October 2, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 2, 1942 |
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amber * October 2,1942. ’
REPORT AND PETITI ’ a primary election will be held in
ISTRATRIX FOR 5 l ithe City of Shelton on Tuesday. the
T»- DISTRIBITION AND' 10th day Of November. 1942, for the
r E ' purpose of nominating three council—
,UPERIOR COURT OF THE men for four year terms, one council—
OF WASHINGTON IN AND man at .large for a two year term,
' E COUNTY OF MASON, , and a City Treasurer for a four year
I. '7""”"VUV"V" ' ' ' '
'V‘ vvvv
Real Estate For Sale Wanted‘mm RATES
’ i I ', 3 'term. . AAA w A “AAA “AAA AAmA“ Mm ’
Mgttgkglngtrhle Estate of NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that' AAMAM“ A A-
‘ “ “ ‘ 20 words or less (minimum
Jacobson, Deceased. . filings for, such office will be received THREE ROOM
COTTAGE Wlth I WINTER FEARS for sale. You WANTED: fieldmen With car.
charge) 3 weeks 3100, 1 week 50c.
bIS HEgEBYtGItVEN.ft{1§t glilellltlenCiby Cllerktin the i bath for sale
or rent. Inquire pick and bring container. $1.50i Christmas tree season.
121 S. £1<3iv§rmrsafisogsor larger ads and
so“ A minis m “V” e i t 0 “mm?” ("-1' “D B 'tha
Peterson Upper SkO- an a le box. 0 T Aubol'Place 4th St. Roy Mengus
manager . -
~ ' h t and ini'lud tl 10tl d '1 O - e! pp ,' ' M
Reader notices 3c er 0rd.
03'1- 39‘??- Ti. 1? l S" be Wish We“ will" his:
Skdmm‘s“ “3235230 “r J‘ W” 22332;... at admits
ent a d d'_t ‘b t' n (1' )6 2W“ 115‘ i) l ay ( (‘1)
Pill 01‘, A. 7 ~» v A __. — n. v — , ar 0 an 5,. .1 ; i_
fthe dtléccaSIZdT] llvlllll'elil “10:”; , -_ v FOR SALE: 4 room
house, two A, .. . poetry 50¢ per inch; clasSifled
asked to approve slelf_i,§3:i fl%F¥:lVl-i§:' “ANDERS' bedrooms
downstairs, unfinlSh-‘F‘OR SALE: used wood rangeleHRISTMAs TREES—I
wish to diipéggrtfggsengg 2333;}, M“
lherepm‘ and “‘.i“‘-k9n(’-S-(3 the'
9—18—25—ml2‘4él—ia ' ed upstairs, small basementl Shelton
Electric Co. 10-2atf.‘ buy for November delivery at the telephone fgom
phone subscrib-
atrfxsfaté' film W mg l "WW-- L -- large lot, good location.
Inquire ————————~ ——~~——-~ , Olympia. Can pay top
price. ers. Cash should accompan
IS FURTHER GIVEN. thatl U“ V V 405 Arcadia. Terms. lCOAL: in 4-ton lots
or larger, Anyone wishing to contract . other orders or pgymfiznt m 6‘
figceangitlgmfigodnrggr,gfi glgisrmmnm‘ (53 “T‘QQ‘ELAWNERSHIP,
S_~10-2-16A—3t. Lump $10 ton. Range $9-50 tony trees get in touch with c.
P. :35: éfigen‘s‘gs‘OfObifimeg ’32,” em:
Trifle SeDtEHlber. 1942. 11 l’learlllgl “LIAPS-f‘v‘EMEEQI- ETC;
REQUIRED ———————-————————‘—‘ StOkér
$735 ton- $1 more per Roundtr‘ee, 1700 Yew Ave., charge of 10c will be
made when
.had before the Cm,“ on sand hrT lth AUIS OF CONGRESS OF FOR SALE: 3 room
house and ton in 1 to 3 ton lots. Sack Olympia. Telephone 3759_ billing is
uébt, lifblgfn-[daryd getlélpfigbgn fig?LST 24, 1912, AND MARCH 3. two
lots cash. Beverly coal $1, you bring. sack PHOLL 100
i 10 00,0105; 41.} N'I’u on Said: ()f' Shelton—Mason County
Journal Heights. Inquire Journal. Carl Morgan, phone 344-W, 635i __ A I
,’ Court Room of said Court DUhllslled once a week at Shelton,
C-—r~10-2—1t. Dear-born, 7-10.—tf.lWANTED. young lady employed
um House at Shem,“ was”. Washington. [or October 1. 1942. l to Share 3
room downtown P‘ S i
t L ‘ Imam “I wasmngton) FOR SALE: 40 acres, 5 acres a artment Write
Box N c-O
this 5th day of September. )ssz . h b P i
County 01 Mason ) .th . . . . Cleared, Wlth 10% 095?: amv: Journal givmg
references. AAAAAAAAW
think CLARE ENGELSEN‘V , damn-n me, a Notary public in and Even a woman
WI no preVIO'US painting experience can out buildings, we“, pllmg and
N_10_2_1t. .
