October 2, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 2, 1975 |
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.m.......mp...,....,..um.,.m.m.q.m,,m...., ~i~~~m~~I~~~~~~~~~iII~~~IIi~~ii~I~i~~~~~~~I~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~i~~iii~~i~~~~I~~IIiiI~~~ii~I~i~~~~~~~~~I~I~~II~IIIII~~~~II~~~~~mI~~~~~~~~~il~i~~I~Imi~~i~~i~~~~~
n n
~l, "Five duck hunters in the the design, a lO-foot boat may Personal Flotation Devices. tile},
~,I. IluonmmnlnnnnnmmoaounnonualmmOlnlomaonnuoomunnao.nnnaoonoo lulllll~l~ll~llll~llll|l~l~llllllllllllIIl~~IIIlIll~lI~~I~lll~lllI~ll~Il~~~lI~Ill~IIIl~ll~lll~llIIII~II~Illu~~~~~~~~I~~nIlI~nIllInlI~I~~~~II~~~Iln~~~llll~~ll~l~ll~llllll~lllI~Il~I~ Northwest w~ll drown this fall as a have a safe load ca13~lcity of only may drown, since s'wirnmillg is
~ii~:~iii~!i.I!: ME.,’ r,.~....~r,A. " . ......... Sort 5 11 J,,,i .... 4'/2 1.u. ~.-.- result of overloaded boats if past 350 pounds although it looks big difficult in heavy clothes and
~:~:~;;:: ..: ,.~ .., ~v,v,,v,r..r~.,~L Imlr.u'q ~ ~u/v - , ,,u~ - ~ ,,, ,v^ ..... ,, .
:~ .... ~::~. Men s Hi Game. Chub Nutt 224 , - 3-13 ex enence is any mdlcatzon, enou for twice that amount, boots. Last fall five duck huntels
~- ~:::~:~i ~i:~::::: . . Men s H, Game: Gene Strozyk . . P gh
~~1%~ Men's Hn Serms: Chub Nutt 582 243 F Capital 4, J0m Patten558, warned Commander H E "It's not uncommon to have drowned on Washington's Skagit
,~. ' .... "~:::c:%~:~" ...... Standings: N tehawks 12-4 Men's Hi Series- Leo Nault 614 ox 0, SonnyGatewood 459- S . " " . - - .
~- Certif ed 12 4 Photo 8zb 7112' "" ~'n " "' ...... E"u '- 0 T m Rishe 399- PSNB Obedin, Chief of the 13th Coast small boats loaded to the River alone, nearly all v~ctlms ot
,’: " , - , ~ianol gs: nlaull S 1-'-'4, H I-'. , , ~ .
I ~~ Manke8V2.-.TV2. B&R.8-8, Stewart Brad's 12-4, Elks 8-8, A/S 7-9, 4,. Floy.d Fuller 500;J. Chevron 1, Guard District s Boatmg Safety gunnels: as long as the water overloaded boats and unused or
.... .o;o, ,~otr ts-t~, Morgan t~-t~Mason Garbage 7-9 West Parts ~teve wellingron 495; RaMac 3, Division doesn't come in over the sides unavailable PFD's."
:. verne s 7-9, S. Fooas 7-9, Airport 7-9, Jess's 7-9 Lucky L 4-12 ~ill 15aKer 486 HOODS. Merch. 2 .... " ............. i.:_1..t. ....... ~ ...... ~ ^. c~ t. ~ .~ : ..
~~!i: 6-10 Wolden 3-13 N~.nt'~ a /~.~ N~.,nt "~la. Powell White 524; Bull Schlitz 2. Last year live hunters people seem tu uuatr~ mey re sane. L u m .~ a. u c u u ’ u ~.
i~litehawks 2, Chub Nutt 582; Jess;s'i'~'fess'PhHNps 5"ffff;'Lucl~v Dave Stole 485; WSP 3, Austir~ drowned and five the year before, However, the more overloaded a emphasized that "The solution to
I B&..R 2AB.ert Hoard 560;.Got.t 1, L. 2, Bill Blucher474;West. Part's Jerpe. 494; Bill~ngton's 1, Mill all from the same cause" boat is the more unstable itthe problem is simple: always
I - ~-Tt~f~%: ,.ue uanman Duo; Lertlrlea 3 2. Dave Mowlafld 539; Mason Jennlflgs ,~ob; ury ~on ~, ~ofl , . .- " .......... ~ ....
