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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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twigs ‘ ,, a.-. .5 ...-.,..I...» _. SON .CQIJNTY JOURNAL‘ "Didk Law In Toils For Income Taxes Dick Law, former Grays Har- bor CIO leader who was much in . the news in 1937, is in the toils of the internal revenue bureau, I charged with failing to report I $6,500 income alleged to have I been paid by lumber concerns to| prevont strikes to hamper indus- try in that district. The charge is denied, and the tax board has the question of which side to believe in making its decision, the friends of Law or the agents who claim to have passed the money. BY SOAKING wooo m UREA AND HEATING IT TO 2I2. creases F, you CAN KNEAD [Til/(E PUTTYn-u DISCOVERIES LIKE THIS MAY REVOLUTIONIZE THE WOODWORKING IN DUSTRX AND WILL MAKE IT POSSIBLE To paoouca mousmos or NEW ARTICLEG OF WOOD. AMERICA's omy REPLACEABLE MAJOR NATURAL RESOURCE AfiAWIdAMMiI; out A V *1... @flywz WIRING Is REQUIRED FOR AN AMERICAN FOUR-MOTORED BOMBER! THE AVERAGE U.5. HOUSE CONTAINS BUT ABOUT 700 FEET OF SINCE-PEARL HARBOR we us. HA6 'APPRoPRIATED I48 mum/vs OF DOLLARS FOR WAR-“NEARLY TWICE THE TOTAL FOR ALL THE OTHER WARS IN OUR HISTORY/ , HOME FIRES Are Caused by Efforts to Farmers Advised . I mean Clomes at Home t Mason County farmers are ad- happens Every Dayl. to purchase seed for fall seedings immediately. Although some of the vetch and grain seed used ihere is produced in the county Imuch of it is brought in from , other areas. Do It SAFELY by sendmg I Washington, Idaho, and Califor— Enia are sending a steady stream lof winter legume seed to the iSouth. Current figures show that 12114,. million pounds have been lshipped, with millions more on its !way. Included in the shipments iare 1912 million pounds of Aus- Itrian Winter peas, over a half :million pounds of hairy vetch and 1“ million pounds of rye grass. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU your Dry Cleaning to QUALITY CLEANERS Phone 208 Horn Bldg. *;2 J ournal' Want-Ads—phone 100 Guard Your Home Against Fire with SAFE WIRING Don't expose your home, ones and uncxpert your dear your valuables to fire by careless or wiring ~ HAVE YOUR \VIRING CHECKED, MAKE YOUR HOME SAFE Hzfvo wall plugs installed at convenient places and eliminate dangerous, unsightly extensions. Information and Estimates Gladly Supplied SHELTON ELECTRIC co. - Govey Building B. W. Soper, Prop; ' Phone 154-W " Fight Fire. at. Its ;. Source—by Prevention! In short—keep chimneys, stoves and furnaces clean. Empty ashes into metal containers. Don’t “store” rags saturated with paint and oil. Discon- nect electrical applicances when not in.use. Don’t.,use inflammable fluids. Don't accumulate rubbish—salvage it. And to protect against loss by fires caused by others, be insured . . . M. C. (NEIL) ZINTHEO REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phones: office 157 — Residence 183—W TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING vised by County Agent Okerstrom, SgNewsy Events At To Purchase Seedl Hoodsport T old 1 By Correspondent , By Doris Smile I Hoodsport, Sept. 30w Mr. and ,Mrs. Pickering entertained his Sunday School class on Friday grefreshments were the order of the evening. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Vic Spooner of Tacoma. visited Mrs. La Soie one iday last week. The picnic held at Mrs. Lin- sootts last Thursday Was well at— tended by both the Junior and Sen— .ior Women's Clubs. ‘ Mrs. Swart spent a week in Port Townsend visiting her bro— ther Harry Hurd and family and; I other relatives. Miss Maxine Bitney left Fri— day to attend the College of Puget Sound. Mrs. Hembury’s mother and fa— ther, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. DeWitt of Bellevue, were guests for the 'week end. Mr. Lunt’s sister, Emma Peter- ‘Ison, of Couer d’Alene. Idaho, is ,here for an indefinite stay. : John Allard is back on the can- ;al for a time, visiting his bro- i ther Pete Allard. night at their home. Games and‘ l i , I IHarstine Island 0 l T O I W/ml‘ la in an code 1 News BreVlt‘eSv I By Mrs. Earl IIa-rriman 31h? I Harstine Island, Sept. 2i . lceived too late for last week; iSeveral from the island {it‘tclldi‘di'jng to word received from the ithe wedding reception at the : Presidm IGF'am $911901 house Sl‘nddy eve'lArmy Signal Corps needs thous-I Know the telephone number of the Fire Department lnlng honoring MF- 311d Stan" i ands of radio mechanics and of—l and the location of the nearest Fire Alarm Box. In Elcy smith- Those attending were i furs this opportunity for men to case of fire, first call the Fire Department and get iMTS- Alice White and W30 Uaifl‘gh A, everyone out of the house with as many valuables tC‘T-‘S Geraldine 311d Shll‘IE‘yI M i they can carry. Be sure and give exact location of fire ,Eal’l Harl'lman‘ Ema daughter 1‘4 I ,II‘ in your report to the Department. If turning in alarm thI JOhn J- «101111503 and_1“”-’ 5‘31“; ‘ corps: reserve and be assigned to from alarm box, wait there until Firemen arrive in order ELF/Ste? 311d Jo'flhny, M‘SS Em”! ; this class. The course runs three, to direct them to the fire. XWHEOHTind Missfpalliim Hx‘t‘m“ lilollthS and pays $85 per monthi ,‘ H I 7 r W.) W. icoc . c recep ion ‘wount. c Imeiy home should have a fll‘t, extinguisher. Arter [with escorting. the new”, weds, calling the department, close all V‘I'llldOWS and doors ithrouqh Shelton f 11 “lived qua Hts to offfldra‘ffits. and play the contents of extinguisher I Mr; Lillian hmsbury of FOX, 'q‘ ‘1u“1 1 e ‘1‘ fine or ‘m‘ts‘ ' 1 Island is spending several days“, If the garden hose is handy, connect it up and direct at the W”, A, Hitchcock home, Ig‘Phoolq at Chehalis the water with full force at base of flames. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson of l' " ' ' If you do not have an extinguisher and garden hose Olympia and MR and MY’S- Edi —v__L-____ is not handy, beat the fire out with a broom or an lLynch of Aberdeen, were on the ‘ old woolen rug: get the sack of flour or can of baking ‘ISIand Sllnday 100k1n¥_0V'01‘ then" i 1‘1")!“ Medford. Oregon soda and dash it on the flames. Take a good aim I01d P1306 down at P‘O‘ifit “31501.1- I t I. V M f M df d Or ‘ If fire breaks out at night and you are caught in lags Télgntqgifilerwi: tles‘gggutlg‘gt 0' “:1 M 0 e or 8“ your room look for a hallway or a space to some 'fimt gage to Hamtmo‘igmnd EMK éfltt,“'E}Ch_ff19“1-‘>t’ filé‘idflw‘fthd 53$”. Opefn 380,909; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corliss oflweek for a few days- F‘iu,‘9u°‘y “n. Jug .a 0 ‘m 0 your 00 ab‘lms .Shelton spent Sunday on the. is-} ._.., it. he a wet towel over your mouth and nose, then land viqiting friendq cran on your hands and knees to the exit with your i M'l. 21nd MrS Walter Scott and! race as near the floor as you can hold it. son Ralph am'i daughter' Grace, i It escape is not poss1ble as just suggested, make a spent several days last Week in I {,- i‘ope out of bed sheets. tie it firmly to‘ the bed and ‘Seattle on business and visiting. ; ‘71 Ag let your self drop down through the window. , The Ladies Club met last Thurs—I .' If you do not have time to make the rope, throw the ~day at the home 0f MY'S- Karthgrmte :09 — bed mattress and pillows out the window and jump I l on them. If your clothing is ignited, do not run. That fans the flames and causes them to burn faster. Lie down and roll if out of doors. If in the house, end of the big rug and, keeping your head out at the end, roll quickly and tightly up in it. Above everything else—Keep Your Head— Think Clearly—Act Quickly! W’ingert. with Mrs. lsther sch as joint'hostess. Twelve mem- ibers were. present and two visiw ltors. The next meeting will lie down on one lst. , The Harriman home is gctting‘ {a coat of paint this nice weather“ {done by Mrs. Harriman. ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMan-; Homey PhiloSophy, Humor Entertains Kiwanians Tuesday: l I l l The Kiwanis Club had an en—I . tertaining half hour Tuesday with Clark Oberlies, a retired business] man from Nebraska, who has; chosen to live in Tacoma and take : an active part in its civic and! Iwartime activities. His talk was; in a more or less humorous vein; spiced with homey truths and anl inspiration to carry on and make5 the best of all opportunities af—I forded to the individual to selll himself and his community. 1 He urged that interest should! not be lost in education of youthf in spite of war trends, even if thci I Mrs- T- 13- smith and Mrs- K,i1' loriginal three R’s have now turn-i [by Spent several days at Stall“ Ied to Romance, Rent and Rheum-l I casc. . Mr. and Mrs. Allie Saeger of ,Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ahl. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt spent tthe week end in Tacoma. I Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Toner of gPort Townsend, called on Hugh 5‘ Wolcott Tuesday. Hugh is staying Iwith his grandmother, Mrs. Swart Ifor a few days recovering from ithe flu. ; Bill McComb of the Hamma ,fHamma Suppression Crew went ; home to Shelton until he recovers ~lfrom the flu. Mrs. R. Nelson and son War- I ren of Seattle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ahl. ‘ 5 Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Johnson ,of. Everett have been visiting the i Rodgbergs of Potlatch. Mrs. Rodg- : berg and Mrs. Johnson are sisters. at Mrs. Dan Monroe’s last Wed- nesday. Lillian Norvold, from Shelton, spoke on Home Nutrition and Meal Planning. Norman Phillips of Beacon Point enlisted in the Coast Guard. son entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. Their guests Were Mr. land Mrs. Phillips and Mr. and gMrs. Leo Johnson of Hoodsport. ‘ Ray Peterson has .been home for a short visit from Geiger Field, Spokane. Mrs. LaSoie tells of her son, Sgt. Joe LaSoie, and Miss Doris I Rankin of Ellensburg, being mar- ried September 5 at the Post Cha- 4 pel at Camp Roberts, Calif. l } Local 38 Sending 3 Delegates To Confab I l I Local 38, I.W.A., will be repre- l i sented by three delegates at the International convention to be held in Spokane next week, all 3three going under instructions from the -local to vote on all lineasures with the primary view 10f doing everything possible to- ‘ win the war. Business Agent Charles Sav- age, Keith Campbell and W. S. Rawding are the delegates from Local 38. Offices of Local 38 in the Labor Temple here will be . day, October 12, as the convention is expected to continue through- out the full week. v w— l gnounced. not reopening until Mon- l !Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Stet-l l l l l l I l l l The Young Women’s Club metr l l l l l closed all next week, Savage an-l atism and the individual may ‘ come out at the small end of the. horn, but this is the end one: blows. Neither the circumstances of‘ birth or wealth is measure of the; individual’s value to his comniun--' ity, but his push and enthusiasm for all worthwhile purposes, sell— ing himself and co-operating with a smile, forgetting his handicaps and cutting out the worries. He pointed out in closing'that no per- sons, animals or things in all the world are exactly identical, but that human qualities of cheer and l kindness can be cultivated in sell— ing the individual to his corn— munity benefit and his own profit. Episcopal Church Resumes Schedule ? l l The local Episcopal congrega- tion, St. David's Church, has rc-j sumed its regular fall and winter" schedule of services under the leadership of a new rector. The Rev. Doctor Frederick A. Schill- ing, who is also rector of St. John‘s Episcopal Church, Olympia, has come to the Diocese of Olym- l pia from the Eastern part of the} state where he was in charge 01' the Episcopal churches in Pros- ser, Kennewick and Pasco. While leading those churches into a con- siderable enlargement in mem- bership and financial strength, heI was widely known in the commun- ities for his civic and general pub- l he activities. He was a mcmbfl: of Kiwanis and is a member of the Masonic lodge. He has had unusually wide experience in EU- ropean travel and educational lines such as secondary and c0!