. but in: . Clerk 01‘ the» Superior C‘Wl'l “2,1,1: mensmt"
and (“Hay afowsald' redo her own home W'thol‘t °Ut5lde
aSS'Stancer 35 a “55”” tie timber, cedar, located at FOR SALE:
Anjou pears, picked,
my, Y ifi’gtgi‘f‘m" county “agh- I gévlllrsm
blefimdifiwsxgor?afifliliiin‘ghfiil °f the develol’ment of
Kem'Tm‘ev new Water‘thlnne‘li WaSh' Matlock or will trade for
one FOR RENT WANTED: housekeeper not over 3 cents Per Poiund at W- 0-
%. BAYLEY‘ ‘ lzlpvimdfposes and says; that heShlsltlile able wall
finish that can be used over wallpaper. acre with small house. Leol ‘ 30,
no objection to chin], write Eckerts, GrapeVIew. 10-2—1t.
. ' ‘ i l‘ ’13 manager I" the e on— E _ '
( UP ON urggcgdgllgiéstiatllx, Mason. Cop‘my Journ‘al and 'that
the 1S/Iaultrlier, 125 Academ31258—glich, by Day or Hour BOX 4, c 0 menal
Dfiloa—“lt FOR SALE: wood Heatrola
- .. as: OLYMPIC FOREST TIMBER r °“ L - J L CATTO .5...
9414840403— dygnferffilgpi) 'gianageinént. so,“ ltlf ' 1 FOR
SALE: 9 room house one, ' ' WANTED: transportation to Key- coil
gaya bgg‘egOflO. In-
..wi‘ ’75 .“ {Calonfor‘tlw 9‘” S S C T block from business
section, A port Monday mornings; phone quire o b , .
N0. 1521 lT)l2.““tfielnA:?efibaggfigfugf i’ggillrgg ‘ E I
suitable for remodeling into, HARDW RE 61-M_ E_.9_25__tf_
T0 till???“ T“ m“. 33:31:35.9. ballasts swam-.1233. +— ggggnggwfg;
gm? Rim- '"'"L "'"md 15""? r
WANTED AT 0335;. .......,.._. 0. FOR SALE. sea bed
reassess is lfiif‘?ll“‘fln}:g‘fli . .- Timber sales by the
entirel first in 1913- 9-2se-1o-2-9i3t- OSt 3“ 011“ truck loads of
large, smooth: G°°d mm" “5' “5° 5:“
l... COUNTY 6F MASiON‘ lthv. “mi” and business mgnaégszesflg:
.OIympic National Forest for the Following is a tabulation, by! _ , . -1 .
0. sound Alder, Maple and Hem-» wool scatter rugs. C. M. ‘Veq-
. IN PROBATE Edit“? Gram Angle; Business Mall-'30 year PerlOd endmg
June 30' decades, as prepared at OlympiaIFOR SALE: 40 acres with log
lock logs. Higher prices. Liberal cer, 5 1111185 out Isabella 3-
‘Yfi gfgtehegl r130 Emit? Of gaining Anglo. both of Shelton. 1942, total
1% billion board feet headquarters, also a tabulation of house, barn, out
buildings, well; LOtSTE ladies black purse1 con— scale. Prompt
settlements, ley road. 9-25—10-2—2t.
CE I" EBA ‘ IVEN tl.t Tl'lt the owners‘ac: G and total sale
Prlce was 4% mil' the last four fiscal ears (end— piling and tie
timber, cedar, lo- alnlng currency, persona paw Northwest Chair Company,
Ta- ~—-————-‘
r Testiinlzrllztlzlrv ElinG the Eagle's/Shale. 131. E. Angle and IB.
Grilldglg: liOn dOllaFS. This 30 year periOd l ing June 30) y cated at
Matlock or will trade Pet‘s. glasses, etc. Finder may coma, Wash.
9-25--10-16--4t. FOR SALE. V-etcg' Agstfilan Owen-
' Agenah Rex-0, DPCOa-Zfd' “’8‘” “"3
0'T§h‘,‘lt"3{( Wflfhglft"? dh 1d iCOVerS all sales to
datev as the] for 1 acre with small house. Leo keep money but please return
.‘ _. . 1 . . b t 123 gang Pgiit gall rrllégglucgén 9‘
i t <‘ 11“ el‘Slgn" 0“ l" ' ‘3 ‘ 0 301! 0
91‘s. . ,- I ‘ .t t B s De ot or Journal. WANTED: women 6 ween 1 y
0f - 42 l' . d t i. and other sec 't . y. , . Saulnier, 125
Academy, South res O u p I _ _
' V CE Septembel, 19 . ).\ sai ‘s‘é‘lfifig (W holding .1 F713;
lzierllltolgr lliousnmls Dollar AV..I’;‘I:0 Montesano. 9_25_71M
L”_10_24_1t4 and 35 to work m grocery 'and. 9 25 1t.
