October 1, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 1, 1964 |
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For Sale For Sale
1 L~,.. I1P. Engine. electric welding cab- 2-wh(,,I farm tractor. Briggs and Strat-
motor wilh plow, dirt nlover and
les 65 fl. Pilm thread cutter 8 in 1. ~[~n 226 St). 7th. References please. Phone
12 volts moh>r generators. Small gas wood sawing attachm,mt. Call Teann Kennels, Star Route 2 Box 137. 426-8113. B 10/I tfn
heater. 12 volts 55 amps. generatm" after 6 i).m. 426-8901 Phone 426-6940, F 8/20 tfn .....................
h,r truck m' caterpillar Jerome Ker- E 10/1 tfn COMPLETELY furnished cottage be-
hat{ 204 I~tst Pine at. FOR SALE or Rent .... Housetrailer. Classified Service Pt, on,, 426-8894. tween Union and Twam,h State park
............. , K 10/1-29 Also white enamel trash hurner. 303 ,
SMAL;L E'1';E(:Tffi(5-ri/ii'g-~)-api~,.tnen/ British rifle. Phone 726-3169.
~ize also mn.'dl Frigidaire. 2 Murphy ................................................. B10/! !fn PIANO LESsoNS -- Start your child
beds. 528 Eir(:iz st. 426-6591. StlELTON JUNK COMPANY -- Lin- now. Joan MacWilliams. Phone 426-
.............. V 10/1-8 e.oln welders and cquiimmnt, new, 4596. . M 9/24 tfn
I"i"Egli--YXi~:]-h-X--iTiKt-T/{{ii-i;i:0(h,i~e for sale. 426-8626. 9/1.7 tfn WE-B~--s-~ra~,~-~ie~i~s~ahY~
at Sllclt,)n Marine--Itillerest Itard- U'-SgD---EO(-I--gRiD-'DN~~ tors, copper, salvage of all kinds.
Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill
...... _wj}~'([ ......... M 10/1 tfn farmer, Wagner and others. Log and Streets. Phone 426-8626.S 4/7 tin
lie range and i'~n~]~')-TlmG:7]i3~-~ic lumbv,' handlers. Fork lifts. Scnop-
mobile f,,rk lift, wide carriage, $850. ~---R-NA~~ING,~Ia--'g;--i~-
coffee tabh,, floor lamp. dressing Trades and finance. Used Equipmentetallations,sheet Metal Ollco. COnversions.321 So. Thlrd.Shelt°nDial BOATS, MOTORS, T~'RS, equip- [ unfurnished. Edgewood Apartnmnts
reustable'snmll8 crystalarticlesStem,126_6471.goMets, nmne- Co.. 222 S.E. 16th, P,)rtland. 235-8901. 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn ment.at .Wall's mm2ine" I~uppj.F,, on ] Shelton airport -- 426-8884.
.................... ~ I 10/1 , U 9/24 10/8 Deauuml l-loon t~umL Mnone ~oooul- ~ S 10/1 tfn
CANNING ((;~(d/il/UZfiT,~--'Ti/,.'r"'~i{Sf/;gwNi~T-(~ShN-T°'~sai}~ga2-N/;i]/h--3i:di L-N~N-i~--KE~~_--F~ nort TR '/-fiN. 1/19 tfn 7..T-~.--~. - --- .- -. "
be×. Sh,,lhm Marine -- Hillcrest Ph(mc 426-4202. S 9/10 tfn expert painting and wall papering I ........ , ",'wt) NEDROOM furnisned apartment
Hardware. M 10/1 ItF'(J~."-S-(JI~I'ObL-'SNW--ffl-G-'~-i~ff'~-wT"~J(TII call Bennett Painting Company, IFOR SALE -- 14 foot boat, 18 h.p. antomatic heat. Free water and gar-
motor, trailer.Good shape. $400. bage. Lots of room. Edgwood apart-
and ~ eol-I len $1 50 io ;3,50 yd. 426-8248 B 11/8 tin [ Phone 4~ :-6' ~9. C 8/13 tin ments Shelton Airport. 426-8584.
