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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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RESIDENTS OF THE NORTH MASON AREA turned out by the hundreds to enjoy a ham and turkey dinner served before the Homecoming football game last Friday night. Approximately $500 was earned by the Associated Student Body at the event, which will be used to finance extra-curricular activities during the school year. Legal Publications NOT IC E O F APPLICAT ION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That KENNETH E. BANACH of Bremerton, Washington on June 24, 1974 under Application No. S 2-23532 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subjed to existing rights, from Tiger Lake, tributary of Mission Careek in the amount of 0.02 cubic feet per second, continuously each year, for domestic supply. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within Lot 11, of Tiger Lake Tracts of Section 5, Township 23 N., Range 1 W. W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from October 9, 1975. 10/2-9-2t Legal Publications NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING of the Board of Commissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District No. 2 will be held at the Belfair Fire Hall 7 P.M., October 2, 1975, for the purpose of determining the bid for the new ambulance and awarding the contract. The public is invited to attend. Roy M itchell, Secretary Mason County Fire Protection District No. 2 10/2-1t NOTICE OF MEETING DATE CHANGE Beginning October 15, 1975, the regular monthly meeting of the commissioners of Mason County Fire District 5 will be held on the third Wednesday of each month instead of the fourth Wednesday. The commission meets at Allyn Firehall at 7:30 p.m. and meetings are open to the pub I ic. William E. Morgan, Chairman, Fire Dist. 5 Board of Commissioners 10/2-9-2t Belfair Fireplace Shop Fireplaces and accessories 275-6165 Next to Beifair Home Center * 6 days 10 a.m. to 5:30~ Sunday 10 a.m, to 3 p.m. D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 ONE OF TWO RECIPIENTS of vocational scholarships awarded by Belfair Chamber of Comrfierce last June to graduating seniors of North Mason High School, Jo Testu was in Belfair last week to collect her check after registering for journalism classes at Olympic College in Bremerton. She is the daughter of Mr• and Mrs. Joseph K. Testu of North Shore. Gene Lutcavich of Victor received the other ;cholarship• By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421 We stopped by to see "Rosie" Rosenau. With the help of several children, mostly grandchildren, she was potting worms which explains how she dug her way to and from Fayetteville, N. C. The money from selling worms to fishermen paid her way. She traveled as far as Asheville, N.C. on the Tennessee border with Linda Ray and her husband and two daughters (Rosie's granddaughters). She stayed there a few days, enjoying a glimpse of southern mountain life in the Big Smokeys. She then continued on to her destination, Fayettevitle, where her oldest grandson, Dale Schumard,. lives with his wife, Virginia, and family. Dale is in the Army, stationed at Fort Bragg nearby. Rosie returned by bus by way of Texas. She enjoyed everything she saw and experienced - tobacco fields being harvested by mule, a herd of antelope in Wyoming, the oil wells of Texas. She built a compost box for Dale so that he could fertilize the sandy soil there and raise a garden as Rosie does here. The late summer park report will have to wait until Ranger Avery Winslow and his wife Eva get caught up after a two-week vacation. They visited Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming and came back via the Oregon Coast. Because of time limitations they didn't do any camping but visited many state and national parks during their travels, including the great spectacular, Yellowstone. Lyle Venard, 23, was riding his new motorcycle only a quarter mile from home at dusk Sunday when he lost control of his machine. He was thrown to the ground and instantly killed. He was headed west just past the Port District launching ramp on the North Shore. His cycle crashed into the house at the Pleasant Cove trailer court. It was reported he was riding at only moderate speed when he veered across the road. He may have swerved to avoid a dog. He had bought the motorcycle only the day before. He was the only son of our long-time North Shore " ~nds, Bill