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I Mr. Pigmon is also transferring
to Bremerton the taxi seerce
October 2,~ 1942.
"Our liberty depends upon the
Miglesiile Bridge Club
freedom of the press, and that
‘ Mrs. Jesse Barrett I ' ' “
. Hostess Thursday Eve ‘ illolds Thursday Meeting
which he began here In Shelton Mrs. Jesse Barrett was hostessr 5 Thursday
afternoon the Angle-,cannot be limited without being
. l ' . ' .
i several months ago and whlch to the members of her brIdge club;
{side Bridge Club met with Mrs, lost,”—Jefferson,
0 l B0 P N I B t has proved (lune DOPUIaF- Th‘i ThurSday evening. Mrs-
Inezi _vr;__‘ iEarl Fortnuni for a. dessert lunch- A —w. _-.7
l ( . . . l . n
n r r Enatal garage also has severa Dodds was guest of the club. I The
first Red CmSS hutmmh . con and afternoon of bridge. 11011-.
I aphgtriEehIt 73.11%? in thtc‘w uglpeelr P Mlembeli‘S/I
presélnt wage 130: l, Class of the fan Wm Open Tues_ ‘iors were won by
Mrs. Sid Hatcheri
l a. 0 1e [11 in,so : al son, rs. me mi , r.. . . .. ..i. . -.
beforef Te i of WaShingtOn’S Ao'Mm By Una “fins” i 0W9“
Pigmonl Shelton busmess‘ It)on man is operagting a. varied Edgar Byrnes,
Mrs. Carl Hellman, Ogogeé 6' Alt fave]: £3109? i and
nter‘schfiol. llgw in reducing prop-i Shelton Valley, Sept. 29—Atiman
of the past several years, business in his new venture in Mrs. George
Coopen Mrs. Glenn~ 1’11 ‘5; 1;”) EOS‘TdiI‘f'a‘ ‘1““1
915 “i
.ver' ah ‘ “1‘38, stabilizing govern- . the meeting of the Grange
Thurs- this week began a new business Bremerton ,Edgley and Mrs. Roy Getty.
. 19 e “1 fi- . w a MARRIAGE LICENSE
several henues and attracting in- ‘day night it was decided to
pOSt‘iventure which takes him to Mrs. pigmon is remaining in‘
Refreshments were served and' Everyone interested is eligible I. B.
parrott, 62v and Albertine
receiving favorable na- ' pone the Booster Night meeting l Bremerton,
where he is now oper- Shelton to continue Operatioh of i honors went to
Mrs: Hellman” l and urged to enroll. The textbook, Blanch Learn-mg 54
both of Olym-
“Food and Nutrition," to be usedipia, at Shelton, September 30,
in the course constitutes the onlyl
expense at a cost of but 35c.
the small grocery store and ser-
who also won the galloping goose.
vice station at First and Pine Sts.
Freedom of the press 15 the
attention, a report Of‘until October 16, as a speaker atin the Enatai
garage, the only
I 8'
91 Council of Real 135- i was not available for that date. parking garage
in Bremerton near _M._ .
“The liberty of the press is the
Phone 392-J
~___..___ w... ._._...___~ .0-
1, ayeI‘s shows. !The regular meeting will be held the .ferry landing and
has the Which they have run for the past
t, eighteen states areiOctober and all the members agency in Kitsap county
for dis- year, palladium of all the civil, poli-. Persons who plan to
enroll last stronghold of Democracy.
&Shington’s lead andl are urged to come as numbers for tribution of
Clipper gasoline and __..—._.__.— tical, and religious rights of an 3
should come prepared to take When it goes, Democracy goes
Quaker State motor oils. l Journal Want-Ads—phone 100
Englishman."—Junius. notes. lwith it.
"‘ property tax limita- i the program will be practiced.
ll, which will vote on
3 0n Referendum N0. 6
A; the 40-Mill tax limit
9 sixth time. is far in
I‘d of the nation-wide
.movement, the report
lS'ht other states also
new .E
the next session of theirl
birthdays of Clyde Jones and Dav-
lid Swanson were observed. Mr.
