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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2 noon, Club, 6:45 a.m., Chapter No. Baptist Church. of Mason noon, Senior 8:30 Library. for pre-schoolers, Library. 6 p.m.; 8 pan., at the eratic Central 7:30 p+m., anty Recreation P.m., Colonial !hal Lions Club, "Family Planning Class, 7 p.m.-9 p.m., Health Department. Board of Realtors, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. ESA Beta Zeta model meeting, 8 p.m., home of Joan Sowers. Hillcrest Catholic Club, 1 p.m., home of Ceeelia CorneD. Thursday, October 9 LDS Relief Society homemaking meeting, 10 a.m., in the church. Mason County Historical Society, 7:30 p.m., Squaxin Tribal Center. Union Ladies Civic Club, noon, Union fir,hall. Overeaters Anonymous, 8:30 a.m., Timberland Library. Kiwanis Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior Center. Tops Washington Chapter No. 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Harold's Bakery Cinnamon KNOTS ................. 12¢ Ea. nll,I A ........ 95¢ Loa, We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions Phone 426-3377 Taylor Town,. No. 1462 auxiliary, noon, 10 p.m., home of dinner, 6 p.m., Sale by Elinor p.m., PUD. " AARP will hear Baker band American Association of Retired Persons will be entertained by the Don Baker Band of Olympia following the Monday 12:30 p.m. potluck at the Shelton Senior Center. Musical selections, both old and modern, will be played by this group. Members are reminde-d- of the AARP-NRTA area 8 and 9 conference to be held October 13, 14, 15 in the Olympic Hotel, Seattle. These two areas include the twelve western states. The board of directors met Monday and will have recommendations to present to the chapter members. Proceeds from the September 12 rummage sale will be reported by the chairperson. Stella Wilson and Lodema Johnson will host Monday's meeting and request that those attending bring their table service. Next board of directors meeting at the Shelton Senior Center is slated for October 27 at 11 a.m. Strange, isn't it? One murder makes a villain, Millions a hero. Beilby Porteus III 426-4302 This Week's Special 205 W. Cota Shelton SPECIAL all our regular stock of COUNTRY WESTERN 49 POP Steppenwolf Deep Purple 3 Dog Night Rare Earth and lots more COUNTRY WESTERN Charlie Rich Eddie Arnold Johnny Cash Donna Fargo Waylon Jennings and lots more l Values to 9.98 I DAISY FRESH PRODUCE CHERRY A SALAD ............ cod/89 :.,..?....., , LO =/29 Bu GR. 0 NIO N :.A.L.7.: ...... Bu GRAPFR SEEDLESS =/69 ,,i,, ,==,my ********************************** Y. ........... LB 39 Memorial Hall. Party, 7:30 p.m., imi~ a.m., Safeway, ;t, by for Retarded S WHETHER YOU BUY ci invite you ONE CAN OR ONE Church of your CASE, YOU CAN'T GO WRONG STOCKING- r6 UP ON TOP QUALITY PARADE BRAND 3 commission PRODUCTS AT POD conference S HO P- R I T E ! ! mission meeting, use. II EACH CASE dge Club, 7:15 ~E~__ ~//~ ~~ ial committee PARADE ITEM _ Senior Center. cUT sPEARS---'''''''' .... * • m., Capitol Hall. LESAUCE.I,.,:oZ T,. 4 / 1 + 5.95// + °chleClub, 7:30 // qUT G ,a, C[iNI;CriES ,,oz +,,, 47 ,n1.15, . ... ..........REEN.BEAzNSs4/$'I... ,.$5.85 :30p'm"Mt'View HALVESORSLIC.ES ............ _ II ozzT U/AY RFAN '2/$'1 s'; lit RS RK Sl_':IR. I/ uuI ..n,, ,,,,s -.-,- ?0, p.m., at BARTLET PEA ...,, oz T,N,"+'"'----, ............ _ ......... , 7:30 HALVES ................... l[ ~AO~11.~ I~ I L Park and rjlklr'Al D/l: ..JUicE PA" ' AK sin SLICED TINS&,'"'+ 5.§0 )Unty 'ners'rd'7:30roomp.m., rlIILIP~//II=--NK SLICED.,..- • • .. 20 OZ. TIN "I'~=U 24's • *,---- II ..................... .... -- ...... CRUSHED, CHU , // CREOARMN OR KERNEL ........ 16 OZ. TINS2! ~ ,4,s ' 5.Ub Social Club, PRUNE JUICE .. oz. BOTTLE 53 luncheon, noon, 46oZ. TIN 59, ,,.)6.75 RDEN. ... "°ZT'"'2!|'"=6"Sli n meeting, 2 STI WEO =1 .)7.90 .... ,,oz t brary.°Y °us 7:30 ............ .-....-...:;::. ='a =R // SPINACH ....... ,+oz. TINS23"+ + TOMATO Jtlll,Z: .. ,,oz TINS uv ,'-'-- II ..................... - • egion anu norial HaU ................. "-" :" :=;; "" =- ..11 PORK'N' BEANS. 30 oz+ NS43 ?,~10,1 and board TOMATO SJ~l,~. ,soz. TINS L~ ,4's b."O /I ......................... " 7:30'ndInn.p.m., " ..............."" QUALITY OF ALL PARADE ... OR OUR MONEY meeting, 6:30 WE I] FROZEN FOODS 8 p.m., HEALTH & BEAUTY ill, 8 p.m., lodge. Club, 8 p.m., PARADE 100 PER CENT FLORIDA JUICE ....... 12 OZ. TIN PARADE CRISP, SOLID HEADS PARADE 59 "''''',-.,,7 OZ. TUBE . ....$ OZ. PKGS. PARADE ~'''*, 17 Oz. 4"--~.2S) TIN Schools 6-10 r on bun r es fruit ala King cheese fruit, -'ued beef rowned - MEAT SPECIALS ARMOUR'S STAR, B TTER BASTED, U S " "LITTLE ROTISSERIE , 7 to 9 LB. FAMILY SIZE TURKEYS... oVEN OR ROTISSERIES R EADY...LB. REDEEM COUPONS HERE CAMAY Bath rile.. :... 2/$9 DOWNY ,+o= ........ !" COMET ,,-o,: ......... 2/69 SPIC & SPAN ,-o,. ..... P' CAX¢ MlXtS PARADE ASSORTED L .... 18~ OZ. PRICES EFFECTIVE oCT. 2, 3, 4, 5- LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED cheese INC. 101 TOP SIRLOIN PARADE BEEF BONE-IN STEAKs ........ LBS1.98 ROUND STEAK pARAD£ BEEF BONE.IN FULL CUT ..L.S1.39 PORTERHOUSE STEAK p,RAOIE BEEF TENDER GOURMETsTEAKS..LB. S2.59 T-BONE STEAK su =2.49 I÷Z coUT LOBSTER TAILS " "_ + ~ bLIPPER T/~IL,," ~" GREAT"' IWITH ....... STEA K., ..... LB 3.59 HOT DOGS 68 HYGRADE'S SKINLESS WIENERS..,. 12 OZ: PKG, BONELESS ROASTS PARADE BEEF, RUMP OR Sl 98 SIRLOIN TiP ROASTS....,..,,.,'''''' LB, • SLICED BACON oSl 79 SHOP RITE'S OWN,,,' ........... LB. PK • BEEF LIVER FANCY QUALITY SLICED, SKINNED, AND DEVEINED. , ,,,*,- • • ,,,,,,,,*,,,*,, • ,, ,,,,, LB. WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 9 INC. Thursday, October 2, 1975 Iton-Mason County Journa+ Paq /