October 2, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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and wife:
day of
n the Court
answer the
Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications
pN a serve a copy of your answer upon Sealed bids for the Revisions to PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATION-
the undersigned attorney for Existing Special Care Unit, MasonA Special Meeting for the AL FOREST, CANYON RIVER 75,
TS, d/b/ plaintiff at the address below General Hospital for Public purpose of reviewing the finalH3 SALE located within T. 21 & ByJORUTLEDGE
IG, aintiff,stated; and in case of your failure Hospital District No. 1 of Mason budget as proposed for 1976 of22N., R6W., W.M., partially Southside played its second
"LC dENT so to do, judgment will County, Shelton, Washington, will Public Hospital District No. 1 of surveyed. Public notice is hereby
Wi shington be rendered against you according be received by the Board of Mason County, Washington, willgiven that pursuant to the football game at Hood Canal and
fen lants, to the demand of the complaint, Hospital Commissioners, Mason be held on Tuesday, October 14, provisions of Section 5 of Public lost 18.6. Mark Baker made the
)F WASH- which has been filed with the clerk General Hospital, 2100 Sherwood 1975 at 10:00 a.m• in the Office Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. only touchdown in the first
ENDANTS: of said court. Lane, Shelton, Washington of the District at Mason General 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and
ECK =AND The purpose of this action is to 98584, until 10:00 a.m. Pacific Hospital.
;,,husband foreclose plaintiff's lien and Standard Time, Monday, Any interested taxpayer is the Cooperative Agreement for the quarter.
Management of the Participating/The third game was played
OHNECK, recover a money judgment. November 10, 1975, and at saidwelcome to attend. Forest Properties, in the Shelton , .
RALPH R. NIEMEIER, GREEN & Charles L. Walton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit this past Monday with a score of
office publicly opened and read
ROOF, by C. Conrad Green, aloud. (Combined bids will be Secretary entered into by and between the 20-6. Mark Baker again made the
Board of Commissioners
Attorneys for Plaintiff r e c e i v e d f o r G e n e r a I United States of America and the only touchdown for Southside
....... Construction, Mechanical and 10/2-1t Simpson Timber Company, dated
P.O. Address: Electrical Work.) December 12, 1946, an estimated with a pass from Ms brother
125 Front St. Drawings, Specifications and NOTICE OF SALE 23,700 M board feet of timberDua,e.
P.O. Box 851 form of Contract Documents forOF VALUABLE MATERIAL marKeD or omerwlse designated The girls volleyball team lost
Port Orchard, WA 98370 this work may be examined at the ON STATE LAND for cutting will be sold to Simpson
~IIEMEIER, GREEN & ROOF Office of Maloney, Herrington,STATE OF WASHINGTON, Timber Company, Seattle, Wash- its first set of games to Griffin by
Attorneys at Law Freesz and Lund, Architects, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL ington, on October 28, 1975. The a narrow margin. Mary Morford
Poulsbo, Washington98370 A.I.A., 754 Central Building, RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, minimum acceptable bid per M and Dabble Rain were named
779-5561 Seattle, Washington 98104, or at Commissioner of Public Lands. board feet is: Douglas-fir, $93.13;
9/25-10/2-9-16-23-30-6t the following offices: Notice is hereby given that on best players for that day. The
1. Mason General Hospital, Tuesday the 28th day of October, second game of the season was
2100 Sherwood Lane, Shelton, 1975, commencing at ten o'clock
Washington• in the forenoon of said day, at the with Hood Canal last Monday.
2. Associated General South Puget Sound Area The first set was won by
Contractors, 1200 Westlake Headquarters, located at
Enumclaw, County of King, State
:es the association
in the practice
large and small
0nimal medicine and
10:00 a.m. 8, 10:00 p m
& Licensed
~ir Care
Farm Slaughtering
• Cutting & Wrapping
• Curing, Sausage
• Sharp Freezing
Kamilche 426-1 643
Floor Covering
-- Linoleum -- Carpeting
-- Tile -- Formica
Mt. View Ph. 426-2292
Furniture Repair
* Paintings * Photo Art
* Gifts * Jewelry Boxes
* Custom made Furniture
* Handmade Picture Frames
* Specialty Antique Restoration
Shelton Furniture Repair
and Art Studio
Rt. 1, Box 16S . 426-1858
G ifts
Mexican Imports, Pottery,
Leather Goods, Ceramics,
Wrought Iron
Southside with a score of 15 to 0. with scores of 15 to 8 and 15 to
Bonnie Chamberlin served 13 of 10.
