October 2, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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ii m <
~.~ t ! 0 cents for each additional word over ! 5.
PHO ~'¢ • FOUR (4) insertionsTHREE (3).f°r the price of ~_
!I )" 141 ~" Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . ~dlll il~=~ ~'~
For =le Far Sale For =le Pets, Uvestock
Glass ~ar Y A RD SA.LE -- .Saturday, RUMMAGE SALE --October 10, VITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and FREE KITTENS--Call 426-8854 LOST A shoe? Don't lose your HOUSECLEANING AND ironing AUTO PAINTING, reasonable
'ude aP~ October 4. P~ing apples, winterPUD auditorium, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. dairy products, all your health after 4 p.m. Y10/2 cool! Horseshoeing, Julia Dill. in Lilliwaup and Brinnon area. $3 prices. Also trailers, etc. All work
W10/2 squash, driftwood, dishes ar~ Mason General Hospital food needs. Old Healthy s Natural ~ 426-8774. O9/25-10/16 perhour. 877-5791. L10/2 guaranteed. Phone 426-4322.
miscellaneous. 426-8157. 1/4 mile Auxiliary. $10/2-9 Foods, First and Railroad, FREE KITTENS -- 8 weeks old, ----------~~ 1202 Cote St. R7/2Otfn
40 h.p Arcadia Road. D10/2 426-5158. O4/17tfn real cute. 877-9250. W10/2-23 ~ LICENSED BABYSITTER, loves
$400 '~"J ~ KIDS! JOIN the Great Root Bear Cheryl's. Phone 426-9170 for anchildren, in her home, close to BINGS PLUMBING and Repair.
appointment. O9/25tfn
ible "430 GARAGE SALE -- Frld y, Birthday Club. Free hamburger CEDAR FErNCIrN4G. Call FREE KITTENS, 6 weeks old, Bordeaux. Phone 426-3814. Cal1426-5397. B1/4tfn
Is, '¢700 Saturday, 9-5. Woodland Manor and root beer on your birthday.Exceptional Fo ste s, 26-1550,426-8007 or 426-9085. P10/2tfn A9/4tfn
~" " off Spring Road. Stereo and lots Sign up now at A&W Family for free estimates. E5/16tfn FOR SALE -- Cockapoo puppies, ~ PRESERVE THOSE precious old
of everything. H10/2 R esta u ranton Mr. View. $5 apiece. 426-9620. E9/25-10/2LICENSED UP~Y care, all hours,DhotoaraDhs with fine art cooies
sion, $35 ~ A10/2tfn CORDWOOD.426.1550.CALLE1/31tfnEXCeptional ~ Hil Icrest area. 426-4159. rrwentv-~five years exoerience'~ .
itchenAiciG RAVENSTEIN APPLES o Foresters, rr~r_t- -- r~b_tu gooe home for x $9/18-10/9. Dean's ~tudio. 3/Ttfn
426-9256. immediate delivery. 426-8710. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ~ ----~-----------------------~"~'~ male, 7-month shaggy dog and 1
portraits by Kalan Brunink, BARGAIN TABLE--Misc. items, o, ~ ~" female, 2-year same. Both LICENSED DAY care home All
I-I10/2 reputable artist. Done to ordersome x/z price. Photo Center, US~II ~,ars e 4 " .. ~ .~,. v ......, ~,.~uy,
GARAGE SALE -- Mostly Avon from snapshots, 18x24" $50 per 426-6163. P3/6tfn wonderful family companions, ages we,/com , 26-5926. accurate precision grin~lng. Now
, ~4u=,,tY=nt table- figural decanters and children's single portrait. Address: 5200 De -~~..~-~--~-~-~ Please call 426-1880. C10/2 ~MV/t~-tU/" atPhoneSaeger426-4602Motor 1/15tfnShOp' Hillcrest.
