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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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9 It's time to answer some more questions sent in by readers. If you do not find your question here it's possible you didn't send one. Q - John Wayne said on television the other night that the women who are accused of attempting to assassinate President Ford should have their faces smashed, he bloodied up, have some of their hair pulled out, and then be shown on television. Could he possibly he serious? A -- Of course he's serious. Wayne is an expert on law and order. In a career spanning 50 years, he has never failed to restore peace to the valley, no matter how tough the opposition. If he says smashing women in the face will wipe out violence, the nation should listen to him. Q - It seems to me Ann Landers' column has not been the same since her divorce from Julius. To put it mildly, it's terrible. What happened? A - Faithful readers are beginning to suspect that Julius wrote the column. "Till5 OUC.+tT TO RC-FTORe T /B¢IC CONFIbENCE x Q - President Ford says he is traveling around the country to open a dialogue with the people. What is this dialogue? A -- The Journal reporter covering Ford's visits to I California discovered that the President gathered a wealth of information about the American people while shaking hands with them. He discovered, for instance, that the nation's health is By STEVE ERIEKSON superb. More than 90 percent of those he asked "H'warya?" Earthbound souls foreign to lost causes, comebacks and answered "Fine." Amazingly, not one constituent among the spitting into oncoming airflows were naturally bewildered by the remaining 10 percent complained of ill health during the recent Portland resurrection of baseball player Jim Bouton. dialogue. How, they implored over balance sheets, could a sane, rational th Jim Bouton provided nothing less than Jim Bouton. Since being bombed out of baseball by batters Bouton has dabbled in movie acting, liberal Democratic politics, best-selling controversial books and doing television before it did him• But quitting the game was disquieting. None of the new Editor, The Journal: After moving here from the Kelso-Longview area four months ago, we find Shelton to be a very nice town to live in. Our family has been warmly welcomed by neighbors, friends and customers of our business. But there is one thing that really disturbs us, the fact that there isn't anything for the young people of the community. In our previous town, we had the choice of four theaters, which by the way, have a selection of showings - very different from the local theater. We also had weekly Saturday night dances and a pizza parlor where we met with our friends and had many good times, etc. What does Shelton offer for those of us who are out of school and not old enough to go to the bars - not that we would care to sit in these places every night. When was the last time the theater outside of town brought a show and gave the public a chance to turn out for something other than all the "X"-rated movies? We think probably if our community were offered a few of these things, then it would possibly give the younger people something to do other than being chased out of parking lots by this is what we through town way home from game. It would more time to useful duties, some of the We woke up nameplate and mail box twisted out no possible car tracks from i our neighbor's grass and nice yard that We are young people, have been. But police find chasing the parking lots, their friends and We the out to cause any kind, just possible way of with friends time. Is this this t'me town? Ford also discovered he speaks the language of the breadwinner jeopardizeS50,000 a year as a television Narcissus to departures stifled a yen to play ball. Stagnation embalmed people. To hisgreeting "Hi" an overwhelming majority fly West and pitch baseballs for a gang of castoffs, rejects and adrenalin. Life became boring despite remuneration, memories Editor, TheJournal responded with ,Hi." ,, daydream believers called the Portland Mavericks. and notoriet- : concern, by ' Y , "It was the wind an overseem this His friendly Good to see ya elicited smiles from every Such a man couldn t, obviously• But Bouton did. So this aging retread retired from baseball s mothball fleet and . " , " g " Now that the ex-New York Yankee stalwart has comported enlisted with the Mavericks, which one wao accurately dubbed the unpredictable, fickle east wind, The cold h citizen so greeted, which proved to him that he has returned himself respectably and been sucked back East by the monetary only nrofessional team weird enou ,h to ta ke