Is FURTHER GIVEN. that . more of total amount of bonds. moi~t~| 0f
“0“”! “Wt ‘ulm‘ 1’“ n l“ . N , meat markets- wrlte
aPPIlca' I FOR SALE- wheat and vetch
n? Eggs; glglggegsfignsgeg; fifisgmglr
§glgfg;,.je‘i‘§";‘§;sk “35?ng 1913-22
.............................................. —— 168,681 $ 241.945
$1.50 FOR SALE: 7 room modern LOST: 17 Jewel ladles Hamilton tion to Box 1,
co Journal or- oats and Vétchand pure vetch:
l filth the Sneeegsary vouchers,» Washihgm“. ' 1923-32 814,521
1,593,916 1.91 ' house, full-basement, mile south Eli/list watch.
Findefr ’pleaseMie- flee. 8—7-24_tf. A. C. Ellison, Kamilche vaney.
we. undersigned at the Law J. E. ANGLE, 1933-42 756,330 2,527.385 3.24 on
Olympia highway. W. M. urn to Journal of ice or rs. '
_ . fl ‘. J“ V ' ‘ V . ,' . W .
Bfilgfiln 0 813201;? glistllsl’ilrllg" Sworn
toBdEdméfbslgllggdehol'oro incl sales 0f La“ Four Flscal Years
Kemplton, R. 1. Just across M111 W- A'.Lynn’ Star Rome 1’ BOX 1
«va— 777—"
I 1323 i .0 2. .. For Rent
rans tin 1‘ t e business . L) “ . i' ‘L , . . y i -- — l ’
' ' _" ' r 55, e s ea an
tote. gums Six months afterl My commission expires February 17.l 1941 _ ,.
123,810 487,061 3,90 FOR SALE: large 3 room home r - um - v
Sggnglsnacm‘: 329m
; .. 0f the first publication of 1944. 10—2—1t. 1942
_________________________________________________ __ _ 87254 323,854 3,71
with bath, venetian blinds, elec- LOST5 small boat Sept- 8~ monthiFOR RENT:
partly furnished ' M_9_25_10_9_.3t_
9. towit: Within six months
11th day of September,
1,739,538 $4,363,246 tric hot water heater, nice Skoliomish Riven. Had boys
small house 25 month U er b
yard' garden’ frUit trees’ gar‘l bOOLS’ coat’ oars m
same' Re- Skokomish Villey. Inquire FOR SALE: GravenSteln apples
'Ille the. same with the Clerk NOTICE . _
it, t other with pr(ot' of Mrs. Lawrie B. Hill, Route 3, Box __ _
_,tfn. ward, Guie E, Goehring, R.R. 1, .
ce, 02g they will be) for- 173. Shelton, has accepted the position Total
1942 area, Olympic Na- rest, the last being at $15 be“ age~ 433 Dearborn
T 828 BOX 161 Shelton. Aubol place. phone 217R4_ $1.00 box. Winter pears
d. 01 registration officer for Arcadia and t- I'F t 725 931 th d '
* .F D#10-2tfn apple box. You pick and bring
[is 5th day of September, Isabella precincts in Mason County. Iona ores‘
' acres' ousan , . , '_ ' 9'18‘25—“10'2—3t-
containers_ 0. T. Aubol place,
Anyone living in those precincts may Total 1942 Operable Area, Olym- In
connection With these sale 2 lots With foundation of. house, . . FOR RENT.
30 acre ranch save U er Skokomish Valley phone
i, . A REX LOUGHNAN, register for voting at her home. Regis- pic National
Forest, 462,605 acres. figures, Forest Supervisor Carl B. water and sewer
connected, . . . pp
. Xecutrix of the Last Will tratlon books Will be open until and . . miles
from Shelton on water, to 217-R-4. D—9-25—tf.
lid Testament and the Es- including October 19th. 1942, at which The Peak
year for stumpage Neal said that the area. Of the garage and WOOdShEd'
A150 frultiW responsible married couple.
[y state. of E. Adella Rex. De- l time they _will close, prior 10 the
Gen— V01ume 1“ board feet 501d was 1928 Olymplc Natlonal ForESt ls
abOUt trees. $550.00. Terms. . Barn chicken house orchard FOR SALE
1), géeased. lei-ill El('(‘l10n November 3rd,. 1942. with
145,446,000 feet sold for one-third Of one per cent of the * =i< it . B
o1' (vr S lent’ of wood Phone 172 or PlgS- H. L- Mllleri Rome 3:
lb "i'orB‘E‘iEEKm OlgEfiggghcwnw $287,301, an average price
of $1.98 total area of all national forest HERBERT G. ANGLE e 21 C e EHJY
- A_10_2_tfn cadia Road‘ 9_25_10_2_2L
ir . x’anco‘Building. ‘ 10—2—9421, l p81" tlwusand. .
lands,-and that in 1941 the Olym- R l d B S .b .—
s_ VWashingtun, 2r 102 4t —— The peak year for dollar vol- ,pic
National Forest revenue from 6 y: el SLEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT; PIANO FOR
SALE or exchange
9'11‘18‘ 9" ' ”‘ Non”. ume of sales was 1941 With
$487,-;timber sales was 15 per cent Of _ Inquire 404 Franklin Street or
for carpenter work. Upright
..e , 0F (LOSING 0F RixnsrrRATmN 061. and 123,810,000 feet. ,the revenue on
all national forest y By Everetta Z. Baldwin phone 563.
