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summon—Mitsonflcoumr ,JOURNAI;
- Forge Five
lFormer Shelton Girl Returns To California
Married in Seattle Mrs. Virginia ,Moore left for
Miss Frankie Ann Feiscr, Los Angeles, Calf, on Friday af—
cers and a review of the pastldaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank- ter visiting
for three months with
year's accomplishments (see story lin Feiser, former Shelton resi— v
her brother, Bill Shelton.
on page one), the first fall meet- ' dents, became the bride of John .
_, ,mr . _, _ '
ing of the Garden Club Monday Mathews, son of Mr. and Mrs. .1.
Say It
’T. Mathews of Seattle on Satur-
was also made interesting by al
They Bring Comfort
l 3 '
{Going Ali'ay Party
5 “ 1 ‘Honors Mrs. Soulc
Garden "Club Opens Fall
Program with Interesting Session
In addition to election of offi-l
LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor
dinner guests Sunday,
complimenting M rs. Sherman 1
‘truck loaded with toy furniture . Plans for an aetwe year Start'
VI Sunday
Clever table decorations were -
’ Plans Big Year
v ‘1 Hull, Mrs. Eve Bindara .
.l eny Archie and Virginia, 3 Soule and given by Mrs. Ila Chase.
ast week. The centerpiece on the
Hicks an '
(1 Mi. Fuller, U. 8.: ~ in October 10 hav b l d b
ilcd hll sz . g e ee“ 5“ y
p a e on a 1 Of 1nd and Sage the Shelton Women’s Chorus.
(1 Mrs. Lewis Wiley had
used for the going away party
Powers, Floyd Hicks and!1
lace covered table was a small
highly instructive paper read by I day in Seattle, at a 9 o‘clock mass
were week end guests at. Mrs. George Drake on the cultiva- In St.
aunt of the
eyis brush with tiny sign posts along V. .
__———————-————-—""" t' f h th
Mar aret Allen
V . , . ictor Palmason, new director v 10“ 0 c rysan emums' i g i
ii '— :lldeTVlilitllOytltiram‘S‘ran alihg‘of the Shelton school
system's Shirley Marie Gerhardt And From Auburn The important points
for 8110- mm was he” only attendant and 3"" Happ'm‘ss
"Moo 3 To Have 6 Sign on e music department, has been secur- Wilson
Lewis Hardy Married Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Long of Au- ccss in "growing
'mumsy She said, Hamld W- Al‘derson was the beStl
1 man. .
front of the truck saying, “Good-
bye Shelton, Hello Pasco.” The
cards were tiny trunks and .
11mg bags_ as accompanist. _
Mr. Palmason studied violin un-
meet. ‘ . ei ht» Mrs. Soule was presented a red, '
in Magsgé 3:11“?ng at g {white and blue corsage and a der Peter Eremblum
of the noted
IV ‘gift from the group. lCornish School in Seattle and
TWO tables of bridge were in Mortiz Rosen of the University of
burn were weekend guests at the
1. Choosing hardy varieties that
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
robe of gladioli and chysahthe- Young, sister of Mr. Long. , The
mums Sunday evening for the , Long’s came to Olympia to attend
wedding of Miss Shirley Marie 1 the wedding of M. Dean Long, Mr.
Gerhardt, daughter of 1étl‘lCllLong‘s brother.
Mrs. Roland Gerhardt of e on ._ .—
and Wilson Lewis Hardy, son OfIQ-E-S- 500131 CPI”
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardy oi'Schedules Meeting
Sequim Washington. ‘The Order of Eastern Star So-
The aouble ring ceremony was Clal Club Will hold a SOCial meet-
performed by the Reverend Rob-1mg at the Masonic Temple at 1
1 Guests Friday
guests will be present
' erling (Friday when the
D? the Moose will hold their l
The First Methodist church
ed as director of the cnorus, and
wore a yellow and flame colored
Mrs. qumaSon has been secured Delivered anywhere' anytime
Travis Floral Shop
Shelton Hardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270-W
For her Wedding the bride worel
are grown around Puget Sound; a cocoa brown suit and matching
2. Location protection of roots I hat and her accessories were laur-
from sun; .el green. Orchids formed her cor-
3. Not planting too deep; isage. White gladibli and white
4. Preparation of soil properly,‘ dahlias were used in the altar dec— l
with a mixture of 50 per centlorations-
rotted barnyard manure or com-: A reception followed at the
post, 20 per cent sand and 30 per i home of the bride’s parents. Miss‘
cent garden soil; Marie Yarr and Mrs. A. M. Byrnes
5. Pinching back if many blooms assisted with the serving and Miss
are desired; lJean Elliott was in charge of the
6. Keeping plant growth con-lguest book,
, .. . . .