Avon are Longpre, Apt. D, Hollywood, CA R22F..L?,?..n'--.. rNnEfEDFJr__ ___. ?~ s6p7ciDaOiDGE1;~ aPui~kup~(icCamp;l~r, 9-YEAR-OLD mare, gentle, great LICENSED CHRISTIAN mother, " .....................
alIcanlikebeneW,usedSOmeas Christmas ~...~,. ~,~,, ~ g0028. D9/25-10116 " ~;".~'~'~u klnrrn" ~,,nU,, ~* heavy-duty suspension, 12x~o.owith children, best offer over experienced and dependable. Agile Vn, I ~ill ,-,=~; ....... ~,,,
I~ ~ presents, all 50% off regular price. ==-,,,o .....................
-- famous Thursday-Saturday, 8-6. Other GOOD 30 electric range. ¢ .... ~_qon~ S1/lnff- rubber, extension bumper, gooo$200. Brittany pups, purebred, 2 Loving care, reasonablerates.,'~¢"~--C-~l'i']"~h'~'~+ a"=~.'~'~.~"~"r~
rs- 2 miscellaneous items 426-4081 Side-by-side refrigerator. ""°'~'-'-"- ....... ' ..... work truck, $750. 426-1408. males left, $35. Call 426-5994 Drop-ins welcome an time = .................. -,_-~.,o .... v
$ .95 up. " " O9/18-i0/9 BACKHOE, OOZING, haulinc~. F.
~t ~ 604 Seattle Street. Y10/2 426-4098. D9/11-10/2 " FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. C10/2 after 6 p.m. V10/2-9 Please phone Mary at 4~'6-8480~ p.m. for help. H10/2tfn
Photo Center, 426-6163 .......... -~ ~- - COLLEGE STUDENT must sell 2 ..... ,,~^~ o^,~,-~,a,~ A. Hughes Construction,
E 7x35 wide FARMAL A tractor, plow and '69 TRIUMPH 650, extended frontP2/20tfn ~?DI. U~l~l~'3~;~ellefl~r ~ p?r~O. ~/4-Arab colts, $150 each. m~u. ...... -- ..........
3 353 now harrow. 426-5847. O10/2 end. $1,300. 426-8422 or evenings ns de or out hauling, yardwork426-9486-. H9/11-10/2 "
L50' 7x50 ~--.--~--~ 877-5774. E9/25-10/2 JX BRAND country-fresh beef. HlO/2tfn 426-6152. F10/2tfn you name it! 426-4594. M9/25- .. .............. ,
11 iS00, now GARAGE SALE -- Furniture, SHAKLEE. ORGANIC food sup- Phone 426-3325 weekdays. ~o~o r~^TC~,~, ~n 1~71 F R E E H A L F German 10/16 ~;KU:~PIP_U P(U~P, ro. your
• n ............... "~'' " .... driveway or the permanent
5, 50 lnxRn jars, ski equipment, car plements and cosmetics. Biode-426-2806 evenings a dweekends.
J2/27tfn Plymouth Duster, 1972 Suzuki shepherd-half collie pups, 6
I' " ........ 3 ~I - " solution, concrete navina
.: |I050, now accessories, 19~'5 Yamaha YZ, gradable cleaners, home and ......... 350, all excellent condition. 404 week~Cal1426-9662. W10/2 L!CErNeeSnEL~chool V~/aO~K~OtT:%r~ Graystone, phone 4~6-334~.
;:~C Ctober .50. Photo 6th Saturday,h°useh°ld 9-5,items'308 toyS,seattle clothing.street, commercial. 426-4287.10,16. • G9,25- .~ c, 'C*T~Jcarpet ........... cleaning ,&NITOR or u IAL specialty.Service , ~ Laurel Street. F 10/2, . ~ ~,~!i~,il ~ n~e re?a ~dI ~u n4 ;~r 2 y~r. ~ G12/Ttfn
• - ....... W10/2 SONY CAR c.a..ssette player, Phone 426-8936. S11/30tfn WILL TRADE 59 Ford pickup, years, Textan saddle, bridle, breast
?wo families KING APPLES. 426-3641. G10/2 excellent condition, evenings ~ good condition, for '57 Bel Air collar, also other tack. CH5-2244. C / Brummitt. Phone 866-1646.