Southside's points and Molly Julie Stites, Bonnie
Eveleth made the two for the Chamberlin, Karen Hanson and
victory. Hood Canal came back Kelly Makoviney were elected
and won the next two matches cheerleaders.
western hemlock and other
coniferous species, $10.87; Wes-
tern redcedar, $36.47. Additional
deposit required for slash disposal
is $7.63 per M board feet for all
above species. Road amortization
allowance on this sale is $18.00 per
Avenue N., Seattle, Washington.
3. Plan Bureau, 824Fifth of Washington, by the Area M board feet for all above species.
Ave;ue N., Seattle, Washington.Manager of said Area, the timber In addition there is within the sale
. Associated General on the following described state area an estimated 442 ac(es of all Common Cause
Contractors, 3820 South Pine, land will be sold at public auction spemes logs SUbJeCt tO per-acre
Tacoma, Washington. to the highest bidder, to wit: pricing which will be paid for at
Prime Contractors may obtain MASON COUNTY $17.45 per acre. In addition there
drawings and sp,ecifications from Application No. 37814 is within the sale area an
the Architects office upon Sherwood located unestimated volume of all species
deposit or lwenty-five Dollars approximately 15 miles by road of hardwood which will be paid for
($25.00). This deposit will be northeast of Shelton. The sale is at $1.00 per M board feet. All of
returned to him upon the returncomposed of all timber bounded the Alaska yellow cedar deter-
o f t he d r a w i n g s a n d by clearcut boundary tags andmined pursuant to public hearings
specific a~!gns, in. good condition, property lines on part SVzNEI/4, to be surplus to needs of domestic
to the urrlce or the Architect.part SE¼; all timber marked with users and processors is exempted
Complete sets, on the deposit blue paint outside the clearcut from Domestic Processing. Bid-
basis, will be issued to Prime boundary tags on part SV2NEV4, ders are advised that violations of
Contractors only. Sub-contractors part SEt/4 of Section 36, the Domestic Processing re-
and materialmen will be issued Township 22 North, Range 2 quirement constitutes breach of
West, W.M., containing 68 acres, contract and may result in contract
complete or partial sets, if
desired, on the payment of the
printing,costs. All documents,
whether issued on the deposit or
cost of printing basis, must be
returned to the Office of the
Architect on the day following
the date set for openings of the
Each bid shall be
accompanied by a certified check,
more or less, comprising
approximately 620,000 bd. ft. of
Douglas fir, 90,000 bd. ft. of
hemlock and white fir, 20,000 bd.
ft. of white pine, 15,000 bd. ft. of
cedar, and 15,000 bd. ft. of
Iodgepole pine and others, or a
total of 760,000 bd. ft.
Minimum acceptable bid per
thousand bd. ft.: $79.00 for
cancellation, or in refusal to award
timber sales to the violator, or
debarment or suspension from
bidding on future timber sales. If
requested by the State of
Washington or by Grays Harbor or
Mason Counties, or by any person
deemed to have a reasonable
interest in the proposed sale, or in
its terms, a public hearing will be
cashier's check or bid bond made Douglas fir, $70.00 for hemlock held in the office of the Forest
~)ayable to the Public Hospitaland white fir, $58.00 for white Supervisor, Federal Building,
strict No. 1 at Mason County pine, $55.00 for cedar, and Olympia, Washin(Jton, on the 20th
for a sum of not less than Five$34.00 for Iodgepole pine and day of October 1~J75 at 2:00 PM,
percent (5%) of the total amount others, local time. Request for public
of the bid and no bid will be Bidding will be permitted on hearing will not be considered
considered unless accompanied by Douglas fir only. unless received in the office of the
Timber will be sold on a log
such check or bond. Forest Supervisor, t-ederal Build-
Public Hospital District No. 1 scale basis. Timber must be ing, Olympia, Washington, on or
of Mason County reserves the removed prior to May 31, 1978.before October 9, 1975. Dated
right to waive any informality in, On or before October 28, September 16, 1975. Wynne M.
or to rejec~t any or all bids. 1975, at 10:00 a.m•. each bidder Maule, Forest Supervisor, Olym-
9/25-10/2-2t must make a minimum deposit ofpic National Forest.
Music Lessons
• Piano • Classical Guitar
• Accordian • Music Theory
• Oriental Rhythms
30 years experience 426-1858
Wall Papering - Signs
Prehung Prefinished
Door= & Woodwork
Licensed & Bonded
Free Estimates
Heinitz Painting Co.