1133' With the allo in oose and wa'smngton’ and volce under H“
lirst prize golllg t1?) aétfllel Soule ram Tune in Tacoma' He
and the cut prize to Lura Hurst. ed the 32mm” Grays Harbor ChOil‘
Guests were Hazel Chase, Mary feStWa1_m Abel'dee“ last year and
‘ Dillon, Madaline Quinn, Ellen was aSSlstant director of the Grays
lHarrison, Laura Roush, Lura Hur- Harbor Symphony and himse”
ert Maulden at 8:00 o‘clock before o‘clock on Tuesday, October 6.
,I‘Shelton Wash St th played violin for two years in the a large
assemblage 0f friends and L ~' ‘ C r .‘ Christ'e . . . . .
I v ‘3 honored 919513 and the Tacoma Symphony. relatives. The altar was
decorated efigggglfggtz ova; and d‘aughterl tinuous by regular
fertilization; Mr. and Mrs. 'Matheyvs
with tall standards of flame col— ! 7. Spraying every two weeks; lmake
their home in Shelton fol—
" “PS—Sat” Oct. 1-3
Phoebe will leave this Saturdayl
Mrs. Palmaso‘n studied piano‘
8. Above all, giving plenty ofjlowlng their return from Har-
ored i
l gladioli, small yellow button
TWO FEATURES IMr. and Mrs. Chase under Paul Cierre McNeely of for Corpus
Christie, Texas, for an _ ,
Have D- ‘1 r . ‘k r ._ Chrysanthemums and small ycl- , d .S.t with Lt.
-. _ Don water. lrison HotSprlngs, B. C.
I On "m" cums“ lgeame and RudOIPh Ganz 0f Chl 10W Pompom
dahlias- The l‘ght of I Wlénglid Ensign David “gig: both Mrs- C- E-
Runacms read 3‘” Tne br‘de’ granddaughter Ofl
Autry, Smiley Burnette
‘ ALL or THE
Friday evening Mr. andlcago. She tau’ghthpiafno for eight
Mrs. Glenn Chase entertained at years in Aberdeen and Was pianist
dinner the following guests, Mr. for the Ladies Music club of Ta-
article describing the- two out-
many tapers in tall candelabras
standing roses for 1943, No. 1 be-l
. ' t h 'r base.
softly lighted the floral setting. mStructors a t 6 a1
Mrs' Harry Shelton and RObert‘ Given under Auspiccs
Mr. Wiss plans to join the fam- l
Allen, is well known here having
' and Mrs. S. E. Soule and children, coma and the Music and Art Mr.
Gerhardt escorted the bride fly in December for Christmas ing the pinochio
bloom, the new- :ttenged Shelton SchOOIS a hum—l LADIES OF THE MOOSE
' —and— 'Mr. George Trowbridge and Mr. Foundation in Seattle.
down the candle-lit aisle, marked ————”— est 0f the .extremely
hardy. rug- 91‘ 0 yearsr I
ged, prolific, extremely disease- 1
Buddy story’s Fourth
with garlands of snapdragons andi
Birthday Honored
'elllln S M l l
r. yste y D ama
fall asters tied With talisman rlb .
iVisiting Here Sunday
and Mrs. Paul Hurst. On Satur- ‘flori-
The Women’s Chorus is looking
forward to an active year under
Friday, Oct. 9
resistant, ever-blooming
day, and Mrs. Soule and Corporal and Mrs. Charles R.