{Swanson reversed the usual cus-
‘: tom when he brought a beautifully
{decorated cake out and treated
fthe members in honor of his own
i birthday. )
Mrs. J. A. Shafer was compli-l
At Grange last Thursday the, K
Ina paper bag for the duration
fiillta‘x limits an; sevden l mented Sunday When her son andl
' c igan, Ohio, eva a. I dau hters sur rised her with a . L . . . . .
, , . 1 west Virginia, Rhode l famgily dinner pat Rau’s Chicken NUMBER *
How to get the latestfacts on everyday nutrztzon * Foods that be m wztb the
New Mexico have in- Dinner Inn on the canal. The 00- W. , , now left in
the bean. ' ‘
,‘ the tax limit in their i casion was in honor of her birth- fl, '
Government’s program to 5,111.14 strong natzon Motber settles t/ye
arguments ground fresh when you
'i§- day. Those enjoying the affair ' l b u y it, GUARANTEE
.ed Ready l lilkc Washington, has. as were Mr. and Mrs. Shafer, Mrs. ING
the 53 m e H i 9 h
were Negd, Ymtatlon but the legis- R. E. Grenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Al- u a l i
ty. 3 l e n d Ema C
. Flavor.
and sharply increased
tfixes. Washington
alns’t this increase by
Me by ,reenacting the
' Sman Smith
Smith has notified his
' that the rapid progress ‘ ‘
_ , , John Kneeland. Mr. and Mrs. John Peanut Butter . . 2-“). ar 4:4; ~
.13: in waShlngt‘on w!“ Kneeland 0f Shelton drove down “Real
Roast" Real Frcsl‘rRoastch flavor AmmOIlla’ 0r ’ ' '
' ' ' ' ' “
maligngntoaggiezgatgvgl Sunday and brought her home that P anut 0 .
Pacific brand. 12~oz. butlll‘s
.y ,, ' evening. 8 er... ~-. . ar i' ,
egst .radio stations nextl Mn and Mrs. John Inge] and “Beverly” high
nutritious, l—ll). jzllr 24c Pmex BleaCh * - ' - - ~ qts' s
‘ enmg at 7.15V also to children were over from Gig Hap Cleans. blcaclics
and wliltrns clothes
e'i’ti‘l'lil'lg...f£)l'lOWi.ng‘. He ‘ ‘ ' A
sat“. dependable fuel. :u'iin; bleach “ . . i - in
.. accompanied by Mrs.‘ Mrs' Dewey Beni‘ett V‘S‘ted w"
French Dressmg .... .. 8-oz. 15¢ .
’ I d8. ht sunday afternoon With Mr. and “Miracle Whip” r111 c 0d
drpq' MatCheS — - - . . . . .. 6 boxes ma Nottml Grm Potatoes
ug ers. MKS Dan Bennett of Shelton while I I ' ' C] y
“9480" “3mg Favorite brand, kiwi) a box handy 3011]“ “W
, . V H -* U her son, Keith Bennett, went t0. b t n t avonnaisem- 32_0z.
-ar 47 a a pygrhwnflv 1:50 tub
‘- ii: III a 8 long a m ratiii§.--..;-..-..-..- 620m 25¢ ii
i 1 . . carcll fl“ aw: Illa (:lrls ,urm In a .' n c '
. I, i Mrs. Roy Fessler and little son I) Sandw’h Spreadnw 32-0z, SW,”
at attractiw price;
i §J h rs. B - --L .i B f. , I . h _. Wax Paper ........ .. 200 ft. 23
Egg gcgcfiiynyveaggdohézrfrsglsrteghgton F5};- um i ox mm. the finnst
ingxcdl his “Cubmte” brand‘ 12541. mug 15“
5 2 day and called at the .J. A. Shafer . . salad Dressmg ---- -—
32‘0z- 35¢ 8‘“ '1" 4 l i ' ' N c
‘ Better nutrition means better health, and "Duchess" just
right [0,. Summmy Salads 1 { Issue .................. .. t. . ¢
(il'aded U. S. No. 1 Yakima cited wins
Mrs. Clara Huntley of Shelton and b n 11 “4— Ill" 1'; ‘l r
:. 'k: LI!)
