs. David Turner. RUM~IAGE SALE "something old a~d something Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nordwell, Rainbow Girls will hold a rum-.' ,, State officers present were state .......... new was a keepsake hanky former Matlock residents for many president l~{rs. Chas. A. Budde and mage sue uus ~atur~ay in tne loaned to her by Mrs No~Taan PUD auditorium Residents wish- -----^ and a ne'w --en~ • in heryears and now living in Elms, will state corresponding secretary Mrs. • . ~ R~,.,~ , l,. .~ ~)bserve their 60t;h wcdding anne- Chas.-M. Simmons of Seattle. Both ing to help the girls and get rid o~ ; ~,,,~ L, h