him ~ that turned a docile slash bum them, are that happiness to a people decidedly grim only a year ago. • .... • • f ,, riptide, it seems clear that hm summer foray was equated wRh You can't be home a ain, saoes have said Usuall,, ,,ou rote a orest fire Monday. ecological arson In a few short hours he gathered information the irrelevant phenomena, shouldn't evenTry. Circumstances ter, attitudes erode, abilities . .I am TNT Staff considered as Department of Health, Education and Welfare has spent It was not exactly the same as if a banker had suddenly defect, snontaneitv defies recall Writer Kerry Webster s dramatic against some ot millions to compile• Even now the department's computers forsaken foreclosure, a politican eschewed incumbency• This was Hear ¢ ri, o ia,,, too- are f,, ...... a,,isino o,,,w., report on the fire in the Olympic assets of our beau are working on his report that 42 percent of Americans have no burglar taking leave of fences, it was a controlled eccentric as thouoh there was some advant'aoe to that J ......... Nat o al Forest m the Tacoma In addition • • • ~ ~ " • Tribune, September 24 loss of a pro bhthely counterpunchmg conformity sweaty palms, 33 percent have cold hands, 12 percent have • Bouton had a nretty good season. Won four, lost two, turned m .. _ • .I,, warm hands, 3 percent suffer from some form of fungus, 18 " - . . Year atter ear, runawa , resource, ann It was a rarity. . ....... an excellent earned-run-average and generally lmpresswe . , ,Y .. • . y ....... j', percent have warts and .06 percent have one or more fingers Jim Bouton ~s 36. Charles Percy was presment ot t~eH ano statistics man-mane stash nres uestroy me wile die anu: Howell when he was 29. Edward Kennedy made it to the U.S. But interviewers alwa,,s asked him "Wh. 9- Was he countless board feet of lumber is also the cost o! missing• . , . Follow-up dialogue by our reporter with those who Senate by a,,e 30 Jesus &ed at 33 ....... 9 H ........ Was ............. and ravage our state and private efforts - to • " researcnln anomer oooL e uemeu that. ne attempung a . ................... u,, ! ' r I have an mkhn about " ~orest lanas 1 nave l~ved m this ~i24U,OOU tot ~,,- I don t undo stand the others but , " " g comeback9 He admitted to that. ~ . " ..... turned out to see the President reveals that 92 percent of Bout.on, maybe because I, .too,. am .36. It s an itchy age. The The comeback never materialized; no major league team felt area !he, past etght years ann nmze. ,_..,a them visit Disneyland more than once a year, 12 percent of susptoon nags that something gaming on you. It s now, you the late-season need for a throwback knuckleballer. Still the am appauea at the compmcent am them voted in the last election, and 100 percent of them list sometimes co.nclude, ornever.. _ experience did not seem a failure in the grand sense. Bouton said acceptance ot,these.yeany, man-maue Y as their, favorite p~t~e v~ ~t~:, ~,Pgt ~ acre tl e¥ ~S~t, ~;.::wi~aear-miaat,-~ e, xce by proxx, he wotrld tryagain ~,seamm with, a minor league team ~ loftier-, ~ e~S~t ~.u c t,l, ve , a c clu e n t a I : ca:oaYe ng t~p~ wire t outon it was homing 'vent ured, 'fidthing gaineo out classification appenmgs, t acn year me events gr g ., thehouse.majonty of their time ngto r ;sider its of the great ape frustration. Those who take chances have auch to lose and know .... t.o ,.o :..+o.t, ........ ,. = seem to be repeated• "Forest fire up the tab? I st .j , . , . it, but Bouton seemed more haunted by the realization that life as ...... ......... s ,, raging due to docile slash bum." long overdue tho • • • lg.~ll~.,ILl~l.~ ;2tULItl/~t%.,KJgl~ll 111 l~l%~v~f IOllPk ~.~ t y * . • • • ~lI we know tt comes once, fleet and perishable, ends too soon and ..... Who gwes a oamn9 .... t outon sai "l"st no ....... ta~mg"--- tne't'- In my opinion, these slash fire this serious matt :1 • ~ , " ... ", ,, escapes are inexcusable and reveal Q - Why has there been no blood bath in South Vietnam over. , easy route in life• You ve gotta roll the nice ...... since the United States pulled out? James Thurber gave us Walter Mitty to act out our fantasies• maaequate management anu A - For the same reason there was no breach of national security when the Nixon tapes were made public. """ "11 I o_ ~hoor what,s ~no~y Ant? ~~ s A - Energy Ant makes his debut in a three-color Administration.W°rkb°°k providedAmongtO thirdothergradersthings, hebY comesthe Federalup withEnergYsome By JOHN GAAR wisdom, chose Richard Nixon? now we learn ky is "anof similar worth, the economy. You are old, enough pending, is sparkling new riddles for the kiddies. Sample: What did Time was when the silly There s Secretary of State old personal