- ~_ --~'~ B II Kenyon 472; S Foods 41 ~rh~n~ 1 Jim Tohin 4~.2 F" k.~ :L AI en 544; Hansen's 1, Gary C ark overloaded boats, becomes, so instead o[ sinking at load me IDa[ ~or me conditions
I Frank Wdlard 527; "Wolden 0, Vai~'S~en'l~o 524;-A/S"2,-I~oge; 561. . "Hunters and rmhermen tend the bank the boat capsizes in you are likely to meet and
I K:nrYn~/~[n~716M3~nMeO~g.a~arZ~ PennY,inn 5~)531; Brad's 2, Rick Grief for joy to use the small cartop boats, 10 midstream as soon as current or NEVER overload. All boats built
i!~ Wood 503; Photo 1, Curt'Casev " .~ ....... to 12 feet in leneth and desbmed wake from another boat is after 1972 and most other small
~ 519- Ste - Lne t)est lala schemes o mice . =" ,, '~
~~ .. , , w~t 3_JackStewart 522; MERCHANTS for light loads, continued encountered boats have a capacity plate which
~. ver ne s~ uan urown a~l; ' m an men - - ,, , ,, "
I A rr~rt ~ .~ a..~ ..... nod Men s H0 Ga e: Ron Allen 219 . Obedm There s nothin~ wron~ If the sportsmen m the boat gives the safe load capacity for
: en s H Ser es: Gary C ark 561 Gang aft a-gl y, wi " ' th t
I ~~% ~ ’,=n,~ ,-.,. u ,, ~... +. ,.~A .... - .... th that type of boat.as lon~ as are wearing their Personal a boat.
~:, :::;:~ .-" ...... ~: .............. P,n lea e us naught but grIe~ it's " " ......
I W ...... '- Capital 11-5, RaMac 11-5, Hoods. . . used properly. The problem m Flotation Pewees (life jackets)Keep m mind that the
I Wor~'? 12~30 . .. M erch., 10Vz-SV~, _WSP 9-7, ,~ anopam , the size of theboat is apparently they may be able to swim tocapacity listed is calculated for
~i~,I~:ii i!!! Castle~209.......ame. Lavonne BflhH'a' .nsenton,sS v?./,7 9, PSNB~" Lqu=P.6_10 ~'~'Dr ='or prormsea joy. dece!'ving in comparison to its safe. . safety with only the loss of their ideal conditions.
II Wo..men-.Sueqvt Hi Series: LaVonne ng ...... y Robert Bums loading capacity, depending on gear. If they are not wearing their
I - ~ : ~:--~-- Nell's 6~6, Mason Garbage 6-6,
- -- - :--:-:.~ Bib's 5-7.
I -- - - i~::~,~ Nell's 3, Marlis Monger 416; ~
...... Coleman 210 I
I Women s Hi Game: Donna
I Women's Hi Series: Donna ';~1
-". " " " -. " " etty Russe,, 3-7-10 sp,t.
~vailable only to a country home Also requiring picked UPers 4 Sue
aces isayear-oldmaleSt Bernard cross More Logg , MCK~421; -I & 'I t i[
~ livinn are assorted smail terrier and cocker Loaders.~ ,Don?a Coleman 586; I
n... = ......... Raiuroaos u, vo Mcgee 446; Shops I
, ,,~w owners. ~ oogs purchased ror a ~J o, Doris Neff425. I
~.Come eligible for a free examination at the /
Unary Hospital. Call 426-4441 for information. SHELTON JR LEAGUE [
Men's Hi Game: Jim O Dell 198
Men's Hi Series: Bill Lang 497
-=~--~--~----~----~------~-~-------=- Women's Hi Game: Jamie Tullar
153 , " i,~i~
'Q C1'$$1', '00 tale ,0 Cla$$l,, wg4mens H, Series: Jill Barnes illill~ =** ,6. I i:) 7~ =,,.a ,,.a u....,.,,
, ~ ---------------------~----------------------------------- Sta ndings: Joslin Ins. 4-0,
Hoodsport Cafe 3-1, Mason Co.