48" f~ led ~Iz's $3.51 yd. I t'ess lab- ~~D--~immed, removed. B-ARGAIIq- -- "i8 fL. ]nb~'-~, ~ ]~.p~
ries 3 yds. $1. 60" dacron and cot- Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426-
i.!l'i~'df~i~A-~i~Q~"~s'~i~iTER.-50---M and weol-blend $1.50 to $3,50 yd. Phone 426-6789.
I~TII, radiant front, thermos]at eafe- 48" faked furs $3.50 yd. Dress lab- ~RG~.- ~!---~---]~ S 10/1 tfn
ty pilot, excellent condition. Phoneries 3 yds. $1. 60" dacron and cot- Gray Marine, $750.Phone 898-2450 FOR RENT ,Mt. View Commui~ity:c[ub
ton suitings $1.98 yd. Drapery shm'ts 482,2. 2/19 tin Union. M 9/10 tfn House anytime. For information call
726-6235. It 10/1-1.5 29c and up yd. Bates Boat, Top and E~.PERT CARPENTRY W6-P'~'--~ 14"-FT-7-FI~R'GL-ASS boat, windb.s'[-dlcl 426-3959 or 426-2496.
I-U]()NEEI~'-]~V27--5-i']'i?-~'I~ saw was Seat Co,, 2817 Pacific Ave., Taconm. Wanted. Summer homes, remodeling
$170 Now $149.95 while stock lasts. 8/13 tin or new construction. Very' reason- and running lights. 35 hp. Johnson M 6/18 tfn
Stwlton Marine -- Hilhu'est Harware. FOR SALE ~-R0und-oak tables, old able. Phone 426-2401, H 4/9 tfn outboard motor, Tilt trailer. All in ~i~bo-use--~-C-aiI
good condition. $525. 123 Birch st. evening 426-8113. Inquire 1411 R.R.
10/1 It China closets, boats and motors, ~E--R-T-AU--TO---G-~k~~ Si~elton, Phone 426-8041 G 10/1 Ave. B 8/20 tfn
X~i~I'-~NT'f()N~~~ boat trailer, refrigerators, washers, Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave.
f;trn|l!rs! For sale cheap: Six 30-gal. bicych;s. Articles of all kinds includ- Phone 426-8231. 4/~ tfn O--NE--i-9~¢--~e-'1958 F-I)R-N~E~bin-~-A-r-2cadla Point. Shown by appointment.
and one 50-gal motor oil containersing antiques. Herb's Second Hand Gi~---liI-AI~--SER----R--'~-~E -i- Tuner 18 Hi. Evinrude $160; one 1958 18 Write Box 37, Shclton, Wash.
with 1)uml)s mounted tlmreou. Out Store, half mile North of Shelton on and technician. "Regular Care Pre- HP. Evhu'ude L,S. $170 guaranteed A 9/3 tfn
or gas station. Phone 426-4000. Mt. View. 426-3532. H 3/12 tin vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia Motors. Hood Canal Marina, Union B---O-X'T~L'ER-s~'-f(-~i:
B 9/10 tfn T~A-S O---RG-A~I~ "-- ~ ~ ch-'~d~ 943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- 898-2252 ' 10/1 rent, $15 per month. Call afte,. 9
G. E. REFRIGERATOR -- Fine work- $250 Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota 8267. G 3/12 tin
ing condition. $40. Call 426-8521. ' ' 4/19 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool ln~ula- DRY STORAGE campers, trail~e-r'~', a.m. 426-4806. H 9/24 tfn
........... ___~.S 9/10-24 BRAND NEW COLOR Pack Polaroid tlon guaranteed[. Ph. 426-6417. 8/29 t.fla boats. Terms to suit needs. Call FO~R~ P~e~ Apt. 2-b~-m~, :
REDUCED -- 7 x-'35 hlnoculars:--co--~-~- camera. Price reduceit to $189.50. Hoodsport 877-5545. A 10/1-15 tmfur~ish~, garage, yard. Call La-
cd lens, guaranteed. Regularly'S34,50 Zlegler's Camera Shop. 1/23 fin F0R EXPERT MASONRY, firepl~, S--ftY--(~ias-s-e--d"I-Iy-d~-~oi~~ft Blssonlere Agency, 426-466@ or 4~-
NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop frail'--0i)R--CATJ~i~'OG -SIgR~r-ICE---~ chimneys, planters, call R. ~L M~s~on, steering wheel, speedometer, new4336. D 9/29 fin
......... 3/26 tfn Many thousands of items to choose 426-2278. 8/1 tfn cables and new crash controls, color L'A'W~~N'T-S-7"-B-~he~
Dt]2'ci-I--R-6~~-'~'I]-~ from. Large descounts. We p#y HA-V-~G~p~~ red, w,.ry good condition, $40 corn- units, suitable for one or two. Corn-
reg. $6.90 gal., $2.95 while it Iasts. freight, Shelton Marine Supply, HfN and interior. Free esUmatea. Workplete. Inquire 413 So, llth pletely furnished. All utilities in-
Straiten Marine -- Hillcrest Hardware[ crest M 8/8 tLn guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. R 10/1-15 cluded. Reasonable. 7th and Pine.