. , . . . . - ‘ r i l the bundas’ with blooms in great clus- .
lfamlly 10ft for Pasco where they Mr. Palmasons direction in brln bons- Her
White SllPPer_ sat!“ H0901“ “g hell 5011' Buady.’ on . Wd f
1“ t L ', ‘
‘ KILLER” will make their home in the fu_ mg to Shelton better music mi
gown was fashioned With a occasmn of his fourth. birthday, ters of salmon
gradually changing anldgfir: Slog Aigéigaisfileldsxlgh 5-8 P. M.
L ‘7 turc- grams. SWeetheart neckline and long, Mrs. Glen Story
entertained at her to soft, clear pink; and No. 2 be: da ' ' i l
i, v I puffed sleeves extending in alhomc Monday afternoon for John- mg the
Mary Margaret McBride y' __ l
~ da ,_wednesdav Two Shelton Girls Pledge . . . point over the wristline.
The long ny and Sandra Buchanan, Dave bloom. named _for the. author and At
Stephens College '
‘ ~ Washington state Sororities Bridal Shower Honors torso bodice was
buttoned down Austin and Jackie Webber, Mrs. radio personality, which has
per- Miss Bonnie Jean Dee an isl Adults 75¢ Service Men 50¢
Austin, Mrs. Webber and the hon-
ored guest. Ice cream and birth-
day cake were served during the
fecuy formed double blooms 0f busy again with studies an social
Miss Andrey Freeman
ldeep coral pink suffused with activities at Sephens College, 1415.! g
A bridal shower complimentingl
Miss Audrey Freeman, bride-elect
of Anthony Balazic, was given on
Saturday afternoon, September 26.
the back, and the skirt swept into
a long train. A halo, embroidered
with seed pearls, to match the,
seed pearl design on the neckline
of the dress, gathered her illusion
Two freshmen girls from Shel-
ton were among 184 co-eds to be
pledged by 13 sororities at Wash-
ington State College duringl
pledge week recently.
Children under 12, 35¢
Allbot’c a nd Costello ’
w. .“RIO RITA” i
A Real Laugh Riot
shimmering gold at the base of
the petals and a foliage of ink-scum
uriant smooth, deep green. l '
1 Ruth Hillier, daughter of Mr. 50:9??? foo?! thgl prettydafiair veil of
finger tip length. Embroid- £141; Mrs. Emery Burley, retiring r i -
and Mrs' A' E' Hillier‘ Wk” tmns‘. e~ 5' 50“ an rS-
or also marked the ed e of the In 9 ‘ club resident, ave a re ort onl
" ' l i
s ferred to W.S.C. from StephenslPhll Sloppleri mother and SlSteI‘.
veil. She carried a brilie’s bou- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walton en— the
Vaashingtongstate Feé’eration s E P T E M B in
. E College in Missouri, pledged Al- reSPeCtIYd-V 0f the honored gue5t-
quet of talisman roses tied with tertamed at the” home Mondarlé of
Garden Clubs convention which '
“PRAIRIE pha Gamma Delta, while Betty The time was spent socially
andlwhite satin ribbon, and wore a evening for Mr. and Mrs. Iglobenelshe
attended this summer in Sefl _ ,.....u a... in. '
‘ ‘ l; 1 ’Lou MaCke' daughter Of Mr. and'reffeshnlentf’
.Were served Wlth single strand of pearls. a gift Ja‘flks‘mv Miq'
anddMfif' gain} attle, at which time the import-' “NETS - . ,
e , erSr 0- J- MaCkei ledged Alphal?a es Wlth. bndal decoration
add‘lfrom the groom- Burgoyne’ an rs’ f ance of ‘Victory
Gardens’ was 95 9‘ on . . . ,
. plus Delta Pi. {mg a festive note. Miss Nedm Oppelt was the Brokaw and
Shelburne Zollmzénuo highly stressed. "‘0‘: ‘ anE e out
l Guests maid of honor, gowncd in pale Tacomav Week end gueSts o 8 There
were 12 exhibits of falli ‘10“ L vi“
‘ V _... ~ ‘ V included Evelyn John-
gglflgzycslates lson, Mrs. Ken Wolden, Sheila M.
