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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two .E.____.‘.‘.._. -.\._...-. «.‘.__-.—__._ Ww_*~_\,_u_.. .w.‘~—wr.._~\, .____ .i. A .. ._.. _ Girl Born To Robert ' Algebra Popular 5 i '- 4 . i Bells In California: Indicatizlg the shift in tlie‘1 Mdt‘erlds , 1 NEWS AbOllt 0111' I , . trend of youthful aims toward ' (oomfort kits Boys In U n c l t HBaI-t MI.- and MFR Robert Ben, for- aviation, alegbra classes at Irene'I A N d N 1, A re cc e ow Sam’s I Services At Skookum Home; mel' Shelton residents, became S. Reed high school have overl 1 at San Mateo, Calif, last Sun- with about 20 in average years,§ wk. 1 -Friday, October x 0 ctobeg §H_ELT_ON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAE ‘wm ,M_‘_W_‘M___ _~_7 ! Wisconsin “CousiP 7 iFOR SALE: Montag range. Good, 1 condition. Inquire 655 Cascade,| Dick Parr ottifigfe‘t‘fimd “ FOP few days visit with his [Charles and Virdori .55," *— , l —“ ._.__.._.______.___.._..____ Frank Rose Dies ,Tahuyans Laud , T00 Late to 03881” Visit To Savagt, . ‘ -- r ,, ltation HiucmSt or phone figfiloqnlt' arrived in Shelton T11? _ rt parents of a baby daughter born 60 enrolled this year as compared? LOST: light weight beige coat be- i 0f Washing day, according to word received reports Miss Dora Fredson, prin-l Contributions of those things —-—-—-—-—————-—-——-——-— Frank Rose, ’2, a resident Ofl _By Effie L. Knowlton t _ other relativerbefore' M I by Mrs. Bell’s relatives. She is Cipal. .‘which make up “comfort kits,”1T0M LCCOMPTE GRADUATES Mason county since 1901, was‘ Tahuya, Sept 30iThose from‘ tween Junwr high and L. M. Wisconsin to enter schwl.‘ leiéw In rec the former Earline Cleveland. The new class in aviation fun— E given to servicement embarlnngiygupi AVIATION SCHOOL found dead in the yard at the here who attended the rodeo at: store, first art ofweek. Name been singing over an Av , 8:38.. stablll Mr. Ben Royomer Chemist is dementals which was inaugurated for overSeas, are being Sought byi His graduation from the U_ S home othis brother Fred at th- E Dewatto last Sunday were p_lcas-! Billie Kim e1 inSide. Finder dio Statié-n for several w, it rues and a now in the'Army Mrs Bellis tno_ at the high school this year is the Camp and Hospital Coinmit- l Marine Corps aviatioh engineer; i £10 SKOOkum bay sundlay mortrt' i antly surprised by the pi‘ot‘esjslonglg Please Phone 24R K—10’2M1tldecided held better return netting/lug f a ; I filled to ca. acit and its StUd- tee of the Red Cross in hlason l‘ 7‘ V. . - - in , by his nephew, Ear Legge ei‘forniance the witnessef. .‘ "‘ F""_w—'—"—_ t 1'“ 'I .‘l 10n.‘ ther, Mr... Oll.e Cleveland, went to p y , ling School at JacksonVllle, Florida, Algt'hough not complaining of “L t 1")". Huson tookyover catiload 90 YEARLY LAYING HENS for cggitsiigofolii‘khrlsg 9:111:01; I a1 Councfi ents showmg intense interest in, county. 3 and promotion to the rank of cor_ San Mateo upon receiving the ayel‘s shows their assignments, reports Homer:1 Mason county's quota. is lOinoml came to Tom Locompte, mess it is apparent that death who expected an amateur ShOVV,f 5319? for rentv 3 room house‘lwell he couldn’t leave.‘ V “It, eightce news. _ t I i _ , . . 