.... M I0/I It .---~-~~ Phone 426-8248. 5/I0 tin Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tfn
t~.X-I~'~I~,~--D-0-LL--C-L'-O-'£H--E-'~--.~ -~I'n]-~ stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 ~SHAI~PENING, sl~edy, , Wanted F-OR'--I~I~NT --- Two bedroom furn-
bags, exclusive The Wax-N-W~ol each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfnaccurat~..precision grinding. N-ow at lshed upper duplex downtown, $45.
~aeger ~otor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone Call 426-8485 after 11 a.m.
shop, 1303 Olympic Highway South. ~'OU [C~ P~ more l'water add 426-4602. , 1/15 tt~ WANTED: Older woman for parttime: S 9/3 tfn
..... L 4/30 tfn longer with Fairbanke Morse pumps.
HAY-FC)--R-SALE~e~on~ See them a.t Shelton Electric Co., ~~' receptionist. Apply at Dr. Tokas of- ONE BEDR~~h-~I~
426-8781. C 12/5 tfn~t~ ~tauroaa. I//16 ttnsoil, custom tractor work. Johnsflee. 417 Raih'oad Ave.T 10/1-8 718 North 6th. D 8/13 tfn
BBAN~--N~W-"-I~I'()~E-L~-~-0~--~]K~0-fd" IPOR SALE -7 Used steel, plates, plp~, Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone ~g~6-
3552. 9/12 tfn GA'R-~-G'E-ST--aat~sf basements el~n--e~.d F---0"-R-R--EN'T-~'--0~~'Y-u~-7~ni~d
camera -- Sensational camera at a pulleys ann snaft~. All type~ ea~: apartment, downtown. Plmne 426-
sensational $139.50 Ziegler's Camera rage..shelton Junk ~0., 2]rst ann out, and remodeled. Light hauling. 3134, H 9/24 tfn
Shop. " 2/13 tfn Mill, phone ~-8625. 9/8 un Miscellaneous Oshborne 426-6241,
~-~-T~t-:--p-~U" two bedroom cottages. Call 426-4420.
for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dora- e~nditioned ranges, refrigerator& JEROME BURKE ' fez" ritired couple. Modern apartment Highway i01 south. S 6/11 tin
onstration. Elalnes phone 426-4582. washers, dr~ers. Eells & Valley Al~ GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, and co~hpensation. Phone 877,5324. ~DROOM furnished home for
E 6/4 tfn pllanee ~enter. 6/5 tfn pit-run gravel. Minimum charge un- ~ S I0/i rent. including washer and dryer.