V 8 IN“? and Mrs. Vearl Bennett and fit y servmg them the right foods.
Treasurer Pickles 12—0z. u,» lls ll llill) int i I I I lb.
products efgnsor‘i‘; byl gio‘gegl‘lgyictlfirezn‘ivezgs- Safeway
has joined your Government’s Nancy's luscious pickle assortment B b ,
F Graded U. S. No. 1 Yakima Nettfid CNN
3 ‘ ' ' w . l 4
lays whcn ‘ on ag es. ’ago to Bremerton where he plans
‘d’t’i‘l’agf‘ for an”??? gealthlhrouigtl nu" rlamburger
Relish 12-0Z. d y so-lbl Ills
, to work for awhile, and Mrs. Ben- tn Ion y‘correct y agam Ogcnng 9'
Nancy's tangy hamburger relish Graded Lg s. No. 2 Yakima Nettcd Gems
; ‘l s Orchestra inett and the children came over forrespondence course
0f 10 easY‘tO'leam Gerbcryg Ipood‘4 3 for
" iF'd 'h ' d" ' ' - ‘ ---- .- a
. .§ day Oct 3 or; an
Cereals and Flour
i . ‘ .4 ‘ I ' . ' . . . ‘
. v ~ . , _. , f. : 3‘ of Julia. Lee er ht’s “Kitchen Course In lel)
’S FOOdS ...... .. 3 for “ .
1°“ 35 TaX5¢""‘ I ' " ” g ‘ 1 i "H '-
l" l l' r l‘ 41' ~
I l nal ¢ 5 - Nutrltlon first offered. a, yea-r. ;Lg0...-i;he
IinIBr_(x cereal I I _ U 26-0Z' omogcnl/M Jaly ow ,ig-or. tins
sweet-ripe, Extra sweet Large, juicy-
OP 1' , 40¢ per person ! . correspondence course in nutrition which
Tasty, healthful, when base col-m] Helnz Foods. __________ ._ 3 for 20¢
Commas, Thompson (:glii‘orhiu
-” 'l lg to i Flylng In Illl‘ilgedlegiol‘llsgitiélfi
Itlccendoy hcttérthetalth; Dinamite ____ " 204n- pkg. 21 Heinz
strained baby food. ibis-oz. tins 'Z'gi'bfnflg'
seedlg‘gugjwes Pig‘s;
NDWICH' is just off the przss Carri-giggly Illegrilt‘lin 0m
bflsp cmveal for (Nick enm‘gy Gerber,s oatmeal" for
SUNDAE5; y H g to meet war—time demands and fully cx_ Cream of Wlleat
14_0z. Spmlally.‘ p,rcparcd for ballys, 8.07.. (1kg.
