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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tKNNY EVELETH and Jenny McGee, standing, prepare a during a recent 4-H meal preparation contest at the We .tern Washington Fair in Puyallup. Seated are two of the : -rendipity Singers from San Francisco, Trent Tomilson and Jo Ellen Berryman, who were guests of the girls at the meal. Girls participate in food contest Jenny McGee and Jenny I'velcth from the Live Wires 4-H (tuh participated in the Food for :it Occasions meal preparation ,.artiest at the Western Washington Fair in Puyallup recently. They are in the intermediate ,!,~ision and entered the state ~,~nlest after winning a blue ~tbhon in the county competition. The meal they prepared t.,~cluded enchilada pie, pinto beans, corn, tossed green salad with ice cream and fresh peaches for dessert. The contestants must stay within certain budget level, know nutritional value of their food, learn step-saving devices as a team and know how to entertain their guests. The guests for the two Mason County girls were the Serendipity Singers from San Francisco, California. Legal Publications SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 12512 t=~ lift_ SUPERIOR COURT OF l{tE STATE OF WASHINGTON f OFt MASON COUNTY MARVIN W. MORGAN and I~OROTHY J. MORGAN, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. WALTERC. I ~JSON and BESSIE E. FUSON, h~s wife, if living, and if deceased ; i,o~t unknown heirs at law, [ ~efer~lants. 1 HE STATE OF WASHINGTON tO: WALTER C. VU~ON and BE~IE E. FUSON, Legal Publkations Township 22 north, Range 1 west, W.M., in Mason County, Washington, which lies westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of the old Secondary State Highway No. 14A EXCEPTING THEREFROM, however, the following described three portions t her eo f; 1 ) Any portion thereof heretofore conveyed to the State of Washington for right-of-way for the new Secondary State Highway No. 14A. New book Matlock at library about women The subjects of the articles and book reviews collected in "Crazy Salad; Some Things About Women" are in the main ephemeral (at least one hopes so; no one in his right mind would spend more than ten minutes thinking about Pat Loud or Sally Qulnn); but Nora Ephron is so deft and witty a writer, so joltingly candid, that she can make a Pillsbury Bake-Off seem worth reading about. Among the diverse people and topics she covers are Julie Nixon Eisenhower, devoted daughter ("a chocolate-covered spider"); Rose Mary Woods, devoted secretary ("the lady or the tiger?"); the Gloria Steinem-Betty Friedan split; "Deep Throat" and i~s unitalented star; doqt-yourself abortions; the miseries of not being a prom queen ('"They say it's worse to be ugly,' Alix Shulman writes. Yes, they'do say that. And they're right"); and male-female relations ("the real problem.., is not that men are little boys but that men don't like women very much"). She records remarks so fatuous they deserve to be bronzed. Here are Jerry Della Femina, an advertising executive, By DORA HEARING The registration books will be closed on October 5 until after the general election November 5. There will be a grange meeting at 8 p.m. Friday. Pinochle Club will meet Saturday night at 8 p.m. Good News starts at the Matlock Community Church at 3:30 p.m. October 6 for children all ages. Last September 17 Tammy S. Colbert left with Dianne Olivero to represent Mary M. Knight FFA (Future Farmers of America) at the PuyaUup Fair. Tammy was to show swine while Dianne was showing geese. They stayed from September 17 to September 21 and slept in dormitories furnished by FFA. Tammy took one second place ribbon for fitting and showing, one second place for type, and eight first place ribbons for herdsmanship, which included a banner for the Mary M. Knight FFA Chapter. Dianne won two first place ribbons, two grand champion ribbons, and a special award for her geese. The Mary M. Knight FFA Chapter had livestock and dairy judging teams. They both took 62nd out of about 150 on his agency's feminine spray p account: "If I can feel I was astor responsible for one more orgasm in the world, I fe, e,l Ideserve the candidate Nobel Peace Prize ; Bill Blase, on his firms contribution to the to sheclk stench industry: If there's a part IV" of the human body to exploit you might as well get onto it"; and Barbara Howar, on NASA's all-white astronaut program: "If NASA can train a monkey to operate the controls of a rocket, they can train a black man." The final essay dismantles a quasi-woman, Jan (nee James) Morris, who after marrying and fathering four children, the while pursuing a successful career as a journalist, had himself surgically transformed into - in Miss Ephron's words - "a fo rty-seven-year-old Cosmopolitan girl," all giggles, blushes, flirtatious glances, and Sunday, Reverend Billy T. Hudgins will candidate for the position of pastor of the Northside Baptist Church. Reverend Mr. Hudgins graduated from the University of Texas in 1962 with a BA degree. He attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he received his master's degree in religious education and a master's degree in theology. He served as a summer missionary in Ritzville in 1973 and then accepted a call to Sanders Valley Baptist Church in Sanders, Arizona. The west 150 feet. breathless chatter. It's cases like Reverend Mr. Hudgins is 36 2~ All that portion of the these, Miss Ephmn makes dear, years old, married and the father of three girls his wife, if living, and if deceased, following described tract of land that separate the girls from the " • +heir unknown heirs at law: which lies within the south half of women While serving as pastor at You are hereby summoned to the north half of the southeast i~f~ea, within sixty days after the quarter of the southwest quarter " Sanders, Arizona, he aL~o held a ,~te of the first publication of of said Section 20, Township 22 part-time position as a substitute t~Js sumrr~ons, to-wit, within sixty north, Range 1 west, W.M., teacher at the Puerco Elementary :i;~y,~ after t he 2rid day of to-wit: ~Ltober, 1975, and defend the Beginning at the point of - _ School located there. He is also ~¢~ove entitled action in theabove intersection of the north line of Church of God serving at the present time as ,,~titled court, and answer the the south half of the north half, = ~ chairman of the Little Colorado :, r p alnt of the pla nt ffs, and measured along the west line of ,,ve a copy of your answer upon Government Lot 4, said section, to hove speaker and White Mountain Baptist the undersigned attorneys for township and range, with the Associations of the Arizona piamfiffs, at their office below westerly right-of-way line ofReverend Roland Pendly...... !ated, and in case of your failure Secondary State Highway No. . ..... bouthern ~aptist Convention state youth a~rector, will be a ..... " ~,~J to do, judgment will be 14A (Shelton-Allyn Highway); ........ /ne pumic is welcome to , (nde, ed against you according to run thence west, along the north special speaKer at tile urturcrl o! ..... W " - come ano near Kevereno Mr. ~t,e demand of the complaint, line of said south half of theGod, F and amington ~treets, H .... which has been filed with the north half of said Government udglns unaay fe~k of said court. Lot 4, and the north line of the here Saturday and Sunday. " 1he object of the above south half of the north half of He will speak at 7 p.m. Pillar of government mflitled action is to quiet title in said southeast quarter of the Saturday, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. The administration of justice is the plaintiffs to real estate in southwest quarter, 325 feet; Mason County, described as thence southeasterly to a point Sunday at the church, the firmest pillar of government. |ollows: which is 225 feet west and 145The public is welcome. George Washington All that portion of the south feet due south from the above half of the southeast quarter of described point of beginning; i i i 20, Township 22 north, Range 1east 16Q feet, more or less, to the We're open west, W.M., in Mason County, westerYy right-of-way line of said Wasf, ington, which ties north of Old Secondary State Highway No. Y "" Y'I the north right-of-way line of the 14A (Shelton-Allyn Highway); I ~ Tuesda ru $aturda Stewart County Road No. 6] and thence northerly, along the n°'t" and n°rthwester'y °f the wester'y right-°f'way "ne °f said I 'L3"k\'N 9 30 I ,,ortherly right-of-way line of the Old State Highway, to the point :00to 5: old Secondary State Highway No. of beginning. 