000 Taylor, class Instructor. ,such kits, which include suclr f - r 3}, 1t ‘ h' h h 1 f0 _ resulted from a Sudden heart at' - but found an outfit from Mon 0 acres; ChICken house for 1, «he wants to return here . — Wee ~~—~-—v - A" r iitems as cigarettes, writing mzi- i bgéinoplayoet. 0:513th 8:511:12“, 0}; tack, Frank having been inaCthe tana and Wyoming on the ground; ch10k9n5~ Mrs- BloomquIStv Cap' his home. , aShmgton iterial, razor blades, buttons, gum, I wrote his r,{other Mrs. G 13" Le_ .fOI‘ several years. He was un‘ , that knew their business. h j “31 HIH- 10'2*9'16'~3t- :gofel‘ty ‘playing cards, soap box and 5031),; Com )t b atmt‘tuh ' ' married. , Finches’ premature baby aSi . .__ t x scs: shoe polishing outfitv Shoo lacos’i H91 has 13:0“; bee; assigned to a Funeral services were held at been brought home from the hog. WfiSITiIED.aXV§rré:he tgf dfwohogfiiel-l ,0 2 {waterproof match boxes, pocket 3 Marine Corps aerial Gunnery Witsiers Funeral Home Tuesday pita} where it was kept in an in-f drcn fige da S a week Good pay ’ , 3n, which ; size fiction books and sewing , Sthool at Hollywood Flofida for afternOOI'i. conducted by. G§0rg9 cubator for some time after birth. , In iuire Jom-Ynal Office' ' it “(in RBfeI‘j leases. i 33, six weng COUTSQ' EdeS. a retired BaptiSt mmlSteT: Mrs. John Hanlin is on a trip! ' q H410_2'_1t [ e 9-40-Mi These kits are given to boys with interment in the Shelton to Missoula, Mont” to visit her ( ‘ Ifislhthtttm 'they depart for foreign service as : LYLE M ,CREARY PROMOTED icemetery. daughter. v ’ V’ . 0 6 ;there is no commisisary on the 1T0 up0P(Kl(;Kv {N ARMY Frank Rose Was born a? Town! Mrs. Lilly Sebring entertained l'f - N . ‘ EiYhfiWement, jtl‘ansport Ships and tho-“0 bOYSl Though he had only received Lake. Antrim County, Mlch‘ganiiseveral ladies from Bremerton g .51 Eagfififi i haven‘t time to secure such things i hq -mmt to to Staff 5 r cant on and came to Mason county with i and Tahuya with a shower for her ' ibefore leaving usually. h Stpttmboitl 31 Loki (Sign) Mo_ i his brothers Albert and Fred, and l sister, Mrs_ Adeline Meyers. on I ’ t ‘ , . . . ., ., L e . i l ' ‘ l was iollowed by Robert Rose . Thursday evening of last week. , Contributions should ho soul. i;o,’Crom.VY son of Mr. and Mrs. lPhil Murphy, chairman of the ; Goorg'e Moctmry of Shelton, has later. and they develOPEd the farmiAfter Mrs. Meyer's Opened her Mr. and Mrs. N, J. Daviscourt Michigan, 0 West Vir; New Mex ,‘ the tax li Ready—Ml immmittm 0t“ " mem “f “m z‘ w. l 'd a 1+; t h at the head of the baY- Frankimany lovely gifts, the ladies: , . : _‘ committee inc]ng Mrs‘ ‘7‘“ HM‘ iii1 (they ‘iritizV—Etirot'lpra.iill?sn$1tlriolfis secured some land and hunt a Played Bingo until ten O’CIOCk EH30 figjedltghghgltofiiniroglogfig I ' i . llenquist and Mrs. Frank Hawks. Ipromotton lagt ’Week to thC rank small home on Angleside, which; when they enjoyed a generous. a. h M i t h ‘ Delivered Ready , [1.1 .e Wash] ‘ I —“’—“"—‘““"’_ V i h ' d veral ears and for‘ (int to Dlegov ‘V ere To aVISCOUT 33. ed. .lmltahon b . . .of first sergeant. i e accuple 5‘3 y i. feast. Prizes for Bingo w. Ilived for the last 20 years. ‘ pour where Ne 35 t " " ' Ea 16S Plan Big " His letter “me telling Of this the past year has been llvmg atiAlma Blairv Effie Known“ and The than c [to the Northwest and 1. g 1’ lSWift new promotion explained, the C31 Framer P113539- Besides his lIrene Stolz. vwag {made fitter a visit here “as. -. and sharp tuBCthe it o1. not, folksy Major three brother}:1 hle 11s surit/tved The local school board has cut; Sur‘anr with his brother, Emmi . .. t . Wa . \ r tKoher called me into his office a nephew, ar egge , WI gaged Shirley Orcutt to aSSis »Shelt0n baker. by Mr. Daviscourt” u . I‘e by re BE PREPARED Fingertip Model . e v .A i . . ~ ’ hen - ’th the school . v i , and offered me the JOb and said, Wh9m he was ,Workmg W Christine Ahl W1 . who has sold h‘s large avocado ‘1 hate to 1050 you, Mac, but I StI‘leeny and a “1908’ Mrs- G- 14- .work afternoons. Shirley is a sen- grove in California to make tm3 Badgley, of Elma. ior at Bremerton high and at- mcve to Shelton. itends schooltonly in the morning. At the present time, the Cam Mr‘ and Mrs‘ Harvey P“ends'lfornia brother is assisting the - lthink you're the only non-com in Shelton Eagles 131d Dl'CllminHI‘Y§tlie 304th who can handle the ;p1ans at this week‘s aerio mectfi‘job',” and Rubberized Work Clothing T. H E ST, '0. RE FOR MEN {that date. Other speakers and refresh- ments will be included on tho Oc- lEarl Moore announced. ‘ This evening (Friday) a dele- ‘to Tenino for an inter-acrie visit, ;leaving from the Western Supply store at 6:30 o’clock. Press has thus far kept the peo- ple of America free. ; tober 26 program, Aerie Secretary gation of Shelton Eagles will go: Eternal vigilance of a Free 'grand to the American service— The Olympian asked that such (men and he has been invited out a road be built to tap manganese to overnight with one family and ore deposits in the nearby Olym- another night for supper. The pics so they could be transported climate he describes as similar to to the reduction plant near Hoods- Washingtons. He was made a port, corporal before leaving Camp The board set October 13 at ten Claibourne, La., and also earnedio'clock as the time for a public {a sharpshooter medal for his regi- ‘ hearing on the proposad plat of ment. Clifton Beach Upland Addition as --—--- submitted by Alden C. Bayley, . d a roved the vacation of lot DON WEEKS QUALIFIES 3‘" pp 10 in block 70 of the plat of Un- ‘ FOR ADVANCED FLYING ion as petitioned by Mrs. Kather- A birthday luncheon honoring Frances Huson was; enjoyed last} Saturday by Mildred D-rugg,§ Christine Ahl, Eleanor and Shir—V ley Orcutt, Lilly Sebring, Gladys Rendsland, Helen and Frances. Huson and the hostess, Effie Knowlton. George Archer has glassed in a portion of his spacious front: porch for a sun room. Last week seemed like home- coming week with Mrs. J. H. Ro- lie coming down from Ketichan Milk iButter Remember , you can ,‘get these “dairy ,products ling for the coming official visitl Wasn‘t that a compliment, withI ‘land made a busmess trlp to 86‘ Shelton brother in operating the ‘ Rad’ ‘to the Shelton aerie of Sta E -l . . I ' awe 0“ TUeSda-V- '~ - m ;gle President Jess V. Sapp 0:— ifgral gtaff sergeants outrankmgi 1 Mrs_ pixley is homcdfrom tthe Davh’court Bakely here' r. Sept .30 Cotton Gabardine ;tober 26. First Ser cant McCrear is ' , « Ehospital Where She U11 erwen 2‘ “1‘ _v:;:::-: ~77 ., ‘.. ' ' ' The evening is to