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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
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LENNIA CATES -- CR 5-2245 to Jim and on becoming first time - a Weighing in at a last week. has a head of believe. She's much sleep Will pass soon, mention names~ or are getting'~ out" for the say they've mighty clever this year. a neighbor should keep Vandalism way No, not like myself), last we had a his owner as :cle he on _ the dog on our PaCed around for thinking he'd who his so called Services Worship Service Worship Sunday School Worship ' ~0X 407 Pastor CR 5-6262 LUTHERAN at Belfair 3f Worship & 10 A.M. Elementary 0ol Gym Provided HOME of Hood six-bedroom, fireplaces and The formal Swedish flooring. a,,20x40 pool salt water :Pine with I0 on a bun, , Vegetables, noodle peas, milk. mashed hot jello, tossed Pudding, bank. and he volunteered to come pick him up and take the mixed-up fellow home. Got a dog chain to put on him in order to get him into their station wagon. When I told him to sit so I could put the chain around his neck - he did just that. But sit he did - wouldn't get up. After much advise and plenty of patience, we were able to pull from the front and push from the rear and get him into the car for, shall we say, a happy ending. So what happens last Sunday night - another lost dog. This is a hunting dog that showed up on our porch, footsore and completely tuckered out. Fortunately, he had all kinds of identification on him - a CB band citizen number to call, also an address and telephone number listed in Woodinville. A CBer at Maggie Lake called but couldn't get through because of intereference of some sort. Then called the Woodinville number to find the answering party didn't know where the party using the dog to hunt had even been hunting and they were not home as yet. I then called the sheriff's office and in due time (like instant replay) had a call from Barbara McLean from their office who had made contact and was asked to tie the poor fellow up outside for the night and someone would pick him up the next day. Well, this is the next day (Monday AM when writing this) and in some ways I hate to see him leave. I kept him in the storage room in back and what a loveable fellow! He didn't budge from the blanket put down for him to sleep on - wouldn't eat hardly anything either but, oh, did he love attention• Lots of tail wagging and sighing ill appreciation. What was frustrating to me was the fact we have two cats of our own - and a hunting dog in the same place? The store was still open but the better-half had left during the afternoon with his buddy for another try at Sekiu. I was trying to round up the cats - close tl~ upstairs windows so they couldn't get out if found and keep the dog from knowing they were around• With the help of Becky Schuettke and Mark Blair I was able to get all the loose ends tied together and things were finally quiet on the western front, so to speak. Seems like every time (or almost every) I start to write this column, I say to myself what am I going to write about - and 1o and behold something turns up. But, please, no more dog stories for awhile; it's too hard on my nerves. Happy birthday to Jeff Hinds who celebrated his sixth birthday with a party for him last Friday; not to be outdone by his parents', Bob and Linda's 12th wedding anniversary the day after! Cannibals have been quoted as saying that men are juicier than women because muscular male flesh is considerably higher in water content than the fatter female flesh. And how was your lunch today? Be back with you next week if not too dog-tired. DOGS, LOST, FOUND A golden Lab mix dog was reported found near Mission Creek Youth Camp Sept. 23 and an Irish setter pup was reported lost on Mission" Creek Road Sept. 24. *'k*,k,k,k*,k~,k-k,k,k.k,k,k *,k* * * *'k'k'k*****~* **~*****~**~ ***~* *** * • ~ * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5.2774 JOHN KIMMEL ~'~~l~~.1~1~1~~w~~~~w~~ Licensed, bonded and insured• The sheriff departments of surroundings, and may your rug the account at once, and would Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Mason and Kitsap Counties haveorder come in soon• issue them new cards and account Shelton been giving out booklets and One of our neighbors may try numbers within a short time. The information on the National desperate measures (axe?) or may Harpers went a step ahead and Neighborhood Watch Program• go to sweet-talking the fruit trees also notified local authorities of For Rent While visiting at both countyin the front yard. The non-bearing the loss. fairs, I asked for more