oatrday' 9:0.0 to RED LAYING hens, $1.25 each. ~352-4583" O9/18tfn 426-4035ALDER orSAWDUST'943-9845. L5/15tfnbark" S9/11-10/2Chevrolet" Call 426-3795. H10/2-9 CHRISTIAN LICENSE~D de, B4/10tfn
_ , snowshoes, Pullets ¢,2 50 each Ducks 2 50
Ing e " ,~-. . ,$. UPRIGHT OAK piano, good ~ ~ FOR SALE -- Registered care, Bordea.ux area. 0-10 years, P_It~¢~IT~ 1
hie yard scheduled activities. • ReDairing Modern and Antiques I
S~.~LC~ Spring each 426-2574, George Cooke. condition, ~30~95.- Phone CAMERAS --s THAT make '61 VALIANT, Slant 6, floor half-Arab mare, 4 years old, very drop-ins welcome. Hot lunches, "" ........... I
,. -,~ from p~n;2
426-5627 B10/2-23 * P~S O~e& Sight. Mounting I
Ic. Watch for '--.,-,.,z,- ~ 877-5296. L9/18-10/9. picture taking ea y -- yet give you shift $250. Rt. 2, Box 7A, gentle. Also large Buda diesel ................ • - In
beautiful photos -- Photo Center, Union, WA (Spirits Man Haven).motor. 426-1287. R9/18-10/9 ........... ,- "-" • s~otgun Choke Alterations, I
MOVING SALE -- Dishes, Avon WOULD YOU like to sell or get 426-6163. P5/ltfn S10/2 " " P ~,n m. • ENSED D . all gauges.
LIC AY care mother will • Shootln Supplies
w nd- - decanters, tools, miscellaneous free Sarah Coventry jewelry? Call I rarl~ ~luugnlrerlng , love and care for your children
siz^-°w~s-ana items. 9:30-5:00, October3,4. 4265. 85~3 after3 p.m. 9/18.10/9 1972 MUSTANG Mach I 351,
- -_-_--_---_-_-_-_-_-_ _-~ 4-speed, power steering, .p?wer I ~tting andwrapping, days. 426-2253. LlO/2 Route 2, Box 7us Phone 42~-250t ]
Illevu;'Sh~&ne 334 West "G" Street. J10/2 ~..=,.,.,__~ while you work. Ryan Road, wwurr,r= ~. ~=[u,u .I
"SPRING BULBS available now! ,, = ~, brakes, 8-track, mint conoluon, I Old fashi~ done a~d
WROUGHT IRON dinette set, For catalogue, send stamped, U~ MIlS $3,100. Call 426-1995 before 5I .pepperoni and sausage made. ,~
"~ ~ Saf.r,~=, table and four chairs, $35. self-addressed envelope to: Bulbs .................... p.m. B9/11-10/2 I Livestock bought,soldand .-_-_~_~_- ~-_-_--_--_-_-_-~
MID---,7 ..... z' 426-5988. P10/2-9 3621-14th Ave. South, Seattle, I hauled. " -- Jl~ Tree Topping I
=-e,,aneous,~ Wa. 98144.B9/18-10/9. 1970 F250 pickup, automatic I Hl~ll Wanted ~ Tree Removal I
2302 Callanan Rp~M?fyuEf CeAatRePnETowPatha~ wai~2dh 21" CRUISER. Call after 3 p.~ transmissiOn,asking $2,5ex~)e(~lent. 877-5560.condition' II PS/PB.1971 BuiCkp/w, A/C, C/c,Elect:" ^'2-dr.,.T/W, I NQme Meat Service. d PhoneS'"m"426-2064"emova' '1
,, Blue Lustre. Rent shampooer, ~ . 426-5435. H7/31tfn H9/25tfn I 6"0/40' se~;("an~l-'s_ter'eo tape: I Glenn&B.J. Probst " I WANTED -- FULL-TIME ~ 5helton, WashingtonI
;nelton .ca hold Coast to Coast Store. C10/2 ~ I 68~800 miles. $1600. I 426-1643 Kam'dche Jcaretaker for Walker Park Water, "" '~" 9~q,~J
1/16 ......... ~ 15' FIBERGLASS boat, 35 h.p~ '73 TRIUMPH Spitfire, excellent I .................. septic tank and elect" rl'city ~" 9/19tfnl .......