...... SEE OUR FINE stock of fireplace' der four hom, s. Anything over four
. equipment. From fireglow to Frank- hours Is by the hour. 426-3678. WAN~~~te--c~l: Call 426-8423. W 9/17 tfn
I | T I P S[ . g~_~~| lln stoves, grates to glass doors. B 6/25 tin lector. Phone 426-3806 V 10/1 ~4-OR-'--R]'~N-T~~--fu~is|~ed:
| ~ ~"__~~ ?~| Carlsona Tile and Fireplace. Mt. D-I~.I--VERS~~I'NG-'pr-~p-'~ WI-L-L--D-O~ii.ting--l~n~ modern one-bedroom house.s at Tup-
| ~.~ ~ ~;~p-.~~...~| View. 11/15 tin written and driving tests. Private $2.50 ped day. Mothers care. Phone per's Resort on Lake Nahwatzel,
| ,*, c'~ ~ ||~t'uT~a~.~f ,,,~x.~ | ~ lessons beginner and refresher cOur- 426-3492. B 10/1 tfn 8 miles to Corrections Center, 14
miles to Shelton. Phone 426-8323.
| b~.m,¢ 1.(~,~ q'~.*~'~) ~r.fFA ;~ | at a practical price! DeTrey's Me- ses. Pick up service. Call ely. I]57- R-I-~SERS-W~Ta-~ 9/17 tfn
| ~.~'7.~,~._ ~-~4.~r | bile Homes, 1617 Fones Road, Olym- 6131 collect anytime. Monday evenings to Olympia for TW~-0--M~T--C-H-~-N-~-,I~7-[,E--'~n-i),~
pia. Wash Phone 352290, 2/21 tfo c 6125 tfnHigh school classes. Pl, one 426-8026.
W 10/1 tfn furnlshdd. Utilities included, on
heaeh. Sunrise Motel, 877-5301 Hoods-
| .~l~V,,,~/}~ ~ ])r,.,.~,~[,q i -~-R-I-GG----S--~nd--S~T~a~dln-e-nt Used ~rs ~)"--T.~K--'-E----a'A-:R~'~-f--dl~ii-d~yc-zi" port, Wash. D 9/17.tfn
| ~'~t47~[" ] J/..~,~ | engines, short blocks, parts in stock In my heine. Call 426-6181. ~~n~d aa-"--~d~7.
| ,$~, ~----'.-%~--ag"¢~J,"~lSe~2o~| Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. 1956 CADILLAC, series 60 Special C 9/24 10/8 furnished one bedrooms apts. Ample
I " ~%t~ First. Phone 426-2412, 3/28 tfn Fleetwood. Also 14 t't, plywood boat. ~V'I-LI~--CI:f V¢ E--C I-[I L-D-~iii~n'Y "l]~ine7 storage. All utilities included except
Phone 426-8113. B 7/9 tfn Call 426-2078. A 9/3 tfn lights. Reasonable, 7th and Pine ~ts.,
tires, $275. Call 426-6737 evenings he- Call 426-4378. V 4/16 tfn
|..,~.,~l~l)~~" "-.,,-~ [l,d][[, |.[: R1VATE 1)()G Obedien(.oinstrue- fore 9 p.m. II 9/27 10/1 C~3RT-IF-i]g--D--dtt-y~e'~--~'-('.'~d---~;ard. l~t~l Estate
| ..... ,'~"~,,I~7~1~- ~ | Ii,m.. Tcann Kennels. Phone 426- ~9'921"9~PL-YMO[/T"~--f~GT;~)-d"~iii~: avalablc after August 30. Phone 426-
| -~-'~,.-2~-,~~-~... ...... -7 6940. F 9/24 tfn bet. new motor, n,ake offer. 1316 6632. N 8/6 tfn
W. Harvard. Phone 426-6698. ~]~-~]~ 'TWO BEDROOM HOME ch)se to
................... HORSE SHOEING done in Mason C 9/24 10/1 Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn school and stores. Wall-to-wall carpet
County, your place or mine. Jim
".Now that it's done--I'll tlills. Call 426-6064 or 426-8876. ]95.1 Chevrolet 2 ton truck Witli-lm-i's(~ AUTO PAINTING $40 and rip. Also inwithlivinglotsroOm.of Large slzaciOUScabinets. Tiledkitchenbath,
5/14 tfn vmL Go.d meter, good rubber. $975. house trailers, boats, etc. Phone utility porch and double garage.
look for a place to eat in the
Want Ads*,"
SAWMILLS and Accessory machinery.