, I ‘Gates. Mabel P’ m ,
The V.F.W. Auxiliary Will hold plemons, Mrs. A. llfLZiInkefgleitIts
pink not over taffeta, styled with flowers adorning the hall for Mon-
a tight bodice and full, sweeping
skirt. She carried a bouquet ofl
will be easier to save if We all make it a point to 'shop thriftily,
insisting on good quality and really low prices!
Slates Coming Event displayed two beautiful 'mums and
Shelton Dancgcmh day‘s meeting, too. Mrs. Runacres
.. ~ a regular meeting on Friday, 00- and Donna Lo h'd 1 ' d
'nk tuber- . s ecime b r 1d d d
’. ,tober 2, at the Memorial Hall atlBlanche Sheelyu “Whig; (till:
beggnaiglsogndallvorepa matching A Commg event.f0r membgrstgf zgmias-nMI}:
Ogfiuopifisfi 1;)“ SR.
(13: -Saturda 8 p. m. Durin the evening the I ‘ .’ . ' , . v .,
‘the Shelton Dancmg Club is e . v
8' y Bracy. Mrs. Virgil Bradlv Mrs cap of flowers in her hair. 9
standing arrangement of Seed New St les For Fall!
will give away the pillow caseslxen Millikan, Mrs, Edwar'd'Hurnll
Bridesmaids in pale pink and Barn Dance Slatlechtfir gamberrm pods and
also one of phlox and " y I.
. RUBBER idonated for the benefit 0f the ble, Mrs. Delmar Chivin‘gton,
Mrs, blue gowns of the same style Were ‘ ggrsthzté‘gggggawmabg
reqtigsted fall asters, one of marigolds and‘ . Wonlen S I’IATS
. r. blavcikoufE curtains. Williams, Mrs. Lou struthers, l Anne Norin,
Patty Eurquhart, to wear cords overalls or gingham another of nasturiums;
Mrs, L. D.
and rs. ula Martin was appomted l Mrs. Nick Ruff, Mae Rugroden, Betty
Maxwell of Seattle and Ni- dresses. Mr. a’nd Mrs_ R. w_ Jack Hack pom pom
dahlias; Mrs_ J,.
,publicity sub—chairman for the Mrs. Ken Stewart and the hon- ta Oppelt
of Shelton. They car- T. Shimek tufted cosmos; Mrsf‘
5th District Department. Area cred uest Andre
-C0nference will be held in Shel- g ' y Ireeman’
lton for the 4th and 5th District Bridge Club Members
on November 1. It will be an all Sew for Red Cross
day meeting. Members of Mrs. H. L. Ken-
nedy’s} bridge club sewed for the
Red Cross 'at the home of Mrs.'
son are chairmen of the events.
Charming chill 1i H. i n Lt,
styles! Dressy types .wlth 5'
the right dash . . . sport:
types with a gay air) ‘
Vernice Johnson an unsual ar—
rangement in a small picture
Occasion for Party frame of goldenrod and veronica;
Surprising Mrs. Lewis Wiley, and Mrs. George Cropper a blue
ried pink gladioli and tiny rose-
,buds, tied with satin ribbons and
wore matching caps of flow0rs
in their hair.
Richard Mathews of Seattle was
the best man. The ushers and
candle lighters were Alfred Peter-
Mrs. Wiley’s Birthday
Mrs. J. O. Bovee, Mrs. Cora Hep- hood.
ner and Mrs. Agnes Hansen gatli- Mrs Burley announced than
Fa’shiohs for Everyday!
ered at her home Saturday for a
'You Want
noon following a luncheon at the
Colonial House.
At Pullman
Miss Barbara Kreienbaum, the
Charles R. Lewis Tuesday .after-fion, and Robert Puckey, both of
“I Love You Truly" and “Be-
cause” were sung by Miss Betty
Lee Jemison, accompanied by Mrs.
Loui Larson. Mrs. Gerhardt wore
party, the occasion being the
birthday of Mrs. Wiley.
Mr. and Mrs. Duffield
Attend Reception
anyone wishing to join the Gar-l
dne Club may come to the meet-i
ings which are held on the fourth!
Monday of each month. She alsou'
urged members to go to the Red
Cross sewing rooms on the Gar-E
Sport styles ill one and [Wu--
plncc types; Dressy illodnls
for your leisure! Rayolls and
mixtures. Sixes 12 to 20.