Chuck Heinitz 426-4841
• New construction
• Remodeling
• Service
meeting sponsor
Common Came will be one of
the co-sponsors of the Citizens'
Convention on Legislative Reform
to be held October 18 at Seattle
Pacific College Little Theater, 9
a.m. to4 p.m.
"I encourage all Common
Cause members and other citizens
concerned about effective
government to attend," said
Chuck Sauvage, State Director of
Common Came. The decision to
co-sponsor the event was made by
the State Governing Board,
Washington State Common Cause.
Keynoter for this Citizens'
Convention on Legislative Reform
will be Tom McCall, former
Governor of Oregon.
funeral home
serving the community with over 75 years
complete professional service
Owned and Operoted by Member, of the
Washington State Funeral Diroctofs Assn.
$5,777.50 in the form of cash,
money order or certified check.
Said deposit shall constitute an
opening bid at the appraised
price. Upon award of this sale, the
respective deposits shall be
returned to the unsuccessful
bidders. The purchaser must, on
the day of sale, make an
additional payment so that the
total amount deposited, exclusive
of fees, will equal 10% of the full
bid price based on the cruise
estimate, plus a $25.00 deposit on
a branding hammer and a $5.00
bill of sale fee. This additional
payment may be by personal
check. Purchaser must also
furnish within 30 days of date of
sale a surety bond of $9,000.00
to guarantee compliance with all
terms of the bill of sale. All
checks, money orders, etc. are to
be made payable to the
Commissioner of Public Lands.
REVOLVING FUND: $470.00 to
be paid on day of sale.
Access;bility: Via Simpson
Timber Company and Pope and
Talbot Inc. Easements and
Department of Natural Resources
Complete contract and
specifications may be examined at
South Puget Sound Area
Headquarters located at
Enumclaw, County Auditor's
office, and office of the
Commissioner of Public Lands,
To be sold at South Puget
Sound Area Headquarters
~)~tnumclaw), on Tuesday,
ober 28, 1975, at 10 o clock
Additional information on
terms and procedures of sale are
contained in the "Public Auction
Sale" pamphlet.
Said timber on said land will
be sold for not less than the
appraised value, as appraised by
the Commissioner of Public Lands
in the manner provided by law, a
notice of which is now on file in
the office of the Auditor of
Mason County, and in the office
of the Area Manager of South
Puget Sound Area.
/s/Bert L. Cole
Co mm is, loner of
Public Lands
William R. Batstone, funeral director
703 Railroad Avenue 426-4803
The church that preaches
what the Bible teaches.
Our new church meets in its
brand-new lOCation at the Island
Lake Fireball every Sunday
morning at 10:O0 a.m.
Come worship the Lord with us
in spirit and in truth
Lewey R. Ferris, Director
Church of
1828 Washington St.
Pastor Wayne Eason
Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m.
Wed. Eve Service . . • 7:00 p•m.
We Welcome You
Call 426-5336
or write: Box 884
First Baptist
October 5, 1975
A.M. "Centrality
of The Cross"
P.M• "God's Will
for Your Life"
g:30 a.m ........ SurlQay School
"11:00 a. rn ..... Morning Worship
7:00 p,m .... Evening Gospel l~our
Dr, Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor
7:00 p.m. Wednesday
Bible study & prayer meeting
* The Morning Worship is broad-
cast live over KMAS, 1280 kc.
910 East Dearborn
Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship . ] ]:00 a.m.
Evening Service . .. 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study (Wed.) . 7:00 p•m.
Have you been
baptized right?
If you have not been baptized
in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, you have not been
baptized scripturally. See Acts
2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, Rom.
6:1-5, Col. 2:12, Gal. 3:27.
For more information
Call 426-5390
Mt. View
Alliance Church
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Sunday School 11:O0 a.m. - Church 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m.
Reading Room -- 107 S. 2nd
Hours: 12 noon - 3 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday
Child care provided during services
Washington & "J" Sts.
Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m•
Prayer Hours (Wed.) 7:00 p.m.
A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:00 p.m.
Baptist Church
t23 W. "C" Street
Interim Pastor Dave eeUamy
S~th-Day Adventist Church
Sunday SChoOl ........9:45 a.rn.
Mornmg Worship ..... 1 l :OO a.nl.
Jesus loves you -- we do, too!