if, V V . CITY BOWLING LEAGUE plains the Government,s official guide to
Regular type. delicious wheat flavor Eerber S Cereal . . . . .. 2 for
UNDAY57 ,, H A Associated 0“ 3; 0L 11:3; good nutrition. “U. 8. Needs
Us Strong." fe‘hi‘ls.of.1Wheat.... 28-oz. 18¢ gram “‘8'
1m JONATHANS _‘_ ________________________________ _. 1b, 99¢
" ‘4 ' H ~ . i-Cammaranos 3. 3 $500 To enroll, simply fill
out the coupon below H‘amin “Lily ill-31.0%,?“ comm
spil'sialllyuirilrcpaggegrini'ahi Ext” Fan“ and Fancy Juicy
Jonathan Apples
il' Am, Reed {mu No. 2 . 2 .383 and mail it to us today with 250 in
min Wheathearts 28-oz. pkg. 24¢ DELICIOUS
................................... .. 170- 10¢
Munroe Men’s .......... .. 1 5 .167 About ten da f SDf‘l‘l‘y's
energizing wheat cereal Extra fanc new crop Delicious ADDICS
_ ys a ter enrollmg, you should 3" ¢
Jess Daniels and his Associated receive your first lesson, and each week
Malt-O-Meal__ 26-0z, pkg. 23¢ -. Pet Foodq GRAPEFRUIT “71-1
" "
Sat, Oct. 2-3 Qilers are off 1:9 a perfect start thereafter, until ten
weeks have passed you A vitalizing. wholesome cereal * Fancy Afifosna
Marsh Sec 055 lb 11¢
E ‘ ‘ii 3331335 33%? fififige‘fiefii‘c‘éi; will receive
another lesson Upon complet- Kitchen Craft 49’s $1 75 Gro Pup 25 oz 93¢
LEW...“ cg;astonishing """" '
WITHER ' _ .. _. ,, . ------ ~- ' ' ................ .. - . -
' v “if gidfersgiitstarts and limit}.th [umny “our'
241/{2’lb5- 89C Kellogg's new dog food ill ribbon f0rn1~ . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. boha
. ‘i _ V , F .in .h, l cally grown Beets
.1 .Reed. Mill No. 2 was the vic- planning, and Julia Lee Wright Will send
Sp§1y39gm§2ggcgyh- 49?}, £133 Alber’s Dog MeaL V2413 42¢
CfirflEfiY o ......................................... .. lb- 3¢
tlm this 1week, btut they made it you a personally endorsed Certificate
of F. 0111' 5' 960 Numuonany balanced dog “Ml Local long-wrcen
Utah type Celery
A: - . . ' 5
~ 8 Daryvell. Lime 53%;: clfgiggu$° 512$; Merit, showmg that you have
successfully “libel? S Blenll ...... .. 49 S $1.87 Mankind Dog Food 5-lbs
55¢ LETTUCE ________________________________________ ._ lb. 843
th‘yllgag: t’frrafiyt” uncomxznonly close in bbth lineups passed the
course and are eager to do your )US all-purpose fluour, 211/2—lbs. 93c
New, crunchy. kibblcd donr l'ood Locally grown lll‘m 501” heads b
r . . . .
’ .' . " Cammaranos squeezed a to 1 part In bettering the health
of the Nation. DRY __________________ __ - ag
acted Short glib-lee“ decision from Munro's Men's Store . . . S
. Fancy Yakima kn“ drie‘j Onions
' in a pin-toppling spree in which H9793? h“ 0f the 10
{MW/‘15”??? upel‘ Gamay DRY Onions
.................................. .. ll).
.- Mon Tues both lineups doWned over 1,000 the Kitchen Course in Nutrition
S 0 A P S 0 A P S 0 A-P U. S. No_ 1 Yakima Onions 5
' " i the opening engagement, less 1.15 Y F '1 Re 1] we“ F
d; ‘ ' 1b
. ee Sunda 2:15 [pms n . on our amly a y e I S
.......................................... .. -
‘ y 311: SfigfigggsmiilgfilgoEgguidgficg lesson 2. Feeding Your
Family Its Vitamins. Trixuglsmggmgggl! I) t gncy locally grown Hubbard
.‘ ggnda, Lynn Bari, Cammaranoys veteran skipper; Lesson 3. Minerals are
Mighty Important. soup (gl’u'h‘gcfft’r' 2‘};
“wwmm’n_"fm:':fi::”"l P ...................... .. lb.
. ‘1: Ameche Paul Fredson, paced the league Lesson 4.