~--__ CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Evinrude, trailer, $525. 877-9443. ,-,~,,a;, ,,n ¢280n ao~otn I 1973 Buick Centurion, -'-or.,
~s, motor and bassinet, baby items, shoes, men s T9/11-10/2 ~'~"~;-~ ............ " .....I PS/PB, P/W, T_/~/, A./C, C/C, provided. Must own mobile home.
u125tfn shirts, etc. Thursday, Friday, 8-4. 426-2823. M10/2-9 Am ~t
,v,..~,. I 60/40sea{, 28,000 m'.des.. _ Contact Gary Plows, evenings,
~~- 1719 Monroe Street, Mt. View, NEW LENNOX gas furnace, DUE TO death in family must sell I 1973 Pontiac Grandville, 4-dr., ------~--------~-~------- - ,.,..lla~n$". I
- • park area. H10/2 82,000 BTU, $250. 2 gas space 1975 white Chevrolet LUV with I PS/PB, P/W, vinyl .top and ,~ Cards Of Thanks WANTED FOR Christmas tree lrnlB~ I,¢~,II,,K~, I
rink 16' STARCRAFT runabout, heaters, 50,000 BTU, $50; and Gem top, mileage 2,100. Call I powerseat_ 29,700 miles, production season, contract ......... w .....,, I
hull with 115 h.p. 30,000 BTU, $25. 426-2774. 426-3542or 426-1601. P10/2 I .... truckerSat J. Hofertand balers. Contact Waltcompany, Shelton rnonernone .......... ~¢~-a=:)a~gt~-al:),l II
=*-,lll~g JohnsonaluminUmoutboard motor, $1,850. G9/11-10/2 ~71 PINTO 4-speed, new brakes,I 426-8295or MaY we extend to our many 426-841 1 or call Olympia 5/22-tfnI
I- - Call 877-5764 Hoodsport. FOR SALE: firewood. $20 cord, shocks, tires and carpet, $1,395. I a'~.Q~R ~ft~r _~ n m friends and neighbors and 943-8850 between 8:00 and4:00
ay for O10/2-9 U-haul. Phone 426-8362. Phone426-2384. B10/2 I ,~Lu.~.vu o ....~,.,,,. especially to Dr. Paterson, Dr. Monday-Friday. H10/2-9
. TIMATE F9/11-10/2 I Linkletter, Dr. Sandberg and Dr.
Cleaner ....... Cuffing Saws
Shearer, also Guy Johnson and al, WAITRESS WANTED, exper- .. Cle@nercultingSaws I
;all to Morton Camp_bell, Rt. 3, Box the nurses of MaSOn General . r will train uaranteed ~our saws will cut ele~ner
lanced o , g Your saws will. cut e!eaner, ~'g"~ ~ I
B. . 70, from Minor s A&W Drive-In MOST POPULAR sizes of tires Hospital, our deep thanks for the excellent tips." Kitchen help wanted ~t~truer tasterwhen filed.filed upon ~. I
Urlko on Mr. View. A10/2 and batteries now in stock. Call .... I at our precis=on macmne. ~Jul¢l( ~d~P~ I
Sears426-8201. S9/26tfn 1974 Plymouth Duster flowers and sympathies given us experienced or will train. App y ~11 types or ...... ~Jrl
during the loss of our belovedPalitos MexiCan Restaurant, 131Brin~ ~our saws in toda~."~'=T- I
CUera - - SMALL UPRIGHT freezer, 1 year Six cylinder engine, power steering, air husband and father. West Cota. P9/25-1012 Old .awe retoothed. ~ I
nteed old, $100. 426-8974. C10/2-23 TRADE-INS WANTED -- Top conditioning ........................... Mrs. Bueford Rose & sons
! Square
" lX
allowances for good, clean
TOOL AUCTION October 19th, refrigerators (all sizes)and gas or
1 p.m., $80,000 truckload electric ranges (20" or 30").