1 4A riaht-of-wav; EXCEPTING PERRINE & DAVIS i(.~ ~,\~ a~;~ y/ for all your shoe care needs. I 1 HEREFROM, however, the Attorneys for Plaintiffs west 350 feet thereof, and also 2 ]9 Prospect Street ~ El r I [ XCEPTING THEREFROM that P.O. Box 25 portion thereof conveyed to the Port Orchard Washington State of Washington for the new 98366 ' 5e.condary State Highway No. 10/2-9-16-23-30-11/6-6t ]IA; arid All that portion of the south ~ $HC IR I t:.~lf Ot the north half of the Right bychance southeast quarter of the A fool must now and then be Third&Grove SheltonI [ ~- ~uthwest quarter of Section 20, right, by chance. William Cowper Add these anywhere: Introductory Offer • Rec Room • Garage • Bedroom • Any Mason Co. Room Complete and normal installation within 20 feet of existing plumbing. 18 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 2, 1975 teams. Pat Short of Forsyth, Montana, has spent a week with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer and his brother Mike. This community was saddened by the death of Richard Cockburn at Oakhurst in Elma last week Monday. He was 60 years old and leaves his wife Orpha here and daughter Mac and granddaughter Robin in Tacoma. He has one brother, Ben, of Pasco and four sisters. He had worked at Simpson's Salmon Hatchery for 15 years. Funeral services were held Saturday at Whiteside in Elma with burial at the Masonic Cemetery. Mrs. Elvin Hearing, accompanied by Mrs. P. M. Farrell and Mrs. William Harris of Montesano, were visitors of Mrs. James Fredenburg of Hoquiam Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were drop-in visitors of Mrs. Gretchen Matuska Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Santa Maria, California, spent a couple days last week with Mrs. Alta Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helm, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. Cobert and daughters Dorothy and Tammy, Mrs. Elvin Hearing, Linda Junkins and the Reverend and Mrs. Copper of Tacoma surprised Reverend Bob Barnes and family at their home in Shelton last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hardie of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and David spent Sunday with the Pat Walker family. They also took Mrs. Eli Bradshaw to Tacoma. She has spent several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and Sue, the Anderson boys and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chrisman of Tacoma fished on the canal Saturday. They all attended the harvest dinner at the Mary M. Knight School. Misses Bernice Simet and Phyllis Cavender and Mrs. Wilma Whitner, all of Seattle, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Sr. The community and many folks from Shelton and Montesano enjoyed the lovely harvest dinner that the PTO put on at Mary M. Knight School last Saturday night. credit I Each meml~r a¢counl in,tired Io $40~)00 I I NCUA by AdminisltllO,. Nlll~nII Credit Union Admmksl,ltlon I Mason County Federal Credit Union • 521 RR Ave • 426-1601 Be sure to for an the of Hobbies. WE A FULL LI ARTS and HOBBY, TRAIN & AND TOYS, 220 Cota ,ce our inventory. Many to ch =os, from! Contemporary style, standard size in nubby rust colored tweed, reg. 260.00 ..... .... SALE $234.00 Contemporary style standard size in green or brown herculon tweed, reg: 329.95 ....... SALE $296.95 Loose pillow back, standard size in gold stripe herculon, reg 388.95 ............. SALE $330.60 Traditional Lawson arm, standard size in beautiful avocado floral tap., reg. 520.00 SALE $416.00 Contemporary style, queen size in multicolored striped herculon, reg. 329.95 ....... SALE $296.95 Contemporary style, queen size in avocado quilted velvet w/matching vinyl trim, reg. 419.95 reg. 419.95 ..................... SALE $356.95 Contemporary style saddle arm, queen size in gold nylon tweed w/matching vinyl trim, reg. 379.90 ...................... SALE $303.95 Early American, queen size scotchguarded nylon print, reg. 625.00 ................ SALE $562.50 First and Mill BANKAMERIcARD. :i!/