Owner. Two LOST OR ?. Large gray and whiteSlat. 3-1, Merv's 3-1, VFW 1694 _ ~i~ii
aths. Mostly male cat wearing clear flea collar 3 1 Donut Tree 2-2 Hembroff
lasement with Reward for return to 529 West 2-2', Hut 1-3, Amer. Legion 1-3,
~!th fru!t trees. Birch, or call 426-6284 if you Rose Co. 1-3, Castle 1-3,
,wn, tare overnave any information. J10/2 Lumbermen's 0-4.
Z. H10/2 - Joslin Ins. 4, Boo Anderson I
~_lobs., , FOR SALE.a 2 uplandt01ots in the 477; Lumbermen s 0, Des _ .~
,% Only 21(1(In Phillips Lake area. Phone Clayton 359; Rose 1, Marv
I, V-8"$1 2-9-5" 426-5559, Knauf Realty. K10/2 Carson 315; Mason Co. Stat. ~. -"
' '. " -- --- -- Jim O'dell 437. Amer. Legion I'
TWO 8-month-old Holstein steers, Rick Sparks 360; Merv 3, Butch
~' business Iot~ $65 and $75. Call 426-1710 Carr 404; VFW 1694 3, Dave t-'~?,i~?',:
ellent locationevenings. K10/223 Danliton 464-Hut 1, Dan IIIII~~~i~li i~lCfO6~,~. ~'~ ~ |.'.~',
)usiness. Priced .... Goodburn 425;'Donut Tree 2,
,-5559 Knauf CE RAM IC INSTRUCTION Mike Wood 406; Hembroff 2, Bill
' greenware, reta and who esa el Lang 497; Castle 1, Cathy Pleines ~::~;~i~!~:: :::~ ~;.'..'
Oak Park, 141 Maple Drive, 392.; HoodsportCafe 3, Tamle
low mileaae, 426-4355. N10/2-9 uu,ar:l~u. ~.- ......v v It" ....
, 1969 Ki'ng I ~:"'
boot match the mood...
YS concrete ~ ,
n welcome. . the woods :,..;
:l room mobile ~ ,q,~O [,,[] ~~ l~;
~ature adults. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "
)660 after 5. of the . IU,
,T D p ckup - Sto in ana nave . '
L) - ;χ;~
n nt,,h ted us. The 1976 models will
)ro" "" P.., ll~tl~ll I
vide meals. " " '-"; ?'i(
fter 6 p.m. Cnl kAIIaII I| n$ be on display featuring v
or sale with
the Mercury Monarch Ghia, Pinto Stallion and 3/4 ton, 4x4 pick-up
Prson fill ,s ~. , ~i~~ "'~
-,.* ............
organizer -- .... " ..................... :i~ ";,.~ ?
3n. Apply The Stamp out
_750 mid feetl ..... '"
bO. 4;~6-4228. ' II ever
~~ Just what Y Mason
rern* county outdoorsman needs .' " ;~'
neelaale .Lab, ~ I~I=L- in a ~ot..~uality and the - ~i~~
.......... I~ ~r'~ cold mormng comfort of
ut cold feet in our " ~ .......... '
~~ ii~ ~ insulated leather. Stamp
10-4 319 ~llii~ pair of boots from Bib's, I ~~ V~ ~ ~i::?:::i: A~ I!"-'-~:
~ge sa e, " o Y new . ~::: ~::i ~ ~iiiiii!ii!!;~!i!!:::i:~;: .... ".-~;-~
) " " I ..~:!ii~:::!!:.~I::: ::~:: :::~:~' =,',;~
-- ,
head and ~~ ~ ~:~I~ I~
~}/2 IIiII~ I~I
:re iler w ith ~
-ee 1928 ~ ' ' ~;- I :;::~::.;::~ ~::i::i~::;~ ............ ' !i!~
Person to - --
ne eon2 ,*
y For the
n 1975 CIo.,;e-oul Savinc. is
...... hunter who wants " . ~ili
,."~; comfort & warmth. We have 39 vehucles among our 1975 year-end !~':i~
ay, 8-4.
View, clearance cars and trucks
"The Family Shoe St,re"
South Fourth St. Shelton
Plus Tax
and License
NEW 1975 PINTO MPG No. 9559
48 month financing available
/ 9 74 A WA DEA LERj
Kneeland Center on Mt. View
Bill Johnson George HasBrouck Tomi Smith John Ervin
Glen Stepper
Thursday, October 2, 1975 - Shelton-Mason ,County Journal - Paqe ] t