Good Weight for Fall!
NE .w to o A '1‘ s
Sport twceds with snap—out
-llnlngs or dressy fleeces
lth fur trim! Fall shades.
izcs 12 to 20.
Mrs. Thor Anderson and two
.children and Mrs. George Stoben-
feldt of Republic, ,visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Duf—
daughter Of Mr. and Mrs- C- H- a street length dress of aqua blue
KTEIenbaum, .haS Started her Stu- and a brown high crown hat with
ldies at Washington State College. a small rim of blue and brown'
She 15 llvmg at North Hall. feathers. A corsage /of yellow!
l A130 attending WSC are Miss rose buds and small button chrys- 1 field
this week. They accompanied
{Betty Lou Macke and Miss Ruth anthemums complimented her at- ! Mr.
Anderson to Olympia. Where
lHillier, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. tll‘e- the is attending a meeting Of
l»C_ J_ Mgcke and Mr, and Mrs, The Colonial House was choson§County
School Superintendents-
IA. E. Hillier, respectively. for the reception. which iinmedivg‘ «Mrs.
Anderson and Mrs. Duffield
211ter ilt':c‘)IIOWetd1‘lthéedweddilggc.1
rene orres a ecora e i or i 11‘ Mr, and Mrs.
Visiting Son and Daughter the occasion with arrangements 1
Duiiite‘fiidil'tggeéntghe wedding re-
. MT- and Mrs. T. K. Needham 0f of yellow snapdragons larks ur ‘ '
. . , I Bremeiton.
INew .Westminster, B. C., returned l and miniature pink dahlias. pOn l
cepnon Of his mece m
this Grid With Mr. 'flhd MI‘S. the mantle was a garland of , Local
Ladies Installed
Harland Jordan for a Visit with flame colored gladioli and cacti. l In 8 ct
40 Offices
«the Jordans and Mr. and Mrs. The bride's lovely three-tieredl Mrs.
Eula Martin was installed
James NBEdham. Mr- James Need- , wedding cake centered the recepé i as
Petite Chapeau of Pierce Coun-
’ham and MrS- Jordan are their tion table. Flame tuberous begon- ty Salon
No. 220 and Mrs. Mar-
:SOII and daughter. 'ias circled the base of the cakeltha Witsiers as
topped with two hearts held with 1. siere at Edward B. Rhodes em- . , , , .
satin ribbon. Mr. K. W. Frank‘orial Building in Tacoma, Wednes- t0 the
White Shrine Ladiesthof
decorated the cake. Presiding at.day evening, September 23. Shelton and.
Olympia when k ey
the silver service at either end: Mrs Lucile Bery Department were
entertained by Mrs- _Hac at
of the candle-lit table were Mrs.i f B er’ton acted as “9‘ home
ThurSday evemng'
Chapeau 0 rem ! Refreshments were served by
Art Noe and Mrs. Stanford Tur— ‘ install-m Officen _ , .
her of Aberdeen. Miss Nedra Op-j Mrs. gae Melcum also attended Ellie
liosztgssmgprfgreigs the evening to
pelt served the cake after Mr. ou '
the meeting.
and MFR. Sheltonltes Attend
_________g_,_y_ _ I I . Hardy cut the first 1
V V .' ‘ piece. Miss Jean Elliott was in Past IVIatrons, OES Council
of Camera Clubs
" Among the Sheltonites attend-
. charge of the guest book and Mrs. ; schedule Meeting
llllMAY 3-le
den Club day, the fourth Fri- \
Mrs. Roy Eells, Mrs. C. C. beslvase with goidenrod and monks-‘
He Wants
'er YOURS-
who in Today and
Make an
,day of each month. I 4'}
Mrs. W. F. McCann l
Entertalns Club 3
Mrs. W. F. McCann was hostess,
to the members of her bridge'
club on Monday evening. Guestsl
tot the club were Mrs. Carol MC-1
Elroy and Mrs. Walter Elliott, Jr. ,'
Honors were won by Mrs. Fred
Hickson. Mrs. McElroy and Mrs.‘
Charles Hurst. Refreshments werel
'Mr. and Mrs. Eeedham
served by the hostess, Mrs. Mc-
White Shrine Ladies
Enjoy Moving Pictures
Many enjoyable reels of moving
and set pictures were shown by
L. D. Hack and George Andrews
Men’s Shop!