CookingThoseVitaminsandMinerals. 2”” mm purposes. 21-01.. Sm. han New
Crop Cahhwma Sweet potatoes
. , THE scorers with a 578 total, although Lesson 5. You Need Plenty of
Protein. ‘ *' TOMATOES __________________________________ .. lb. 15¢
7. T Blah Stewart of Munro’s tookt Sin- Lesson 6.
YouCan’tGetAlongWithout Calories! (7,“ Hot. House grown rim: Sillid
pi DOPE” gfmgvelpnriaselwlghdalgiégg Lesson 7. flannili‘ilg Meals
ffor good 1\l/Ilutrition. bars Prices Subject to Market Change
3 ' Lesson 8. ore utrition or our oney.
M Everet Horton,
l'ge Barbier
ay - Thursday
referendum or lnltla-‘
. . Radio [Thursday
1 .» Sept. 30 —-Congress-.
1935 and 1937 amended bert Shafer and children and Billy
{Ramin of Shelton.
i Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bennett and
daughter Elaine of Shelton. Mr.
{and Mrs. Vearl Bennett and chil-
dren Earlyne and Bill of Kenne—
. wick and Mrs. Dewey Bennett
Were visitOrs Sunday afternoon at
lthe home of Mrs. Charlie Baker.
home Sunday from Eglon, near
Point No Point. Where she has
spent several weeks with Mrs,
.Holmgren, the mother of Mrs.
Sge'CGll'nEy Democra' : bor for a. visit with Mr. and Mrs.
miner- Raymond [ Walter Cooke Sunday.
i home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jeffries and
daughter Geraldine of Puyallup,
that contest for his club.
Feminine Lineups
[start as feminine bowling league
Mrs. Signe Kneeland returned
in this vital war period, it’s a patriotic as
well as a personal duty to keep your family
Lesson 9. Nutrition in Disguise!
Lesson 10. The Rewards of Better Nutrition.
P. O. Box 660-cc
Every Day Prices-Every Day of theWeek
Peanut Butter and
French Dressing .... .. 8-oz. 15¢
Kraft?! appalling French Dressing
Nalley’s Tang ...... .. 32-0z. 37¢
A delightful. tangy dressing, 16-oz. 25h:
SPECMZS //V 00/?
Household Supplies
Silver Cream.._._. 8-oz. jar 20¢
Wright's brand. pl'ln'mi high quality
White Magic ...... .. l/z gal. 18¢
The economical toilet tissue
Comfort Tissue... 4. rolls 23¢
Every Day Penny
’ i333 $113193:sz °f “ E 1 M t h d -
—————————————— —--—- ‘hIRY DEPARTMENT
~ .. Short s bjects Ven y a c e MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY
' H Four clubs :got away to an even Julia Lee Wright M NOl’} Hill
COETGB ........ .. ll).
()ur “DeLuxe” (:ol‘l'ce. ground fl‘csh
POTATOES 50-“). 1.79
Graded l'. No. 1 Yakima Nettnd Gems
i ‘i
l l
I . . .
. ‘ play was inaugurated for the Oakland, California I. r. . I -
‘ BIG FEATURES season Monday night at Al Fer- i Iwantbobl'ing better
nutrition to my : aha-IkL-r-éa-Wlnll)‘; 07¢ qFederal Milk 14
/‘z'0z. 3/25c
rier's maple emporium as Mason familyplease enroll meinuThe Kitchen ..
. . , .. I . iy ll.» Top—Quality, Washington ploduct
‘ ‘. Romem' Gamle Cleaners. McConkey Pharmacy, l Course in
Nutrition,” a correspondence I Fresh Butter ‘Vesfia Vanilla 8-0z
I Mllton Berlei the L' . M' and Quality Cleaners l 90"“? 0f
10 eésy lessons' Endosed is 235° I “TaSW-Pound” 91
score:Il'rcsh'crcamel‘y A pure ilgtutionl Vanillavcz—ilract
—-———-—-t- lb. ¢
~ 1' “1 respectlvely captured odd-game I in com, covering the cost of
the entire I F i I Pork
. . verdicts from Daviscourt'S Bak- course. I resh Butter .......... ..
lb. Enriched Bread... 1/2lb. Au Pure Pork, seasoned,
eryv werberger Wineryi Forge“ : N l "Glenbroolc' freshly churned
prints Julia Lee Wright‘s fresh bread
Gardens and Shelton Cash ro- ame............. .......... ..... , _
2 l I Fresh Milk ................ .. qt. 13¢ Clgal‘ettes.. ctn. $1.55;
2/31¢ 0...... Should... GROUND BEEF lb. 5;:
. 11d HIT The Opening night scoring pace I Street......... ... . . . .