surplus. All new name brands, Trade in today on new furniture
electric and air impacts, sockets or appliances. 426-4702. Olsen
to 1" drive, hand tools and tool Furniture, 4th and Cote.
cabinets, many, many more. O7/17tfn
Reading Auction Company,
McCleary, WA. Phone 495-3541. MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at
Regular sale every Saturday, 7:30 Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and
p.m. R10/2-16 Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfn
FOR SALE to close estate. TRADE IN your old furniture at
Secluded 5 acres, 3 bedrooms, Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote.
basement, wood furnace. 4/16tfn
482-3102, Lima. E10/2
S EWI N G. M A CHIN F_S,. zigzag
RUMMAGE SALE at 1752 trade-ins, rrom ~v._~'ar~s and
, - for all branos.
Stewart on Hillcrest. Also largeS~les,8reDalrs77-5798-C9/11-I0/2 ....
sizes. P10/2
The Herculite Jungle
Manufacturer of Boat
Tops • Patio Curtains
• Greenhouses. 15 years
426-2321 Rt. 4, Box 312
Shelton, WA 98584
(Complete Meat Processing)
Custom cutting, wrapping
and freezing. Hams and
bacon cured. Locker beef
E LMA 482-2203
Supplied soil for 25 years.
Skokomish Valley good,
sandy loam or top soil.
Pickups welcome. Will
del iver truckloads
anywhere. Small lot
clearing. Call 426-3735 or
10p .
Silvertone wire recorder and
combination record
player/radio. Supply of records
wire for recording. National
NC-100 5-band receiver-
DE:122 Raytheon depth
sounder system. Large suPply
of various types of older radiO
and TV tubes and repair parts.
223 West C Street
e, works good, $20. 87~-5798.
zSINGER TOUCH and Sew all
ig'zag, s t itch ees L,~b uttonholes.
overcasts, et~. ou,u for $449,
repo. price only $133. Terms and
tradeS available'- Central Sales,
877-5798. C9/11-10/2
nanford. /~n IllUStrated book of
verse and prose. $1.95 at the
journal and book stores.
871-1121, Port Ore'hard.
Skokomish Valley, good
sandy loam, no rocks.
Have supplied this dirt for
lawns and gardens for 25
years. Deliver by truckload
anywhere. After 5:00 p.m.
call 426-2570, F. E.
Ogden. 9/1 ltfn
Call Norm for
fast quotes on
~°ti~loeti°n Guaranteed
or Your Money Back
Evergreen Square
('all Norm
24-Hour ShoPping 426-8201
1972 Plymouth Gran Coupe
Very well equipped one owner vehicle .........
1972 Pontiac
Firebird ................................
1970 Chev
Malibu .................................
1968 Buick Skylark $
Very clean ..............................
1968 Plymouth S
4 door ..................................
1967 Plymouth
4 door .................................
1960 Plymouth S'
4 door .................................... ,
Now is the time
to trade -- we
need used cars!
