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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mason Youth Service is sponsoring a movie series for kids every Saturday afternoon beginning at 1 p.m. in the Lincoln Gym, 5th and Cola. This week the film will be "Gay Purr-ee," an animated story of alley-cat life in colorful Paris. With this full-length feature will be "The Red Balloon." Photographed in Frances, this is the story of a boy who finds a balloon with magic properties. Also showing is "Madeline and the Gypsy," a cartoon based on the French children's books concerning the adventures of an orphan in a convent. October 31 Mason Youth Service will have a special Halloween program at the gym from 7 to 9 p.m. Showing will be Laurel and Hardy's "A.Haunting We Will Go." A costume contest will also be held. Soft drinks, candy and popcorn will be sold at both events. The Mason Youth Service office is located at Second and Cedar. Call 426-5823 for further information. Michael Taylor Michael Taylor is graduated Private Second Class Michael Edwin Taylor, graduated from basic training at Fort Ord, California. He is now attending a lO-week advanced training course in the helicopter repair field at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Michael is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O. Taylor, Shelton. lings are being sold Hoodsport O O in O The Department of Natural Resources is accepting orders from private land owners in Washington who want to purchase tree seedlings to plant for reforestation, windbreaks, shelter belts, or Christmas tree plantations. The six and one-half million bare root seedlings will be sold at cost on a first come-first served basis and can be delivered between November 1, 1975 and April 15, 1976. By DOLORES DRAKE Olympic Park backpackers can expect delays and detours through September and October while trail bridges are being replaced at the Upper North Fork Skokomish River Bridge, Dosewallips Forks Bridge, Eight Stream Bridge, and the Deception Creek Bridge on the main fork of The seedlings cannot be used for ornamental or Firewood cuffi landscape purposes. Conifer species available include Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, Scotch pine, Austrian pine, shore pine, noble fir, grand fir, Rocky Mountain juniper, and Norway spruce. Prices range from $42 per thousand for two-year-old seedlings to $83 per thousand for three-year-old transplants. The minimum order is 100 seedlings ($20) and payment must accompany the order. A five percent sales tax will apply to all sales. Price lists and order blanks can be picked up or requested from Department of Natural Resources, Mike Webster the Dosewallips. The Skycrean helicopter will be transporting in laminated beams for the bridge reconstruction projects. Free lifetime Golden Age Passports are available locally from George Bowen. He may be contacted at the Staircase Ranger Station, phone 877-5569. The Golden Age Passport provides free admittance to all federal ng regulations are told September 21 has passed and fall is officially here. With the start of Gaylord (Slim) and Jenny cooler weather the leaves are turning colors, the squirrels are packing Williams of Fairbanks, Alaska. away food and humans are looking at their low wood piles. Hettie and Darrel Rodgers are also If you are planning on replenishing your firewood supply from the spending daily visits with her Olympic National Forest, remember, a permit is required for removal of parents while their boat is tied up forest products, at the Hoodsport Marina. They Beginning with the close of fire season (normally October 15, but plan to winter in Seattle and check for extensions), the Forest Service at Quilcene will issue, free of return to Ketchikan in the spring charge, a permit for removal of up to five (5) cords of firewood from for the fishing season. selected locations on the Quilcene Ranger District. The following general rules apply: 1. Permits are free - one (1) per household; 2. Only dead and down wood may be taken - no cedar removal allowed; I lllt N IqlNdt4| 3. Five (5) cord limit; ( B]fp/Ij888) 4. Permits apply to specific areas only; 5. No permits will be mailed - permits for the Quilcene Ranger recreational areas and a 50 percent discount on campground user fee. Hood Canal PTA will hold its first meeting of the new school year October 14 at 7 p.m. at the school. Scoutmaster Bob Aitken took Brian Perkins, Jon Peterson, Jeff Butters, Robert Whitten and Lloyd Haskins on a two-night weekend trip up Mt. Elinor. The scouts camped in the meadows Friday night and climbed to the summit Saturday. Visitors at the Dwight and Harold Pierces this week are RENT OUR RINSE N VAC--the new UJ :E .J gJ I > W 3: U .J .J MJ =E I t/t Q .J O ..J .I tO I W 200 I.U. Mixed 100 Ca ps .......... Diet Tab 250 Caps ......... lO0's ............ 250's ............. Rose Hips 50(~ rag, 250 tabs, stock up for winter• 1-[b ................... 25 Other Specials/ • Bran • Cashe : Nursery, Olympia, WA 98504. District will be available at the Quilcene office 8 to 11 a.m. and 12:45 pembl.,mm-te-m hot wstw to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday beginning with the close of fire _.extr xtimcaqmtcleaningmachine • Brewers Yeast • B Complex • season. . •ri nmmlm r: ,ilmr# with bet Ronald fmnchez Grant aSS'l gned A reminderv. Permits areit .... required; citations will be issued for cutting . mmri=m=,=d ,~, ,,i din ,,~ =I,*ni=q,.l=tio;,"A_ FREE - --- --.HFALTH ................... MAn,~71NFR' P.IVEN • .. or removal at llrewooo w nora a permit• . . . ., • • • • grime sue rNiaaN to the :~ IS in Hawaii to Florida base HERB TEA SAMPLES they are immediately !~:i!ii~iiiiiii~iiii~ii~ , Army Staff Sergeant RonaldThe son of a Shelton couple • • • _ • _e vmmmd : :i Sanchez, son ofMr. andMrs. Paul has been assigned to MacDill Air Marne wlnl'Qrnznvn¢ n , INvNyourcmrpets ~i:t:Yi'~:~ I / ,, d~ • It _. v S. Sanchez, Shelton, completed a Force Base, Florida, for duty with ....................... CDO . FR IsH'" elenroxe our 5re Anl ' qualification course at Schofield a unit of the Tactical Air e.. m, .&AJ u" iiiiiili . Barracks, Hawaii, on September Command. I~Plq~lqdlll II I IMIII I October 4-11, 9:30 a m - 6 p.m. ' • . --~:-:.::-.., . :!~ii:~