be ‘new mem- 'i now ‘top kgick’ in the 13351211I :, minor Operation ‘ . .. . . tsggligeh: ’bel‘ night,’ With a strenuous effort,1 Guard Squadron at Wheeler Sack ' l M“ and Mr5~ Dan orcl‘tt enter" tion in Wa. Full Length . ,being made to build up a large Field, Pine Camp, N. Y. Promise to investigate possibili< tamed? number of relatives from. .. . coming to' Cotton Gabardine {class of new members for initiaq ties of constructing a mine-to- .Olympla Over the Wetk end‘ 4e , IIlake,» an i , ftion when the. state prosident‘.(j()RP_ HOMER KILLOUGH market road from the head Off Our former neighbor, .Mr. . est radio : ‘ ' :- comes here. To that end. a specialva IN GREAT BRITAIN Lake Cushman to manganese ore Cad)“ Who ‘5 .“OW .enga‘g‘id 1“ a ‘ . '- evening at $5 initiation fee has been set byl Mrs_ Olive Johnson received a deposits in nearby areas of the {mining ‘operation in. Utah, was: . 3. ineCOun . Iithc local aerie, good only until ; wire this week f‘rOm her son, Cor- Olympic mountains was given by down With his son, Bill, from 1391- ~- dinner. .‘ October 26, and a $15 award has pora] Homer (3, Kinough, that he the county commissioners at this fair. . ' , eVenihg‘ f, 1been set up for the aerie member had arrived in Great Britain safe- week’s meeting after hearing an Mrs‘ Chas- PICkenS. ‘5 Still ml . accompanig Arm. Duck who signs up the, most new mem- 1y on September 19. {appeal made by Charles E. Brown the hosp‘tal .mcuperatmg from a ’ daughters y ibers who are actually initiated oni He said the British people are of Olympia for such a road. minor operation. t o' mtg}: . J ‘ .CREAM VALLI . SDonsored 1 Elton E: one Of 400 Stuaents Who quali' ine Allison, when no objections for a brief ViSitv Mr- George mm“ from us-Jate in,the evening and Sundays whcn .M i i a NO. 2 cANs CAL RANCHO TOMATO sour TISSUE 6 iii. 29¢ UMS ' taxis " Beans Gallon .. ..45¢ TOMATO JUICE ] I l . l 1 school at Kelly Field, Texas. GEORGE DUVALL SENT TO GREAT LAKES STATION Great Lakes, Ill.—Joining the many other “fighting” men with America's armed forces from Shelton, George E. Duvall, 39, son lof Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duvall, R. 3F.D. No. 2, was received at the j iU. S. Naval Training Station here 'last week to begin recruit train- , ing. During this training, the new irecruit will be given an aptitude _. test to determine Whether he will f be given further specialized train- ling at one of the Navy's many service schools, or assigned to ac- }tive duty at sea or some other I {naval station. IWARREN RJEBINS ENTERS g NAVAL AIR TRAINING Another alumnus of Shelton's ' iIrene S. Reed high school headed for a career in naval aviation is 25-year-old Warren Frank Rob- bins, word from the office of ,Commander Bert H. Creighton, . 1 Senior Member of the Naval Avia— I 1 tion Cadet Selection Board for the l Thirteenth Naval District, dis— closed. After pro-flight training at St. l .. l Mary's College in California, Rob— '.. I l ition of county School superinten- “Not one mah in ten reads tended the annual state conven- the County seat on Monday' dents in Olympia Mondayv “4335‘ books, but everyone except the day and. Wedn?sdayv at Whmh helpless poo'r satiates himself cv» such currently important school ery day with the newspaper."