details trees have reached the ripe old age In their monthly statement 2-bedroom house about the program and possible of eight years, and have not from the companies were charges use in my own neighborhood, reached even the shady stage showing the missing cards were Unfurnished You are invited to the while absorbing tender, loving being used. The license number of References, near Allyn meeting on Monday, Oct. 6, at 10 care. What brought the situation the car reaping the stolen bonus a.m. at the Fedenk home on to a head was a "nothing" tree, a was on the charge slips, and Mission Lake to learn the whys "volunteer" growing close to the proved to be a factor in recovery 275-2728 and wherefores of how to protect road, bending under the load of of missing objects• your home and self. There will be some kind of winter apples. The Harpers have received a sheriff's representative to Credit card users can take their new account cards and explain the program in detail, and warning from the experience of destroyed the old ones which Short Term Rental free booklets will be available. Hank and Dorothy Harper. Some were recovered. The company A housewarming party was weeks ago a wallet, sweater and does have control when their 0¢t. 26 to April 1 hosted by friends on Sept. 7 at other items were taken from their instructions are followed. the new home of Jim and Elaine truck while it was parked in Another point is that the Davis. The three-bedroom homeShelton. In the wallet were two authorities (county sheriff or city F u rnished waterfront with daylight basement is on the credit cards, police in Mason and Kitsap) home, North Shore. Menard Road and not quite They followed instructions of should be notified of the Reasonable rentto mature complete as fireplace construction reporting the loss immediately, circumstances when credit cards responsible adult, no pets. got underway this last week. But regardless of the early morning are recovered. Theft of credit MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM CUMMINGS of North Shore will • the family has settled in hour, using the toll-free numbers cards can result in a charge of celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house to regardless, of the issuing gasoline company's forgery when used by another be held Oct. 11, 2 to 4 p.m., at LakeLand Village Country O u r b est wishes for credit department. They were party. Club. Friends of the couple are invited to attend• e n j o y m e n t o f the n ew told the company would cancel ~ Juveniles apprehended anniversary to For Rent rmation meeting set Two juveniles were taken into Bill and Janet Cummings will Driscoll, and her husband, Tom. • / Oct. 15th to Apr. 15th custody at North Mason High be honored at a recepUon and They will be assisted by A public information meeting Engineers, Forrestal Building,School and three others open house on Oct. ll to grandchildren Kathleen and Two-bedroom, level in the Olympia area to explain the Washington, D.C. 20314, ATrN: apprehended in Belfair on Sept. celebrate their 50th wedding Michael and Tom's sister, Marywaterfront. Furnished, revised Corps of Engineers DAEN-CWO-N. All comments 24 by a deputy of the sheriff's anniversary. The affair will be Alice Driscoll. fireplace, fully carpeted, oil regulation governing discharge of received during the current department, for possession of held at LakeLand Village Country The Cummings were married heat, references. $200 per dredged or fill material into 90-day review period, which ends marijuana. All are local high Club in Allyn, from 2 to 4 p.m., in Centralia, Wash., on Dec. 27, month. waters of the United States has Oct. 25, will be evaluated and the school students. One was released and friends of the couple are 1925. The anniversary celebration been set. The meeting will be held regulation modified if necessary, in custody of the parents and the invited to attend, has been scheduled early for the 275-3 283 Oct. 9attheTyeeMotorlnn, 500 An identical public others turned over to juvenile Hosting the event will be the convenience of out-of-state Tyee Drive in Tumwater, at 7 information meeting will be held authorities. Cummings' only daughter, Nita relatives who plan to attend. The Cummings moved to p.m. Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in Snohomish Bremerton following their The revised regulation, County Public UtilityDistrictNo. marriage and lived there until published in the Federal Register 1 Auditorium, 2320 California moving to their present home on on July 25, 1975, implements Avenue, Everett. North Shore in 1952. Mr. j Section 404 of the Federal Water Cummings retired from PSNS in Pollution Control Act 1954 where he worked in the Amendments of 1972. The newNM PeeWees machine shop. His wife retired regulation was published to from the Naval Supply Center in comply with a court order of the I lose 1967. u.s.