- I05 by the Bureau of Dairy In- legiate teaching and administra- tion. He is a graduate of the uni- versit'ies of Nebraska and Pennsyl- vania, from the latter of which I10 has the degree of Doctor of Phil- I osophy. The Episcopal services are stillI . being conducted in the Memorial Hall at 7:30 Sunday evenings- The public is welcome to attend these services. The women of the congregation are organized in fl guild which meets once a month. They welcome into their member- I ship and meetings friends WHO would like to participate in the social and church activities of this organization. _..4—- Don’t Try Cleaning Clothes At Home Home cleaning solvents are all Don’t take chances nearly highly inflam- mable. . . . send your cleaning to us. emy and young son of Aberdeen,, were callers at the home of Min.I 4-H Fair Attracts Good Attendance From Grapeview Grapeview, Sept. 29FThere was a large and interested audiencei at the school house on Saturday, evening to listen to the 4-H Club program and see the exhibits they! had gathered from the neighbor-I hood. The demonstrations put on| by members was particularly' good. A film, “Sand in the Gears", was sent by Mrs. Davidson, who could not attend, and shown by Mr. Okerstrom. He spoke on the 4-H work. The next meeting ofl the club will be at the schoolhouse I at 4:30 on Tuesday, October 6. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nilson‘ spent Saturday with Mr. J. B» Cong. Smith Expresses : Appreciation Of Vote! Washington, D. 0., Sept. 17 ——I Expressing appreciation to the] voters of Southwest Washington, for his victory in the primary el-| month, Congressman Martin F. Smith today sends the following: “It now appears likely that Congress will act promptly on the tion and price—fixing legislationl In that event I will be able to} come home and inspect all thel Federal and war projects in our Southwest Washington district and visit our communities.” l l l l l l I be I. ' lwith Mrs. Ina Anderson Octoberi. l 1 l [with most of the painting beingi l l I l l and Mrs. August Carlson on Mon-i l . l ' ' l Signal Corps office in Portland, 9 gon. were guests at the home ofi and Mrs. A. L. Huerby last; E New Army Radio Class ! Opening At Chehalis l the Chehalis schools, sponsored by (““iCm'ps, is opening a third class the i latter part of this month, accord— ' l secure this training before going‘ 'iniio military service. Men in ].-A . sification may join the signali up I while in training. Opportunity for I advanced training is also open to Further information may be ob- l Iincd from the superintendent of, Mrs. Clara Dudley and daugh-i I .. _._, l The Radio Training program in | United States Army Signal 1, l l i l at San Francisco. The . or from tho; Don’t Trifle " Luck Insure, ‘ Against Youimay think , born lucky, but In“ f mori'ow your home destroyed by FIR? CHECK UP ON: FIRE PROTEG W. A. Ma 325 Railroad ‘_ ,‘ Octot‘ LEG NO. I}! F HEARI REPORT NIS’I‘RATII DISTRI. E ,SUPERIOR I F WASHII v , E COUNTS IN BROB Matter of Jacobson, I IS HERE] bson, Adini tale, has I unt,, rcpoi of em and (ii the deccas asked to e report, am “18 estate. a: atrix. , . ‘ IS FURTH ance with I .68 and cut Septem‘oer, . ‘had before tl not, report ., the 10th mm o'clock , ‘5 Court ROI " “Pt House a > this CLARE EN Clerk of th .01‘ .Mason 1nEton BAYLEY for Admini: urance Bldg ashington 5th da v N0. i.= '1'0 CREDI CLAI) :RUPERIOR . 