J__9_25_~10_2_9__3t. Grand $135.00. Walnut dining
N0. 4167 BOOKS The peak year for price wasliands of the United States. ’
t s Matiock 59 t, 30_Miss Doris .... _. _ -1 -_ room set $35.00. Mrs. R. D.
U , w is l u i P
y§§§EFROgRPég¥I¥é%Ag#)¥HE thiziogggitrgtsimnaigbflv ffiIVtEg
3:311940 with $4.27 per thousand feet.l The Olympic forest sales, he 1 S o
Mae Mickeison has an infection FOR RENT: 6 room home at Stockwell, Mill
Creek Road. tfn.
ur -, " “OF WASHINGTON FORlcizicts of Mason County, Washington. The
recent. Sales (July. 1942) Of added. were more than the total B L- -t in
her hand that has become so Kamiiche, Inquire c. M. Mer- .
:e_ COUNTY . I outsulc of the. 'city of Shelton, Will be seventeen
million feet Of Douglas sales of seven out Of ten U.-S. na— y 1 serious
as to need to be lanced Ger, 5 miles out Isabella Valley‘ Duplicating
iukms‘mt-s Plamtlfi' glazestlel‘t(l§f
liglg'glgrggitlgrelglgltlrailllof all???» fir at Indian valley-Lake
Suther' tional forest regions A “region” and drain tubes inserted.
She is Road. 9—25—10-2—2t.
Wilkinson.’ Defendant October 19th, 1942, until Novemhérlland f0? $13-29
Per thQUSMd fth is COmPOSed Of a number Of 1181' Tax bills of Mason
county prop- undergoing treatment at the for 15¢ '4 for 25¢
.F WASHINGTON to the 4th, November 3rd being the date oflwas a record high
price for na— tional forests. there being about erty owners have been cut
438 Schutt Clinic. _ A
gehgielgi'nsggmrgggigdafllt:ap- ginfliioflfiéli’é‘w mp
illntl‘i‘iiopr§cliiéil tional for?“ timber at that time 2150
national fOYGStS altogether in per cent annually as a direct re— Lester
Crawford, who is em— 55¢ Per dozen
‘1th 60 liars after] the date lion in all the 'preci'ncls ol'
Mason bl“ has Since been eellpsfld by two ‘ the ten Teglons- # Port
Angeles suit of the 40-min Tax Limit laws, ployed on the new school
addition, '
rst publication of this Sum- County, and P.U.1). No. 1 election in sales on
Mt. Baker National For- News. ‘ official county and state records had the
misfortune to fracture ‘hiS , _
21:“: fvvsithitn g0 di’éig at.th ESCIIIS'LHSlkWoggglshe £530“
HOOdSport W—fl‘fl’fl— _""—“_ show A hand Saturdav
He was walking m‘""“'
y 0 e em er, , 8 l prc ‘S. . t, I
tlftlagovc ngmeddaciionvein 19firt’l‘ED this 30th day of September.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HOTELMAN INJFRED In 1932, the year before the first up a
plank carrying another
1 3f cPdgirrtmtglfn andnsgerrve a . HARRY DEYETTEY uUnreathn is the subject
of the Joseph Vance, owner of the (lo-Mlll tax limit law was passed, Iheavy
piece Of timber whenkthel per month . w v
. Our Answer upon the under- County Auditor and Regis- Lesson-Sermon which
will be read Vance Hotel of Seattle, entered owl‘ers 0f h0me$v farms and
0th?” Plank 0n Wthh he Was “(01‘ Ills-g, ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' ' '
fg$'ne%'t{gr tplgmitrllfl 03:0 “(1)? all??? Ogvalqfltrf‘finm
M350“ in all Churches of Christ, Scien~ Shelton hospital Monday for
treat- real property “1 Mason 0mm y gave Way and he fell. vglth HIS! FOR
SALE: $50, Model T Ford
lure S: at; aofnJudng‘nf ’Wm 3' 5 g ']0_2_9__2L tist, Sunday,
October 4. ment of a broken arm suffered in were taxéd $590i725‘431 But
taxes hand heifween the .two Um ers' e ‘ pickup. .Goodu .tires,
Spare. Rt.
red against you in accordance ——-————-—-—————- The
Golden Text is from G313” a freak accident when he stum- levled I01
collection tlcns year _are ls dlessed up In a caSt' 2, BOX
. Elma“ lthhe SIOmIélla‘rfg’ .st ,9 f h. t .tians: “He that
soweth to his bled over a piece of equipment in {mly $219’549'53'
a dlreCt savmg Mrs‘ Lela on. underwent treat" George Bisesi. .
