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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 2, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 2, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Wouldn't skid you To the motorist who lives in cold, snowy winter weather, getting a car out of a skid is hardly more than a routine annoyance. However, motorists used to driving on normally dry pavements can run into problems should they be traveling in frigid areas or be confronted by a freak snow storm at home. Therefore, the Rubber Association of Canada shares its experience in safe driving on bad roads. With the reminder that stopping on a wet road can take four times the normal distance as on a dry road, the association urges re- duced speeds. Also dis- tance between your car and the one in front should be doubled. On starting out and with no cars around, test the surface by braking the car lightly. When braking, pump the pedal, bringing the car to a gradual stop. Jamming on the brakes is likely to lock the wheels and put the car into a skid. Should you start to enter a skid, take your foot off the gas pedal, stay off the brakes and steer in the direction of the skid. When the car is straightening out, pump the brakes gen- tly to slow down. The association offers these tire care tips to help avoid trouble. Keep the tires inflated properly. Un- equal pressure in the front tires promotes instability on bad roads. Another important rea- son to check tires fre- quently in cold weather is that tire pressure drops approximately one pound for every 10° drop in tem- perature. New good but not Electronic ignition sys- tems, standard equipment on most late model cars, were designed to help keep emissions low. But they still require periodic main- tenance, according to Champion Spark Plug Company. Largely due to require- ments stemming from emissions control, the car makers began using the electronic ignition systems to provide more voltage to fire a wider-gapped spr.rk plug. The new systems elimi- nate breaker points and condensers and replace them with magnetic com- ponents that trigger the system for secondary volt- age. However, many of the components of the elec- tronic system are the same as in convenUonal igni- tions and maintenance re- quirements are not too dissimilar, Champion says. The condition of the coil, dlstribu~r cap and rotor must still be check- ed. Correct timing is criti- cal to proper operation. Spark plugs are still sub- ject to fouling from con- taminent present in the combustion process such as carbon, calcium, bar- ium, etc. And ignition wir- ing can still deteriorate or suffer damage, causing misfire. Therefore, an annual ignition system service is still recommended by Champion, electronic sys- tem or not. PRESENT THESE SAVINGS CERTIFICATES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL PRICES Engine Tune-Up Includes installation of eight Autolite spark plugs, Motorcraft point set and Motorcraft condenser. Fours, sixes and solid istate ignitions even less. Econolines slightly higher. Total Special Price-- Parts and Labor Customer Signature Customer Telephone No. Date Repair Order No. Authorized Dealership Signature OFFER VALID DURING OCTOBER, 1975 Includes replacement of front disc pads including attaching hardware and labor. Rotor refinishing and wheel cylinder repair extra if needed. Price applies to most full-size Ford, Mercury and luxury cars and may vary by model and car line. Total Special Price- Parts and Labor Customer Signature Customer Telephone No. Date Repair Order No. Authorized Dealership Signature OFFER VALID DURING OCTOBER, 1975 % Includes adjusting bands, cleaning screen, adjusting manual and throttle linkage. Fluid and gasket extra, if necessary. Applies to most Ford-built vehicles. Total Special Price Customer Signature Customer Telephone No. Date Repair Order No. Authorized Dealership Signature OFFER VALID DURING OCTOBER, 1975 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I jl I Includes Motorcraft oil filter and five quarts of oil. Four-quart capacity cars even less. Total Special Price-- Parts and Labor Customer Signature Customer Telephone NO. Date Repair Order No. Authorized Dealership Signature OFFER VALID DURING OCTOBER, 1975 1. Posted guaranteed prices on specified repair work. 2. And then guaranteeing that repair job for 90 days or 4000 miles. 3. Saturday parts and service hours from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 4. Factory trained mechanics using Ford Motor Company tools and equipment. 5. And as a sum total we have over 100 years of mechanical ex- perience in our shop to diagnose and repair your automotive problems. Our dedication to servicing our customers has been recognized by Ford Motor Company when they presented us with their highest dealer award .... The Distinguished Service Citation. O 1974 A WAI .D DEALERj Kneeland Center on Mt. View I "Casmm Pb/ys l"Rad/a/Wh/ann s 40,000 MILE DOUBLE STEEL BELTED RADIAL TIRES THE TIRE THAT KEEPS ITS FEET EVEN IN THE RAIN These Goodyear steel belted radials (1} save money, (2} use less fuel, (3} provide long mileage, and {4} help conserve America's resources. Now is the time to buy - sale prices on 13", 14" and 15" sizes are in effect Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Whitewall Relpular ti iii ii i i 7 71 Whitewall I Replar Size Price size I price $89.20 BR78-14 $69.45 .................... HR78-14I l, '] 1 ! . s0 CR78-14 $70.60 JR78-14! $85.0O DR78-14 $72.25 i' ii iiii!, GR78- Sl ER78-14 $73.50 [iiiili!i $ i i:.::il HR78-15 I . $91.30 ....................... $94.75 FR78-14 $79.40 JR78-15 [ $98.90 1::::7i iiT: ii:ii :ii:i :/,i:::,::i !ii,:i] LR78-15 [ [iiiiili | iiii!i] Plus $2.16 to $3.46 F.E.T., depending on size, and old tire. I Be/eed Wh/ ewa/ For a firm, lull grip in snow, the "Suburbanite" Steel Belted Radial is an excellent choice. Steel cord belts under the tread help assure shoulder-to-shoulder road contact. Polyester cord body plies add strength and resilience for effective resistance to bruising impacts. Enjoy radial performance all season long - buy this "Suburbanite" radial tire today and save! RAIN CHECK - If we sell out of your size we will issue you a rain check, assuring future delivery at the advertised price. ways to charge .Our own customer credit plan . Master Charge , BankAmericard TACOMA TACOMA PUYALLUP * BRAKES 19th and Pacific 1132 Thorn Road 5th and East Main * ALIGNING * BATTERIES BR 2-1115 572-9494 TH 5-6628 ' *TUNE-UP * BALANCING BREMERTON VANCOUVER KETCHIKAN * TRUCK TIRE * RECAPPING 628 Burwetl ISLAND. B,C. ALASKA SERVICE ES 7-5525 206-272-4119 CA 5-3103 FOR OVER 50 YEARS Page S-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 2, 1975 Thursday, October 2, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-7