Fine Fur Felt
Snap brims . .
pinch fronts.
telescopes, raw
and bound-edge ,
models for fall.
Gifts for Men in Service outside U. S. From The
including Alaska must be mailed by
October 31
:Enjoy Trip ‘to Oregon
»Mr. and 'Mrs. Orin Parks, Mrs.
ICorajfiepner and Mrs. Roy Rector
; "drove to Cutler City on the Ore-
gon coast over the week end.
They brought some big King sal-
mon back with them.
Charles HurSt t0°k Care Of the? The PaSt Matrons 0f the Order! ing the
first anniversary meeting
bridal party before the ceremony,‘,0f Eastern Star will hold their of the
Washington state Camera Colors galore!_ TWO-
' . . - t . . . .1 'e .
GUARANTEED FRESH $25365 were taken by Mr- An-‘next meeting war géingsMc-
Club Council meeting in Seattle, Fig: sinusitis: 2-98 SCHOOL DAYS
. mo 12 s!
Culloch, ThurSdaYi at were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jack- Checks, dots, stripes!
When the couple left for a trip‘ Harlahd Jordan son, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
‘llh . 1 o'clock. MI‘S. ,. ,
. ol‘tening to Lake Crescent, Mrs. Hardy;will be the assisting hostess
for Gyne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hues- ; Bacseballl Egg“; final?" 6300
" ' T ' glgteofamédigmplfig: With)er Yqu ' the luncheon
meeting' ton and Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Hal- W “pg 6 e ' '
I a ma cn—i . V < bert. , Men’s Fall Slacksll Tailored Sport
Jackets. 3.98
l u I " ' .212%egggriiglfieiogogggéeafis1223K 3,5132%]: On
the day's program were lec- 3 For dress or Sports 5'90 Tailored
Flannel Skirts" 2-98
' Lettuce 2 fOI‘ ell of a ricot ladiin Thh r'll‘ Th-
ActiVettes will meet with tures. banquets, picture showing . A“ W00!
Sweaters ------ -- 2-98
‘ . H . . . . . p. g t. ..y vu i c i ( Th rsda at the Art Museum and in
the Boys' Sturdy Slacks 98 Rayon Crepe Blouses... 1.98
, 1"] 01d S 11d Heads . make their home in he LaMance r Mrs. Everett
Pourrc on 11 Y. - . . f f b . , 2. F. L th
g o ‘ Apartments M Howe Street in.OCtOber 8 at pm. evening a group of
models and chmce o 3. nos. Ine ea er Handbags 4.98
' ' . v, ‘ ‘ Seattle. ' __ _ instructors Were present for
pic- _‘ V . , i.
, R .. S. . . 2-le. The bride graduated from Shel- Lunch in Olympia ture
taking. , if i
, .... a i . . M c dDerofPortAn-
i t1 Firm, Ripe ton Schools With the Class of 1941 A YS- onra ,y ~______
__.___._.1 M ~
geles and Mrs. Winston Scott were . ,. . . .
berg QuiCR coaxing and attended Seattle school of R
Commerce. The groom is a gradw luncheon guests of Mrs. C. .Bor-
ate of the University of Washrdeaux at the Olympia Country
ington and manager of McDon_iClub on Tuesday.
Sgt. and Mrs. Aden
ald’s Grocery Store. Seattle.
Guests in Shelton
Out of town guests were Mr.
1 Sergeant and Mrs. Clifford Aden
Charles Hardy of tSequim, Mrs
Hardy was unable O attend her were house guests at tli'e‘Gordon
Hendry home for a few dayslast
json’s wegfingHbecauge of illness.
M . rs. arr .
anld Keith Ge¥ha.:(1l{1a£g:’ week cnroutc to their home inE
Mrs. Wilbur Gerhardt ‘Mr' and,P0rt Angeles after a two "week
Mrs: Henry Lancaster: Mr: and'vacation in Eastern Washington.
Mrs. William Crick, Mr. and Mrs While in Shelton they visited?