' ‘I e W‘ 8 er 0 OFFICfiOF? supfifigfis‘g’}, OF lflesh
shall of the flesh reap cor- a Shelton store and fell heavily. muone year
9f $170’775.'90: ment for 51633ng tablfls taken ComPUted for oakland
Bay *
I seeks a Divorce'from yOu HYDRAULICS lruption; but he that soweth to
———————————r The 40471111 Tax lelt La“ by mIStake
lilStead 0f 001d t'ab' (Hood Canal'tides are one hour FOR SALE{
1936 DeSOtov4fddor
grounds of desertion. aban— Olympia lthe spirit shall of the Spirit reap
ihas meant a large annual cash leti she thought she was taking. a 55
minutes earlier) sedan, radio, beaten GQQ‘dnmh:
ber $250 cash. Inquire or write
BIRTHDAY SUNDAY saving to every Mason county The first indications of
non-support. and failure to NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT
, . __ , .. . A. life everlastin '.”
lher 101 111016 than 14 yeais To This Bible selection in the Les_ A baby
daughter was born Sun- property owner,» Alden C’ Bayley being wrong was
her eyes begln- Low 6:50 a.m_ 1' ft.l A1 Imely Forest Beachv Urni‘om
'QHAs. R. LEWIS Notice is hereby given that Fred D. somsermon is also
from Gala_ day to Mr. and Mrs. Morton Barg— of Shelton, Mason county
member ning to roll back in her head. Her Fri High 2231 p. m. 12. ft. .
Plaintiff‘s Attorney and Maude McMillan 01' McCleary. l tions:
“Brethren if a man be eve,“ er of Shelton at Shelton hospital. of the
40-min Tax Limit commit- husband, Emmet 'Ori, rushed her Oct' 2 Low
821 pm 6 ft _____.____________ . . .
-—-———-——-—-—- -———~ ' ' " ' 1940
“ice and Postoft‘ice address State of Washington. under date of
taken in a fault? ye which are tee declared. “Today we have bet- to the
hospital for treatment. Shel
9 ft- new, tires perfect. $785.00,'C.
Ulte 1, Lumbe men's Bldg” Sc tember 5, 1942, f‘l.d 'th the . ,
Shelton. Washington. Stile Supervisor of Hydsauligsl, Olyni-ispjritual,
restore such an one in . ter finanCEd governmentsv better returned home
Wlth hlm- High 12:40 a.m. 10. . . .
9-18—25—10-2-9-16-23—30-7t. pia, Washington, an application ior a th
5 -t f k -d . schools, less tax delinquency and Girl Scout Troop No. 1 gave
al . . ft M. Miles, Lilliwaup. Wash. 01d
permlt to dlvert the public waters of. e plrl o mee ness, conSl erlng. ’
. , , Sat. Low 7.52 an). 1. . Sta dard Ser . St ton
. unnamed spring, tributary of Hood thyself, lest thou also be tempted. S
1935 debts than ever bEfOTe 1“ 0111' ngg away. Party 1’01“ MISS
D01“ Oct; 3 High 334 pm, 13. ft. n V108 81
3-; G012) Canal, is tbetamount oi' 0.011‘tsecf0nd— For if a man
think himself to be history. t 1 th 0 u 1 lothy Ne’vykfirk Who has fbeen
a Low 9:40 pm. 6. ft 10-2f—1t.
‘ I l ' ‘,,t. su ‘ec e ';-t' ‘ ., roin ‘ . .- --‘ -
' r ' S _ _————————-———-—~—
BUDGET iron i943 APE-ii 15th 000112; llgollgeacli year somgthmg’ When l}?
‘5 “Othmgr he. v Unfortuna ey e 4 -m‘ alWlGlrl CO“ -or a number 0
years . FOR SALE: 1934 Chevrolet Mas-
s hereby given that me for the purpose of garden ,mgauon deceiveth himself.
3 A is not permanent and to insure its,Miss Newklrk is entering the U.) ngh
158 a.m_ 10' ft. ter Sedan 6 tires original
hCi'ty Council of thelCily and continuously. for domestic supply; A
correlative passage from ll contlnuallce It muSt be reenacted , 0f W'
She was presented W‘th 3* Sun. ,~ Low 8:56 am 1-8 ft. paint he‘ater,
$200 06 Call at
ave completedyand .iaced that the approximate point of leeI':
“Science and Health with Key tol. again this year. It appears on thefvery
useful and beautiful gift of Oct. 4 High 4:25 p‘m_ 13_4 ft. ’ , '
the City Clerks Office. a Sloil is IOCated Within Lot 1 of Sec th . h |
ballot November 5 as Referen_,a fitted overm ht case She at_ 707 Arcadia
budget for the ensuing tiun 30, Township 22 N” Range w. e Scriptures by
Mary Bakeri Id 1 g , ' Low 10:36 p.m. 56 ft. . C__IO_2_9_16_3L
llmbémgurg‘sllgdy Exfiywlllih‘ lggM‘ih'z? lg??? 19013123,.