Photo: 42{;-8113. Also 30 Caterpiller
engine and TD 9 Crawler tractors.
............... : ....................................... B.
TOP SOIL. gravel, fill dirt. F. E.
Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tin
Imlh logs and r(~cessed. .10 gal. elec-
tric hot watm" hmk, lnrge oil fur-
IIIICO, NIOV(~ hood wJth fan aad 11/~''
pip,' ;m(I filtillgS.' Clt!;Zx(~ t~,)bin;:mt,
~1,a nlih'a sl~l.ltll o[ S}lclton on Olyln-
Ilia highway. 9/17 tfo
C1P,(;I,I,I ".1" and Sk~,larl~ horse trail-
('VS [~)l' sale. Fl'olZl $950. Mason CoUu-
ty Trailm' Sales. Call .126-8032.
R 9/17 lfn
i~'i ) ii-" S-A i7,]~- "ZT-"t~-~;iiT-~ G:~ii;i:Te--t .vi;7~
writer USe(1 very little, l~eaSollablc.
supplles. John Rice. Phone 426-6108.
after 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations.
' R z/7 tfn
NEW SUPPLY of turtles and fish a-~
Patch plastering -- Marblecrete
Stucco --- also taping
reasonable rates
8/27 tfn
in. Also greeting cards of all kinds.
5c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378.
V 3/19 tfn
tlORSI~S FOR .,SAI-,E -- Mares and
(,n,~ g(!hling. Contact H. O. ~Rowe,
426-8032. R 9/17 tfn
........ .. =..2 .... H ~ I __
Phone 426-6441
7/23 tfn
.......................... T ....... 7" ........ "" , ,, .......... ,
The dark-horse
LOW AS $124.95
Sales & Service A. Sharpening
B &. W Marina --- Union, Waeh.
898-2355 ---5th & McReavy
4/9 tfn
at 211 West Cota
Adults $1.50 Kids $1.00
Bumper Sli=kers
Free On Request
1023 Firsl Avenue
Prompt - Guaranteed Service
317 S. 1st 426-4553
Slaughtering Unit
Cooling, cutting
Lcmke'a Service 426-6779
Glenn L, Probst
Olympia 352-2255
11/21 tfn
(Paid Political ad by
Arthur C. DeWitt)
1 walnut buffet, excellent
2 end tables with lamps
Mahogany coffee table
Kitchen table, 3 (~hairs (wood)
Kitchen table, 4 chairs (chrome)
1 Frigidaire electric range
All reasonably priced,
deal directly with owner.
,Phone 426-4305
Used Appliances
WASHERS (all brands)
Rcfrigerators (both deluxe .and
those perfect for summer cabins).
All used appliances have been
th,oroughly reconditioned and all
are guaranteed.
"It's the service after the sale
that counts"
Will consider good factory-built tan-
d'enz 2-]'lorse trlti]er as trade. Phone
Hoodsport 877-5425 after 5 p.m. IRONING DONE -- 90c an hour, one
H 10/1-8 day service if desired. Call 426-4593.
JEEP -- '59 cab-over F.'W.D. with L9/19 tfn
winch. Joe MeKiel, Hoodspovt.,, BABY SITTER to sit for two Siil~i,i]
Me 10/1 tfn children In my home starting Sept.
• 15. Call 426-3288 after 5:30 p.m.
C 8/13 tfn
!NEED $3.000 -- Will give first mort-
gage on real estate, 8% interest.
Phone 426-2101. H I}/10 tfn
V~7x-N Y -~6~(I{: E---~X~- -};~--}}lii Kii'e i~;
in mY home. Call 426-6180.
C 9/17 10/1
WANTED -- Cedar logs and t-im'bc-:~r.
Call Olympia 352-3178. Seheller Bros.
Lumber, Route 4, Box 414D, Olympia,
Wash. 9/17 tfn
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOIYRNAIS-- Published in "Chr s,mas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Th
;,,][ I J I I E..: i[
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- Sp g .... ,' ,oL: a, I Legal :b/sileati°ns