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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ID Jo1 .p l-m.luolod uJo j M .t a0 less atm osph erie poilu b'on What goes up must come controlled pre-1966 down. A decade ago, it" 1974 models emit 83 per seemed llke the natlon's air pollution problems would defy that axiom. Governmental action and achievement by automo- tive designers have re- duced air pollution con- siderably. So, the car is an ever-decreasing factor in the total air quality prob- lem. Reports from the En- vironmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board are but two indications that cars axe running cleaner. cent less hydrocarbons, 79 per cent less carbon mon- oxide and 58 per cent less oxides of nitrogen. New Jersey, the only state currently conducting A COOL mandatory emlaalons ln- spectJons for all vebJcles, experienced a 14 per cent drop in carbon monoxide emissions last year, the state department of envi- ronmental protection re- ports. ~- Over-4FO club ha.s become the mo~ d~t sesment of the nation's motoring populatlon. It's not the age of the drivers but the age of the cars on our highways. According to a recent survey, more than half of the cars in operation today have in excess of 50,500 miles on their odom- eters. While the suppo- sition could be that dlffl- cult economic times have caused people to hold on to ~ longer, the survey shows the trend to higher mileage cars has been a steady one. In 1968 only 43 per cent of the cars re~stered more than 50,500 miles. The lat- est study shows 51 per cent of all cars have ex- ceeded that mileage. The significance of the figures lies primarily in a need for more mainte- nance on the part of the motorists. Reductions shown EPA Administrator Rus- sell E. Train said, "Our monitoring stations are beginning to show air pol- lution reductions that are related to our regulatory work over the past four years, especiaJly in the areas of particulate, sulfur oxides and carbon monox- ide control." Emissions most directly related to the automobile, carbon monoxide, have de- clined on a nationwide basis, the EPA reports. High pollution areas in- cluding Los Angeles, San Francisco, the states of New Jersey and Washing- ton have all documented CO declines. This improve- ment has been credited by the EPA to emission con- trol devices on a growing ENGINE COOLANT antifreeze has ceased being a loss- leader item in most automotive supply houses. Therefore, to save money when installing a fresh supply, the prudent car owner wants to make certain he puts in enough to pro- tect from freezing or overheating but no more than he absolutely needs. The producers of DowGard have prepared the above chart to guide car owners on proper amounts of the coolant antifreeze for the capacity of his car's cool- ing system. on Thursdays! Also, 10% OFF on all tires, batteries, propane and accessories. This offer is good until further notice." Key Cards available M.C. Senior Center, 2nd & Grove on Hillcrest percentage of cars. California study How effective emission control systems developed by car makers have been are shown in arx eight~ year _m~vey by the Califor- nia Air Resources Board. A random sample revealed that compared with un- Plug misfire can kill 'cat' Misfiring spark plugs have long been known to cause fuel waste and ex- cessive emissions. They can now contribute to an- other problem -- a non- functioning catalytic con- verter. When plugs misfire, whether due to fouling, ignition system dtalfunc- tt0n, or being Just plain worn out, heat in the cata- lytic converters rises. The converters, designed to change unburned hydro- carbons and carbon mon- oxide into harmless car- bon dioxide and water, normally operate at 900 to 1,500° F. ~468 to 816 C). However, should spark plugs misfire severely, the temperature can be raised as high as 2,200° F., (1,200 C i, enough to melt the catalytic agents in the converter and render the unit ineffective. Therefore, spark plugs should be changed as part of a regularly scheduled tune-up. PAY ATrENTION TO TENSION While ignition system troubles are most often responsible for starting problems, there are other, often my Mylng causes. An improperly tensioned or worn alternator or gen- erator belt can be the culprit. The faulty belt can contribute to a fatal drain on the battery power and ca a start." Before you think, "They're not talking to me, le next sentence 3 out of 5 cars on the road today need a tune-up. That means there's a good chance we are talking to you. Espe 10,000 miles since your last tune-up. A tune-up with Champion Spark Plugs can help save you that per tankful (depending on the size of your tank). To say nothing of giving you surer starts and better engine performance all winter. Look--gasoline costs a lot these days. So get your car back in tune. Take it to your mechanic and say "Fill 'er up with Champions." Then you won't have to say "Fill 'er up with gas" nearly as often. Toledo, OH 43661 i• 25% more traction than new snow ! / ¢ [,7 Bandag micro-siped Winter Treads were tested • against a leading brand of new snow tire by the Highway Safety Institute in Ann Arbor, Michi- gan. The. micro-siped Bandags delivered up to 25% more traction on hard packed snow than the new tires. Bandag. The new kind of retread proved a billion miles over on trucks, aircraft and off-road vehicles operating worldwide. Totally different from anything you've heard, read or thought about "retread" tires. In their quality of tread rubber, their ability to extend casing life and in their remarkable performance. Come in today and let us show you how these unique cold process retreads can save you money on your car. LO 4 I I i All of Merv's passenger and commercial Bandag retread tires are made at our plant here in Shelton. You deal direct with the people who put your tires together, not with an outlet far from the factory. We can show you exactly why Bandag is not only the,' best retreading process but is also far and away the most f I economical tire investment you can make. I \, k n,mm:, Ilmd sobs m chnnse d y0ur klas d)out ndmad Bcnndag Retreads are guaranteed for 25,000 miles. Ask for complete details. Available exclusively in Mason, Thurston & Kitsap Counties from Page S-10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 2, 1975 Thursday, October 2, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-3