— topics as the scrap metal, sal- Henry Ward Beechen vage drive, gas rationing regis- LIGHT Lu‘NCHEse-SANDWICH' I SALADS—SHAKES—SUNDAE? tration, changes in high School curriculum to emphasize aviation Journal Want-Ads—Phone 100 OPEN 10a. m. Till 1i p. m. and SUNDAYS- pre-flight courses, tires and school transportation, etc., were thor- oughly discussed. Supt. Martin said the finest, convention talk he has ever heard was given by Dr. Hart of the Uni- versity of California on the sub- ject of the necessity for instilling in children from kinder arten age up the importance of t e coming era of air transportation. Constructive T B ’ Program Lauded Mason C o u n t y Tuberculosis Leaine was complimented highly by Mrs. Bethseda B. Buchanan, state executive secretary of the Washington Tuberculosis Associ— ation, on the constructive program I it has spent its flinds' on in the past few years when Mrs. Buch- anan spoke at the league‘s an- SPEC ..___.._—_____.. Breakfast of Champions WHEATIES . . S U I E bins Will recefive grled SChOOl nual Christmas seal sale meeting M. D. Touet Tlssue ----------------------- -- ,_ u ' o and flight training With the lat- last wéék. est types of naval combat planes More tuberculosis cases have I ' . west ‘ v - ' . ' - last J th the entire . 2 . ¢ G 'i ¢ The course Robbins has chosen past hggggyof tfigléggue, not be-‘ , , BIG VALUE v 1" Bmakfmt of ChampmnsT‘!“ ‘ '3 , .R HAMS is Open to a" qualified high SChOOl cause there is more tuberculosis?! R011 ‘ . . i I ’ Air ,.. ‘ i graduates betwee? the. ages . Of but because it is being discovered, i .. I ' ' ” ' ' ' ' " , ‘i . . I; . v , . y 18 and 26. Robbins, who is the] she pointed out ., ., ~ ‘ . III‘ ' ¢ . V, V son of Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Rob- She also commented that more CRYSTAL WHiTE ' I, ‘ . I . V - bins of this city has reSIded in men have died of tuberculosis in H ' 4‘ 0 Cereal r ............................. Shelton for the .past 11 years. the past four years than were FA‘RMONT Tapioca 2 Minute ............................... “7.1.1.; FRED W’EYAND RECEIVES WINGS IN: ARMYAIR coups ceived the silver wings of an Ar- at various fields located in the} been found in Mason County Since Staff Sergeant Pilot Frederick NOR'. 'v Boyd Weyand, of Shelton, haslTo A§%FEBRED just finished his training and re-’ ’ ' ' killed in all the wars since Am- erican revolution. Mr? and Mrs. ‘Bert Rau of Kam- ilche learned last week that their CREAM wHfi-E .t t... IALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY A i, ‘ sgii-soowo fix; 2 pkgS- .......... MUCH 2R9 ‘ A t cocoA libs. _‘ 5a.. .......... __ 49¢ JELL 3hr l 29153“ 32233383. artists were to an .1333: . “.8 0,0,, sc§001,pDon Weeks, Sign of Mrs. M .w°_ A “ififldi Luark. and son William Lewiston: i: , Florence Weeks of Shelton, is ‘now artln tten S angWIf‘ivoalso fif Seftlttle.ldalétstog-' V . , . . .. .. .. . . ‘z rday at Randol h Field, Texas, takin I ‘ " .' o pln In see ow e 0 am , the advanged Army Air Corp:r ing grounds was coming along. _ion 35 training. . v Mrs. Frances Huson and son, 4, .ft gr I H Mal H l'f‘ d- th 1.1- har . . John, made a business trip to ,. , I 40 er 9 qual 1‘3 m e P em“ 3’ County Supt. J. E. Martin at t p ' g 9:30 ___u._ Dy. H81 '3th