pA’laiIlnagfsnggld Eddy’ fouows; “self'love is more igfihNO'
6rand no hoghegwgilizgr'terddeg tthe Olfelllfaid‘ $21? :cl‘igol H-
h 3-15 108 ft
i . A] Cl/hkl- 1" . l x ' th _ropaque than a solid body. In pa_
' owne 01‘ any n an 01: C ar 1g C 0 1g a.m. . . vvvvvmq
,5. 8331;531:th 9,1]; Mtgmfil ggisggs'gge ainsd Oghimglaigf “g;
ofgcgrgf bent obedmnce to a patient God, .Erith the interests‘of hlS
sftate at , graduating in 1940. She‘post grad- Mon. Low 9:54 am. 1.8 ft.
a lit thgtCitI-yl' fill Shfitgn gilt! State Vguprprvifior otr
thgi-au‘ivifisfil let us labor to dissolve with the GROCERIES eagt
tSIhOUld fall 10 Vote or thlsiulalted dat higii schoollin 40'nalgd
0ct.5 High 5-05 P-m. 13-7 it , ,
' on —, in la, , 0 e .’ ‘
bEI‘ 5th. 1922. it the hourl suzh IOther iiai?or§§itclgn asgis
reQUlI‘edl unlversal Slovent of Love. the ad.. pro 96 lwure. an on er}
erlng CO.lege W) - e 14.0w 11'16 p'm' 4'9 t'
link 1:. M, rm- ths purpose. by law, ‘amant of error,~Aself—Wlll,
self-l :only 17 yeaislold. _Miss Newkirk
, ,gbel'Finai Buhdget ago nag: fAny Demon, gm; or.
cfrlpéi;atlaoll'llJustification, and self-love,——which 0 ,Was
baledictoligalia of her graduat- High 13:12 am. J E L .
. pa syces, w en an w ;; wose rig _w1 eIlln‘JuI‘O H wars against
spirituality and is 1 'ing cass in. . Tues.‘ Low 2 a.m. . . ames .
stairi‘ti’idsu‘é’i,» tiredness?classes. t... 1.... or and damp
FRUITS ‘ '. y I Mics-E vying km. gnaw and one High 3:33 p.m. 13.3 g.
V I “as, at Olympia, Washington, suc . rs. ve yii ec , iss I argeryi Low
1 : p.m. .
‘ “‘“s 1‘“ day °‘ Sep‘embe“ “liars 0‘"
registries;“whit.l mm 0. new or FINEST-FOODS AT Unlon Passes n Bed"
3”” Ea‘dwi“ and Ch“ Real Estate and Livestock
tgLENN W‘ LANDERS_ 5 (301mg S after date 'of last
‘REGI'811,RAH V» A , ' lEnos motore‘ to Olympia Tues- High
5:13 am. 11.8 ft. .
(lety Clerk pulgii’cauon), wlilch date is October 9, NOTICE IS
HE'fi‘ggyngill‘gN that BEST PRICES l Callfornla day. They vlSlted
Mrs. Rose Wolleed. Low 11:29 a.m. 1.9 ft. Leave dates at Bank or
‘ ~3t. 1942.. h d nd Official qeal llgetllileSlS‘li'atlon'
books in the precinct. who lives in Olympia and Billy'0ct.7 High 6:03
p.m. 14.0 ft. Mauock Route
thlylglllfisflasrrnllf Sigtelgber. A. D., 1942-l0will iii.
tilleli‘"rosflilt‘ifi;iiSfll‘lili’fi; HOODSPORT Heart
trouble WhiCh forced her and ChUCk Wen.“ 0“ to Tacoma" H
i orN‘li-r‘i‘i‘tim rim (ssh. CHAS- J- BASEEOSEFDEivsm-i answer
Octebeigl“ 5932 it}? 220%?"deCtfiéf‘ilfilai‘lr‘quSSS
filireséletufl‘e‘r MES a-“d n. it? 12:33 am 131%? '
, i r 1 ‘ mg vi 0‘ , IL, C l . ~ . rs. urrier rs. 1 : a.m. . .
gggggggggm FOR 10-2-5P2t- 0’ Hydl‘auhcs- lg}: $13113 tMn:
tiiTeH«l§tliIi)i' {he Bimrl . 1.- of Mrs. Nell Vida Pixley, about
70 was Miss Shirley Enos Mrs Bald- Celt1 g wa 12-11 pm 20 ft
‘ i. r -~ d i an inn. . . . I. ' ' v ' I '- - . ' AT
“Pdfsfi‘i’i‘ic‘ifoff Rid! you ARE covmman for any w l is???“
“‘15 30‘“ d” 0“ Septemb‘ii'l @321?
§3d’vialis‘d§€‘h%i Uhnéi’n‘; “it” 3.13
Wildfics‘afiillidofi“til§ii H‘gh :28 p'm‘ “'2
fi' LAW
COUNTY 25 d Lon er l JOPDW CLAPPER l L ‘ ' l) b __ - Title Insurance
t L f cident .for $. per ay. g T». l: , . . l amesa, Calif. :return
trip. . Low 12.50 a.m. 2.1 ft. -
so§§iteroe3fia£3f Es a p 0 time tne rate is cheaper- Herb
§fi§.‘sfi;,r“'s“,§g,{§,§“”1,294, H 0 M E Mr. Pixley,
who had continued The American Red Cross has_Fri. High 6:47 a.m. 13.0 ft.