1975 LTD 4-dr. (was rental) ................ $5,225
1975 Torino wagon (was rental) ............. $4,895
1974 Mustang ........................... $3,595
1974 Ford 4 x 4 ......SOLD ............. $4,995
1974 Olds Omega ........................ $3,595
1974 Datsun PU & canopy .................$3,495
1973 Vega ............................. $2,895
! 973 Jeep .............................. $4,095
1972 Luv Pick-up ........................ $2,100
1972 Pontiac Venture .................... $2,795
1972 Matador 2-dr ....................... $1,995
1972 Courier, GF2358 .................... $2,350
1971 Comet 4-dr ........................ $1,595
1971 Chev Malibu ....................... $2,395
1969 Westcoaster ......................... $425
1967 Ambassador 4-dr ................... $1,125
1965 Yz-ton & Canopy ..................... $995
C~,~ . ~.~..~ Mr. View at Kneeland Canto,
Phone 426-8231
48 month financing available
I i
Donald, Robert & Darrell
STAMPS AND coins. As a
collector, I can pay more than
most dealers. 426-8007,
426-9085. P10/2tf n
WANTED -- 2 cords of alder
firewood. Call 426-6116. W10/2
D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port
of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy
Poles, piling, stumpage and land.
26-6350, home phone 426-8914.
P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn
15-16' with motor, not less than 50
h.p. or late model 50 h.p. No junk.
After 5 p.m. 426-4748. D9/25-10/2
RIDER WANTED, Shelton to
Olympia, round trip, 8-4:30 shift.
426-2690. L9/25-10/16
Cedar Shake
Belts- Beards -- tells
Now purchased at
McCleary Mill.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily
T & L Cedar
McCleary, WA
495-3909 days
Timber and land wanted
MAN AND wife to manage
apartment house in Shelton.
426-1198. B10/2
full-time, for Shelton office. Send
resume to P.O. Box 626, Shelton.
$8/2 ltf n
Real Estate Wanted
HAVE OUT-OF-TOWN buyer for
3-bedroom on MaSOn Lake, with
dock -- under $40,000 with half
cash down. Ask for Vi, Shelton
Land and Homes, 426-5555.
$9/11 - 10/2
WILL PAY cash for a
two-bedroom home in the $8,000
range. Mail Particulars to Box 10,
c/o Journal. H7/3tfn
WE BUY and sell equities or
contracts. We trade or exchange
homes, farms, waterfront or
acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr.
Mitchell for quotes, bids or
further inrormation. Have buyers
for 2 and 3 bedroom homes.
Mason County Realty, 8th &
Railroad, 426-4486.8/12tfn
Al's Precision
Saw Sharpening
1 1 1 W. Cota (Alley entrance
to JADS)
426-9205 - Eves. 426-1421
Septic Tank
500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal.
Drain Fields, Ditch Digging,
Backhoe, Trencher for Hire
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfr
Wanted to Rent
WANTED -- 1 or 2-bedroom
house near Steamboat Island.
Mature couple, no children,
excellent references. Phone
1-321-5151. E10/2-9
Red Estate
"---~'~ OWNER MUST sell -- Brand new
Hood Canal home at Holiday
Beach, 2 bedrooms, thick shag
carpet, avocado appliances,
community beach, clubhouse.
Ideal retirement spot. $24,500.
Terms to suit yov, 1. New loan,
2. Assumable loan, or 3. Real
estate contract. Down payment
and monthly payment negotiable.
Cash purchase acceptable. May
Wanted qualify for tax credit. 426-4.702.
Fir Tie
Minimum 10-inch top diameter,
minimum 9 feet long,
$3.00 each
Thursday, October
2, 1975
$11,950 -- 2-bedroom near Lost
Lake -- Almost an acre of land
~oes with this neat bungalow with
2x15 living room and log
fireplace. Contemporary styling
and only nine years old. Open
beams -- you'll like it. Mason
County Realty, 426-4486. M10/2
Lovely waterfront lot naturally
wooded with well-built
2-bedroom home. Completely
carpeted, insulated for
year-round living, and extra
storage build ing. $30,000.
FOR RENT: 1-bedroom house,
appliances furnished.
References and deposit
required. $85 per month.
Call 426-1641
Bey Thomason 426-8615
- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 29