friend' of George No column would be to realize that "managing means spending. Energy Ant say to the light bulb? Socket to me! The kids get season was synonymous with the Henry Kissinger who, on one of Wallace. In between mouthfuls of complete without President Ford. controlling," aren't you? Clear? TrY the book free; for taxpayers the bill is $175,000. speeches of candidates in the heat those rare occasions when he was grits Rocky allowed as how he He informs the hardware dealers ' And how does the President President setoe of a campaign. But since in the nation's capitol, lectured knows how to keep them shines he's going to get government out control inflation? By vetoing all he and ~aernl * * * * television discovered re-runs and C o n g r e s s r e g a r d i n g i t s in their place and he didn t mean of their hair but his Treasury those spending bills• Except he receive the fine Q - Isn't there a chance those billions of dollars worth of garnered audiences, all sorts of investigation of the CIA. He went on the welfare rolls. Rocky will Secretary tells Congress how the wants to raise the price of oil - your expense..£ American arms captured by Hanoi will be used against the public officials have evidently on television to state his belief probably be elected Keeper of the Administration is going to manage which costs more money - so France descrtt reached the conclusion that that such probes were harmful to Klaxon or Kleagle or something you won't lose your job. This "being too go~ United States? people will watch anything and our conduct of foreign affairs. He A - Possibly. But not in Vietnam• According to a recent listen to anything, cited Portugal as the example people" and issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review, North VietnamIt seems the higher one rises where we were being hurt. If C_._apitol -Dorn Jerrycare forF°rdyou.thb has invited international arms dealers to visit Hanoi to buy in government, the more exposure there were no probe, we could ,, American military equipment captured in Southeast Asia. one must have. By the time they justfl°°dasthatthe Russiansnati°n withwereOperativeS,doing. "* PentagonInflati°nbu reach the nation s capitol, they haven't you no * * * * are nolongerplayingintheminor Naturally the Portuguese Bill woul,I I.., "t elective" service less expensive t! Q - Wouldn't this state be better off to have Dr. Dixie leagues, yet, too frequently, their would love, this unwarranted Lee Ray as governor during a nuclear power plant disaster? opinions - God save us from their meddling! We ve proved over and MI it s been to enJ unconsidered ones- should make over again that we love it in our $30 billion w,~ A - When there has been a nuclear power plant disaster it us all wonder if they could be own nation. Why else would we By ROBERT C. CUMMINGS determines which bills shall be are confident agreement can be inflation hash t is too late for the doctor, seeing-eye men for blind dogs. have devised loyalty oaths,AeRatiOn, for a limitation, on considered by the entire House. reached on a bill before January. governmentalrise in the budl . . , , This column will not dwell formed anti-subversive activity service of elective officials, which Mrs. Erickson is even more sure of The committee chairman, perhaps, the lef) varying degrees for long on the pronouncements of committees, permitted elective has existed in" full committee support for Walt O. Knowles (D-Spokane), Do you tea Q - Does drinking bad gin change the color of your eyes? the humorist of the Agriculture officials to tyrannize other many years, is beingb drafteda Houseint° another measure in her said there was a general meeting argument again A - Wait just a minute; there s no mirror in this office. Department - Earl' Butz. Only citizens? Foreigners, noting our b i 11 f o r m Y subcommittee. In fact, she is of the minds. The meeting was Asia War? StOP malevolent practices 'and our subcommittee headed by Phyllis positive, held at the same time as the spend the mo~i note that Jerry Ford does have legacy of support for repugnant Erickson(D-Tacoma)" This is a call for a Washington State Medical (about $30 bill lHilIMDMl OliHHimlmmllli lflflflBflmllflfllfllllllMIIf compassion as he probably knows dictatorships, have always While measures to limit terms constitutional convention, which Association convention andthe cities, • a ~. . ~ if Earl directed the transportation welcomed our wanton tampering of various offices have been was requested by Governor Dan numerous, doctors appeared to ~ducation, attd MCL lnnls department the same way hewithgusto, naventthey? •-..a,~,.a from time totimein Evans in his message to thetestify. manages Agriculture then poor tntr ...... Ha! Earl