.............. I Mason County country-fresh, 4% milk. Choice of Kools,
Raleighs, Luckics. etc. Cuts Young P B f th .ft t .
g“let Lockwood iwas paced by P31111119 Staley’ For' I City..... . .
. . . . . . ..State . . . . . . . . . ... I Fre l ' i . Grain Fed Pork
100/" ure ee n y mea ‘
' ‘ rest Garden leadoff trundler but L . S ream - -- p lgal‘e 85..
ctn. .
he? 466 count wasn’t enough to
————_-_'————7_——"—— M330" County
commercial cream Choice of Wings. Domino, Avalon. ML: ¢
r v i O
' bring Victory to her team Freda Fresh E s .......... .. doz. 59,
Velvet Tobacco, __ 1b. tin 79; _ ,
{)6 Fredson Steered Mason Cleaners" “ A grand array Oflredpes ,
C0~op. Specialg‘gA” lgc. bluc carton eggs. Humidor pack, also Prince
Albert Tender Lom or Rlb Cum
l"3k Farr, Marjorie ' Dot RObel‘t set the P309 for Pumpkin
Parade” is the title of an article F .
p. Fielding conkeyisY Mable Brewster hlg‘ ' in week’s you should
. . . . _ . . . . . .. !)¢ lb. ¢
'1 l 3'18 ed for the L' M' and Hazel F?!“ . - 00-01).
Special “A” lge- brown eggs “Universal” brand safety book matches B
f ‘
0 NEWS rier counted best for Quallty read' It Elves °°dles 0f reelpes
to prfwe F h E d 54¢ G h k 2 lb ¢ 66 Ocean fresh sliced or piece
" Cleaners. more can be done with pumpkin than Just res s ____________
__ oz, ra, am yrac ers__ S. - l
baking a. pie. Get your free copy of the Co-op. lgc ggi e “A” check
eggs CriSP. deliciously flavored grahams ¢
Family Circle magazine this Thursday- Darigold Cheese ........ .. lb. 29¢
Soda Crackers ...... ._ 2-lbs. 17¢ $42,352,. Oheaéy' '
a 3 I Mild. full cream American Cheddar New Leader. salted soda wafers Cuts
Steer Beef, thrifty beef cuts
-- “ 2. Safew‘ly Kraft CheeSe.... 2-11). loaf 65¢ Soda
Wafers........_. 2-lbs. 19¢
.5 i1;
. 5M9)”: otyyrlhlnnhme COMPANY. OLYMPIA. wwlmcton. M Il-
Homemakers’ Bureau
Your choice of delicious flavors
Oven Fresh. dainty. salted sodas
HALIBUT . lb. 35¢
Ocean Fresh—Sliced or Piece
onscoveaeo smwm
ye_w mug OF WEEKEND
. Prices Subject to Market Change
YOU'RE comma new ME MOTHER I'M ms is LIKE OLD ADVERTISED siliceous
EARLY , ..
SHOP! I'M nor momma women Aéour umesyusy wmsy. in THE weemowmemv sac
:zzrdfilngnyzuwtfkyxr 3:,
you have more time to.
week-ends, but you’ll be able
. h f ABOUT SHOPp'NG' J2£Jssfigr to shop more leisurely if you
get your
big grocery order on a week day.
t WMT W SAYS ' Safeway’s specially low advertised
prices, you know, are now good Tues— 1
day through Saturday . . . each week.