Oppwte F‘rst Natmal Bank
. ISHEREBY GIVEN 2:13“ Angle, Agent. ', ito maintain the family home
at l alloted 100 ditty bags to the Be1-‘oCt,9 Low 12:50 pm. 23 ft, Phone
23 j Shelton
. figtfielzgtfigngfdldwandal‘ L A N S lgnion, was at the bedside glen
'frarii' Chapter t2“ mak‘el and fill.. High 6:54 p.m. 14.3 ft.
. calmed have i fled in the , 0 eath came, as were her son, or- is
includes yn, ictor De-
fine Clerk of said court their v' v d d t t irison Pixle y
. I K . y, and two daughters, watto, Tahuya, as Well as Belfair. LOW 1:23
a.m. 1.1 ft.
83% piéiémé'oégtr géstsrég‘ié 11313083 . ‘ Inc“ 1.11611 0
6 Mrs. Marcia Clark and Mrs. Har- It costs about $1.00 to fill these Sat.
High 7:32 am. 13.5 ft.| , INSURANCE .
Said report. to distribute v. , . . _- ry Oswin, the latter of
'Bremerton, ditty bags after they are com— 1 Oct. 10 Low 1:28 pm, 2.8
ft. '
thereof with; persons t Convenlent Terms ,the other two having lived at
La- pleted. Contributions may bel High 7:20 p_m_ 14_4 ft. G. A‘ E
e firso ailisz thztdsszfidarggtilllmi a e mesa for several years. made by
anyone, either by buying off . i p
. ' d on the 24th day of Octo- A‘brother and sister, Mrs. Barn- the
items or by sending the mon- Low 1:58 am. 0.2 ft. iCe at Angle Building ‘
.. ~ . at 10 o'clock a. in. on said ,1) ON NOVEM l Reasonable Rates
hart of Bakersfield, and Edwin ey to Mrs. Calvin Main. The Red Sun. High
8:18 a.m. 13.9 ft. ~
J '{thymefiggusgngnpgggltgg; 3’ Clark of California, also
survive. Cross rooms are open Tuesday Oct. 11 Low 2:09 p.m. 3.4 'ft.
‘ .
' infiny, to said report will be 5 Mrs. Pixley was a highly es- and
Thursday morning from 10l High 7251 p.m. 14.4 ft. ‘l
i .i “this 19th. da, of Sept 1942 i l teemed neighbor (hiring her
longiuntil 12. You may obtain your Vang-N5» '
.- ) ,VLARE ENéELSEN' " STATE OF WASHINGTON, residence in Union
for her home share of sewing to do. These ditty . B
‘ ' 'y EST £115}? R06 Lsfilsd court I OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
or STATE. ‘Efas alWays a gathering place and gags are the present
project. i '- ' . i,
. v . er hospitality made her beloved ome on ,folks! get your ditty . A
t' 1' I
v t. Deputy. To Whom It May Concern. . . , . , 1 com mg ax sci-lees
' k.___ . . . t0 the entire communit . bag to finish and fill. H . i. .
6.6.” . V , in, obedience to die statitgfriselflglrlllégnk 811%theAJ01nt
Rbesolukt)ilori1 0‘1; Mason County Savmgs __._..__..._y . A standard
class in First Aid 39°kke‘Plng SY’RV“ .
msuran i l. V0. “7,, the State Legislature erelna 0, ere 15 her}? 3'
pu IS 9 ' ' will be started soon. An one wish- 0 ' .
" ticlof' » 10:1,, fiEABlNG 0N for the Consideration 0f the
Vg'fillgogf otfhihsmt‘? 0f WaShlngloni a Dro' & Loan
ASSOClatlon CEEEATEIIED ,AT ngfiIiAL en ing tO take this course, contact
Kamilche. Sept. 30 — Progress! 123 4th St' Phone
'tens . , l‘ ‘ Iggnggggfir $311" 1’5“; posed amendment
to the cons 1 9 said State, as follows: l Tme insurance Bid es argmve. 0 e.
on ' Mrs. Cora Kelly, who will be the Grange held a “Booster
Night" g
, W, I. 1. , . i 9 tered Shelton hospital Friday for . a
derived. and to .provide exemptions, medical attention. ‘ ¥n5tmct°r and
wait“ for an Open- Thursday evening in the Grange 2' r: _
. cello , stERIOR COURT OF THE Be sowed By the Senate and misfit:
ggdndgdlirigfiionlséesol Th Hhei . ing date. ‘ lhall with an open
meeting. Mem—
le Pea nil? WASHINGTON IN AND of. ewesémafivis °‘* masts; Seminary
oi. some...“ “dross..- ._ , Margie J°‘ms°i‘.m°t°red t~°
be”. and guests “Wed. game—S» FUNERAL HOME
. Songhai m fithisifé’é‘sl‘luimé‘ltimendmei‘l m be ' r
~- 35:2: Sims-V t-° “S” “if Pa" “5‘: 3’“ mg" W
“1‘ i '
t ‘ Matt E-t t f Th 1: t .th t neral election to ceding th e05 . rele
men 5 pre: . ~ n er - 3“ er 15 Very 1 lowe y a bountlflll lunCh- L‘c n5
. m IAyrgg, geceztgged. q a e 0 be hgldain this 2:39 gtliere shall hoef
533; paper in Evilfym‘cfihfil‘yaw‘i’lifl‘li 2:33:- 7 ‘ Mrs-
ames anfmany Who. 15} Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rose and I 3 ed. Embalmers
he‘nu AS HEREBY GIVEN. that‘ mitted to the qualified
electorfificaflon paper is published throughout the, x V .the chairman of
Home Nursmgi farruly moved to Shelton last W. A. Wltslers, Prop.