Otto Torkelsonv Mr- a“(1 Mrs. Ar- I and were entertained at the Frank!
thur Noel Dr- and Mrs. St.anforleeuston, Harry DeShields, Roy
Turner, Sam Noe, Mr. and Mrs. ; Kimbel, Hobart Hedrick and Ed-
i ‘Malcolm Fosburg, Adele Norln,tgar Osterberg homes.
Sypuds . .. 50-lbs. $1.09 i
akima No. 2's
Lemons doz. 35¢ j
; ERUP . . . . . . . . . . each 25¢
“hie Best, No. 21/2 cans
VgoNK SALMON. 2 for 49¢
nnle Best, No. 2 cans
reElkfast of Champions Alber's, Large
‘ 2...-.21e 2 f.._.__17¢.
all Roast. . . . . lb. 33¢
er Beef
i burger. . . . lb. 25¢
‘ sh Ground
‘ l
1: l!
0W Reduced
Haliver Oil Capsules
100 Abbott Haliver Oil'Capsules .... .. Were 1.29 .... .. NOW 89¢
250 Abbott Haliver Oil Capsules .... .. Were 2.59 .... _. NOW 1.79
500 Abbott Haliver Oil Capsules .... .. were 4.59 .... .. NOW 3.19
: Corn Flakes
:1 B Sperry's
«Pkg. ......
all of Aberdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark ghoulish,
Mr. and MFS- ROSS Butterfield,
MT. and Mrs- Edgar Mewherteru
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slater, Mr. and} Study hour was followed by a 50- ,
'Mrs. David 'Seefeldt and son, cial hour Tuesday evening With ‘
James Hoagland, Miss Lillian Mor- ? Mrs. Bea Brumbaugh and Mrs. ..
rill, Miss Johanne Ruckie, Mr. l Harriet Moultrop serving refresh-
ahd Mrs..Fred Marshall, Mr. and ments to the 30 members present.
Mrs. I. Brennert. Ray Crick ofl ‘
' Homehllilders Hold,
Study and Social Meet
The regular Homebullders Bible
Half gallon bottle
Séattle and Mrs.‘ 'Gylfi Sohiw of} Capitol Hill Club
Vancouver, Washington, lflonors Member V
Mrs. George Turner was host-
, L , Visiting Daughter ;ess to the Capitol Hill club last
, Mrs. C. Vincent ofiy Moscow, 1 week. A dessert luncheon was
Idaho, arrived Monday to spend served folloWed shortly by} a very
8. few daYS with her daughter, prettily decorated cake placed be-
ll‘l Rock Dell Mrs. Louis Ke.Vser. She Was ac- fore Mrs. Estella Ogden in
0 ‘ companiéd by Mrs. c. L. Vincent‘ of her 69th birthday. She was . .
. Gr 3111 ’ lb' - 12'0Z. 'o‘f Pullman, aunt of Mrs.
Keyser. taken completely by surprise as 50¢ SlZe Package of .
ib eef Red_I.Popt B is Two N 6 lthe members sang “Happy‘Birth-
B 1 p town p 0', iday” as the cake was brought in. I
. it,” B 01 . . . . . . . . N 3 k Buéyrlslvztfh gaggle?“ N 61 A
regular business meeting fol-l When you buy the large 1
. 1 e r00 0. l h - f - v .
00 e 1 p gs. ¢ m. o. a. B..- . giantess: 3:, 5m $225 VALUE tor
-------------- -
Lipton’s Continenta
an: 20th CENTURY
deaufogggfiegnguesgay after- { held October 6 at the Harry Cal- .
noon. orme and the ‘ .
hiked to the Weston home for liking home on capiw‘ H‘u' !
marshmallmi’ roast in the outdoor i Attends Convention l
fireplace” Slxteen girls and two; Mrs. W. F. Roberts was in E1-
lea’ders' Mrs' MarVin Leman andlma last Thursday attending thel
Mfs' James Slmmons were Pres-lGrays Harbor county convention!
ent. of the Women’s Christian Temper-
ance Union. She holds the office
loi‘ state corresponding secretary
of the organization,
The girls are making scrap
books for the Orthopedic l'mspital
this was .