~District Court of the District win I The couple requests that gifts of Columbia directing the corps l be omitted. to revise and expand its permit authority under Section 404 to By LOIS COLDIRON include the "waters of the United North Mason's first game States." The corps previously away from home proved to be a confined its permit activities to toughie as they lost three and to meet "Navigable waters of the United won one against South Kitsap States." Under this new West last Saturday at Givens Field Members of VFW Nuel Curtis • regulation, a Department of the in Port Orchard. Post 5372 and Auxiliary will meet Army permit will be required for Scores were as follows: at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 8 at Twanoh Give /~'~ the disposal of dredged or fill D Team - NM O, SKW 39 Grange. Irene Hackett, Fourth Heart\ | / material in the waters of the C Team - NM 6, SKW 20 District president, will make her Fund \,L." United States and adjacent B Team - NM 30, SKW 0 official inspection at that time. American Heart Association wetlands, * ~ Another all-out team effort The Corps of Engineers plans was shown by these players• what they feel is a moderate and A Team - NM 12, SKW 13 reasonable approach in A great effort was made by implementing its authority in a each player in this close scoring three-phase program over the next game. two years. Phase I, which becameB TEAM PLAYERS .......... Oct. 3 9 p.m. to 3 p.m. effective July 25, extends the AND COACHES .......... ~:~ : existing permit procedures now Coach: Orville Thomas; applicable to traditional assistants: Willie Johnson, Skip ,~ PUD Building- Shelton "navigable waters of the United Parker; 33 Kevin Brainard, 34 Pat States" to include adjacentEigner, 46 Joe Ferguson, 41 Sponsored by wetlands. Phase ll, effective July Gregg Guidi, 16 Tom Newman, Station 3, Women's Fire Auxilliary 1, 1976, will expand the permit 3 1 Robert Noyes, 14 Jerry III1~:~ Fire District 5 regulation intopdmarytributaries Stevens, 60 Gene Stormo, 78 of "navigable waters of theMatt Thomas, 65 Bill Thomas, 57 United States," natural lakes Mike Eigner, 12 Rudy Landram, ~~:~~-~V t- lA.. : greater than five acres in surface 56 Gary Pauline, 83 Tracy Miller, I ~~:_~'*'~'.~'~'" I ~. U "ILIKS. I area, and their adjacent wetlands. 68 Randy Sims and 67 David Phase Ill will, after July 1, 1977, " " " Post I extend the, corps authority into Sims. ~...~:;~ !'~/''~ -- Belfair Trading other un a toig::: ehe wa t e rs" TWO BEARS SHOT ~: I I generally P adwaters, A hunting group from i~i/~. UsablesandCoilectables, Couches, where the streams flow less than Tacoma and Woodinville, NANCY WHITE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Electric Stoves and Refrigerators I five cubic feet per second, accompanied by their hunting ~ ~4~',~, | In addition to the public dogs, shot two bears in the North Allyn, is pictured opening presents at her bridal shower hold ! i information meetings be: " s~mgsneld--=t~ ,me Mason area last weekend. Onin Allyn SepL 23. Miss White was wed to Gary Garcia, son of 1 throughout the United Friday a 150-pound black bear Mr• and Mrs. Gilbert Garcia of Security, Cola•, last Saturday I _ __ BEL~AIR ~RA~ING II~ST [ corps has advised that comments was killed in the Dewatto area night. Hostesses of the shower were Mrs. Del Stormo and 9:30 to 5:30 275.3525 Wed thru Sunday on the new regmaUon may be and on Sunday a 250-pound bear Mrs. AI Baldy. submitted in writing dire .... • t:uy to was shot on the Tahuya Ridge. the Office of the Chief of ...... Enjoy the soft life, building layer on layer of color tones.., amber, moss or blue in light, bright or dusky shades. e3 tile " 275-2033 Mary Wright Belfair ! kI' ALPINE LANDSCAPING I e LaLdSwCna Pcng:f¢ ~eKa/idyS Bar k Delivery I • Sprinkler Systems • Top Soil • Bank Run I' I EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE DonShellgren 275 6587 I P.O. BOX 92 . • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory Allyn, 98524 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 Bremerton, Woe 16" to 28" lifetime warranty Still in effect on all 1975 Glas-Ply & Marlin Boats in stock We specialize in MerCruiser and Mercury outboard repair. Bank Terms v 275-2297 9-7 Weekdays 9-8 Friday 10-4 Sunday 275-6161 JUST AROUND THE Hallmark Party Items • CARDS • GIFTS Hallmark -- When you care enough to send the very best. October 2, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3