and Ada Venard. M, : the young people in the a[~, knew Lyle, who had attended the schools at Belfair and North Mason. The accident scene at the sharp corner of the North Shore Road, by the launching ramp, was soon thronged with sorrowful friends. This has been the site of many accidents in the last few years, but this has been the first fatal one here. Letter to Editor: Editor, Huckleberry Herald: ! look forward to watching my children return from school Bouncing from the bus with papers, projects and school news! Can you imagine the horror of seeing a child killed by a careless driver who failed to stop? This almost happened in front of our house today. If it had been the first bus run our daughter Wendy could have been killed. She is in kindergarten this year. it was the second bus run. I was by the window reading. I looked up. The bus came to a stop, its stop sign was out and lights flashing. The bus driver sounded the horn as the driver sped through the warning. The driver of the car had plenty of time to stop and made no attempt to use his bra kes. Had the bus driver not slammed the door shut which hatted the children on the last step, any of the children at that stop could have been hurt or killed. It almost happened; what about the next time? Patty Fleury Worthwhile thoughts Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn. Thomas Gray II The following article is reprinted from the Sept. 19 issue of the North Mason High School newspaper, the Tidings. By TONI SMITH They used to say of a man who was discriminating in his cigarettes that he'd "walk a mile for a Camel." Food. too. is important. What could beat a luscious Dairy Queen ~pecial milkshake? There are some connoisseurs who would walk 30 miles for a Dairy Queen shake. Possibly this is under- standable . . but what about the poor friend who went with him? Actually, the 30-mile hike for the milkshake began as a walk across the street, to the nearby milkshake emporium. Bill Landram and Ed Amick were waiting patientlyfor Mr. Art Davis and Mr. Mark Muxen to finish the administrative section of the fall sport coaches' meeting. According to Amuck, nt was Bill Landram who suggested the pause to refresh. Thoughtfully they suggested to a loiterer to remind their ride to wait. Such messages often get garbled, and when Davis and Muxen came ARCO HEATING OILS CONSERVE ENERGY BY HEATING WITH ECONOMICAL. CLEAN. SAFE OIL HEAT [ Local men tO serve YOU I 373-2544 [ JOHN JOHNSON AL EDDY I / CHAUNCEY VAUGHN BODY SHOP TOWING 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair 426-1731 Shelton LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE FOR QUALITY INSURANCE With personal attention and competitive prices. '0,, BELFAIR ELECTRIC CO. LOCAL LICENSED ELI/CTRICIANS GUARANTEED WORK , Wiring •. • Lighting... Electric heat HELPFUL ADVICE-- FREE ESTIMATES SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YOUR MAJOR APPLIANCES We are franchised General Electric Dealers Special Pricing -- Factory Service Terms- Free Delivery We take trade-ins. 275-2020 s/s BLOCK NORTH OF THR IFTWAY II out of their meeting, they blithely assumed that the thirsty duo were riding home with Harlan Olson. They left. Meanwhile, back at the Dairy Queen? . . . Humorous Bill Landram "jokingly suggested: "What if the car's gone?" Oops.. "Hey... the car IS gone. "You're ki,dding • • • You re NOT kidding. What do two grown men do late at night in Tacoma, with no car and nothing but their charm to get them back to Belfair? Hitchhike, of course. According to Amick, it was a two-ride trip. One was from a lady who at first was reluctant to pick them up, but finally took them as far as the Shell station near Bridgeport. Then Edward Amiek and friend conned a ride from someone who was in the station, This charming person (a wrestler, would you believe?) turned left at Purdy and drove them home. Their arrival was at 10:45 at the gym. Meanwhile, the original ride got home. Being thoughtful (and perhaps a little concerned) DAvis and Muxen stopped at the gym, to make sure that Amick and Landram really HAD ridden home with Olson. Their trucks were still there. So, Mr. Muxen drove over to 1 ~11~ DIAGONAL ' U " Over 50 years of South Shore residence [ TV min ser " 111"8 The BROOKDALE.G~10C Mr. Lance Thurston s ha se, JUst l . wee ~ to make sure. . [ chargeS10 /~ .... t:a de home with Tommy Pierson and BobSutton "Bill ano ~" ro you and Oly, right?" e~ s L~ " "No.' ,hey rode ho FULMER & C0 INC. B 'AIR TV "Come on ........ me with you:,right?" Insurance and Real Estate _ 275-6244 "No. ,, "=~;~-~= --~--'--~Cl--iP----------~-~------=~. And"TheYhomereallYu didn t: ~,,-u,,. I / I to hts wife not to 520 Pacific Ave. Bremerton __ _ , =rove Mr muxen, with instructions " ES 7-8547 or CR 5-6120 (evenings) I " "" I answer the phone. i ..... | mlll~llmlllUlllmmlllllmllmlummlmlmmlllllllll , i~' | : EI, II~I ;~~:i;~:: /Ij| | BUDGET MEETING SET ~p ~ ffl~~~,~ H~'~~ | ' The board of trustees °f the I I ...... e-:onal Library Will I I L~mt~rmnu ~ e,, .... hold a special meeting at the ost O ice Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 ~: ....... s service center Telephone CR 5-6680 llorarysyste,~ --- - Belfair office open 9-5 - Wed., Thurs., Fri. ..... • " 976 buoget ancl will adopt the 1 "" *rict " LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor i I~,] Doave~s BTIf~.Ar~o St.ti, u illrsetaddition,the ..... levYthe boardf°r the,~lStconsid~nr'ti°n on CAROL WENTLANDT ...... Advertising Manager, Phone: I ~ p o s s ~ o t e = ~ . .. Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259 I I I recommendations oi the ----- I I classification plan and w~oa.ry i udy as prepared by Don rm, I I st Taylor and CompanY. A section of the Shetton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, I I South Shore and North Shore. I [ The meeting is open to the ............ ._CLIP. ........... ,-., public. Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 2, 1975 A RECEPTION to welcome Christ Lutheran's new pastor will Belfair Elementary gym Oct. 12, 3 to 5 p.m. Residents of the invited to attend• Pictured above is Pastor Fossum with his right, Sonya, his wife Carol, Rebecca and Randy• Shettedy to speak at chamber meeting Brian Shetterly, Mason County Trident Coordinator, will be guest s~peaker at next Wednesday's meeting of Belfair Chamber of Commerce. He will discuss results of preliminary surveys of the anticipated impact on this area of the Trident program and what is being done by his office to prepare for the expected increase in population. Interested persons are welcome to attend the Oct. 8 meeting, with dinner beginning at 7 p.m. and the program scheduled for around 8 p.m. The group meets at Belfair Cafe. Kay A. Hilstad, 15, of Grapeview was taken to Harrison Memorial Hospital by Allyn ambulance on Sept. 19 following a one-car accident on the Grapeview Road approximately three miles south of Allyn. She received a lacerated forehead. According to WSP she was driving a '63 Chev north on the Grapeview Road when the vehicle started to leave the roadway to the right on a lefthand c~rve and the driver over-corrected, :leaving the roadway and striking a power pole on the left side of the road. The 'car was totalled. Donald G. Fossum will be installed as the new pastor of Christ Lutheran Church during the 10 a.m. church service on Oct. 12. He comes to Belfair from his position as associate pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Lynnwood, which he held for seven years. From 3 to 5 p.m. Oct. 12 a reception will be held in the Belfair Elementary School gym to welcome the new pastor and his family and to introduce them to By MARGARET BARNARD LakeLand Village Golf Club members left their clubs and spiked shoes at home Saturday night, Sept. 27, and donned their party clothes and dancing shoes to attend the annual awards dinner/dance at the clubhouse. After a tasty catered dinner the members received the awards they had earned during the past golfing season. Many trophies and awards were presented, too many to list here, but the top awards were to Patti Schillinger, this year's Ladies' Club champion; to Ken Baldwin, the Men's Club champ; to Dave and Betta Richlen, winners of the Couples Best Ball tournament; to Ed and Louise Okonek for their Mixed Couples Best Ball win and to Jack and new members of the loCa!~ The public is invited. Pastor Fossurn family to a Village in Allyn. include his wife, daughters, Sonya, 7, 5, and a son, RandY, Lutheran Church without a pastor when Pastor Paul the position of Yellowstone June gross in the tournament. Dinner tables moved back to hours of dancing provided by Connelly, P entertainers LakeLand Villa Country Club The ladies putts on Sept. 25 having the Porter and Carrie second place and and June Connelly Events for next * Men's Club 4 and the LakeLand tournament to be LakeLand course Sunday, Oct. 5. Sell your unwanted household items thru a Herald Ad For information on an program tailored to your