Shel pkg. my Air Forces Glider Pm” at son Norris has been transferred ~. lthe South Plams Army Flying to the as 'yet uncompleted army School, at Lubbock, Texas. air base at Goldsboro’ North Car_ Carrots. .. Zeitllls t. . .ib. ____ 'i‘ r Steak,- - “l- 3150 w i Weingrs lb. 29c After a period of primary train- ' ; mg at Goodland, Kansas, Sergeant for at least the next two mohths_ olina, where he will be stationedi {Weyand came to the new South Norris holds the technical tabl i I l l l l l Plains Army Flying SchooL which mg of propeller SPGCiali-St instruo l according to recent War Depart- tor in the air corps. SH NO. 2 YAKIMA a“; VALuE . mus 59""? 112:9. M morn announcementyis being de- 1 veloped into the largest advanced l PERRY ROSE NOW IN glider training school in the na- OAHU, HAW/Ali tion, if not in the world. V Mr. and Mrs.‘ Albert Rose of ' Sergeant Weyand is the son of Kamilche received a V-letter this Mr. and Mrs. Boyd E. Weyand of week from their son, Perry telling lBremerton. He is Scheduled for of his arrival at Camp AndreWs. assignment to active duty with an on the ‘islémd of Oahu, Hawaii: ' Air Corps unit. .1. .v «i r »: ~ :' . m- ~ Pork . . . . lb. 251: l He E'Xpresse‘d a strong likin'g for VEGETABLES ~ ‘ “ " ‘ NAT HOLMAV ViSITS his new a’sngnme’r’it, which is with DRY i . BreaSt Veal - - - - - HOME ON FURLOUGH the Navy' . , . ' ' y " t p 3 .3, -Nat Holman, son of Mr. and TOM NEL ‘ r 9 LocAL ‘ , Hamburger . . . lb, Mrs. Nat Holman of Isabella Val- SHEPPAE%O%§$£E£AS ‘ ' A , i .. w. . ley, enjoyed a visit home last Tom Nelson, Son of Mr. and '3 ‘ .. .2 ._ 1, ,fl _, . S a week on furlough from Chant!te Mrs. Art Nelson of Kamilche has; , __ a S . . . . . . . . I. o ¢ ¢ Field, Illinois, where he has been been sent to Sheppard Field’Tex. . ~ an air corps mechanics instruc-iaS, an army 'afi. base, {0 'be-gml SUNKIST kg; ................. ‘CHEESE WILD ROSE ......... __ lb. 35¢ TILLAM‘OOK‘ ________________ lb. 40¢ VERY SHARP .............. _. Iii. 45¢ i trainihg as an aerial gunner. ! tor with the Army air corps. He was to be transferred to an- . . other place upon reporting back BOB WALDBURGER. 'SPENDS to Chanute Field, but he did not 8 HOURS IN LIFE RAFT i know where when he left here. ., ' Friends of Bob Waldburger of |Kamllche listened with rapt in-i terest the past week of his ac-' count of eight hours spent in at CALIFORNIA Carrots .. 2 15¢ GRAPEFRT Marmalade , LE'l'lllcE aheadszsoz'ir :1 JUICE SHOPPING BAG Apples..........39¢ Cl HARRY DEYETTE WRITES OF COMMANDO TRAINING A forty-four page letter, writ- I‘Ubhér life raft semen/here in the ten over a period. of two weeks, Pac‘f}0 Oceah recently after two: describing his training with an mom“ on the Navy transportl Army commando unit at Helena. Plane. in Which he was a gunner, lMont., was received this week DYi falled and forced the craft down- members of the Harry Deyette It sank in less than a minute. family from Harry Deyette Jr. he related, but the crew escapedi The lengthy epistle tells .inl 0“ the rubber raft and was res-' highly interesting fashion the Sen- I we“? eight hours later. Bob re- sations and pyschology and phil- ' tUTHEd to his Navy duties Wednes- dfll’ “W‘l‘ five days at home. i .- osopllv behind parachute jumping; us I l s .« e l i