Thursday, October 2, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33
~m Harvey,s 1 t I W. Cote 42S-9205 Shelton licensed - bonded, insured SIXTH AND RAILROAD Bible School ......9-45 a m
..... Family Service 7 O0 p m
~"~--'-- Saturday- 9:30 a.m.- Sabbath School Worship .........11100 alml " " " .... : " "
11:OO a.m. -- Hour of Worship
Insurance- entaJs NOTES Wednesday- 7:30 p.m.- Bible Study and Prayer Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer-- 7:00 p.m.
Tired of shopping? Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service
~(,deling Let us dO it for you! a Trailers GARETH ELLIS, PASTOR 426-3508 ___..
Auto-Home-Boat-Life-Health a Lawn & Garden Too s ~ --
Business-Preferred Risk? • complete Painting Equip & more FROM I ----
• Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
We locate the lowest cost. open every day 8:00 to S:3O
'~ Insurance is our only business. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
426-3657 ARNOLD & SMITH BARDEN'S RENTALS NElL I Connection & 12th Sts., Phone 426-2805
1 117 E. Cota 426-3317 1209 Olympic Hwy. S. 4264091 G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister priesthood Meeting ............................ 9:15 a.m.
:~::~ :• I Church School --9:00 a.m. Worsl~ip Service --10:30 a.m. SundaY Sch °letI.............................. 11:00 a.m.
Landscaping -- lental Service -- ( Youth Groups-- 7 p.m. Sacrament ng ............................ 5:00 p.m.
Call I Landscape Design AImoStBulldozers.Loaders.PumpsAnything Anywhere Dynamic Heart
i • Sh,ob • Rock ° Waterfalls Procedure/ St. Edward's Catholic Church
&Chairs, HospitalBeds, etc. Subtle effects of| Faith Lutheran Church
I Lawn Sod or Seed Folding Banquet Tables •
I HERB BAZE LANDSCAPING LEW RENTS medication on the surface of/ Father Michael Feeney 3rd & Pine
2216W 4th, Olym la 3
-- Masses --
[ 426-4718 _~ ? " P', 57-7731 the heart muscle can be| 7th and Franklin
measured more precisely with a [
new procedure called ,dynamic| Family Worship -- 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Saturday ................................ 7 p.m.
Masonry Saws Sharpened- radiography, Dr. William[ Parish Education Classes -- 9:00 a.m. Sunday ....... - ............ 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 1 1 a.m.
I • Custom Saw Sharpening Weidner told the American/ Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service
* Fireplaces [ • Small Engine Repair Heart Association. Unlike/
I * Block Foundations I FreePick-up & Delivery fluoroscopy, which traces/ Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone426-8611
I * Anything with Masonry i[ Call X-rays passing through the|
I Licensed bonded and Insured. J
[ Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1S12 --.J [ Tlmberleke • (Evenings) monitors radiation "bounced I MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH
off" the surface. I i 521 Monroe Street I
Music , ~.., I MISSOURI SYNOD : M.A. Younglund, Pastor Dale SutteL Assistant I
I ~,~,l • Commercial I 'S P amacy I ---~~-~ Morning Worship (Pastor Speaking) .............. 10:50 a.m. I
'tsin ................... '" I Window Washing-- ,
,I ..esidenti., I Neil h 206E. Wyandotte ROLANDHuBER, Pastor Scho01(A Class Just F0r You) ......... .... 9:45a.m. I
'~rnetics ImmU 7i I '~' ' ' Gospel Service (Communion Fellowship Time) ....... 6:00 p.m. I
I := 11t Woko, I Emergency Ph. 426-2165 I Tuesday, Youth Service .............. , ......... 7:00 p.m.,
L L~ i ~ ~~t w,,0ow~,,~ su,o~ oc~o~ ~ ,0+
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-33271 Wednesday Family Night ..................... 7:00 p.m. I
Mike Gibson I \ ~ ~J~' ~ 426-a4114 I Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 I REVIVALi'IME, SUNDAY, I~GDN ............... 3:00 p.m. I
oWNER r I ..... - • 426-t343 ] Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 j Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m. Service 10:30 a.m. (Radio Voice of the Assemblies of God) i
f tilt AL| Yr~lJI¢ N| I I}'' IN MtJr+lL 4~(J+4~ J? ~
Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister
Pastor Dennis Tea|ue, 426-2758
Services: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday
Location: Parish Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, 4th & Cedar
St. David's - 4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & 10 a.m.
Episcopal Church Welcomes You