would probably be run down Somehow, without the CIA, past sessions, this will be the first Legislature early this year, though The next session will be held by a rapid transit bus while Portugal managed quite well and to be offered usa committee bill. the House version, HJR 25, in Spokane on October 25. The only m~t the terms of all changed its government. Whether It would li " differs somewhat. Eventually there will be a joint the "ill-fed, dashing for a street car. Senator Charles Percy (R-Ill.) this was because the CIA was not state elective officers, including Not Like Evans' Versionmeeting with the Senate select the - - -. HHHiHIHHHHHImlIH~Ilflmfllfll larry Nation says there's a new game called "Bureaucracy." The first penon who moves loses.. (Troy Gordon in Tulsa World) Seen at an Oklahoma motel: Shark-fi e swimming pool. (Wayne Mackey in Oklahoma City Times) Mailing Address: Box 430. Shelton. Wa. 98584 Phone 426-44 12 Published at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington 98584, weekly. Second-class postage paid at Shelton, Washington. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $6.00 per year in Mason County. in advance -- Outside Mason County $7.50 made a stunning summation of the SALT talks recently. His judgment was that they were valuable because they prevented us from buying and installing an obsolete electronic warning system to defend our nation• The cost for this system was $50 million, it seems incredible that anyone, except a callous stockholder, wouM propose to spend ten dollars on an antiquated defense system. Better would be an iron fence. Perhaps, if the talks continue, Senator Percy will save us from rebuilding the Merrimac and the Monitor. At one time Senator Percy was being seriously considered as a GOP presidential candidate. Are we fortunate the EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay Republican Party, in its infinite Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 2, 1975 unleashed or because the Russians legislators, to 12 consecutive It differs from the Governor's committee, which is headed by to declare war sent too many agents only years. After serving 12 years, an The last classified documents will tell. elective officer would be eligible proposal in that it requires the Frank Woody (D-Marysville). seem bent call to conform to guidelines to No Perils For BoardsBakunin's Maybe. But it's obvious from to run for the same office again be established by the Legislature. Many have complained for when he Secretary Kissinger's remark it after "sitting out" a term, wasn't our common sense or however, or he could run for The committee already has years about the proliferation of ago, "The decency. Perhaps we should another state office immediately, shown its full support for the state boards and commissions, but flagrant, the permit the CIA to transport the A House member with 12 resolution. It reported thenobody ever seems to do anything most successful Russian agents to other years consecutive service could measure out and sent it to Rules about it. ,, humanity beleagurednations, run for the Senate, for instance, Committee last April 22, but it A State Government no cruelty, Oh well, perhaps the or vice versa. In addition, all was rereferred to Constitution subcommittee headed by Gary no impoSV Secretary was suffering from jet officials now in office-would be and Elections when the first Nelson (R-Edmonds) plans to try, transaction, lag. However, we should insist exempt from 'the proposed special session adjourned last June .however. The subcommittee is no bold 10. The purpose of hearings now investigating all of the boards and betrayal upon knowing - in complete legislation, being held is to build up support commissions, to determine how not daily detail- all the accords and secret Committee Support Expectedto get the measure through the they function. The goal is to represent~ agreements in the proposed Sinai Peace Settlement. Mrs. Erickson is confidentHouse and Senate. It requires a develop legislation to consolidate under no "do Next we have Vice-President she can get a pass" two-thirds majority vote in both some, and abolish those which elastic recommendation for the bill from houses, aren't functioning, yet so Rockefeller and his campaign tour of the South. There was a time the House Constitutions and Malpractice Bill Shapes Up It. is a noble project, but state." when Rocky was deemed to be a Elections Committee- Following their first session in nothing that seasoned observers. T h e man of honor and principle but But she isn't sure about the Seattle, members of the House are likely to become ecstatic neglected Rules Committee, which Select Committee on Malpractice about, stupidity.