0F WASH] F, day. ‘ ection and voicing the hope he} .. :will be able to return home next': 7 President’s request for anti—infla-l I 2‘. In Time of War Time of Peace——the Fire— men of our City Stand Ready to Destruc- tion and Suffer- ing. Fight Unsung heroes of the clanging red truck, day and night these men are on the alert—ready to plunge through fire and smoke—to climb sky-reaching ladders—to save lives. To their rigorous training have been added new les- sons in combating fire caused by incendiary bombs—because this is war, and our fire fighters must be prepared for every eventu- ality. When you do your share ahd prepare your home or office for fire prevention, you safe- guard your life—your family—your property ~—and you may help to save the life of a fireman! , WEINEL-OLSTEAD AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE Johnson. Vincent and his older , ‘__ __“__V brother, Linder, formerly lived i I here and attended school. Both: are employed at Boeing’s. i Miss Murray is visiting Mrs. W. I O. Eckert for a few days. The Community Club meets at; the school house on Wednesday,‘ October 7, at 1:30. All the women. of the community are urged to at- I tend. Traffic is now going over the new fill which replaced the oldl bridge at Detroit Cove. It is a; great improvement over the bridge with nails to catch unwary! tires. l Washington Cows High In Butterfat Average Washington again ranks high in butterfat production per cow, according to a report just releas- dustry, state County Agent Oker- strom. Although led by Montana with 364 pounds per cow, that state had only 1729 cows on test as compared to 13,062 for this state. Also Nebraska with only 2370 cows tied Washington state With 360 pounds fat per cow. Each year for the past number Of 'years cows in Washington state dairy herd improvement associa- tions have shown a steady in- crease in production and have been considerably above the na—I tional average. WEEK STOP FIRE, DON’T CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES AT HOME A Don‘t take chances with fire by dry cleaning at A home. danger of explosives and Be safe and avoid .painful burns by sending all your cleaning to our modern plant. MASON COUNTY STEAM LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS ' Phone 88 L What does é. . fl Suppose your home werB‘fm- ’3 in this pictUre‘ ‘ . . . you’d want nothing so much as plenty of dependable insurancg‘ I . Well, prompt payment of‘every ’just claim is character capital stock company insurance. Its, record over the years '1 ,. through conflagrations and catastrophes . . . justifies the 1363069, 1 mind you enjoy. Besides, it provides‘national leadership in reducingthe and extent of fires. ' ‘ \ That is our kind of insurance service, Lotus protectyour V 3furnishings, business, automobile and other possessions . a dependable, economical capital stock company insurance. REAL EsTATE BONDS -NOTAR‘/ PUBLIC A man r 304; suntan , WASH, wager INSURHNC€ m" istic .0. :, , I numb”? on A E COUNT‘ ,Il. IN PRO] 7 Matter oi , .5 Rex,- Deco E IS HERE .- TBStamentar: Adella Rex. t0 the und 0f Septemh Is FURTI , at having c “5 hereby r "mm the run of undersign . Alden C. Buiiding. s being the transaction Iate, Within \. .,Xecutrix I find Testan Ptate of E. iceased. 20- BAYLEY for Exccut , rancc Buili 'Washington ' I N0. 361s FOR PERIOR OF WA.‘ COUNTY ‘llkinson. _ vs. .WiIkinson. .t, W F WASl “£86: Wilkins t9 hereby i Ith so day I'St publica‘ ‘Wlt: With mday of Se; {5 above na htled court .‘ of Plain g Hour Answe ‘ ttoi'ney [oi 10w stated “P0 so to ( red against Y and of the .filed with 9 f seeks a grounds 0 non-suppo " 8r for m ICHAS. R. Plaintiff's -§§i[ce lung . ,e . Sheiton. u ' 9—18-25— I. i" 0F COlV G OF I NY anon 8 hereby City C4 have con the Cit) budget , of 1943. .11 be fi ey will 3" Gfor. am . ii of th. .at the ( her 5th. mock P. M. The Final tax levees. lMyer ma) 01‘ agains '; this 10th LGLENN Vi City Clerk What. A ' N0.. f‘ OF H] .1‘ AND 7 Drgsrnn ‘ .