Wres Shafor, Executrix. of state for their approval and r? Article state. .
. ‘ will start a class in Home Nursing week Phone 180 Shelton Wash
. cl entitled estate. has filedl or reJection an amendmenth ostate of
passed the House March 12 1941 l , goon /A‘n one Wishin to t k th. '
‘ ’
mark of said Court her final VII of the Constitution of t e, a new '
' ' y g a e 15 Arthur Ellenberger of Sedro
bornand petition for settle- Washington. by adding ti-ieretli)l1 2 of
EDWARD J. REILLY. course please contact her for fur- Woole is visitm his
sister Mr
Sgtrlbumn. 0f the “tam 9‘ "Ct-101“ to be 51851 Dated Secs
gallows: Pass d Speaker 0f the House' l ' ther information on the
date of‘ y’ g- S'
vi ‘i ,abgéovzh:;%macggamazing mi: ArstgteioXIIzthl‘gl‘i st 13:11
53%;; of tax_ e the Senate March 11, 1941. ' . i .. , beginning {Bertha
Wiles tllllntll hekleaves for
I i . . _ . . . A. M ' arm serVIce is wee . i
as :rélésttrlibutfiilogcgffighe estate.
11336133935ggglleggglaggrg°gfigfififa32 _ presi‘éé'iff‘éi
the Es‘ifi‘i‘ite. , FAST FREIGHT SERVICE ‘ “m Ml. and Mrs. L. E.
ice. " IS 'FUIRTI-IXER GIVEN that he power to lay and collect
graduated StFlledN}? the Office of the Secretary of I WITH DOOR DELIVERY
IN SHELTON CARD OF THANKS lfour children from south Dakota
{thee with an order 0} the net income taxes from whatever source a 8.
«roll 17, 1941. . , _ I would 1ike to take this oppor- moved into the
house at Key- ATTORNEY AT LAW
.- ofmsaéiet ant? enigzgd onheghre . Seattle Freight should be 'routed
Via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock. tumty to thank the citizens of zeros Comer
recently vacated by B “e 1. L 31
p cm .. . a — " ' ~' ' ' - ' .' . .
l he had befoel‘le the Court ,on STA“: 01" WASHINGTON, Tacoma
Frelght “8‘ Str' SKOOkEm Chlef’ Mllwaukee Dmk’ Mason county for
their vote of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schodt. u Shelto W ‘ matron“
q‘iccount. report and thlthH - OFFICE o’r THE SECRETARY OF STATE
No' confidence given me at the polls Mrs. Anna Kinnamon and Mrs. 11’
RV. .
the 24th day of OCtOber‘ at the primary election. gKatle Evans of Tamera,
‘ =00 'l .M.. 'd ' l ' . . .
, . “1 nortC oRcd‘Oonf thigncgiailrt I, BELLE REEVES, Secretary of
State of the state of Washington, l TimeSchedule a§ fOlIOWS- E. F.
“GENE‘ MARTIN, Iand Mrs. E. A. Henderson of
u! House at Shelton. Wash- hereby certify that the abovf: aridtfo;e§cm§
contains a full, true and l LeaVes Tacoma daily, execegtsshuiligay, at 5
p.m. for Democratic Nominee for 3 Rochester, were Sunday visitors .. .
‘ is 19, f t b, correct copy of House Joint esq u 10 0. passed by the
Legislature ‘ Olympia an e n Sheriff. at the Bert Rau home. ,
v . oLAREhEgz‘yEESEZm em er of the State of Washington
aifétsotlggngy—seventh session, as appears Arrlves Shelton dain except
p . . . . s 10 ' ' . .
' fin: of the Sn erior com. .from the Orlglnal of said Joint e1 f th
Sotn file in myloifice. CLARENCE CARL DER- Pm'de'“ GIRL BORN
SUNDAY i SON BORN SATURDAY Licensed Public Ampuntlnt
Mason Co'lm y. Washmg— Wltness My Hand and the Sea 9 ate of
Washington this 20th I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Clifford of I Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Pulsifer of Ngtary Public
. 13 day of May, 1942.
' “‘5 Bulldlnz- [STATE SEALl - §ecretaru of State.
I) a
“hlnfiton 9-25--10-2-9—16—4t!
Matlock route .became parents of ' Potlateh route became parents of
a baby daughter born Sunday atla .baby boy how at Shelton hos- 325 Rallmad
AVe- Phone In5
Shelton hospital. 'pital Saturday.